An accelerated course of preparation for the exam in social studies. A short course in the study of social studies - file n1.doc

Social Studies Examthis is a hard test even for the best students. The fact is that excellent students make mistakes in testing, because they inattentively read tasks, omit information in the answer that they think is already known to everyone, violate the logic of the story. Therefore, in preparation for testing, graduates must learn to structure the material, see the relationships and correctly express their opinion. Only in this way will they be able to get high scores on the exam and enter prestigious universities.

When a student begins to prepare on his own, he often thinks that he is already well versed in subjects, so he enough to take a short course in social studies for . But at the exam, it becomes clear that there is too little such preparation, because the teenager missed a lot of nuances, which is why he made mistakes in the assignments.

Therefore, instead of self-study, he recommends enrolling in social studies training courses and repeating the program with experienced teachers. All teachers who teach at Hodograph are the best specialists in Moscow. Many of them defended scientific works and trained in the most prestigious domestic and international universities. Working with them, children will not only pass the test successfully, but also acquire many useful skills.

Teachers know how to find an individual approach to teenagers, set the right goals, and motivate them. They constantly communicate with eleventh-graders, get them interested in real examples, and tell them why knowledge of the subject is useful in everyday life. Therefore, at the end of the course students are not only well versed in economics, sociology, cultural studies, law, but also love these sciences.

Benefits of studying at Hodograph

The training center has created conditions to get super results at an adequate price:

  • small groups of 2-7 people;
  • division of children according to the level of knowledge;
  • specially designed methodology;
  • the presence of a curator assigned to each group;
  • cozy classrooms equipped with everything you need;
  • communication with teachers via Telegram;
  • constant teamwork, discussions, discussions, analysis of complex issues.

Due to the fact that at each lesson the children perform 20-30 tasks from the tests, they learn to carefully read and understand the text. And the discussion of questions gives them skills in oratory and the ability to clearly express their thoughts. Therefore, "Hodograph" guarantees each of its graduates admission to the most prestigious specialties.

The exam in social studies is very popular among schoolchildren. The exam is considered easy: no need to do calculations, no need for laborious calculations. This ease is deceptive, and passing the exam can be difficult for two reasons. Firstly, the course of social studies consists of several sections that are only conditionally interconnected, so it can be difficult to structure the acquired knowledge. Secondly, during the test, you will have to quickly switch between different sections, which will require composure, the ability to concentrate.

Item Features

Social science is a discipline that includes a complex of sciences, one way or another related to society. These are sociology, psychology, social philosophy, history, history, cultural studies, political science, economics, jurisprudence, ethics, etc.

The course is divided into several topics:

  • Man and society
  • Right
  • Politics
  • Economy
  • social relations

The exam will ask you questions on all of these topics. Coping with tasks without preparation will be very difficult even for those who received good grades in social studies classes from the fifth to the eleventh grade. It is necessary to refresh knowledge, remember definitions, systematize what has been covered. This requires the study of theory in social science.


Each exam ticket contains four types of tasks:

  • with the need to select one or more correct answers;
  • to identify the structural elements of concepts;
  • on knowledge of terminology, definition of concepts;
  • to match positions.

For 20 tasks it is required to give a short answer, for 9 - a detailed one. Graduates will also have to write an essay. When passing an exam, it is impossible to do without knowing the theory.

Preparation for the exam in social studies

    Start preparing early. The subject only at first glance seems easy: getting the highest score is not so easy.
  • In the process of preparation, you will have to learn by heart many terms and definitions. You should not just mechanically cram the wordings, facts, events, names proposed in the textbook. Try to understand the essence, and then it will be easier for you to remember the material.
  • Everything that you need to learn by heart, write out in a special notebook.
  • Start with tasks that seem easy to you. You should not skip them - even if you are confident in yourself, it does not hurt to refresh your knowledge.
  • After that, move on to more complex topics. Study the theory, repeat the definitions several times, and then proceed to the practical exercises. Finally, again make sure you remember the terminology accurately.
  • When doing trial options, practice reading the questions carefully. Practice shows that misunderstanding of questions is one of the common causes of errors.
  • Experienced tutors recommend starting training in December-January with the study of economics. This section is small.
  • After that, you should take on the most difficult thing - the right. Practice shows that it is this section of social science that causes the greatest difficulties for graduates. Spend more time studying the law.
  • Social relations, man and society are relatively simple sections. They can be taken as a last resort.
  • Ideally, the study of theory should be completed in April. After that, give yourself a little rest and do the repetition. Make sure you remember all the wording and definitions, you can repeat all the legal acts by heart.

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  • n1.doc

    1.1 . society - specialpartpeace.Society - complex,dynamicallydevelopingsystem.

    Man lives in the world of people. His desires and interests cannot be realized without the help and participation of those around him, who is nearby. For each of us, these are, first of all, parents, brothers, sisters, teachers, classmates, neighbors, and together they make up the closest social circle.

    Please note: not everything that we want can be achieved if it (our desires, interests) is contrary to the interests of other people. We must coordinate our actions with other people, and this requires communication with them - others. The first circle of your communication is followed by the following circles, they are expanding more and more. Beyond the immediate environment, we are waiting for meetings with new people, organizations, institutions. Each of us is not only a member of the family, a tenant of the house, but also a citizen of the state - the Russian Federation. We may also be members of political parties, interest clubs, professional organizations, etc.

    We live in a world of people, organized in a certain way, constituting society. What is a society? Can any group of people be described by this word? Society is formed in the process of interaction of people with each other. Signs of a society can be considered the presence of the aggregate goals and objectives set for it, as well as activities aimed at their implementation.

    So, society is not just a chaotic multitude of people. It has a core, integrity; it also has a well-defined internal structure.

    The concept of "society" is fundamental to social knowledge. In everyday life, we often come across these concepts. For example, "he fell into a bad society," or "these people today make up the elite - high society." This is the interpretation of society in the everyday sense. Obviously, the key meaning of this concept includes a certain group of people, distinguished by special features and characteristics.

    How is it understood society in the social sciences? What is its basis?

    There are different approaches to solving this problem in science. The first approach consists in the assertion that the initial cell of society is living acting people, whose joint activity forms society. Thus, from this point of view, the individual is the primary particle of society. Starting from the above, we can construct the first definition of society.

    Society - It is a group of people who work together.

    But if a society consists of individuals, then the question naturally arises, should not society be considered as a simple sum of individuals?

    Putting the question in this way casts doubt on the existence of such an independent social reality as society as a whole. Individuals really exist, and society is the fruit of the mentality of scientists: philosophers, sociologists, historians, etc.

    Therefore, in the interpretation of society, it is not enough to indicate that it consists of individuals, but it should be emphasized that the most important element in the formation of society is their unity, community, solidarity, and the connection of people.

    Society - it is a universal way of organizing social ties, interactions and relationships of people.

    According to the degree of generalization, the broad and narrow meanings of the concept of society are also distinguished. In the most wide sense of the word, society can be interpreted as:

    • isolated from nature in the process of historical development, but a part of the material world that is closely connected with it;

    • the totality of all interconnections and interactions of people and their associations;

    • a product of the joint life of people;

    • all of humanity as a whole, taken throughout human history;

    • form and way of joint life of people.
    The Russian Sociological Encyclopedia (edited by G.V. Osipov) gives the following definition of the term “society”. Society- this is a relatively stable system of social ties and relations, determined in the process of the historical development of mankind, both between large and small groups of people, supported by the power of customs, traditions, laws, social institutions, based on a certain method of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and spiritual blessings. This definition seems to be a generalization of more particular definitions given above.

    The narrow meaning of this concept, therefore, implies any group of people in size that has common features and characteristics, for example, a society of amateur fishermen, a society of wildlife defenders, an association of surfers, and so on. All "small" societies, as well as individuals, are the building blocks of a large society.

    2. Society as an integral system. The systemic structure of society. Its elements.