Zakhary Chepega (presentation) presentation for a local history lesson on the topic. Kosh chieftains of the Black Sea Cossack army of the XVIII century Chepega Zakhary Alekseevich

The history of my small homeland, Kuban, is very rich in events and wonderful people who created it. The subject “Kuban studies” helps me get acquainted with this history, the employees of our regional historical and local history museum of the village of Leningradskaya, the regional newspaper “Kuban News”, the regional newspaper “Steppe Dawns”, where every time I draw something new from the past and present of our region and district. Soon we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory and the 215th anniversary of the development of the Kuban lands by the Cossacks. Historian A.V. Kartashev wrote that “a mobile mess of peoples” wandered and was scattered along the northern shores of the Black Sea, and only the Cossacks-Cossacks began to thoroughly settle in this fertile land.

Listen, descendant, to that glory and keep your heart with the Kuban, which is and will remain our land. We must love her, defend her from enemies and die for her, as the day dies without the sun, because darkness comes, whose name is evening, and evening dies - night comes ...

Love for my Kuban, for its past, for its wonderful people who stood at the origins of the formation of our Krasnodar Territory, the city of Yekaterinodar (Krasnodar), like a magnet, attracted my heart to itself.

The inhabitants of the Kuban, the Cossacks this year celebrate the 280th anniversary of their famous countryman, whose name has forever entered the glorious history of the Kuban Cossacks Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega.

Who is Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega (in some Chepiga sources)? He was born in 1726 in the Chernihiv province in the village of Borki, descended from the famous ancient family of Kulish and received his real name in 1750, when he came to the Zaporizhzhya Sich as an ordinary Cossack. He was accepted.

The young Cossack was assigned to the Kislyakovsky kuren. History has preserved for us a description of his appearance. He was short, broad-shouldered, stocky, what is called "knocked down", with a huge black forelock and a thick smoky mustache. His whole life before the liquidation of the Zaporizhian Sich for researchers even of the old time, when the archives were more complete than they are now, is almost completely covered with obscurity. Very scarce information has been preserved about the young years of Chepega in the family of Ya.G. Kukharenko, who was a distant relative of him. Chepega was called Khariton among the Cossacks or, more simply, Kharko.

The service of the young Chepega was successful, and although he was almost illiterate, thanks to his natural intelligence and personal courage, in 1767 he received the post of head of the border guards at the Pereves palanka (region), the land of the present Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Chepega was a kind man, although he was a pan by position. His broad-shouldered and undersized figure with a face scorched by the steppe winds was always severe. And in the Sich, and many years later, even with the rank of general, Chepega remained simple and accessible, so for the entire Cossacks he was simply "Kharko". If the military judge Anton Golovaty was in the full sense of the pan, whom everyone was afraid of, then Chepega was respected, and the fact that the Cossacks called him familiarly, in fact, was an expression of intimacy and spiritual relationship.

In one certificate given to Chepega, it was indicated that he "courageously stood", in another - that he "proved himself brave and was repeatedly sent to deliver the enemy's language." Chepega rose to the rank of colonel when, on the orders of Empress Catherine II, the Zaporozhian Sich was devastated. Five thousand Cossacks went to Turkey, the ataman Pyotr Kalnishevsky was exiled to the Solovetsky Monastery, ordinary Cossacks had to take up the plow.

After 13 years in 1787, at the request of His Serene Highness Prince G.A. Potemkin, who realized what kind of fighting force Russia had lost in the face of the Cossacks, the remnants of the Cossacks were again gathered and formed the "army of the faithful Cossacks." At the convened military Rada, Sidor Bely was elected ataman by a majority of votes. Further, I learn that the Kuban historian I.D. Popka writes about him like this: “A gray-haired old man, but full of fire, a rider of the old Sich times, who had the habit of going into a shootout without a hat and with his powerful tanned chest exposed outside.” June 17, 1788 Bely was wounded near Ochakovo. A.V. Suvorov, who visited the wounded ataman the next day, wrote to Prince Potemkin: “Tea, Sidor Ignatievich will be alive,” but the wound turned out to be fatal on the third day, June 19, the ataman died. Suvorov reported this to Potemkin and added a line at the bottom: “For joy - sadness: Sidor Ignatievich paid his last debt ...”

And again I am in search: I read, I search, I ask ... and now I find out that after the death of S. Bely, the favorite of the Cossacks, Kharko Chepega, was chosen as chieftain. I was very interested in the order of the elections. In the old days, it was simple - by voting, at a gathering, after which, the old men standing nearby with the white settlers, who themselves were once powerful foremen, gathered mud trampled under their boots from under their feet and put it on the bare head of the elected ataman. Dirt flowed over the face and mustache of the “clearly noble”, so that the whole world knew that everything around was dust and decay, except for the liberties of the Zaporizhzhya army, which was not defeated by anyone and was not submissive to anyone! .. After the approval of this position, G.A. Potemkin presented Chepega with an expensive saber, with which the new ataman subsequently arrived in the Kuban.

How did events develop further? And again I'm in search. The year 1788 has come. Potemkin, wanting to cut off the supply of food from the fortress of Khadzhibey (in other sources - Gadzhibey) from the Ochakov garrison, sends a hundred Cossacks under the command of Captain Bulatov to set fire to Turkish shops (warehouses). But the Cossack hundred turned out to be powerless to carry out the order. Then, on October 29, Chepega volunteered. With several brave Cossacks, under the cover of the black southern night, he made his way to Khadzhibey, and the coastal arsenal blazed. And on November 7, in the very fortress of Chepega, he set fire to a barn with food. “How he managed to do this - only God knows ...” - notes the Kuban historian I.D. Butt. For this feat, he was awarded the officer order of St. George IV degree. I follow the events and find out that in the field of ataman Z.A. Chepega showed himself to be a man of great intelligence and a kind heart. Courageous and indestructible in battle, even when he was seriously wounded near Bendery (a musket bullet hit him in the right shoulder right through, from which he suffered greatly), he remained calm. A penetrating bullet wound put him to bed for a long time. And having recovered, he again mounted a war horse and again distinguished himself in battles ...

And here is the island of Berezan ... (Berezan is a rocky island measuring 800 by 400 m opposite the mouth of the Berezan River near the Dnieper-Bug Estuary, on which at the end of the 18th century there was a strong fortress of the Ottoman Empire. In honor of the capture of the island, one of the new kurens based on Kuban, was named Berezansky). I learn that Prince Potemkin is trying to take him. Berezan stands menacingly on the way to Ochakovo. Potemkin fails. He is in despair, hiding from people, lying on carpets in his camping tent, biting his nails, “cowardice” and suddenly remembers the dashing Cossacks.

I leaf through the pages of newspapers, textbooks. I am looking for answers in them, to questions that have arisen in my mind about the life of the ataman. And now I find ... I read with interest ... Izmail ... An impregnable fortress ... (Izmail is a former Turkish fortress on the Kiliya branch of the Danube. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1787 - 1791, it was the citadel of Turkish military power on the Danube.) On December 11, 1790, Suvorov appointed her assault. The great commander instructed Chepega to lead the Second Assault Column to the powerful Turkish fortress. And in this formidable battle, the chieftain showed miracles of courage. For courage, he was awarded the Order of St. George, 3rd class, and the golden Ishmael Cross. The Zaporizhian Cossacks deserved their father's thanks from Suvorov, which was a great honor for them.

There is a version that Z. Chepiga comes from an old Cossack family Kulish. But employees of the State Archive of the Krasnodar Territory, preparing for the publication of the biography of the atamans, discovered a document indicating that Z. Chepiga's sister, Daria, was married to a serf Kulish, who belonged to the landowner of the Poltava province, Major Levents. More recently, a version about the Albanian origin of Z. Chepigi has appeared, but the source needs to be verified. Did not receive education.

At the age of 24 (1750) Chepega arrived in Zaporozhye. In October 1769 he distinguished himself in the defeat of the Turks on the Dniester. During the first Russo-Turkish War, the Cossack flotilla on the Danube ensured the capture of the important fortress of Kiliya, the castle of Tulcea and the fortress of Isaccea.

Thanks to the skillful actions of the Cossack flotilla, almost the entire one hundred frigate Turkish fleet, which defended the besieged Izmail from the Danube, sank.

By the time of the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich (1775), Zakhary Chepiga was a colonel of the Protovchanskaya palanka. In the Manifesto, on behalf of Catherine II, it was said that the Sich was destroyed forever, like the very name of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, for their daring deeds and disobedience to royal decrees.

Chepega did not know the letters, the papers were signed for him by others.

Taking advantage of the Empress's trip to the south of Russia (1787), not without the mediation of Prince Potemkin, the Zaporizhzhya foremen Sidor Bely, Anton Golovaty and others presented her with a petition in Kremenchug, where, on behalf of the former Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, they expressed their desire to take part in the coming war. The request was accepted. The Cossacks took a new name - "The Army of the Faithful Cossacks" (in contrast to the "infidels" who went to the Danube in Turkey).

Catherine II granted the "troop of faithful Cossacks" a large white banner with a black eagle and the inscription "For Faith and Loyalty", small banners for kurens, an ataman's mace, small kuren seals and a seal with the inscription "Seal of the kosh of faithful Cossacks."

The chieftain of the newly created army of the Faithful Cossacks was Sidor Bely, the commander of the cavalry was Zakhary Chepiga. By a court decree of January 5, 1788, it was reported to the public that "Mr. Colonel Sidor Bely was named the military ataman of the faithful Cossacks and ordered him to establish his own kosh on the Zburyevskaya side. Therefore, the Cossacks were invited to sign up" on foot with the military ataman Sidor Belago on Zburyevskaya side, and the cavalry at the Colonel of the Army Second Major Zakhary Chepig on Gromokl.

During the second Russian-Turkish war, it was the Faithful Cossacks who captured Khadzhibey (the castle located on the site of present-day Odessa) by night assault, captured the island of Berezan with a dashing attack.

Since 1790, the Danube Cossack flotilla did not allow the Turks to enter the Danube. Near Izmail, having landed from the Danube, the Cossacks broke into the fortress in the most unexpected place.

In commemoration of the victories, the Army of Loyal Cossacks became known as the Black Sea.

Having received from the queen the title of Great Hetman of the Black Sea and Yekaterinoslav Cossack troops, Grigory Potemkin approved A. Holovaty as a Cossack military judge. Potemkin allowed the troops to settle between the Southern Bug and the Dniester, and in addition, G. A. Potemkin, admiring the courage of the Black Sea people, presented them with their own fishing grounds on the eastern coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

Gubsky Nikolay Ivanovich
Position: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MBU DO "House of children's creativity"
Locality: X. Olginsky, Krasnodar Territory
Material name: Study
Subject:"Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army Chepega Zakhary (Kharko)."
Publication date: 11.04.2017
Chapter: additional education

Research topic:

Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army

Chepega Zachary (Kharko).

Prepared by:

Gubsky Nikolai Ivanovich, teacher

additional education MBU DO

"House of children's creativity" Abinsk,

Krasnodar region.

X. Olginsky

Introduction 3

Chepega Z.A. – organizer of creation 4-5

Troops of the Faithful Black Sea Cossacks.

Participation of the Black Sea Cossacks under the leadership

Kosh ataman Chepegi Z.A. in Russian-Turkish wars. 6

The resettlement of the Black Sea Cossacks to the Kuban and

development of new lands. 7-8

Personality of Chepega Zakhary (Kharko) Alekseevich 9-10

Conclusion 11



In connection with the introduction of study in general educational institutions


"Kuban studies"



deep study of the history of the Kuban Cossack army. Life studies and

activities of the first kosh chieftains, as well as other prominent and public

figures of the Kuban. In the scientific literature, one

of the most prominent representatives of the Black Sea Cossacks of the late XVIII century - ataman,

Major General Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega. However, in school textbooks,


not enough.


schoolchildren can, using special literature, find out additional data

about this hero.

The relevance of this topic is also obvious because with the revival of the Cossacks



the system of youth education is being built on the traditions of the Cossacks. Cadet

corps, Cossack classes, “republics”,

additional lessons, extracurricular activities are introduced, circles are organized and




The qualitative organization of this work requires simple and accessible material on

the first chieftains of the Black Sea Cossack army, about the traditions and customs of the Kuban

manners and life.

Of no small importance is the fact that this year is celebrated

significant date - the 225th anniversary of the resettlement of the Cossacks in the Kuban.

The purpose of the research topic: to find out and show the role of Z.A. Chepegi at creation

Black Sea Cossack army, its resettlement and development of new lands on

Tasks to be solved in the course of the study:

To study the life path of Z.A. Chepegi





To identify character traits - as the personality of the "Cossack - Sich"



is an



Black Sea



The chronological framework of the study from 1750 to 1797.

In the course of work on the topic, sources and literature on the history of the Kuban were used.

Shcherbina F.A. History of the Kuban Cossack army v.1, which provides a detailed and

a complete history of the Kuban Cossacks, as well as the characteristics of atamans. In historical

essay by Korolenko P.P. Bicentenary of the Kuban Cossack army 1696 -1896., given

Brief description of the Kuban Cossack army. It should be noted the collective

work "Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar two centuries of the city in dates and events, memories ...

materials for the annals”, which displays in chronological order all

the most important historical events of the Kuban. One of the most important sources for the study

of this topic is the Encyclopedic Dictionary on the history of the Kuban from the ancient

before October 1917. Under the general editorship of Trekhbratov B.A. In the work of Matveev




provided materials about the first chieftains of the Black Sea Cossack army, about the combat

the paths of the priority regiments of the Kuban Cossack army. The book of Bardadym V. “War

Valor of the Kuban”, tells about the patriotic and glorious military deeds of the Kuban

ancient times there is a certain material on the studied topic.



Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, Major General Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega

is one of the most prominent representatives of the Black Sea Cossacks of the end

XVIII century. His life was studied by many Kuban historians, but in many ways it remains

puzzle for researchers. This is not surprising, since information about Z.A. Chepege

(especially about the first half of his life) are extremely scarce, fragmentary and contradictory.

Where did the future ataman of the Black Sea army live and what did he do in the first

decades of his life is unknown. “In 1750 he appeared in the Zaporozhian Sich and

signed up for the service as a Cossack Kislyakovsky kuren. In 1767 he led the guard

borders "at Pereveska palanka" i.e. district, at the mouth of the river Ingulets. "From 1769 to 1774

on campaigns, in parties and traveling in the direction of Ochakov, and traveling along the Black Sea and the river

Dniester in places, and where, at the same time, there was a military deal with the enemy, and on it he

Chepega happened to keep up: here, according to the testimony of those who noticed, he stood courageously.

After the end of the Russian - Tretsky war of 1768 - 1774. and before the destruction of Zaporozhye

Sich in 1775 BEHIND. Chepega served as colonel of the Protovchanskaya palanka. “During the destruction of Sich by Tekelly, Chepega remained in the ranks of the Cossacks.

The Russian government did not include him among those restless leaders who were

sent and imprisoned in fortresses in Russia. Zakhary Chepega himself did not stick to those

unstable Cossacks who wanted to make peace, neither with the destruction of Sich, nor with

Russian rulers, nor

fled to Turkey to establish Sich and



granted the rank of captain.

Cossack foreman, among whom was Chepega, who lost the right to the lands of Zaporozhye



Catherine II





newly acquired lands in the Northern Black Sea region Catherine II under the influence of G.A.

Potemkina agreed to the formation of the Faithful Army of the Black Sea Cossacks. In list

other foremen began to gather cavalry detachments of Cossacks and captain Chepega .. ”of the military operations that have now opened,

Mr. Captain Zakhary Chepega, being filled with commendable jealousy and zeal for

service of Her Imperial Majesty […] expressed a desire to gather volunteers and with

they used to be with the army, entrusted to my superiors. That's why I allow

him to recruit hunters (volunteers - author) from free people ... ".

Chepegi, who reached just over 90 people, took the oath.

A few days after taking the oath, Z.A. Chepega received a pernach sent from

G.A. Potemkin.M.I. Kutuzov, through whom this transfer took place, in his warrant dated


superiors, to always have with you. At the same time, G.A. Potemkin undertook

energetic measures to accelerate the acquisition of a small cavalry team Z.A.

Chepegi. To all Cossack foremen who wished to receive army ranks, he ordered

come to the Chepega team in person and bring a few more people with you to the service.

By May 1778 The number of equestrian team increased to 289 people.

In April, Chepega and his detachment were sent to Ingul to monitor

coastline. Actually traveling and limited the activities of the equestrian team in

Ochakov was wounded, on the 19th the military ataman of the faithful Cossacks S.I. died. White.

Prince G.A. Potemkin wrote to the empress on this occasion: “This is a loss for me

great, and instead of this venerable old man, I entrusted the rule of the kosh to Major Chepega,

1788 A very interesting and important point should be noted in this historical fact about

reported by F.A. Shcherbina: “P.P. Korolenko, without citing sources, reports that

after the death of Koshovoi Bely, two parties were formed between the Black Sea people, of which

one wished to elect Anton Golovaty as Koschevoi, and the other Zakhary Chepega. Everyone

the candidate had a chance of being selected […]. nevertheless, the Cossacks preferred Golovaty Chepeg,


because of


abilities. Potemkin only approved Chepega as a kosh […] Potemkin in his

order speaks of the desire of the troops, and not about the choice of the military […] It must be assumed that,

firstly, the general Military Rada was not assembled, according to the conditions for the distribution of the unit

Cossacks in various places of hostilities, but that the division into two parties was already








Military Rada, those and other Cossacks could express their desires in this way only. AT -

thirdly, in addition to assessing the military qualities of Chepega by the Cossacks, on his side was, apparently,

G.A. Potemkin, who not only approved Chepega as ataman, but also gave him

an expensive saber, as a sign of special attention to the military merits of the ataman. Is not subject to,

finally, there is no doubt that the sympathies of the majority of the Cossacks were on the side of Chepega

[…] Anton Andreevich Golovaty did not declare himself at that time to any military

feat [...]. With his competitor Golovaty Chepega was in excellent friendly

relationships. The authorities also favored him. All this was very important for

weak, still forming troops. Required to respect their own

Koschevoi and trusted him, and so that the Koschevoi himself, on occasion, could stand up for the army. Necessary

to salute Chepega, he managed to keep this honorable and responsible position in all

time of war with the Turks. On this issue in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of



ataman Chepegu ... ". Based on these facts, it cannot be said that






combined arms Rada. But

undoubtedly, the wish of the Cossacks was taken into account, which can be

judged by the order of Potemkin that has come down to us: “By courage and zeal for

to the throne of Her Imperial Majesty and, at the request of the troops of the faithful

Cossacks, is determined by the ataman Kosh Khariton Chepega. Announcing this to the whole army,

another representative of the military foreman of the former Zaporizhzhya Sich became ataman

Zakhary Chepega, who was often called Khariton, or simply Kharko.





Correcting the post of ataman Z.A. Chepega resigned command

Cossack cavalry and personally participated in many battles of the Russian - Turkish war of 1787 -





Khadzhibey (Odessa) and set fire to a barn with food. For this operation he

awarded the Order of St. George. 4 degrees". "For many of these courage

and courage... especially during the burning of the enemy shops near Hajibey" 7

November 1788.

“He participated with his Cossacks in a number of skirmishes, large and small battles,





experience and discretion." Campaign of 1789 started for Chepega

unsuccessfully. In the month of May, G.A. Potemkin instructed the Don, Black Sea, Bug

near the village of Ternovka there was a battle with the Turks, in which the ataman received a heavy

wound. In the report of Kosh M.I. Kutuzov was informed: “On the 18th at the opening of Bendery

chieftain Chepega was seriously wounded by a bullet in the right shoulder, went to his

the capture of Gadzhibey, where he hit the enemy who had fled from the fortress, then on campaigns










According to


Suvorov, the second of these columns in the amount of 1650 people (of which 1000 Cossacks)

headed by foreman Z.A. Chepega. Order of St. George 3rd class was awarded

ataman for this glorious deed ". Appendix No. 1, No. 2. In 1791. BEHIND. Chepega

distinguished himself in the battle of Magin, for which he received the highest favor and

Order of St. Vladimir 3rd class.

Catherine II about sending two regiments to Poland from the troops of the Black Sea under




established route, and Chepega himself went to the capital, where he was invited to

personal acquaintance Count P.A. Teeth. “... Having joined the army in the field,

the Black Sea, together with the Don Cossacks, carried out reconnaissance and patrol service,

participated in a number of small battles. The Cossacks especially distinguished themselves during the assault

promoted to the rank of Major General. For participation in the attack of Prague, he was awarded

Order of St. Vladimir 2nd class. The regiments returned to the Kuban at the end of 1795.


Bravely fighting under the Russian banners, the Black Sea did not forget about

that the created army had to settle somewhere firmly and forever, to have its own




Kremenchug Cossacks raised the issue of this. At least already in the nominal

concerns the request and desire of those in the aforementioned army, in order to take them away

for the settlement of land in the Kerch Kutu or on Taman. This is a very useful thing

you can arrange according to your best discretion. "Chepega, together with

the foremen of the army seeks the allocation of land in Taman and Kuban.


Chernomortsy Kuban lands and charged them with the duty of "vigil and border




the ataman himself set out with a detachment of 2063 people. Small groups of Cossacks

joined them along the way. “Chepega went the “northern way” through

borders of the "granted" lands and stopped for the winter in the Khan's town (now

at this place Yeysk)”.

winter arrangement "made to the Kuban River in Ust - Labinsk fortress for

meetings with general - anshef I.V. Gudovich and the subsequent occupation of the border

Kuban […]




the main cordon and camped in the Karasun Kut, near the Nut Lake. AT

the same day report No. 201 was sent to the Tauride Governor […] with a request

"make a resolution" on the arrangement of villages "above the river Kuban[...] and the main

military city.




letter: "I congratulate you who arrived in Taman on military land" I notify that

I placed border guards along the Kuban River, I am with the government over it

at the Karasunsky Kut tract, where he found a place under the military city .. ".




Black Sea Cossack army, was a control device and connection with

him orders. On the first day of the new, 1794 Kosh ataman Zakhary Chepega,





drew up and signed the order of the military government, called by them - "Order

common good." This document regulates all aspects of life

Black Sea Cossacks.

F. Shcherbina “notes the negative aspects of the “Order of Common Benefit”, especially

on the issue of self-government “Chepiga’s sins in relation to

to the Cossack





bodies of Cossack self-government, the Military Rada, creating without the knowledge and participation

Cossacks the main act of the Cossack self-government "Order of common benefit", Chepega





say, the same bough on which he sat.[…]. From Cossack history it is impossible

to cross out this major mistake of Koschevoi Chepega, but he, like Golovaty, was

son of his age.

March 1794. The military government, at the suggestion of Chepega, decided

hold 4 fairs in Yekaterinodar annually.

"In 1796. Under the control of Chepega, the Cossacks built a harbor in the Kiziltash estuary

for the Black Sea Rowing Flotilla. At the same time along the coast of the Kuban were

built exchange yards for trade

with the Trans-Kuban Circassians and cleared

the old road, which the Black Sea people called "Post". It is in




numerous villages, bridges and roads, mills and cordons were built, or

in other words, the foundation of the Black Sea Cossack Army was laid.


“According to P.P. Korolenko, Z.A. Chepega was born in 1726. in the village of Borki, which is on

Chernihiv region, and came from a noble Little Russian family of Kulish. Indirect

archival evidence to some extent can confirm the birth of Z.A. Chepegi in





We can't document it." Cossack dictionary - G.V. Gubareva also

approves the year of birth of the ataman 1726, and the surname-nickname "Chepega - Kulish". Quite recently, in one of the monographs, evidence of

Albanian origin Z. Chepegi. In principle, there is nothing inaccurate in this, since

immigrants from the Balkans constituted a significant layer in the Cossack troops. However,

it is necessary to double-check the reliability of the source used by the author .. ".





compares Chepega V.N. Ratushnyak. However, the best characterization is given by F.A. Shcherbina: "

Judging by historical data, Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega or Kharko Chepega, as

Cossacks liked to call him, he was a typical Little Russian pan, behind a stern appearance

which showed through the simplicity and cordiality of the good soul of man. History has not left

descriptions of the appearance or portrait of this representative of the Cossacks, but before the eyes of those

who thought about the life, activities and actions of Kharko Chepega, involuntarily draws

squat figure of a man, impressive in body and seasoned, sedate in

methods of address, with a round Little Russian, clean-shaven face, large, but

soft outlines of the nose, lips, mouth, with gray gentle eyes, with thick mustaches,

hanging down, with even thicker plumpness and with a good-natured smile, as if everyone

who said: good, brothers, good. ”Appendix No. 3. When this squat pan is a Cossack

mounted a horse, it was as if he fused with it and squeezed it with his short but strong

legs like in a vise. It was a Cossack warrior from birth, and when he faced

face against the enemy with his brothers - the Cossacks, then he immediately turned all into

energy, vigilantly watched his own and others, loudly gave orders and in a hot fight

set an example of selfless courage and courage to everyone. Then Kharko was a hero and a knight.

There is no doubt that in Zakhary Alekseevich the ordinary masses of his day saw precisely

her hero, a knight impeccable in military affairs, to whom she clung under the influence




administrative ability and activity, how much for the personal Cossacks. For the harsh

the appearance of the father - the ataman of the Cossacks

saw a kind soul, and the simplicity of the head of the army

brought the ordinary Cossacks closer to him. According to the stories transmitted by the old Cossacks P.P.




big forelock and mustache. In appearance he was stern and important, how prominent people generally behaved

foremen and sedate Cossacks. He lived among a simple and unpretentious environment lonely, in

a small hut built over the river. Karasun in an oak grove, nothing special

without standing out from ordinary Cossacks. Outward gloss and fashionable whims of the arrogant

he, apparently, did not recognize the panship. Even to the positive aspects of culture,

connected with the personal needs of the highest circle of people, treated negatively.

When, according to the stories, some artist wanted to paint a portrait with Z.A. Chepegi, then

the stern ataman refused this honor, remarking briefly: "the gods are painted until the gods." He is not

was even literate. […]. Participating personally in the resettlement of the Cossacks from behind the Bug to the Kuban,

Chepega, by his own example, gave examples of endurance to the weary Cossacks. Diseases

and hardships during the journey affected some of the Cossacks, so they decided



wavering Cossacks and, improving their position as far as possible, managed to bring to the place

resettlement of the entire army. […]. If we add to this that Chepiga spent his whole life

bachelor, "orphan", then in the ataman it is not difficult to guess the fading type of true

Cossack, who valued the military field, and Cossack glory. […].

Such was Kharko Chepiga according to the few recollections of him and according to general features from







scarce enough to adequately characterize

personality and activities of the first ataman in Chernomoria.[ 28, p. 532,533,534].

Ekaterinodar fortress "in the middle of the place appointed for the cathedral church". Under a cannon salu, the coffin was lowered into the grave. .

Soon a wooden Resurrection Cathedral was built on this site, and the tomb of the ataman

ended up under his floor, which eventually caused complete oblivion. "In the 70s

19th century The old military cathedral was dismantled due to dilapidation, and a few years later, in July

1887, when digging a ditch for the foundation of a newly built church on this site, workers

came across 6 graves. The remains in one of the coffins were identified as those of Z.A.

refectory of the church under construction. Summer 1930 fortress church of the Ascension of the Lord

destroyed and the grave of Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was again lost.





famous sculptor M.O. Mekeshin in his

sculptural composition of the monument

Catherine II assigned a place to the ataman. “At the foot of the bronze figures of Prince G.A.




Golovaty and ataman Zakhary Chepegi ".

became the following: "1st Ekaterinodar Koshevoi Ataman Chepegi Regiment".


In the process of abstract research, it was possible to find out and show the role of Koshevoy

chieftain troops of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks in hostilities, in the creation of troops, in

his resettlement and development of the Kuban lands. In the course of studying his personal life, his







an outstanding, folk figure of a real "Cossack-Sich".

For him, the interests of the Cossacks, the state are most important, and personal life is in second place.

This work can be used in the lessons of Cuban studies, in the study of history

Kuban Cossacks. It is especially important to use it in extracurricular activities. On the

The example of Z.A. Chepega has something to teach students and young people.





abstract research on the activities of other Kosh, military and Cossack

chieftains of the Kuban Cossack army.

In the conditions of remote farms

from regional centers, Krasnodar there are certain

difficulties in selecting sources and literature on the topics studied.






(historical essay) Reprint. play ed. – Mineralnye vody.: publishing house

"Caucasian health resort", 1991 - p. 27

Shcherbina F.A. History of the Kuban Cossack army. Reprint. ref. Ed. 1913.-

K a s n o d a r,

P ub b e

« C o m p e t

K u b a n ',


Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar. Two centuries of the city in dates, memories ... Materials for

Chronicles. - Krasnodar: Krasnodar book publishing house, 1993. pp. 18-19, 20-


"Creation", 1992. T.3. – p.264

Encyclopedic dictionary on the history of the Kuban from ancient times to October

1917. - Krasnodar: Edvi Publishing House, 1997.-p.515, 516.

Bardadym V. Military prowess of the Kuban. - Krasnodar: Publishing house, "Northern

Caucasus", 1993, - p. sixteen.

History of the Kuban from ancient times to the end of the twentieth century: A textbook for higher

educational institutions. - Krasnodar: OPPC "Prospects for Education", 2004. p-74

Matveev O.V., Frolov B.E. "Eternal preservation and reminder of glorious names .." (to




Cossack army). - Krasnodar: Edvi Publishing House, 2005-pp. 87-88,89,90,91,95.

Ratushnyak V.N. Kuban historical chronicles. Little-known about the known:

Essays - Krasnodar: OTsPTs "Prospects of Education", 2005, p.52,53

10. Trekhbratov B.A. History of the Kuban: textbook - Krasnodar.: Krasnodar

book publishing house, 2000. - p. 136

Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega (Kulish)

Major General. Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army. Hero of the assault on the fortress Ishmael

One of the first leaders of the ancestors of the Kuban Cossacks was the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army, Major General Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega. He came from the nobles of the Chernigov province, from the Kulish family. In his youth, becoming a Zaporozhye Cossack, he received the nickname Chepega, which became his new surname.

In the Sich, he quickly advanced, and by the time of the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich by Empress Catherine II in 1775, he held the post of Cossack colonel of the Protovchanskaya palanka. The fall of the Sich as the center of the Cossack freemen did not affect his biography.

When His Serene Highness Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky began to recruit the Army of faithful Cossacks from the former Cossacks, one of the first to respond to the call was Zakhary Chepega, who by that time had the rank of army captain. In 1787, he, along with other foremen, recruited a volunteer (volunteer) team, which the following year was deployed to the Black Sea Cossack army under the leadership of the ataman Sidor Ignatievich Bely.

Zakhary Chepega in the outbreak of the war of 1787-1791 initially commanded the cavalry regiments of the Black Sea Cossacks. The foot part of the troops then made up the teams of the rowing flotilla and landing on it, operating in the Dnieper-Bug estuary, and then along the northern shores of the Black Sea and on the Danube waters.

In the same year, 1788, Sidor Bely was mortally wounded in a naval battle near the Turkish fortress of Ochakov. Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was elected ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army. The commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Field Marshal G. A. Potemkin, approved the election and awarded Chepega for military labors - present and future - with a precious saber.

Chepega, who received the rank of brigadier, leading the Black Sea Cossacks, distinguished himself more than once during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. During its course, the former Cossacks, along with other Cossack units, acted in the vanguard of the Russian army, landed troops, and their rowing flotilla fought its way west along the coasts of Taurida and Bessarabia. Chepega Cossacks were especially distinguished in landing operations.

On June 18, 1789, at the head of a thousandth detachment of the Cossack cavalry, on the orders of General M.I. Golenishev-Kutuzov, he conducted a reconnaissance of the Bendery fortress. A fierce five-hour battle with the Turks took place near it, in which the ataman received a bullet wound through the right shoulder. The Chernomorians, together with the Don and Yekaterinoslav Cossacks who came to the rescue, completely defeated the Turks, who had a noticeable numerical superiority.

On December 11, 1790, Zakhary Chepega took part in the assault on Izmail, the strongest fortress on the borders of the Ottoman Empire, commanding one of the assault columns of Major General Arsenyev, who landed into the fortress itself on rowing ships of the Russian military flotilla across the Danube from the opposite island of Chatal.

In that throw across the river, the Cossacks first of all captured the fortress coastal batteries and only then engaged in hand-to-hand combat in the city of Izmail. But perhaps the most difficult thing for them during the assault was the reflection of an enemy counterattack, when a crowd of several thousand soldiers of the Crimean Khan tried to drop troops from the coastal cliffs into the Danube.

In total, four thousand Black Sea Cossacks participated in the "open attack" of the Izmail fortress. The assault column of Zakhary Chepega consisted of the Aleksopol Infantry Regiment, two hundred grenadiers of the Dnieper Primorsky Regiment and a thousand Black Sea Cossacks. The landing party was transported from the island of Chatal to the city-fortress, mainly on Cossack oak boats. The night before the attack, the ataman did not sleep, conducting “spiritual conversations” with his people.

General-in-chief A.V. Suvorov-Rymniksky highly appreciated the courage of the ataman and the heroism of his Black Sea Cossacks. Highly spoke about the merits of Chepega as a Cossack commander and the all-powerful favorite of Catherine II, the most illustrious prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky. The hero of the Izmail assault received the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, 3rd degree. The supreme rescript stated:

"In respect for the diligent service and excellent courage shown during the capture of the city and fortress of Ishmael by storm with the extermination of the Turkish army that was there, commanding the column."

On June 4, 1791, Chepega distinguished himself in the battle of Babodag, making up the vanguard of the Kutuzov troops with his Black Sea Cossacks. The next day, he captured this fortress city, capturing eight copper cannons and a camp of the Turkish army with its convoy as military trophies.

After the capture of the city environs, the army's provisions were replenished with a significant amount of bread from the stocks of the Sultan's army, collected from Babodag. The Turks did not have time to destroy them during the flight, leaving their numerous warehouses of provisions as war trophies to the light-horse enemy.

The Babodag victory was given to the Black Sea Cossacks with great difficulty, since up to fifteen thousand Turkish troops and up to 8 thousand Crimean Tatar cavalry stood in camps near the city.

For the valor shown in the Russian-Turkish war, Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was awarded the rank of brigadier, a golden saber adorned with diamonds (a gift from the Empress) and many military orders: the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George IV and III degrees, St. Vladimir 3rd degree and gold Ishmael cross, worn on the St. George ribbon.

In 1792, by the highest order of Empress Catherine II the Great, brigadier Z. A. Chepega led the resettlement of the Black Sea Cossack army from the banks of the Dniester to the Kuban. The resettlement took place in two stages. Combat Cossacks moved first. After wintering in a new place, they met their families the following year.

Chepega did a lot to equip the Cossack villages in the new place, to start arable farming, to organize the defense of the Caucasian border fortified line against the raiding actions of the “trans-Kuban peoples” of Circassia. That is, Zakhary Alekseevich showed himself to be a talented administrator: after all, he had to settle in a desert steppe region. Settle in and at the same time serve as border guards.

During the uprising in Poland in 1794, the brigadier Zakhary Chepega, who commanded two cavalry regiments of the Black Sea Cossacks, participated in the suppression of "outrage". He distinguished himself again under the banner of commander A. V. Suvorov-Rymniksky in the assault on Prague, a fortified suburb of Warsaw. The rank of major general, the Order of St. Vladimir of the 2nd degree and the gold Polish cross were his reward for Polish deeds.

The last years of his life, Chepega was engaged in the internal organization of the troops in the Kuban. The 70-year-old Major General and Knight of St. George Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega passed away in 1797 in the city of Ekaterinodar. He was buried with military honors near the walls of the Holy Trinity Church in the Ekaterinodar fortress. In 1802, the Resurrection Cathedral was built in its place.

... To perpetuate the memory of one of the founders of the Kuban Cossacks, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich of August 26, 1904, the priority 1st Yekaterinodar Cossack regiment of the army received the name of the 1st Yekaterinodar ataman Chepega regiment of the Kuban Cossack army.

The regiment had a glorious combat biography, having distinguished itself during the assault on the Turkish fortress of Anapa in 1828, during the conquest of the Western Caucasus in 1864, in the fields of Manchuria in 1905 and during the First World War. The people of Yekaterinodar were proud of the name of the eternal regimental chief, who was one of those who led the Black Sea Cossack army to the shores of the Kuban.

In 1909, paying tribute to the memory of the brave ataman, the Cossack farm Velichkovsky was renamed the village of Chepiginskaya.

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From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AT) of the author TSB

Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was a native of the Chernigov province, the village of Borki. Nickname Chepega probably he received in Zaporozhye; his real name was Kulish. If we take into account that his venerable parents, as is now known, after death, were buried at the local church, then it must be assumed that they were something more important than ordinary people who are not honored with such a funeral; most likely they were local landowners. Subsequently, Zakhary Alekseevich, already being a ataman, presented evidence of his nobility to the Yekaterinoslav provincial deputy assembly, according to which that assembly recognized him hereditary nobleman and included in the genealogy book, on the basis of the Highest charter given by Empress Catherine II to the Russian nobility, April 21, 1785 g., for the 3rd part.

Where the young Zakhary Kulish was brought up and what he studied is unknown. They say that he was completely illiterate, as he himself declared, but this is hard to believe; It is more likely that he was "not written" i.e., who did not know how to write well in cursive, like many of his peers, who put signs instead of letters: a bagel, half a rim, a pillar with a crossbar, etc., so that a semblance of a signature of a surname came out. This is also confirmed by the fact that the signature "Zahary Chepega" I had to meet in the affairs of the Kuban military archive; usually, Migrin’s personal secretary signed for him on official papers, and although the latter also declared that the ataman of Chepeg was illiterate, this still cannot be given the probability also because in Zaporozhye, according to Skalkovsky, the atamans did not show their literacy, - although there really were written ones, and Zakhary Alekseevich was a true Cossack and could imitate his predecessors.

We find Zakhary Alekseevich in the service of the Zaporizhian army in 1750 year when he was 24 years old. In a military kosh, he was recorded in the Kislyakovsky kuren, in which he was listed until the day of his death.

The service of Zakhary Chepega took place on various business trips, in campaigns and military operations against enemies in the first Turkish war of Catherine II, where, as evidenced in the certificate issued to him in the former kosh July 5, 1775 G., "stand bravely". Recently, his service in Zaporozhye Chepega, having passed a number of military ranks, held the noble position of colonel of the Protovchanskaya palanka (district). This position was the highest and most honorable in the ranks of the regimental foreman of Zaporozhye. He ruled over a whole district of the military territory inhabited by Cossacks and subjects of the army people. Such colonels inevitably had to be well prepared for administrative work, and if we say that without literacy they could hardly justify their complex duties, then it seems that we will not be mistaken.

When it was destroyed 1775 year Zaporizhzhya Sich and the army of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks was abolished, then Chepega, leaving his post as a colonel, kept his regimental banner with him, which he sacredly kept throughout his service and, only after moving to 1792 year to the Kuban, when the first Yeysk palanka was formed in the Black Sea, which included the Kislyakovsky kuren, in which Chepega was also listed, he handed over the banner, modest in appearance, but important in meaning, which is currently stored in the military headquarters, among military regalia.

Zakhary Alekseevich was not touched by the punishment that befell the Zaporizhzhya foreman of the military kosh. He remained among the trustworthy foreman and was granted the rank of army captain. Whether he occupied what position at the same time there is no information, but when the war with the Turks began in 1787 and Prince Potemkin published his letter August 20 about the conscription of the Cossacks who lived in the Yekaterinoslav governorate, then Chepega, having gathered part of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, was among the first to come to the named prince in Elisavetgrad with an offer of his services to protect the fatherland from advancing enemies.

The illustrious prince, who then took care of the restoration of the Zaporizhian army, was very pleased with the proposal of Zakhary Alekseevich and October 12 gave him the following letter:- “I declare to everyone and everyone who should know about it that on the occasion of the break committed by the Turks with the All-Russian Empire and the opening of hostilities, Mr. Captain Zakhary Chepega, filled with commendable zeal and zeal for the service of Her Imperial Majesty and taking the opportunity to express himself against the enemies of Christianity his courageous deeds, expressed a desire to gather volunteers and with them to be used in the army ... "; a 20th the same month he approved him as a military colonel, promoted him to the rank of second major in the army and, as a sign of power, gave him a pernach through lieutenant general Bibikov.

Taking advantage of such attention from Prince Potemkin, Chepega sent with the aforementioned letter of kuren ataman Andrey Bely to gather the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks for the service and with them joined other eminent foremen Sidor Bely and Anton Golovaty, who formed a volunteer team in Berislav that formed an army of faithful Cossacks, under the command of the first of those foremen, elected ataman by the military association.

When in a sea battle the ataman Sidor Beloi June 17, 1788 year was killed by the Turks, then the military association of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks gathered a council and, after a long squabble between the two parties of Golovaty and Chepega, chose the latter as ataman in place of the late Sidor Ignatievich, in what rank Zakhary Alekseevich was Prince Potemkin approved 3 July that year and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in the army.

This year, the army of faithful Cossacks received the name Chernomorsky.

Leaving behind him the personal command of the Black Sea Cossacks, the ataman Chepega entrusted the leadership of the foot team to the military judge Anton Golovaty, who was in the rank of prime minister of the army, and in the army of the colonel, who was also in charge of the flotilla of the Black Sea troops, on which foot Cossacks served . As a sign of power, Golovaty received from the koshevoi a colonel's pernach and proper (small banner).

The Black Sea Cossack flotilla at that time stood near Ochakov. 3 July Golovaty, having called the Cossacks from the boats to the shore, announced to them that Zakhary Chepega had been appointed commander-in-chief as the ataman and that he had been appointed by the latter the head of the entire Black Sea infantry of the Cossacks and the flotilla. The next day, the ataman himself arrived in the circle of Cossacks. Having heard from them various statements of claims and displeasures, which were mostly related to the army authorities, Chepega, having found out to the dissatisfied comrades the fragile position of his army, formed with great effort, advised him to rub all sorts of hardships and hardships in order to maintain glory and order in it, in anticipation of a better situation in the future. ; and especially to obey and obey the authorities and not be self-willed. The reasonable advice of the koshevoi had an effect on the Cossacks better than any threats. They quietly returned to their ships; - bearing in mind also the fact that the speech of the stern koschevoi did not allow objection, and, according to his character, it was not far from the word to kiya.

I will not follow the difficult service that fell to the lot of Zakhary Alekseevich at the beginning of his atamanship. The military kosh, not having time to organize in one, was transferred to another place and then temporarily, under the influence of military circumstances. The kosh affairs at the beginning of the formation of the army required his personal presence, and this could not be achieved during business trips at the request of the authorities and military operations, and in the absence of the ataman and the military judge, the military clerk Podlesetsky was actually in charge, who in the end also turned out to be unreliable, who had to to be replaced by foreman Kotlyarevsky. The army itself, rather small, divided into two parts, cavalry and infantry, was not arranged either in combat or in materiel, and there was no military discipline among the Cossacks. It took a lot of skill and energy of the ataman, so that the Cossacks, with all the shortcomings and hardships, did not run away and thus did not stop the existence of the barely nascent Black Sea army.

The higher authorities of the Cossacks did not spare and demanded from them, in addition to the war with the enemy, such still difficult work that they were carried out only thanks to the perseverance of the ataman and the devotion of the Cossacks to him. Take, for example, the work teams that were appointed in winter to unload rigging from frozen ships in the Bug estuary or excavate cannons and artillery supplies from a sunken ship from the bottom of the same estuary. In winter, with severe winds and severe frost, the Cossacks worked in the water with poor food and a lack of warm clothes, which is why in a short time it was delivered to the kosh, in addition to the sick alone and crippled, with frostbitten legs, up to 50 people, and all those who died from exhaustion, cold and hunger for March 1789 years, there were up to 500 people.

Such an exorbitant loss for the small Black Sea army was sensitive, and Chepega looked with bated breath at this death of the Cossacks from the inattention of the higher authorities to the Black Sea people, but it was impossible to complain, and it was useless to ask for release from military work; he only bothered to ensure that the Cossacks were fed and clothed at work.

The arrival of the Cossacks from their places of residence to the army of the Black Sea Cossacks was not successful because it was associated with great difficulty. Many Cossacks were in serfdom, and the landlords did not let them out of their estates. The question, raised even earlier by foreman Sidor Bely, about the liberation of the Cossacks from serfdom, was not resolved, since Prince Potemkin found it premature to complete the formation of the Black Sea troops formed from them, which did not yet have a definite land for settlement. The published order of his lordship for the Yekaterinoslav vicegerency to call up the Cossacks, in whatever condition they were, for public service, was not always carried out by both the landlords and the local authorities, who stood on the side of the latter.

News from all sides reached the ataman that the landowners were keeping the Cossacks as peasants, and those Cossacks who, at the call of Potemkin, had gone to serve, were being taken away from their estates, and some bars and their managers, taking revenge on the family of the departed, forced their wives and children to work for a whole a day without rest, and at night they are locked up in an empty hut, or thrown into a pit and stuffed into stocks so that they do not leave the corvee; there were such monsters that during the day they were forced to work, and at night they were also flogged with rods, and the less obedient were starved and flogged three times a day with a gang, and not only adults, but also minors.

The heart of the unfortunate Cossacks, who were already in the service in the Black Sea army, bled; when rumors reached them about the suffering of their families from ruthless pans, but no disasters could shake their determination to serve faithfully and faithfully to the tsar and fatherland in their young Cossack army; they endured their depressing grief with remarkable humility and listened to the fatherly admonition of their father, the koshevoi, whom they both feared and loved.

Zakhary Alekseich, having collected the above information about the plight of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks who entered the service in the Black Sea army, turned to October 1788 to Prince Potemkin of Tauride with the following petition: - “The voiceless branch of the army of the faithful kosh of this Cossacks in the service of those who are in the call collected screams about the enslavement of the gentlemen. the landowners of their wives, as if in an ever-repeating time, and the wealth acquired by such people, taken by them, has already been completely turned into an eternally later possession and some have been involved in the sale. Such an act of tolerable oppression of this tribe requires the rise to the feat of diligent touch of your lordship, and about the liberation of life, relocation to the said land of their benefit, and give the allowance that is eternally supplied to this assembly, according to the Imperial legalization, which from the outpouring of will on you and the internally inhabited bounty of touching pending resolution".

Such a flowery request of Chepega touched upon, long raised by Sidor Ignatievich Bely, the question of the liberation of the Cossacks from serfdom and the determination of land for them to settle. This question, as you know, was already predetermined by the Empress in a positive sense, but Prince Potemkin, despite the glaring disasters of the Black Sea people, did not find it possible to fulfill the desire of the Cossacks and the will of the monarch. The reasons for this were solid. If all the Cossacks with their families enslaved by them were freed from the landowners and removed from the master's estates, then it was necessary to immediately give them land for settlement in the south of Russia, even if it was already destined for Kerch Kut and Taman, but in the first place that land was very not enough to settle all the inhabitants of the former Zaporozhye, even if only one Cossack class, secondly, the lands were far from the theater of operations, where the Cossacks gathered on the occasion of the war with the Turks, and although most of them had not yet arrived at the theater of operations, but with the release from the peasantry, they had to go not to resettlement with their families to the shores of the Kerch Strait, but with weapons in their hands to the banks of the Bug, where the Russian army was then operating, moving towards the Dniester. The Black Sea Cossacks at that time had neither the time nor the opportunity to engage in resettlement to a distant land and could not even use the richest fishing grounds on the Sea of ​​Azov, given to them by Prince Potemkin, until the end of the war.

But scream of the Black Sea, about whom Chepega wrote, did not remain a voice crying in the desert. Such a command of the head of the region and the manager of the fate of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks authorized by the Highest Authority facilitated their position, and the profits of the Cossacks increased rapidly, so that in the second half 1789 years in the Black Sea army, there were up to 5000 of them in the infantry and up to 2000 in the cavalry.

Throughout the war, the ataman of Chepega was in special favor with the commander-in-chief of the army, Prince Potemkin of Tauride.

Without listing all the military distinctions Chepega rendered during the war with the Turks, I cannot miss at least some of his actions against the enemies. During the siege of Ochakov, Lieutenant-General Potemkin asked Zakhary Alekseevich to get a tongue from the Gadzhibey fortress in order to find out the number and location of the Turkish troops there. But how was it to be done in order to quietly penetrate into the enemy fortress and capture at least one Turk, if not already in the fortress itself, then at least near it, this very important assignment Zakhary Aleksvevich, not trusting anyone else, took upon himself . On a dark night, he made his way to Gadzhibey and from there the next day he brought two captured Turks. How he managed to take them, God knows. Tradition says that Chepega was choreographer that for this reason he took the Turks prisoner and led them behind him tied with a rope to his belt like obedient lambs.

Taking two people prisoner in battle or in the open is not an important matter, but capturing them under the fortress cannons at night is not an unimportant feat, if we add to this the important consequences arising from the testimony of the captives cited. Probably for this and other excellent exploits of the ataman in military operations, he was granted the army by lieutenant colonel.

Under the end of the year the commander-in-chief, wanting to deprive the Ochakovsky garrison of the supply of food from Gadzhebey, ordered the ataman to send 100 Cossacks with Captain Bulatov to this fortress to set fire to Turkish food stores. This command was completely unfulfilled. What a hundred Cossacks could do under the shots of the Turkish garrison, the Cossacks could not go unnoticed in such a number, and it was unthinkable to get through to the Turkish food reserves by force. Then Zakhary Alekseevich decided to personally fulfill the order of Prince Potemkin - it was not for nothing that he was considered a sorcerer. Courage had nothing to do with it; remained courage and military art. 29th of October Chepega took with him several of the most courageous Cossacks and, having made his way to Gadzhibey at night, lit the coastal arsenal; and after that November 7 burned a barn with food in the Hajibey fortress itself. How he managed to do this, only God knows, but only this wonderful feat was brought to the attention of the Empress herself by Prince Potemkin, who awarded the fearless ataman the Order of St. George 4th grade.

It is impossible not to mention another remarkable feat of Chepega, accomplished by him in 1789 year. After the capture of Ochakov, the Russian army moved to Turkish land between the Bug and the Dngetr. The intention of Prince Potemkin was to capture the strong Turkish fortress of Bendery on the Dniester. To this end, he instructed the ataman Chepega to reconnoiter the surroundings of this fortress. Commanded for this military colonel Neyakiy with a team of Black Sea Cossacks, returning, reported that the enemies were not seen anywhere. Then an order was made to open Bendery itself, for which a detachment was appointed from the Cossack units of the Don, Black Sea and Bug. But then there were misunderstandings in commanding this detachment: General Kutuzov put the Don marching ataman Colonel Isaev at the head, and the ataman of the Black Sea considered such subordination to his junior rank as humiliating for himself. Isaev was the ataman of the marching regiments, and Chepega was the ataman of the whole army. In view of this, he did not go to connect with Isaev, but spoke June 16 separately with the Black Sea Cossacks, and therefore reached Bender before Isaev. This case cost the Black Sea people dearly. As soon as they approached the Dniester, the Turks came out against them from Bender, crossed the river and entered into battle with them. Retreat was impossible, and shameful. Chepega, having no more than 1000 Cossacks,. boldly went into battle with the enemy, three times his strength.

For five hours a fierce battle between the Turks and the Black Sea people was in full swing. On the Turkish side, there was superiority in numbers, and among the Black Sea, strength was replaced by courage and courage, and only when Ataman Chepega, who fought ahead of the Cossacks, received a serious wound with a bullet right through his shoulder, then only, seeing their leader bloody and exhausted from loss of blood, the Black Sea began to retreat , but at that time the Donets and Bugtsy arrived in time for them, and the Turks were defeated.

In this battle, Chepega with his Black Sea men recaptured two Ochakov banners from the Turks and captured 12 people.

On this significant day in military history, the ataman of the Black Sea army commanded the second assault column of General Arseniev, from the Danube. Having landed on the shore, he took Turkish batteries and smashed enemies without mercy, distinguished by courage, diligence and personal courage, for which he was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd class and received, along with others, the golden cross of Ishmael.

Returning from the campaign, the ataman devoted all his time to strengthening the established procedures for managing the Black Sea troops and paid special attention to military fishing in the Danube, where the proud left by the Turks were given to the Black Sea by Prince Potemkin. Chepega ordered them to be corrected and under the guidance of an appointed experienced fisherman shaparya(caretaker) managed to gain up to 9,000 rubles in income in military capital in 10 months.

The following year, in the spring, information was received that the Turks were gathering in significant forces across the Danube at Machin. Prince Repnin, who commanded the army in the absence of Potemkin, decided to transfer Russian weapons from the conquered land to the enemy side. For this purpose, two detachments of troops were assigned to the campaign, under the command of generals Kutuzov and Golitsyn, of which the first was the ataman Chepega with the Black Sea. Having crossed the Danube, Kutuzov defeated the Turks near Babadag and joined with Golitsyn. Without continuing further hostilities beyond the Danube, the Russian troops returned to their side. But soon news was received that the Turkish troops were again gathering at Babadag. Then, by order of Repnin, Kutuzov June 3 moved beyond the Danube, and the next day Chepega went there with the Black Sea Cossacks, of which 55 people walked ahead of the guides of the detachment. On the way, the guides noticed a dense crowd of enemies, and Chepega hurried with his Cossacks to the vanguard, where Colonel Ribas was walking with the rangers. The latter, on duty, offered Chepega, as a senior in rank, the authorities, but Zakhary Alekseevich politely rejected this offer, saying that they would command the vanguard troops together. Meanwhile, the enemy had fled.

The next day, the foreman Chepega made a reconnaissance himself and from a high mound noticed a large number of Turks in the direction of Machin, which he immediately reported to Kutuzov, from whom he received an order to attack the enemies. Having detached 500 Cossacks against the Turks on one side, under the command of military colonel Vysochin, Chepega moved with the rest of the Black Sea on the other side against the advancing enemies, whom he defeated and put to flight. At this time, another party of Turks appeared, with whom Chepega also entered into a heated battle. The Turks began to retreat again. But Chepega, neither before nor after, pursued the fleeing enemies, as he received a warning from one enemy Cossack that the Turks were deliberately retreating in order to lure the Black Sea people into a trap to the ravine where the Crimean Khan stood with the Tatars, Turkish, Zaporizhzhya and Nekrasov Cossacks until 8000 pers., - hit the Black Sea in the rear.

Seeing the failure with the Black Sea Turks, the Turks began to call in a shootout of the approaching Donets, in order to at least lure them into the Khan's ambush, but here Chepega took over the rights of the avant-garde commander and ordered both the Don Cossacks and other regular units under the command of Ribas, not to chase the Turks ; Prime Major Belukha ordered to occupy the mountain that hid the Khan's troops and become a front against the enemy, and he himself, with all the Black Sea people, went from the flank to attack the Khan.

In vain, not expecting such an attack, the eminent Tatar tried to break through the ranks of the Black Sea people and Ribasov's rangers who came to the rescue, in vain he made swift onslaughts to throw off the attackers, nothing was successful and the brave Chepega, smashed the khan on his head and pursued discordant crowds of enemies to the river. Gustbol, ​​littering the path with their corpses. In this case, Chepega lost 4 killed and 35 wounded; the loss of the enemy was immeasurably greater.

Returning to the detachment, the brigadier Chepega received a new order from Kutuzov to pursue the retreating Turks further and further. Fulfilling this order, Chepega, without resting himself and his detachment, launched an attack on the Turks, but the latter, seeing the defeat of the khan, dispersed and began to run away. Despite this, Chepega still managed to catch up with some enemies and in the battle with them beat off several poles from the banners, which the Turks, not having the strength to save, tore to pieces themselves; in addition, Chepega captured three cannons, a heavy convoy and 6 prisoners.

The Turks, defeated by the brigadier Chepegoy at all points, abandoned Babadag, who the next day ruined Chepega and Ribas, killed the resisting Turks, burned the surrounding villages and, at the end of the victory, presented Kutuzov with up to 30,000 quarters of bread that was in the Babadag warehouses, 8 copper cannons and a Turkish camp.

This brilliant feat of the ataman was left without a reward. The reason for this can be assumed was the same revenge of Kutuzov, which pursued Zakhary Alekseevich and near Bendery.