Common mistakes in Russian speech. I'm sitting in a kina in the front row in a black coat ...

Errors in speech, grammar,
ethical, factual...

Getting ready to check essays for the exam

We must admit:
poor education of today's youth.

(From an essay on the exam)

Speech errors

Errors associated with incorrect or not the most successful use of words or phraseological units are qualified in school practice as speech errors. USE experts evaluate compliance with speech (lexical) norms according to criterion 10: if more than three errors are made in the work, the examinee receives zero points instead of the possible two.

Graduates violate the communicative accuracy of statements, using words and phraseological units in a meaning unusual for them or without due regard for stylistic or emotionally expressive shades of expressions: This word has no prototype in Russian. People who are stuck in laziness lose a lot. Our officials are sucking up to the mayor. These examples denounce the poet as a romantic. Slavka appears in this text as a workaholic patriot. Laziness is the monster of modern youth.

Numerous examples mixing paronyms, that is, single-root or similar-sounding words with different meanings: The book gives hormonal education to a person. She has always been a closed, hidden person. Crystal honesty. He did not want to be treated for alcohol. The book should be treated very carefully, it deserves it. The author maliciously denounces indifferent people.

Pleonasm is a mistake consisting in the use of an extra word, it is also often found in the writings of graduates: German Germany. The working proletariat. In a rural village. Each book should be read thoughtfully and carefully. But these heroes only talk and talk. Here an interesting problem is revealed and touched upon. Mother stood quietly and silently. These fashionistas are only interested in dresses and outfits. Flattering compliments. Money penalty.

Examined often violated the usual lexical compatibility words- As a result, there were speech errors: Today's youth reads little, does not improve their horizons. His speech is saturated with an abundance of book words. Nerves and excitement overwhelmed the author. Today we have a dangerous and ill-mannered teenage generation.Mother stood with a pitiful appearance, ragged, in impoverished clothes. The son shamelessly treats his mother. The veteran just wanted more understanding. Each word has its own unsurpassed history.

Very little time is devoted to the study of phraseological units in the school curriculum - as a result, students have a very vague idea of ​​the norms for using stable combinations. They do not know well the meaning of phraseological units, often distort their composition, which leads to the destruction of the two-dimensionality of the image underlying it; there is an inconsistency of images and context, which makes it possible to understand the expression literally:

One can only agree with this position with a grating heart.

These children were deprived of joy.

A heavy fate fell on the head of our people.

The children were poor, they ate bread and salt.

A low bow to those who fought.

They played a joke on him.

This act was the last straw that overflowed the barrel of gunpowder.

In order to avoid such hooliganism, it is necessary to strengthen and enlarge the internal organs.

Stylistic mistakes

Most of the speech errors are errors that are actually stylistic. These are anachronisms, that is, errors due to the mixing of vocabulary from different historical and social eras: Once Marmeladov had a job, but then he was laid off. Errors as a result of mixing expressions of different styles, unmotivated use of dialect, vernacular expressions are also actually stylistic, which contradicts the norms of the literary language: I slightly disagree with the author's point of view. Gogol showed Plyushkin with a similar mischief. We need to fill our heads with knowledge. Catherine II wanted philosophers and writers to glorify her name all over the world. The author's position is expressed by a proverb that says:according to the mind they escort. Sharikov, having received some power, became a lawless person.

Quite often, speech defects in the texts of examination essays are felt, but it is very difficult to classify them; in this case, in our opinion, the score should be reduced according to criterion 6, and not 10. The same should be done with the next group of errors leading to a violation of the requirement for purity, richness and expressiveness of speech - these are speech defects that worsen speech, but this is less gross violations than errors. Shortcomings are considered from the point of view of "better - worse, well - not quite well said"; they are less strictly evaluated both at school and by experts at the USE. This is a tautology - a mistake consisting in the use of words repeated in a small context, the use of weed words: I kind of looked in the mirror and saw myself. Based on the foregoing, Tendryakov concludes... ... I think that we should not be angry at the Ukrainians and even at the Estonians.

Grammatical errors

Criterion 9 evaluates compliance with grammatical norms in the texts of examination essays. Grammatical errors are caused by a violation of the norms of word formation (word-building errors), shaping (morphological errors), the norms of the syntactic connection of words in phrases and sentences, as well as simple sentences in complex ones (syntactic errors).

Word-building mistakes- this is the result of word creation in violation of the norms: words are formed according to models that do not exist in the literary language or it is not taken into account that the totality of actually existing lexemes does not completely coincide with the system of words that could be in the language, but they are not used in speech:

Shyness, shame, shame for the poor appearance of the mother. Bribery is the scourge of our time. Hero patches. The main problem is the timidity of the young teacher. It's hard to deal with arrogance. Spoken words. Public arrangement. On an asphalt path. Since childhood, she had a penchant for music. Warriors showed perseverance and courage. We must understand that all this was not done in vain. Causes respect for the steadfastness of the character of the characters. L. Tolstoy called the people pushers of history. It is known that Gumilyov ridiculed Akhmatova's talent.

Shortcomings in the formation of forms of certain parts of speech are also diverse and numerous.

Petrusha Grinev at first was also undersized.

Can't give a worse example.

In those years, Russia was hungry and poor.

Vysotsky's work cannot be confused with anyone else.

You can tell about the fate of both sisters.

The veteran wanted words without falsehood.

The news on television is constantly broadcasting about violence against people.

We learn about their plans.

We needed someone who could help with this.

Gogol also wrote about the greatness of the Russian people.

Recall Gorky's Larra - he is also selfish and selfish.

What courage one must have to sing like that before death!

Vadim was haunted by remorse, but not for long.

Youth is a good time. Young, walking.

My heart fluttering thoughts took over.

Recently, the Estonian Seimas approved a decision to demolish the monument to the liberator soldier.

The Russian language is not comprehensive.

It was the most beautiful way out of the situation.

Among syntax errors there are violations of the norms of control, norms of agreement between the predicate and the subject, the wrong word order in the sentence, the mixing of direct and indirect speech, errors in the construction of a complex sentence:

Upon arrival in Britain, he immediately goes to London.

From a backward country, Russia has turned into a great power.

Russian youth are ready to lie down on the embrasure to prevent this.

Those who love literature know this name.

Good triumphs over evil - even fairy tales convince of this.

D. Likhachev draws attention to the problem of nationalism.

Not only him, but even all of us together could not do anything.

In support of this, I will cite an episode.

Cultural monuments are being destroyed, which should be proud of, not destroyed. Travel is not only a source of information, but also a component of history.

A good example of this problem is our public transport.

For the feat of a scientist, he was awarded the Order.

I sincerely wonder and admire the talent of the writer.

Violations are especially common in sentences with adverbial phrases:

Commenting on this text, it seems to me that the author loves to travel.

After visiting museums, the traveler got bored looking at all these physical values.

Without caring about the monuments of small peoples, they can disappear from the face of the earth.

Sitting by the river, I like to watch the life of ducks.

Without developing talent, it can be ruined.

Since 2006, two additional items have been included in the assessment system for long-answer tasks: K-11 - Compliance with ethical standards and K-12 - Compliance with factual accuracy in the background material.

Ethical errors

In the first case, it means a special kind of speech errors - ethical. Infrequently, but there were works in which the manifestation of verbal aggression, malevolence was recorded, statements were found that degraded human dignity, expressing an arrogant and cynical attitude towards the human person:

This text annoys me.

Mikhalkov himself is a pistael, so he encourages everyone to read books.

The works of Tver graduates are also not completely free from shortcomings of this kind:

You have to be completely crazy to read books today.

But you can't be too kind, because you yourself will be left without pants.

Ageev is a very bright writer of his time, the writer's story is an example of human stupidity.

Tired of these pensioners: they are all crying; if you don't like it, let them go to the next world.

Why does the school curriculum force you to read all the junk that is called the classics?

While studying at school, I, like all modern youth, was engaged in nonsense.

It is ethically incorrect to call a writer only by his first name and patronymic: Alexander Sergeevich considered ...; condescendingly evaluate the actions of famous writers: Dmitry Likhachev expressed his idea quite clearly. I would like to thank the author of the text for the ability to convey their thoughts.

The presence of gross jargon is also considered as an ethical error: Small nations gave our country a lot of things, knowledge, and we, like the last pigs, turned our backs on them. If I were there, then for such an attitude towards my mother, I would have given this cupcake in the gnaw.

Factual errors

Compliance with factual accuracy in the background material is also evaluated according to a special criterion. This refers to errors in retelling the content of literary works, confusion in the dates of historical events, in the titles of works, the names of heroes, the names of their authors, inaccuracies in quoting, etc.: The book means a lot to me, because even Lenin said: “Live and learn!” Bazarov was a nihilist and therefore killed the old woman with an axe. The soldiers who defeated fascism returned to civilian life and continued to write: “Moscow, how much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart!. After killing the usurer for money, Raskolnikov also kills her pregnant sister Lizaveta. Happiness for Oblomov, as you know, was loneliness and indifference. In Turgenev's story "Crime and Punishment"... The examinees distorted the name of the writer V. Tendryakov as follows: Tundrikov, Trendyakov, Trundikov, although it was in the text before the eyes of the writers.

Exercise. Find and correct speech errors.

Examples of sentences for finding and qualifying speech errors:

Bulgakov regretted that the White Army had collapsed.

This young man repels everyone with his selfishness and selfishness.

The young teacher had no choice but to show his vast knowledge.

This fact made a great impression on me.

The main feature of Russia has always been servility.

Nowadays, no one does anything disinterestedly and for free.

This man was a nobleman from brain to bone.

This is the main problem in the text.

After reading the text, you clearly understand and see the problem that the author brings to us.

Chess develops agility and memory.

We are advised to listen to Mozart's music to boost mental performance.

The writer of this article says that the great Volga is located throughout Russia.

The name of my favorite writer Gogol burns like a hot coal in the fire of world literature.

The schoolboy, embarrassed by his mother's poverty, lies to the guys that this is his former governess

Vadichka burned out in shame before his comrades, but nevertheless went up to his mother.

This problem is provoked by the active development of science.

It was the fate of fate.

She wanted to help her family and her father.

School years were not in vain.

Man in our time reads a book out of necessity.

The negative material given in the article can be used in preparing for the exams of future graduates.


Some are annoyed by the creaking of foam on glass, some by the screeching of a fork on a plate, and some by illiterate speech. Unfortunately, our sometimes flagrant illiteracy is visible and audible at every step! The correspondent of the site interviewed dozens of people and looked through the same number of forums to compile a kind of hit parade of speech errors that are annoying.

Accent errors

This is the most common type of error. Unfortunately, a couple of such reservations, and you will be called illiterate. It would seem that the bald patch has already been eaten with the notorious "does not call, but calls", but not a day goes by without hearing it in transport, in a store, at work. If among your acquaintances there are still such specimens, introduce them to the phrase "From those who call, it stinks." It's a shame, but it works flawlessly - everyone immediately starts to "call".

Not cakes, but cakes;

Not a phenomenon, but a phenomenon;

Not provision, but provision;

Not blinds, but blinds;

Not a directory, but a directory;

Not a kilometer, but a kilometer;

Not water, but water;

Not a leg, but a leg;

Not a newborn, but a newborn;

Not a woman in labor, but a woman in childbirth;

Not a shell, but a shell;

Not sorrel, but sorrel;

Not a spark, but a spark;

Not beets, but beets;

Not more beautiful, but more beautiful. And by no means prettier!

Not a shoe, but a shoe (and not shoes, but shoes).

There are also clerical words that are often mispronounced. These are the words extraction, contract, means, Alcohol, excited. These words are a kind of jargon of specialists of a certain orientation. For some reason, it is customary for policemen to say "excited" instead of "excited", but a mistake - it is a mistake in Africa too.

One coffee please!

But the wrong accent is not so bad. As the survey showed, people are much more annoyed by the incorrect definition of the type of words. So, the phrase "I washed my hair with shampoo and brewed delicious coffee" can infuriate 9 out of 10. The use of the word "tulle" in the feminine gender, "suede" instead of "suede" can also be safely attributed there.

Another layer of errors is the incorrect ending of words in the plural. In the hit parade of errors are in the lead:

Editor, inspector, contract;

Well, for some reason, people do not like the letter "s" at the end of the word!

As I want, so I say!

But these are not the most annoying errors. Let's move on to the leaders of our "hit parade" - mistakes, from which some people, according to their confession, simply cringe. If any of the phrases listed below are in your vocabulary, get rid of them immediately!

- Stop near the main post office!

Where the letter "P" appeared in the word "main post office" - no one knows. Some still slightly "ennoble" it and say "near the main post office", but still with "P". Remember yourself and pass along the chain: that's right - "near the main post office"!

- That was a long time ago - in the year 2000...

Numerals are generally a complex topic. Unfortunately, such "pearls" can often be heard even from TV announcers. We remember and correct others: we say not "two", but "two", that is, it will be correct: in the year two thousand and one.

- Are you coming to my birthday party?

No comment. For some reason, our people turned “birthday” into one word and assigned this “neologism” a neuter gender.

- "I miss you" or "I miss you".

You can only miss a person or a phenomenon, but not about or FOR!

- Pay for the fare.

Either "pay the fare" or "pay the fare". There is no third.

- With a grating heart, I agreed...

You can't beat your heart! You can grind your teeth, and you can hold your heart together when it is torn apart. Therefore, "gritting your teeth" or "reluctantly."

- I chose the better option.

The best is already a superlative degree, and this word does not need any additions at all.

Fix or not?

The list of such errors is endless. It will definitely include "lay-lay", "underline", "in bed", "borrow", "pay", "rezetka", "stubaretka", "mosquitoes" and so on. The question is whether to point out a mistake to the interlocutor or "not to play the smartest of yourself"? Philologists and editors are unanimous: you need to point out the mistake! Only here you can do it politely, without offending the interlocutor. Example:

I missed you so much!

Yes, I missed you too!

A subtle and inoffensive hint.

Competent interlocutors to you!

Good afternoon dear friends!

Very often in the speech of people around me I hear terrible mistakes. I don't know about others, but it annoys me illiterate speech in the same way as, for example, the creaking of foam.

And why do people make these annoying mistakes?! You ask, they answer that everyone says that and that it’s easier to live this way: “As I want, I say so!”

Today in the heading " Why do we say so?» offer a selection of the most common mistakes, which are often found in the ordinary speech of our compatriots. (Read other articles in this section and)

10 Common Speaking Mistakes and How to Fix Them

1. Wear a dress or put on?

“I dress Nadezhda, I put on clothes!”

RIGHT: put on a dress!


“We are not crooks, not thieves, we signed contracts!”

RIGHT: contracts!

3. According to what or according to what?

“According to the royal decree, the boyars were knocked out in the eye!”

RIGHT: according to the decree, order, contract!

4. No socks or socks, stockings or stockings?

“I left her a pair of blue stockings as a pledge and left immediately for Pskov with a box of colored socks!”

RIGHT: socks! stocking!


“I do not advise you to get drunk on Wednesdays!”

RIGHT: WEDNESDAYS (if day of the week)!

6. At the same time or at the same time?

Two people said at the same time:
"Honey, looks like I'm pregnant."

RIGHT: simultaneously!

7. Fireman or fireman?

“I put out a freight car because I am a firefighter!”

RIGHT: fireman!

8. "Will you come to my birthday party?"

And why did our people turn the Day (OH MY day!!!) of birth into a “birthday” ?!

RIGHT: my birthday!

9. “It was a very long time ago, in the year 2004!”

Ah, how is it?!

RIGHT: in two thousand and three!

49. Types of speech errors: a methodology for their prevention and correction.

Types and examples of speech errors

Speech errors These are errors associated with violation of the requirements of correct speech.

    The use of words in their meanings. Example: We were shocked by the excellent performance of the players.

    Repetition of single-root words in one sentence (tautology): The writer vividly describes the events of that day.

    Speech deficiency (occurs when the right word is missing). The car dropped both.

    A mixture of vocabulary from different historical eras. Anna Sergeyevna and the prince went to the registry office to get married.

    Pleonasm (hidden tautology). Example: colleagues.

    The use of extra words. A young girl, very beautiful.

    Poor use of pronouns. This text was written by K. Ivanov. It belongs to the artistic style.

    Unjustified repetition of words. Maria loves flowers. Mary knows all about them.

Causes of speech errors

“The complexity of the speech generation mechanism acts as a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors” Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin.

The main causes of speech errors are:

    Misunderstanding of the meaning of the word (when the word is used in an unusual sense). The fire got hotter and hotter and hotter.

    The use of synonyms (each such word can have its own functional and stylistic coloring, this leads to speech errors). For example: "blooper"- professional jargon, but "hole"- a common word.

    The use of ambiguous words (using them, be sure to make sure that they are understandable to the interlocutor).

    Lexical incompleteness of the statement (missing an important word).

    Use of obsolete words. (Example: Everything in the store is now discounted.

    Words of foreign origin (having a passion for borrowed words, be sure to find out their exact meaning).

    Errors in the formation of words (for example: they want; dog kennel; on the forehead, etc.)

    Incorrect use of paronyms (words similar in sound, as a rule, of one part of speech, but different in meaning and structure). For example: addressee - addressee.

    Lack of lexical compatibility in the sentence. A good leader must set an example for his subordinates in everything.(The word "sample" is used inappropriately, it should be replaced by the word "example").

    Inappropriate use of dialectisms (expressions or ways of speech used by people of a particular locality). For example: A scraper came to me, and sat until the morning. ( Shaberka is a neighbor).

When choosing words, it is necessary to pay attention to their meaning, usage, stylistic coloring, compatibility with other words. Since the violation of at least one of these criteria can lead to a speech error.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

Often in the speech of people (especially very young people) there are lexical and stylistic errors, i.e. the use of words in an inaccurate or unusual meaning (and the reason for this is ignorance of the meaning of the word). AT the book "Speech Secrets" edited by T. A. Ladyzhenskaya options for working on the prevention and elimination of these errors are presented.

In the meantime, we offer you our selection, designed to prevent speech errors:

    Associate with knowledgeable and educated people.

    Visit theaters, museums, trainings.

    Constantly monitor your speech (pronounce words correctly).

    Good speech exercises are recognized - essays and presentations.