Verb. Principal pledges

“All of Russia glorified the victory won by the Russian army on the Borodino field” the verb “glorified”, being a predicate, is connected with the subject - the word “Russia”. And the sacrament is “possessed” (participle is also a form verb, and therefore always has and pledge) refers to the word "victory".

Answer the question - what kind of action does our verb denote? Is it about something that was done by the person (or what) the noun denotes? Or did someone else do this to him? “Russia glorified the victory” - it is Russia that is the protagonist here. Therefore, the verb "glorified" is in the actual pledge e. “The victory won by the army” - here the character is already “”, and the participle “won” denotes what the army did with this victory. Therefore, it is in the passive pledge e.

A separate conversation is verbs, that is, those that end in "-sya". Sometimes it is believed that all such verbs are necessarily passive pledge a. But this is a mistake. There are many return valid pledge a. You can tell them apart like this. Try to rephrase the sentence so that the "-sya" is dropped. For example, "An article is now" easily becomes "Someone is writing an article now." So, “written” is a passive verb pledge a. But let's take the phrase "The hostess stocks up vegetables for the winter." To paraphrase it, we get "Vegetables store the hostess for the winter." Obviously, initially the proposal spoke about something completely different. Similarly, it is impossible to remake the phrase "Dog". "Someone is biting the dog" is a sentence with a completely different meaning. “Stocks” and “bites” are real verbs pledge a.

to the real pledge y also includes those reflexive verbs that denote an action on oneself. You can distinguish them by trying to replace the ending "-sya" with a separate word "yourself". "He is fleeing danger" thus becomes "He is himself from danger." Valid pledge this verb already obvious.


Usually there are two main collaterals. Direct voice expresses direct diathesis - that is, the object is the object, and the subject is the subject. Indirect (or derivative) voice (more precisely, a group of voices) grammatically reflects in the sentence some other scheme of diathesis. (An analogue in Russian can be constructions with the verbs “swear”, “bite”, etc.). This pledge is in the ancient Greek language.

Useful advice

The question of the category of voice of the verb is one of the most difficult questions of the grammar of the modern Russian language. There is no generally accepted definition of the category of pledge in linguistics, although the term "collateral" was already used in the oldest grammars of the Old Slavic, and then Russian languages. In the history of the development of the theory of voices, there were different points of view: I point of view: the forms of the voice express the relation of the action only to the object.

A verb is a part of speech with permanent and non-permanent features. The person of the verb is its inconstant sign, and only verbs in the present and future tenses have it. Not everyone can immediately identify it. To do this, we will give a short instruction on how to determine the person of the verb.


So, given, in which you need to determine the person, or the verb separately.

First, you need to write out the verb separately (at the stage of studying the definition of the person of the verb, this is mandatory). We will consider the example of the verb "look".

Secondly, it is necessary to highlight the ending of the verb, for example, the verb “look” has the ending “-yat”.

Next, you need to look at the ending and the pronoun. If the pronoun “I” or “we” fits the verb, then you have a first-person verb, and it points to. If the pronoun “you” or “you” fits the verb, then this is a second-person verb, and it indicates the speaker’s interlocutor. If the verb is combined with one of these: he, she, it, they, then this is a person verb. Our example has the ending “-yat” and the pronoun “they”, which means a third person verb.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. In this rule, the impersonal are an exception. It is impossible to pick up a pronoun for such verbs, it is also impossible to attach an action to any object, person, animal, etc. These verbs show what they are by themselves, without anyone's help. For example, this is the verb "twilight".
Some verbs may not have forms in all persons, these verbs are deficient. An example is the verb “win”, this verb cannot be used in 1 person singular, in this case they say “I will win”, and not “I will run”.

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A person is such a grammatical category in Russian that expresses in speech the relation of an action to various participants in a speech act (that is, by whom / what is performed and to whom / what the action refers to). This category is peculiar only to verbs and personal pronouns.

To identify a person, you need to understand who or what the action in the sentence refers to. Action may include:
- to the speaker himself (this is the first person);
- to the one to whom he addresses (second person);
- or to an outside person/object (third person).

Each person has singular and plural forms.

First person

The form of the first person singular shows that the speaker himself (that is, the subject of speech) performs the action: I go,. This form corresponds to the pronoun "I".

The first person plural form indicates that the action is performed by several persons, including the speaker: we are going, we are talking, we are interested. Accordingly, the first person plural pronoun is "we".

second person

The second person form expresses an action related to the interlocutor (singular) or a group of persons, including the interlocutor (plural). The second person pronouns are "you" and "you". For example: (you), speak, are interested; (you) go, talk, take an interest.

third party

The form of the third person indicates that the action refers to an outside person or object not participating in speech - in the singular, and to a group of persons or objects - in the plural. The corresponding pronouns are: "he", "she", "it" - singular, "they" - plural. For example: (he/she/it) goes, speaks, is interested; (they) go, talk, take an interest.

It should also be remembered that not all verbs have a person.

The category of persons is possessed by: verbs of the indicative mood in the present and future tense (smile - smile - - smile - - smile, smile - smile - - smile - smile - smile) and forms of the imperative mood (here the face is not determined in all cases).

Persons do not have the category:
- verbs of the indicative mood in the past tense (the forms are the same: I walked = you walked = he walked, we walked = you walked = they walked);
- verbs of the conditional (subjunctive) mood (would like, would go);
- verbs-infinitives (the initial form of the verb, on -t / -tsya: walk, sing, draw);
- impersonal verbs (it gets dark, I want, it's enough, etc.);
- participles and participles (who came, rejoicing). According to some grammar systems, these parts of speech are classified as verbs, according to others they are not. In any case, these parts of speech do not have a category of person.

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  • Person category in 2019

Pledge is a verbal category that expresses the relation of a process to its subject (the producer of an action or the bearer of a state) and to the object (the object to which the process is directed). This category is built as a contrast between two series of forms - real and passive 3. Real 3. represents the action as coming from the subject, passive 3. - as a passive sign of the object. Constructions with real 3. verbs are called active (see Active construction), and constructions with passive 3. verbs are called passive (see Passive construction). In the active construction, the position of the subject is the name of the acting subject, and the object is expressed in the form of wines. p.: Students take an exam; The commission approved the project. In a passive construction, the object that is affected is expressed by the subject, and the name of the acting subject is in the form of creation. p.: Exams are taken by students; The project was approved by the commission (subjective forms of TV items may be absent). Both constructions describe the same situation, but represent it differently: the active construction has the meaning "the subject performs an action aimed at the object", and the passive one - "the object is affected by the subject" (see Diathesis).
The real value 3. has no regular means of expression of its own. The meaning of the passive 3. is expressed: 1) by the forms of the passive participles: a) in the verbs nes. species - forms of passive participles of nast, time (love - love, beloved; read - read, read) and rarely - forms of passive participles past. time (read - read, read; call - called, called); 6) in the verbs of owls. species - forms of passive participles past. time: read - read, read; build - built, built; 2) verbs with the postfix -sya, standing in a passive construction and motivated verbs of the real 3. without -sya; the formation of passive 3. verbs with the help of the postfix -sya is typical mainly for the verbs of nons. type: read - read, analyze - analyze, demonstrate - demonstrate, although formations from the verbs of owls are possible. kind of: “But this is not the end of the story! Let him finish with victory * (Antokolsky).
Thus, category 3. has a mixed character: it is expressed both by inflectional means (participles) and non-inflective (passive 3. verbs with the postfix -sya).
Passive 3. verbs with the postfix -sya are used preim. in the forms of the 3rd person singular. and many others. h. and participles (read, read, read, read), but forms of the 1st and 2nd person, infinitive and gerunds are also possible, for example:
“Every day I am blinded by the sun and go to the window to admire its rays * (Gladkov); “You are accused of malicious sabotage* (Fedin); “With noise and a triumphant roar, the cars began to fill up quickly * (Fedin); “Now dusk has come; the distance was already beginning to disappear, obscured by a thick, bluish darkness * (Grigorovich).
All verbs with the postfix -sya that do not have a passive meaning are called reflexive (see Reflexive verbs) and refer to the real 3., for example: wash, kiss, bite (the dog bites), get angry, fit in (meaning "pack your things "), want, scatter, talk.
The same verb with the postfix -sya can refer to the passive 3 in one of its meanings, and to the real in others. These meanings differ in context, e.g. the verb to be built in the sentence The house is being built by the workers has the meaning of the passive 3., and in the sentence “I love to build. The building adorns the earth * (M. Gorky) - the meaning of the real 3. ("to build a house or other building for yourself").
Passive 3. verbs with the postfix -sya and forms of passive participles are formed by ch. arr. from the transition verbs (see. Transitivity - intransitivity): build - build, build - built, read - readable, with the exception of formations from some intransitives. verbs that control the case form with an objective meaning: manage what - manage, manage; to lead someone-something - led; to lead someone or something - led; precede someone-something - preceded; to command someone or something - commanded.

A) Transitivity and intransitivity of verbs.

BUT) transitive verbs- designate an action directly and necessarily directed to some object, for example: to build - whom? What? Home, love - Whom? What? Mother, the action is directed to the object. Intransitive verbs - they call an action that is not directed at an object, for example: have fun, talk. Entire lexico-semantic groups of verbs can be transitive or intransitive, so the verbs of creation: erect, build, etc., destruction - burn, break, destroy, etc., speaking - speak, inform, etc., sensual perceptions - hear, see, feel, are usually transitional. Intransitive verbs include motion verbs, for example: run, jump, etc., positions in space - stand, lie down; sounds - rattle, buzz, call; states - doze off, get sick; state changes - to lose weight, turn white. It should be remembered that polysemantic verbs in some of their meanings can be transitive and in others intransitive. (The child reads (what?) a book. The child reads well).

Grammar differences.

Transitive verbs combine (govern) with nouns in the Accusative case without a preposition, for example: solve (whom? What?) A task. Instead of the accusative case, the direct object is expressed in two cases in the genitive form. 1. If the action does not cover the entire subject, but only part of it. For example: drink (whom? What?) Water, a form of the genitive case, because the ending s, in the accusative - y, drink water.

2. If the verb has a negation. For example: I didn’t buy (what?) Bread, the genitive case of a noun, I bought (whom? What?) Bread, we will replace the negation with an affirmation and there will be an accusative case.

The foundations of the doctrine of pledge were laid in the 18-19 centuries by the works of Lomonosov, Vostokov and others. Of the modern researchers, Muchnik I.P., Moiseev A.I., Bulavin L.L., and others contributed to the study of collateral.

S (subject) D (action) O (object)

In university practice, there has traditionally been such an understanding of the voice, which is completely based on the transitivity and intransitivity of verbs. Only transitive verbs and the intransitive verbs formed from them with the postfix -sya have the category of voice, all other intransitive verbs are outside the voice. According to one of the classifications, there are: real, passive, and medium recurrent pledges.

Active voice - denotes an active action that is performed by the subject, and which passes to the object.

The subject - performs an action - and goes to the object. These verbs are always irrevocable and transitive. For example: the plane delivers mail, mom washed the frame.

Passive voice - denotes a passive action that is performed by the subject in the instrumental case and which is directed at the object.

Airplane delivers mail - MAIL IS DELIVERED BY AIRCRAFT (Tv.p), reflexive, intransitive, but formed from a transitive verb.

Medium return pledge - denotes the action of the subject, which is directed "at itself", as if returning to itself. For example: The child (subject) dressed (action) very slowly. The action returns to itself - subject = object.

The verbs of this voice are divided into the following groups: 1. Verbs with a general reflexive meaning: they denote the closedness of the action in the subject with the definitive pronoun CAM, for example: rise, be surprised, etc. He climbed the stairs (not someone, but he climbed). 2. Verbs with a proper reflexive meaning, denote the return of the action to the agent himself. (Postfix -sya, close in meaning to the meaning of having oneself) Cover yourself well - cover yourself well. (The verb hide yourself is not a return, the image is from the verb's transition). Bathe, bathe, dress. 3 Verbs with an indirect reflexive meaning show that the action is performed by the subject in his own interests (postfix -sya = for himself, fit, build for himself). 4. Verbs with a reciprocal meaning, shows that the action is performed by two or more persons, each of which acts both as a subject and as an object (postfix - sya = each other, hug, kiss, swear). 5. Verbs with an active-objectless meaning, the subject is characterized by the fact that he has a constant ability to actively manifest himself in the process of the named action. The object is usually not named, for example: a dog bites, a bee stings, a cow butts. 6. Verbs with a passive-qualitative meaning denote the ability of a passive subject. undergo the named action. An action characterizes an object as its constant qualitative feature. For example: Wax melts.

She blushed (mean return value). Cheeks blush (passive voice, frost blushes cheeks) with frost.

See the Morphology manual for the definition algorithm!

Non-collateral verbs

1. Irreversible intransitive verbs. For example: walk.

2. Verbs formed with the help of the postfix - Xia from intransitive verbs, the postfix Xia only enhances intransitivity, for example - cry-cry, look-look.

3. Verbs formed in a prefixal-postfixal way: cry, disperse, etc.

4. Verbs not used without - Xia: admire, smile, smile. Say hello, vouch.

5. Reflexive verbs that differed in meaning from the corresponding irrevocable verbs, for example: torture and try, spread (wings) and deal (with someone).

Concept of the verb

Pavlov Victor.

They often give verb definition.
The verb is part of speech that denotes an action and answers the questions: what does it do? what will he do? what have you been doing? What did you do?

But considering all the definitions of the word "action", we come to the understanding that the verb is not only "action". Verbs are characterized by different words: action, inaction, activity, movements, phenomena, situation, states, events, acts, deeds, properties, relationships, feelings, natural phenomena. All these words are not synonyms, but they are united by a verb. Considering all the words characterizing the verbs, we come to the conclusion that the verbs are best combined according to the content of the features associated with the word “process” and the types of the process.

Process (lat. processus - “flow”, “move”, “advance”)

The meaning of the word Process according to Efremova:

Process - 1. Flow, the course of a smth. phenomena. A set of sequential actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

2) A set of sequential actions to achieve a certain result (for example, a production process).

The sign of a process (verb) is a change.

The following definitions are given for the word "change".

CHANGE - transformation into something else. I. is characterized by direction, intensity, speed and duration.

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. — M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivin. 2004.

CHANGE is a category of philosophical discourse that characterizes a state that is alternative to stability, a transition from one state to another, a change in content over time. In accordance with the localization of changes in space and time, changes in space (mechanical movement) and changes in time are distinguished.

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001.

CHANGE - CHANGE, changes, cf. (book). Action under ch. change change to 1 value and change to change. Changing functions. Voice change. To radically change something. Changing words by cases and numbers. In change ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

CHANGE - Change ♦ Changement Becoming or potency in action; transition from) one place to another (spatial movement, according to Aristotle); from one state to another; from one form or size to another, etc. “Everything passes, nothing ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

CHANGE - directed correspondence of object states; difference in the existence of the object; relation, sequence of states; one change is caused by another; connection of an object with itself (occur #. occurred #. cause #). transition. vz ... ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Change - CHANGE, modification, change, transformation, book. variation, book modification, book transformation, book transformation CHANGE / CHANGE, modify / modify, change, change / change, ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

CHANGE - CHANGE, I, cf. 1. see change 1, xia. 2. Amendment, change, changing something. former. Make changes to the law. Fundamental changes in the life of society. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

CHANGE - English. change; German Veranderung; wandel. The process of movement and interaction of objects and phenomena, the transition from one state to another, the emergence of new properties, functions and relationships in them. see QUALITY, QUANTITY. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

Change - fluctuation deviation from the nominal value spread of parameters variation - [L.G.Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general Synonyms fluctuation deviation from ... ... Technical translator's guide

CHANGE - make changes. action to make some changes. action to make the necessary changes. action to make the appropriate changes. action to make significant changes. action to make changes. action to make the appropriate ... ... Verb compatibility of non-objective names

CHANGE - 2.2.7 change: a change in the design of electrical equipment that affects the parts (elements), layout or function of electrical equipment. Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of regulatory and technical documentation (dictionary

Change as a feature is most suitable for characterizing the verb as a process. For example. You have to love life. What to do? The verb to love is a feeling, but not an action or even a state. Feeling is a process that takes place inside a person, in his brain. Action is also a process. The process of influence and interaction in external space. For a more accurate understanding of the content of a particular verb, you can specify the type of process.

A verb is a part of speech denoting processes that characterize the relationship between persons, objects and phenomena in a sentence.

Process is a change of space in time.

The verb is a part of speech that expresses the processes associated with changing the signs of space and time.

Process involves changes in space and time. The verb is the processes of speed and time. The verb attribute "change" is given in relation to the subject of the process and implies a temporal characteristic. Movement, being an all-encompassing category and assuming a certain change, covers many rubrics of the verbal meaning. These are SxT=V and T.

Time (T) gives direction. Movement is the key.

The verb as a part of speech has a sign of a process - a change with a temporal orientation.

A verb is a part of speech that combines words with a sign - change and answers the questions: what to do? what to do?

If someone is not satisfied with the characterization of the verb as a process, then the verb can be defined by features. Then it will be necessary to translate all parts of speech into signs.

A word is a complex unity of lexical and grammatical meanings.

Some of them - appearance, pledge, mood, time, face - are only in the verb. So they determine the sign of the verb - change.

The verb is expressed in procedural signs, in signs of aspect, voice, mood, tense, person, number and gender, etc.

Signs of reflexive and non-reflexive verbs, division by prefixes, suffixes, etc. - signs of space - form (external relations). Feelings rule.

Signs of pledge, transitivity, conjugation, tense, number, kind of person, inclination - signs of time - content, meaning (internal relations). Governs thinking. The human mind tries to classify everything. And verbs too.

Classification (typing) of verbs can be carried out according to the form - the external spelling of the word (grammatically) and by meaning - the internal content of the word (lexically). Division of verbs by form: by prefixes, suffixes, roots, etc. allows you to externally separate the verbs among themselves. The division of verbs according to semantic features is more difficult. By linking the signs of form with the signs of content, we can determine the content by the form. This is how thinking works.

The base for separating words according to form was prepared by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. And already in separate paragraphs he gave an indication of the semantic concepts of words.

In pledges, M. V. Lomonosov saw a complete classification of verbs by process. Therefore, he divided all verbs into six groups. Real, passive, reflexive, average, general and mutual. Further, each group can be divided into subgroups according to features.

Over time, the pledge acquired a narrower and deeper meaning. In the modern sense, according to the three voice theory, all verbs are divided into voice and non-voice. Pledge is a purely syntactic category, syntactic phrases. "A pledge, according to the definition of A. A. Potebnya, is the relation of the subject to the object, more precisely: the relation of the predicate to the subject and the object." There are three main forms of pledge - real, passive and reflexive. And several (three) voice forms, passing into each other in the syntax. There are bail forms and there are bail forms.

The verb is a part of speech with the internal content of the relationship between the subject and the object.

The content of the syntax of the verb - words, involves the idea of ​​who or what performs the action (the subject of the action), as well as who or what it is directed to. Whom? What? Sign - direction. Transitivity - intransitivity. The content of the morphology of the verb - words, involves the idea of ​​who or what the action belongs to, as well as who or what it is performed by. By whom? How? A sign of belonging, a postfix -sya is added. Return - irrevocable. If the process belongs to the subject of the action (associated with him) and is performed by the subject of the process, then the questions are by whom? how? fall away.

The verb is signs of persons, objects and phenomena. Signs of form and content, external signs and signs of internal. The main features of the verb for thinking are semantic. Any word consists of an outer shell - a form (written word) and an inner content (semantic shell). The internal content of the word consists of signs of space and time. Parsing a word by features allows you to understand the work of the brain, especially its central parts of the analyzers. They work with signs of objects and phenomena. And according to them, the perception of objects as parts of speech is built. For example, we perceive the word "sit" as a sum of various signs. This is morphologically - semantic analysis of the word. And the word "sit" is perceived as a part of speech and relationship with other parts of speech. This is a syntactically - semantic analysis of a part of speech. The word in thinking is already connected by relations with a non-existent sentence. And it is not necessary to build sentences with this word in order to understand these relationships. The word, as a part of speech, already carries these relations of subject, object (both internal and external). For example, the word "break" is connected by signs with such a process: someone acted on something and this something lost its value, its signs (it deteriorated), and someone divided this something into parts (two or more). The aggressive activity of the subject of the process and the passivity of the object are traced. The thinking of the subject connects the action with the subject to which the thinking belongs, otherwise the word "break" the person who speaks or reads this word, connects, first of all, with himself. And all the signs that are contained in the memory with this word participate in the analysis. The word requires additional information. There are questions. We will answer them. Try it. And the more questions we answer, the more questions arise to gain absolute knowledge of the process.

To give - the subject of the process performs an action regardless of the attitude of the subject or object to it. Offer - the subject of the process performs an action and "lays down" something with the expectation of the choice of the subject. The subject of the process performs an action and waits. The sign "choice" is the main one of the signs of this word. The decomposition of a word according to features allows you to accurately separate the words among themselves in terms of content. This will result in the division of words according to form.

The word in the mind is associated with signs fixed in reflexes. These signs interact with each other. In the psyche, the interaction between reflexes is manifested. Syntax really shows these relationships. The word contains not only the concept, but also the signs of the process. The same work of thinking unites all people among themselves, unites them by the same interaction of reflexes. Because the thinking of any person works with signs. Knowing the signs of the gender, it is possible to explain why the words: table, doctor are masculine, and the words: snake, car are feminine. The division of verbs into voices is not “scholarship”, but the basis for dividing verbs according to features.

We make a classification tree of the verb by processes, by procedural features.

Morphologically - the semantic analysis of the part of speech - the verb - is procedural.

Verbs are concepts in change. The concept carries various signs of feelings and thinking. From the concepts it is possible to single out all the signs with which the human psyche operates. Concepts and their attributes. This is the basis of the language. Noun.

Feelings work with certain features of the verb. Suffer. The concept - suffering, is based on sensation - pain, displeasure.

Thinking works with certain features of the verb. Coming - the concept of walking, walking and all the sensations associated with it.

Verbs characterize all types of processes occurring in the environment (including humans). Although there are processes that do not have a name. Frequently used verbs are about 4000 words. To understand all processes, of course, they must be typed and analyzed. There are few words for the computer age. Lots of word changes. Each word is a sign of processes. They need to be grouped. You can typify by appearance and content.

Division of verbs according to reflexivity, aspect, prefixes, suffixes, etc. This is an external division in form. Formal review. Grammatical.

For example. We write out all the verbs with prefixes: at, on, at and others. With suffixes, with roots, etc. Separate forms are divided according to the semantic features of space and time. By individual forms of the verb, we see its content and vice versa. People are also classified according to form and content. The connection of form with content is the connection of space and speed.

It is necessary to classify verbs either by form or by content. And only then match the form with the content. And then make a classification according to form - content. The classification is morphological and syntactic.

The division of verbs by content - perfect, imperfect, by gender, etc. It is defined as a division according to interaction with the internal and external environment. Processes with an object, in an object, near an object, not connected with objects, etc. Content analysis. Lexical.

Since language appears as a means of communication, then, accordingly, all words are initially associated with the communication of people among themselves, and only then words are distinguished as a characteristic of the environment. And verbs in particular. There are two interacting categories in nature: subject and object. All verbs are divided into words attached to a person, attached to the environment and impersonal.

All verbs are associated with the subject of the process, and this determines the relationship between the subject and the object. Who is the subject of the process? or what? produces a process. Subject or object. Active part of the process, source. Dusk - the process produces light from the sun (object). A verb always has a process subject. Every process has a reason, as there is God.

Let's divide verbs by type of process.

Human-related processes can be divided into three groups.

1. Verbs expressing external processes associated with the subject of the process and the environment. External.

2. Verbs expressing processes associated with the subject of the process itself. Externally - internal.

3. Verbs expressing internal processes occurring in the subject of the process, without specifying the subject of the process. Internal.

Division of verbs by processes

1. Verbs expressing external processes associated with the subject and the environment.

A) Verbs expressing processes (actions, deeds) associated with the impact of the subject on the environment (object, subject). The subject of the process (subject) is an object, a subject. Whom? What? Change (S and T=V).

Hit, meet, kiss, nag, blow. Wash, comb (there are also processes that express the mutual action of subjects among themselves - hit, meet, kiss).

B) Verbs expressing processes associated with the impact of the environment (and man) on man. The subject of the process (object, subject) is the subject. Change (S and T=V). The same processes.

2. Verbs expressing processes associated with the subject of the process itself. Process subject properties. Change (T)


Processes (provisions) associated with external inaction of the subject of the process. Sit, lie. Change (T)

Processes (movements, movements) associated with the external movement of the subject of the process. Walk, swim, climb, work. Change (S and T=V)

Processes (sensations) associated with the sense organs of the subject of the process. Watch, see, listen. Eat, drink. Change (T) and (S and T=V)

Processes (properties) associated with the properties of the subject of the process - the subject, the object. Change (S and T=V)

An active property of the process subject. Butts (Cow). Subject.

Passive property of the subject of the process. Bends, breaks (Wire). An object.

3. Verbs expressing internal processes occurring in the subject, object, without indicating the subject of the process. “Impersonal” processes expressing actions and states that proceed as if by themselves, without their producer. Change (T)


Processes (communication) associated with speech, with language as a means of communication. Speak, be silent, talk, read, write.

Processes (bodily) associated with the human body. Sleep, rest, get sick, breathe,

Processes (emotions) associated with emotions. Rejoice, tune in, have fun; worry.

Processes (emotives) associated with emotives (feelings). Love, hate, envy, be jealous.

Processes (thinking) associated with thinking and memory. Invent, think, decide, multiply, recall, dream.

Processes (impersonal) associated with the object, expressing processes, without indicating the subject of the process (evening, shivering, dawning, dusk).

You can also continue the division of groups into subgroups further, according to various criteria.

Voice of the verb

Many believe and teach others that a verb is an action or a state. It is very general and narrow. A verb is not an action, it is a process. Words expressing a process that connects objects and the external world with subjects and their internal world in space and time.

The voice of a verb is a verbal category expressing the direction of the process between the subject and the object of the action, which finds its expression in the forms of the voice of the verb. Considering the historical divisions of verbs by voice, one can come to the conclusion that these divisions are increasingly pushing us to divide verbs according to features.

The verb has many spatial and temporal features. One of the main signs of the process is a sign of orientation and derivativeness, correlation.

Orientation is associated with the sign of transitivity - intransitivity. Correlativity is associated with the sign of recurrence - irrevocability. The lexical category of pledge is a verbal category that expresses the relationship of the subject of the process to the subject and the object (the subject on which the action is performed). The lexical category of voice is revealed in syntactic links.

Researchers of the Russian language associated the division of verbs into different types with the category of voice according to differences in the lexical meanings of verbs. The grammatical correlation of forms was not taken into account or was overlooked. In the category of voice, the ways of development of various grammatical and lexical phenomena in the field of the verb were confused.

Table 1. Classification of processes by collateral, by direction of the process.

There are two interacting categories: subject and an object.

According to the direction, the processes are: the process from the subject to the object, the process from the object to the subject, the subject is the process to itself, processes without direction, the object is the process to itself.

Processes that have an orientation are all external, derivative, correlative.

Basic voices: active, passive and reflexive (medium reflexive).

Process from subject to object - active voice. See, caress. Outwardly, everything looks without a postfix, irrevocable. The verb is used with a noun, a pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition. transitive verbs. The active voice has transitive verbs denoting an action performed by the subject and actively directed at the object. The active voice has a syntactic characteristic: the subject of the process is the subject, and the object is an object in the accusative case without a preposition: the boy strokes the cat. Whom? What?

Process from object to subject - passive voice. Opens. Outwardly, everything is with a postfix -sya, returnable. Intransitive verbs.

The passive voice corresponds in meaning to the active voice, but has its own morphological and syntactic characteristics. The passive voice is expressed by adding the affix -sya to the verbs of the active voice. A comparison of the construction - “The boy strokes the cat” (real construction) and “The cat is stroked by the boy” (passive construction) shows that in the actual construction (with a transitive verb), the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is expressed by the addition in the accusative case, and in the passive (with a reflexive verb) the object becomes the subject, and the former subject turns out to be an object in the instrumental case. By whom? How? Thus, the passive voice represents a passive action directed from the object to the subject. The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is the instrumental case of a noun with the meaning of the subject of the process.

Subject process to itself. The reflexive (medium reflexive) voice has verbs formed from transitive verbs (active voice) through the postfix -sya. They express the action of the subject, which turns (returns) on the subject itself; cf .: return money and return (to oneself). The subject of the process to himself - returnable pledge. Who? What? Stock up. Outwardly, everything with a postfix -sya looks - returnable and intransitive.

Depending on the lexical meaning of the stems and the nature of the syntactic links, reflexive verbs can express different meanings that characterize the relationship between the subject and the object of the action.

Reflexive verbs, as well as processes associated with a person, can be divided into three groups.

1. Verbs expressing external processes associated with the subject of the process and the environment. External. Gather, build, fit (indirectly - reflexive verbs), meet, kiss (mutually - reflexive verbs).

2. Verbs expressing processes associated with the subject of the process itself. Externally - internal. Wash, comb your hair, undress, humiliate yourself (actually - reflexive verbs).

3. Verbs expressing internal processes occurring in the subject of the process (without specifying the subject of the process). Internal. Rejoice, tune in, have fun; worry (general reflexive verbs). Objectless reflexive verbs. The active property of the subject of the process is the cow butting. Passive property of the subject of the process - the wire bends.

Object process to itself - do not exist. A process cannot originate from an object. There is no process subject. Verbs are both transitive and reflexive, therefore, do not exist.

Processes without direction. These verbs are out of voice. Orientation is a characteristic of transitive and intransitive verbs. There is no orientation, no pledge, no transitivity and intransitivity. Transitivity and intransitivity are a category of pledge. The process of the subject (external, internal) without the object of the goal.

1. No direction.

2. Verbs with a particle -sya, which cannot be separated (having separated which, one cannot get a living form of the verb), for example: wander, be afraid, sleep, dream, laugh, smile. These are the so-called "general" verbs. Non-derivative verbs are reflexive.

3. Verbs without a particle -sya that cannot be added (i.e., you cannot get a live form of the verb), for example: run, sit, breathe. Non-derived verbs are non-reflexive. Feelings work with these signs.

When analyzing verbs that do not have a voice in the modern sense, we can divide them into two groups.

1. External processes without direction.

Processes associated with the external features of the subject of the process. External processes, a sign of movement, a sign of external change - are not derivative, irrevocable - to run, go, visit. External processes, a sign of position, a sign of external non-change - derivatives, correlative, irrevocable - sit, sleep, be silent, etc. They are all intransitive, irrevocable.

2. Internal processes without direction.

Verbs expressing internal processes (feelings - emotives), states of the subject of the process. Not derivatives, returnables - to be afraid, proud, hope, like, unwell, it's getting dark. Derivatives, correlative, reflexive - sleep, want, etc. They are all intransitive, recursive. Derivatives, not correlative.

Outside the pledge are:

1. Non-derived verbs. (Returnable - Non-refundable)

2. Derivative, non-correlative verbs. (Returnable - Non-refundable)

3. Derivatives, correlative without an external process of action. (Returnable - Non-refundable)

This indicates that the deposit does not belong to the returnable category. Voice is determined not by the form of the word, but by the content (and sentence).

Lecture, abstract. Verbs and pledges. - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Recurrence is a category of morphology.

Table 2. Division of verbs by recurrence (ownership relations).

Irreversible verbs.
Presence Presence Presence Presence
subject and process subject process subject subject and object.
object. and the absence of an object. and the absence of an object.
Derivatives Derivatives Non-derivatives Derivatives
Correlative Correlative Not correlative
Whom? What? Who? What? Not Various
Who? What?
action is no action action is action
belonging accessories accessories accessories
object No No different
irrevocable irrevocable irrevocable intransitive, returnable
Orientation no direction Orientation Orientation
subject to object inaction of the subject subject's actions Various
transitional intransitive intransitive transitory, irrevocable
Valid No deposit No deposit No deposit
Reflexive verbs.
Presence Presence Presence Presence
subject and object. subject of the process. process subject process subject
object = subject and the absence of an object. and the absence of an object.
Derivatives Derivatives Non-derivatives Derivatives
Correlative Correlative Correlative
By whom? How? Various Not Not
action is action is no action no action
belonging belonging accessories accessories
subject subject No No
returnable returnable returnable returnable
Orientation Orientation no direction no direction
object to subject process per subject process subject process subject
intransitive intransitive intransitive intransitive
Passive returnable No deposit No deposit
pledge pledge

Voice verbs, minimally, can be divided into three constituent groups.
1. Derivatives - non-derivatives.
2. Correlative and not correlative.
3. Returnable - irrevocable (belonging - objective and subjective).
4. Transitional - intransitive (directional).

1. Derivatives - non-derivatives.

Derived verbs have "pairs", according to the stem. When the postfix -sya is added, a reflexive verb that is full in meaning is obtained, or when the postfix -sya is removed, a non-reflexive verb that is full in meaning is obtained. To see - to see, to put on shoes - to put on shoes, to crush - to choke.

Non-derivative verbs do not have "pairs". Verbs that cannot be added or subtracted with the suffix -sya without losing their meaning. Non-derivative, irrevocable - run, breathe, scream. Non-derivative, recurrent - hope, fear, laugh.

Verbs derivatives (in appearance) are correlative (derivatives in appearance and derivatives in content) and non-correlative (derivatives in appearance and non-derivatives in content)

2. Correlative and not correlative.

Correlative - derived verbs that retain their meaning, one process. To see is to see. The contents of the verbs are correlated. Changing the appearance does not change the direction of the process.

Non-correlative - derived verbs that have different meanings, different processes. To occupy - to engage, to crush - to choke. The contents of the verbs fled. Some verbs have no direction, others have direction. These are verbs with the postfix -sya, formed from transitive ones, but having changed their lexical meaning: listen - obey, forgive - say goodbye.

Correlation is the relationship between reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

Two verbs that have different forms, but with the same stem, have either the same direction of the process or a mismatch in the content of the verb. There are no intermediate values. This is the fundamental difference between recurrence and transitivity.

The presence of non-correlative verbs (not coinciding in meaning) says that any word is associated with the naming of the outside world, with conditioned reflexes. The form is connected with the content of the word in a reflex. To be - in the meaning: to stay, to be somewhere, to be in one state or another; To be - in the meaning: to discover resourcefulness; To be - in the meaning: to be found, to be found. Find something. Identical words are in memory with different features. And they are reproduced from memory according to the situation with specific signs.

3. By affiliation. Objective and subjective. Non-refundable and returnable. This is a recursive property.

There are three types of human impact on the environment.

A) The subject affects the environment. The impact that the subject of the process produces belongs to the object. Object ownership. Irrevocability.

B) The subject acts on the environment (specifically, on himself - the main part of this environment). The impact that the subject of the process produces belongs to the subject. Subject affiliation. Recurrence.

C) The subject does not affect the environment and himself. External inactivity, internal processes in the subject, no participation of the subject. No affiliation. But the subject of the process exists. Internal processes are the same for all subjects - they are impersonal. Accordingly, the impact of the environment.

4. By direction. This is the transitivity property.

Division of processes by direction.

1. Subject of whom? what? - an object. From subject to object. There is a process. There is direction. pledge verbs.

2. Object by whom? how? - subject. From object to subject. There is a process. There is direction. pledge verbs.

3. Subject - object = subject. From the subject to itself (object). There is a process. There is direction. pledge verbs.

4. Object - subject. From the object to itself (subject). The object is not the subject of the process. There are no such verbs.

5. There is a process. There is no external direction. There are no subject and object relations. Out of bail.

The division of verbs into irrevocable and reflexive was established in the Russian language, regardless of the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive.

Transitive, intransitive verbs are expressed in active, passive and reflexive voice. Irreversible, reflexive verbs are also expressed in the active, passive and reflexive voice.

Transitivity is the division of words according to internal relations in a sentence. It is determined by semantic signs of direction. These are internal signs. Basis focus: active and passive and reflexive pledges. Three pledges.

Recurrence is the division of words according to their spelling. Determined by the presence or absence of the -sya postfix. These are outward signs. Orientation basis: active and passive, reflexive pledges. Two pledges.

It is possible to combine form and content with each other only according to common features. These features cannot be found. We sort through various signs, and there are no common signs for reflexive, irrevocable and transitive, intransitive verbs.

Return and transitivity are not combined. Therefore, it is better to classify separately by form (reflexivity, etc.) and separately by content (transitivity, etc.). And there you will see. Most likely, there will be common features in form and content. The content is determined not by the form, but by many forms.

All non-derivative and derivative non-correlative verbs are out of voice. Non-correlative derivatives can be called conditionally non-derivative.

All verbs that have no direction and derivatives with different directions are outside the voice.

Non-correlative verbs in table 2 can be divided into voices.

It is possible to separate non-correlative verbs into voices, and then verbs that do not have direction will remain outside the voice. Pledge is a direction. On the subject, on the object, on yourself.

Consider only derived correlative verbs (verbs with a voice).

Transitive, intransitive verbs.

Transitivity - intransitivity is a syntactic category. Subject - object. Real, definite, complete. If we consider the word from the syntactic position of transitivity, without paying attention to the postfix -sya, then for definiteness it is necessary to distinguish between the object, the subject and the subject of the process. Their relationship. Accordingly, highlight the subject, predicate, object, etc. All these concepts are united by a sign of orientation.

Transitivity is associated with the subject of the process and the subject, the object. Transitivity - relations expressed in direction. Transitivity is connected with thinking. Thinking operates with relationships. It is clearly seen in passive constructions, when thinking becomes dull, it needs time to understand the sentence. There is a semantic emphasis.

Transitive verbs are always voiced. Intransitive verbs - collateral and non-collateral. Reflexive verbs - collateral and non-collateral. Irreversible verbs - collateral and non-collateral. Therefore, transitivity is a pledge category. But transition is a direction. Therefore, orientation is a pledge category.

Transitive verbs are associated with the direction of the subject of the process to the object.

The orientation is external, connected with the subject and the object. Transitive verbs include verbs with the meaning of a process aimed at an object that changes or produces this object - an object: read a book, bite bread, wash a car. Intransitive verbs are connected with the relation of the object to the subject of the process and the relation of the object (the subject itself) to the subject of the process (otherwise the subject to the subject of the process, subject = object). Intransitive verbs include verbs denoting movement and position in space, physical and moral states, for example: fly, stand, hurt, suffer.

In some cases, the removal of prefixes from transitive verbs turns them into intransitive ones. Defuse (whom? what?) and harm (whom? what?). Certainty in the operation of removing prefixes becomes uncertainty.

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.

Recurrence - non-returnability is a morphological category. It is determined by looking at the form - there is a postfix -sya or not. Reflexive verbs are associated with the subject of the process and with the concepts of oneself, oneself, oneself, oneself, etc. With self. The self pronoun is a reflexive pronoun that means that the action with the actor belongs to the actor himself. Postfix - Xia does not indicate the direction, but indicates the ownership of the process to whom? and for whom? Ownership - by whom? how? who is affected? what? Does the process work and for whom? what? process takes place. Cases. Reflexive verbs - dependence on the self. Reflexive verbs are associated with feelings. Feelings receive external influences.

Reflexive verbs in transitivity-intransitivity are associated with the relationship of the object and the subject of the process and the relationship of the object (the subject itself) and the subject of the process. Therefore, they are associated with intransitivity, although they have different concepts: form and content. The process that the subject of the process makes belongs to the subject of the process itself and is carried out for the subject of the process itself.

Irreversible verbs are associated with the external environment, with a sign of reality. The process that the subject of the process makes does not belong to the subject of the process and is not carried out for the subject of the process. It cannot be said that for the object, because there are processes independent of the subject and the object. This is one collateral category and out of collateral.

The opposition of reflexive and non-reflexive verbs to each other corresponds to purely external formal features. But adding two letters to the end of a word changes the content of words in the mind. Why? Signs.

Reflexive verbs are those that, by their form, indicate that the process they denote is not and cannot be turned to an external object: call, appear, share, knock. Reflexive verbs are verbs with grammatically fixed ownership.

In contrast to reflexive verbs, non-reflexive verbs do not contain in their form grammatical features that indicate only the ownership of the process: beat, smoke, run, knock, etc. Irreversible verbs are verbs with a grammatically expressed direction.


1. Transitive, irrevocable verbs - an objective, valid voice. Orientation towards the object. The process is not owned by the process principal. Logically. The emphasis in the sentence is on the object.

2. Intransitive, reflexive verbs - subjective, passive voice. Orientation non-contact to the subject - passive voice. And as a special case, the focus of the contact on the subject himself is a repayable pledge. The passive voice differs from the reflexive voice on the basis of contact. A process is owned by a process subject. The emphasis in the sentence is on the subject.

3. Intransitive, irrevocable verbs. There is no direction. Processes associated with the subject. Can't ask who? what? by whom? how? independent processes. Be silent, go, sit.

4. Transitive, reflexive verbs. Different concepts of form and content and quite distant in order to combine form and content. There is no whole. There are no such verbs.

The whole is form and content. There is a relationship between form and content. This is a philosophical category. To combine form and content, it is necessary to classify them. And in order to classify verbs, it is necessary to classify the noun by content. According to signs. And define the laws of dependence.

Regular connections.

Reflexive verbs are all intransitive. Law? The law has no retroactive effect. Intransitive verbs are not all reflexive. This is not a law. Rule. The law with retroactive effect allows you to highlight common features and combine form and content. If there are exceptions to the law, then these laws are wrong. Exceptions to the law indicate that the analysis and synthesis of the material is carried out according to the wrong signs, some signs are not taken into account. See verb conjugations. The law has no exceptions, only rules have exceptions.

Rule. Reflexive verbs are all intransitive. The form, postfix -sya corresponds to the content, intransitivity. The postfix -sya is an affiliation to the subject of the process. The content of intransitive and transitive verbs is the orientation of the object to the subject of the process and also the orientation of the object (the subject itself) to the subject of the process (otherwise the subject to the subject of the process). We substitute and get that belonging to the subject of the process corresponds to the orientation of the object to the subject of the process and also the orientation of the object (the subject itself) to the subject of the process (otherwise the subject to the subject of the process).

Rule. Transitive verbs are all non-reflexive. Otherwise. Transitive verbs correspond to verbs without the postfix -sya. It does not belong to the subject and, accordingly, is directed towards the object. Transitive verbs are associated with the relationship of the subject of the process to the object. They are connected by the questions of Whom? what? Verbs without the postfix -sya are processes that do not belong to the subject of the process. Add up.

Verbs related to the direction of the subject of the process to the object and related to the questions of whom? what? correspond to verbs that express processes that do not belong to the subject of the process. Logically.

There are no transitive or reflexive verbs. And maybe? Inserting definitions. Verbs related to the relation of the subject of the process to the object, connected by questions of whom? what? correspond to verbs with belonging to the subject of the process.? There is no logic. They don't match.

That's all there is in common. If it were so that reflexive verbs are all intransitive and intransitive verbs are all reflexive. It would be possible to establish common signs of form and content between verbs. Law. Form and content must belong to the same whole.

Verbs are divided into: reflexive and irrevocable, transitive and intransitive.

Irreversible and reflexive verbs.

This is the division of verbs by form. By belonging.

Non-reflexive verbs do not have the postfix -ся, (-с) (hereinafter, the postfix -с, for convenience, will not be indicated, since this requires a separate analysis and classification). The process that the subject of the process makes does not belong to the subject of the process and is not carried out for the subject of the process.

1. Purpose, belonging - an object.

Example: protect, wash, decide, call.

2. There is no goal, no belonging.

Run, walk, sit, be silent.

Reflexive verbs have the postfix -sya. The process that the subject of the process makes belongs to the subject of the process itself and is carried out for the subject of the process itself.

1 Purpose, belonging - subject.

Example: laugh, wash, decide, take care.

2. There is no goal, no belonging. Sleep, be afraid, be proud.

Reflexive verbs that have correlative pairs with non-reflexive verbs show that the action is associated with the subject itself or there is no action. Semantic stress on the subject of the process.

Have questions by whom? how? Or a lot of questions. 1. Swim - many questions where? when? (bathe). Take (take) Have fun (have fun) Meet (meet) 2. (Dishes) beats (beats) (House) is being built (build).

Non-reflexive verbs that have correlative pairs with reflexive verbs - show that the action is associated with the object itself or there is no action. Semantic stress on an object or process. Have questions of whom? what? Or there are no questions.

Bathe who? what? (swim), build whom? what? (build up), meet whom? what? (meet).

Correlative verbs have a sign of semantic homogeneity, but a different transitional orientation. On subject and object. Non-correlative verbs have a sign of semantic heterogeneity and different directions. Non-correlative reflexive and non-reflexive verbs with the same stem are perceived as forms of one word, but in content they are different words.

General function -sya. The transitivity of non-reflexive verbs rests on the intransitivity of non-reflexive and reflexive verbs. After adding the postfix -sya to transitive verbs, the transitivity of the verb stops until it is completely intransitive, resting it on the subject of the process.

The classification of verbs according to reflexivity - irreversibility also involves taking into account the division of verbs by endings, suffixes, prefixes, prepositions, etc.

There are words associated only with a person and they do not need a postfix for thinking. Eat, sit down, get cold, etc. They are already recurrent in the content of consciousness. They are already subjective in thinking.

Raise - a sign of upward direction. Rise - the addition of the postfix -sya indicates belonging to the human body while maintaining direction. There may be an opinion that a postfix is ​​only a person's property. Basically it is. But there are words in which the postfix -sya indicates belonging to the subject of the process. It's getting dark. The subject of the process is not only a person.

Intransitive and transitive verbs.

Transitive and intransitive verbs express the division of verbs according to the content of the sentence. By direction.

Transitive verbs have a focus on the object and a sign of participation in the process of the object.

Transitive verbs can be combined with a noun, a pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition. Sign of the object's participation: questions (of whom? what?)

Example: write (whom? what?) report; the boy strokes (whom? what?) a cat.

Intransitive verbs have an obligatory focus (or a sign of participation) on the subject of the process and a sign of the subject's participation. A sign of the subject's participation: questions cannot be posed to intransitive verbs (whom? what?). Otherwise. Intransitive verbs are not able to combine with a noun, a pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition. Who can't ask questions? what?

Example: quarrel - whom? what? fly - whom? what?). Or. The cat is stroked (by whom? What?) by a boy.

When classifying verbs, one must take into account the ability of prepositions and prefixes to translate intransitive meanings of a verb into transitive ones.

As soon as a person can completely separate - decompose words similar in form according to signs (for example: finish, finish, finish, finish, finish, finish, end, finish off, etc.), only then will he be able to understand the principles of human thinking. If there is a periodic table, then a table of morpheme compounds is needed, in which, with various external changes, the quality will change accordingly. The chemistry of verbal changes is based on signs.

Divorce of verbs on signs.

Quit. What? Someone, something, somewhere. The subject (singular) acts on the object (singular). Signs of the object - does not work, neutral. The object is removed from the point of the subject of the action. Action. Something, the only one, once and finished, there is no continuation of the action. Definiteness of the object and uncertainty of the subject, singularity of the subject, removal (spatiality), disposability, non-recurrence, completeness, direction, time limitation - limitation, tone - displeasure, perfection, satisfaction. An emphasis on an object.

Throw. What? Someone, something, somewhere. Subject (singular) acts on objects (plural). Something, the only many times. The only quality action and many times. There is a number and there is action. Definiteness of the object and uncertainty of the subject, individuality of the subject, removal, one-quality, duration, repetition, incompleteness, direction, temporary non-restriction - limitation, tone - displeasure, imperfection, dissatisfaction. An emphasis on an object.

Rush up. How? Someone, something, somewhere. Subject (singular) acts on objects (plural). Subject ownership. Someone, the only one, many times. Repeatable action.

Lecture, abstract. Classification of verbs - concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Questions are lemmas.

Separate - an imperfect verb, an action, a plural of actions with a single object, more than two division parts, transitivity to an object, an indifferent process object, etc. Separate is a by-product of separation.

Divide - perfect verb, action ending, singular action with a single object, etc.

Derivatives, corresponding "paired" verbs are in the relationship of word-formation motivation, i.e. one verb is derived from another.

For example. In the formation of “paired” verbs of the verb type, 2 oppositely directed processes of formation are involved: perfect from imperfect and vice versa. These verbs of the form have a common semantic mutual orientation. It is difficult to separate perfect and imperfect verbs according to the primacy of education.

The corresponding verbs in terms of recurrence - non-returnability have an orientation of education: primary and secondary. There are also inappropriate verbs, both reflexive and non-reflexive.

What verbs are primary? Non-refundable or refundable. Of the non-returnable ones, the returnable ones are built. And not vice versa. The principle of adding a postfix -sya, can be traced. Primary verbs are those on which others are built, and do not arise from them. This is confirmed by the fact that speech arose as a means of communication between people. Irreversible verbs. The active voice of the verb is the most primary of all. The person communicates first. A person begins to feel himself as a person later, which is expressed in a change in the external form of the word by adding -sya (himself, himself, etc.) Considering real verbs, we come to the conclusion that their basis (features) are potentially contained in the noun. The noun is primary in relation to other names. Considering words, nouns, we find the primary word. MOTHER. Two letters of this word correspond to primary vibrations - A and M. Yogis confirm this. And they add the third letter U. It is not surprising that AUM is the sacred mantra of vibrations. Language development tree.

Thinking works according to the laws of signs.

To threaten is a sign of danger from outside, from the subject of the process. A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon with certain features that persist in thinking. directed at the subject.

To threaten - the focus changes to the external environment (subject, object). The main sign (danger) remains.

Immediately in the mind there is a primary word - hope! Thinking immediately possesses the content of this word - signs. The word is associated with signs in the reflexes of the brain.

And the words are different in form. Hope and hope. Only four letters are the same! But there is only one understanding! The order of the four letters is the same and the features are the same. Further. To smile. Without postfix -sya is not used. But there is a form. smile. Definitely thinking determines the belonging of this word to the word smile! Here, too, four letters are the same and the same order. But there is also one common vowel - a. This must be taken into account.

Beat - beats. Three letters are common, but different order! One concept? And thinking understands the difference of words. Not order. Beat - beat. Beat - beat. Order. Sounds are associated with signs. Form and content.

Of course, one must take into account the origin of words. It's time to build the Tower of Babel.

Man is a living being and gives birth to a language that lives and develops in man. Of course, according to the laws of the psyche. The language is subject to constant mutations, otherwise it would be dead. Morphological mutations are manifested in oral speech. Syntax in writing. Many are bogged down in the mutations of written language. The signs for mutations are homogeneous.

semantic stress

Stress is the selection by any acoustic means of one of the components of speech: verbal, syntagmic, phrasal, logical. Acoustic accent. Sound extraction.

Established in Russian grammar since the 18th century. the division of words into significant and auxiliary ones is interesting as a symptom of semantic stress.

When studying verbs, semantic stress (highlighting) can also be distinguished. Semantic stress is the allocation of any part of speech by changing the order of construction of the sentence and the relations of the parts of speech. It does not depend on the subject, but depends on the work of thinking and affects its work. The permutation of words in a sentence is perceived by thinking as stress (highlighting). The semantic stress is not always realized by consciousness, but is always taken into account in thinking. This is the stress of thinking, as opposed to the stress of feeling. This is the direction of the verb. When training, it is easily recognized. Especially in the active and passive voice.

The semantic stress can be felt. If in our grammatical sensation the relationship to the acting person - the subject of the process, outweighs, then this is an intransitive verb; if outweigh relations to objects, then this is a transitive verb. The relationship between passive and active turns in modern Russian indicates the semantic stress of the sentence. Semantic stress is especially important when reading fiction. Semantic stress, influencing thinking, makes it possible to single out individual main points from the picture of perception. Reading takes on the features of a movie. Of course, depending on the giftedness of the writer.

Boy petting a cat (actual construction). The boy pets the cat. The boy pets the cat. The boy strokes the cat. The boy is stroking the cat. The boy pets the cat.

The semantic stress in the sentence falls on the word-cat. The verb is related to the word - cat.

Let's consider the process separately. The boy strokes. Completeness. Petting a cat. Incompleteness, the verb requires the question who? Incompleteness raises questions. Question Who? or What? The cat.

Petting a cat. Definitely the subject of the process. Who? What? A real verb, a real sentence, has six forms. Transitivity.

The cat is stroked by the boy (passive construction - unstable construction). Specifically, by hand.

The boy strokes the cat. The boy strokes the cat. The cat is stroked by the boy. The cat is stroked by the boy. The cat is stroked by the boy.

Semantic stress on the word - boy. The verb is related to the word boy. With the subject of the process. Unstable sentences, if used, are used for semantic stress in a sentence when writing, and not in speech.

The boy is petting. The incompleteness of the verb requires the question who? what? The cat is petting. Completeness.

The cat is stroking. Question - by whom? how? Boy. Semantic stress on the word - boy. There is no process subject.

Does the passive verb have six sentence forms? Intransitivity.

The verb is involved in the selection of the stressed part of speech.

There is a primacy of the part of speech, relative to which the sequence of analysis of the sentence in thinking takes place. A change in the sequence of analysis in thinking is also performed by acoustic stress. Primacy is associated with a change in parts of speech (verb) and a change in words (endings).

The subject is not always a stressed word compared to the object. Stresses are related to questions and constitute important connections in the development of voices.

Of course, semantic stress must be learned. Then you can distinguish verbs by stress. And not only.

The word think contains two directional uncertainties that we are not consciously aware of. They participate in the processes of thinking. The perception of the machine is connected with the verb - a process in thinking.

I am thinking about a car (purchase). Something. Something about a car. One uncertainty. What is what. Not about anything. My thought is the question - what? Lemma. About what - there is an answer: about the car. There are no offers without a car. The primary question is what? Think that? And not about something and other questions.

Evidence is what?

To prove something to someone. Prove a theorem. One uncertainty. Theorem - to someone. Prove the theorem to the teacher. The word - to prove, contains a dilemma - what? to whom? The primacy of the question plays a role in understanding the process.

Bathe. Whom? Someone, someone (something) in something. Imperfect form of the verb. Outward direction of action. On someone. Contains questions - multilemma - trilemma. Three uncertainties. The primary question is who? Lemma.

No lemmas.

Be afraid, proud, lazy, hope, like, laugh, doubt

There are non-reflexive verbs that do not have reflexive - not derivatives.

Know. What? Someone, something, about something.

Eat. What? Someone, something, something.

What is the voice of a verb?

Voice of the verb- This is a verb category denoting various relationships between the subject and the object of the action, which are expressed in the forms of the verb. According to the most common modern theory, such forms are either formations with the affix -sya (wash-wash), or passive participles (washed, washed). Voice meanings are expressed only by transitive verbs, since only they can show changes in the relationship between the subject and the object of the action, which are reflected in the above forms. The system of voices does not include intransitive verbs (run, sit, breathe, scream, etc.) that do not have the -sya affix in their composition, as well as reflexive verbs (with the -sya affix) that are devoid of voice meanings:

a) verbs from -sya, formed from intransitive verbs (to threaten, knock, turn white, etc.);

b) verbs from -sya, formed from transitive verbs, but isolated in their lexical meaning (obey, choke, etc.);

c) impersonal verbs with -sya (it gets dark, you want, it seems, you can’t sleep);

d) verbs that are used only in a reflexive form (to be afraid, proud, hope, laugh, etc.).

Active voice, a voice form showing that the action indicated by the transitive verb is directed to the direct object, expressed in the form of the accusative case without a preposition. The student is reading a book. The youth love sports. Reflexive-middle (mid-reflexive) voice, a form of voice formed from a transitive verb (active voice) by means of the affix -sya, showing the direction of the action to its producer, the concentration of the action in the subject itself.

Varieties of reciprocal-average pledge values:

1) Reverse verbs denoting an action, the subject and object of which are the same person (the affix -sya means “self”). Dress up, undress, wash.

2) Reciprocally reflexive verbs denoting the action of two or more persons, each of which is simultaneously the subject of the action and the object of the same action on the part of the other producer (the affix -cm means “each other”). Hug, kiss.

3) General reflexive verbs denoting the internal state of the subject, closed in itself, or a change in the state, position, movement of the subject (these verbs allow the words “self”, “self” to be attached to them). Be happy, upset, stop, move.

4) Indirectly reversible verbs denoting an action performed by the subject for himself, in his own interests. Stock up (notebooks), get ready (on the road), pack.

5) Non-objective-reflexive verbs, denoting an action outside of relation to the object, as a constant active or passive property of the subject. The nettle stings. The cow butts. The dog bites. Threads break. The wire is bent.

Passive voice, a form of voice, showing that the person or object acting in the sentence as the subject does not produce an action (is not its subject), but experiences someone else's action (is its object). The active and passive voices are correlative in meaning: compare: the plant fulfills the plan (construction with a real voice) - the plan is carried out by the factory (construction with a passive voice). In a real construction (with a transitive verb), the subject of the action is expressed by the subject, and the object is expressed by the accusative case without a preposition, while in the passive construction (with a reflexive verb), the object of the action becomes the subject, and the subject turns out to be an object in the instrumental form. The passive meaning is created either by adding the affix -sya to active verbs (the project is drawn up by an engineer), or by passive participles (the work is written by a student). The most important grammatical indicator of the passive voice is the presence of the instrumental case with the meaning of the subject of the action.

In the history of the development of the theory of pledges, there were different points of view. Some grammarians saw in the tax an expression of the relation of an action only to the object, others - an expression of the relation of an action then To the subject, still others - an expression of the relation of an action to both the object and the subject.

The traditional doctrine of pledges, which originated from the theory of six pledges put forward by M. V. Lomonosov, persisted until the middle of the 19th century. and ends with f. I. Buslaev, in whom this theory receives the most complete expression. Buslaev singled out six pledges: real (the student reads a book), passive (the son is loved by the mother), medium (sleep, walk), reflexive (wash, dress), mutual (quarrel, put up) and general (fear, hope).

The category of voice was understood by linguists of this period as a category that expresses the relation of an action to an object. In this regard, the concept of pledge and the concept of transitivity-intransitivity were identified. In parallel with transitivity-intransitivity, another principle was laid as the basis for the allocation of voices - the distinction between verbs with the affix -sya and verbs without this affix. The confusion of the two principles did not allow the construction of a consistent theory of pledges. The category of pledge receives a fundamentally different interpretation in the works of K. S. Aksakov and especially F. F. Fortunatov. In the article “On the Voices of the Russian Verb” (1899), Fortunatov considers voices as verb forms that express the relation of the action to the subject. Instead of the lexical-syntactic principle of Fortunaty, the classification of collaterals was based on the grammatical correlation of forms: the formal sign of the collateral is the affix -sya, therefore only two taxes are distinguished - returnable and irrevocable. The concept of pledge and the concept of transitivity-intransitivity are distinguished, but the connection of pledge values ​​with the values ​​of transitivity-intransitivity is taken into account. Other researchers (A. A. Potebnya, A. A. Shakhmatov) considered voice as a category expressing subject-object relations. Shakhmatov bases the doctrine of voice on the sign of transitivity-intransitivity and distinguishes three voices: active, passive and reflexive. A subtle analysis of the main meanings of the affix -cm in reflexive verbs is given. This analysis, as well as the principle of singling out three pledges, was reflected in the academic Grammar of the Russian Language (1952).

Proceeding from the fact that “the correlation and opposition of active and passive phrases is historically true of the category of voice”, V. V. Vinogradov points out that the category of voice in modern Russian is expressed primarily in the ratio of reflexive and irrevocable forms of the same verb . According to A. V. Bondarko and L. L. Bulanin, “voice is a common Slavic inflectional category, which finds its expression in the opposition of the forms of the real and passive voices. This opposition is based on the parallelism of active and passive structures.