Why are the powers that be punished? How to tune in to the flow of the universe and receive the necessary signs

Each of us believes in Something that controls us - in the so-called Higher Forces (in God, the Higher Mind, Cosmos) or, at worst, in fate. Arguing with fate is as pointless as arguing with superiors. And, only by changing ourselves, finding harmony with the Higher Forces, we will protect ourselves from the blows of fate. If you do not change, then you have one destiny. By changing yourself, you change your destiny. Each of us is patronized by Higher Forces (Guardian Angels). They look after us and are always ready to help. Perhaps, from our point of view, they help us in a very peculiar way, since their task is not to let us turn off our Path, to help us preserve and purify our souls, and not to solve earthly practical problems, for example, how to earn a million or go abroad.

The Higher Forces speak to us in one of the languages ​​available to us: positive influences of successes, happy occasions and all kinds of other "carrots" or failures, punishments - they do not know how to speak human language. Using the “carrot and stick” method, the Higher Forces help a person to follow his destiny. There are several ways of interaction between the Universe and man.
The language of subtle feelings

The softest and subtlest of them is the language of our state, moreover, energetic, emotional, intuitive. That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to your soul, to what our heart says, to your intuition. Unfortunately, it is difficult for a modern person to hear the voice of his heart, we were not taught this, and in vain, since the heart never deceives. If you do something, go somewhere (it doesn't matter: to work, a business meeting or a romantic date), and your soul sings, you are on the right Path. If you feel discomfort, heaviness, elusive anxiety - stop, think about whether you need it, whether it is yours.
Language of signs and signals

If we do not listen to our heart, the Higher powers use a more visual, but also coarser language - the language of signs and signals. Any unlikely, seemingly random, event can serve as a sign or signal. They choked, their leg cramped, they stumbled, someone prevented them from saying or doing something, something fell. The signs of fate warn us of both good and negative events, indicate our Path in life. Therefore, it is important to carefully look at the world around you, people, yourself: a leg sprained, an accidentally overheard phrase ran into your memory, you are strongly recommended to read some book. All this is not accidental, there are no accidents.

For example, you had some idea, and you decided to offer one of your old acquaintances to implement it, only his phone disappeared somewhere. This is a signal that your idea is either wrong or will lead you astray from your intended path. Did you choke when your mother-in-law was on fire, or did you stumble, deciding to lie to your wife? Rest assured, this is a signal - you are wrong. Such signs can only be interpreted after a fait accompli. And they will not be repeated if you understand everything. If you do not understand, they are repeated up to three times, and then they move on to the next, rougher way of communicating with you.

If a person does not understand or does not notice the “signs” warning that he has turned the wrong way, gone away from his Path, then the Higher Forces begin to speak to him in a less pleasant language - the language of situations: negative, of course, to make it clearer. That is, from that moment on, a light “educational process” begins to be applied to a person. And now you can no longer get through somewhere, an important meeting did not take place, the deal fell through, it seems to you that all your plans are starting to crumble. If your girlfriend spreads gossip about you, your wife cheats on you, your friend cheated on you, or you were just "thrown", then it's time to think about Who you are and What you are doing in this world. It is necessary to reconsider preferences and value criteria.

At the same time, do not indulge in experiences, but analyze: why this is happening. What do these situations tell you? Maybe the Higher powers do not interfere with you, but, on the contrary, they protect you from something? Maybe you have gone somewhere away from your Path, doing something wrong? All these situations are your life lessons. If you don’t understand them, you will have to solve more complex life tasks, situations will become more tense, and, in the face of your enemies, there may be quite decent people, and, conversely, in the role of friends and relatives, not the best representatives of the human race. If a person does not understand his lessons, gets irritated (and this is our favorite reaction to the educational process), then the educational process intensifies. And again, depending on your understanding of the situation and the presence of worries about failure, it softens or hardens. The Higher Forces, with the help of it, want to show you what you are wrong about. When the lesson is understood, the situation levels off, and other positive situations are sent as a carrot.

If the language of situations is not enough for you, then the Higher Powers are forced, because of your slow understanding, to switch to the language of failures (someone prefers to call failures punishment or God's punishment). And this is a negative impact on the most significant aspect of your life. If for a person the most valuable is his health, then they hit him, if money - then according to his financial situation, if love relationships, then they collapse, if the health or well-being of loved ones (children, loved ones, parents), then they hit them. Disease often acts as an educational process.

They always hit where they can see (and therefore hurt). And you always need to figure out why you were punished. If you understand this, then the punishment is removed, and the problems go away. Including the disease passes with the speed of restoration of the corresponding tissues and functions. Thus, you can get rid of any problems or diseases - past and present, except for completely irreversible cases (death, amputation).

Often, with the help of such failures or illnesses, the Higher Forces direct a person onto his Path so that he fulfills his earthly destiny, or do not allow him to turn off his Path.

The punishment for the slow-witted is repeated three times, and if you do not react, then the language of the direct text is used for understanding. That is, you meet a person (go to a psychologist, bioenergetics, a priest, get to a lecture, training, call a friend, talk to a neighbor or colleague), where they explain to you what is the reason for your failures, why you are punished. You can find out about this in a magazine or book, as if accidentally falling into your hands. The world is what it is because it is full of misunderstanding. And if you understand that you can live differently, see the relationship with the Higher Forces, then life will change for you. You have a chance. And all the events that happen to you and the people around you, supposedly random and scattered, will begin to connect for you in certain regular chains.


The next, more intelligible language of communication is “direct text for memorization”. It is based on the use of memory, without thinking. In this case, a person is used only as a storage and reproducing device that does not know how to think. Knowledge and skills are laid in his memory during perception and education. And all that remains for him is to strictly fulfill the program laid down in him, compiled by other people, society in another place, time and someone else's free will. Sometimes a person realizes that he lives like a stranger's zombie, and not his own life. Any step aside, any manifestation of one's own understanding of the world is perceived as an "escape" with all the ensuing consequences. A person becomes addicted, not necessarily to alcohol or drugs (of course, alcoholics and drug addicts are at this level), he can depend on a casino, fishing, work, a political group or sect, some idea, family or "beloved" - in our Life is full of addictions.

At the previous stages (even when the Higher Forces apply punishments to a person), he has free will. And free will implies responsibility for one's decisions and actions. And if the Higher forces give a person the opportunity to develop freely, independently understand everything and learn to make the right decisions, then under the influence of dark forces, a person is the executor of their will, their decisions. He is a cog in a large alien mechanism. Well, he condemned himself to this. Everyone has what they deserve. But it's not too late to change your mind. You have a chance.

And then the educational process becomes even rougher and tougher, punishments are intensified: incurable diseases seem to suddenly appear, accidents occur. If after that a person does not understand anything, he is simply “removed” from earthly life. What to do? We ourselves are to blame for everything, and only we ourselves can fix everything. The main thing is to understand that it is in our power.
Article by the psychologist of the CENTER "5DA!" Marina Morozova


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