The illogicality of the combination of words creates a special one. Lesson summary on the topic "punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members"

The fifteenth task opens the "Punctuation" block. According to the "Specifier", task 15 tests the ability to punctuate in:

  • simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members (PP with SP);
  • compound sentences (CSP).

The peculiarity of the task is also that the dealer must provide two answers, each of which is estimated at 1 point. In case of successful completion of the 15th task, you can get a total of 2 points.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Choose two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.
1. The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.
2. Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics
3. The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.
4. Pretty soon he settled down in the area and made friends with the neighbors.
5. A rich man does not live in poverty, but complains.

A detailed analysis of task 15 can be viewed in the video.

Required reference material

If a simple sentence contains homogeneous members, then such a proposal is called complicated.

Homogeneous members - these are words of the same part of speech that refer to the same member of the sentence and are connected by a coordinating link: red, yellow and white flowers grew in the meadow

writing connection- this is a connection between equal members of a sentence, which is most often characterized by the intonation of enumeration and coordinating conjunctions.


Homogeneous Members

are not uniform and not separated by a comma, a connected with a hyphen:

1) paired combinations of a synonymic nature: to seek the truth, the truth, there is no end, to tell about your life, honor, praise to you, what to call you, to magnify, how you deigned to sleep, to rest, everything started spinning, spinning, it went, it went, it was fun, it was expensive to see, everything is sewn -covered etc.

2) paired combinations of antonymic nature: purchase and sale increased, discuss export-import issues, indicate the hardness-softness of consonants, walk back and forth etc.

3) paired combinations on the generality of sensation, perception: go for mushrooms and berries, meet with bread and salt, tie hand and foot, indicate name and patronymic, young green etc.

Punctuation marks in the presence of a generalizing word

colon (:)

1.After generalizing word ( everything, no one, always, everywhere, nowhere and noun) colons are placed before homogeneous members

(*) : Oh, Oh, Oh and Oh

In the basket was game: two black grouse and a duck.

mixed up all: breath of juniper, heather, water, cranberries.

Nothing Can not hear : no birds, no crickets, no voices.

2. If after the generalizing word there are introductory words somehow, for example , then they are preceded by a comma (,) followed by a colon (:) (*), namely : OOO

Large fish are also caught here. fish, namely : catfish, pike.

Dash (-)

1. After homogeneous members before a generalizing word

OOO - (*)

In the field, in the grove, on the lake - everywhere it was deserted.

Noise, scolding, lowing, roar - all merges into one discordant dialect.

2. If after homogeneous members before the generalizing word there is an introductory word ( in a word, in short etc.), then the introductory word is preceded by (-) , and after it (,)

OOO - word, (*)

Wheat, millet, oats - word, all already ripe.

Colon (:) and dash (-)

After homogeneous members, if there is a generalizing word in front of them, and the sentence is not completed

(*), centuries lyrics: Oh, Oh, Oh - ...

All these traits , namely : kindness, sensitivity, tolerance - helped him.


It is very important to clearly distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Compound sentence (SSP) consists of 2 or more simple, equal in meaning and connected by coordinating unions. These offers are separated comma: Air breathes spring scent, and all nature revives.

The semantic relationship between sentences in the SSP can be different:

  1. Simultaneity: Far to the south there was a fight and in the north, the ground trembled from bomb attacks.
  2. Subsequence: Dunya got into the wagon, the coachman whistled, and the horses galloped.
  3. Time: (when) The captain stopped the ship and everyone began to ask for the shore.
  4. Cause and investigation: Several dugouts remained intact, and people, wallowing from fatigue, went there.
  5. Result: Pugachev gave a sign and I was immediately released and left.

ABSENCE OF A COMMA before the union AND in the SSP

1. No comma is placed between simple sentences if available common minor member:

But too early your hit hour and prophetic feather from hand fell.

Now splashes may rain and will begin real thunderstorm.

Wings goose were splayed and beak open.

2. The comma is not put, if there is general clause:

[Already quite it dawned] and[people began to rise], (when I returned to my room).

(Barely it dawned), [us woke up] and[we went let's hit the road].

3. No comma between homogeneous adnexal, united by union AND, if main they have general:

[The secret is not given to the song], ( where her to live) and (where die).

[We thought], ( what he be late) and (what we we can't say goodbye with him).


[It was heard], ( how humming cars) , (how trams called) and(people talking).

A comma is not used in the following cases:

1) general introductory word:

According to weather forecasters, [it will get colder soon] and[it will rain].

Apparently [he was in trouble] and[a struggle was going on in his soul].

2) a common isolated member:

Despite our efforts, [work progressed slowly] and[by the evening we did not finish it].

OPTION 13 USE-2015

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number, a word, a phrase or sequence of words, numbers . Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer

in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, Write each letter and number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) The desire of a person to rise into the airspace and move in it as an idea has existed for a long time. (2) The main role in the emergence of such a desire and in the first attempts to fulfill it was played by the existence on Earth of birds and flying insects. (3) The ability to rise into the air, the ability to move in the ocean of air without a fulcrum on the ground, seemed feasible to a person only on the condition that he mastered the same flight devices that a bird has.

1. Which of the following sentences is correctHOME information contained in the text?

1) Flying insects played the main role in the appearance of a person's desire to fly.

2) Man's long-standing dream of moving in the air seemed feasible only if he mastered the same flight devices that a bird has.

3) The dream of a person to move through the air has existed for a very long time, and people did everything possible to fulfill it.

4) A person has long dreamed of moving in the air without a fulcrum.

5) Man dreamed of the possibility of flying and considered it possible if he mastered the same flight devices that birds have.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

namely, of course, firstly, although even


3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word SPACE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SPACE , -a, cf.

1) One of the forms (along with time) of the existence of infinitely developing matter, characterized by extension and volume.Outside of time and space there is no movement of matter.

2) Extent, a place not limited by visible limits.Heavenly settlement. Vozdushnoe settlement. Steppe spaces. All over the desert. Look in p. (about the unseeing, absent look).

3) The gap between something, the place where something. fit.Free p. between the window and the door.


4. One of the following words has an accent error:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word.

Intention Arriving Beautiful Mosaic Bows


5. One of the suggestions belowWRONG highlighted word is used.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

The travel company is obliged to PROVIDE the consumer with information about its state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

Almost all works of cinematography, with the exception of a part of documentary films, belong to FEATURE cinema.

In accordance with the "Rules for the Provision of Postal Services", a registered letter is only considered delivered when the ADDRESSER personally signed the notification of delivery.

After a wet snowfall, it is necessary to SHASH the snow off the branches of the trees so that they do not break.

Readers love this GREAT novel.


6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.




7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) After reading the play by A.V. Vampilova, I wanted to see her production in the theater.

B) Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his book "The Diaries of a Writer" wrote that the highest and most characteristic feature of the Russian people is a sense of justice.

C) Those who read the critical article by N.A. Dobrolyubov, is familiar with the assessment of the critic of the "dark kingdom".

D) A.P. Chekhov recalled that "my sisters and I knew French, German and English."

E) Thanks to the work of the writer E.V. Nosov people become kinder, more generous in soul.



8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

alm..nah located..d.


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

by .. sunflower, o.. quit pr .. acquired, pr .. the sea

be..culture, ra..throw pre..history, post..impressionism

pr..rotate, pr..urban


10. E .

arid .. new root .. howling straw .. nka master .. persistent .. new


11. Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gapAnd .

transportation .. you throw out .. you cipher .. my opening


12. Define a sentence thatNOT spelled with the wordONE . Open the brackets and write out this word.

Alyosha was a quiet, delicate person: all his life he (NOT) SAID an offensive word to people.

Nikolay (DID NOT) HAVE the patience to carry out his plans to the end.

(NOT) WHO went through the gate and turned to his brother's house.

The writer was reflecting on the (NOT) COMPLETE story.

The phenomenon of the lunar eclipse was noted (NOT) ONCE.


13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are writtenONE . Open the brackets and write out these two words.

There is no way to see the figure of the prodigal son in the picture, his face is almost invisible, but (B) FOLLOWING him we mentally fall to our knees and ALSO (SAME) experience a meeting with his father, like the returned son.

(B) DURING THE DAY M.V. Lomonosov observed the passage of Venus across the solar disk and (IN) AFTERNOON published his findings in a special paper.

(C) CONSEQUENCE of the fact that the work of electric potential forces does not depend on the shape of the path of a unit charge, on each of the parallel-connected conductors one and THEN (SAME) voltage appears.

In response to strong arguments, the doctor agreed to be my second, I gave him the SAME (SAME) several instructions (IN) ACCOUNT of the conditions of the duel.

We reached the goal (FOR) LIGHT, (THAT) having spent only two hours.


14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which it is writtenNN.

The discounted (1) item was sold (2) to a collector, and its former owner, without even visiting (3) the item, went to the station.


15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of offers in which you want to putONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics.

3) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.

4) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with his neighbors.

5) Both rye and oats occupy large areas in our country.


16. Put punctuation marks:

Mixing with salty sea winds (1) the smell of citrus fruits (2) creates (3) a healing (4) atmosphere for people.


17. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

On one side (1) the mountains were silent, on the other side (2) the sea was noisy. On the one hand (3) cars are useful, and on the other hand (4) everyone knows the harm they cause to the environment.


18. Use punctuation marks : indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

In the 80s of the XIX century, Shishkin (1) creates many paintings (2) in the plots (3) of which (4) he still refers to the life of the Russian forest, Russian meadows and fields.


19. Use punctuation marks : enter all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

But the river majestically carries its waters (1) and what does it care about these flowers (2) that float (3) on the water (4) as ice floes recently floated.


Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) The world around us is changing. (2) And the language that exists in a changing world and does not change itself ceases to fulfill its function. (3) We will not be able to speak it about this world, because we simply do not have enough words. (4) And it doesn't really matter whether we are talking about little owls, new technologies, or new political and economic realities. (5) Objectively, everything is correct, the language must change, and it is changing. (6) Moreover, the delay in changes brings people considerable inconvenience, but very fast changes can interfere and annoy.

(7) What exactly hinders me and annoys me?

(8) I don’t like it when I don’t understand individual words in a text or in someone’s speech. (9) Yes, if I understand that this is a word from the English language, and I can remember what it means there, it annoys me. (10) The day before yesterday I stumbled on street racers, yesterday on trendsetters, today on downshifters, and I know for sure that tomorrow it will only get worse.

(11) You quickly get used to borrowings, and even now it is difficult to imagine the Russian language without the word "computer" or even without the word "PR" (although many do not like it). (12) For example, I have long been accustomed to the word “manager”, but I just can’t figure out all these “sales managers”, “account managers” and the like. (13) I understand that you can’t do without a “real estate specialist” or “idea generation specialist”, but it’s terribly annoying that there are “realtor”, “realtor”, “realtor” and “realtor” at the same time, as well as “creator ”, “creator” and “creator”. (14) At the same time, linguists either simply do not have time to advise, or give mutually exclusive recommendations.

(15) Once, with a slight irony, I treated emigrants who come to Russia and do not understand some important words, the same "PR", let's say. (16) And now I myself, even without leaving anywhere, found that I didn’t understand some words at all, but I understand them only because I know foreign languages, especially English. (17) For example, it became difficult for me to read sports newspapers (for some reason, sports journalists especially do not like to translate from English into Russian, but prefer to immediately borrow). (18) Mysterious "punchers" and "cruisers" appeared in boxing reports; in reports about football - "derby", "Monegasque" and "Mancunians". (19) What can I say, I no longer understand what sports we are talking about! (20) I didn’t know what curling, kiting or bungee jumping was (now I know).

(21) I was finally finished off by a hockey report, in which it was said about a Canadian hockey player who scored a goal and made two "assistances". (22) Realizing that we are talking about assists (or assists), I, firstly, was amazed at the possibilities of the language, and secondly, I got angry at the journalist, who was either too lazy to translate the word, or, as they say, “ zapadno". (23) Later, however, I realized that I was not quite right not only in relation to emigrants, but also to a sports journalist. (24) After all, the verb “assist” (in the meaning of “make an assist pass”), and the word “assistant” in the corresponding meaning have already become part of Russian sports terminology. (25) So what's worse than "assistance"? (26) But for the sake of truth, I must say that I have never seen this word again.

(27) I think that almost everyone who pays attention to the language will have complaints about its current state, maybe similar, maybe some other (after all, we all have different tastes, including linguistic ones) .

(28) I, in principle, am not against slang (and other jargons). (29) I just want to understand where the border is between him and the literary language. (30) I, in principle, am not against borrowings, I just want the Russian language to have time to master them; I want to know where to put the stress in these words and how to write them correctly. (31) I, in principle, am not against language freedom: it, (of course, within reasonable limits) promotes creativity and makes speech more expressive.

(32) But I don’t like linguistic chaos (which is actually its reverse side), when you no longer understand whether it’s a game or illiteracy, expressiveness or rudeness.

(According to M.A. Krongauz*)

* Maxim Anisimovich Krongauz (born in 1058) - Doctor of Philology, author of scientific monographs and numerous publications in periodicals and online publications.

20. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The modern language has ceased to fulfill its main function.

2) The perception of statements in the native language should not be difficult due to the abundance of borrowed words.

3) It is important that the language has time to master foreign borrowings.

4) The spelling and pronunciation of foreign borrowings not yet mastered by the language today is not always regulated by a strict norm.

5) It is impossible to get used to borrowed words.


21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-6 contain reasoning.

2) Sentences 8-10 present the narrative.

3) Sentences 15-17 contain reasoning.

4) Sentence 24 explains the content of sentence 23.

5) Sentences 31-32 contain a narrative.


22. From sentences 4-5 write out the phraseological unit.


23. Among sentences 1-7, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of personal and demonstrative pronouns, lexical repetition. Write the number of this offer.


Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks 20 23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “The author’s indifference to the problem posed, as well as his desire to understand his feelings caused by the current language situation in society, are revealed by the syntactic means used in the text: (A) ___________ (proposal 19) and (B) ___________ (proposals 22, 23 ). At the same time, M. Krongauz strives for the objectivity of his assessments, using for this purpose another syntactic means - (B) ___________ (proposal 25). Analyzing the linguistic situation that has developed in society, as an illustration of his statements, the linguist uses a lexical means - (D) ___________ (for example, "street racer", "trendsetter", "downshifter" in sentence 10)".

List of terms:

1) contextual synonyms

2) introductory words

3) phraseological unit

4) metaphor

5) interrogative sentence

6) opposition

7) borrowed words

8) question-answer form of presentation

9) exclamatory sentence



Part 2

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


OPTION 13 USE-2015

to the tasks of part 1




Approximate range of problems

Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members

Task A 23

1) In the evenings, children and adults gathered at the table and read aloud.

2) Intonation always lies on the verge of verbal and non-verbal spoken and unsaid.

3) Ivan was almost always sleepy and lazy.

4) I wanted to catch a bear somewhere in a clearing or fishing on the river bank.

2. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The fruits of this plant are healthy and tasty and have a wonderful aroma
2) The trunks of cherries and a piece of the alley were visible from the window.
3) The study of the growth of unusual crystals has both theoretical and practical and general scientific significance.
4) The ancient Spanish masters used either stone or brickwork in the construction of castles.

3. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) For the development of personality, both art and science and life experience are useful.
2) Rude or even unkind behavior of people can spoil the mood of others.
3) Memory accumulates good experience and traditions and constantly resists the destructive power of time.
4) Good manners and properly developed behavior will bring a person both a good mood and the respect of others.

4. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Walking or talking with a friend was equally enjoyable for me.
2) The dusk hid the outlines of Olga's face and figure and threw a veil over her.
3) Learning and labor will grind everything.
4) In college, he was passionately engaged in both the humanities and natural-mathematical disciplines

5. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The guest entered and after five minutes mastered the conversation and became the center of society.
2) I wanted a lot, but I didn’t catch anything.
3) About eight guests and hosts gathered in the living room.
4) Almost every evening they went to the forest or to the waterfall

6. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) In the evenings, children and adults gathered at the table and read aloud.
2) Intonation always lies on the verge of verbal and non-verbal spoken and unsaid.
3) Ivan was almost always sleepy and lazy.
4) I wanted to catch a bear somewhere in a clearing or fishing on the river bank.

7. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.
2) Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics.
3) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.
4) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with his neighbors.

8. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) In the evening Vadim went to his room and sat down to reread the letter and write an answer.
2) I didn’t hear anything else, as I imperceptibly fell asleep.
3) He went to the window and saw only pipes and roofs.
4) It would be nice to see paintings by Rembrandt or Titian someday in our museum.

9. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Some watercolor works refer to both painting and graphics.
2) The ocean seems to freeze and rumble quietly and insinuatingly.
3) You can give answers orally or in writing.
4) Watermelon and sang and sugar and very tasty.

10. Specify the offer in which you want to putonecomma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The individuality of the writer is also manifested in the preference for one or another color epithet.
2) Almost every French sculptor worked simultaneously in the historical-mythological and portrait and landscape genres.
3) Green could describe in detail both the bend of the river and the location of the houses, both centuries-old forests and cozy seaside cities.
4) The forest rustled now lullingly and melodiously, then impetuously and anxiously.

Keys: 1.2, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, 5.2, 6.2, 7.2, 8.2, 9.1, 10.4




4) And the years went by quickly and inaudibly and carried away these memories with them.


5) Only the measured breathing of sleeping and the crackling of burning branches was heard, and soon all the anxieties of the day slowly dissolved into the serene night.

4. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

5. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.


6. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

7. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

8. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

9. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

10. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.


11. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

12. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or solid tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We did not go to bed for a long time and admired either the sky or the sea.

13. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

14. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

2) The ideal nobleman had to resemble the hero of chivalric novels and the character of ancient history and the Christian preacher.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

16. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.


1. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) All night long he reads fables and these are the fruits of these books.

3) I'm sorry to part with you and I would like to remember you well

4) And the years went by quickly and inaudibly and carried away these memories with them.

5) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention

2. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma

1) None of the employees were in the office and the students and parents were waiting in the foyer.

2) Our train stopped at both large and small stations.

3) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

4) And the years went by quickly and inaudibly and carried away these memories with them.

5) Tinsmiths must know the design of machines and fixtures for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.

3. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Yesenin's work is determined not only by the traditions of the "golden age" but also by the influence of new poetic thinking.

2) We now know Blok’s gloomy winter and Yesenin’s winter foreboding of the inevitable rebirth and the special lyricism of Turgenev’s winter.

3) The old man was always cheerful and always spoke in jokes and jokes.

4) It was necessary to clear the territory of garbage or go in search of another place for a halt.

5) Only the measured breathing of the sleeping ones and the crackling of the burning branches could be heard, and soon all the anxieties of the day slowly disappeared into the night.

4. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Lapwings either screamed or silently ran over the bumps.

2) In the forest, the snow is still untouched and the trees are in snow captivity.

3) The artist was fascinated not only by the beauty of the view that opened before him, but also by the variety of natural forms.

4) Gogol's study of the character of the "scoundrel" proceeds along the lines of moral and psychological and is supplemented by references to Chichikov's personal qualities and the circumstances of his upbringing and environment.

5) Particularly distinguished carpenters and turners were awarded cash prizes and certificates.

5. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) A breeze blew from the district and it immediately became fresh.

2) Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.

3) A powerful "fur coat" around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.

4) Cases and cases completely tortured me.

5) The forest tangle of paths ended and a great expanse opened up.


6. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Kerzhenets struck us with his quiet, thoughtful and gloomy beauty.

2) The girl was mortally ill and her sly gray eyes went out.

3) The old castle cordially accepted and covered both the erratic nakedness and the lonely old women and the homeless vagrants.

4) The German manager did not know about the theft at the factory or did not want to know about it.

5) Only a small Spanish patrol boat and peaceful fishing boats scurried across the sea.

7. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) In the evening Vadim went to his room and sat down to reread the letter and write an answer.

2) I didn’t hear anything else, as I imperceptibly fell asleep.

3) He went to the window and saw only pipes and roofs.

4) It would be nice to see paintings by Rembrandt or Titian someday in our museum.

5) Many of the members of the literary society "Conversation" were consistent classicists and some of them perfected the traditional classic genres.

8. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge both in astronomy and in chemistry.

2) In the XII century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.

3) On the street the whole of December, then snow, then rain ...

4) The ship had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the right direction even with a headwind.

5) Gray clouds covered the whole sky and the cold light of an autumn day sparingly sifted through them.

9. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Sheet metal is used to make machine and instrument cases and utensils.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or solid tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We did not go to bed for a long time and admired either the sky or the sea.

5) I liked the town for its location and I often walked along the embankment along the majestic river.

10. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics.

3) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.

4) Three times he wintered in Mirny, and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

5) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with his neighbors.


11. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Morning came and the golden glare of the young sun danced on the barely noticeable waves of a calm sea.

2) An old comrade invited me to visit him and for the first time I had a chance to visit the upper reaches of the Volga.

3) He carefully took out his shoes from his bosom and was again amazed at the expensive work and the wonderful incident of the previous night.

4) In a few hours he will leave the house and the farm and go somewhere to the south.

5) Islands of coltsfoot and wormwood and thin bushes of yellow sweet clover enlivened the slope of the ravine.

12. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Sheet metal is used to make machine bodies and appliances and utensils.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or solid tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We did not go to bed for a long time and admired either the sky or the sea.

5) The clouds began to blacken behind the mountains and only the sun shone with bright rays.

13. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Some watercolor works refer to both painting and graphics.

2) The ocean seems to freeze and rumble quietly and insinuatingly.

3) You can give answers orally or in writing.

4) Watermelon and sang and sugar and very tasty.

5) From the side of the street, a lush crimson maple stood by the picket fence and dropped its leaves into a small garden.

14. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Bright lightning twitched the sky and I saw a smoky cloudy shaft above the window.

2) The ideal nobleman should be similar to the hero of chivalric novels and the character of ancient history and the Christian preacher.

3) The drawing teacher drew attention to the boy's abilities and inclinations and persuaded the parents to send the child to a painting school.

4) Summer residents walk lazily under umbrellas or sit in the shade of trees.

5) Antiquity in Greece appeared before V.A. Serov in its purest form, and the artist perceived this country as a dream of great art realized.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Summer comes out of spring and leaves late in autumn.

2) There was a noise in my head, either from the howling and whistling of the storm, or from joyful excitement.

3) We saw several trees in the distance and the shadows of clouds driven by the wind running along the wet grass.

4) Listen to the silence and then the forest autumn will show you all its riches.

5) To check the spelling of an unstressed vowel of the root, you need to change the word or choose a related one.

16. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) Varvara looked at us with surprise and laughed and clasped her hands.

2) Anna and Praskovya went on and then looked around for a long time.

3) We felt, if not joy, then pleasant excitement.

4) Only gray roofs and a piece of the autumn sky were visible from the window.

5) The lanterns were far apart from each other and Misha's shadow grew to an unimaginable size.


1 - 32|23

2 - 21|12

3 - 15|51

4 - 13|31

5 - 15|51

6 - 12|21

7 - 25|52

8 - 35|53

9 - 45|54

10 - 24|42

11 - 21|12

12 - 45|54

13 - 13|31

14 - 15|51

15 - 24|42

16 - 35|53

Option number 68

Place punctuation marks, explain the placement.

1. Here, both the transparent sky, and the crystal-clear air, and fresh greenery give the picture the highest degree of spirituality. repeat alliances

2. In the evening, my father used to tell me stories or read poetry. homogeneous members union or not put

3. Warriors are armed with swords and lances and dressed in iron armor. homogeneous members are not put (with swords and pikes) (armed and dressed)

4. The gun needs to be inspected, yes = and thoroughly cleaned! adversative union yes

5. The science of the 16th century strove both for the synthesis of observation and mathematical calculation, and for the definition of the philosophical essence of things. double union

6. Often, it is by the level of development of the automotive industry in a particular country that its industry as a whole is judged. will divide the union or, without becoming

7. Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers. double alliance

8. On the first snow in aspen and birch groves, hare and squirrel tracks come across. two union unions and 2 pairs of one

9. In a test lesson or oral exam, try to build your answer in the form of a coherent statement. ochp comma without becoming section union or

10. Forest ?????? and the field and the flowering meadow are flooded with sun. repeated union and ochp

11. Your inner world is tuned finely and correctly and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life. ochp no comma without becoming

12. For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used. double union becoming

13. At night the wind is angry, yes = and knocks on the window. adversative union yes

14. The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint. ochp split the union or

15. The very first archives in Russia arose together with monastic book and manuscript collections. ochp connection union and not becoming,

16. In the evenings, the sun bathes in crimson fogs or burns dry on the edge of the steppe with a fire. ochp section union or not becoming

17. We saw a few trees in the distance, yes=and shadows of clouds driven by the wind running along the wet grass. adversative union yes

18. Through the noise of the waves, either sighs or muffled cries reached them. rep sec union not that

19. And the years went by quickly and inaudibly and carried away these memories with them. one member of the pr without becoming a joint union and

20. On the same lilac bush, I saw yellow leaves and buds that began to swell. ochp without becoming a joint union and

21. Our train stopped at both large and small stations. double union

22. The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint. without becoming ochp sec union or

23. Strawberries, yes = and blueberries are full of our forests! ochp vs union yes

24. I can hardly distinguish the color and outlines of people, animals, and objects.

25. The sounds of the nightingale's song filled the space between the river and the firmament. union union and not becoming

26. In the evenings, the owner either read or played chess. repetition of sections of the union or with ochp

27. The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time. ochp 2 couples without becoming union unions and

28. Pretty soon he settled down in the area and made friends with the neighbors. ochp without becoming a joint union and

29. Crimson and golden leaves slowly and smoothly whirl in the air and quietly fall on the damp earth.

30. Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon, and present its sign in dynamics. section union or when ochp not becoming, double union becoming