How to relieve stress and tension. Nervous tension, how to relieve stress

How to relieve stress: 20 effective ways Stress has become a constant companion of our lives. Despite the fact that doctors confirm that stress moderate in strength and duration is even good for our body, the ability to effectively resist stress will help maintain health.

Stress is a natural reaction of the body, an attempt to adapt to a stressor. But if stress is a reaction, then it can be learned to manage. Of course, a lot depends on the strength of stress, its duration, as well as the ability of a person to resist it. There are universal ways to deal with stress, among which you can try to find the one that is right for you.

Italian scientists have confirmed the beneficial effects of regulation
breathing on human health. During the experiments, the participants
(they read prayers and mantras) a deep rare
breathing (rhythm characteristic of the cardiovascular system),
at which the blood is better enriched with oxygen.

Method number 1: remember the good

Perhaps you are too focused on the negative side of life and exaggerate the importance of those things that you do not succeed. Try to shift your attention to pleasant moments. To do this, you need to start remembering the good things that happened to you lately, even what seems like a trifle to you. You should try to remember each pleasant episode in as much detail as possible with the sensations that you experienced at the same time. The best memories can be constantly used in difficult days to gain hope for the future.

Method #2: Analyze the Problem

It happens that the essence of the problem lies not so much in itself, but in your reaction to it. In order to understand whether this is so, you need to calmly think about what your troubles are. Only then will you be able to understand how they can be overcome. It will be helpful to imagine how you get out of this situation in the best way for yourself. Then you can imagine that this situation repeated itself and you again coped with it. So you can fantasize for 10-15 minutes.

Method number 3: enjoy the beauty of the moment

If you can not only remember pleasant moments from the past, but also create them in the present, it will be easier for you to survive stress. If you see something beautiful (a wonderful landscape outside the window, a laughing child, an unusual flower, a talented work of art), give yourself the opportunity to enjoy this spectacle to the fullest. Try to forget about everything and concentrate on contemplation.

Method number 4: combine sound, rhythm and breath

If you need to focus and collect your thoughts, you can try one exercise: for this you need to repeat (to yourself or out loud) a sound (for example, [om], [aum], [hamm], [mmmm]), the word (suitable: “God”, “love”, “sun”) or a phrase (“peace on earth”, “the whole world is one”, “higher and higher”, “peace without end”) in the same rhythm during 15-20 minutes. The sound must be synchronized with the breath.

Method number 5: breathe correctly

To do this, you need to sit comfortably, preferably in the lotus position. And focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply, focusing on each breath. You can think about the fact that breathing is the essence of life, and oxygen is the source of life, imagine how every cell of your body is saturated with oxygen. Proper breathing calms, fills with a sense of gratitude to the world.

Method number 6: take a break

The easiest way to deal with stress - take a vacation or day off and change the environment - is often the most effective. The ideal solution would be a trip to the resort, where at the same time you can improve your health.

You can entrust your mood to a proven favorite book, or you can opt for a recommended novelty. A book on how to beat stress will not only divert your attention, but also enrich you with useful information on the topic.

Method number 8: leave work at work

If the source of your stress is work, your home should be a safe fortress in which you can hide. Do not take work home - at home it is better to do pleasant and favorite things.

Method number 9: discuss the problem with loved ones

For many of us, in order to beat stress, sometimes it’s enough just to speak out to the person who knows how to listen, and perhaps give useful advice.

Method number 10: sing

Singing is an excellent stress reliever. The song is a splash of our emotions. In the process of singing, the soul of a person opens up to the world and it becomes easier for the singer.

Method number 11: get a pet

Numerous studies show that human interaction with pets lowers blood pressure and calms the heart rate. Well relaxing and watching the fish in the aquarium.

Method number 12: take care of plants

Caring for plants has a calming effect on a person. In addition, plants create comfort in the house and freshen the air.

Method number 13: cook something delicious

For those people who love and know how to cook, the very process of preparing a dish (especially if you cook it for your loved ones) has a gradual calming effect.

Method number 14: take a warm bath

One of the classic ways to relax at home is to take a warm aromatic foam bath. It is important to choose the right aromatic compositions. You can light small candles and take some nice drink with you.

Method number 15: go for a walk

A simple walk through the streets will help you recover if you do not find a place at home. You need to walk until you feel that your thoughts have come to order. Then you can return home.

Method number 16: do nothing

Try doing nothing and not thinking about anything at all. As soon as a thought creeps into your head, try to drive it away. The state of "purified consciousness" can bring you to your senses.

Method number 17: try to moan

Throwing out mental pain is just as important as physical pain. If you can't talk to anyone, try moaning out loud. The main thing is to release what has accumulated in your soul to the outside.

Method number 18: cry

Crying is nature's natural stress reliever. It not only relieves emotional pain, but also removes toxins from the body. Unlike men, women cry often and with pleasure. And this is one of the reasons why they live longer.

Method number 19: immerse yourself in what you love

If you have a favorite thing, it means that you have an excellent means of dealing with stress. Try to go headlong into the process that is interesting for you, get infected with its energy. You can relax, which means that the tension will go away.

Method number 20: feel gratitude

Even if serious troubles occur in your life, you can always find things for which you are grateful to God, your family, your loved one, friends. Try to think about them and feel gratitude, one of the most peaceful emotions.
If none of the suggested methods work for you, you can always come up with your own. The main thing is that you have the desire to emerge from a state of stress as a winner.

Yaroslav Kolpakov, clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences:“If you feel that the stress is outrageous, your whole body has been fettered, you are experiencing heaviness in your head, arms, legs, you can try the “progressive muscle relaxation” method. The essence of the method lies in the natural reaction of the muscles following the tension - relaxation. The technique is as follows - in a certain sequence, it is necessary to strain certain muscles as much as possible for 5-10 seconds, and then concentrate on the feeling of relaxation that has arisen for 15-20 seconds.

The sequence is as follows:

  1. Dominant hand and forearm (clench your fist as hard as possible and bend the hand in any direction).
  2. Dominant shoulder (bend your arm at the elbow and press your elbow hard into your body or on the nearest surface - bed, armrest, etc.).
  3. Non-dominant hand and forearm.
  4. Non-dominant shoulder.
  5. Muscles of the upper third of the face (raise your eyebrows as high as possible and open your mouth wide).
  6. Muscles of the middle third of the face (close your eyes tightly, frown and wrinkle your nose).
  7. Muscles of the lower third of the face (strongly squeeze the jaws and take the corners of the mouth back to the ears).
  8. Neck muscles (pull the shoulder joints high to the ears and in this position tilt the chin to the chest).
  9. Chest muscles and diaphragm (take a deep breath, bring your elbows in front of you and squeeze them).
  10. Muscles of the back and abdomen (tighten the abdominal muscles, bring the shoulder blades together and arch the back).
  11. Dominant thigh (tighten the front and back muscles of the thigh, keeping the knee in a tense half-bent position).
  12. Dominant shin (pull the foot towards you as much as possible and straighten the toes).
  13. Dominant foot (extend the ankle joint and squeeze the toes of the foot).
  14. Non-dominant hip.
  15. Non-dominant lower leg.
  16. Non-dominant foot.

The word "dominant" means right for right-handers and left for left-handers. It is recommended that you receive short-term training in this procedure in order to carry it out as efficiently as possible.

Linguists of the Moscow Institute of Linguistics exposed the plant
arbidonsis exposed using a wave generator that amplifies
emotional sounding of swear words (irradiation strength - 40 thousand roentgens).
The plant's DNA chains were broken, decay occurred
chromosomes, seeds died or mutated.

Expert: Yaroslav Kolpakov, clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences

The material uses photographs owned by

It is best to comb your hair for 10-15 minutes, and do a light facial massage. This will relax the muscles and disperse the blood.

To get rid of tension, you need to eat something containing omega-3 acids, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. An excellent option is oily sea fish. If you don't like seafood, you can try banana or ice cream. These products do an excellent job of acting as antidepressants.

There is another way, tension and stress. With all your strength, start rubbing your palms together until they become hot. This will allow you to relax and get distracted for a short time. The same can be repeated with the ears. With this exercise, you will cheer up, as blood flow to the head will increase. This is the most suitable way to work.

If you are at home, then a shower will help you relieve tension and stress. Warm jets should massage the shoulders and head. Imagine that water takes away all your experiences. Don't think bad. Soon tension and stress will disappear.

Try to apply one Eastern wisdom. According to her, to get rid of any negative thoughts, you need to move 27 things in the house. It is believed that this will free up space. During such a rearrangement, your thoughts will be freed from the shackles of negativity.

Intense jogging also fights tension and stress well. Run up and down stairs for 1 minute. Your muscles will tone up, and all the negativity will go away. You will be able to focus better on your work and become more efficient.

Stress is perfectly destroyed with the help of paints. Spend 5-10 minutes coloring in some fancy pictures. It is believed that it is creativity that helps to overcome most psychological problems. That is, it is not necessary to draw. You can compose music, write lyrics, or knit. It will not take much time, a maximum of 15-20 minutes. Creativity helps you to better concentrate on the tasks at hand, which means that the work will be completed faster.

Tea with hibiscus will help to quickly relieve nervous stress. Due to the concentration of free radicals, a person's condition begins to gradually deteriorate. There is even a small chance of panic. Hibiscus tea prevents free radicals from accumulating. This can be compared to liquefaction. One cup allows you to relieve nervous stress and relieve you of lethargy.

If the problem of nervous stress lies in the fact that the muscles of the shoulder girdle, lumbosacral and neck have lost their elasticity, then the best solution to the problem will be regular physical exercises. Playing tennis or swimming regularly will keep your body in good shape. At work and at home, you can use some simple exercises, such as rotating your arms.

Nervous stress is perfectly relieved by cleaning. By putting things in the right order, the brain focuses and eliminates all negative thoughts. In addition, the order creates an interesting psychological effect - organization is transferred to human behavior, which allows you to quickly cope with the intended goals. This is especially important at work.

To quickly relieve stress and tension, free your head from unnecessary thoughts for exactly one minute. Focus on your breath. Imagine that you are breathing in pure energy and exhaling all the negativity that has accumulated inside you. Turn on your favorite music, eat something tasty. Write down a list of all your goals, daydream. In general, try to relax as much as possible.

Aromatherapy also allows you to quickly deal with tension and stress. Find and purchase a scent that reminds you of your good times. As soon as you feel that your mood is getting worse, be sure to smell it. If you are at home, you can take an aromatic bath. You can also purchase scented candles and arrange them throughout the apartment.

Dance more often. Any rhythmic movement is great for dealing with stress. Our subconscious perceives dancing as entertainment, which means it will allow the body to relax. This is their main difference from any physical training. Usually you have to force yourself to start exercising, but here there is no internal resistance. Just turn on some energetic music and surrender to its rhythms.

Stress is present in everyday life of a person, arise for various reasons. Therefore, it is desirable to know how to relieve stress and nervous tension competently, using affordable methods.

Stressful situations arise due to family conflicts, the inability to find an understanding of the team, for personal reasons. There are many reasons. Any problem can be solved, the main thing is to know how. To be able to relieve stress means to have patience, endurance, in order to exclude the transition of nervous tension to prolonged depression.

Causes of nervous tension leading to stress

It is a well-known condition that causes negative emotions to rush out, and tension to reach the limit. This is a nervous breakdown that occurs for the following reasons:

  • a person was undeservedly offended, insulted. He remembers what happened for a long time, constantly goes over the event in detail;
  • a remark made at work or by someone close, perceived as an insult;
  • negative, hopeless mood (there is no one to tell about what is happening due to complexes).

Accumulated negative emotions that seem hopeless often turn into prolonged stress. At the same time, the mental health of a person worsens, a feeling of abandonment, uselessness appears. This condition appears as follows:

  • endless inner pain (I want to feel sorry for myself);
  • persistent or recurrent headaches;
  • difficult movements of the arms, neck, head;
  • muscle tension (it is difficult to find a comfortable position for work or rest).

The listed signs say that you should think about how to relieve stress and calm your nerves in order to return to normal.

Stress builds up gradually. The following progressive stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • the appearance of anxiety;
  • adaptation to constant anxiety;
  • exhaustion of the body, a possible transition to a depressive state.

Anxiety comes suddenly. At first, it does not cause concern if a person is able to relieve stress on his own. Suggested personalities perceive stress too emotionally, in a panic. You need to know how to help a person get out of tension, relieve a nervous breakdown.

First aid for nervous tension

If you feel nervous, try to quickly get rid of stress with the help of simple tips:

  1. try to get more rest;
  2. working moments must necessarily alternate with full days off;
  3. good sleep (about 8 hours) is needed to restore the body;
  4. after visiting the street, be sure to take a shower, remove makeup (for women), extra accessories, jewelry, try to relax;
  5. choose comfortable, but beautiful home clothes;
  6. get rid of unnecessary things;
  7. try to stop communicating with people who cause negative emotions;
  8. if you are in a relationship, but something does not suit you, analyze the situation (perhaps this is the cause of stress);
  9. allow yourself sometimes trifling, pleasant purchases;
  10. let yourself be lazy on a day off (cleaning, "urgent" things can wait).

Adhere to the listed rules, perhaps in a difficult situation, remember how to relieve stress and nervous tension.

Medications to help relieve a nervous breakdown

If it is difficult to get rid of stress with the help of primary means and irritability continues to grow, you will have to use medications.

Treatment of stress and nervous diseases is carried out by the following drugs:

  • Quattrex(capsules) eliminate insomnia, anxiety;
  • Tenoten- pills for stress and irritability;
  • Afobazole(available in tablets). This medicine for anxiety conditions belongs to the group of tranquilizers.

Before using any of these drugs, be sure to get medical advice. Leave independent experiments with medicines, this will worsen the situation, or hide the cause of stress and tension.

There are contraindications to taking medications for stress:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding. Expectant mothers with nervous disorders are prescribed herbal remedies more often;
  • individual intolerance to certain components;
  • allergic reactions;
  • children's body. Other drugs, dosages are prescribed here;
  • brain injury. The use of medications sometimes hides the symptoms of injury, worsens the state of health.

Any medication should be taken with caution. Read drug annotations, follow the indicated dosages.

Soothing herbal preparations are practically harmless, have a sparing effect. Stronger drugs are taken under medical supervision. Combine taking medications with folk methods to get out of stress.

Folk recipes for nervous disorders

Traditional medicine helps with various diseases, including problems associated with nervous tension.

While at home, you can prepare decoctions, mixtures that help with stress and nerves:

Homemade recipes bring good results. Herbs for cooking recipes can be found in almost any housewife.

Try to breathe correctly in combination with gymnastics

There are various relaxation techniques that help with nervous tension. One of them is meditation. The method is based on breathing exercises, special, relaxing movements:

  1. breath. Mentally count to 4, then inhale deeply. Hold the breath for 5 minutes. Exercise is useful while falling asleep;
  2. work your nose. Inhale/exhale alternately through each nostril;
  3. inhaling, draw air into the stomach, gradually moving to the chest. Hold the exhalation a little - do it first with the chest, then with the stomach;
  4. Take 10 deep breaths through your nose. Exhalation goes through the mouth;
  5. sit up straight, close your eyes. Try not to think by repeating any words you like (heaven, love, happiness, whatever comes to mind). After a few such exercises, bad thoughts will go away.

The following meditation exercises can be done even while at work:

  1. stand straight, legs slightly apart. Inhale the air, as you exhale, pull your arms up;
  2. stretch while inhaling, while exhaling, vigorously lower your hands, shake them;
  3. inhale through your mouth to relax your facial muscles. Move your shoulders.

Simple gymnastic exercises aimed at relaxation, it is advisable to perform immediately after breathing. Watch a detailed video about a relaxing technique that helps relieve tension.

Another effective method when you don’t know how to relieve tension and stress is screaming. Grab more air and shout, thus splashing out all the accumulated negativity. Please note that this is what small children do. When they don't like something or are offended, they show it with a sudden, deep cry.

Ways to relieve nervous tension

Almost all people react to stressful situations too emotionally, which leads to nervous tension. How to quickly relieve stress or nervous tension, but with a lasting effect? Try the following ways:

  1. be sure to learn how to switch. For this, there must be a favorite pastime that saves in various, difficult situations;
  2. any movement will help when you do not know how to relieve nervous stress. Dancing, walking, jumping, running will do;
  3. sleep will perfectly cope with the problem, last rest of the body, head;
  4. visit the bath - it will immediately become easier.

There is an interesting way to relieve severe stress - try extreme sports. Go skydiving, go underground, skateboard or go diving. Only this option must be performed with an instructor.

Quick Help

How to calm the nerves and relieve stress faster so that the nervous tension does not have time to capture entirely? Try the following tips:

  • chocolate. When there are no options, but you need to quickly solve the problem of a nervous breakdown, dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans will help. Even a small piece of chocolate will increase the level of serotonin in the body, dull pain;
  • paper, pencil. Write on a piece of paper everything that you would say to your offender, or the accumulated feelings. Then crumple the paper and discard. In the same way, negative thoughts, endless experiences must leave the head;
  • Relieving nervous tension is removed in a simple way. Rub your palms each other with energetic movements. Rub until the skin becomes warm - you will feel relief, calmness. When finished, rub your earlobes with hot hands. Such an unusual, light massage can be suggested to your friends so that they know how to get rid of stress in a quick way;
  • water gives a person vital energy, the body is half water. Therefore, with nervous tension, stand under a contrast shower or take a bath, adding foam.

These tips are simple, but really help in emergency situations.

If a teenager is nervous

Nervous breakdowns occur not only in adults, but in adolescents and very young children. What can be advised for teenage problems? There are proven ways to get out of nervous tension:

  1. Encourage your almost adult child to keep a diary. Let him always lead him, then under stress there will be someone to tell about what happened first. It is advisable to keep records sequentially: first, splash out all the pain, all the experiences, re-read it in a few days and get a lesson. As time passes, even the most terrible incident will seem easier. Teach a teenager to analyze what is written, let him share his thoughts;
  2. enroll your son or daughter in the sports section. You don't have to be a professional sportsman. You can just go to the pool, ride horses on the hippodrome, in winter skiing, skating. Sports (any kind) should be in the life of a growing child;
  3. talk to teenagers more often. During the transition period, there is always a lack of communication, understanding on the part of adults. Discuss any issues, often laugh together.

Don't wait until you see your child nervously smoking outside the house or being influenced by bad company. Become his friend in advance in order to provide the necessary assistance in a stressful situation.

Forget about constant stress, relieve tension

With any disease, preventive measures are important to prevent its occurrence. Same with stressful situations. It is difficult to completely eliminate stress from life, but it is possible to mitigate its manifestation. Try following these guidelines:

  • the family should maintain an even, healthy atmosphere. Try to exclude scandals, but it is unacceptable to keep the accumulated irritation in yourself. You can always calmly discuss the problem, find a way out of the situation;
  • It's great when spouses have a trusting relationship. Any tension, especially related to nerves, can be removed by making love;
  • if several people live in an apartment or house, everyone should have a personal space (room, corner) where it is possible to be alone; great if you can ask for help from loved ones when they are around;
  • Be sure to find a favorite activity that helps distract you from problems.

There are always several ways out of any life situation, the main thing is to avoid panic, do not give up, and problems will recede. Do not lock yourself in, share the problem with specialists and loved ones. Avoid self-medication.

Stress is inevitable, unless you lie in a hammock on a tropical beach all day long, sipping coconut milk through a cocktail straw. Yes, and in this case, it is possible that you will begin to worry about wasted time, missed opportunities, and something else important for yourself. Because everyone has their own, individual reasons for concern, so you also have to look for ways to relieve stress and tension on your own. But next time you can not only get rid of, but also protect yourself from stress and tension with preventive measures.

It happens that it is not possible to protect yourself from stress or it is impossible at all. Emergencies, force majeure and just stressful life stages happen to everyone. In such a case, it is desirable to know how to quickly relieve stress and tension before an exam, interview and / or other endurance test. It is useful for workaholics to have in stock several proven ways to relieve stress and tension after work, otherwise there will be a big risk of overwork. Increased loads always affect the psyche, because the nervous system takes the hit. And since we are well aware in whose hands the salvation of drowning people is, let's learn how to relieve nervous tension correctly and effectively.

Causes of stress. What is the danger of prolonged stress and nervous tension?
The concept of stress is well known to every modern person, but this statistic does not bode well. Stress as an adaptive (necessary to adapt to new conditions) mechanism is extremely important for all living beings, but when creating its positive and negative forms, nature clearly did not foresee the conditions of our daily life. Because short-term stress (instant reaction to a sharp sound, touch, cold or other external irritant) is almost safe and even useful for maintaining vitality. What can not be said about prolonged stress, exhausting the body and slowly but surely depriving it of physical and moral strength.

Nervous tension is one of the disturbing symptoms of stress, and in literal translation it is also a synonym for it. Together, stress and tension can bring down even a very strong, healthy and self-confident person. Even if outwardly he looks calm and behaves with restraint, this does not negate how stress affects health:
As you can see, stress adversely affects both the psyche and physiology, which means that you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. So stop reading the section on the effects of stress so you don't get even more stressed out, and move on to much more enjoyable information: methods for relaxing and/or relieving nervous tension.

How to quickly relieve stress and tension?
An ambulance for stress is required too often to ignore this fact. Fortunately, there are effective ways to quickly relieve stress and relax even in an uncomfortable environment. Many of these techniques have been developed by psychologists, therapists, homeopaths and other qualified health professionals and are therefore trustworthy:
The described methods of quickly overcoming stress really help out in peak situations, help to calm down and not break firewood. But if tension accompanies you for a long time, you are not able to change the situation and are forced to endure the circumstances, you need not only and not so much urgent as preventive measures.

How to relieve stress and tension for a long time?
Only detached stoics or people who are completely indifferent to what is happening around can keep calm in any situation. Most of us, on the contrary, react too emotionally to events, so methods for preventing lingering stress will be useful to everyone without exception:
These are the most effective means of dealing with stress. Choose the right ones or practice all of them, and you will see that they are much more effective than drugs and / or harmful substances (alcohol, tobacco), with which many are accustomed to relieve tension. The insidiousness of bad habits is that they do not protect against stress, but only mask it. There comes a temporary relief, while "behind the scenes" of the psyche at this time, destructive processes continue, and stress factors do not disappear anywhere. Therefore, choose the right ways to relieve stress and tension, take care of yourself and be sincerely happy!