English speaking states. Countries with English as the official language

English is the third most spoken language in the world, after Chinese and Spanish. 365 million people on Earth speak English. And if you add to them those for whom English is a second language, you get an impressive figure - 840 million. The list of countries where English is spoken is quite large, the main English-speaking countries are the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland.

As you study English grammar and vocabulary, don't forget some interesting information about English-speaking countries that will help you better understand the living structure of the language and its history. We have collected some interesting facts that you may not have known about, and now you can surprise your teachers or friends.

So, interesting information about English-speaking countries and the English language:

1. The letter “E” is found in English much more often than other letters, it is almost every eighth letter.

2. What letter do you think most English words start with? Turns out it's an "S".

3. The shortest sentences in English are considered “Go!” and "I am".

4. Do you know what the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is famous for? It contains all the letters of the English alphabet.

5. Curious word “Queueing” (stand in line) is the only word in English that has 5 vowels in a row.

6. English is the official language of world aviation. All conversations between pilots and dispatchers on international flights and airports are conducted in English.

7. English is the official language in 67 countries around the world.

8. According to the British Council, one billion people in the world study English.

9. 80% of the electronic information in the world is stored in English.

10. The most common words in English are “the” and “be”.

11. “Good” is the most common English adjective.

12. “Time” is the most common English noun.

13. The word "happy" is used 3 times more often than the word "sad", so English can be safely called one of the happiest languages.

14. The word “Goodbye” came into modern English from an Old English phrase that can literally be translated as “God be with you.”

15. The first dictionary of the English language was published in 1755.

16. “Town” is the oldest word that came from Old English and is still widely used today.

17. The oldest English words have come down to us from the Stone Age! These are “I”, “we”, “two”, “three” and “five”. These prehistoric words can be tens of thousands of years old. According to British scientists, some of them may be 40 thousand years old.

18. English is descended from the oldest dialects - West Germanic and Danish. These dialects were brought to Britain by the Germanic tribes, whose invasion began in the 5th-6th centuries AD. Therefore, at present, most words in English have Germanic roots. Since then, the language has changed a lot, but the main roots remain.

19. In the history of Britain there was a period when the English nobility could not speak English for a whole century. In 1066, the army of William the Conqueror invaded the country. The conquerors brought with them French and Latin. All representatives of the local nobility began to speak French, it became the language of power and aristocracy. As a result of the Norman invasion, 10 thousand French words came into the English language. These historical events serve as a very likely explanation for the fact that some words of French-Latin origin sound more "aristocratic" than similar words of English origin. For example, "mansion" sounds much more prestigious than "house", similarly "commence" sounds more impressive than "start".

English has long been considered the language of international relations. This is explained not only by the important role of England in world politics and economics, but also by the peculiarities of the language itself. It is simple, concise. English is an analytical language. All this makes it in demand for study. Adding the fact that the world's best bands sing in this language, we get another plus in the treasury of its merits.


Worth knowing: list of countries where english is spoken, is fairly extensive. Here are some examples where English is the official language:

  • Philippines.
  • Kenya.
  • Jamaica.
  • Ireland.
  • Nigeria.

The above was only a small list of states in which English has long been an official language. It is spoken and issued important state decrees. Now we can consider some countries in terms of the appearance and characteristics of the English language.

Back in the 5th century, Germanic tribes came to the territory of modern Britain. They brought their dialect, which was quite convenient for colloquial speech. It turns out that from the language of one small tribe, there are now 2 billion people who use English. Generally, English-speaking countries have their own distinctive features of the language. But more on that later.

So, with the advent of the Germanic tribe, English began to spread throughout the entire United Kingdom. Of course, before the modern English language, the state went on for centuries. The Scots have long resisted having English become their official language. However, the colossal role of England and the simplicity of its language did their job. Scotland, having retained its Gaelic language, actively uses English not only in spoken but also in writing. Of course, the papers are also filled out in English. But to be fair, it should be noted that most Scots speak English, which has absorbed local dialects. It turns out a unique language system.

An interesting fact: since the 16th century, England has been closely cooperating with the Russian Empire. Therefore, many words from our language come to Britain: boyar (boyar), king (tsar), vodka (vodka) and many other concepts. Especially a lot of terms came in the period of the USSR. All words were adjusted to the peculiarities of the English language, acquiring a different phonetic design.

Now certain concepts from Russian even pass into English. However, borrowing in the 21st century is negligible when compared with what happened in the last century. The phonetic design of Russian and other words in English acquires its own specifics. Everything is aimed at ensuring that the English-speaking population can easily master borrowed words.

In this country, English is the native language for 80 percent of the population! It was brought to the USA thanks to the British colonists, most of whom were British. This happened in the XVII-XVIII centuries, when trade relations developed.

At that time there were many Indian tribes with their own unique languages. Romanization also had a strong meaning. However, more and more Englishmen and immigrants from the Germanic tribes settled the continent. English is replacing Romance and vernacular languages.

Now American English is an interesting phenomenon. Of course, in general terms, classical English has survived in the United States, but it has been supplemented by local dialects. Even groups of words of the Romance languages ​​entered this language system. Emigrants, mastering the English language, brought words from their countries into it. This is how the American version of classical English was formed. If you know the variant of English that is studied in schools, then it is much easier to master and understand its American variety. It is also worth noting that English-speaking countries, like the United States, always have some local features of the classical language. This is typical not only for America, but also for those countries in which English becomes the official language. Now in the USA the English version continues its development, but not on such a scale as it was in past centuries; progress and politics determine the speed of development of the language family. This is the pattern of any language and its variants. The process does not end, it will continue.

This state is characterized by bilingualism: French and English have become official for this state. However, the first is gradually replacing the second language. This is characterized by the fact that there are more people from Germanic tribes in Canada. In addition, the proximity of the location from the United States played an important role in this matter. Constant trade, business and just friendly ties helped the English language to spread throughout Canada. Now just over 20 percent speak French, while the rest prefer English.

Just imagine: 447 languages ​​and 2,000 dialects - that's the linguistic diversity of the country! However, the constitution of India clearly states that Hindi and English are the two official languages ​​in which the government operates.

In India, English is perhaps the most changed. Given the motley variety of languages ​​and dialects, English could not be preserved in a "pure" form. In addition, many researchers note an interesting fact: there are many Portuguese words and concepts in Indian English. In addition, there are "hybrid" terms. As a rule, they connect the roots of English words and concepts from Hindi. One fact surprises and pleases researchers of language/culture: many words from English began to acquire a different meaning, retaining their lettering and phonetic design. For example, abdar is translated as "teetotaler" in classical English. In India, this concept refers to a water carrier.

In general, even Indians who do not speak English understand it, such a fact. However, a logical question may arise as to why the local population prioritizes this language? The answers to these questions go down in history. Initially, India was a British colony. This was reflected in the demand for learning English. Now many tourists come to India, so English has become the main language in the state.

Unfortunately, only some urban residents have access to education. The rural population and those people who live on the periphery often cannot even write in their own language. However, they know English at least at the level of understanding. This is the situation in a state full of secrets.

It would seem that the Muslim (mostly) state speaks English, which has become official here along with Urdu. At the same time, many signs and advertisements were created in English. It is actively studied in schools. Many private educational institutions teach entirely in English.

All these surprising features are explained by the fact that Pakistan constantly interacts politically with the United States. In addition, unlike India, Pakistani residents are easier to learn English. And all this despite the fact that Urdu is similar to Hindi. This fact is covered by many scientific works. By the way, Pakistan can boast that many media outlets operate in English.

English has acquired the status of an official language in many countries of the world. In addition, it is worth knowing one important fact. There are states that are to a certain extent dependent on the United States and some other countries. Therefore, English becomes the primary language in them. For example, Puerto Rico and Bermuda depend on the US. These are not sovereign states. It is immediately clear that here the English language of the American version has become the main language for the state system.

English is recognized as an official language in 67 states, as well as in 27 non-sovereign entities. In large political communities of a global scale, such as NATO, the UN, the European Union, negotiations are conducted exclusively in English. In this regard, every famous politician is fluent in English. Ordinary citizens also speak it.

A bit of history. English comes from the UK. In the 18th-19th centuries, this state expanded its territorial boundaries and spaces. In this regard, English is spoken in all former British colonies today: the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and many others.

Given a list of English-speaking states, all of them can be conditionally divided into three large groups:

  • those in which it is recognized as the sole official language;
  • those in which, in addition to English, other official languages ​​have also been established;
  • those in which English is spoken everywhere and everywhere, but it is not considered an official language.

The leading place, undoubtedly, belongs to Great Britain and the USA. Here they squeal in English almost from the cradle. In the UK, the number of English-speaking residents is 60 million, and in the US - as much as 230 million.

Canada is in third place. There are 20 million English-speaking natives here. Fourth place is given to Australia, there are 17 million citizens. Speaking about Australia, one cannot fail to say that English is the only language in it, but for some reason it has not been recognized as an official language for unknown reasons.

Famous English-speaking countries include: South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland. The total population in these states exceeds 13 million. Here is a list of other countries where they coo in English:

  • Malta;
  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • Papua New Guinea;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Puerto Rico;
  • Philippines;
  • Singapore;
  • Malaysia;
  • Bermuda;
  • and many, many others.

As you can see, they are all scattered on different sides of the planet and there are a lot of them. In general, one conclusion suggests itself - friends, learn English.

Today, English is not just a requirement for getting a prestigious job or education abroad. In terms of its prevalence, this language occupies only the 2nd place, yielding the palm to Mandarin Chinese. In total, about 430 million people around the globe speak English. But, in addition to the UK, this language is official for several other countries.

Why do they speak English in Australia?

But in the Eastern Hemisphere, English does not only include European states. To understand why this happened, you need to know something about the history of Oz. Australia was discovered by the navigator Willem Janszon in 1606. The land to which his ship moored was called "New Holland" by a native of the Netherlands.

Immediately they were declared the possession of the Netherlands. By the beginning of the second half of the 17th century. as a result of the discoveries of many navigators, the contours of the new mainland were already quite clearly drawn. However, Australia was never mastered either by the Dutch or by representatives of other peoples. So it was until the moment when for the first time the ship of James Cook moored to its shores. He bore the proud name “Endeavor”, which means “try, diligence”. The first British colony in Australia began on January 26, 1788.

How many languages ​​were there in Australia before?

The first settlers of the Australian shores were convicts exiled here. The language they spoke was a dialect of English. It was filled with various jargons that had their origin in England, Scotland and Ireland. However, many of these words never became part of the official English language.

Those who are interested in which countries speak English are unlikely to suspect what competition in Australia it was made up of other dialects. It is believed that at the time of the landing of the first convicts in Australia, there were about 250 languages ​​​​and 600 dialects. In the first century, about 80 new words passed into the English language from here. Some of them belonged to the language of the natives, for example, boomerang (boomerang), Dingo (wild dingo dog), Koala (koala).

But Australia never acquired the status of a country with an official English language. Australia does not have an official language, but the most widely spoken one is called Strain. The written rules of the English language in Australia correspond to those adopted in its British version.

English in Canada

What countries speak English besides Australia? Another country that has always attracted foreigners as a place to learn English is Canada. Not so long ago, the expression "Canadian English" appeared. Initially, North America was inhabited by aborigines - Eskimos and Indians. In 1622, when an English colony was founded here for the first time, English was spoken here for the first time.

At the beginning of the 17th century, English is becoming more widespread here. More and more colonies and trading companies appear on the territory of Canada. The oldest of them - Hudson`s Bay Company - exists to this day. Its main office is located in the city of Toronto, and it was founded back in 1670.

Why is Canadian English the easiest to learn?

Canadian English combines features of both British and American versions. Many are interested in which countries speak English in order to attend specialized language courses. In Canada, English is considered to be the least influenced by other languages. Many linguists believe that Canada is the easiest place to learn English. After all, the local version of English is most easily perceived by foreigners by ear. Canadian pronunciation is very different from American, and especially from South American. Indeed, in the American pronunciation, the endings of words seem to be “swallowed”, the speech is filled with hypertrophied sounds “r” and “a”, which makes it very difficult to understand the interlocutor.

Languages ​​of India

For those wondering which countries speak English, India continues the list. It is the second country in terms of population, and there are 845 languages ​​and dialects on its territory. Hindi and English are recognized as official languages. The English language came to India as a result of the colonization of lands by the British conquerors. India was a British colony for almost 200 years - until 1947.

Why did English become the state language in India?

After independence, it was decided to include English in the school curriculum. This was necessary so that there were no communication problems between individual areas and states. In commercial educational institutions, English is not just one of the disciplines - many other subjects are taught in it.

Many are interested in which countries speak English for the purpose of moving or just traveling. Therefore, for those who would like to visit India, knowledge of Hindi will not be required. But at the same time, it will be an advantage - after all, not everyone here knows English perfectly. Indians do not expect visitors to their country to communicate with them in any particular language - be it Hindi, English, or one of the dialects. In this they differ, for example, from the French, who expect their interlocutors to communicate only in French.

Other countries where English is an official language

In addition to these, which countries speak English? The list, in addition to Australia, India and Canada, includes many other countries. These are the Bahamas, Botswana, Gambia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Cameroon, Philippines, Republic of South Africa and many others. Despite the prevalence of English, researchers do not believe that it can displace native languages ​​in these countries. The Philippines can serve as an example of countries in which English is spoken, and at the same time does not lose its position. For a hundred years, English has not been able to displace the native Filipino language here, despite the widespread teaching and emigration of local residents.

English is the second most spoken language in the world. It was overtaken only by the Mandarin dialect of the Chinese language, and then only because China surpasses all the powers of the world in terms of population. In different states in different parts of the world you can hear English speech. Most of them are English-speaking countries, a list of which will be presented in this article.

The language of the world

We can safely say that English has conquered the whole world. It is the language of international communication, politics, business, tourism, science, better education and many other areas of human life. It is the most taught all over the world, and not only in countries where it is considered state. Since the 18th century, the native language of Great Britain has been spreading around the world along with its speakers, who explored and captured new territories, expanding their military, economic and cultural influence on them. Therefore, many modern English-speaking countries are former British colonies. The times of active expansion are long gone, but English has firmly established itself in these states, coexisting peacefully with the indigenous languages ​​of the locals. English-speaking, or English-speaking, countries are so called due to the fact that this language is one of the official or predominant languages ​​in them. In addition to the sovereign states that will be presented in the list, there is also a considerable list of objects and territories that are dependent on other powers, in which English also prevails.

Europe and America

English in Europe is the official language of the United Kingdom, which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as Canada, Ireland, Malta. Although there are other official languages ​​in these countries, English remains the dominant language, laws are made in it, it is spoken in government, it is the main language of education. In general, it prevails in all major areas of life. In the US, it is the official language of 31 states, but it prevails in all, both in the field of record keeping and at the household level. English is spoken in such North American states as the Bahamas, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and Saint Lucia. Other English speaking countries in America are Grenada, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Belize, Guyana.

Extensive geography

Australia is a country where, in principle, there is no official language, but de facto English is. Other English speaking countries in Oceania: New Zealand, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Kiribati, Tonga and other small island nations.

In Asia, besides India and the Philippines, Pakistan and Singapore are also English-speaking countries. English is also spoken in many African countries. These are South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Sudan, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Namibia, Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana and some others. Despite the official status of the English language in many of these countries, only a small number of citizens know it and are fluent in it. These are residents of large cities, well-educated people and those who are directly connected with the tourism business, such as service personnel. This is especially true of resort and island states.