Photos of real aliens. Unique photos of UFOs taken long before the advent of Photoshop

Aliens (as well as unidentified flying objects) excite the imagination of people for many centuries. The theme of alien civilizations is a favorite topic of science fiction writers. But in real life, humanity encounters aliens quite often. Of course, some of the eyewitness accounts are fiction, but some are true. In our selection, photographs are confirmation of contact with aliens. Everything is very amazing!

1. Marfa Egorovna, a pensioner from Petrozavodsk, Russia, claims to have kept an alien corpse in her refrigerator for two years. The woman applied to the branch of the Academy of Sciences in Petrozavodsk with a statement that two years ago a UFO had crashed in her garden plot. Hearing a terrible roar in the yard, the woman ran out of the house and found in the yard a mangled pile of red-hot metal - the remains of an aircraft - and the body of a humanoid.

2. The length of an unknown creature is about 60 centimeters, it has a huge head, bulging eyes, and outwardly it resembles a cross between a man and a fish. Marfa Yegorovna told the authorities that the creature was wearing a space suit. She wrapped the dead body in plastic and kept it in the refrigerator for two years before even saying a word about what had happened. Experts suspect that all this may be some kind of colossal hoax and fake, but they do not dismiss the possibility that all the information provided by the pensioner is true, and we are dealing with the body of a real alien.

3. In April 2011, two people claimed to have found the body of an alien creature in the snow in Siberia. They claimed that the body was damaged when an aircraft of alien origin crashed in nearby Irkutsk. As a result, the “alien” turned out to be made of bread crumb covered with chicken skin.

4. In 1995, Ray Santilli claimed to have video footage of a UFO crash, the so-called "Roswell Incident" that occurred in 1947, as well as footage of the subsequent autopsy of the alien. It wasn't until 2006 that Santilli admitted that the film was a fake, or, as he put it, "a reconstruction of events that could have taken place."

5. In February 2004, something incomprehensible was found in the garden of one of Durham's houses. His owner called the police after discovering something resembling a curled up embryo in the grass of her own garden. The police called a surgeon, coroners and paranormal experts. In the end, the “thing” turned out to be a toy from a horror shop.

6. Mummies of Nari Pon fairies kept at Wat Phrapangmuni Temple, near Sin Buri, north of Bangkok, Thailand. The bodies of two unknown creatures are kept in a glass shrine located in the temple building. believers claim that these are the bodies of fairies, creatures from Buddhist mythology. One of the myths tells of a magical tree that, instead of fruit, brought tiny female creatures. with magical powers.

7. Speaking of fairies. In 1917, two little girls, after a long game in the garden, returned home with convincing evidence of the existence of the so-called "little people" - photographs. It wasn't until the late 1970s that the so-called "Cottingley photos" were found to be fakes when one of those same girls, the now very respectable Elsie Wright, admitted that their "little folk" were nothing more than cardboard cutouts. figurines.

8. A good prank that happened on April 1, 2007. This "fairy body" was created by London-based designer Dan Baines, who specializes in optical illusions. The resulting hype convinced many that the "body" was genuine. Later, the artist confessed his authorship, and the fake was sold at an online auction for an amount of approximately 300 pounds.

9. And now before you "Montauk monster" - an animal that has not been identified by scientists, the corpse of which was washed ashore on the beach near Montauk, New York, United States of America, in July 2008. The find gave rise to many of the most fantastic theories about what kind of creature it is, whether it is real or is it another fake. The two most common theories contradict each other. One says the creature is a clever fake made out of latex. Supporters of the second theory insist that the creature is a mutant raccoon.

10. On October 20, 1967, Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin reported that they had managed to film a female Bigfoot, the Yeti. It wasn't until many years later that Bob Heironimus, a friend of Patterson's, confessed that he was in fact on the scandalous tape wearing a fancy dress.

11. Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer of California reported on August 15, 2008. that, during their tour of the state of Georgia, they stumbled upon the dead body of Yeti Bigfoot. Blo later discovered the creature to be a fake, with fake fur, a papier-mâché head, and rubber feet.

12. "Terrible dwarf", which was filmed by teenagers, who assured that this creature was walking along the streets of the city of Salta, located in Argentina. Later, due to conflicting shots and shooting angles, the photo was recognized as a fake.

13. Illustration depicting the discovery of the "Cardiff Giant", a stone statue of a man ten feet, that is, over 3.5 meters tall, discovered in the field of farmer William S. Newell in Cardiff, New York, October 16, 1869 . Later, George Hall admitted to the authorship of the statue, also saying that he had buried it in the field a year earlier.

14. A giant skeleton, which, according to the New Nation newspaper (Bangladesh), was found in Saudi Arabia in 2004. It was later revealed that this photo was a fake, created with photoshop and submitted to a photo contest run by

15. In February 2010, a mysterious green glowing object was captured by photographers hovering over a windmill in Knofolk. Fifty-seven-year-old photographer Peter Rye took this photo during a photo shoot for a calendar, which he held near Downham Market's Denver mill. He admitted that he did not even notice this strange object during the shooting and found it only later when he looked through the finished photos. It was then, according to him, that a mysterious object was discovered in the sky above the mill, emitting an ominous greenish glow.He assures that it was a UFO.

16. A mysterious spot of turquoise glow in the sky over Norway. It gave rise to a host of the most incredible theories, including that it was a military missile launched on a test flight. A strange phenomenon was photographed by local resident Jan Peter Jorgensen, returning from work at a salmon processing factory.

17. A giant pyramid, presumably - an unidentified flying object - in the sky over the Kremlin, Russia. Leisure tongues immediately assumed that it was an alien spacecraft.

18. This image, taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (Soho), a spacecraft that is millions of kilometers from Earth and studying the Sun, was immediately declared evidence of the existence of aliens. NASA has refuted all theories, saying that this is just a defect in the image caused by a camera failure, but supporters of the assumptions about the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization are sure that the alien spacecraft is in the picture.

19. In October 2009, a crater in Latvia that was thought to be a pothole caused by a meteorite fall turned out to be just a fake. Experts who went to the Mazsalaca area received information that an object resembling a meteorite had fallen to the ground. However, after conducting the necessary research, they came to the conclusion that the dent, about three meters deep and about ten meters wide, was created artificially. Later, the Latvian company Tele2 admitted that the idea of ​​the lottery and its implementation were their own work. The "Jokers" sought to diversify the dull news with constant reports of an economic crisis.

20. Well, what about without the Loch Ness monster, old Nessie! Here she is - in the so-called "surgeon's photograph". Its author, London physician R. Kenneth Wilson, claimed to have photographed the monster by accident while traveling around the area birdwatching. It wasn't until 1994 that it became clear that the picture actually depicted a children's toy submarine equipped with a toy snake head.

21. Crop circles is a term for drawings in the form of rings, circles and other geometric shapes formed in the fields by fallen plants. In spite of great amount supporters of the theory of the alien origin of this phenomenon, many of them were later created artificially. For example, here are these, which were created by Doug Bauer, Dave Chorley and Jon Landberg. According to them, they made the first pattern in 1978, inspired by photographs of paths left in wheat fields by agricultural machinery. In 1992, they received an alternative to the Nobel Prize, the Ignobel Prize, for their skillful forgery.

22. Pencil drawing depicting an alien spacecraft making crop circles, as proponents of the theory about the alien origin of this phenomenon assure. The drawing is taken from the National Archives.

23. This giant image of an alien smoking a pipe appeared in a wheat field in Cherhill, Wiltshire. Proponents of the theory of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations claim that the alien is like two drops similar to the characters from the movie 2 The X-Files ”and is a symbol of harmony and peace between earthlings and representatives of the cosmic mind. There is also speculation that the pipe was added to the image later as a joke.

24. A broken wind generator on a farm in Coninsholme, Lincolshire. Local residents claim that they saw a bright light in the sky on the eve of the generator failure and are now proving that an alien spacecraft was involved in the failure of the device.

25. And this photograph of a mysterious object in the sky was taken in Tinsten, Khopeh Province, China, back in 1942. Several people in the photo point to an incomprehensible phenomenon.

26. In September 1957, this photograph was taken by a test pilot near Edwards Air Force Base in California. There appears to be an unidentified flying object behind the B-47.

27. Photo taken by Apollo 11 in 1969. The most interesting thing is that the mysterious object in this picture, by Neil Armstrong, has never been reliably identified.

28. Hundreds of people saw this object, illuminated by bright lights, flying relatively low over residential areas of Levittown, Puerto Rico, in 1980. Police officer José Cordero took about ten pictures of the mysterious phenomenon with his Polaroid

29. A photo of the mysterious lights was taken by a police officer off I-84 near Waterbury, Connecticut on May 26, 1987. The appearance of a mysterious glow caused multiple accidents on the road - drivers, distracted, lost control of their cars.

aliens really exist. This is confirmed by their real photos. Of course, many of the photographs provided by eyewitnesses are fake. But there are those that provide truthful pictures in which real aliens are present.

Mutant from Montauk

In 2008, in America, the corpse of an unknown creature was washed up on the shores of the city of Montauk. Scientists have not been able to figure out who it is. There are many theories about this, some believe that the creature is a mutated raccoon, others say that it is a fake.

Ufologists came to the conclusion that this is one of the types of aliens. His photo has survived and is authentic.

Photo by Ray Santilli

In 1995, R. Santilli stated that he was in possession of genuine photographs and videos from the UFO crash site in Roswell. They depict the crash itself and the autopsy of the alien.

He spoke about this until 2006, and then abruptly changed his testimony. But this does not mean that what he had on hand is a falsification. Maybe someone just pressured Ray, ordering him to shut up.

Alien from Indonesia

In 2011, a security camera at a security company filmed angelic alien. The luminous ghost had large white wings. He appeared very quickly and disappeared just as quickly.

His image not only remained in the picture, he was seen by several eyewitnesses who tried to run up to him, but the creature was gone.

Alien from the Atacama Desert

Recognize real and alien photo from the Atacama Desert. The alien was found by the Chilean O. Munoz in a ghost mining village. Not far from the church, he found a strange bundle and unwrapped it. There was a 15 cm mummified body with teeth and a bulging head.

The Chilean sold the humanoid for $60, and scientists took it further. During experiments and examination of the creature, they revealed that it has 9 ribs, not 12, like a person, and also that it cannot be a human fetus. It was also noted that the concentration of calcium in the bones of the alien was several times higher than the norm.

The creature's age was determined to be 7 years old. It ate earthly food.

Kyshtymsky Aleshenka

A similar alien was found in Russia in the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region. He looked like Alien from Atacama. There is no doubt that his photos are real.

Scientists connect the Kyshtym and Atakamsk humanoids with each other. They say that if at least one more such alien is found, it will already be possible to talk about patterns. Then it will be indirectly confirmed that aliens exist.

How many types of aliens are there in space? It must be a great many. It would be naive to believe that humanity is the only race in the infinity of space. Our universe holds many mysteries. We cannot know how many aliens live in it, but we can talk about how many types of aliens are known to ufologists today and what are the features of each of them. That is what we will talk about today.

Let's start from afar - let's turn to such a science as logic. One of the popular tasks in this discipline is: "Determine the type of this concept by volume." Alien is an indefinite concept. What does it mean?

As you know, all concepts are divided by volume into indefinite, empty, general and singular. Single - these are those that include only one element (A. S. Pushkin, Moscow). General - those that include two or more elements ("river", "planet"). The volume of empty concepts is an empty set. In other words, it does not include any object from the universe of reasoning ("perpetual motion", "water"). And finally, indefinite concepts - those whose scope has not been established to date. It is to them that "alien" refers. As you can see, it is impossible to establish clear boundaries of the concept that interests us.

Our knowledge of how many types of aliens exist is based on information received from contactees who claimed to have been able to visit a spaceship or talk to aliens. In addition, information about them was collected from mediums who established channels to communicate with them through channeling.

There is a special science - exobiology, which gives us more accurate information about different types of aliens. According to the stories of witnesses and the results of research, ufologists concluded that there are several races of aliens that differ from each other in appearance. Aliens have a completely different appearance, each race is defined by its temperament and unique features.


These amazing humanoids resemble insects in their own way. Insectoids are a specific, extremely rare race of aliens. They are characterized by large and bulging. The limbs of these aliens have a bizarre shape. They are sharp, reminiscent of claws or tentacles.

Insectoids have incredible features that allow them to carry out space travel at high speeds. Aliens of this species can withstand very high accelerations (up to 40 g). With gravitational overloads, they easily endure colossal stresses.

Even K. E. Tsiolkovsky determined the characteristic properties of insects. He personally studied cockroaches, conducted tests on them. This scientist was one of the first to determine that insects are able to endure gigantic accelerations and large differences in gravity much better than mammals and animals. It is not only during braking or the rapid flight of a spacecraft that intense stress arises. And in the event of a sharp change in the direction of the ship, an unthinkable load is noted. Only an alien ship is able to stop abruptly at full speed and, frozen for a moment, instantly change its course by 90 °.

three-toed giants

These aliens were most often seen in Lower Saxony (Germany). The distinguishing features of this race are as follows:

  • large growth (from two to three meters);
  • large luminous eyes, reminiscent of car headlights, as well as a huge head;
  • blurred external features, their ears and nose do not stand out;
  • representatives of this race have special skin, which has a light blue tint;
  • the limbs of humanoids are quite impressive: a clumsy long hand, larger than the head in size, only three fingers.

Ufologists have established that representatives of this race are male. It has also been observed that these giant cyclops never appear alone. A whole retinue of Lilliputians (of course, also of cosmic origin) will certainly accompany them.


Reptoids are very interesting extraterrestrial beings. This type of alien got its name because their skin is scaly. In addition, reptoids are cold-blooded, like amphibians. They have a bumpy torso, and long claws have been seen on the limbs of these aliens. Their terrible eyes glow with yellow and green tints. In the region of the mouth and nose, they have a blunt appendage resembling a trunk, giving these dragon-like creatures an almost human appearance.

Some argue that reptoids are characterized by a tendency to aggression, as well as to sexual violence against representatives of the human race. Contactees even liken these aliens to Satan and his army. It is believed that aliens of this species are representatives of the dark forces of the universe, belonging to the demonic sphere. According to some reports, any mention of the name of Christ causes a negative reaction among the reptoids. There is even an assumption that it is the representative of this race that is the prototype of the biblical snake, which tempted Adam and Eve in ancient times. Some believe that reptoids have very powerful energy, but at the same time they are extremely kind and sensitive creatures. However, the opinion about their hostility to humanity is still more common.


Space dwarfs, unlike reptoids, are peaceful creatures. Basically, they accompany other humanoids, more intimidating. However, there were also cases of single visits to Earth by space midgets.

Let us briefly describe the appearance of aliens of this type. The growth of these creatures is about a meter, they have short legs with hooves. The forelimbs of dwarfs are long, they have three fingers. The hands of space midgets are very thin. They dangle and hang down to the ground. However, this does not prevent the dwarfs from moving quickly, as well as running away from the persecution of the curious.

So, the appearance of space midgets is quite funny. As for the character, he is benevolent. Dwarfs are usually dressed in silvery spacesuits. A thin film that covers the nose, mouth and ears, like a mask, is on their face. It seems that dwarfs hide their appearance from us, leaving only their eyes open.

Perhaps some people saw not space aliens, but the inhabitants of the Earth in carnival masks and costumes? This question should be answered in the negative. After all, people with such features of appearance, such specific anatomical data, simply do not exist on our planet. And why would there be a carnival procession in Lower Saxony, a rather deserted place?

Synthetic workers

This race of aliens has its own specific features. Their representatives are believed to be even capable of telepathy. The growth of these creatures is about 1.1 m. Their intelligence is compared to that of a bee swarm. Representatives of this race were seen mainly on board their spaceships, as well as in the underground bases created by these aliens.

Gray humanoids

The growth of gray humanoids is also small. It ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 m. Representatives of this race are inconspicuous in appearance. They are distinguished by a lean body, their limbs are underdeveloped. The fingers of gray humanoids are very thin, with sticky suction cups or sharp claws at their tips. The classic image of the representatives of this race is as follows: a huge head (there is no hair), gray skin, blurry slightly convex nose, the line of the lips is poorly defined.

Evidence of gray aliens was received mainly from the inhabitants of America. In July 1947 in the state of New Mexico (city of Roswell) there was a famous crash of an alien spacecraft. It was the remains of gray humanoids (pictured above) that were then found at the accident site. Scientists conducted an autopsy of the bodies and found that the structure internal organs these aliens are truly amazing. They had no exit openings and digestive system, and instead of blood there was an unknown substance. The pathologists also did not find the liver and heart - perhaps these organs were absent in humanoids. As for the brain, its nervous tissues were significantly different from human ones. There was no gray matter in it, but the brain was well formed, had a good structure.

In the state of Texas, wrecks were also recorded on board of which the bodies of gray aliens were found. In 1947 in the United States the visits of these creatures were very frequent. It seemed that this country was chosen for their research by aliens. The US authorities were seriously concerned about the frequent visits of uninvited guests. They seriously considered the possibility of their mass invasion and prepared for it. Fortunately, the invasion never took place.

Among the grays there is such an interesting type as long-nosed grays. The growth of these creatures is about 2.4 m. These aliens have a genetic structure similar to insects. They do not have external sex organs. In relation to people, these aliens are very aggressive. They are considered a group from Orion, whose main goal is supposedly to capture humanity and enslave it.

Another type is gray with Ceta Recycli. Many abduction victims and witnesses have described small, robotic creatures. Others noted that they were short, stocky aliens in dark overalls. Their faces are wide, depending on the lighting, they have a dark blue or dark gray tint. They have deep-set shining eyes, wide mouths and upturned noses. The other types mentioned by the witnesses do not look human.

Group from Sirius

According to some reports, the group from Sirius, like the grays, is involved in kidnapping. The growth of these creatures is about two meters. They have blond hair, cut short. Their eyes are blue, having the following feature: vertical pupils, like those of cats. These beings are supposedly part of a group that has arrived from Orion to take control of our planet.

Humanoids in black clothes

There are also some types of UFOs, of which aliens can be easily mistaken for people, since their appearance practically does not differ from a human one. Humanoids in black clothes, for example, are very similar to us. It would seem that they should not cause horror among eyewitnesses. However, these humanoids are dressed in special black robes, which makes their appearance intimidating. Aliens belonging to this race have been found in almost all regions of our planet. Most often, eyewitnesses watched them get out of their ship, sinking to the ground in front of everyone. People from different countries reported that representatives of this race appeared in groups to carry out repairs to the ship.

Cases have been recorded when black aliens made contact with us. However, the tone of their communication, according to eyewitnesses, was demanding and impudent. They spoke quite well, and the manner of speaking of these humanoids resembled the slang characteristic of the criminal environment. Aliens have always worn black suits and black headbands.

Eyewitnesses experienced fear during communication with them, as these creatures threatened them, and also demanded not to tell anyone about their visit. Aliens in a conversation were interested in the profession and life of their interlocutors. A variety of small household items were very curious to them, which surprised the eyewitnesses. Some even thought that these aliens are recluses who have lived apart from civilization for a long time. Others have suggested that they are secret workers living on the military bases of the Fourth Reich.

Nordic type aliens

Representatives of this race are very similar to people. Their appearance has features that are inherent in the Nordic race:

  • high growth;
  • blond hair;
  • pleasant appearance.

Nordic-type aliens usually avoid humans, however, according to eyewitnesses, they have a benevolent and peaceful nature. These aliens were mostly men, but there were also women who had amazing beauty. American T. Beturum provided information about one such alien named Aura. He said that he met with her at night in deserted places. The alien flew on a spacecraft that landed in 1952. The aura persuaded Beturum to establish a "Sanctuary of Thought" on our planet. The goal of this community was to be peace on Earth.

The types of aliens that have visited Earth are numerous. We only talked about Aliens scare you? Let's try to find out if they are dangerous.

Are aliens dangerous?

Having described the various types of aliens, the photographs of which, unfortunately, are few, we can conclude that among them there are both peaceful and hostile. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally state that aliens are good or bad. Types of aliens hostile to humanity (reptoids, long-nosed gray humanoids, groups from Sirius, etc.) threaten us with reprisals. They predict future catastrophes on our planet. On the contrary, peaceful species of aliens speak of calmness and goodness. There are also such aliens who are aimed at creating colonies on Earth. According to a fairly common version, aliens, with the help of earthlings, want to change and improve their gene pool. To this end, the aliens secretly abduct members of the human race and test them. So there are hybrids that are created by aliens. Species, races and varieties of hybrids are probably numerous. At the very least, their descriptions differ significantly.


Almost all types of aliens on Earth are distinguished by an increased interest in the features of human biology. However, not all of them are kidnappers. What types of aliens take people on their ships for research? Many victims claim that it is gray. Victims of abductions or just observers often talk about how certain types of extraterrestrials performed medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some say that they were forced to have sexual relations with aliens. Others were shown newborns or embryos resulting from contact between aliens and humans.

What are the intentions of different types of aliens? Why are they creating hybrids? Some believe that they want to get a "superior race", combining the best qualities of an alien and a person. Space guests want to prevent their disappearance or save people. It is also possible that friendly species of aliens intend to relocate groups of people to distant planets. The fact is that human society, as they believe, is heading towards self-destruction.

Now you know what types of aliens exist. Photos and images of aliens will help you correctly classify them in case of a possible meeting. And it should not be excluded - you need to be prepared for anything.

Drawings of aliens found in India. They are authentic and painted on the rocks. The find is approximately 10,000 years old. And interesting drawings in that they depict strange extraterrestrial creatures and an object that has a disk-shaped shape.

Who painted the rocks and why?

The considered drawings of aliens were carefully checked for a long time. Aerospace agencies have found that aliens and disk very similar to how we imagine aliens now. Indian scientists noted that it is the same as if the ancient people had seen enough scientific films about extraterrestrial life forms and depicted it on the rocks.

It is assumed that what he saw influenced the formation of Indian culture. Rock art is not sacred, but people in the area know about the Rokhela people. These people are presented as short creatures with a large head, flying on large round saucers. It is also said that they took a couple of people with them, and after that there was no news about them.

alien drawings Made in traditional Indian colors. They are very clear - there are figures on whose faces there is no mouth and nose, and in their hands there is a weapon. In some cases on aliens wearing spacesuits. The fact that ancient people came up with such an image is unlikely.

It is possible that ancient people showed exactly what they once saw. The theory is supported by the fact that similar drawings are found in other parts of the world. They are typical of many cultures. For example, similar images were recently discovered in the city of Belozersk, Vologda Oblast. A spaceship was painted on the stone, very similar to to the alien, and the alien, dressed in a spacesuit and holding a staff in his hand. It is known that a millennium ago the Vikings lived near the White Lake, respectively, the stone may be theirs. However, it is not possible to determine the exact age of the find. The thing is that it consists of silicon, which cannot be subjected to radiocarbon analysis. It is possible that the stone appeared even before the area was inhabited by the Vikings.

Was there contact with aliens or not

The assumption that ancient people had contact with aliens, is not meaningless. Drawings of extraterrestrial beings in India are a vivid confirmation of this, since it would be very difficult for ancient people to invent such an event.

At the moment, experts suggest contacting NASA. Employees of this organization became interested in the find and say that meeting with aliens possible in the near future.

A woman who enjoyed universal respect and trust in society. Her husband was a major in the South African Air Force, and Elizabeth herself worked in the intelligence of the Air Force. A total of 7 photographs were taken in the presence of two witnesses at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains.

Possible explanation: an optical atmospheric phenomenon.

©South African Air Force

Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 1967

Harold Trudel managed to take some pictures in the East Woonsocket area in the USA. In the photographs, one can see the dome on a disk-shaped object with a slightly asymmetrical shape. Trudel claimed that the UFO was moving very fast. An eyewitness watched the "saucer" for five minutes, until it rushed north.

Possible explanation: it is possible that the eyewitness himself designed the "UFO" and somehow launched it into the sky.

Apollo 16, 1972

During the fifth American moon landing, astronaut Charles Duke was collecting samples from the moon's surface when this famous photograph was taken. Just to the right of the center, you can see an unidentified flying object. Representatives of NASA failed to explain the appearance of a UFO in the picture.

Possible explanation: camera glare.

Waterbury, Connecticut, 1987

Pilot Randy Etting with 30 years of experience was walking near his home in the evening when he suddenly noticed orange and red lights in the sky approaching from the west.

Randy immediately called the neighbors and took out binoculars and a camera. By this time, the lights had approached and were flying over Interstate I-84. The engines of the cars that were at that moment on I-84 stalled. This UFO encounter was confirmed by many witnesses, including Etting's neighbors and motorists.

Possible explanation: A classified experiment by NASA or the Pentagon.

Puebla, Mexico, 1994

On December 21, 1994, Carlos Diaz filmed a volcanic eruption in the Mexican state of Puebla. Among his pictures was this one, where you can see a mysterious luminous object.

The photograph passed a meticulous examination and was published in many printed publications. The disk-shaped UFO shown in the image emits bright red-yellow beams of light. On its sides you can see some kind of portholes.

Possible explanation: A cloud illuminated by a volcanic eruption.

Valpara, Mexico, 2004

This picture was also taken in Mexico by local newspaper journalist Manuel Aguirre.

At a great distance above the city of Valpara, a series of glowing lights is visible, emanating from a spherical or disk-shaped object. The photo was also found to be authentic.

Possible explanation: A strange atmospheric phenomenon.

©Mercury newspaper-Mexico

Capitol building, Washington, 1952

This is probably the most famous UFO photograph taken at the dawn of ufology in the capital of the United States. According to a number of eyewitnesses, on July 19, 1952, mysterious UFOs circled over the White House, the Capitol building and the Pentagon. Objects also appeared on the radar of the national airport and Andrews Air Force Base and then disappeared without a trace.

©United States Air Force

McMinnville, Oregon, 1950

On May 8, 1950, a certain Mrs. Trent noticed a UFO near her house and called her husband. Paul Trent managed to take a photo of “a flying saucer, which was then published by a local newspaper. The picture gained fame when it appeared on July 26, 1950 in the pages of Life magazine. Numerous checks by a number of experts have proven its authenticity.

Possible explanation: air probe.

Battle of Los Angeles, 1942

On February 25, 1942, sirens were heard over Los Angeles, warning of a Japanese Air Force attack on the city. According to the instructions, frightened citizens put out the fires in their homes.

American air defense forces began to fire at the luminous objects rushing towards Los Angeles from the ocean, but the shells failed to hit any of them. Witnesses claimed to have seen small red or silver UFOs flying at high altitude in a specific pattern.

Possible explanation: fireballs of unknown nature.

©United States military

Costa Rica, 1971

On September 4, 1971, a cartographer aircraft commissioned by the Costa Rican government, flying at an altitude of 4500 meters over a lake, took a picture of a mysterious object. During the official investigation, the UFO was not identified as any object known to science.

Possible explanation: original air probe or cloud formation.

©Costa Rican Government

Note that the flow of UFO photographs with the onset of the era of smartphones and digital cameras has come to naught, although given the presence of cameras in most of the inhabitants of the planet, the number of images should have increased.

If we exclude the version of the allergy of aliens in relation to digital cameras, it remains to be recognized that most likely modern technology simply makes it possible to better recognize strange objects that turn out to be clouds or air probes.