Green yellow blue what types. Heraldic colors of psychology: blue, green, red, yellow

Even in the ancient world, people attached great importance to color, describing various natural phenomena and their own experiences. The display of this color symbolism can be found in myths, traditions, fairy tales, legends, as well as in esoteric, religious teachings of different times and cultures.

For example, the sun's rays in the spectrum give seven colors, the meaning of which people connected with the planets of the solar system. Colors determined the social status of a person, his inner state. Since ancient times, each nation has its own symbolism of flowers, reflected in folk ornaments. Ancient Mexicans painted their hands black during mourning ceremonies, which to this day symbolizes the dark side of life. Black eyes are considered mysterious and even dangerous in all cultures.

The psychology of color

Ancient people considered yellow as frozen sunlight and gave it a polar meaning: a symbol of harvest, wealth, but at the same time a symbol of illness and death. Among the Slavs, yellow until our time means parting.

White has always been a symbol of purity and innocence, the color of life and justice. Ancient Roman priestesses wore only white dresses. The color and character of a person have always been associated, and in our time, with the help of special techniques, a psychologist can compile a complete psychological portrait of a person based on one parameter - the choice of color.

You can find out how to determine the character by your favorite color by passing a special color test yourself.

The ideas of different peoples about color are reflected and confirmed in modern psychology. To date, the psychological component of color selection is widely used by professionals, not only to determine the character by color, but also to manipulate consciousness.

For example, in the advertising business, “rich” colors are conditionally distinguished: red, white, gold, blue, black. These colors are preferred in the design of luxury goods. Some colors should not be combined in one product: purple and orange are considered colors that evoke a sense of hopelessness.

Each of us has a preference for a certain color. It can be either one color or a combination of several colors. A person determines his favorite color based on individual associations and perceptions.

Thus, it is possible to determine the character of a person by his favorite color. For example, the British psychologist B. Schwartz believed that it was possible to determine some of the features of a person by the color of his car. Studies by Russian psychologists V. Petrenko, V. Kucherenko showed the relationship between the emotional state of a person and the choice of a preferred color.

Feeling joy, people choose red and yellow, and in a state of calm, harmony, people prefer blue and brown.

In a situation of danger, the choice falls on the green color associated with the tension of internal resources to solve the problem.

A simple but informative color test

Psychologists say that the color and character of a person are closely interconnected. Characterization of a person by his favorite color can be carried out using a fairly simple test that you can pass on your own.

Your attention is invited to a list consisting of twelve colors. The test involves answering one simple question: "What is your favorite color?". You can choose two colors or a color that you absolutely do not like. The test will show a true result, if you make a choice very quickly, you should not associate your favorite color with things and rely on your aesthetic tastes. Each of them means a certain aspect of the character of the person. To pass the test, you need to choose your favorite color from this list:

  • blue;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • green;
  • purple;
  • black;
  • Orange;
  • yellow;
  • turquoise;
  • white;
  • pink.

The test is interpreted quite simply: carefully read the presented personality characteristics based on her favorite color, and then correlate your own results with these data.


The favorite color of a self-confident person who strives for a high social status, professional success. This color is often associated with achievements and victories. A person is always ready for serious actions, but at the same time he often does not think about the possible consequences of his decisions. Rejects authority, guided solely by his own opinion.


Favorite color of a rational, conservative person with developed logical thinking. Such people value comfort and harmony in everything. They are distinguished by high punctuality, prefer a clear schedule of life, such a person can be trusted. But sometimes it can talk about the presence of internal anxiety, anxiety.

The psychology of color - the opinion of a famous psychologist in the video:


So, like black, this color is a symbol of success and determination. But people who prefer this color seek solitude, they feel most comfortable alone or in the company of close people. They love work that is not associated with high activity, constant interaction with other people. They can. Sometimes the choice of brown color may indicate an unfulfilled personality, a desire for qualitative changes.


This color is often chosen by demonstrative individuals who love and appreciate attention and care. This trait makes them dependent on the opinions of others, which can have a negative impact on their self-esteem. These people are stubborn and domineering, they like to teach and give advice. At the same time, these are introverts, it is difficult to see their negative traits right away.


The color of friendliness, which is preferred by active impulsive people. Optimists in life, accept all manifestations of life as a necessity. They do not tend to worry over trifles and quickly fall into negative psychological states. Very sociable, their presence is able to cheer up other people.


This color is loved by reliable people who respect their personal space. Pretty closed people, but sometimes this closeness is sham, but in fact, a person wants to become noticeable, and they choose a professional field related to social activities.


The color of bright creative intellectual people. The choice of this color speaks of the strength of the individual, who always strives for new achievements. Such a person is in search of meaning and purpose.


This color is chosen by passionate, but sensitive natures. They strive to always be in the spotlight, while often forgetting about the existence of other people and focusing all attention on themselves. They like to impose their point of view, showing excessive concern.


This color has a deep meaning, symbolizing renewal and strong energy. A person who prefers this color is balanced and restrained, self-confident. They know their worth and know how to use their abilities and capabilities in the right direction.


It is the color of strong inner energy and self-confidence. The choice of red speaks of the desire for victory, where rivalry does not reduce enthusiasm, but causes an even greater desire for superiority. It has high sexual needs and has a strong sexual energy. Has and is able to lead. They strive to live a rich life filled with bright events and new experiences.


The color of optimists, but also often chosen by people prone to escaping from reality and life's difficulties. Very energetic, but these periods of energy are quickly replaced by passivity and unwillingness to act. They love abrupt life changes, they enjoy not the result of these changes, but the process itself.

This is an interesting color combination based on many contrasts. Let's start with the fact that blue, the coldest tone (it also applies to the main ones), is related to green. The latter can be imagined as a mixture of the former with yellow, which in turn is a warm and light shade, unlike the former. Red - the warmest shade, is related to yellow, if it is presented as a mixture of the latter with magenta. Thus, the following contrasts can be viewed: blue + green and yellow + red - temperature opposition, yellow and blue - a significant difference in lightness, red + green - additional tones.
Red, yellow, green - a self-sufficient combination, as it has a natural basis - it is the sun, sky, grass, berries. It is simple and pleasant, giving a good mood and keeping in good shape.

The composition consists of the following shades: white, creamy beige, Yandex color, classic red, cornflower blue and olive green. The palette is permeated with the sun and the joy of life. Complex shades of blue-violet and olive give it piquancy, fragility, and light tones of the background emphasize the main colors.

Soft natural color scheme, consisting of shades: milky white, banana, royal red, blue-gray (blueberry) and bronze. Berry, white and sunny yellow shades come to the fore, which makes the palette contrasting and juicy. Brown color gives calmness and stability to the combination, giving a fabulous charm.

“Show me what color you like, and I will tell you who you are” - this way you can paraphrase a well-known saying and get a first impression of a stranger. Probably, you have often thought about why you like certain colors, and why you do not tolerate others at all?

So, our preferences in choosing colors are a kind of signals of our personality, with the help of which we demonstrate ourselves to others and achieve their assessment. Most of us do this unconsciously, but if we learned to understand the language and psychology of color, then such knowledge would be useful to us not only in everyday life, but also in our professional activities.

Color psychology - what kind of science is it?

- this is such a science in psychology that studies the influence of the psychological impact of color on a person. The way we relate to something reflects our inner world, and color, in this context, is no exception.

According to the famous psychologist Max Luscher, famous as the author of the Luscher Color Test, a person’s choice of a particular color can tell a lot about a person and what type of personality he belongs to. I must say that scientists and psychologists have already divided us, as human beings, into so many types, species and subspecies that the animal world is resting. It is very difficult for an ignorant person to understand and remember this. Therefore, I will try to explain the most important points in a very accessible way, as for myself.

By the way, in my last article you can not only read, but also your personality type, however, without the color preferences of a person.

In different sources, you can find information about 7 or 4 colors, according to which Max Luscher classifies personality types. Let's start with the smallest, so as not to get completely confused, and to understand the most important thing.

Imagine that colored cards of red, blue, yellow and green colors were placed in front of you, and they were asked to arrange them in the following order: first, choose the one whose color causes you pleasant associations, then the one that causes less pleasant associations, and so on. . Which card will you choose first? I am red.

Luscher developed a technique according to which each color - red, blue, yellow and green - corresponds to a certain type of personality. To make it clearer, let's look at the psychology of each color. By the way, such knowledge is professionally owned by specialists in the field of sales, science, medicine and psychology, in the world of beauty and fashion, in the advertising field ...

The psychology of color: what signals does each color give us?

Red color correlates with love, eroticism, excitement, strength, appetite. Red is a living color, the color of energy, excitement and anxiety.

Blue colour correlates with relaxation, peace, seriousness, efficiency, fidelity. It is a symbol of maternal affection, dedication. This is the ideal of harmony and unity.

Yellow correlates with dynamic energy, the color of spiritual development, energyism. It is the brightest and lightest of all the colors of the rainbow. It evokes a feeling of spaciousness, enlightenment, relief and liberation.

Green color correlates with perseverance, constancy, strength, willpower, self-respect, conservatism. Green is the color of balance, passivity.

It is important to mention here that in general, the article does not pretend to be a scientific work, and of course, if you study this topic in depth, you can learn much more about the psychology of not only color, but also its halftones. It's pretty entertaining. In this case, it will be more difficult to determine which color you like in the first place, since you will no longer have to choose from four colors.

And now the most interesting. All of us have already determined which color of the four cards we like the most first, second, third, and generally dislike. And I really want to know how color affects us and what qualities and traits the scientist endowed representatives of each personality type corresponding to a particular color.

Personality Type - Red

A distinctive feature of this type of personality is the desire to conquer, to be successful and constantly confirm it. We can say about such people that they are omnivorous and want to explore the world in all its manifestations. Sometimes such desires do not come from the breadth of nature, but from a feeling of emptiness. And escaping him, a person can put on various masks from a womanizer to an extreme. By the way, this type needs a constant dose of adrenaline more than others.

Red type people are usually very adventurous. Action, movement. solving complex problems at any cost is their element. Sometimes people of this type put themselves under severe self-control, thinking that they are in complete control of the situation.

Outwardly, such people manifest themselves brightly - he must necessarily attract, annoy, excite himself and others. It can be bright jewelry, sparkles, tattoos. Clothing can be extravagant and original.

Personality Type - Blue

Like a fish in water, people still feel better in an atmosphere of entertainment, sex, alcohol, delicious food. Everything that brings peace and relaxation, bodily satisfaction, closeness to nature is ideal for Blue people. It doesn't matter where, as long as in a horizontal position (in a bathhouse, in a deck chair, on a sofa) - a favorite form of relaxation. In intellectual activity, solving crossword puzzles is the limit for him, a carefree life is better.

They are not fond of jewelry, they prefer decency in clothes. A distinctive feature of this type is a passion for everything magical, mystical and unknown. Such people often become lovers of astrology, magic, divination and rituals.

In their home, representatives of the Blue type love natural materials, everything that is closer to nature: wood, stone, textiles, natural materials. They like to collect everything that can be considered and concentrates attention.

Sometimes they are distinguished by increased touchiness, distrust and anxiety. They often hide their emotional life from others. At the same time, they feel a great need for trust from other people. Blue type people are more than others looking for a calm environment, without disagreements, sorrows and worries. They always try to establish and build family, professional and friendly ties that meet his high requirements.

Personality Type - Yellow

They love to create their own world of inventions, illusions and fantasies. Curiosity for everything new, passion for travel, change, dreams of a miracle, expectation of the future are the hallmarks of this personality type. They do not like static in all its manifestations. If they have to choose between the familiar and the new, they will definitely choose the new, the unknown.

The desire for independence and freedom will not be exchanged for anything. They don’t try to build relationships, it’s better to wait until others do it. People of the yellow type are afraid of being misunderstood by others, they are afraid of a feeling of emptiness.

They have a very developed sense of helping another person. Instead of setting the task to such people, it would be best to turn to them for help. And they do an excellent job with this task.

Choosing clothes, people of the Yellow type, first of all, want to be different from others. They have a noticeable narcissism, like to impress.

Personality Type - Green

A distinctive feature of the Green type is the desire to own and have material stability. More than others. This can be achieved by any means. They value very much what has a brand of prestige: a house, a car, a wife, friends, a tie.

The desire for power, manipulation, categoricalness, criticism - manifests itself in any relationship. They can demonstrate their superiority in various ways: care, mercy, showing interest.

Green people have a special predisposition to scrupulous precision. They possess analytical thinking, good memory, clarity of presentation of thoughts, and the ability to analyze. They feel a sense of pride in themselves and in their ability to manage events. Often demand recognition of their merit and expect other people to respect their world of values ​​and way of life.

In clothes, they prefer conservatism and a buttoned top button. Outwardly, they look very restrained.

Now, dear readers, having studied the psychology of color and the personality types corresponding to each color, you may well choose the most suitable for yourself. I'm kidding, of course. In fact, when the classification of personality types is considered, it is always implied that in each of us there are features of all types at the same time. The only question is, in what proportion?

Some of you, after reading the article, may ask the question: why do I need to know all this - color psychology, personality types… In order to better manage our lives and our relationships, and interact more effectively with the people around us. Suppose you now know what type of personality you belong to, and what type of personality your wife (husband), girlfriend (friend) belongs to. You can understand what you can expect, ask and demand, and what, due to the natural qualities of a partner, you will never wait for. And vice versa.

It is very interesting to consider the Luscher color test in relation to the business sector. This is much closer to me than, for example, medicine. It's not that even interesting, but very curious. Because, armed with such information, it will become much easier to build a team, business, relationships.

4 colors of people according to Tom Schreider or 4 secret languages

I have prepared a gift for you - this is a text recording of Tom Schreider's seminar "4 Colors of People According to Tom Schreider or 4 Secret Languages". The speech was prepared for the network business, therefore, for those who are allergic to the network business, just try to translate it to yourself - your place of work or your business. You will see so many useful tips there, which Tom explains in a very simple and accessible language for ordinary people, that you will be surprised and a little concerned that you did not know this before. A couple of days for sure, you will evaluate your circle in terms of red, blue, yellow and green people. But he has amazing observations, sounds a little grotesque, but this is so that we do not forget the main important points.

When selling services, the factor of psychological compatibility of the seller-buyer is more important than ever. At the same time, it should be remembered that your clients are individuals, and they are not the same and can behave differently, as well as make decisions in different ways.

There are many different options for dividing people into psychotypes. In order not to overwhelm you, for convenience, as a working model, we will take the theory of William Morston, according to which people can be divided into 4 types according to four behaviors:

  • Dominant
  • · Proactive
  • Resistant
  • · Conscientious

For clarity, each of them is assigned its own color:

Red - dominant

Green - proactive

Yellow - persistent

Blue - conscientious.

Of course, people are not monochrome, in every person there are all four colors, but one particular one prevails. When communicating with each of these personality types, you should consider their individual characteristics, so it will be much easier for you to close a deal with them than if you used the same approach for all clients.


This is the vast majority of leaders. They are authoritarian, energetic, love and know how to lead, they perceive everything and everyone as opponents, they are obsessed with such words as “result”, “victory”. They speak harshly, clearly, loudly, use short phrases and chopped pointing gestures. Their non-verbal behavior, dress code, office furnishings emphasize their status in every possible way. They are very annoyed by water, if you start loading them, his reaction will be “I ran out of people in my company, there was no one to load? Tell me the essence, and I will understand. The main task of a person of this psychotype is to control his environment. They are very afraid of being used. They love to tell others what to do. In a stressful situation, they dominate and show impatience. They hate the lack of results and excessive control. Decisions are made quickly. They are very determined and direct people. They love to compete and compete. At the same time, they are bad listeners, because. believe that only they have the right answers. If you bring a multi-page commercial offer to such a person, they will say “don’t load me – tell me straight – what will I get if I buy this?”

When communicating with Red, you should limit any conversations to abstract topics and quickly get down to business, focusing on goals and results. He is worried about “what he will get as a result of cooperation with you”, therefore, at the stage of identifying needs, asking him questions, emphasize your concern for the results he wants, and also anticipate his counter questions like: what will it give me?”, “Why should I this is?"

When making a presentation for such a person, focus on efficiency, savings or profit. When he objects to you and expresses doubts, treat his straightforwardness with understanding, show that you want to help him achieve the desired results.

When seeking consent, you need to give him the right to choose - he must make his own decision. When closing a deal with him, you do not need to beat around the bush, use a direct completion - "it looks like this is what you need, if everything is in order and everything suits you - let's start working."

After you have made a deal with him, remember that he expects you to fulfill all agreements strictly in accordance with the agreement reached - for example, delivery on time without delay, etc. By default, he also expects you to either call or visit him in person to confirm the results achieved.


Greens are obsessed with relationships and emotions. Social recognition is important to them. They are afraid of parting, they really need recommendations, and do you have common acquaintances with him and how did you meet him. They like you to refer to those who know you so that they confirm that you are normal and that you can be dealt with. The moment of concluding a deal for him is a fear - how is it that we will part? They are very afraid of being rejected. These people are very talkative, which is good for you as a seller. They are emotional and disorganized. They don’t like complicated details - if you bring such a person a multi-page commercial proposal - they will say “tell me in your own words what it is about.” They do not like to be isolated from communication. Decisions are made based on feelings and emotions. Their strengths are interactivity and persuasiveness, optimism and inspiration.

For a person of this type, it is very important to understand how your service (or the fact that he works with your company) can cause approval from those around him. With these people you need to behave at ease and in a friendly manner, appeal to their feelings and aspirations. Expect them to ask “which customer has already done this with you” and “who in your company will do this for him.” At the stage of identifying needs, you can infect him with enthusiasm by asking open-ended questions to which you will receive very exhaustive, often emotional answers. When giving a presentation to him, emphasize that he will not have to put in much effort and talk about how he will look good in the eyes of others. When he raises doubts and objections, treat them with empathy “I understand you perfectly, if I were you I would feel the same way.” As evidence, give examples of the success of your other clients.

When seeking agreement to conclude a contract, use the most gentle approach, do not press, share with him your ideas about further possible actions.

After the contract is concluded, this person expects you to act to minimize his efforts and that you will eliminate any complications that arise. It is very important for him that in case of any problems you are responsive and open.


Yellow, as a rule, people of such a profession as a nurse, personal assistant, educator, teacher. They love to take care of others. They try in every possible way to avoid any conflicts, they love security and stability. They are very afraid of sudden changes and a sense of danger. We are ready to support you. In a stressful situation, they show conformity and indecision. Can't stand disorder and impatience. Decisions are made slowly, unhurriedly.

As a buyer, they respond to confidence in stability and your personal attention. Their strengths are consistency, loyalty, team orientation, and being good listeners. They limit themselves by lack of directness and avoidance of conflicts, as well as slowness in changes and movements.

For such a person, it is important that you improve his results step by step, while maintaining the existing stability. Be informal with him, move towards your goal gently but persistently. When identifying needs, focus on those issues that will show him that you care about completing tasks and establishing relationships. Often you will have to dig around to discover his real worries. Expect questions from him: “how to do this?”, “How to achieve this?”

When giving him a presentation, emphasize that by working with you he can keep the environment predictable and harmonious. By answering his objections, as well as the green one, show that you understand his feelings, offer him constant support,

When seeking his consent to conclude a deal, offer him a step-by-step plan of action.

After the deal is closed, your personal attention is very important for this person, and your availability so that he can call you at any time and get your support. He expects you to visit him regularly (to find out how he is doing) to ensure the stability that he dreams of.


The blue ones are the people of logic. Most often, these are IT specialists, accountants, analysts, techies. They are relatively slow to make decisions because they always feel like they don't have enough data to make a decision. They need proof in terms of logic. If you bring them a commercial offer for 240 pages, they will read everything and say that you have an error on page 78. They want to figure everything out before making a decision.

They love accuracy and order in everything. Their main fears are unfounded personal criticism and any violation of standards. They are very cautious, and in a stressful situation can be stubborn. They hate disorganization and lack of explanation. Decisions are made on the basis of long thoughtful analysis.

Their strength is systematic, analysis and good preparation. Their disadvantages are that excessive analysis, focus on small things, their desire to figure everything out on their own before starting to work, and cautious movements can often paralyze all activities.

Remember that for such a person it is important first of all to prove the successful use of your services. Be logical and specific with him, get down to business quickly, but tactfully. Keep your distance from him. Let him be the expert himself. Keep a businesslike style of communication. When identifying needs, ask questions that would allow him to show his knowledge, strategies, fears. Expect lots of “why” questions from him. Making a presentation for him. Emphasize the accuracy, logic, and quality of your proposed solution. If he begins to raise objections and concerns, give him as much information as possible, use more logic and less emotions, provide evidence to convince him.

When closing a deal with him, remember his need for logical action, clarify his priorities, and give him time to think.

After the deal is closed, he expects specific guarantees of reliability, periodic correspondence and reporting from you.

© Radmilo Lukich, Evgeniy Kolotilov 2012