How bad ecology gives impetus to oncology. Cancer development is not affected by diet or environment

Living in a metropolis is harmful and even unfashionable. This is the opinion of the majority of citizens who care about their health and who have exchanged city apartments for country houses. The environmental situation is a concern.

How dangerous is life in a big city?

According to WHO (World Health Organization) research, our health depends on 5-10% of environmental conditions. At present, a significant part of human diseases are associated with the deterioration of the environmental situation: pollution of the atmosphere, water and soil, the use of poor-quality food, an increase in the radiation background, and an increase in noise.

Air and water

The quality of these vital environmental factors has long been below normal levels. The air of large cities is saturated with lead and manganese. Lead does not allow our body to absorb iodine in sufficient quantities, which leads to its deficiency. And an excess of manganese is dangerous because it can cause Parkinson's disease or contribute to the development of iron deficiency. Inhalation of truck and bus diesel exhaust, ozone and carbon monoxide irritates the lungs and causes significant damage to the body's respiratory system, and increases the risk of developing asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. Water in ponds and rivers is saturated with industrial waste and contaminated with pathogens. They become sources of human infectious diseases. Therefore, water from artesian wells, wells, springs must be boiled. "Chlorine" tap water, containing many elements of the periodic table, also damages health.

Radiation radiation

The larger the city, the more dangerous it is for life. In a big city, sources of radiation are everywhere. They act on a person in small doses constantly, destroying or weakening the body's immune system. Hence the frequent cases of infectious diseases, a tendency to allergies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Noise pollution

The lack of silence is one of the main problems of urban residents. This is especially true for those who live or work in busy areas near the highway. At A level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is considered natural background noise. It is harmless to humans. Permissible mark - 80 decibels. A sound of 130 decibels is already painful. The same goes for ultrasound. The result is hearing, memory, attention disorders, problems with the nervous system, insomnia, chronic fatigue, irritability, aggressiveness, depression and a feeling of loneliness. The human body in conditions of constant noise does not rest, therefore it is not able to recover. All this entails other health problems: hypertension, coronary heart disease, gastritis and peptic ulcer, reduced immunity and metabolic disorders.


Human economic activity is increasingly becoming the main source of pollution of the urban environment. Gaseous, liquid and solid industrial wastes fall into it. Various chemicals in the waste, getting into the soil, air or water, pass through the ecological links from one chain to another, eventually getting into the human body. An example of such an action can be the smog that forms in large cities in calm weather, or accidental releases of toxic substances into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises. Doctors have established a direct link between the deterioration of the ecological situation in the environment and the growth of such diseases as allergies, bronchial asthma and cancer. Many production wastes (chromium, nickel, beryllium, asbestos) are the cause of cancer.

Human factor

Large cities have a high population density. People, touching in transport, in queues, in stores, spread infectious diseases faster (epidemics, pandemics). The use of all kinds of vitamins, useful trace elements, dietary supplements does not save from infectious and viral attacks. Smokers cause great harm to health. They not only inhale harmful substances themselves, but also pollute the atmosphere and endanger other people. It has long been known that passive smokers suffer from cigarette smoke.

Biological contaminants

In addition to chemical pollutants, biological pollutants are also found in the natural environment, causing various diseases in humans. These are pathogens, viruses, helminths, protozoa. They can be in the atmosphere, water, soil, in the body of other living organisms, including in the person himself. Often the source of infection is the soil, which is constantly inhabited by pathogens of tetanus, botulism, gas gangrene, and some fungal diseases. They can enter the human body if the skin is damaged, with unwashed food, or if the rules of hygiene are violated.

Chemical contamination of food

In cities, the concept of "environmentally friendly products" has long been accustomed to. Doctors say that a full-fledged balanced diet is an important condition for maintaining the health and high performance of adults, and for children it is also a necessary condition for growth and development. The shelves of city shops are bursting with beautiful and large vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, they do not always meet the taste. Such agricultural products are even dangerous to health, because they are grown on chemical fertilizers. Fruits and vegetables, having absorbed the nitrogen contained in the fertilizer, are saturated with nitrates, which can cause severe poisoning. That is why agricultural products grown near industrial enterprises and major highways are especially dangerous.


In general, the body's reactions to a bad environment depend on individual characteristics: age, gender, health status. But, first of all, children, the elderly and the elderly, sick people are vulnerable. Therefore, those who aspire to life in a metropolis should carefully weigh the pros and cons, because everything has a price and sometimes it is too high.

Actually: experts have not been able to detect a 100% regularity. She just doesn't exist. Yes, there are scientific studies confirming the role of soy products in the prevention of malignant tumors. Approximately 20-30 years ago, when the traditional diet with a high content of soy products prevailed in Japan, the incidence of so-called "Western" forms of cancer (colon, pancreas, prostate) was very low in this country. However, this observation can also be explained by the fact that the Japanese, prone to eating national dishes, ate less animal products and more fish.

Improving cigarettes reduces the risk of cancer

Actually: this is not entirely true in general, and even more so in our country. In accordance with WHO recommendations, Russia introduced standards for the content of tar and nicotine in cigarettes, which are now equal to: 1.2 mg (for nicotine) and 14 mg (for tar) per cigarette. This is higher than European standards. In addition, with a decrease in the nicotine content in tobacco products, smokers still strive to get their dose of this soft drug and get it by proportionally increasing the number of light cigarettes smoked. Reducing the content of nicotine and tar does not reduce the content of nitroso compounds in tobacco smoke - a group of the most carcinogenic chemicals that are not formed during smoking, but originally contained in tobacco. Light cigarettes with a low tar content may contain more of these poisonous substances and therefore be more carcinogenic than cigarettes with a higher tar content.

There is a cancer virus that can be contracted

Actually: scientists have long established that no viruses cause the development of cancer and it is absolutely impossible to get cancer through contact with a patient. But, nevertheless, some viruses still take part in carcinogenesis - that is, they cause diseases that subsequently provoke the development of all kinds of oncological diseases. For example, the papilloma virus is one of the causes of cervical cancer, hepatitis B and C viruses are liver cancer, the Epstein-Barr virus is the nasopharynx, etc. It was found that 3% of people who are carriers of the herpes virus DNA developed oncological diseases.

The main cause of cancer is poor environmental ecology

Actually: This is one of the most harmful myths. It distracts a person from more important causes - malnutrition and lifestyle - and plunges him into passive doom, because the resolution of environmental problems does not depend much on our habits. Lamenting about bad ecology is easier than quitting smoking.

ONKO - geography

  • Developed countries, including Russia: most common: breast, colon, uterus, ovarian, prostate, lung cancer.
  • Russia: Unlike the US and other developed countries, there are many cases of stomach cancer. This is due not only to the lack of consumption of vegetables and fruits, but also to poor living conditions. Due to crowding in small apartments, the whole family immediately becomes infected with Helicobacter pillory, a bacterium that serves as a “trigger” for the oncological process. Therefore, if this bacterium is found in one family member as the cause of, say, gastritis, the whole family must be treated.
  • Southeast Asia (China, Korea, etc.): Liver cancer is the most common, since 50% of the population there are carriers of hepatitis B and C viruses, which provoke its occurrence.

Of course, the most terrible consequence of environmental pollution is human gene mutation. Unfortunately, over the past decades, cases of the birth of unhealthy children have become much more frequent.

The cause of this disease is still unknown autism. With this incurable brain disorder are born on average 6 Human out of 1000. The fact that over the past 30 years the frequency of the birth of autistic children has increased dramatically suggests that it is the poor environment that is the main factor in the formation of this terrible disease. In particular, the increase in radiation levels due to the spread of such (now vital) inventions as the television, computer, and mobile phone is considered by many research scientists to be the main reason for the increased incidence of autistic births. Yes, the change in human genetics is the main retaliatory blow of nature for all the mockery of it. However, there are other manifestations of revenge ...

Man once cut down forests to create pastures, to build cities. Then, in order to further evolution and progress, he founded plants and factories in these same cities. For his greater comfort in the 20th century, he also invented such air pollutants as a car, a computer, a cell phone. In response, he received respiratory system diseases. Today, our country occupies the unfortunate second place in the world in terms of the frequency of deaths from a disease such as asthma. Here already bad ecology occupies the rightful first place in the list of causes of the development of the disease. Asthma mainly occurs in people who live near factories, factories and other industrial enterprises, near places where toxic waste is stored. The greatest danger to the human respiratory system is metallurgical enterprises. But even in adult welders and metallurgists, asthma is not as common as in children born near industrial areas. The incidence of asthma among children is twice that of the adult population. In Russia, according to the latest data, asthma suffers every 10th child. Moreover, according to the WHO, 40% of all diseases caused by poor environmental conditions, it falls on children.

Another disease, one of the main causes of which is also a bad environment, is allergy. Studies show that allergies are every 5th Russian. Over the past twenty years, the incidence of allergies has increased 4 times. According to WHO forecasts, allergies have a good chance of becoming the most common disease of the 21st century. Urban dwellers suffer from allergies three times more often than rural dwellers. This fact allowed researchers to determine the specific causes of the disease:

  1. sharp deterioration of the ecological situation;
  2. powerful industrial development;
  3. "Western way of life" of citizens: constantly closed windows, use of air conditioners, etc.

Bad ecology also contributes to the formation and development cardiovascular disease and mental disorders. In addition, it is the cause of diseases such as AIDS and cancer. No matter how trite it may sound, but in order to eradicate existing "environmental" diseases and prevent the emergence of new ones, we simply have to take care of the state of the environment. When we learn to live in harmony with nature, it will no longer take its toll on our health and the health of our children.

It is believed that oncological diseases are associated with lifestyle (malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.) and ecology. Now scientists continue to deal with this issue and conduct a huge amount of research, almost daily there are new facts about the development of cancerous tumors. Recently, American researchers have stated that the development of malignant tumors has no connection with heredity, ecology, or the way of life that a person leads, i.e. cancer in most cases appears spontaneously, without specific causes. A group of specialists have already reported their discovery to a number of scientific publications.

According to the researchers, the formation of a malignant tumor in the body occurs when cells divide incorrectly, which in most cases begins by chance. During the work, scientists studied more than 30 types of tumors, as a result, it was found that the process of cell division was not influenced by external or genetic factors. Heredity was revealed only in 1/3 of all cases, in the rest the tumor began to develop spontaneously, without any special reasons. In addition, a sufficient number of cases are known in medicine when cancer was diagnosed in healthy people without bad habits.

Also, the assertion that frequent stress can provoke the growth of a cancerous tumor has not been confirmed. Previously, it was believed that constant nervous strain and stress is one of the main causes of cancer, but a new study has refuted this opinion.

But, despite their findings, scientists continue to argue that improving the quality of life and the environment will reduce the incidence among the population.

Also, many scientists called radiation one of the causes of cancer. In particular, radon, which is present in bricks and concrete used in the construction of buildings, can be a source of harmful radiation; while in such buildings, a person is exposed to constant radiation, and this in turn leads to disruption of the cell division process.

Swedish experts in their new research have found that there is a connection between human growth and the development of oncology - tall people are more susceptible to the development of malignant neoplasms, compared with short peers.

According to the Swedish theory, the risk of developing cancer increases by almost 20% with every 10 cm of growth.

According to the experts themselves, this phenomenon can be explained by the fact that tall people have more cells in the body, in addition, very rarely cancer was diagnosed in people with genetic dwarfism.

In October 2015, the newspaper "Istok", published by the Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Irkutsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Organization "Russian Geographical Society", published an article

""Invisible ecology" leads to oncology".

"To decrease disease riskoncology, specifica person needs, first of all, to get rid of the causes that give rise to it, or rather, from located along neighborhood sources of harm.However, eliminategeopathic zones or get rid of electromagnetic radiationimpossible. It's physical radiation, they act always and independently of the will and consciousness person, therefore neither prayers nor mantras can eliminate them. As a chemist I can say - this is eliminated similar. So everyone adultjust gotta protect yourself and their loved ones from harmful the impact of GPZ and EMP, i.е. take care of the environment security at home and work".

Full text of the article

"Invisible ecology" leads to oncology

"Invisible ecology" leads to oncology

According to the latest information from the chief pediatric oncologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation A. Polyakov (RIANovosti of January 28, 2015), “the number of children with cancer has increased by 20% over the past 30 years. A similar trend is observed among the adult population. He explained this statistical fact by "influence ECOLOGY, including during the perinatal period. It should be noted that such an increase in oncological diseases occurs during a period of fantastic development of medicine and huge financial investments in the field of healthcare. What's the matter? Let's try to figure out what kind of ecology is so harmful to our health.

By "harmful" ecology, for some reason, we mean only the pollution of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil on which food is grown by harmful chemicals. But we really cope with these environmental problems ourselves: we create comfortable conditions with the help of air purifiers and humidifiers, we purchase powerful filters for effective water purification, and we collect environmentally friendly crops on our personal plots. That is why a person thinks that problems with a "harmful" environment are successfully solved. And what about the influence of ecology on the growth of oncology?

Since we were not taught the basics of ECOLOGY either at school or at the institute, I would like to recall that in the existing Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” (Article 16) “the types of negative impact on the environment include: environmental pollution by noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences».

According to the World Health Organization, “humanity is dying today from four chronic diseases.” Scientists have found that the main cause of chronic diseases is not in the physical body of a person with whom doctors work professionally, but outside it - in the environment, or rather in invisible environmental factors. They invisibly affect the invisible part of our body - the biofield, taking ENERGY from it. It is invisible only to the human eye, modern devices (for example, GDV-compact) see everything well. A person, unfortunately, feels only the consequences of the long-term action of the invisible ecology, and only when it is already too late - oncology. So, for example, after research in the Omsk Oncological Dispensary, scientists found that all the subjects - 54 people with a diagnosis of oncology, slept for more than four years in geopathogenic zones. Scientists warn healthcare workers that "all the efforts of a doctor may be useless if the patient each time returns to his sleeping or working place, which is located in the geopathogenic zone."

Today, the topic of the harmful effects of geopathic zones on human health is well studied, many scientific studies have been carried out, doctoral dissertations have been written, for example, E.B. Khlebtsova “Environmental aspects of the impact of geopathic zones on the functional systems of the body”, Astrakhan, 2007.

GPZ is a planetary environmental factor that has always existed, so why it was in recent decades that humanity began to suffer greatly from them. The answer is unequivocal - against the background of GPZ, a new invisible environmental factor has appeared, which greatly enhances the harmful effects of GPZ on humans.

These are electromagnetic radiation (EMR). We know that man-made electromagnetic smog has encircled our entire planet, from which all people on the planet suffer equally. Consider: c Today, thanks to electromagnetic radiation, anyone anywhere in the world can call or receive information from anywhere in the world. For this, a person pays with the loss of his energy, which means health. Chronic fatigue syndrome has swept the entire civilized world. The constant loss of energy, and as a result, chronic fatigue leads to serious chronic diseases that are difficult to treat.

EMR from nearby electrical devices, the number of which has greatly increased in recent decades and will continue to do so, is even more damaging to health. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization, considers electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies (generators of such fields - radios, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, WiFi routers) to class 2B carcinogens. The scientists warn that "children and fetuses receive more microwave radiation because their bodies are smaller, their skulls are thinner, and brain tissue is better able to transmit them." Hence the serious oncological diseases in children.

To reduce the risk of oncology for a particular person, it is necessary first of all to get rid of the causes that give rise to it, or rather, from sources of harm located in the neighborhood. However, it is impossible to eliminate geopathic zones or get rid of EMR. These are physical radiations, they act always and independently of the will and consciousness of a person, therefore they cannot be eliminated either by prayers or mantras. As a chemist, I can say that like is eliminated by like. Therefore, every adult is simply obliged to protect himself and his loved ones from the harmful effects of GPZ and EMR, i.e. take care of environmental safety both at home and at work. You can learn more complete information on this topic at the lectures of the public organization "Ecology of Life" (Sovetskaya st., 3 office 307), which are held on the first Thursday of each month at 12:00 and 17:00 (recording by phone 89041488566).

Improving the environmental awareness of the population is the main task of the public organization "Ecology of Life" Ignorance of the laws of nature does not relieve adults from responsibility for the health of their families. Anyone who does not want to recognize invisible harmful environmental factors, let him remember - "Truth does not suffer at all from the fact that someone does not recognize it" F. Schiller).

However, if you are forewarned, then you are forearmed!

Family health directly depends on the environmental safety of your home, dear adults!

To know about it, to remain silent and do nothing is a crime!

V.I.Sorkina - head of the Irkutsk regional public environmental organization "Ecology of Life", candidate of chemical sciences, tel.8-9041488566