Olga Valenteeva - Faculty of Monsters. Rake for the professor

Olga Valenteeva

Faculty of Monsters. Rake for the professor


© O. Valenteeva, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

New rules

Good day. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alanel er Dageor. Just a year ago I was a traveling comedian, and today I am already a full professor at the Kardem Magic Academy. Sometimes it is called the monster academy.

What to hide? My students are truly unusual people. Each of them has their own magical anomalies. The danger is that they cannot always control them.

How did I manage to become a professor? It's a long story, and I don't like to repeat myself. Let me just say that the two terms of the school year turned out to be much more eventful than my whole life, and the third threatened to surpass them.

It all started out quite harmlessly. After the first class, Professor Avers, acting rector, called the entire teaching staff into the common room. We were perplexed - why? There were different assumptions. Who said that new objects would be put on us? Who - what Aversa was appointed rector. I didn't believe either one or the other. He was just waiting for him to show up.

He was ten minutes late. I walked in, out of breath, and from my friend’s face I realized that something had happened.

“Good morning,” he stood up at the pulpit. – Sorry for the wait, but there was a good reason. Dear colleagues, we all remember recent events that have called into question the safety of our students. Fortunately, we were able to prevent the disaster in time.

How to prevent it! Two students from my group almost died, but the management should give a damn. I had to think about their safety myself. I recruited the nugs, the invisible workers of the dormitory, to secretly look after the motley group of six students left. Lizzie never returned, her fate remained a mystery to me.

“I replaced rector Liter for three months,” Avers continued. “But finally today I can return to the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Magical Anomalies.” His Serene Highness signed the appointment, and in the morning our new rector arrived at the academy. I have the honor to introduce you to Mr. Kirimus der Garden.

A guy about my age entered the hall. The appearance was so remarkable that the female half of the professors began to diligently straighten the frills on their dresses and the collars of their robes. Tall, fair-haired, handsome, I would say. He flew up behind the pulpit, and Avers made room. It turned out that the rector's eyes were different colors. One is blue, like the spring sky. The other is brown, almost black. His gaze made me feel somehow uneasy, and I regretted that old Avers would no longer run the academy.

“I’m glad to see you,” Garden smiled, but his smile did not inspire confidence. – From today I will be the rector of this wonderful educational institution. While you were seeing off the first couple, I had time to look around and even stand under the doors of some classrooms.

A half-whisper, half-sigh swept through the hall.

“Yes, yes, that’s right,” the rector nodded. – I was informed that Rector Liter had little involvement with the academy and its staff. I can say one thing: this will not happen again. From this moment on, I am establishing order in the academy. I promise, the control will be strict. If someone is not satisfied with my innovations, he can quit. And if someone does not suit me, I will sign the dismissal order myself.

We exchanged glances with Elena, my sister and part-time curator of the second group of the Faculty of Anomalistics. It seems that my sister, like me, did not like this dandy. But Peter, her fiancé, looked calm. Even too much.

- Do you know each other? – he elbowed him.

- No. Why do you think so? - he asked.

-You don't look surprised.

“I've seen a lot of different people, Al. And there is nothing strange about the rector.

Is there anything strange? I would argue. At first glance, the rector seemed like a sweetheart. We know such people, we have seen them. This is the case when you look under the mask of everyone’s favorite and you see a vile, unpleasant person reveling in his problems.

“His Lordship of the Crown allowed me to do everything so that the academy flourishes,” Garden continued in the meantime. “And I will do it, the goddess sees.” One more news. Initially, it was not planned to introduce practical training in the first year. But I insisted and received consent that each last week of the month be devoted to practical tasks. Your students will receive assignments in different parts of Arantia. You will travel with them and keep an eye on them so that they don’t do anything wrong. Any questions? No? That's okay. You can return to classes, the class has begun.

Eh, old Avers! These sciences were given to you. How many times have I begged the deputy dean to write a letter asking him to leave him in his position. No, he was still stubborn. And what have we come to? Some dandy decided that he knew how to make Kardem Academy ideal without spending a single day there.

He didn't inspire confidence in me. I didn’t suggest it - that’s all. I was already walking towards the exit when the new rector called out to me:

– Professor er Dageor!

My sister and I turned around at the same time. Since my pretense was revealed, it has become more difficult - as soon as one of the students calls Professor Dageor, Elena and I both answer.

“Two words,” Garden caught up with us.

- Me or her? – he clarified gloomily.

“Both,” he answered too cheerfully.

We passed a series of corridors, a staircase and found ourselves in front of the door of the rector's office. I've been here often lately, helping Avers sort out his pile of cases. It will be difficult to get used to the fact that the owner of the office has changed.

Garden pushed the door and we entered. He plopped down at the table without inviting us to sit down. Insolent boy. Arrogant. My hands were itching to play some trick on him. And God knows, if he continues in the same spirit, I will decide to do it.

“Professors,” even sitting, he managed to look down on us, “His Serene Highness the High Priest brought me up to date and told me about the specifics of the situation that happened at the academy three months ago. This won't happen with me. You are ultimately responsible for the safety of students. And for their every action. How you control them is up to you, but remember: if they cross the line, they will not be the only ones responsible.

– It would be better to take care of the security system! – I couldn’t stand it.

– Who told you that no measures have been taken? – the rector arched a thin eyebrow. – No one will report to regular professors. And especially by former comedians. I have studied your personal file. The present, Professor Alanel. To put it mildly, I'm not happy. I don’t understand what motivates his Serene Highness, but remember, you are receiving special attention.

I wanted to slam his face on the table. Only Elena's presence held him back. Another time somewhere in the future somehow another time sometime later. I said a restrained goodbye and flew out of the office.

No, well, this is necessary, what an impudent man! I am sure that if you delve into his biography, you will also find many unpleasant facts. It’s a pity that we can’t show the new rector his place. Although, just his position leaves no questions. What about mine? The priest left me at the academy out of mercy. Moreover, he was afraid that his precious Prince Lenore would run away somewhere. He can. Over the past months I have realized what a headache Lenore can be. Imagining that my mentor’s order obliges me to fulfill his every whim, the boy could show up in my room at midnight and demand an explanation of an intricate illusion or an incomprehensible line from a textbook. I had to remind them that professors are people too, they are supposed to sleep. And not only to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of students.

It helped, but not for long. And Lenore appeared again, often in the company of classmates. Most often Denis came with him. Unlike his talkative comrade, the clawed one was silent and only listened. However, I managed to get used to his difficult character.

Eh, it’s a pity that I don’t have the abilities of the twins Curtis and Carrie, otherwise I would blow up the rector’s office and write it off as a naughty anomaly. Maybe hint to them that the rector offended his beloved curator? Carrie will be the first to leave him with nothing but ashes. But I feel sorry for the students. They will be kicked out of the academy for nothing.

Easy to remember. Explosions loomed at the end of the corridor. Curtis was carrying a pile of textbooks, and his fiery sister was carrying only a light purse.

“Professor Al,” they smiled joyfully.

I had to let them call me that. Otherwise, the confusion with Elena would become unbearable. But only when there were no other professors nearby.

- Something happened? “Carrie was the first to sense my anxiety.

“Not really,” I decided not to turn the guys against the rector. - Our leadership has changed. I think that soon the new rector will gather you and introduce himself.

“Wow,” the explosive clasped her hands. - How old is he? He is beautiful?

It says it's a girl.

“The guy is just like a guy,” he shrugged, sympathizing with the straining Curtis, who stood shifting from foot to foot. - Peculiar. A little narcissistic, but who cares?

Good day. Let me introduce myself. My name is Alanel er Dageor. Just a year ago I was a traveling comedian, and today I am already a full professor at the Kardem Magic Academy. Sometimes it is called the monster academy.

What to hide? My students are truly unusual people. Each of them has their own magical anomalies. The danger is that they cannot always control them.

How did I manage to become a professor? It's a long story, and I don't like to repeat myself. Let me just say that the two terms of the school year turned out to be much more eventful than my whole life, and the third threatened to surpass them.

It all started out quite harmlessly. After the first class, Professor Avers, acting rector, called the entire teaching staff into the common room. We were perplexed - why? There were different assumptions. Who said that new objects would be put on us? Who - what Aversa was appointed rector. I didn't believe either one or the other. He was just waiting for him to show up.

He was ten minutes late. I walked in, out of breath, and from my friend’s face I realized that something had happened.

“Good morning,” he stood up at the pulpit. – Sorry for the wait, but there was a good reason. Dear colleagues, we all remember recent events that have called into question the safety of our students. Fortunately, we were able to prevent the disaster in time.

How to prevent it! Two students from my group almost died, but the management should give a damn. I had to think about their safety myself. I recruited the nugs, the invisible workers of the dormitory, to secretly look after the motley group of six students left. Lizzie never returned, her fate remained a mystery to me.

“I replaced rector Liter for three months,” Avers continued. “But finally today I can return to the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Magical Anomalies.” His Serene Highness signed the appointment, and in the morning our new rector arrived at the academy. I have the honor to introduce you to Mr. Kirimus der Garden.

A guy about my age entered the hall. The appearance was so remarkable that the female half of the professors began to diligently straighten the frills on their dresses and the collars of their robes. Tall, fair-haired, handsome, I would say. He flew up behind the pulpit, and Avers made room. It turned out that the rector's eyes were different colors. One is blue, like the spring sky. The other is brown, almost black. His gaze made me feel somehow uneasy, and I regretted that old Avers would no longer run the academy.

“I’m glad to see you,” Garden smiled, but his smile did not inspire confidence. – From today I will be the rector of this wonderful educational institution. While you were seeing off the first couple, I had time to look around and even stand under the doors of some classrooms.

A half-whisper, half-sigh swept through the hall.

“Yes, yes, that’s right,” the rector nodded. – I was informed that Rector Liter had little involvement with the academy and its staff. I can say one thing: this will not happen again. From this moment on, I am establishing order in the academy. I promise, the control will be strict. If someone is not satisfied with my innovations, he can quit. And if someone does not suit me, I will sign the dismissal order myself.

We exchanged glances with Elena, my sister and part-time curator of the second group of the Faculty of Anomalistics. It seems that my sister, like me, did not like this dandy. But Peter, her fiancé, looked calm. Even too much.

- Do you know each other? – he elbowed him.

- No. Why do you think so? - he asked.

-You don't look surprised.

“I've seen a lot of different people, Al. And there is nothing strange about the rector.

Is there anything strange? I would argue. At first glance, the rector seemed like a sweetheart. We know such people, we have seen them. This is the case when you look under the mask of everyone’s favorite and you see a vile, unpleasant person reveling in his problems.

“His Lordship of the Crown allowed me to do everything so that the academy flourishes,” Garden continued in the meantime. “And I will do it, the goddess sees.” One more news. Initially, it was not planned to introduce practical training in the first year. But I insisted and received consent that each last week of the month be devoted to practical tasks. Your students will receive assignments in different parts of Arantia. You will travel with them and keep an eye on them so that they don’t do anything wrong. Any questions? No? That's okay. You can return to classes, the class has begun.

Eh, old Avers! These sciences were given to you. How many times have I begged the deputy dean to write a letter asking him to leave him in his position. No, he was still stubborn. And what have we come to? Some dandy decided that he knew how to make Kardem Academy ideal without spending a single day there.

He didn't inspire confidence in me. I didn’t suggest it - that’s all. I was already walking towards the exit when the new rector called out to me:

– Professor er Dageor!

My sister and I turned around at the same time. Since my pretense was revealed, it has become more difficult - as soon as one of the students calls Professor Dageor, Elena and I both answer.

“Two words,” Garden caught up with us.

- Me or her? – he clarified gloomily.

“Both,” he answered too cheerfully.

We passed a series of corridors, a staircase and found ourselves in front of the door of the rector's office. I've been here often lately, helping Avers sort out his pile of cases. It will be difficult to get used to the fact that the owner of the office has changed.

Garden pushed the door and we entered. He plopped down at the table without inviting us to sit down. Insolent boy. Arrogant. My hands were itching to play some trick on him. And God knows, if he continues in the same spirit, I will decide to do it.

“Professors,” even sitting, he managed to look down on us, “His Serene Highness the High Priest brought me up to date and told me about the specifics of the situation that happened at the academy three months ago. This won't happen with me. You are ultimately responsible for the safety of students. And for their every action. How you control them is up to you, but remember: if they cross the line, they will not be the only ones responsible.

– It would be better to take care of the security system! – I couldn’t stand it.

– Who told you that no measures have been taken? – the rector arched a thin eyebrow. – No one will report to regular professors. And especially by former comedians. I have studied your personal file. The present, Professor Alanel. To put it mildly, I'm not happy. I don’t understand what motivates his Serene Highness, but remember, you are receiving special attention.

I wanted to slam his face on the table. Only Elena's presence held him back. Another time somewhere in the future somehow another time sometime later. I said a restrained goodbye and flew out of the office.

No, well, this is necessary, what an impudent man! I am sure that if you delve into his biography, you will also find many unpleasant facts. It’s a pity that we can’t show the new rector his place. Although, just his position leaves no questions. What about mine? The priest left me at the academy out of mercy. Moreover, he was afraid that his precious Prince Lenore would run away somewhere. He can. Over the past months I have realized what a headache Lenore can be. Imagining that my mentor’s order obliges me to fulfill his every whim, the boy could show up in my room at midnight and demand an explanation of an intricate illusion or an incomprehensible line from a textbook. I had to remind them that professors are people too, they are supposed to sleep. And not only to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of students.

It helped, but not for long. And Lenore appeared again, often in the company of classmates. Most often Denis came with him. Unlike his talkative comrade, the clawed one was silent and only listened. However, I managed to get used to his difficult character.

Eh, it’s a pity that I don’t have the abilities of the twins Curtis and Carrie, otherwise I would blow up the rector’s office and write it off as a naughty anomaly. Maybe hint to them that the rector offended his beloved curator? Carrie will be the first to leave him with nothing but ashes. But I feel sorry for the students. They will be kicked out of the academy for nothing.

Faculty of Monsters. Rake for the professor Olga Valenteeva

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Title: Faculty of Monsters. Rake for the professor

About the book “Faculty of Monsters. A rake for a professor" Olga Valenteeva

Life at Kardem Academy goes on as usual. But something strange is going on within its walls. It’s okay, I, Professor Alanel er Dageor, will figure it out! And no one can stop me - neither enemies, nor the new rector, nor suddenly... love.

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