Ecological situation in Kalmykia. Problems of ecology in Kalmykia as factors of morbidity and mortality of the population

In 2007, emissions from vehicles were calculated according to the methodology developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute “Atmosfera” (St. Petersburg), which for the Republic of Kalmykia does not correspond to the previously used methodology of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Research Institute of Motor Transport”.

The total emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere in 2007 in the country as a whole amounted to 37.3 thousand tons. tons, of which 14.7% are emissions from stationary sources; 85.3% - from vehicles.

Compared to 2006, emissions at oil and gas production enterprises (by 1.3 thousand tons) and enterprises transporting oil and gas (by 1.2 thousand tons) decreased as a result of a decrease in production volumes.

A significant reduction in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from the equipment was achieved by PS Komsomolskaya CPC-R as a result of the conversion of turbogenerators and turbopumps to gas instead of turbine fuel.

In connection with the transition of boiler houses in the regions of the republic from liquid and solid fuels to natural gas, emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and soot decreased by 21%.

On average, about 5% of the amount of pollutants emitted from stationary sources is captured, while only emissions containing dust are treated.

Sources of atmospheric air pollution are enterprises engaged in the production, transmission and distribution of steam, heat and hot water (MUP “Energoservis”, Elista; MUE “Gorodovikovsky Teplovik”, Gorodovikovsk; Iki-Burul MPOKH, settlement Iki-Burul; Yuzhnenskoye MPOKH, settlement Yuzhny, etc.), oil and gas production (Chernozemelskoye OGPD OAO Kalmneft, ZAO KalmTatneft, OAO Kalmgaz, etc.), oil and gas transportation (subdivisions of OOO Kavkaztransgaz), production oil products (Tsoros LLC, Gorodovikovsk; Terra LLC, Ketchenerovsky District; Forward LLC, Elista), other enterprises.

During 2007, vehicles emitted 31.8 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. Of the total mass of emissions, 62% is carbon monoxide, which indicates, first of all, the low quality of motor fuel and its incomplete combustion in a car engine. The air basin of Elista received 11.7 thousand tons of pollutants from motor vehicles.

Centralized drinking water supply is provided to 66% of the population in the cities of Elista, Gorodovikovsk, Lagan and 11 regional centers. Up to 76% of rural residents use water from shaft wells, open reservoirs and canals. In 24 settlements of the republic, drinking water is delivered by special road and rail transport, the population of the village. Yashalta, pos. Sarul uses water from irrigation systems for household and drinking needs without preliminary purification and disinfection.

Technical depreciation of water supply systems, high corrosiveness of water and its high natural mineralization, lack of the necessary complex of treatment facilities, insufficient water treatment and outdated water treatment methods are the main reasons for the inconsistency of drinking water both in terms of sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators.

In 2007, water samples from sources of centralized water supply did not meet hygienic standards in terms of sanitary and chemical indicators in 13.7% of cases (2006 - 31%), in terms of microbiological indicators - in 20.7% of cases (2006 - 21.5%).

Of the 45.88 million m 3 of sewage that entered the water bodies of the republic in 2007, 82% are polluted (discharges from rice farms in the Oktyabrsky district), about 15% are treated according to standards.

The total cost of water protection works in 2007 amounted to 79 million rubles.

The Republic of Kalmykia is located at the junction of two vegetation zones - steppe and semi-desert. The steppe is represented by the most arid subzone - the desert steppe, and the desert - by the least arid subzone - the steppe desert.

All afforestations in the republic are a unique example of artificial afforestation in desert and semi-desert conditions. The creation of protective forest plantations on agricultural lands is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Land Reclamation” and the General Scheme to Combat Desertification in the Black Lands and Kizlyar Pastures.

The main objects that have a negative technogenic impact on the environment in the field of waste management in the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia are gas and oil production enterprises, the fuel and energy complex, the processing of agricultural products, as well as vehicles.

At the beginning of 2007, there were 0.4 thousand tons of production and consumption waste on the balance sheet of the enterprises of the republic; 27.1 thousand tons of waste were generated during the year, of which 21.5% was used and neutralized. Taking into account the transfer of waste for use, neutralization, disposal, disposal, at the end of 2007, 6.4 thousand tons of waste remained on the balance sheet of the enterprises of the republic.

No. 1(22), 2011

4. Ulanova S. S. Ecological and geographical assessment of artificial reservoirs of Kalmykia and ecotone systems "water-land" on their coasts. M.: RAAS, 2010. 263 p.

V. N. Sinyakov, O. V. Erdniev



The article pays great attention to analytical information about the environmental situation in the Republic of Kalmykia, the impact of the main types of economic activity on the environment. The main environmental threats to regional stability are considered.

Key words: ecology, ecological situation, Republic of Kalmykia, pollutants, municipal solid waste.


In article the great attention is given the analytical information on ecological conditions of the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, on the influence of principal views of economic activities on environment. The basic ecological threats for regional stability are considered.

Key words: ecology, ecological conditions, the Republic Kalmykia, polluting substances, a firm household waste.

The ecological situation is a specific state of the human environment, due to the interaction of nature and human economic activity.

Typification and assessment of the ecological situation were carried out by B.I. Kochurov, V.M. Kotlyakov, A.G. Isachenko, G.A. Isachenko, A.S. Shestakov, L.G. Rudenko, I.O. Gorlenko and others. The ecological situation differs according to the following characteristics: a set of problems, the type of technogenic changes, the leading factors of formation, the type of conditions, the scale of manifestation, the time of existence, the place of application and the level of severity of manifestation. The latter classification is the most popular; if applied, it is necessary to take into account the state of the subjects and their environment. Another approach is based on the distribution of objects according to the types of organization of the environment.

According to the criterion of severity of situations, the following levels are distinguished:

A satisfactory situation is the absence of direct or indirect anthropogenic impact, there is no change in the properties of landscapes;

A conflict situation occurs when there are minor changes in space and time in landscapes, including in environmental and resource-reproducing properties, which leads to a relatively small restructuring of the landscape structure and restoration as a result of the processes of self-regulation of the natural complex or the implementation of simple environmental protection measures. measures;

The tense situation is characterized by negative changes in individual components of landscapes, which leads to the disruption or degradation of individual natural resources and, in some cases, to a deterioration in the living conditions of the population;

Critical situation - there is a rapid increase in the threat of depletion or loss of natural resources (including the gene pool), unique natural objects, there is a steady increase in the number of diseases due to a sharp deterioration in living conditions;

Crisis situation - very significant and practically poorly compensated changes occur in landscapes, natural resources are completely depleted and the health of the population is sharply reduced;

The catastrophic situation is characterized by deep and often irreversible changes in nature, the loss of natural resources and a sharp deterioration in the living conditions of the population, mainly caused by the multiple excess of anthropogenic loads on the landscapes of the region. Important


a sign of a catastrophic situation is the threat to people's lives and their heredity, as well as the loss of the gene pool and unique natural objects.

The identification of environmental situations means: establishing a list (set) of environmental problems; spatial localization of environmental problems; determination of a combination (combination) of environmental problems and attribution of the identified area to one or another degree of severity of the environmental situation.

The ecological state of a number of Russian regions is catastrophic. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the territory of the Russian Federation in 14 regions (Bryansk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kursk, Lipetsk, Orel, Ryazan, Tula, Penza, Tambov, Smolensk, Ulyanovsk, Tyumen) and in the Republic of Mordovia, pollution zones of 55 .1 thousand sq. m. A catastrophic ecological situation has developed in the Urals Federal District. For Russia, the relevance of urgent measures to ensure a favorable environmental situation is vital. In particular, we are talking about the optimal combination of the proportions of social reproduction and the rational use of natural resources, scientifically based socio-economic criteria for assessing the quality of the environment, linked to the socio-political goals of the long-term development of the republic, etc.

The example of Russia shows how the environmental imperative reminds our society of its inseparable connection with animate and inanimate nature, of the threat that comes with ignoring the limited compensatory capabilities of the biosphere. And if until recently it was still possible to represent the process of social development in a two-dimensional coordinate system, where only social and economic parameters were taken into account, and nature was considered as lying outside the boundaries of the controlled system, now it is necessary to move to a three-dimensional coordinate system, which includes, in addition to the above-mentioned ecological (natural resources) subsystem.

The ecological situation that has developed within the territories of the republics, territories, regions and autonomous districts, and the features of environmental problems in each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are determined, on the one hand, by the specifics of local climatic conditions, and on the other, by the nature and extent of the impact of industry , transport, agriculture and communal services on the environment.

The Republic of Kalmykia is located in the extreme southeast of the European part of Russia. The length of the territory from north to south is 448 km, from west to east - 423 km. It borders on the Stavropol Territory in the south, on the Republic of Dagestan in the southeast, on the Volgograd Region in the north, on the Astrakhan Region in the northeast, and on the Rostov Region in the west. It occupies a position in the interfluve of the Volga and Don, in the southeast of the East European Plain, between the Caspian and Black Seas, between the Volga region and the Caucasus. The Volga River (12 km) flows in the northeastern part of the republic. In the south of the republic, on the border with the Stavropol Territory, there is the Chogray reservoir, in the east - the Caspian Sea, the territory of the coastal zone is 1.4 thousand km. Rivers: Kuma, Manych, Volga. Lakes: Manych-Gudilo, Sarpinsky lake, Sostinsky lakes. There is little surface water.

The climate of the republic is sharply continental - summers are hot and very dry, winters have little snow, sometimes with severe frosts. The continentality of the climate increases significantly from west to east. A feature of the climate is the significant duration of sunshine, which is 2180-2250 hours (182-186 days) per year. Average January temperatures throughout the country are negative: from -70C...-90C in the southern part and up to -100C...-120C in the northern part. Average temperatures in July are +23.5°C...+25.5°C. An increase in air temperature is observed from north to south and southeast of the territory of the republic. The duration of the warm period is 240-275 days. In winter, there are thaws, on some days - snowstorms, and sometimes the resulting ice damages agriculture, causing icing of pastures and winter crops. A specific feature of the territory of the republic are droughts and dry winds: in summer there are up to 120 dry windy days. The region is the driest in the south of the European part of Russia. The annual rainfall is 210-340 mm. According to the conditions of moisture supply in the republic, four main agro-climatic regions are distinguished: very dry, dry, very arid, arid. Due to the prevalence of strong wind zones, the region has significant wind energy resources.

The fauna of mammals includes about 60 species. The most numerous group are rodents. Among predatory mammals, wolf, fox, corsac fox and light polecat are common. The commercial development of fur-bearing animals as a whole has decreased. The number of predators, in particular the wolf, has increased. The increase in the number of wolves is especially noticeable in the eastern regions, where natural conditions

No. 1(22), 2011

contribute to its reproduction. About 130 species of birds nest in the reservoirs of Kalmykia, and more than 50 species are found during seasonal migrations. There are 20 species of reptiles and 3 species of amphibians. Within the republic there are 23 species of birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

The territory of the republic is located in the semi-desert zone, a characteristic feature of which is the completeness of the vegetation cover, which manifests itself in a combination of steppe and desert areas, and is the most treeless region of the Russian Federation.

Despite a number of positive trends emerging in the republic, there are a number of unresolved problems that require immediate solutions.

The ecology of Kalmykia is also its land fund. The state of land areas is deteriorating everywhere, their degradation and desertification is becoming increasingly significant. The most striking example of desertification is the territory of the Black Lands and Kizlyar pastures, where the desert has formed and is progressing. Over the past 5 years, the area occupied by sands has increased by 47.7 thousand hectares in Kalmykia alone.

The bowels of the republic contain deposits of oil, combustible gas, salt, building materials. In addition, on the territory of Kalmykia there are layers (5-48 m, 60-120 m and 480-500 m) containing uranium-phosphorus ores. In this regard, the prospects for possible or already occurring pollution of the territory and soil during oil extraction (due to the rise of groundwater from these layers) are not clear.

A significant decrease in emissions from stationary sources in 2009 compared to 2008 (Table 1, Fig. 1) is associated with a reduction in emissions at the facilities of Stavropoltransgaz LLC: Kamysh-Burunskoye LPUMG (methane emissions decreased from 1.72 to 0 17 thousand tons - the Artezian compressor station did not work), the Astrakhan LPUMG (from 20.2 to 25 tons - no repairs were carried out on the main gas pipeline). The decrease in emissions is also associated with the reorganization of some enterprises (construction and road industry, oil and gas industry) due to the economic crisis. Emissions from energy enterprises (boiler houses) decreased as a result of the elimination of boiler houses, the transition to autonomous heating of residential areas and gasification of settlements.

Table 1

The amount of emissions into the atmosphere

Emissions from stationary sources, thousand tons Main pollutants emitted from stationary sources, thousand tons Emissions from vehicles, thousand tons Total emissions, thousand tons

solid substances sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide nitric oxide carbohydrates (without VOC) VOC

2,2 0,1 0,0 1,0 0,2 0,6 0,3 30,8 33,0

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Rice. 1. Dynamics of air pollutant emissions from stationary sources, thousand tons

The largest amount of industrial emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere (Table 2) comes from oil and gas production enterprises, enterprises transporting oil and natural gas through pipelines, and thermal power plants (boilers).

There are no stationary monitoring posts for atmospheric air pollution on the territory of the republic; comprehensive environmental monitoring of the environment is not carried out. At present, the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Republic of Kalmykia has created a mobile laboratory for monitoring the state of the environment


table 2

The main sources of emissions, pollutants into the atmosphere

Main sources of emissions, pollutants into the atmosphere Volume of emissions, thousand tons

MUE Energoservice 1.51 0.23

Kamysh-Burunskoye LPUMG OOO Stavropoltransgaz 2.05 0.20

ZAO KTK-R PS Komsomolskaya 0.61 0.66

OJSC Kalmyk Road Administration 0.49 0.49

Centralized drinking water supply is provided to 66% of the population in the cities of Elista, Gorodovikovsk, Lagan and 11 regional centers. Up to 76% of rural residents use water from shaft wells, open reservoirs and canals. In 24 settlements, drinking water is delivered by special road and rail transport, the population of the Yashalta and Sarul settlements use the water of irrigation systems for household and drinking needs without preliminary purification and disinfection.

The dynamics of polluted wastewater discharge and the amount of wastewater discharged in the republic are shown in fig. 2 and in table. 3.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Rice. 2. Dynamics of polluted wastewater discharge, million m3.

Table 3

The amount of wastewater discharged

Discharged into water bodies, million m3 Share of polluted wastewater in total discharge % Share of treated wastewater in total discharge, %

Total No treatment Cleaned according to standards Cleaned according to standards at treatment facilities

Total in % of the volume of polluted wastewater

40,22 34,94 100 0,00 5,28 87 13

Drinking water consumed by the population in terms of its chemical composition in 50% of samples does not meet the requirements due to high mineralization - 0.6-10 g / l (increased content of sulfates, chlorides and iron salts) and hardness in the range of 10-12 mg / eq / l.

Technical depreciation of water supply systems, high corrosiveness of water and its high natural mineralization, lack of the necessary complex of treatment facilities, insufficient water treatment and outdated water treatment methods are the main reasons for the inconsistency of drinking water both in terms of sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators.

The unsatisfactory quality of groundwater in terms of sanitary and chemical indicators in a number of areas is mainly due to a high level of general mineralization, an increased content of iron and other trace elements of natural origin.

No. 1(22), 2011

River water Kuma belongs to the category of "dirty", the Tersko-Kuma Canal - "moderately polluted", r. East Manych - "polluted", lake. Manych Gudilo and r. Elistinka - "very dirty".

The main sources of polluted wastewater discharge into surface water bodies are given in Table. 4.

Table 4

Main sources of polluted wastewater discharge into surface water bodies

Main sources of polluted wastewater discharge into surface water bodies Discharge volume, million m3

State Unitary Enterprise Vostok 15.3 13.8

OJSC Kalmytsky 14.8 13.9

Municipal Unitary Enterprise Gorvodokanal 5.5 5.3

SUE OPH “Kharada” 2.5 1.8

SPK Istok 1.9 1.8

Of the total amount of waste generated, consumer waste accounts for 80%, production - 20%. The dynamics of generation and disposal of production and consumption wastes and their quantity are shown in fig. 3 and in table. 5.

^^^ volume of waste generation, million tons * "waste used and disposed of, %

Rice. 3. Dynamics of generation and disposal of production and consumption waste.

The amount of production and consumption waste

Table 5

Production and consumption waste generated, million tons Used and disposed of

Total Hazard class I Hazard class II Hazard class III Hazard class IV Hazard class V Hazard class Total, mln. tons in % of the amount of generated waste

0,007 0,000002 0,000005 0,0001 0,004 0,003 0,009 130

The total volume of recorded production and consumption waste in Kalmykia exceeds 200,000 tons. The amount of waste in unauthorized dumps cannot be accounted for.

Today, the problem of placement and disposal of production and consumption waste is particularly acute. The annual amount of garbage in landfills is increasing by 6%-8%. Administrations of municipalities do not work on waste processing by introducing modern technologies for their disposal. Therefore, they are placed with violations of the relevant rules and regulations. The problem is further complicated by the fact that it is practically impossible to determine the capacity and filling factor of landfills - there is no reliable information on the inventory of accumulated waste volumes. Industrial methods that ensure the hygienic and environmental reliability of their disposal are not used in the republic.

The total area of ​​land occupied in the republic under authorized and unauthorized dumps, pits, quarries, absorption wells for waste disposal is more than 426 hectares. The number of places for organized waste disposal is 18, the area they occupy is more than 134.4 hectares.


Existing facilities for the placement and disposal of household waste do not meet modern sanitary and environmental requirements. Spontaneous combustion and deliberate burning of waste are frequent at landfills. There is an unacceptably large volume of waste sent for burial, a low level of extraction of secondary raw materials from them. In other words, in the Republic of Kalmykia there is no system for the processing and recycling of waste. The existing system of collecting, sorting and processing various kinds of waste remains very imperfect, because there are no appropriate technologies, and the network of specialized enterprises is poorly developed.

Waste of I-III hazard classes, as they accumulate at the collection points of specialized enterprises that have licenses for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of hazardous waste, are subject to removal and disposal outside the republic (Volgograd, Stavropol, Astrakhan) in specialized enterprises.

The waste situation in Elista could be improved with the commissioning of a new municipal solid waste landfill, which is already under design. This will ensure their isolation and neutralization, guarantee the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population, ensure the static stability of municipal solid waste, taking into account the dynamics of compaction, salinity, maximum load per unit area, as well as the possibility of subsequent rational use of the site after its closure.

The issue of disposal of biological waste continues to be acute. Its solution requires the adoption at the federal level of a single regulatory legal act that defines a clear classification of waste, including medical and biological waste. In addition, there are no legislatively fixed requirements for users of natural resources for their mandatory disposal.

Problems in the field of waste management can only be solved by joint efforts of specially authorized bodies, specialized organizations and public associations. The management of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Federal Center for Improvement and Waste Management” suggested developing a general scheme for cleaning up the territory, zoning it, and preparing sites for the construction of a waste sorting complex. Such work has already been carried out by specialists from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Federal Center for Improvement and Waste Management” in a number of neighboring regions.

An assessment of the environmental situation on the territory of Kalmykia shows that, despite the high level of anthropogenic impact and the tense environmental situation, the republic has a fairly high environmental rating. Kalmykia is one of the ecologically favorable regions of Russia and has the richest recreational opportunities, which include water and plant resources, landscapes and healing springs. one

1. Kochurov B.I. Geography of environmental situations (ecological diagnostics of territories). Tomsk: IG SO RAN, 1997. P. 156.

2. Kochurov B.I. Geoecology: ecodiagnostics and ecological and economic balance of territories. Smolensk: SGU Publishing House, 1999. P. 154.

3. Kochurov B.I. Ecodiagnostics and balanced development. -M., Smolensk: Magenta, 2003. S. 384.

4. State report "On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2009". M.: Infra-M, 2010. S. 524.

Bogun A.P.



The main types of impact of man-made objects on the natural environment of the Republic of Kalmykia and measures to reduce their negative impact on natural ecosystems are considered.

Key words: environmental monitoring, man-made object, environmental impact, environmental protection measures.

Presentation on the ecology of the native land of the biology teacher of the MBOU "Krasnopartizanskaya secondary school named after I.I. Hero of Russia Z.A. Daudov" Parakhon Vladimir Alekseevich Actual problems of ecology of Kalmykia

Map of environmental risks of Kalmykia

What is an environmental problem?

1. An environmental problem is a negative change in the environment from a human point of view, due to both anthropogenic and natural factors.





2. Ecological problem - a change in the natural environment as a result of technogenic impact, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of natural systems and leading to negative social, economic and other consequences (B.I. Kochurov, 1998).

Technogenic impact



3. Ecological problems are any phenomena associated with a noticeable impact of man on nature, reverse nature on man and his economy, vital and economically significant processes (N.F. Reimers, 1992).


1. Desertification

pasture overload


wind erosion


water erosion

Soil salinization

Soil and water pollution by oil products

2.Secondary soil salinization

Miscalculations in construction


In the Republic of Kalmykia, the area of ​​saline arable land was

2824.7 thousand hectares.

3. Pollution of water bodies

(poor drinking water quality)

About 3 million m3 of industrial wastewater containing more than 200 names of compounds of various hazard classes is annually discharged into the water bodies of the Republic of Kalmykia from neighboring territories and regions.

In general, in Kalmykia, the sanitary and chemical indicators of water are the worst in Russia.

4. Reducing the number of individuals of protected plant and animal species

  • Scientific approach to nature management;
  • Local (local) environmental monitoring, i.e. monitoring the state of the most important characteristics of the environment, the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere, water, soil;

Ways to solve environmental problems:

  • use of modern methods in the construction of water treatment facilities;

Restoration and protection of biogeocenoses; - further expansion and increase of protected areas, reference ecosystems, unique natural complexes; - protection and breeding of rare species of plants and animals;

International cooperation in environmental protection; - wide enlightenment and ecological education of the population.


G. M. Borlikov, V. A. Bananova "Dynamics of desertification of arid lands of the Caspian region" // Socio-economic transformations in the Caspian region ... - Elista: APP "Dzhangar", 2002. - 256p.

Dedova EB Increasing the natural resource potential of degraded agricultural lands of Kalmykia by means of integrated reclamation. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. - M.: 2012.



N.V. Badmaeva, B.V. Idzhaeva

N.V. Badmaeva, B.V. Idzhaeva

Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(Russia, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Ilishkina st., 8)

The Kalmyk Institute for Humanities of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(Russia, 358000, the Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Ilishkin St., 8)

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

The article is devoted to the study of the ecological consciousness of the population of the steppe region. The results of a sociological study are presented, which assess the environmental problems of the Republic of Kalmykia: awareness of the state of the environment, concern about the environmental situation, etc.

The article is dedicated to the environmental awareness of the steppe region. Results of sociological research in which the assessment of environmental problems of the Republic of Kalmykia is given are presented: knowledge of a state of environment, concern about an ecological situation, etc.

For more than half a century, the aggravation of environmental problems around the world has influenced the growth of concern about the quality of the environment and support for action to protect it. Many researchers have tried to identify trends in socio-economic development and possible environmental consequences both for individual regions and for the whole world.

The regions of the country differ significantly in the specifics of environmental problems. The Republic of Kalmykia is one of the most extreme regions of Russia for living and doing business. This extremeness is determined, first of all, by the geographical position of the republic in the arid and semi-arid zones of the North-Western Caspian. It is characterized by flat landforms, an almost complete absence of a natural hydrographic network and increased mineralization of soils, surface and groundwater, due to fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea. The Republic is a water-deficient region; water resources used on the territory of the Republic do not meet medical and biological standards in terms of their quality parameters.

The state of the region's ecosystem has a direct impact on other areas of human life, the number of which is constantly increasing. As noted by L.N. Tashninova, a long history of management in arid territories, including Kalmykia, determined the severe degradation of natural ecosystems, desertification, depletion of natural resource potential and, as a result, a decrease in the level and quality of life of the population.

The attitude of any member of society to nature is determined by the level of his ecological consciousness, which is determined by the ratio of external and internal factors that affect the integral individual consciousness. Under ecological consciousness, in the most general form, we understand the totality of the established ecological ideas that manifest themselves in relation to nature and the actions he performs. Ecological consciousness is also formed on the basis of an assessment of the state of the environment and the information space that determines social features in the human mind.

Today, one of the important tasks of a comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic state of the region is the study of the ecological consciousness of the population, which consists in identifying and determining the factors of its formation, individual components, such as environmental responsibility, attitude towards nature, the impact of the natural environment on physical and socio-psychological well-being and many others. The main method of studying ecological consciousness is sociological research, since empirical sociological research allows one to study value orientations, ecological ideals, and reveal the nature of ecological consumption.

In this regard, the Department of Socio-Political and Ecological Research of the Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a study to study the ecological consciousness of the inhabitants of the republic. The sociological study was carried out in 2014 using a questionnaire based on a standard gender and age sample. A total of 300 people (N=300) were interviewed, of which 38.7% were men and 61.3% were women. The survey involved residents of the city of Elista and districts of the Republic of Kalmykia at the age of: under 20 years old - 5.3%; 21-30 years old - 20%; 31-40 years old - 33.7%; 41-50 years old - 26.7%; 55 years and older - 12.7%.

In our study, we tried to find out whether residents are aware of the environmental problems of the region, whether environmental problems are relevant in the public mind, how they evaluate the consequences of environmental problems. The main goal of the study was to identify the state of ecological consciousness of the population of the Republic of Kalmykia. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

  • Find out if the inhabitants of the republic are aware of environmental problems on a global scale and at the regional level;
  • Is the population aware of the negative consequences of environmental problems that affect the social sphere, the economy of the region, and the environment.

Ecological consciousness implies, first of all, knowledge of the environmental problems of the territory where a person lives. In our study, we tried to find out what the inhabitants of the republic know about the environmental problems of the region. In this regard, when answering the question about what environmental problems they know the most, the following results were obtained, presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Distribution of answers to the question: “What environmental problems in Kalmykia do you know the most about?”

Answer options

Degradation and impoverishment of pastures

Land salinity

Irrational irrigation of agricultural land

Land pollution (waste from oil processing and MSW, unauthorized dumps)

Air pollution (Emissions from CHP, transport)

Water pollution

Drinking water shortage

A sharp decline in the number of saigas

Reducing the number of rare species of birds and animals

Thus, according to the results of the distribution of answers, it can be seen that the problems of degradation and impoverishment of pastures, land pollution with oil refining waste, and irrational irrigation of agricultural land are topical. These problems are the result of active nature management: irrational use of pastures, unreasonable irrigation and, in general, agriculture, as well as the extraction of natural resources.

During the survey, we tried to find out the sources of obtaining information about the state of the environment. The quality of this information also affects the level of environmental consciousness of the population. Social environmental information is often contradictory in meaning: the same environmental factors are presented in different ways. For example, the environmental hazard of nuclear power plants, oil and gas processing enterprises can be presented by representatives of these organizations and is intended to create an idea of ​​the environmental safety of this hazardous production and create its “green” image, or it can be intended to debunk this image by representatives of the “green” movement and ecologists. Sources of information on the state of the environment noted by the respondents are presented in Table 2.

table 2

Distribution of answers to the question: “Where do you get information about the state of the environment in the republic?”

The results show that more than half of the respondents assess the state of the environment in the republic based on the results of "personal observations", which in turn may turn out to be erroneous. It should also be noted that the percentage of choosing the answer “studying environmental problems at school or university” is only 2.7%, and the speeches of scientists is only 3.3%. Whereas exactly this information should be structured, it should correspond to modern scientific achievements, be systemic, corresponding to the age characteristics of the development of schoolchildren, reflect current event information in this area, be regionally significant, reflect the historical and modern experience of interaction with nature, show the achievements of the world and national culture in this area and demonstrate positive examples of practical interaction with nature in the learning space. According to L. Yu. Chuikova, this information should dominate in the formation of the ecological information space.

The results of the study showed a fairly high level of concern about the state of the environment. The vast majority of respondents (93.7%) are concerned about the state of the environment in the country. The environmental situation does not cause concern among 2.7% of respondents, 3.7% found it difficult to answer.

Among the reasons for the exacerbation of the ecological crisis in the region, the respondents name the following: environmental illiteracy (35%), the lack of ideas among the population about production (non-production) activities that cause damage to the environment (22%), as well as the desire to obtain quick economic benefits (20.3% ) and others (see Table 3).

Table 3

Distribution of answers to the question: “Indicate the main reasons for the aggravation of the environmental situation in Kalmykia”

The results of the sociological survey show that, on the whole, the population of the Republic of Kalmykia is aware of the importance of environmental problems. Most of the interviewed respondents are aware of regional environmental problems. The survey data showed a fairly high level of environmental consciousness among the population, many are aware of the problem of land desertification, the most important environmental problem in the region.

Despite this, researchers of environmental problems in the region consider the population to be responsible for the deterioration of the quality of the environment, which, in their opinion, has an insufficient level of environmental culture. Representatives of the authorities also speak about the need to raise the level of environmental culture. However, the ecological crisis arises in regions associated with active nature management, and the level of ecological culture of the population does not act as its cause, since the population is not an active organized nature user capable of large-scale “spoiling” nature in a short, by historical standards, period determined by scientists in 40 -60 years. As the practice of public environmental actions shows, the consequences of environmentally uncivilized actions of the population in nature or in the social environment can be eliminated by residents or local governments with the effective work of the inspectorate of specialized state and municipal services.

The study was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Republic of Kalmykia within the framework of the scientific project "Integration of humanitarian-environmental and socio-political actions for the purpose of making managerial decisions" No. 14-46-01031 "(No. 14-01-96500) - r_yug_a".


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