Day of the Battle of Borodino (1812). Day of the Battle of Borodino (1812) Description of the holiday and traditions of the meeting

The Battle of Borodino became an event that is known far beyond Russia. Napoleon considered this battle his greatest battle.


The Day of Military Glory of Russia was recognized as an official holiday in March 1995, established by the law “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia.” The days of military glory include the dates of victories of the Russian armed forces, which played an outstanding role in Russian chronicles.

The Battle of Borodino became the largest battle that took place during the Patriotic War in 1812, among the Russian and French armies under the leadership of M. I. Kutuzov and Napoleon I Bonaparte. In France it is known as the Battle of the Moscow River.

During the 12-hour battle, the French were able to capture the Russians' location, but at the end of the battle, Napoleon's army returned to its original positions.

This battle is considered the bloodiest among all one-day battles. Following the documentation of the RGVIA, the Russian army lost 39,300 military personnel, including killed, missing and wounded. But due to the inaccuracy of this data, historians believe that this is 44-45 thousand people.

The exact number of deaths on the side of the French army is unknown, since the documentation was burned during the army's retreat. Most scientists are inclined to believe that this is about 40 thousand military personnel.

Modern historians consider the outcome of the Battle of Borodino to be uncertain, because none of the commanders achieved the desired result. The main achievement of the battle was the unsuccessful victory over the Russian army in the conditions of the Russian campaign; the absence of this victory determined the unequivocal defeat of the French.


To honor the memory of all those who died during the Battle of Borodino, it is customary to lay flowers at memorial monuments on this day. Military-historical holidays are held on anniversaries. The first holiday was held during the reign of Nicholas I. The holiday ends with the giving of military honors.

On the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, a liturgy was held in the Vladimir Cathedral of the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery, and a religious procession was also organized to the main monument, where a memorial service for the victims was held.

Every year, since 1839, battle reconstructions take place on the Borodino field. Since 1962, Borodin Day has been held every year on the first Sunday of September, changing its thematic line.

For schoolchildren, there are two military-historical holidays on the Borodino field with a reconstruction of the route of the Russian army. They are designed to introduce you to the history of the battle, life and weapons of that time.

The international military-historical festival "Borodin Day 2017" starts today in the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region. It will take place over two days. According to the organizers of the festival, a rehearsal will take place today, and tomorrow there will be a large-scale reconstruction of episodes from the battle, which Napoleon called the “battle of the giants.”

The festival will be attended by 1.5 thousand reenactors from Russia, Belarus, Germany, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and France. For the first time, it will host a reconstruction of episodes of the battle for the Shevardinsky redoubt. The best guards regiments will be presented on both sides, and the entire guard of Emperor Alexander I will be shown.


27.06.2019, 10:13

Satanovsky: simple schemes do not work in Georgia

They did not work, do not work and will not work. This is several centuries of close interaction, commercial, human, whatever you want. This is a mass of people, the color of culture and history. Prince Bagration - he was also not Chinese. “This is a huge number of people with serious infringement of the testicles, who at all times sincerely believed that if it weren’t for these damned ones - Istanbul, Moscow, it doesn’t matter who! - then they would!.. Moreover, in Georgia, where every second one is a prince who knows that in the next gorge

24.06.2019, 11:37

Mikheev: both sides are to blame for the conflict between Georgia and Russia

“I understand the whole essence of the conflict between Georgia and Russia. It lies in the war in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But in these conflicts, at least both sides are to blame,” said the host of the “Iron Logic” program, independent political scientist Sergei Mikheev, live.

The international military-historical festival “Borodin Day 2017” is taking place in the Mozhaisk region, reports a correspondent of the “360” TV channel. The event is dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the battle.

The first clash between French and Russian troops went down in history as the battle for the Shevardinsky redoubt.

The highest point of the Moscow region - it was precisely this that Napoleon intended to capture in order to assess the terrain and the location of the Russian troops from the hill. The battle begins with a cavalry attack.

The light infantry of the Russian Imperial Army repels the attack. But Napoleonic troops respond with fire.

The Shevardinsky redoubt passes to the French, they seize some of the weapons. But reinforcements come from the rear of Kutuzov’s army, the troops resist, the heights change hands. At the end of the day, the Russian command decides to withdraw the troops, giving the positions to the enemy. Losses on both sides were 6 thousand people. The real Russian-French battle lasted a day. The current tribe finished in an hour.

For the first time in history, neither Napoleon nor Kutuzov are participating in the reconstruction of the main battle of the Patriotic War of 1812. Rumor has it that the actors are sick. The official version is that they simply weren’t in this episode.

We have never imagined the Shevardinsky battle. Therefore, on our anniversary we decided to present this

- Alexander Valkovich, Russian commander.

The best guards regiments and the entire old guard of Emperor Alexander I. On the side of France - an international team - from Russia, Belarus, Germany, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and France are participating in the reconstruction.

We communicate, explain the script in Russian. But when we command in formation, we command in French

- Oleg Sokolov, French infantry commander.

The reconstruction of the battle for the Shevardinsky redoubt is only a small part of the festival. Until September 8, Borodino lives according to the laws of 1812. Throughout the festival, historical authenticity is maintained even in everyday life.

The organization of the event was undertaken by the International Military Historical Association and the Russian Military Historical Society.

According to Governor Andrei Vorobyov, historical heritage will continue to be preserved and promoted in the Moscow region.

We must remember the heritage of the Moscow region that we inherited and cherish it. And we will continue to promote it. Our task is to make sure that the museums and tourist routes of the region are in demand

- Andrey Vorobiev.

Military-historical holidays on the Borodino field have been held since 1839. Since 1962, Borodin Day has been celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Since 1995, it has been considered an All-Russian military-historical holiday.

“Borodin Day”, as part of European cultural events, is on a par with such holidays as the “Battle of the Three Emperors” at Austerlitz (Czech Republic), the “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig (Germany) and the “Battle of Waterloo” (Belgium).

“The roads of past wars lead to peace!” — it was under this motto that the Borodino Day International Military History Festival was held at the Borodino Field Museum-Reserve. The two-day festival program immersed guests in an era of glory and delight, and the exciting reconstruction surprised the most sophisticated history buffs.

The festival was organized jointly with the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) and the International Military Historical Association (IMIA).

For several days, interactive platforms were open for visitors to the museum-reserve - Russian and French camps. Reenactors arrived at the site several days in advance and thoroughly prepared for the battle. Costumes, weapons and equipment are fully consistent with the era. You could try it on, touch it, and even take a photo in a shako and with a musket - complete immersion in the era of the Napoleonic wars.

On September 2, at the Officers' Assembly Cultural and Leisure Center, a ceremonial handover of the panel created by students of the Timiryazev Children's Art School of Moscow, Elena Bogdanova and Anatoly Timashev, took place. The Patriotic War of 1812 is widely reflected in works of art of various genres. Following this tradition, the art school was actively preparing for the anniversary of the Battle of Borodino as a tribute to the memory and a sign of gratitude of the modern younger generation to our heroic ancestors.

The ceramic panel is made using the technique of overglaze multi-layer hand painting. Such work made it possible to select colors and convey numerous small details of the central part of the project and details of the uniform of Russian soldiers in the upper and lower rows of the panels. Ceramic tiles measuring 20 x 25 and 20 x 30 cm were taken as the basis.

On September 3, the Borodino Field Museum-Reserve was recognized as the Best Military History Museum. This title was given to the museum by the Russian Military Historical Society. Museums receive it for achieving attendance, growth in extra-budgetary income and the number of events. Vladislav Kononov, executive director of the Russian Historical Museum and director of the museum Igor Valerievich Korneev together unveiled a memorial plaque on the building of the main exhibition “Glory forever, Borodino!”

The ceremonies held at the monument to the “Dead of the Great Army” in Shevardino and at the Main Monument on the Raevsky Battery were attended by representatives of five embassies, including Defense Attaché of the French Embassy Eric Kunzelmann. The attaché presented the painting as a gift to the museum.

The most exciting and anticipated spectacle of Borodin Day is the military-historical reconstruction. This year, about 1.2 thousand Russians, Belarusians, Belgians, Czechs, Germans, British and French took part in it. For the first time, spectators were shown a rearguard battle near the village of Shevardino. According to Alexander Mikhailovich Valkovich, president of the International Military Historical Association, the Shevardin battle was never presented to the public. On the anniversary date, they decided to demonstrate this particular episode of the Battle of Borodino. And for good reason – the audience was delighted! Boys and girls looked in fascination at the graceful horses, fearless hussars and brave cuirassiers.

Over the course of two days, several thousand people visited the Borodino field. However, the anniversary celebrations do not end there. The XXI International Scientific Conference “Patriotic War of 1812” is still ahead. Sources. Monuments. Problems" and the ceremonial events of the Day of Military Glory of Russia.

(Photo by A. Zhuchkov)

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