Alfred Rosenberg and the Armenian Question. Alfred Rosenberg

Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories Alfred Rosenberg (center)

On July 23, 1942, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann sent a secret letter to the Reich Minister for the Eastern Occupied Territories, Alfred Rosenberg, about the German policy to be pursued in the occupied territories.

Reichsleiter Martin Bormann

In it, Bormann conveyed to Rosenberg the Fuhrer's wish that he observe and implement the following principles in politics in the occupied Slavic territories.

1. Permission in the eastern territories of abortions and the widespread sale of contraceptives, since Germany was not interested in increasing the German population.

2. For the same reason, vaccinations, medical prevention measures and medical care for the local population according to German standards should have been canceled.

4. Eliminate the institution of higher education for people of German nationality. Education for the local population should be limited to teaching reading, writing and basic numeracy.

5. By all means to prove to the locals their inferiority in relation to the representatives of the Germanic race.

6. Replace the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin alphabet in educational institutions.

7. Do not allow the placement of Germans inside Ukrainian cities. In no case should Ukrainian cities be landscaped and should local authorities not contribute to their improvement. To settle German settlers strictly isolated from the local population in dwellings of a special type. It is not allowed to place Germans in national dwellings (hut-huts with thatched roofs).

Refurbishment of the Kyiv store - a report about the arrival in Kyiv

8. Unlike the original territory of the Reich, where too many things are regulated by laws, their observance in the occupied territories is not mandatory. In no case should a single national administration be created in the occupied territories, limited to local self-government bodies headed by reliable people.

This letter served as one of the main accusatory documents against Alfred Rosenberg at the Nuremberg trials. Martin Bormann, unfortunately, did not live to see the process, committing suicide on May 2, 1945 in Berlin under the threat of capture by Soviet troops.

The photo shows Martin Bormann and, presumably, his skull... 1945.

An interesting biography of Rosenberg. Russian citizen Alfred Voldemarovich Rosenberg was born in Tallinn, graduated from school in Riga, and then from Moscow Higher Technical School (now Bauman Moscow State Technical University) in 1918. In the same year, he tried to join the German volunteer corps being formed in Tallinn, but was not accepted into it as a “Russian”. After that, he emigrated to Munich, where he became close to Adolf Hitler. From 1921 he was editor-in-chief of the Nazi press mouthpiece Völkischer Beobachter. After the beer putsch, when Hitler was imprisoned, Rosenberg was entrusted with the leadership of the Nazi Party, but he did not cope with this task, allowing an intra-party split. Although many of Rosenberg's ideas about the superiority of the German nation were used by Hitler in Mein Kampf, Hitler called Rosenberg's own book, Myths of the 20th Century, published in 1930, "obscure nonsense written by a self-confident Balt who thinks extremely confused." Despite the rather high position of Rosenberg, neither Rosenberg himself, nor the Eastern Ministry headed by him, enjoyed authority among the leadership of the NSDAP, because Hitler treated Rosenberg with contempt for his "theoreticism", helplessness and mediocrity as an administrator.

Reichsminister, Nazism ideologue Alfred Rosenberg. Sentenced to death by hanging.

Alfred Rosenberg was hanged on October 16, 1946 by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Rosenberg was the only one of the 10 executed who refused to say the last word on the scaffold.

If you have photographs of Alfred Rosenberg and Martin Bormann, please post them in the comments of this post.

Source of information about the photo.

He prepared for binding the binder of his newspaper Vozrozhdenie. In No. 17 /63/ of June 2001, on the fourth page, I read the material “Alfred Rosenberg on Russia”. I prepared and printed this text five years ago, but it is not available on the Internet, but it seemed interesting to me:

“FROM THE EDITOR: In 1963, on the instructions of the famous philosopher Yuri Nikolayevich Davydov, I wrote the article “Death” (for the “Philosophical Encyclopedia”). In this text, I had a chance to summarize the essence of the Right Faith, into the ocean of which the rivers of world religions flow. According to the Right Faith - "God Himself sacrifices Himself to Himself by the hands of His children."

The article was not published, but went samizdat. And one day the famous geneticist Nikolai Vladimirovich Timofeev-Resovsky called me. He got acquainted with the Right Faith, became interested and wanted to talk to me. He was given my phone number either by Evald Ilyenkov, the coryphaeus of dialectical logic, or the star of mathematical logic, the now living Alexander Zinoviev, both of whom collaborated in the liberal-patriotic Young Marxist University headed by me under the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.

In the Obninsk apartment of Nikolai Vladimirovich, we talked for days on end about the Most Important. The great "Zubr" told me about how intensely the founders of the Third Reich, with whom he communicated while being in Berlin during the war, were acquiring the Faith. “We are just miniature John the Baptists,” Hitler admitted. “I am waiting for the coming of Christ.”

The scientist participated in the affairs of the "Anenerbe" ("Heritage of the Ancestors") Society, in the rivalry between the departments of Himmler and Rosenberg. And with Alfred Rosenberg, who was born in Russian Reval /now Tallinn/ and graduated from the Higher Technical School in Moscow (now Baumanka) in 1918, he talked many times. And Timofeev-Resovsky recounted to me his memories of his contacts with the esoteric center in Kaluga, in whose orbit Tsiolkovsky and Chizhevsky also revolved.

Aleksey Fedorovich Losev, being almost blind, before that sent me, his assistant, to the Leninka special depository to outline for him Rosenberg's "racial concept of history". With Timofeev-Resovsky, we discussed it on the example of the Vyatichi.

As for the Right Faith, its hour has not yet struck, just as the time has not come for the modernization program that we have developed for Russia.

We have already published texts by Gobineau and Hitler about Russia. Let's continue the publication of the study "Reading Hitler", which is relevant to us. Below are excerpts from the main work of Alfred Rosenberg "The Myth of the 20th Century", published in Russian in the author's hometown of Tallinn in 1998 (translated by Lobanov S.N., pp. 85, 152-157):

... In the East, German culture was surrounded by turbulent currents. Once upon a time, Vikings founded Russia and gave state forms to life, allowing culture to develop. The role of the endangered blood of the Vikings was assumed by the German Hanseatic cities, immigrants from the West.

However, under the top layer of civilization bearing in Russia, the desire for unlimited expansion was constantly dormant, the restless will to destroy all forms of life, which were perceived as obstacles. Blood mixed with Mongolian boiled up with all the upheavals of Russian life, even when heavily diluted, and carried people away to actions that seem incomprehensible to an individual. Such sudden and abrupt changes in moral and social factors, which are constantly repeated in Russian life and in Russian literature (from Chaadaev to Dostoevsky and Gorky), are signs that hostile blood streams are fighting among themselves and that this struggle will end no sooner than force one blood will conquer another.

Bolshevism means the indignation of the descendants of the Mongols against the Nordic forms of culture, is the desire for the steppe, is the hatred of the nomads against the roots of the individual, means an attempt to reject Europe altogether. Endowed with many poetic talents, the Eastern Baltic race turns out - with the penetration of the descendants of the Mongols - malleable clay in the hands of Nordic leaders or Jewish or Mongol tyrants. She sings and dances, and also kills and rampages; she is devoted, but when shattered forms are erased, she is uncontrollably prone to betrayal until she is driven into new forms, even if they are of a despotic character.

Christian ecclesiastical humility and Masonic humanity were the two forms under which the idea of ​​love was preached as the highest value of human groups ruled from some authoritative center. By the end of the 19th century, the idea of ​​love entered the third phase that Bolshevism gave us - in the Russian doctrine of suffering and compassion, symbolized by "Dostoevsky's people."

Dostoevsky in his "Diary" quite openly speaks out that there is an "absolutely primordial need" for Russian people to suffer in everything, even in joy. Based on these ideas, his characters act and live; Suffering, therefore, is the essence of Russian morality. The people know that the criminal acts sinfully, but perceives the criminals as unfortunate. "This idea is purely Russian."

Dostoevsky is a magnifying glass of the Russian soul: through his personality one can understand the whole of Russia in its difficult to explain diversity. He noticed that the idea of ​​suffering is closely related to the tendency to lose individuality and to subservience. The Russian suicide, for example, does not have a shadow of suspicion that the "I" being killed is immortal. Nor is he an atheist at all.

Dostoevsky notes that in Russia there is not a single person who would not lie. The most honest people can lie. Firstly, because the truth seems too boring to the Russian; and secondly, "because we are all ashamed of ourselves, and everyone tries to present himself as something different from what he really is."

The reverse side of Russian obedience is boundless conceit. “He (the Russian) may not understand anything at all about the issues that he undertook to solve, but he is not ashamed of this, and his conscience is calm. This lack of conscience testifies to such indifference towards self-criticism, such disrespect for oneself, that one falls into despair and loses hope for something independent and saving for the nation.

Several Russians are on the train with the great chemist Liebig, who is unknown. One of them, not understanding anything in chemistry, begins to talk with Liebig on this topic. He speaks beautifully and for a long time to his station, then takes his things and, proud and majestic, leaves the compartment. The rest of the Russians also do not doubt for a moment that the ignoramus won the dispute.

Self-humiliation, coupled with exorbitant self-conceit, Dostoevsky correlates with 200 years of weaning from independence and with 200 years of spitting on the Russian face, which led the Russian soul to catastrophic humility. Today we will express a different opinion: this is something unhealthy, sick, alien, which constantly crosses out all the desire for the sublime. Psychologism is not a consequence of a strong soul, but the exact opposite of this, a sign of the ugliness of the soul.

Just as a wounded man constantly feels his wound, so a mentally handicapped person examines his inner state.

The Russian idea of ​​suffering and submission contains the strongest tension between the values ​​of love and honor. Throughout Western Europe, honor and the idea of ​​freedom have always fought their way through, despite the fires of the Inquisition. For the “Russian man,” who by the turn of the 20th century had become almost an evangelist, honor did not appear at all as a formative force. Mitya Karamazov, who kicked his father in order to put up with it later, was hardly familiar with this concept. The same can be said about the thinking Ivan and the elder Zosima (one of the most beautiful images of Russian literature), not to mention the elder Karamazov.

Rogozhin is distinguished by unbridled passion, he has no European center. Smerdyakov is the concentration of everything slavish, without any desire for spiritual heights. They are joined by all those gesticulating students and sick revolutionaries who have long conversations and arguments all night long, not knowing in the end what they were arguing about. These are signs of corrupted blood, a poisoned soul.

When Turgenev was looking for a model of strength and directness for the hero of the novel, he, not finding one among the Russians, chose the Bulgarian - Insarov. Russian literature confirms Chaadaev's bitter admission that Russia belongs neither to the West nor to the East, that it has no solid organic traditions. The Russian is the only one in the world who has not contributed a single idea to the treasury of mankind, and everything that he received from progress was distorted by him. The Russian, although moving, is moving along a crooked line that does not lead to the goal, and he is like a small child who does not know how to think correctly.

Out of a painful desire to give the world something independent, Dostoevsky's "comprehensive philanthropy" arose, which, apparently, means the same thing as Russian culture. Russia for him is a country that has preserved in its breast the true image of Christ, so that one day, when the peoples of the West go astray, lead them to a new saving path. Suffering, patient philanthropy is the key to the coming "word" of Russia.

This desperate attempt by Dostoevsky is akin to the behavior of the Russian in the case of Liebig, when a broken, crippled soul takes the liberty of setting the world on the right path.

Dostoevsky was successful with all Europeans who were in a state of weary relaxation, with all half-breeds of the spirituality of the big city - and without taking into account his anti-Semitic worldview - with the Jewish world of writers, who saw in Tolstoy's empty pacifism another favorable means for the decay of the West. “Human” began to consider everything sick, broken, decaying. The humiliated and persecuted became "heroes", the epileptics - objects of devout philanthropy and the same untouchables as the foolish lazy beggars of the Middle Ages or Simon the Stylite. At the same time, humanity in the German sense turned into its opposite.

Human for the Westerner is the hero Achilles or the seeker Faust; human is the strength of the indefatigable Leonardo; humane is the struggle between Richard Wagner and Friedrich Nietzsche. From the Russian understanding of the sick and criminals in the role of the unfortunate, decrepit and rotten as symbols of "philanthropy" - it is necessary to get rid of forever.

Even the Indian, to whom many Russians appeal in vain, accepts his fate as the guilt of his past life. No matter how one interprets the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, it is aristocratic and was born of a brave heart. Lamentations about the “power of darkness” are the helpless babble of poisoned blood. This corrupted blood created for itself the desire for suffering, humility, "love for all people" as the highest value and became hostile to nature. Rome once conquered with such “love”, until Europe partly shook off the ascetic Egyptian-African masochism.

Not devoid of nature "love", not incomprehensible "community of good and believers", not "philanthropy" with spoiled blood has long had a creative effect on culture and art. In Hellas - prolific Eros and racial beauty, in Germany - honor and racial dynamics.

Obviously, Dostoevsky's holy great desire to fight the destructive forces. While praising the Russian man as the guiding star of the future Europe, he nevertheless sees that Russia has given herself over to demons. He already knows who will prevail in the game of power: "unemployed lawyers and impudent Jews." Kerensky and Trotsky are predicted. In 1917, the "Russian man" was finished.

It split into two parts. The Nordic Russian blood lost the war, the Eastern Mongol blood rose powerfully, gathered the Chinese and the peoples of the deserts; Jews, Armenians broke through to the leadership, and the Kalmyk-Tatar Lenin became the ruler. The demonism of this blood is instinctively directed against everything that looks brave and masculine Nordic as a living reproach towards the man whom Lothrop Stoddard correctly called "subhuman". Former love, self-confident from helplessness, turned into an epileptic fit, carried out politically with the energy of a lunatic. Smerdyakov rules Russia.

The Russian experiment ended in a banal way: Bolshevism could take power only in a racially and spiritually sick people's body, which could not decide on honor, but only on bloodless "love".

Anyone who wants to renew Germany will also reject the Russian temptation along with its Jewish use. The resistance to this temptation is already gaining momentum. The future will show the results."

MY COMMENT: Alfred Rosenberg's reasoning is purely superstructural and therefore not very significant. However, they are in tune with many modern wumniks, appealing to a certain “special” Russian mentality, which turns out to be primordial-slavish and thirsty for the king, priest and whip. The National Socialist racists treated the Russian people with the same arrogance as the current Social Darwinist liberals. The German aggressors underestimated us and lost. How I yearn for "Stalingrad" for the traitorous invaders!

The main ideologist of the National Socialist movement came up with and put into use many of the key concepts of Nazism, such as "racial theory", "final solution of the Jewish question" and many other ideologies. Alfred Rosenberg was considered "Russian" among the Germans for a long time, because he was born in Reval and lived in Russia before the revolution. He is a graduate of the Moscow Higher Technical School, although, probably, now the university is hardly proud of such a pupil.

early years

Alfred Ernst Voldemarovich Rosenberg (as he was called until 1923, as evidenced by entries in his birth certificate and passport) had Russian as his native language. The future ideologist of German National Socialism was born on January 12, 1893 in Revel (now Tallinn), the administrative center of the Estonian province of the Russian Empire. His father, Voldemar Wilhelm Rosenberg, was an Ostsee German who was engaged in tailoring shoes (according to other sources, a merchant). Mom was born in St. Petersburg, Elfrida Caroline Zire, who came from a family of French Huguenots who had settled in Russia. In those days, a significant part of the urban population of Estonia were Ostsee (Baltic Germans). According to other versions, especially widespread in the 30s of the 20th century, his father was half Estonian, half Latvian, and his mother was either of French or Franco-German origin.

Alfred Rosenberg was left without parents early, his mother died just two months after his birth. He was finally orphaned at the age of 11. He was brought up by his aunts, who loved him very much and often spoiled him. He studied at the local real school, where most of all there were Germans, but Russians also studied, and the least Estonians. Best of all, he was given drawing, by order of the inspector of the school, his drawings of the Estonian estate of Peter the Great were hung in rich frames on the walls of the school. When Alfred Rosenberg came to Tallinn in 1942, they hung in the same place. In the storerooms of the Museum of Art of Estonia, his drawing "Staircase" (1918) is kept.

Life before

In 1910 he entered the architectural faculty of the Riga Polytechnic Institute. During the First World War, he transferred to the Moscow Higher Technical School, from which he graduated in 1918. He was not drafted into the Russian army, because he, as a student, had a reservation.

In 1918 he returned to Reval, which the Germans captured about two weeks later. Rosenberg wanted to enlist in the German Volunteer Corps. However, the attempt failed, they explained to him that "Russians" were not accepted. It was hard to live in a country occupied by the Germans, Alfred Rosenberg did not have a permanent job. Sometimes he earned money with private drawing lessons and occasionally sold his landscapes of the old Revel. Soon his wife went to Germany for treatment, and Rosenberg, with great difficulty, also managed to get permission to leave.

Introduction to Nazism

In 1919, in Munich, he met Dietrich Eckart, the publisher of a nationalist magazine, where he soon began publishing his anti-Semitic articles. He joined the Thule Society, an occult organization, and was soon introduced to Adolf Hitler. Alfred Rosenberg had a great influence on the formation of the views of the future Fuhrer, especially regarding Jews and Russians. He introduced Hitler to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and told him more than once that the revolution in Russia and the First World War occurred as a result of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

During these years, the first books of Alfred Rosanberg were published, developing his views on the development of history as a struggle between races. He was increasingly involved in political activities, became the editor-in-chief of the party newspaper. In 1923, he took part in the "beer putsch", an unsuccessful attempt to seize power by force. After that, he was illegal for some time.

National Socialist Manifesto

In October 1930, the main work of Alfred Rosenberg, The Myth of the 20th Century, was published, which became almost an official ideological guide for members of the Nazi Party. The book during the existence of the Third Reich was published with a total circulation of more than a million copies. It was distributed by the National Socialist Party on any significant occasion, and the proposed slogans were actively discussed. Only Nazi party functionaries carefully studied it in search of suitable slogans or opposition ideologists who were looking for weaknesses in the Nazis' handbook.

Although Rosenberg showed the manuscript to Hitler and received his approval for its publication, Hitler repeatedly told his close associates that the book, written by "self-confident Balts", was completely boring and chaotic. Most high-ranking Nazis could not fully read Alfred Rosenberg's book "Myths of the 20th Century", it was so incomprehensible and unreadable.

Nazi mythology

In his book, he offers a racial consideration of history, arguing that the future struggle will not be between classes or ecclesiastical dogma, but between "blood and blood, race and race, people and people." Rosenberg wrote about the key role of Nordic people in the development of almost all ancient civilizations, while the decline was, in his opinion, due to mixing with "degenerate" races (Syrians, Etruscans), who spread low culture and other vices. Presenting real historical life as a myth, Alfred Rosenberg attributed all the good things to the achievements of the Nordic Aryans, justifying their right to dominate the world. Only true Aryans are carriers of high culture, standards of honesty and justice.

He wrote about Russia that only its founding by the Vikings gave statehood and allowed the development of culture. However, in the revolution of 1917, the Nordic part of the Russian blood lost the fight to the Eastern Mongolian, united, the Chinese, the inhabitants of the desert, the Jews and the Armenians broke through to power, putting the ruler of the Kalmyk-Tatar Lenin. Knowing Russian literature well, Rosenberg writes that Dostoevsky, while praising the Russian man as the future of Europe, still sees that the country has been given over to demons.

Ministry of Plunder and Destruction

In 1940, Alfred Rosenberg was appointed head of the Institute for Ideology and Education, under which an organization ("Einsatzstab Rosenberg") was created, which was supposed to confiscate property and cultural property in the occupied territories. He himself emphasized that, in accordance with the Fuhrer's directive, all the scientific and archival property of ideological opponents, which included furniture, was under his control. In the countries of Western Europe alone, about 70,000 Jewish homes were robbed, and 27,000 railroad cars were required to remove furniture.

A few days before the attack on the Soviet Union, Alfred Rosenberg became Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories. Now the organizations subordinate to him exported not only works of art, but also food. Hundreds of thousands of tons of grain, meat, butter and other products were taken from the lands under his jurisdiction. During several years of occupation, 137 freight wagons with 4,100 boxes of works of art were also shipped.

Rosenberg began to put into practice his anti-Semitic theoretical positions on the isolation of Jews in the ghetto. His subordinates sought to clear the eastern lands of "subhumans" by participating in the massacres of Jews.

At the trial in Nuremberg, it turned out that on May 9, 1941, Alfred Rosenberg received Adolf Hitler's approval of the proposed plans for the dismemberment of the Soviet Union. In his diaries there is an entry that the Fuhrer gave him the task of governing Russia. In one of the documents of his department, it was written that millions of people would die or would have to move to Siberia.

The key points of the program for the dismemberment of the Soviet Union is the organization of local nationalist governments. In his opinion, in order not to fight with the 120 million population of the country, it is necessary that one part of the people fight with another under the supervision of the Nazis.

Directly for the management of individual regions, five commissariats were created, which were supposed to report directly to Rosenberg. However, only a few administrative departments in Central Russia and the Caucasus managed to get down to work. Rosenberg turned out to be a mediocre administrator, and control over the occupied territories passed to other Nazi departments. However, even in the spring of 1945, he refused to disband his ministry.

Diaries of a criminal

He kept personal notes from 1936 to 1944, made in a notebook or on separate sheets of paper. They amounted to 425 pages. At the end of the war, the records fell into the possession of the Allies and became one of the essential pieces of evidence for the prosecution. Then they were lost, they were taken away by the chief prosecutor from the United States, Robert Kempner, about which they learned only after his death in 1996. After a long search, it turned out that he gave them to one of his old friends, in June 2013 the US authorities confiscated them and transferred them to the Holocaust Memorial Museum, located in Washington.

Historians consider the political diaries of Alfred Rosenberg an important document revealing the inner workings of the totalitarian Nazi state, a plan to dismember the "eastern territories" (the former Soviet Union) and create several governorships that were supposed to be at enmity with each other.

Among the records you can find information about his conversations with Hitler. He vividly recalls convincing him that the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was the result of a "worldwide Jewry conspiracy" and therefore the Jews were the biggest threat to the country. Many entries are devoted to the deportation of the Jewish population, which they delicately called "squeezing out to the West."

Part of Alfred Rosenberg's diary entries is devoted to describing internal contradictions among the Nazi leadership. For example, in November 1938, he reports that Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler shares his views on one of his party comrades who is especially close to Hitler. About another functionary, encrypted as Dr. G, he writes that he is the most hated person in Germany.

Just retribution

Rosenberg continued to be Minister for the Eastern Territories, even when the Soviet troops had already stormed Berlin. In the last years of the war, he fled to the north of the country, where the seat of government was under the leadership of Admiral Karl Doenitz, Hitler's official successor. However, on May 19, 1945, by the military from the 11th British Army, he was arrested in a hospital in the city of Flensburg and transferred to prison as one of the main war criminals.

The prosecution at the International Military Tribunal presented numerous documents, including correspondence, a diary and books. One of the main evidence of Nazi views was Alfred Rosenberg's book "The Myth of the 20th Century". The court noted that the decrees of the ministry contributed to the final isolation of Jews in the ghetto, its subordinates took an active part in the mass executions of Jews. Many who were present at the trial note that he was the most colorless among the other defendants - no charisma, no eloquence.

Along with other Nazi criminals, he was sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out on October 16, 1946, the corpse was burned. He is the only one among the war criminals who refused the last word and remained a convinced Nazi, as evidenced by the memoirs of Alfred Rosenberg, published in the late forties. This was the name of the book with comments by C. Lang and E. von Schenk, which included notes that the Nazi ideologist made during the Nuremberg trials, while only those that were interesting from the point of view of the compilers.

Personal life

The first time he married early (at 22) an Estonian, according to another version, a Russified Baltic German. In 1915-1923 his wife was Hilde Leesman. It is known that she was highly educated, loved to read Russian classics. In 1917, Hilda fell ill with tuberculosis, and the couple spent the summer in the Crimea to treat her illness. In autumn, the young family returned to Revel, and in 1918 they moved to Germany. In 1923, Alfred received German citizenship and divorced his wife, who came briefly from treatment in Switzerland. After the divorce, Hilda was treated in France, and died in the fall of the same year.

Two years later, he married a German woman, Hedwig Kramer, with whom he lived until his death. His wife visited him when he was in prison during the Nuremberg trials. In this marriage, he had two children. The son died in infancy. Alfred's daughter, Irina Rosenberg, was born in 1930. Almost the only published photo is in Robert Cecil's book The Myth of the Master Race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi Ideology, where she is about 8 years old with her father at Hitler's birthday party. It is known that after the war she worked as a secretary with knowledge of many languages, but she was constantly fired when they found out about her father. Only in the American immigration service she worked until it closed, they were not worried that Irene was the daughter of Alfred Rosenberg.

Alfred Rosenberg

Rosenberg, Alfred (January 12, 1893 - October 16, 1946) - one of the main war criminals of Nazi Germany. From 1921 he was the editor-in-chief of the central organ of the Nazi party "Völkischer Beobachter". The author of the book "The Myth of the 20th Century" ("Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts", Münch., 1930), in which he outlined the ideology of the "master race" and tried to "theoretically" substantiate the "necessity" of wars of conquest. Since 1933, he headed the foreign policy department of the Nazi party. From November 1941 - Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories; the most active conductor of massacres and robberies perpetrated by the German administration in the regions of Poland, the USSR and other countries temporarily occupied by the Nazis. Executed by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 12. REPARATIONS - SLAVES. 1969.

Alfred Rosenberg (January 12, 1893, Revel, Russian Empire - October 16, 1946, Nuremberg), party leader, leader of the occupation regime in the occupied territories of the USSR, Reichsleiter (1934), SA Obergruppenführer. The son of a shoemaker and an Estonian mother. In autumn 1910 he entered the Higher Technical School in Riga. In 1915, together with the entire school, he was evacuated to Moscow. He studied architecture at the Higher Technical Schools in Revel and Moscow, and in 1917 received a diploma in architecture. Oct. 1917 lived in Moscow, sympathized with the Bolsheviks. Feb. 1918 returned to Revel, where he tried to join the German Volunteer Corps, but was not accepted as "Russian". At the end of 1918 he moved to Munich. Attracted at the end of 1919 by D. Eckart to the Thule Society, after which he became close to A. Hitler in 1920 joined the NSDAP (ticket No. 625). According to R., the revolution in Russia arose as a result of a secret conspiracy organized by the world community of Jews, which, incl. guilty of unleashing the 1st World War. He was among those who had a great influence on the formation of Hitler's views, in particular, it was R. who introduced the future Fuhrer to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." According to the memoirs of contemporaries, "in his speeches one could immediately feel a thinker expressing original ideas in an accessible form." He was convinced that the entire history of mankind can be explained in terms of racial theory. In 1920 he published the anti-Semitic works "Trace of the Jews in the Changes of Time" and "Low Morality in the Talmud". In 1922 he published the book The Nature, Basic Principles and Aims of the NSDAP. Since the end of 1923, co-editor of the central organ of the NSDLP "Volkischer Beobachter" (Volkischer Beobachter). Member of the "Beer putsch" 11/9/1923, after the failure of which he disappeared and was not held accountable. Many of R.'s ideas were used by Hitler when writing Mein Kampf. While Hitler was in prison, R. founded the Great German Workers' Association, which included many members of the banned NSDAP. In 1929 he founded the Fighting League for German Culture (Kampfbund fur deutsche Kultur). In 1930 he was elected to the Reichstag from Hesse-Darmstadt and was a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. In 1930 he published his work The Myth of the 20th Century, which was considered the theoretical justification for National Socialism (although not officially recognized as such); at the same time, most of his party comrades-in-arms claimed that they had never seen a more confused and incomprehensible book, and most of them could not even read it. He declared the ideals of Christian Europe useless beliefs. "Culture always declines when humanistic ideals ... interfere with the right of the master race to govern those whom it has enslaved," R. wrote in April. 1933 The Foreign Aid Bureau of the NSDAP (APA) was created, whose task was to promote Nazism abroad, organize university exchanges, stimulate trade relations, and publish propaganda articles in the foreign press. In addition, APA collected information, incl. about political emigrants, published in the foreign press.

In April 1933, he headed the Foreign Policy Department of the NSDAP. At the same time, from January 1934 to 1945, the Fuhrer's authorized representative for the moral and philosophical education of the NSDAP, for the German Workers' Front and all organizations associated with it. January 29, 1940 appointed head of the Central Research Institute for National Socialist Ideology and Education; formed etc. The “Rosenberg Headquarters”, which was originally supposed to be engaged in the creation of a research library, but during the war years turned into an organization that carried out large-scale seizure of cultural property in the occupied territories (1.3. and cultural institutions and seize materials, cultural property, etc.).

20/4/1941 Hitler informed R. that he planned to appoint him head of the occupation authorities in the East. On May 9, he presented Hitler with a draft directive on Eastern policy, which, incl. meant the dismemberment of the USSR into a number of governorships. He planned to grant autonomy to Ukraine, and gradually Germanize the Baltic States and include them in Germany. During the discussion, Hitler opposed the autonomy of Ukraine. He defined the tasks of the ministry as follows: “The problem of the East is to transfer the Baltic peoples to the soil of German culture and prepare the broadly conceived borders of Germany. The task of Ukraine., is to provide Germany and Europe with food, and the continent with raw materials ... "

On July 17, 1941, on the basis of Hitler's decree "On Civil Administration in the Occupied Eastern Regions," under the leadership of R., the Imperial Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories was formed. The Reichskommissariats were subordinate to him, subdivided into general commissariats (and those, in turn, into districts): the Reichskompsariat "Ostland" (center - Riga), which included the leppnio-rsho of the Baltic republics and Belarus, headed by G. Lohse; Reichskompsariat "Ukraine" (center - Rivne), which included mainly the territory of Ukraine, with the exception of several regions of Western Ukraine, as well as part of the Belarusian regions - the south of the Brest region, almost the entire Gomel and part of the Pinsk and Polessye regions, headed by E. Koch. The creation of the Reichskomnessariat "Kavkaz" (center - Tbilisi; Reichskommissar A. Shikedants) was envisaged; "Moscow" (Central Russia to the Urals; Reich - Commissioner 3. Kashe); "Turkestan" (territory of Central Asia). The offices of the Reichskommissarpats "Caucasus", "Moscow" and "Turkestan" were formed in 1941, but only a few administrative bodies in the Caucasus and Central Russia began to work. After the Soviet troops liberated the territory of the USSR, the apparatus of the Reichskommissariats was evacuated, and the ministry was actually disbanded, and its composition was mobilized in the course of measures to wage a total war. After the end of the war, he was arrested. As the main war criminal, he appeared before the court of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. Sentenced to death. Hanged.

Materials used book: Who was who in the Third Reich. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2003.

Rosenberg, Alfred (Rosenberg), (1893-1946), the main ideologue of Nazism, Hitler's deputy for "spiritual and ideological training" of members of the Nazi Party, Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. Born in Reval, studied in Riga and Moscow, where he graduated from the Higher Technical School in 1918 with a degree in civil engineering. He spoke Russian well, which was the reason for the future appointment of Rosenberg as Reich Minister for the Eastern Territories.

Since 1933, head of the Foreign Policy Department of the NSDAP. Within the framework of this department, in April 1941, a special center for the problems of the eastern territories was created. On April 20, 1941, Hitler announced to Rosenberg his decision to appoint him Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. On May 9, 1941, Rosenberg submitted to the Fuhrer a draft policy directive on the territories to be occupied as a result of the aggression against the USSR. The project provided for the division of the eastern territories into five large governorships in order to prevent the revival of a strong Russian state.

The first of them, called "Ostland", was to include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus. This area was destined for complete Germanization within two generations.

The second governorship was to be Ukraine, with the inclusion of Eastern Galicia, the Crimean peninsula, the territory along the Don and the Volga, as well as the Soviet Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans. As Rosenberg believed, this governorate, having a certain autonomy, would become the backbone of the Reich in the East in the fight against the Russian people.

The third governorship would occupy the territory of the Caucasus, separating Russia from the Black Sea. The oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus would have passed into the hands of the Germans.

The fourth governorate would be Russia. Rosenberg made the determination of its borders in the east dependent on whether the German troops would advance beyond the Urals.

Turkestan was to become the fifth governorate.

When discussing this project, Hitler made a number of remarks. Recalling the failure of Germany's policy in Ukraine in 1918, he spoke out against granting her autonomy. Hitler also rejected Rosenberg's proposed name "governorship", suggesting that it be replaced by the "Reich Commissariat". On July 17, 1941, the Reichsministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories was created, which was headed by Rosenberg. According to the verdict of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Rosenberg was executed on October 16, 1946.

Used material from the Third Reich website.

Russian emigrant

"Another Russian emigrant, Alfred Rosenberg, who not unsuccessfully claimed the role of the "chief ideologist" (and later the "chief philosopher of the Reich") in the party, enjoyed great influence in the NSDAP. He was born on January 12, 1893 in Revel in the family of the head of the local branch of the German Commercial chamber, in the autumn of 1910 he entered the Higher Technical School, which was transferred to Moscow due to martial law in 1915. Here Rosenberg passed the state exam in architecture in early 1918. Having personally experienced the nightmare of the Bolshevik revolution, the young Balt decided to emigrate to Germany through German-occupied Revel.

Incidentally, we note that the facts of the biography of A. Rosenberg were curiously distorted by the famous journalist S. Verevkin (“Former ... Russian officer, participant in the Civil War in Russia ... Alexander Vasilyevich Rosenberg” 1 ). In fact, Rosenberg never served in the military. In his memoirs, he recalls how he wanted to become a German soldier after the occupation of Reval by German troops: “I went to the commandant's office to ask when I could sign up as a volunteer. Despite my sincere desire, I was refused because I lived in the occupied territory.” 2 .

At the end of 1918, Rosenberg arrived in Munich, where, having met Dietrich Eckart, he joined the famous "Thule Society" (in his memoirs, Rosenberg described this organization as follows: "Thule was one of those who defended the concept of the Aryan race, and their meetings were attended not only Dietrich Eckart and Rudolf Hess, but also most of the anti-Semitic White Russian émigrés" 3 ), and then to the German Workers' Party, from which the NSDAP was then formed.

Historian Johannes Baur argues that "in the first post-war years, Rosenberg's image of Russia was not yet so unambiguously Russophobic as in his later writings." Already in his earliest publications (for example, the essay "The Jew" refers to July 1918), Rosenberg identified the Bolsheviks with the Jews, whose goal was "the death of Russia as a state", while "hundreds of thousands of the best Russian people who sought to protect their Fatherland .. ... fell under the bullets of these executioners " 4 . Rosenberg fully allowed equal cooperation with Russian nationalists in the struggle against common enemies - "Jewry" and Bolshevism. Moreover, in the Völkischer Beobachter, he prophesied: "The time will come when ... there will be a French National Socialist Workers' Party, English, Russian and Italian" 5 .

Rosenberg was impressed by the Russian emigre newspapers, where Hitler was often compared to Peter the Great, and he positively assessed the work of the "Black Hundreds" in "exposing" the Jews. The Bolshevik revolution, he wrote, was a phenomenon alien to Russian nature; it was an uprising of "the descendants of the Mongols against the Nordic forms of culture", and therefore was "the desire for the steppe, the hatred of the nomads against the roots of the individual", meant an attempt to reject Europe altogether 6 .

Until 1923, Rosenberg maintained close relations with his comrades in misfortune from among the Russian emigrants. Together with the founder of the "Russian Monarchist Union" O. von Kurzel in 1921, he published the anti-Semitic pamphlet "Grave Diggers of Russia" in a hundred thousand copies (Dietrich Eckart also took part in the publication). Fruitful can also be called his contacts with the former "Black Hundreds", colonel of the Russian imperial army Fyodor Viktorovich Vinberg (1868-1927), who preached from the pages of his publications - the newspaper "Call" and the magazine "Ray of Light" - the unification of "the efforts of the Orthodox and Catholic churches for opposition to the Jewish-Masonic forces as anti-Christian" (in the journal "Ray of Light" G.V. Schwartz-Bostunich published, in particular) 7 . Vinberg was part of an informal organization that actively promoted one of the sources of inciting hatred against Jews - the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which shocked German society and the leadership of the NSDAP. Vinberg's closest associates - the future Russian Nazis Sergey Vladimirovich Taboritsky and Pyotr Nikolaevich Shabelsky-Bork - became famous after the assassination attempt on the liberal leader P.N. Milyukov in March 1922 (the father of the famous writer V.D. Nabokov became a victim of this act 8 ). Some researchers claim that it was Vinberg who “helped” the Nazis with his maxims that “only physical destruction can stop the Jews” 9 .

After 1923, a certain change took place in Rosenberg's views, which was also common to Hitler and other party theorists: Russia turned from a potential ally into a foreign policy adversary. With the stabilization of Soviet power, it became superfluous to separate from each other the rulers and representatives of the national intelligentsia who participated in the Civil War and ended up in exile. If until 1922-1923 the Russian revolution was interpreted primarily as a product of the "Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy", then later the responsibility for such a course of history was assigned ... to the "racial defects" of the Russian people themselves 10 .

Thus, in the publication "Soviet Judea" (in the journal "World struggle", No. 2, July 1924), Rosenberg argued: "Thousands of estates were burned in Russia, that hundreds of thousands of people were executed and massacred in a senseless impulse of destruction , only a truly Russian beginning is visible. In support of this conclusion, he refers to relevant examples and images from Russian literature (there are mentioned "The Captain's Daughter" by A.S. Pushkin, "The Idiot" by F.M. Dostoevsky, "From the Double-Headed Eagle to the Red Banner" by P.N. Krasnov) : “If I think about the Russian revolution, the first thing that comes to my mind is an episode from The Idiot, when a Russian, out of envy for someone else’s silver watch, without any moral doubt, slaughters their owner like a cattle, not forgetting before zealously cross yourself with this.

However, Rosenberg still sincerely sympathizes with the main victim of the revolution - the national intelligentsia: “During 1918, all more or less sighted saw how the mask of the Bolshevik sphinx fell, and it turned out that Bolshevism was not and is not a struggle for a social idea. This is the political struggle of the Jews of all countries against the national intelligentsia of all peoples, in order to destroy it with the help of the lower strata of the people set against it and put the Jews or creatures dependent on them in its place. 11 .

Gradually, Rosenberg began to come to the conclusion that it was necessary to dismember the USSR along national lines and replace it with a mosaic of puppet states subordinate to Germany. In 1927, his pamphlet The Future Path of German Foreign Policy was published in Munich, where he called on the leadership of the Weimar Republic to support separatist sentiments in the Soviet Union in every possible way. He counted on the support of non-Russian peoples in the fight against the Russians, even then "preaching" the idea of ​​a "cordon sanitaire" to isolate "Muscovy" from the outside world 12 . From this it becomes clear why during the war, being the main ministry of the occupied eastern territories (“Reichsministerium fur die besetzen Ostgebiete”), he approved of the separatist aspirations of Ukrainians and representatives of other nations of the Soviet Union.

In his main work, The Myth of the 20th Century (1930), Rosenberg devotes an entire chapter to characterizing the Russian soul. Referring again to Dostoevsky (calling him “the magnifying glass of the Russian soul”, through whose personality “one can understand the whole of Russia in its difficult-to-explain diversity”), the “chief party philosopher” emphasizes that “there is an absolutely primordial need of the Russian person in his striving for suffering, in unceasing suffering... in everything, even in joy.” 13 .

Rosenberg believes that “the Russian is the only one in the world who has not introduced a single idea into the multitude of human ideas, and everything that he has received from progress has been distorted by him. The Russian, although he moves, but along a crooked line that does not lead to the goal, and he is like a small child who does not know how to think correctly. 14 .

Although the author admits that “Russia is a country that has preserved in its chest the true image of Christ, assuming one day, when the peoples of the West go astray, to lead them to a new just path”, the reason for this is only called “a painful desire to give the world something independent ".

The final conclusion is sad: “In 1917, the “Russian man” was finished. It split into two parts. The Nordic Russian blood lost the war, the Eastern Mongol blood rose powerfully, gathered the Chinese and the peoples of the deserts; Jews, Armenians broke through to the leadership, and the Kalmyk-Tatar Lenin became the ruler. The demonism of this blood is instinctively directed against everything that still outwardly acted boldly, looked masculinely Nordic, like a living reproach towards a man whom Lothar Stoddard correctly called "subhuman" ... Smerdyakov rules Russia. The Bolshevism of power could be as a consequence only within the body of the people, sick in racial and mental terms. 15 .

In fairness, it is worth noting that the original "Russophilism" no, no, and even manifested itself in Rosenberg in subsequent years. So, in a letter to General Vasily Biskupsky (his friend in the early 1920s) dated December 30, 1931, he stated that he “knew many wonderful people in Russia” and “looks back into the past only with the greatest sympathy for them and for many in Russian life" 16.

Nevertheless, by this time a new vector of party politics had been determined, as evidenced by the appearance in the work of the leader of the NSDAP "Mein Kampf" a common statement about the inability of Russians to govern. After the death of Scheibner-Richter, the connections of the Nazi elite with the Russian monarchists were interrupted, so Hitler could write without regard to anyone else's opinion: “Having given Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate deprived the Russian people of the intelligentsia on which its state existence was still supported and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain stability of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - a most excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are capable of playing, acting within a lower race ... For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this nucleus has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews" 17 ."


1. Verevkin S.I. The most forbidden book about World War II. M., 209, p. 34.

2. Rosenberg A. Memoirs. [With comments by S. Gang and E. von Schenck. Kharkov. 2005] p. 55.

3. Ibid. S. 76.

4. Baur J. Decree. op. [Revolution and the "wise men of Zion". On the issue of changing the image of Russia in the early NSDAP / Germany and the Russian Revolution. 1917-1924. M., Monuments of historical thought, 2004.] p. 160-161.

5. Heiden K. Decree. op. [The path of the NSDAP. The Fuhrer and his party. M., 2004.] p. 138.

6. Quoted. Quoted from: Artamoshin S.V. The ideological origins of National Socialism. Bryansk, 2002, p. 125.

7. Nazarov M.V. Mission of the Russian emigration. [M., 1994] p. 112-113. About F.V. Vinberg for more details, see: Ivanov A. "I have not changed my oath." Guard Colonel Fyodor Viktorovich Vinberg / Army of St. George. Biographies of Russian Monarchists at the Beginning of the 20th Century. SPb., 2006, p. 532-542

8. Sentenced to 14 and 12 years respectively, Taboritsky and Shabelsky-Bork were released after 5 years, remained in Germany and subsequently played a prominent role in the Russian emigre community. According to some reports, Taboritsky was a member of the NSDAP. See Chistyakov K.A. Russian political emigration in Berlin in the second half of the 1930s. / Russian Berlin. pp. 407, 416.

9. Williams R.C. Culture in Exile. Russian Emigres in Germany. 1881-1941. London, 1972 P . 34. M.V. Nazarov claims that the phrase about the "total physical extermination" of the Jews is not contained in Vinberg's books (Mission of the Russian Emigration ... p. 112). J. Baur points out that Vinberg demanded "the extermination ... of socialist animals infinitely harmful to humans." (Decree. Op. [Revolution and the "wise men of Zion". To the question of changing the image of Russia in the early NSDAP / Germany and the Russian Revolution. 1917-1924. M., Monuments of historical thought, 2004.] p. 165).

10. Baur J. Decree. Op. [Revolution and the "wise men of Zion". On the issue of changing the image of Russia in the early NSDAP / Germany and the Russian Revolution. 1917-1924. M., Monuments of historical thought, 2004.] p. 161. By 1923, Rosenberg finally lost hope of returning to Russia and began to perceive himself no longer as a Russian emigrant, but as a subject of Germany. - Approx. ed.

11. Quoted from: Germany's war against the Soviet Union ... p. 24. Compare, for example, with A. Rosenberg’s article in the Völkischer Beobachter of November 26, 1921, where there are absolutely no allusions about a certain predisposition of Russians to revolutionary chaos and the culprit of what happened is called exclusively “international Jewry”: “But in order not to give the Russians people to wake up and throw off this Jewish nightmare, the Jews at a rapid pace carried out the destruction of the entire Russian intelligentsia and literate people in general. Under the false pretext that the crimes of the past tsarist regime should be punished, the Bolshevik government sent foreign mercenaries to kill every naval and army officer, policeman, civil servant, engineer, anyone who is able to think and analyze events for himself.

12. Stephen J. Decree. op. [Russian fascists: Tragedy and farce in exile. 1924-1945. M., 1992.] p. 42.

13. Rosenberg A. The myth of the XX century ... p. 153. (chapter 7, book one: "The struggle of values", part two: "Love and honor"). Numerous examples from the work of Turgenev, Gorky, Andreev, Chaadaev are also given.

14. Ibid. S. 155.

15. ibid. P. 157. Let us add that Rosenberg’s colleague, the Baltic German Baron von Manteuffel-Katzdange, analyzing the revolution in Russia, noted: “The Jewish commissar reigns supreme ... like once the Tatar Khan. Lenin himself was a Tatar and in many ways resembled the great Mongol conquerors, such as Genghis Khan and Tamerlane... From this angle, the whole of Bolshevism appears as a new Mongol invasion, a return to the Mongol raids that had once already shaken the Aryan race and Aryan-Germanic culture, threatening complete annihilation. .

16. Baur J. Decree. op. [Revolution and the "wise men of Zion". On the issue of changing the image of Russia in the early NSDAP / Germany and the Russian Revolution. 1917-1924. M., Monuments of historical thought, 2004.] p. 161.

17. Hitler A. Mein Kampf. Munhen, 1935, S. 742-743. The passage quoted refers to the second part of the book9Chapter 14: "Oriental Orientation or Oriental Politics"), published in 1927.

Russian SS / Dmitry Zhukov, Ivan Kovtun. – M.: Veche, 2010. Ss. 29-36.

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Rosenberg Alfred (January 12, 1893, Tallinn - October 16, 1946, Nuremberg), one of the main war criminals of Nazi Germany. Since 1923 - editor-in-chief of the central organ of the Nazi party "Volkischer Beobachter" ("Völkischer Beobachter"). ... ...

Rosenberg, Alfred- (Rosenberg), (1893 1946), the main ideologue of Nazism, Hitler's deputy for the spiritual and ideological training of members of the Nazi Party, the Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. Born in Reval, studied in Riga and Moscow... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

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- (1893 1946) editor-in-chief (since 1923) of the National Socialist Party organ Völkischer Beobachter, one of the ideologists of fascism. Since 1933, the head of the foreign policy department of the party, since 1941, the Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories. How… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Rosenberg) Alfred (1893 1946) ideologist and theorist of the national socialist movement in Germany, philosopher of Hitler's racism, editor-in-chief (since 1923) of the central organ of the NSDAP of the newspaper "Völkischer Beobachter", head of the foreign policy department ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

I Rosenberg Alfred (January 12, 1893, Tallinn, October 16, 1946, Nuremberg), one of the main war criminals of Nazi Germany. Since 1923, the editor-in-chief of the central organ of the Nazi party "Völkischer Beobachter" ("Völkischer ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

one . (Rosenberg), Alfred (12.I.1893 16.X.1946) one of Ch. military fascist criminals. Germany. Since 1921 Ch. center editor. organ of the Nazi party Völkischer Beobachter. Author of the book Myth of the 20th century (Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts, Münch., 1930) ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


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