In a snowy field, it rushes along the road. Riddles about school - a fun activity for children


Happy child 16.05.2018

Dear readers, the education of kids begins in kindergarten. It is here that the first foundations of knowledge are laid, and we are always there, developing children, preparing them for school. And with the help of riddles, learning new things is always easy, interesting and fun.

It is possible and necessary to instill a love for school and a desire to learn. After all, you see, school years are a special time for every person. Through riddles we get acquainted with the school and through them we learn the world already, being students. Amazing! Then sit next to your kids and start solving riddles about the school with them.

Kolya and Lena are having fun, which means there is a change at school

Graduation parties will be held in kindergartens very soon. With the help of simple riddles about the school, you can check the readiness of preschoolers to study. In the first selection you will find riddles about the school at the graduation in kindergarten, in the second - riddles about school supplies.

Riddles about school for graduation with answers

If you went to school -
acquired a new status.
There was a child, there was a preschooler,
And now you're calling...

Here he is at the blackboard
The whole class is looking at him.
He says: “Well, let's start.
We get all the notebooks!”

He helps the teacher
He orders strictly:
So sit down and study
So get up, go away
Gathering for a lesson
teacher's friend...

The birds sat on the pages
They know the truth and fables.

Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They will stand in a row - now they will speak.

Do not grow in these beds
Neither carrot nor grass
And grow on these beds
Signs, letters and words.
(Lines in a book)

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run myself
I would dance like this!
Yes, you can’t, I’m a schoolboy ...

Here is a knitting needle in a notebook -
A satisfied girl.
She likes this role
The student has zero knowledge.

There is a completely different bird.
If it sits on the page
That with a bowed head
I return home.

There is, friends, such a bird:
If it sits on the page
I am very glad
And my whole family is with me.

Kulik is not big
Hundreds of guys orders:
So sit down and study
Get up - get out.

By black white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
(School board)

Having fun Kolya, Lena
So at school...
(Turn) .

Riddles about school supplies with answers

If you sharpen it
You draw everything
What you want!
sun, sea,
Mountains, beach...
What is this?..

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

At the pine and fir tree
Leaves are needles.
And on what leaves
Growing words and lines?
(On notebooks)

colorful pages
Were bored without water.
Uncle is long and thin
Carries water with a beard.
(Paints and brush)

Let's get acquainted: I am paint,
I'm sitting in a round jar.
I will color you a coloring book,
More pictures for the story
I'll draw a baby.
I'm brighter than a pencil
Very juicy…

Smart Ivashka,
Red shirt,
Where it will pass, it will touch,
There remains a trace.

I am an important subject for the school.
To make a paper cube
Airplane, cardboard house,
album application,
Don't pity me.
I am sticky, viscous ...

White hare in the black sky
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare?

My portfolio is neither big nor small.
There are notebooks, a primer and ...
(Pencil case)

Near the river
In the meadow
They took a rainbow-arc.
straightened out
And they put it in a box.
(Colour pencils)

A notebook in a school bag
And what kind of notebook is a mystery.
The student will receive an assessment in it,
And in the evening he will show his mother ...

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.

Draw posters master
Bright, subtle...
(Felt pen)

I don't know how to read, but I've been writing all my life.

I am straight.
I help you draw.
Anything you without me
Draw a bag.
Guess guys
Who am I? — …

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have…

Every year the school opens the door

First-graders with great desire and burning eyes solve riddles about everything connected with the school. After all, many still preschool children really wanted to start learning. And probably the most favorite riddles for children in elementary school are about the first teacher, favorite lessons and breaks.

We're going to the medical room.
Everyone is afraid, but I am not.
The faces of the guys are like cream, -
Faded from...

We're pretty worried
And we have one concern -
Write would be "excellent"
Us …

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly sat down on the page.
Because of this bastard
I received a unit.

One question and three answers
It is quite easy to write this.
We choose the correct answer
Then we get marks.

He showed us the rope
And now he began to explain:
How to get to the top
And how to get back down.
(Fizruk and rope)

Standing on one leg
Turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans.
(The globe)

What can be cooked but not eaten?

She speaks silently
But it's understandable and boring.
You talk more often with her -
You will become four times smarter.

I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I am always silent.
To befriend me
You need to learn to read.

You can’t buy at the market, you can’t weigh it on the scales.

With him in a notebook we are always
We draw a corner without difficulty.
A schoolboy will tell us about him:
"This tool is..."

A million tasks at once
My assistant will decide for me
He has one big eye
And with a square head.
(A computer)

If you look into that pipe,
You can see a lot:
What is invisible to the eye,
The pipe will show us right away.
Close one eye! And so -
Everything will increase...

I'm sick, I'm at home
All my friends are at school.
I'm not used to being at home
The doctor gave me a sheet...
(Sick leave)

We suggest watching the video. Just think how many riddles have been invented about the globe, ink and waterproofs, about letters and numbers, about school supplies and school traditions!

The first book for all kids - ABC

Difficult riddles about the school - for students who are smarter. Here you need to know more about the various properties of school objects and supplies. This also includes a selection of riddles on the topic: school - about September 1, school and first graders.

Difficult riddles about school

First book
For all kids:
Teaches - torments
And teach - pleases.

In the morning he comes to school
In the afternoon - in a basketball circle,
He tries to learn
And don't be lazy at all.
He will exercise
Learn a poem
He will tell you aloud about the drops,
Will collect the portfolio later.

In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

magic wand
I have friends
With this wand
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

He confessed to the knife:
- I am without work.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work.

Her sheets are white-white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them.
Among the stripes and cells.

She lives in a textbook
Find the pages you need.
And he knows, so in advance,
What topic will the student study?

Huddled in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

I'm big paper, important
Surnames in me from A to Z in a column,
There are successes and failures.
(School magazine)

Read the rules on it
We all know the schedule
On a holiday, we decorate with a class,
And the tables are all on it
We can also find it easily.
Here is the alphabet tape,
It would be difficult for us without...

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

I am a small figurine
The dot below me is big.
If you ask what are you going to
You won't get along without me.
(Question mark)

Living in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.

I'm here, now I'm vertical!
But I can take any inclination
I can lie down horizontally.

I'm invisible! This is my essence.
Though I can't be measured
I am so insignificant and small.

I stand, bending a little,
Like a point rooted into the ground.
Don't forget to put me
When you decide to ask a question.
(Question mark)

Children will turn around
blue nets,
But behind the desk
Not a river
Not for fish
And for words.

black ink,
How they are strung
Foma looked -
Got crazy.

She said to her sister:
- Here you are, sister-neighbor, you are often capitalized, and I am terribly rare.
- Well, rarely, it's not a problem! Other letters - never!
- How many of them?
- Yes, as many as three: a sister and two brothers with her. They are called like this...
- Do not say! Tell you guys!
(b, b, s)

The cost of the house:
Who will enter it
That and the mind

Cozy and spacious house.
There are a lot of good kids there.
Beautiful writing and reading.
Children draw and count.

In this establishment
Everyone has been through.
Doubles, geniuses
Marks received.
Artists studied here
Singers, gunners.
I go here too
And here, my friends.

The first grader is seven years old.
Behind the shoulders of a satchel
And in the hands of a large bouquet,
Blush on cheeks.
What is the holiday date?
Answer it guys!
(Knowledge Day)

On this day, a merry crowd,
Together we walk to school
To know a lot
Don't yawn in class.
(September 1)

City in bows, bouquets.
Goodbye, you hear, summer!
On this day, a merry crowd
Together we walk to school.
(September 1)

The school opened its doors
Let the newcomers in.
Who guys know
What are they called?
(First graders)

I am smart and cheerful
I am the happiest
I'm going to school today
With a sweet mother.
(First grader)

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak is a creative person who gave us a huge number of poems that are educational in nature. can be found on our website.
And below we offer you wonderful riddles written with love by a children's poet S.Ya. Marshak.

Riddles S.Ya. Marshak with answers

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

What is in front of us:
Two shafts behind the ears
In front of the wheel
And a saddle on the nose?

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.
The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the spring tenant,
Talking starling.
News is flying in through this door
They spend half an hour together.
The news does not stay for a long time -
Flying in all directions!

She got down to business
She screamed and sang.
Come on, come on
Oak, oak,
Tooth, tooth.

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at dinner - under the table,
At night, under the bed.

They beat him with a hand and a stick.
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated!

Early in the morning behind the window -
Knock, and ringing, and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
There are red houses.
Run to the outskirts
And then they run back.
The owner sits in front
And kicks the alarm with his foot.
Turns deftly
Handle in front of the window.
Where the inscription "Stop"
Stops the house.
Every now and then on the playground
People enter from the street.
And the hostess in order
Gives everyone tickets.

Who, on the run of a pair of clubs,
blowing smoke
Carries forward
And myself
Yes, and me with you?

Ask me
How I work.
around the axis
I spin mine.

Its spring and summer
We saw dressed.
And in the fall from the poor thing
They ripped off all the shirts.
But winter blizzards
They dressed him in furs.

Was green, small,
Then I became scarlet.
I turned black in the sun
And now I'm ripe.
Holding on to a cane,
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
You eat me and the bone
Bury in your garden.

On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared.

We walk at night
We walk during the day
But nowhere
We won't leave.
We hit right
Each hour.
And you, friends,
Don't hit us!

In Linen Country
Along the River Bed
The ship is sailing
Back, then forward.
And behind him such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen!

Musician, singer, storyteller,
And all - a circle and a box.

In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

I am the most lively worker
In a workshop.
I prick that there is urine
How I envy the couch potato
What is lying around without use,
I'll pin it to the board
Yes, how I will knock on the head!
The poor thing will hide in the board -
You can barely see his cap.

I just keep walking
And if I do, I will fall.

He is your portrait
Looks like you in every way.
Are you laughing -
He laughs too.
You are jumping -
He jumps towards you.
cry -
He cries with you.

Though he did not leave for a moment
you from the day you were born
You didn't see his face
But only reflections.

We are similar to each other.
If you make faces at me
I make faces too.

I am your comrade, captain.
When the ocean is angry
And you wander in the dark
On a lonely ship
Light a lantern in the darkness of the night
And consult with me:
I will swing, I will tremble -
And I will show you the way to the north.

Standing in the garden among the pond
A column of silver water.

In the hut -
On the hut -
Pipe. I lit a torch
Put it on the threshold
Noisy in the hut
Buzzed in the pipe.
People see the flame
And it doesn't extinguish.

I am your horse and carriage.
My eyes are two fires.
Heart warmed by gasoline
Knocking in my chest.
I wait patiently and silently
On the street, at the gate,
And again my wolf voice
Scares people on the way.

Here is a green mountain
It has a deep hole.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
Someone ran out of there
On wheels and with a pipe,
The tail drags behind itself.

From the dungeon a hundred sisters
Released into space
Take them carefully
Rub your head against the wall
Strike deftly one and two -
The head will light up.

My heart friend
In a tea trust, the chairman:
All family in the evening
He treats with tea.
He is a tough guy,
Swallows wood chips without harm.
Although not large in stature,
And puffs like a steam engine.

wooden road,
She goes up slowly:
Whatever step -
That is a ravine.

How did the four brothers go
Somersault under the trough,
Carried me with you
On the pole road.

Putting together a portfolio using will be very exciting for you and your future first graders. In developing classes in preparation for school, children will like such school riddles.

In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this?..

Black Ivashka -
wooden shirt,
Where the nose will lead
Puts a note there.

There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

The students are sitting behind her.
There are textbooks on it.
Notebooks, pens, map-
Not just a table, but (desk)

You talk to her more often
Become four times smarter

Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

By black white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.
(School board)

Who am I if honesty
My main feature?

magic wand
I have friends
With this wand
I can build
Tower, house and plane
And a big boat!

He confessed to the knife:
- I am without work.
Stroke me, my friend
So that I can work.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!

Her sheets are white-white,
They don't fall from branches.
I make mistakes on them.
Among the stripes and cells.

For me, gum, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can't deal with her.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the rubber band all the way ...

Huddled in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Ten on six
Sat smart circles
And count out loud
Only heard: knock yes knock!

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.

colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle, long and thin,
Carries water with a beard.
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke.
(Brush and paints)

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly sat down on the page.
Because of this bastard
I received a unit.

In a black field, a white hare
Jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this bunny?

The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.

The students write to them
Answering at the blackboard.

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful…

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have ... (clay)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my bag I have...

I'm ready for training starts
I'll be sitting down soon...

I draw corners and squares
I'm in class...

And every student understands
What I really need...

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here…

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)

Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys

How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!
Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run. (Knapsack)

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks. (Cool magazine)