City surveillance system safe city. Safe City

More than 70 thousand intercom IP video surveillance systems BEWARD and more than 15 thousand high-speed dome IP cameras BEWARD installed in the “Safe City” project on multi-apartment residential buildings in Moscow.

Objective of the project:
In 2011, the Department of Information Technologies of the Moscow Government held competitions for the provision of . The goal of the program is to comprehensively ensure the safety of city residents. The National Cable Networks (NCN) company, one of the leading telecom operators, won tenders for the provision of video surveillance services in three administrative districts of the capital - North-East, South-West and North-West. For the hardware base, NKS chose the equipment BEWARD- a leading Russian manufacturer in the security market.

Yard video surveillance
An IP camera was chosen for the yard video surveillance project BEWARD BD75-1-VP dome design. The video module of this camera using a high-resolution 960H matrix from SONY, mounted on a high-speed rotary device. The camera provides comprehensive 360° continuous panning and smooth tracking even at high magnification. In low light conditions, the camera sensitivity can be automatically increased many times over (matrix charge accumulation mode). This ensures 24/7 video surveillance, even in difficult and rapidly changing lighting conditions. The special design of the camera body and mount ensures not only ease of installation, but also resistance to external factors such as humidity or dust. Anti-vandal clear dome can withstand high impact loads, reducing the threat of IP camera coming out BEWARD BD75-1P malfunction as a result of the actions of intruders.

Entrance video surveillance
Especially for the entrance video surveillance project, the engineers of NPP Bevard LLC developed a set of IP video surveillance system, which consists of a high-resolution street anti-vandal video camera, a video signal transmission and encoding system. The video camera is equipped with a built-in panic button, speaker and microphone with the ability to connect to duplex audio communication systems. Thanks to this, remote visual and audio monitoring of the installation sites of video devices can be organized. At the same time, the camera power and signal transmission produced on one twisted pair without loss of quality at a distance of up to 150 meters. At night, powerful IR illumination is turned on, based on third-generation LEDs. Unlike standard video intercoms, the wide angle of illumination and the presence of LED feedback to the photosensitive element of the camera allows you to avoid flare and provide a uniform, high-quality image throughout the entire field of view of the camera, even in the complete absence of lighting.

All information received from CCTV cameras is transmitted to the Data Processing Center (DPC) in Moscow. Video coding system BEWARD provides maximum compression efficiency with minimal quality loss, which allows you to store a huge amount of video information for a long time.

Company BEWARD has once again proven its ability not only to develop and test an innovative high-tech product in the shortest possible time, but also to ensure careful quality control during mass production, which has already been proven by the uninterrupted operation of this equipment as part of a huge-scale video surveillance system, approaching one hundred thousand video channels.

Photo gallery

Installed video cameras:

We present the contents and priorities of the “Safe City” program adopted in Moscow for 2012–2016, from a first person perspective. Vasily Vasilyevich Oleynik, first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Regional Security, says:

V.V. Oleinik
First Deputy
Head of the Department
regional security
Moscow cities

– 2011 was marked by increased attention of the Moscow leadership to ensuring the security of residents, property and business security. Please tell us about the priority areas of activity of the Moscow government in the field of security issues in 2011.
– The Moscow government pays attention to issues of ensuring the safety of the city and its residents and takes targeted comprehensive measures in this area.

First of all, a lot is being done to maintain a decent standard of living for Muscovites and the stability of all spheres of the city’s life. The important task of creating an effective security system in the capital, capable of fending off existing and predicted threats to the city, including reducing crime, is being steadily solved. A system has been built to prevent crime, primarily among minors, youth, and other categories of citizens. The city authorities are working to strengthen interethnic and interreligious harmony and prevent extremist manifestations.

Currently, the joint activities of the Moscow government, law enforcement agencies and the public in the field of law enforcement and the fight against crime have made it possible to achieve some reduction in crime in the city. In 2011, the decrease in crime in Moscow compared to 2010 was 6.6%. The number of serious crimes such as murders, robberies and assaults has decreased. The number of burglaries decreased by 21.6%. The number of crimes committed by foreign citizens decreased by 25.8%.

At the same time, there are still many unresolved tasks in ensuring the safety of the city and its residents. The number of extremist crimes has increased. Existing threats of a criminogenic, terrorist, man-made and natural nature require increased efforts to ensure the protection of residents, city facilities, strengthen law and order and actively combat crime.

In September 2011, the State Program of the City of Moscow “Safe City” for 2012–2016 was adopted. The result of the program should first of all be a real increase in the level of safety of the city and its residents.

– What are the contents and priorities of the approved “Safe City” program for 2012–2016?
– “Safe City” program for 2012–2016. is a comprehensive, large-scale program. It consists of four subroutines. Each of them contains measures aimed both at countering specific types of crimes and security threats, and at strengthening the material and technical base, equipping all security entities with modern information systems.

First subroutine– ensuring law and order and crime prevention. The bulk of the funds will go towards it – 62%. To achieve goals and solve problems in the fight against crime, it is planned to implement in 2012–2016. a whole range of measures. Activities are planned for:

  1. combating organized crime;
  2. prevention of grave and especially grave crimes (a reduction of this type of crime is expected by 10–15%);
  3. strengthening public safety in the residential sector, on the streets, in places of public gathering and recreation for citizens;
  4. prevention and suppression of economic crimes.

As a result of the measures taken, a reduction in the criminalization of the economy is expected by 20–25%. The subprogram provides for the creation of security systems in public places, such as the subway, railway stations, bus stations, stadiums and other facilities.

In accordance with the subprogram, it is also planned to equip up to 60–65% of transport infrastructure, urban services, social services and sports, unique, high-rise and underground structures, places with large numbers of people, with engineering and technical means of safety and anti-terrorism protection.

Second subroutine– prevention of emergency situations. The expected results of its implementation should be:

  1. annual reduction in the number of fires by 2%;
  2. equipping fire departments of the Federal Fire Service, fire and rescue units and emergency rescue units in the city, volunteer fire departments with modern equipment up to 75% by 2016;
  3. equipping the Moscow Civil Defense Department and fire departments with modern communication and data transmission systems up to 98% by 2016, etc.

Third subroutine– mobilization preparation of the Moscow city economy. The subprogram is aimed at:

  1. carrying out maintenance of systems and equipment of mobilization facilities;
  2. replacement of equipment and property that have served their established periods at mobilization facilities and resolving other issues in this area.

Fourth subroutine– prevention and suppression of crimes in the field of migration legislation. The subprogram provides for the implementation of a set of measures for:

  1. eliminating the socio-economic foundations of illegal migration;
  2. improving the legal regulatory framework in the field of migration;
  3. creation and updating of a regional data bank for registering foreign citizens temporarily or permanently residing in Moscow;
  4. returning home migrants illegally staying in the city.

Efforts will be stepped up to suppress the illegal activities of organizations providing illegal intermediary services in employment, documentation, legalization of foreign citizens, as well as agencies and organizations inviting foreign citizens to the Russian Federation and providing deliberately false information about their everyday life and housing arrangements.

This subprogram provides:

  • an annual reduction by 10–12% in the number of foreign citizens arriving in the city in violation of current legislation;
  • an annual increase of 10–15% in the number of foreign workers legally carrying out their labor activities for individuals;
  • an annual decrease of 1.5–2% in the number of crimes committed by nonresidents and foreign citizens.

A special feature of the “Safe City” program is the active involvement of the public in ensuring safety in the metropolis, primarily in crime prevention. Currently, there are 765 strongholds of law enforcement in Moscow. Over 20 thousand citizens work there - these are, as a rule, former law enforcement officers and active Muscovites. The Moscow People's Squad, numbering over 20 thousand people, is active. This is a significant force

– How do you plan to improve approaches to strengthening road safety? What work is being done in the field of automatic traffic control systems and complexes of photo and video recording of violations?
– The Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the City of Moscow has developed a state program for the city of Moscow “Development of the transport system of the city of Moscow for 2012–2016,” which includes a subprogram “Organization of traffic in the city. Creation of an intelligent transport system.”

The Safe City program provides specific measures to ensure road safety. Particular attention will be paid to equipping all controlled pedestrian crossings in the city with communication warning systems, and transport interchanges with automatic de-icing systems for road surfaces. The network of traffic light facilities, road signs and billboards, supports and signs will be further developed. It is planned to build and reconstruct 680 traffic light facilities. The implementation of the program will make it possible to annually reduce by 2–3% the number of road accidents and fatalities, as well as the number of administrative offenses in the field of road safety compared to 2010.

– Tell us separately about the plans and tasks for equipping streets and other public places with video surveillance systems. What key tasks will be solved? How will this system be organized for effective monitoring?
– Today in the city there are a large number of video cameras of various types and with different quality of the resulting image. More than 86 thousand entrances of residential buildings are equipped with video surveillance systems. Information from video cameras in the residential sector and crowded places goes to the operational control center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow. About 2.5 thousand video cameras are installed at the city's sports facilities, which monitor the territory, spectator stands, and auxiliary premises. However, the quality of video information does not always allow law enforcement agencies to use it to solve crimes.

Currently, a set of measures is being carried out to ensure, starting from 2012, a phased transfer of the city’s video surveillance system to operation according to a “service model”, which involves two technological levels:

  1. level of a single center for storing video surveillance data;
  2. service operator level.

A unified data storage center will ensure the collection, storage, processing of video information, regulated access to it by users, information interaction with video surveillance subsystems of other city and departmental systems, including the city’s intelligent transport system.

Operators of video surveillance services will ensure continuous, round-the-clock operation of video surveillance systems in their area of ​​responsibility, as well as prompt access to them from a single center. The entrances of residential buildings and intra-block areas of the residential sector, public places of citizens, areas adjacent to potentially dangerous objects, and city educational facilities will be equipped with high-quality video surveillance equipment.

It is expected that the video surveillance system being created will raise the quality of video information, the speed of its processing and the response of relevant structures to significant events to a new level through the introduction of intelligent systems. This will significantly increase the detection of crimes using CCTV cameras - up to 30–35% by the end of 2016. This is the European level.

– What is the main task of modernizing video surveillance systems in the city?
– The main task of modernizing video surveillance systems is to increase the level of security for city residents through the use of modern information and communication technologies.

The key requirements for the equipment and services of the performers are determined by the state customer for the provision of video surveillance services - the Moscow Department of Information Technologies. He has already developed and agreed with the Department of Regional Security of the City of Moscow, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, the Federal Security Service of Russia for Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Federal Security Service of Russia technical specifications, installation locations for CCTV cameras, procedures and criteria for acceptance of work.

– Is foreign experience in implementing “Safe City” programs being studied? What positive international practices do you consider useful for Moscow?
– More than 30 city executive authorities (departments, committees, administrations) and a number of public organizations actively participated in the development of the program.

Experts from federal territorial law enforcement agencies were involved in the preparation of the draft program, including the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Directorate of Transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Central Federal District, Office of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control in Moscow, Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow, Office of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow, other law enforcement agencies and public organizations in Moscow.

When developing the program, foreign experience was taken into account. We studied the experience of American, European and Asian colleagues in ensuring technical security of social, sports, cultural and urban facilities. The implementation of the Safe City program will really increase the security of city facilities and the personal safety of every Muscovite.

Safe City- a multifunctional complex for providing security and intelligent control over urban infrastructure, developed by our partner, the Stilsoft company.

The security system of a modern city solves problems in three global areas: ensuring law and order, monitoring compliance with traffic rules, as well as warning and notification of emergency situations. All information flows into the situation center, whose dispatchers make decisions on further actions, and the information is also processed and transmitted to the emergency response service. Each direction solves its own range of problems.

Ensuring law and order

First task: traffic flow control. To solve it, use software and hardware complex "Synerget Autopotok", the use of which allows the recognition and registration of vehicle license plates at entrances and exits of the city, as well as main city highways and intersections. For these purposes, cameras are installed along the roadway; all license plates of vehicles passing by video surveillance points are recognized by the system and entered into a common database indicating the time and place of passage. In parallel with this, the license plates are compared with a database of wanted cars. If the system detects a match, it immediately transmits this information to the situation center. The system also allows you to determine the location of wanted vehicles as they move past observation points, which allows you to take measures to quickly apprehend violators.

Ensuring crime prevention involves the installation of surveillance cameras in crowded places, which, with the help of intelligent motion detectors, allow one to analyze the situation in the city. If any offenses or unauthorized actions are detected, an alarm message is sent to the situation center. The system also has face recognition module, allowing you to solve the problem of detecting wanted people. Technologies are effective when placing cameras on frame metal detectors at ticket offices at train stations, airports, on escalators and turnstiles. Using a one-to-many recognition algorithm, comparisons are made with the faces of criminals in various databases at a speed of up to 1 million faces per second. If a match is detected, a card with information about the offender appears on the monitors of the situation center. The system creates a common database of recognized faces. When the video camera first appears in the field of view, the system assigns a unique code to the person, and upon repeated recognition, the system registers passage through the control point. Thus, if necessary, it is possible to determine the location of a suspicious person if he comes within the visibility range of any of the system’s cameras, which is indispensable for operational search activities.

The next part of the safe city system is monitoring compliance with traffic rules. To solve this problem it is used software and hardware complex "Synerget Autopatrol", which allows you to automatically monitor compliance with traffic rules. The algorithm of the complex can be configured to detect almost any violation of traffic rules. To organize control of compliance with traffic rules at an intersection, it is necessary to place several types of video cameras: stationary and PTZ cameras for license plate recognition, overview to determine the fact of violation, and it is also necessary to place speed meters for each lane. To organize the operation of the system at night, infrared spotlights are used. Collection and processing of information is carried out by a universal street controller STS-504 . To effectively track moving objects at an intersection, it is necessary to install at least two PTZ video cameras. To register the offense of “prohibited turn,” the principle of coordinate extrapolation is used. That is, the system calculates the trajectory and speed of the car to determine its location in the future and commands the PTZ video camera to aim and focus on the section of the road where the car will be located. When a license plate enters the frame, it is recognized and the violation is photographed. The same principle is used to recognize the “intersection of a double solid” violation. The system calculates the trajectory and speed of the vehicle to determine its location in the future and commands the PTZ video camera to aim and focus on the section of the road where the car will be located. And when a license plate enters the frame, it is recognized and the violation is photographed. To record a violation of traffic rules “driving on a red traffic light,” a video camera records the traffic light signal and part of the street at the time of the violation. The system calculates the trajectory of the suspected violation and commands the PTZ video camera to aim and focus on the section of the road where the car will be located. When a license plate appears in the frame, it is recognized as a photo recording of the violation. When registering traffic rules for a “prohibited turn,” the system calculates the trajectory and speed of the vehicle to determine its future location and commands the PTZ video camera to aim and focus on the section of the road where the vehicle will be located. When a license plate appears in the frame, it is recognized and the violation is photographed. To record traffic violations such as “prohibited parking,” PTZ video cameras are used to patrol a given area. When a car's license plate number enters the frame, it is recognized and entered into the database. If this license plate is entered again within 5 minutes, a receipt for violation of parking rules is generated. To monitor violations of traffic rules at a pedestrian crossing, a PTZ and stationary video camera is used; if the driver does not give way to a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing, the system commands the PTZ video camera to aim and focus on the section of the road where the car will be located. When a license plate appears in the frame, it is recognized and the violation is photographed and recorded. To register “speed violations,” the Rapira-1 radar is used. If the radar detects an excess of speed, the system calculates the trajectory of the alleged violation and commands the PTZ video camera to aim and focus on the section of the road where the car will be located. The number is recognized and a violation is registered. After registration of violations, the information is processed and, via various communication channels, immediately sent to a remote monitoring post in the form of a receipt with a photo, indicating the date, time, location, license plate number and type of traffic violation. The presence of this data allows traffic police officers to find the violator as quickly as possible.

One of the most important functions of the system is warning and warning the population about emergency situations, which allows you to solve problems such as early warning of a fire. Fire alarms of socially significant objects are connected to a unified warning and monitoring system built on the basis software "Synerget Situation Center". The fire early warning system can significantly reduce the time it takes for the fire brigade to travel to the site of a fire, and therefore reduce possible damage from fire. The system also solves the problem of controlling natural gas leaks. Sensors are installed at monitoring sites, as well as a warning system in crowded places. When the warning system is triggered, information is transmitted to the situation center, where it is processed and transmitted to the emergency response service, which allows all necessary measures to be taken to evacuate people and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations.

The system also monitors potentially hazardous industries, which are necessary to organize a rapid response to the leakage of hazardous substances. If the system is triggered emission alerts, all information about the object and the incident is immediately received by the situation center along with meteorological data on the direction and speed of the air flow to determine the contamination zone, as well as the speed and direction of spread of chemically hazardous substances.

To notify the population, the VideoInspector company offers audio broadcast systems based on street loudspeakers that perform both playback of recorded messages and targeted broadcast by an announcer to a specific geographic point, which allows you to effectively organize notification and evacuation.

Hardware and software complex “Safe City” (APK “Safe City”) is a set of automation equipment complexes united to solve problems in the field of ensuring the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, public safety, law and order and the safety of the environment.

The list of automated systems of the state information system “Hardware and software complex “Safe City” and the procedure for their interaction is described in the Government Decree St. Petersburg dated August 25, 2016 No. 759.

All components of the Safe City agro-industrial complex are united by a Unified multi-service telecommunications network, which ensures the functioning of the system as a whole and creates a single information space for all users.

On May 26, 2017, the official opening of the Unified Center of the AIC "Safe City" took place (5th Predportovy Proezd, 4, building 3, letter A) - unique not only for St. Petersburg, but also for all of Russia. primary goal
its creation - the consolidation in one building of the 112 Call Center, the Transport Control Center, and the units of the Duty Service of the Governor’s Office St. Petersburg, representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and law enforcement agencies, as well as the Unified Data Processing Center.

For the Confederations Cup in 2017, an automated system “Forecasting and Management Decision Support” (PPSDS) was created - a platform that integrates automated systems included in the Safe City AIC, allowing city duty services and law enforcement agencies to receive up-to-date information about incidents.

The Safe City agro-industrial complex makes full use of the existing infrastructure.

City video surveillance system is a key element of the security system.

Everyone is covered by the video surveillance system 18 city ​​districts. The number of video sources within the service model increased from 17,726 in 2016 to 19 238 in 2017. The number of Citizen-Police emergency communication terminals has also increased: from 167 in 2016 to 178 in 2017.

The number of video sources from third-party systems integrated with the city video surveillance system increased from 171 to 1 353 (Pulkovo Airport - 38, St. Petersburg State Institution "MFC" - 228, Passenger Port OJSC St. Petersburg"Marine Facade" - 12, State Unitary Enterprise "Petersburg Metro" - 697, Exhibition and Convention Center "Expoforum" - 93, Stadium "St. Petersburg" - 252, etc.).

In preparation for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup, 1,151 video sources have been deployed, including 311 video sources with Wi-Fi access points. The places most vulnerable to sabotage, terrorism and crime are equipped (routes of approach to the stadium, entrances/exits to the territory of Krestovsky Island, bus stops, bridges, etc.). Also on the territory of Krestovsky Island there are 72 information and warning devices.

One of the most important systems transmitting data to the PPPUR is Comprehensive security monitoring system social infrastructure facilities. Social facilities are integrated into this system St. Petersburg- schools, clinics, kindergartens, etc. Currently on the list of social infrastructure facilities St. Petersburg taken into account 5 694 facilities, of which 2,915 are educational facilities, 1,022 are healthcare facilities, 385 are facilities for social protection of the population, 1,372 are facilities of other institutions (culture, sports, youth policy, IOGV, etc.).

As part of the development of the system, work is underway to create interactive diagrams of objects - digital models of objects (plan of the object's architecture), on which elements (sensors) of the Integrated Security System are applied. The main purpose of an interactive diagram of an object is a visual representation of the current state of the object's security system for the purpose of monitoring the security status of the object in graphical form. In 2016, interactive schemes were developed and put into operation for 124 social infrastructure facilities St. Petersburg. By 2020, it is planned to provide 100% of social infrastructure facilities with interactive schemes St. Petersburg.

System for providing calls to emergency operational services using a single number “112” (System - 112) is the key system of the agro-industrial complex “Safe City”, integrated with the PPPUR.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2017 No. 191 “On the use of a single number “112” in the territory St. Petersburg in order to ensure
call of emergency operational services by users of communication services" began the use of a single number "112" in local telephone networks and mobile radiotelephone networks in the territory St. Petersburg for access to System-112.

Automated system for providing calls to emergency operational services using a single number “112” based on the main call processing center of the system for providing calls to emergency operational services using a single number “112” St. Petersburg put into permanent operation from 06/16/2017. In addition, interaction with the State Automated Information System "ERA-GLONASS" is ensured.

Since the beginning of 2017, the single number “112” has received 1 812 407 calls (2,336,310 calls were received in 2016).

Call center 004, operating since 2005, works with requests from residents regarding housing and communal services, and also takes calls about emergency and emergency situations. Electronic cards for accepted requests are transferred to emergency and duty control rooms
services by affiliation, then compliance with deadlines and execution of accepted requests is checked, taking into account information received from city services and applicants.

Total registered since the beginning of 2017 725,389 hits, received by phone number “004”. In June 2017 it was adopted 9 millionth call since the start of operation of the 004 Call Center.

City automated system “Fixing violations of traffic rules and monitoring the payment of fines” (GAS FN SDA). The main goal of its creation is to prevent administrative offenses in the field of traffic, reduce the number of road accidents and reduce the severity of their consequences. The program is being implemented jointly with the City Traffic Police Department. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

In 2017, GAS FN SDA includes 219 sensors, of which 169 stationary sensors and 50 mobile systems recording administrative offenses of the following types:

    violation of the speed limit (Article 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

    movement of vehicles along the lane for route vehicles or stopping on the specified lane in violation of traffic rules (Part 1.1 of Article 12.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

    driving through a prohibiting traffic light signal or a traffic controller's prohibiting gesture (Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);
    driving a truck with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons on a highway beyond the second lane, as well as training driving on a highway (Article 12.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation);

    driving in violation of the Traffic Rules onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction (Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Since the beginning of 2017, it has been issued 2 056 197 resolutions in cases of administrative offenses (in 2016 - 3,010,744 resolutions) for a total amount 1,110,450,750 rubles(in 2016 - 1,689,044,500 rubles).

To budget St. Petersburg received 605 397 650 rubles (in 2016 - 887,065,800 rubles).

Thanks to the functioning of the GAS FN SDA, the number of accidents is reduced and the legal awareness of road users is increased.

Current addresses of photo radar systems in St. Petersburg are published in the public domain on the website of the St. Petersburg State Institution “City Monitoring Center” in the appropriate section

St. Petersburg (RASTSO) is intended for timely notification of the population St. Petersburg about the dangers arising during military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature. The order to activate the RASC is given by the Governor St. Petersburg. The procedure for using RATSSO is strictly regulated and approved by Government Decree St. Petersburg.

Regional automated centralized public warning system St. Petersburg(RASTSO) was created in accordance with the Government Decree St. Petersburg dated 06.08.2012 No. 798 “On organizing public notification St. Petersburg about emergency situations in peacetime and wartime."

To check the functionality of the system, technical checks of the equipment are carried out twice a month. In addition, a comprehensive technical audit of the readiness of RASC is carried out annually. During such an inspection throughout the territory St. Petersburg electromechanical sirens, street loudspeakers, specialized technical means of warning are turned on, TV channels, radio stations and other technical means are also used.

As part of the development of RASC, information and telecommunication technologies and new mechanisms for centralized notification of the population (television, Internet, multimedia complexes in public urban transport, etc.) are actively used. The use of all available technical means of warning in combination allows you to notify the population St. Petersburg in full.

In 2016, as part of the implementation of the technical conditions of RASCSO by developers St. Petersburg 64 CTS RASTSO were created at capital construction and reconstruction projects. A mechanism has been implemented for using the state information system “Unified System of Information Resources” in the information and telecommunications network “Internet” to notify the population about emergency situations. This mechanism covers more than 1,340 sites St. Petersburg in a unified information resource system.

In the near future, it is planned to use terrestrial digital television channels to notify the population, and to create new RASCSO endpoints for guaranteed and timely notification of the population St. Petersburg in places of mass residence, including at capital construction and reconstruction sites, the creation of a reserve control center for RASC.

The results achieved in maintaining the readiness and development of the RATSSO allow us to effectively exercise the powers of executive bodies of state power St. Petersburg to ensure timely notification of the population about emergency situations. According to specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, RATSCO is one of the best in the Russian Federation in terms of its indicators.

More detailed information about the functioning of RASC St. Petersburg can be found on the website of the St. Petersburg State Public Institution “City Monitoring Center” in the corresponding section:

The Security Council accuses the regions that “Safe City” is usually used only to replenish local budgets through fines and is not able to ensure the safety of citizens, including at the upcoming 2018 World Cup.

At a recent meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council, senior generals from different departments discussed the “Safe City” system. These are hardware and software systems consisting of emergency communication terminals and video cameras that monitor order in megacities and smaller cities around the clock. The experience of using “Safe City” upset the commission: often the entire system consists only of video cameras that do not see anything at night and have poor resolution. Records from them are usuallyused by traffic cops to punish violators and replenish local budgets. In a year and a half, Russia will have to host the World Cup, and the “Safe City,” as they say in the Security Council, is simply not ready for this. Security officials also fear that the system is theoretically susceptible to hacking by hackers. As a result, the commission obliged the regional authorities to put the system in order.

A Life source in the intelligence services said that the meeting on the “Safe City” began with health concerns. The speakers were Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Chupriyan and the head of the main scientific unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - NPO "Special equipment and communications" - Andrey Nechaev. They said that the basis for the development of the system had already been created and that the regional authorities had agreed on how to interact.

However, it soon became clear that although there was an agreement, the technological base was missing. The equipment in different regions is scattered, and even does not reach the minimum technical requirements. Equipment and software are often incompatible with each other, and conflicts arise when exchanging data. Cameras, which should be able to record an event down to the smallest detail, be it a simple theft of a wallet or a serious robbery, in fact in several regions do not even allow you to see license plates on cars.

The video cameras available in a number of regions are often not equipped with a night mode and have low resolution, making it impossible to examine elements of the situation in detail, recognize a person’s appearance, or read license plates of cars, a source quoted the meeting participants as saying.

To top it all off, the speakers talked about one more problem. Records by which it will be possible, for example, to find and identify a murderer, villain or common offender and help solve a crime, are stored on servers for no more than five days. But the biggest problem, the speakers note, is not even this, but the fact that the information resources and servers of regional “Safe Cities” are still not united “into one information space.”

The reasons for this sad situation, according to the commission, were meager funding and poor pay for those who sit on the other side of the monitor and monitor all the thousands of cameras. As a result, there is no proper technical equipment, but there is staff turnover.

To cope with these problems, the Interdepartmental Commission proposed increasing funding for the Safe City program and raising salaries for employees who work with this system. The commission noted that money should be taken not only from the budget. If the proposals are accepted, then money for the maintenance of video surveillance systems will be taken from private funds. For example, the owners of shopping centers or sports facilities. A separate paragraph contains instructions to unite disparate bases into one and connect the Russian Guard to them.

Another concern of the commission was the approaching World Cup - the text of the report directly states that “Safe City” is not ready to host such a massive competition.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations emphasized that not a single city participating in the 2018 World Cup in Russia is not only ready to ensure security at the championship using cameras, but has not even begun to install them.

At this stage, none of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation hosting the 2018 World Cup have launched a competition for the construction of segments of the Safe City agro-industrial complex,” the department noted.

Therefore, those cities that will host the championship were required to complete all work on creating key segments of the “Safe City” by the end of 2017.

Another concern of the Safe City developers is related to foreign hackers. and hundreds of times in 2015–2016 attacked Russian critical information infrastructure facilities, banks and government agencies’ websites. At the meeting, it was noted that cameras and other technical components of the “Safe City” are not immune from hacker attacks, so they recommended that the regions pay special attention to this.

The Safe City program in Russia was launched in 2005. The first automated video surveillance control systems in public places first appeared as an experiment in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and Yekaterinburg. The initiator then was the Ministry of Internal Affairs represented by the head of the Department of Public Order, Lieutenant General Nikolai Pershutkin.

A year later, the general was already boasting about the results of the experiment. According to him, in public places where cameras were installed, street crime decreased by 11-17%. These include assaults, robberies and simply hooligan antics.

Nikolai Pershutkin, on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at all meetings with regional authorities urged them to look for money from the bottom of the barrel, in the local budget and from businessmen in order to build a “Safe City”.

And in 2007, the government decided to launch the “Safe City” hardware and software complex in all cities of the Russian Federation. During this time, something went wrong.

Over the nine years of operation of the program, video surveillance and video recording systems installed in the regions at the expense of local budgets do not at all provide citizens with protection from man-made and natural threats, and even crimes, the Ministry of Emergency Situations complains to Life.

In 2014, the government decided that a concept for the development of a “Safe City” was needed, which began to be prepared by an interdepartmental group led by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, namely the deputy head of the department, Alexander Chupriyan.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 2016, 207 Safe City complexes were already operating in Russia, which include over 160 thousand video surveillance cameras. In total, 750 cities and towns are connected to the program. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation told Life that the creation of the global Safe City complex in Russia is planned to be completed by 2020.

The system shows good results in Moscow, Vologda, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Tver, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Kazan, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs told Life.

Moscow is considered one of the leaders in the creation of the Safe City agro-industrial complex.

Currently, there are 128,500 video surveillance cameras in the capital, including in the entrances of residential buildings, in courtyards, schools, public places of citizens, on roads and retail facilities, the Department of Regional Security of the capital told Life.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, in 2015, with the help of the Safe City agro-industrial complex, almost 1,800 crimes were solved in the capital, which is 300 more than in 2014.

More than 143 billion rubles have been allocated from the Moscow budget for the “Safe City” in recent years. The regions have different budgets. Thus, the Kaliningrad region allocated 450 million rubles from the budget for the creation of the system in 2015 and 2016. The central streets of Kaliningrad and most of the city's microdistricts are already equipped with video surveillance cameras. In Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory, about 200 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget for the implementation of the Safe City agro-industrial complex in the period from 2014 to 2016. In Pyatigorsk, the 24-hour video surveillance system already covers about a thousand socially significant objects. And in Ufa, the “Safe City” video surveillance system employs more than 300 video cameras.

Security experts say urban video surveillance systems in Russia are still in their infancy. Although in some sectors - for example, video surveillance in transport - there is progress.

Now in Russia there is no global operating safe city; in fact, it is still only video surveillance. In the world this is a completely different concept, this is the so-called smart city, when all services and city infrastructure are tied to this system. But we only decided in 2014 what it should look like; before that, everyone understood the concept of a safe city in their own way,” Elena Semyonova, a representative of the Skyros company, which installs automation and video surveillance systems, explained to Life.

The main problems of the industry, according to Semyonova, are now related to the storage of a huge amount of information, fragmentation of data and the cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment. Semyonova, from her own experience, confirmed the theses expressed at the meeting - indeed, there are many difficulties due to incompatible software and the fact that equipment from different manufacturers is not always easy to synchronize and bring to a common denominator. At the same time, according to the expert, we are moving towards combining all the data, but this process may take years.

As for the problems with preparing the “Safe City” for the 2018 World Cup, Elena Semyonova refrained from directly assessing whether the regions will have time to install this system before the championship or not. She only noted that the authorities of the regions hosting the World Cup had already tried to organize tenders for the installation of video surveillance systems in 2016, but the auctions had to be postponed, apparently due to problems with financing.

But there are also positive aspects in the development of the “Safe City”.

Despite a number of problems that have not yet been resolved, the quality of systems related to control and video surveillance in public transport and on roads is steadily growing in Russia, the expert noted.