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The scandal at the 57th school has been at the center of public attention for more than a week now. Almost every day there are new victims of harassment by teachers. They tell the news about what terrible things happened within the walls of the elite 57th school in Moscow. Most of the complaints come against history teacher Boris Meyerson, who has already left Russia. However, there is evidence against other teachers as well. The Investigative Committee arranged its own check of stories from blogs and Facebook of schoolchildren.

Scandal in the 57th school: what happened

About 10 graduates of Moscow said on social networks that they had a sexual relationship with teachers or suffered from harassment. Most of the alleged victims are girls. They call different teachers offenders. Boris Meyerson is the main defendant in most of the complaints. This is a history teacher.

Comments on blogs and Facebook about the scandal at 57- th school of Moscow

"For more than 16 years we have known that a history teacher has affairs with students. Quite a handsome man, smart, ironic, charming. It was no wonder that we fell in love. We were small, but we thought we were big. lovers changed and remained small, "Ekaterina Krongauz told about the scandal in the 57th school. According to her, the scandal was hushed up.

And here is a story from another blog dedicated to 57- and school. This is the story of Rebekah Gorshovich. “For the last 2 years, since the beginning of the 11th grade, I wish with all my heart that nothing of this ever happened to me, that it all turned out to be a terrible dream,” the girl shared her experiences. She also explained why she has remained silent until now. According to the girl, the reason was blackmail.

“Do you know why I was silent for 2 years? Because Boris Markovich said: if you say, the school will be closed. In fact, it was a kind of blackmail,” Gorshovich explained.

Inna Mashanova confirmed that she was also Meyerson's mistress, studying in the 11th grade. "When I was in the 11th grade, I had sex with B.M. Meyerson. I am very scared to write about it in an open post. I think that teachers shouldn't sleep with students," she wrote.

The words of the girls are confirmed by some former employees of 57- th school. So, Alexandra Knebekaize, who worked at the school, said that at least three school teachers had sex with children and only one was fired. According to her, some dangerous connections had consequences. So, in one case, a schoolgirl had to have an abortion, in another, the girl gave birth to a child.

All allegedly harassed students of the 57th school graduated several years ago. None of them filed a complaint with the police, and therefore there are no criminal cases yet.

Scandal with the teacher in 57- th school: who is Meyerson

Boris Meyerson was born in 1966. Graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Sholokhov. He began teaching at the 57th school in the 90s. The teacher's wife, according to media reports, also works at the school. The couple has a child.

Boris Meyerson already left the country. Prior to that, he quit his job at School 57 to help his sick mother in Israel.

Natasha Polyanicheva said in that Meyerson also took students on hikes and took them to his dacha. On one of these trips, the teacher, according to the girl, began to pester her, but failed and switched to another student.

Director of the 57th school Sergei Mendelevich On September 2, he announced on the website of the educational institution that he decided to ask the Department of Education to find a replacement for himself, and law enforcement officers to conduct an inspection at the school.

"While this was being written letter, I learned that the case is not limited to our internal investigation. Investigative and regulatory authorities joined the case. I am glad about this: a lot of the most terrible accusations were made against a variety of people. They should be given a legal assessment," Sergei Mendelevich wrote in a letter on the school's website.

The scandal in the 57th school in Moscow became the reason for the inspection of the educational institution by the Investigative Committee.

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Mentally so exploded on Facebook. "Elite" 57 school. One of the best educational institutions in Moscow and such a shame...

Questions, judging by the post above, arose to Boris Meyerson, ex-teacher of school 57.

We will find out in the near future what this leak of compromising evidence will lead to outside the narrow circle of the local “elite” elite.

The liberal public is such a "nice":

Sobyanin is bad, but sleeping with schoolgirls is the norm? Symptomatic.

What, in your opinion, should be done with 57 schools?

They ask me here why I dragged Sobyanin in, now they will say that they denigrate an honest person for criticizing the authorities ...

No, my dear liberal elite babes, it's just your style: study at an "elite" school, where the history teacher fucked your deskmate, and then take your daughter there by the hand. An elite school! It will be possible to brag to the same friends later.

Everything that is your own is good: school 57, Belykh, Navalny, Kasyanov and Pelevina ... And everything else is “fu-fu-fu, how is it possible, return the tanar with shawarma near the metro, I’m still there in 96 poisoned for a year!

This is how you look from the outside. A good education, by the way, can be obtained not only in school 57. For me, it has always been a question: what abominations are “people with good faces” ready to go to maintain their “exclusivity”? Today I received a good, very reliable answer to it. Because to hide such 16 years is savagery.

Facebook users are discussing the situation at the elite Moscow School No. 57, where one of the teachers had affairs with students for years, but no one familiar with the situation did anything. And even now there are requests to release everything on the brakes. A day later, details began to appear: the students named the name of the teacher - it turned out to be the history teacher Boris Meyerson, and the school administration confirmed in a comment to Medialeaks that he was fired.

It all started with post journalist Ekaterina Krongauz, who on August 29 spoke on Facebook about a history teacher who worked in one of the Moscow schools for 16 years and during all this time “twisted novels” with students. Twice she wanted to report on this situation - first for the "Big City", then for the magazine Gala - but each time colleagues, in any way connected with this school, asked not to wash dirty linen in public. As a result, now someone has collected all the evidence and achieved the dismissal of the teacher.

The post began to spread on Facebook: the situation, when all the parents were aware, but asked not to do anything, seemed wild to many. Krongauz did not name either the name of the teacher or the school, but her number was quickly figured out. She turned out to be School 57, located in the center of Moscow and having a reputation as an educational institution for the children of the capital's intelligentsia.

In the comments to the Krongauz post, the name of one of the teachers of school 57 flashed twice - judging by the information on the page removed from the website of the educational institution, Boris Meyerson had been working there since 1990.

A day later, Meyerson's name still sounded open- from a former student of Nadezhda Plungyan. It was she who was the very girl with whom Krongauz spoke for an article in Gala magazine (she never came out at the request of the headmaster).

In the wake of Katya Krongauz's post, I will write about school 57 and about the historian Boris Meyerson, who (suddenly) is no longer on the school website. I think that the escalating and systemic violence against female students in high school, which has been going on for more than 15 years, has reached its final phase. I think the school should cease to exist in this form. There is nothing to save here. There are no “traditions” here, except for the visible tradition of stepping over students in order to keep jobs, “despite everything” (that is, despite other cases of harassment, which were more than enough).

Boris Meyerson

According to her, in 2005, the students came together and began to talk about the problem in LiveJournal, but in response, Meyerson and law teacher Andrey Petrokovsky drew up a document prohibiting students from criticizing teachers. All those who were dissatisfied with them were subjected to harassment, Plungyan claims.

Then I tried to write an article about the unacceptability of the memorandum as a measure of influence on children, after which I was told that "they don't want to see me at school anymore." I began to receive ridicule and threats of physical harm from former classmates. The friends' parents shrugged.

In 2005, a document regulating the behavior of students on the network was indeed published in the community of school No. 57. The “Memorandum” contains the following paragraph: “in public statements by students, school teachers consider the following unacceptable: insults, defamation and slander against any particular person or group of persons.”

Then this decision caused a lot of criticism. Here is one of the comments.

Gentlemen, just don’t think that they made a mistake somewhere when they wrote this, don’t think that they don’t have everything at home. This is all quite rational and consistent, before they simply did not have the conscience to publish this. They used to say “you can’t wash dirty linen in public” or “you can’t let X leave, he’s a good teacher, but it’s not scary that he committed a dishonorable act in his youth, he knows mathematics” or “if you don’t name the person who wrote this virus, we'll kick you out of school, not him" in a whisper. Now it's being said out loud.

Meyerson, in a separate post, assured that "the reason (but not the reason) for the appearance of the document was not a statement about any of the teachers."

Deputy director for senior and special classes Boris Davidovich, in a conversation with Medialeaks, confirmed that Meerson was fired, but declined to give a reason for the dismissal. Other colleagues are also silent for now.

The network has sketchy information about Meyerson. For example, one of the graduates said that the students called him "Marksovich", since he taught the period of history from the second half of the 19th century.

We loved him, but he, the bastard, does not remember us. With him, history lessons were more interesting than before. Once he even gave us a test in the form of a mock trial under Stalin.

Facebook users joined in the discussion of the situation at the school. More and more new details surfaced: it turns out that many really knew about the problem with a particular teacher and harassment in an educational institution as a whole.

“Well, this is why we don’t really like the school, which is delicately not named in the post 🙂 because I heard - I pay attention to this verb, it means that I am not ready to testify in court, give interviews and name a source, but only retell unreliable rumors - that this was not an isolated case, in the sense of this teacher and girls. There were others, with other characters."

“In fact, Ksenia, you don’t need to sell a kidney - you need to listen to what people say and believe them. Because this whole story in 1957 has been an open secret for at least ten years. But when I said why I don’t want to send my children there, everyone looked at me in the genre of “well, they probably didn’t take them and now he is slandering.”

“Now I realized that I heard stories about that same history teacher back in some 2006-2007 from acquaintances from the 57th, I don’t remember who told it, but even then I was amazed that everyone knows everyone, and publicly, at the same time, no one dares to say. 10 years have passed, and now, finally, people are talking. How monstrous this fear of going against one's own can be.

Plungyan still in time told a story that happened between her and a math teacher when she was only 13 years old.

I was 13, he was 20-21, he taught in mat-classes, and I was not his first object. He guarded me after every break and followed me home, pushing me against the wall, and then called me on the phone and kept me on the wire for hours, threatening suicide. He assured me that he had dropped out of college because of me. He bombarded me with emails, several a day. I was terribly afraid of him, but I had no one to tell (especially since I was accused of "calling").

According to her, the school psychologist then advised her to "be responsible" for the annoying suitor, despite the fact that the girl had not even reached the legal age of consent.

In general, there was a lot of violence within the walls of the school, and no one realized the scale, although almost all the children saw it. Nobody had answers. Nothing was discussed aloud. Too bad we didn't know our rights at all. The only defense was to give such stories a romantic flair.

Some began to criticize Krongauz for leaking the story.

“You see, I have a very acute feeling of private space (into which they constantly climb with dirty hands - either the state, or idle aunts who want to speak out about wearing a baby in a sling). Children, their education and upbringing, their diagnoses and problems, is a private space. As long as at least something can be solved without making it public, it seems to me that this should be done. When I have a question, I try to ask it right away, but I keep the answer to myself whenever possible. We all live in boxes, after all.”

“This is some kind of sketch, aimed at a sore subject and the fact that many do not like the “Jewish woman”. 57th is a very good school with excellent teachers. Since I studied at the history department of Moscow State University, I know quite a lot of graduates and teachers there. And believe me, you would be very happy if your children would study there. In many schools, teachers bother to show second graders what the Vikings looked like, for example? And just today, a familiar teacher called me and asked me to find out how and where this can be done. And this information is somehow very hard to believe.

The teacher of Russian language and literature, Nadezhda Shapiro, asked to do without "public reprisals."

“Dear participants in the discussion related to the school, at least tangentially, at least somehow. We very much hope that now we will be able, as Tamara Natanovna says, to solve these problems. You know both the name and number of the school that we love no matter what and would like to keep. Do you really have a need for those extra letters and numbers? It seems to me that it still can’t be, and now we would be without public reprisals.”

Someone saw in the publicity of the problem a conspiracy.

Designer Artemy Lebedev, who also studied at school No. 57,