Scenario of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Svetlana Kuzmina

Holiday script« Defender of the Fatherland Day» senior groups 2016

Target: Charge children with positive emotions.


1. Formation of a steady interest in performing physical exercises, relay races, development of basic physical qualities.

2. Introduction to the traditions of big sport through participation in relay races, competitions.

3. Raising a sense of patriotism, collectivism.

Competitors: Children of the preparatory and senior groups take part in the competition.

preliminary work:

1. Development script, choice of captains.

2. Talking to children about holiday« Defender of the Fatherland Day» .

3. Learning poems and songs with children.

4. Selection of musical and video accompaniment for competitions, relay races.

The course of the HOLIDAY

Cheerful music sounds, teams march into the music room,

stand in 2 rows.

Leading: Guys, we have gathered in this hall to congratulate men on the Day Defender of the Fatherland! There are protectors in every family.: grandfathers, older brothers and, of course, your beloved dads. We sincerely congratulate everyone on this wonderful holiday! We wish you family happiness, success in business, excellent health and good mood.

Children, today we celebrate holiday of our army - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Is our Fatherland is home where we were born, our family, our country - Russia. When making the flag of the Russian Federation, stand still! Bring the flag of the Russian Federation.

Standard-bearers enter the hall under the march and bring in the Russian flag.

During the performance of the Russian anthem, the children stand still.

1 child: Our Army Day today

She is not stronger in the world!

Hey defenders of the people,

Russian Army - hello!

2 child: All the boys of the whole country

Must be brave!

To protect the borders

To make moms smile!

3 child: Once in the Army to serve

And the time will come for us

We will live differently

Game over!

Leading. The word for greetings is given to the commander-in-chief of our garden, L. A. Khrustaleva.

Leading. Allow the parade in honor Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrations start!

L.A. Day Parade Defender of the Fatherland, I allow you to start!

Leading. Well, we begin our parade by greeting the detachments of the participants in our war game.

Greetings from the pilot squad (senior group) "Let's Be Soldiers"

Greetings from the tank squad (preparatory B). The passage of children through the hall in a column of two with a song "Our army is strong".

Greetings from the tank squad (preparatory A). The passage of children through the hall in a column of two with a song "Don't be afraid, mom".

After passing through the parade, children are invited to the sports hall for further military sports games. "Zarnitsa"

Leading. Today, our future soldiers want to congratulate their fighting girlfriends - our girls - Cossacks.

February day

In frosty day

All holiday is celebrated.

Girls in this glorious day

Congratulations boys!

2. We will not give you flowers,

They are not given to boys.

Girls a lot of kind words

They will leave you in your hearts!

3. We wish you forever,

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage!

Dance of the Cossack Girls "Take it, take it"

Leading. Guys, you are all future defenders of the Fatherland. But in order to become them, you need to train a lot, play sports, temper yourself and not be afraid of anything in the world. Today we will compete in agility, courage, ingenuity and dexterity, like real warriors, but before the start of the competition we must do a warm-up.

Warm-up - "Soldiers-brava kids"

(construction of children scattered)

Leading. Now take a break and look at the screen. We must find out with you what kind of troops are part of our armed forces.

Show presentation "Our Army is dear".

Leading. We are starting our team competition. For them, I need three teams of 5 people. Our Motherland begins from the border, and brave warriors guard it. And their friends border dogs help them in protecting the borders.

1. Relay "Border guard with a dog"

Passing an obstacle course with a toy dog ​​in hand.

The winning team receives medals.

Leading. The next task for the sappers. The following participants are invited - teams of 6 people.

2. Relay "Clear the field"

Two rugs, two hedgehog for each team. The first three collect balls, the second lays out, etc.

Leading. Enemy tanks are advancing on us. They need to be knocked out with a grenade and be sure to get into the inspection hatch, otherwise the tank will not be considered knocked out. Teams of 5 people.

3. Relay "Kill the tank"

Children run up to soft modules, throw them through the window "grenade"

They take it from the other side and return back.

Leading. Sailors are joining our game.

4. Relay "Sea crossing"

Children cross to the landmark in an inflatable swimming ring and pass the circle to the next player. All winning teams receive medals.

Leading: And now for you guys, military riddles sound.

(children receive orders for each guess)


Why - I don't know:

I have a sharp character

The enemy remembers my fragments. (Grenade)

It flies, but not a plane, not a glider and not a bird,

With a large propeller above his head, where he wants to sit down. (Helicopter)

Even under the polar bottom.

This house can float. (Submarine)

A turtle is crawling, a steel shirt,

The enemy is in the ravine, the turtle is where the enemy is. (Tank)

Suddenly an umbrella opened up in the sky,

In a few minutes,

Got down. (Parachute)

A raven flies, all chained,

Whoever bites, that death. (Bullet)

So that we can have a good rest today,

We will continue our interesting journey.

Fun awaits - the brave will not wait,

We are calling for volunteers!

Leading. The next task is to test your dexterity and skill.

Soldiers are often alerted, even at night when they are sleeping and dreaming. One participant from each team is invited.

"Rise on alarm"

Children take off their shoes and lie down on the carpet, covered with a blanket. On command "Climb" they must run to the basket with mixed pairs of shoes, find their pair and put on shoes. The most nimble receives an order.

Leading. And now I invite girls to determine the fastest nurse. Three chairs, nurses' bags and scarves on the chairs.

"Collect the Nurse's Bag"

Three girls put on headscarves and bags, run to the boxes with medicines, put them in bags and run to their chairs and sit on the chairs.

Attention game "Airplane flies in the sky"

Children turn to face the leader, standing scattered

Leading. Repeat all movements for me:

Airplane flying in the sky (hands to the side)

The tank will crawl across the field (crouch, hands forward)

The cruiser sails on the sea (standing hands - breaststroke movements)

The rocket is taking off (standing - put your hands above your head)

Words and movements can be repeated in a different order.

Leading: The life of a soldier is not only battles and campaigns - a soldier sometimes needs to rest, and therefore I invite all our fighters to a cheerful common dance "Boogie Woogie".

Summing up, counting orders, awarding winners, presenting sweet prizes


Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition

Ensuring success.

Our holiday has come to an end,

And everyone thinks the children

That the world is a brave fighter -

All: More than anything in the world!

presenter: Service in the army is a very honorable duty. Become a real man protector Every boy should prepare for the homeland from childhood. Today you have taken an important step on this path. With Defender of the Fatherland Day, Dear Guys!

March audio recording "Farewell Slav", music V. Agapkina