Arabic language alone. Secrets of self-study Arabic

Let's start with a magical action: please open your notebooks to the last page, this is a very important point. Having opened the notebook from the last page, we will do one more symbolic action - we will start writing in the opposite direction, that is, from right to left. The entire Arab world not only writes, but also thinks from right to left. After all, language, and in particular writing, is not just icons, but, in fact, a set of codes-keys of mentality.

It will look almost the same as the letter Ba, except for two dots above the letter. It also resembles a paper clip. That is why I have characterized this whole group of letters Ba, Ta, Sa, Nun, Ya as "dotted" consonants.

Learning to read the Holy Quran in Arabic. In this series of lessons, friends, we look at the most famous and beloved surahs of the Holy Quran from the point of view of language. No translation can accurately convey the original Arabic text. That is why I encourage my students to make an effort to learn the basics of Arabic grammar.

In this series of videos, I will help you take the first steps in reading and completing Arabic documents on your own. We will not consider any specific document, but will focus on the most common columns and questions. Counts: gender and citizenship

In this series of videos, I will help you take the first steps in reading and completing Arabic documents on your own. We will not consider any specific document, but will focus on the most common columns and questions.

I am Elena Klevtsova, Arabic teacher and methodologist. Methodists are such restless people who never sit still, and who are constantly looking for new ways to learn more simply and effectively. In this case, Arabic. And I managed to invent a system by which I successfully teach my students the basics of Arabic writing in just three lessons, in just three hours.

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the first sura of Al-Fatih. Ayat seventh. Features of writing in the Koran. Now we will take a closer look at how each letter is written here, and what additional icons mean here.

Memorizing and using Arabic phrases is an easy and stress-free way to gradually immerse yourself in the language and culture. Absolutely without making any special efforts, after six months you will begin to hear and understand the general outline of speech, since everyday speech always consists of standard cripples and clichés.

And now we will play a little with the Arabic alphabet and try to write down some Russian words in transcription in Arabic letters! As we have already done in the previous example ... After all, the word "bandage" is not only an Arab girl! In Russian, "bandage" is a bandage)))

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the first sura of Al-Fatih. Ayat sixth. Features of writing in the Koran. Now we will take a closer look at how each letter is written here, and what additional icons mean here.

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the first sura of Al-Fatih. Ayat fifth. Features of writing in the Koran. Now we will take a closer look at how each letter is written here, and what additional icons mean here.

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the first sura of Al-Fatih. Ayat the third. Features of writing in the Koran. Now we will take a closer look at how each letter is written here, and what additional icons mean here.

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the simple word Jazar - Carrot in Arabic. This is a simple 3-letter word that will help us figure out how the different letters within a word are spelled and sound.

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the first sura of Al-Fatih. Ayat second. Features of writing in the Koran. Now we will take a closer look at how each letter is written here, and what additional icons mean here.

As part of our new section Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the simple word Basl - onion in Arabic. This is a simple 3-letter word that will help us figure out how the different letters within a word are spelled and sound.

As part of our new rubric Arabic writing for beginners, today we will analyze with you the first sura of Al-Fatih. Ayat first. Features of writing in the Koran. Now we will take a closer look at how each letter is written here, and what additional icons mean here.

We continue to learn to speak Arabic. Introductory words give our speech liveliness and ease. Today we will learn words like "maybe, maybe". Today we will learn as many as 6 words, such as "I think, I believe, I am sure, I think." All of these words are verbs. So, we have six new verbs. Go!

We continue to analyze the main conversational topics. And today the question of work is on the agenda. What do you do for a living? What is your profession? Who are you? Let's learn how to ask these simple and important questions.

Arabic is the official language of all Arab countries, as well as countries such as Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, Comoros, etc.

It is the official language of the UN.

The total number of carriers is 240 million. For another 50 million, it is a second foreign language. Modern Arabic includes 5 dialects. They are in many ways not similar to each other, so the speakers of different dialects do not understand each other.

However, newspapers, films and television use only the literary dialect.

Arabic is the language in which ancient literary works are written and translated. It is also one of the first languages ​​into which the Bible was translated.

Therefore, connoisseurs of history and historical artifacts strive to master this language. In addition, every year thousands of tourists visit the UAE, Israel, Jordan, where the population mainly speaks Arabic. In order to travel freely in such countries, tourists usually learn the basics of the language - basic grammar and vocabulary.

However, Arabic is completely different from our sister Slavic languages ​​and even from such world languages ​​as English, French and German. This is one big language world with its own specific writing and pronunciation. Therefore, before choosing a form of education, it is necessary to consider the features of this language.

  • Businessmen;
  • Engineers;
  • Tourists;
  • Philologists and literary critics;
  • Who studies the Quran and Islam.

In the classes at the Master Class center, the literary norm of the Arabic language, dialects, phonetics, vocabulary, and grammatical structures are studied.

The task is to teach students to communicate fluently in Arabic in 48 hours.

6 options for learning Arabic in Moscow:

  • Mastering basic skills;
  • Learning Arabic from scratch;
  • Intensive classes;
  • Practicum of colloquial speech;
  • Language for business;
  • In-depth study.

The grammatical structure of the Arabic language is memorized with the help of visual materials and lively dialogue. At the end of any stage of intensive courses, final testing is carried out.

It allows the student to consolidate the acquired skills, and teachers to evaluate the success of the work.

The difficulty of self-learning Arabic from scratch

The principle of learning Arabic is the initial memorization of the alphabet and grammar. At the very beginning of training, it can be difficult, because. Arabic words have no associations with the Russian language, they have a double meaning, they have to be memorized only mechanically.

There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet. Arabs write the alphabet and words from right to left, without capital letters.

  1. Take care of purchasing the necessary educational literature. First of all, you should purchase a printed dictionary and its electronic version.
  2. Electronic textbooks for learning Arabic must be accompanied by an audio recording in order to hone your pronunciation.
  3. It is best to choose methodological materials that have practical tasks that should be completed for each lesson, and answers to them, which are placed at the end of such a training course.
  4. A simple phrase book will not be able to ensure successful language acquisition.
  5. Don't buy travel materials.
  6. It is useful to listen to songs and watch movies, series in Arabic.

The technique of writing Arabic words is performed in three stages

The main letters are written without a single break. Additional parts of letters, which include dots, oblique and plumb lines, are written subsequently. At the end, additional icons are placed. It is necessary to prescribe each letter, practice writing daily, while saying it out loud.

Features of Arabic dialects

The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 letters.

Each letter represents a consonant sound. The exception is the letter ameph. It usually denotes either a long vowel or is used as an auxiliary spelling mark.

In order to indicate a vowel sound, harakat is used - superscript and subscript signs. Arabs write from right to left, and punctuation marks vice versa from right to left. The language does not have capital letters. It is unacceptable to transfer a word to another line - usually an empty space is filled with stretched letters. The vocabulary consists of native Arabic words. And only 1 percent are borrowed European words.

The Arabic language is characterized by polysemy of words, so the vocabulary is very rich. However, English words are used to denote modern terms. The three most used words are three particles: al (definite article), wa (conjunction "and") and bi (preposition "through"). In the grammatical sense, the language rests on word formation.

The root of the word is triconsonant - the percentage of triconsonant roots is 82%. This makes it easier to learn new words and read texts without a dictionary. As for the parts of speech, then it is worth paying attention to the two main ones - the noun and the verb. A noun has three numbers - singular, plural and dual (rarely used in dialects).

Arabic has only two genders - masculine and feminine - and three cases (nominative, genitive and accusative). The verb has different grammatical categories. There are only 6 times (three simple and three complex). In addition to our three moods (indicative, conditional and imperative), there is also a subjunctive and amplified mood.

Another interesting feature is that the Arabs do not use Arabic numerals, but Hindi numerals. As you can see, Arabic is a difficult language to learn. First of all, it concerns writing and reading. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes at the very beginning of learning, adults enroll in special language courses taught by professional teachers and tutors, as well as native speakers themselves.

Arabic lessons online

Online learning via Skype, which provides for individual lessons with a tutor, has a number of advantages. One of them is that you do not need to go anywhere, you just need to turn on the computer. These lessons are useful and rich, exciting and interestingly constructed. On them, the listener will learn to write, read and speak Arabic correctly from scratch.

In individual lessons, the tutor fully pays attention to only one student, honing his skills and abilities and repeating the material already covered. With this approach, the number of recognizable Arabic words grows and the overall efficiency increases. The acquired knowledge is consolidated by written control tasks. The course program is fully focused on the personal achievements of the student.

Many people are afraid to start learning Arabic, considering it extremely difficult. However, the teachers insist that if you study hard for 3 months, you can learn to speak Arabic, boldly engage in dialogues with native speakers.

For more effective language learning, it is worth enrolling in Arabic courses led by an experienced teacher.

The price of individual and group tuition in Arabic

The cost is calculated for eight lessons (16 academic hours) that take place during the month. The duration of each meeting is 90 minutes. Classes are held 2 times a week. Their cost includes a teacher's home visit.

The price of corporate training

You can determine the time, place and frequency of meetings with the teacher yourself.

Intensive Arabic course

Gives you the opportunity to get acquainted and learn one of the ancient and most widely spoken languages ​​of the world - Arabic.

Arabic is considered official in the following countries of the world: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Western Sahara, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Chad, Eritrea. Arabic is spoken by about 290 million people (240 as their mother tongue and 50 as a second language).

The Arabic language played a big role in the history of world culture: in the Middle Ages, an extensive artistic and scientific literature was created on it. A huge number of Arabic words entered the languages ​​of many Asian and African peoples. Even in European languages, including Russian, there are words borrowed from Arabic (algebra, azimuth, zenith, alcohol, genie, shop, treasury, coffee, safari, tariff, etc.).

At present, the Arabic language exists in two significantly different forms, on the one hand, there is the Arabic literary language - a common language for all Arab countries of education, press, radio, science, literature, oratory, on the other hand, there are Arabic colloquial languages, or dialects, used by the population in everyday communication. The spoken language of each Arab country differs both from the common Arabic literary language and from the spoken languages ​​of other Arab countries.

Like all language learners from scratch, we will talk about literary Arabic. The basis of the online lessons on the site is taken by V. S. Segal's tutorial (). Its peculiarity is that it allows you to get acquainted with the language gradually, without immediately showering you with a stream of incomprehensible and complex Arabic letters. Errors were also fixed, animation of letters was added, answers were added, which can be viewed by moving the mouse over the key: . Also added audio! You will not only learn how to read and write Arabic, but also begin to understand the language by ear. Lessons free.

Go to -› lesson list ‹- (Click)

If the opportunity to communicate with 290 million people is not a great motivation for you to learn Arabic, then it may be, for example, the desire to stand out from the crowd. Few know Arabic. And if now you just seem very smart, then in the future you can build a successful career. The Middle East has a very large economic potential, so knowledge of the language and culture is beneficial and promising.

In today's growing hostility between the Arab world and the West, understanding the Islamic religion is key information to overcome the crisis. People who know Arabic can overcome cultural and linguistic barriers between countries, help resolve or avoid international conflict, and help businesses successfully trade internationally. In addition, knowledge of Arabic opens the door to other languages. For example, 50% of Farsi words are made up of Arabic words. The situation is similar with Urdu and Turkish. Hebrew is also linguistically related to Arabic, making it easier to understand grammatical and semantic concepts in languages.

Arabs are hospitable. As soon as you say a few words in Arabic in the presence of a native speaker, they will be delighted and will want to help you in any way they can. And try to do the same, for example, in German in front of the Germans - this is unlikely to surprise them much. Arabs are proud of their language and will be glad to see that someone makes an attempt to learn it.

Arabic is the 5th most spoken language in the world, and the migration processes of recent years have only increased its spread. More recently, Arabic has become the second most common language in Sweden, and Finnish has always been one. In the meantime, Arabic has not taken over the whole world, you still have time to study it!

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Learning Arabic

The author's method of rapid learning Arabic.
Tested on children.

If someone after that can read the Koran - the author is not to blame.
He had other goals, but - Good luck!

Different people have different thinking, therefore, for example, physicists and lyricists must be taught foreign languages ​​in completely different ways. However, in all existing textbooks of a foreign language, one can feel one and the "condo" German approach: unnecessary thoroughness, an abundance of unnecessary, stupid, unstructured information at the start, tediousness that kills mood and motivation after 5 pages and lulls after ten.

That is, it is often not the student who is to blame, but the teaching system that “goes wrong”.
Roughly speaking, the teacher is to blame.
As if someone put a filter - from the "unworthy" of a foreign language.
And so the "cut-off" is carried out ...

But why was a book written for this, why was it called a "textbook"
and why did they "push" you with "crap" of little use for training ??

Some books should be called - not textbooks, but "turnstiles",
like, you made your way - you go further, you didn’t make your way - sit-smoke-bamboo ...

Existing textbooks are poorly designed for the thinking of a normal Russian person.
modern, not "obsolete" version. When you are told obvious platitudes that have been obviously rewritten over the past 100 years, you get the feeling that you "hit" ... the thought that you turned out to be smarter than your teacher, and the teacher is "acting out" - they really interfere with learning.

Perhaps philologists wrote textbooks - for people with a different background,
Perhaps the "background" of the average student has grown in 100 years
Or the methods are outdated.

It may also be that people who do not know anything useful except languages ​​increase the value of their knowledge by spreading show-offs and meaningful snot - where everything can be explained easier, on the fingers and faster and more interesting.

Can a teacher be a bore?
After all, language is a means of communication.
The author of the textbook - the teacher already has a "credit" from the student who bought, picked up the textbook. And if a student quits studying, maybe also because the author - does not "pull out" - maybe because he is a bad teacher? It is not customary to criticize teachers, but here the criticism is not from the student, but from the “Colleague in the shop”. And in this case - criticism is more than appropriate. Because there is no need for bad teachers to scare students away from all teachers.

Let's take Arabic.

Most of the fears about learning Arabic are due to its writing,
Which the textbook presents in such a way that ... you begin to understand the Inquisition ...

Often in textbooks, emphasis is placed either on layers of language - from Islam and the Koran.
if the textbook is Soviet, then on the experience of building communism.
What for??

Why scare a person with aggressive imposition of alien (for Russian) person archetypes of behavior. Orthodox and atheists do not need to immediately give words meaning "prayer" and "Akbar".

That is, these words must be present, but then, where their presence will be justified by the logic of teaching, and not only by the desire of the teacher - immediately "convert" the student to his Faith. The student came for another. And the market says that you should respect your consumer. After all, the student came to an Arabic teacher, not to a madrasah.

How to get the student interested.
How to awaken motivation?
The Arabic language - it is the Russian and Orthodox Christian that gives the opportunity to touch the Biblical texts - in a different coordinate system. And to understand the hidden meanings, which (alas) disappeared without a trace in Russian translations - from Greek translations.

For example. King Herod - turns out to be the "king of the Earth". Ard and Herod (earth) are spelled the same.
Bethlehem - (beit lahm) - turns out to be a house of sheep, a barn. Like in the popular prints showing the barn where Jesus was born.
The Queen of England "Bloody Mary" (Bloody Mary) - turns out to be the "Mother of the State".
Pharisees - turn out to be ordinary Persians or horsemen.
Sadukkei - friends, brothers, monks.
Pharaohs - turn out to be simply the chiefs of these riders.
Kagan - High Priest.

It becomes clear the possible meaning of the "new spelling" of the name Jesus (the appearance of the second letter "and") during the Great Schism of the 17th century - precisely as a result of the translation of Arabic texts - into "Cyrillic". the stroke under the consonant "and" is the second "and", which is written but not necessarily read. And the main dispute of the split - acquires a different logic and harmony. This is precisely from the translation of Semitic texts - through Greek - into Russian.

The best motivation.

There is such an "Old Belarusian language". This is a language in which ordinary text in Old Russian is written in Arabic letters. Agree, it's nice when, in the process of learning one modern language, you find yourself "in the load" as a carrier of another, moreover, ancient one.

The laws of "Freebies" (sweetness - in Arabic) have not been canceled. And the learning process is more effective if you lead the student "from freebie to freebie".))

An example of the text of the "Old Belarusian language" from the Web. This is the Old Slavonic language, written in Arabic script.

My teacher, a KGB officer, once gave very appropriate advice in that situation - do not try to translate your life into Arabic. University, cinema and clubs are images of another culture, for which another language is better suited.

It's more useful to come up with an "image" of an Arab - and tell from him. This is the language of nomadic peasants, it has 70 words for camel and 5 verbs for "think". No need to complicate...
Let me be 5 brothers and 6 sisters,
your father has three wives and three houses.
It is easier to learn from an authentic map than to suck it out of your finger, how to more delicately name the concepts "airborne troops", "institute", "potato", "privatization" and "investment banking business" that are absent in Arab culture.

So, the first principle of memorizing letters is "Shemakhansky".
As the hero of Pushkin's fairy tale said: "Reign lying on your side" ...

Many Arabic characters - you can memorize by tilting your head to the right - or to the left.
For example, the "European" numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 are frankly of Arabic origin. It's just that someone "screwed up", sat "drunk" and wrote down the numbers, sitting "to the left" - from the source. Or "poked" from behind the shoulder.

For some reason, it is not customary to talk about this, but almost all Latin and Slavic letters were derived from Arabic script. Don't believe? It's just not customary to talk about it. But - look at the letters calmly and without panic. If it doesn’t work out right, try writing them not from right to left, as the Arabs themselves write. And reproduce them "in our own way", as we write, from left to right.

If you haven't found out, try to relax, imagine how Cyril and Methodius "stole" letters from the Arabs, without indicating their sources. In order not to deduct copyright. Still, the Arabs have "close relatives" (perhaps even Cyril and Methodius themselves). try again to write the letters from left to right. And look for hints.

So, in order to convey information in the old Belarusian language, you need to write Arabic letters - from right to left.
And these letters are modified Russian (Latin letters).

Only consonants and long (stressed) vowels are written in Arabic.
Short vowels are not written.
- in the Arabic alphabet there is no letter "p", the Arabs use the letter "b"
- the letter "g" - similar to Russian.
- twice the letter "and". Once at the end of a word, another in the middle. It can be seen from two points below it. The spelling is different, but - these two points give it away.
Two times the letter "c". Its spelling is anywhere (at the beginning in the middle, at the end - the same)

Vocalization rule
There are only 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet.
Strictly speaking, they are all consonants. Vowel sounds (and there are only three of them) are transmitted by special icons that are placed "above" or "below" the letter. The icons are called "vowels".

The vowels "a", "i", "y" are called "Fatha, kesra, damma"
A - a stroke above the consonant from above
"and" - stroke from below,
"u" - comma above,
"without a vowel" - a circle, "sukkun",
ending "an" - two strokes above the consonant
shadda "w" - doubling the consonant.
ending "in" - two strokes under the consonant

So the previous sentence "let's talk" -
will look like "Old Belarusian" with vowels.

In most cases, in Arabic books and media, you will not find texts with vowels. Why? Because the Arabs perfectly read and understand these texts without vowels. This is comparable to when we meet the letter "Yo" without dots in Russian, but we understand that this is exactly "Yo". It is experience and skill. A couple of months of reading the exercises of their textbook - and anyone will have it.

Vocalizations were developed by medieval philologists. One of the theories of their origin is as follows: in those days, a large number of people accepted Islam - without knowing the language. And so that "fresh" Muslims could read the Koran without errors, a system of vocalizations was adopted. Now vowels can be found mainly in textbooks, in some Holy books (Quran, Bible), in reference books and dictionaries. But rotating in this environment, anyone begins to read and understand texts without vowels at all.

Arabic writing allows you to better understand the speakers of the Turkic, Iranian and Caucasian languages. And due to the fact that Moscow is already the largest Tajik, Tatar, Azerbaijani, Uzbek city, it is advisable to have this just in case, let it be ... Because this writing allows you to better understand the grammar of the language. After all, doubling, transferring vowels - in these languages ​​\u200b\u200bwas historically justified by the "Vyaz", and when written in Latin or Cyrillic - the logic turns out to be much more complicated.

The main thing is not to be afraid and to understand that the rejection of the Arabic language in the Russian cultural field may not always have been. It can be found that someone really deliberately destroyed "Semitisms" (Arabisms) in Russian culture. It can be seen that many principles of Russian cursive writing/stenography amusingly repeat the laws of Arabic calligraphy (of course, in their mirror image).

Russian endings (for example, for adjectives) in Arabic are written not in 2-3 letters that do not carry information (th, -th, -th, -th), but are made in one short stroke. After all, Slavic ancestors were not masochists when they left themselves in the language - endings, which sometimes turned out to be longer than the word itself. In a word, the experience of the Arabic language is just an opportunity to regain what your ancestors had.

By the way - such an "Arabic" experience can be found in all European languages. It is known that the most ancient documents of the Afrikaans language (and this, excuse me, the language of the Dutch settlers of the 17th-18th centuries in Africa) were written in Arabic script. It is known that in the 20th century there were translations of writing into Cyrillic and Latin, after which ALL documents written in script were destroyed on the territory of Russia and Turkey.

That is, perhaps it is necessary not so much to "teach", but rather to try to "wake up" the subconscious.

Arabic script is not at all complicated, but it surprisingly helps to "uncover" different ways of thinking in a person: analogue, creative, composite...

True, there was such a story. Once, in a large Russian bank, I had to teach the basics of economics to local managers. I was horrified to find that the top management does not understand the scheme at all, does not know how to read pictures. And can only read sequential text.

That is, the evolution of the banking business in the country has passed - very strange. According to the principle of "washing out" people with abstract thinking from it. That is, those who do not know how to think abstractly joined together. All the dignity of which is the ability to "be shit" ... With learning Arabic - it will be more difficult to become a banker. But we are learning the language - for a different development ...

So if you are going to work in banks (or with such a category of people) - stop learning Arabic (and forget what I have already said). Otherwise, then you will have to stupidly hide a third of the brain in order to correspond to the "environment" and especially to the authorities.

But there is nothing wrong with abstract, creative thinking. In the end, when a crowd of Caucasian youth stops you in a dark alley, there is no need to panic. Turn on the real brains. As a rule, this does not mean anything bad, except that young people have nothing to do with their time, and you have an excuse to drink together. And you need to know how to see this occasion. And how to properly develop it.

The picture below shows two three-letter Arabic words.
Of course, since we are learning Old Belarusian, it might have been worth writing exactly the Old Belarusian word of three letters, but - whoever needs it, by the end of the lesson, he will write it himself ...
three letters are three troughs. Dots above the letter - show that the first word is "BIT", the second is BNT"

as already mentioned, even without vocalizations, a literate Arab will guess
that these are the words Bayt - house (hamsa and two sukkun - in vowels),
and Bint - a girl (kesra and two sukkun).
With vowels - two words will look like this.

I draw in Adobe with a mouse, if you don't like it, draw it yourself.
Pencil, paper, sharpener - go ahead.
Beautiful handwriting for many is a sufficient aesthetic satisfaction,
to practice Arabic. But we are here - about the harmony of the language as a whole,
not about the beauty of his handwriting. Although - you will be pleased to think that after one day of training you will be able to write Arabic words - more beautiful than your teacher.


There is no need to complex because of your insufficient knowledge of the Arabic language - in front of today's bearers of Arabic culture.

Firstly, all the Arabs you are interested in (for one reason or another) speak Russian or English. And English for them will objectively be more comfortable to explain the terms of European culture. The Arabic language is an opportunity to touch the Arab culture - in general, and not to a specific person in particular.

Secondly, one must understand that the Arab culture of the Middle East is, after all, rather a young culture. Its renaissance in the Middle East only arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. And when you get acquainted with the works of German and Russian Arabists (four-volume Krachkovsky), you see and understand that at the end of the 19th century the centers for studying the Arabic language and the Koran were Berlin, Kazan, St. Petersburg ... And not Cairo and Damascus .

The centers of Arab culture - Jerusalem and Riyadh - became only in the second half of the 20th century ... and before that, an ordinary Arab in the desert washed himself with camel urine in the morning, jumped on a camel - and wandered to a neighboring oasis. And for higher manifestations of culture - the harsh desert life then left no room and resources. It's not good not bad. Walk through museums in Arab countries to understand the meager and dreary life of nomads - half a century ago.

In pursuit.

Arabs consider "a" and "o" as one vowel,
they do not distinguish these vowels.
they distinguish front consonants.

They differ in the consonants with which the syllables "sa" and "so" begin.
Because they have two consonants - where we have - one.
And there are two different letters - "t", "s", "d", "th", "h". One of them is "front" - after it is heard "a",
and the other is back, after it you hear "o".

The difference between them is colossal.

Kalb and Kyalb are almost imperceptible for the Russian ear, but for the Arab - "heart" or "dog". A gentle compliment - or an insult. They always call one well-known Israeli politician "Kyalb-wa-ibn-al-kalb" (Dog - and the son of a dog).
And if you mess up ... it will not turn out very nice ...

A letter that simply means a short sound "o" - they convey through a special letter "ayn", means a throat "semi-wheezing" and which in the recording looks like a "non-Russian" letter "b", as in the word "B-b- lgaria"

Cyril and Methodius stole ideas - obviously not among the Greeks (or not only among the Greeks).
But for some reason, Semitic roots in the Russian Empire were forbidden to be seen.
That is, one could see the roots - from a certain "Greek" language of 2 thousand years ago. And the "Arab" roots are relatively young - they did not notice.

Soviet Arabist Vashkevich. By the way, I found hundreds of parallels between Russian and Arabic. You can find a lot about this on the web. Here are examples only for the letter "e".

Barely, barely - the same as barely. ♦ From Arabic علة illa "weakness".

Emelya, Throw Emelya not your week (proverb. Dal) - Behind the name of Emelya is the Arabic عمل amal "work".

JEREMEY, every Jeremiah understand yourself (proverb. Dal) - on your mind. ♦ Behind the name Jeremey is the Arabic آمر "a:mara" to conspire.

YERMIL, bumpkin Yermil, but dear to the peasant women (proverb. Dal). ♦ behind the name Yermil is Arabic أرمل "armal" widow's.

Nonsense, to talk nonsense - to tell a lie, to talk nonsense. ♦ Russian nonsense hides Arabic ده غير gerun yes "not this", i.e. not right. For Russian, carry the Arabic نصت nassa (t) (f. gender) "pronounce the text", "say". The grammatical term of Latin grammar comes from ar. جرد garrada "to form the initial simplest grammatical form of the word".

Learning a language takes practice.
beautiful handwriting - in itself, a reason for pride.
After 10 conscious spellings, a person automatically remembers everything.
Paper, pencil, sharpener - and as in childhood - through prescription.

What frightens in Arabic studies is the plurality of writing the same letter. initial, final, middle, separate. But - these are just the principles of adding a letter.

As in a Georgian joke:
Fork - bottle - is written without a soft sign,
salt beans - with soft
It's impossible to understand - you need to believe in it ...

Here it is worth telling an anecdote that all Russians who have lived in Arab countries for a long time know about.
When "another Arab" decides to learn Russian, he learns the Russian alphabet for several days, in the process of learning which he gets everyone around him. Who hardly tolerate his senseless tediousness. we know that the Russian language must be taught differently. And those who change the way they study are successful in it. But - Arabic really needs to be learned, starting with letters - and going from the roots of words - to more complex meanings.

And to the oral language - it is advisable to go through the written one.
sometimes you think that those who developed methods for teaching children English and French went through "torture with Semitic languages." Because you can see the "ears" of other methods, poorly suitable for European languages.

Why did I start telling all this?
exactly - not only to teach the basics of the Arabic language.
And certainly not for you to sit down at the Holy Books tonight. Although - I repeat - if anything - it's not my fault. This is your subconscious. Arabs sincerely believe that Arabic is the language of angels. So maybe there is something "in the subconscious".

More to tell in detail that the links between Russian, Slavic culture - and Semitic, Arabic languages ​​- are much stronger than we were taught from childhood. We were even forced to read the Bible translated from Greek and German. Although Arabic - the closest of the world's languages ​​- to the biblical. When a long way is chosen to get acquainted with the Truths, this means that they want to deceive someone, to powder their brains. And perhaps there is a reason - for not revealing everything to us.

1. So, you have learned the alphabet, and you know how to write (albeit clumsily. I myself have terrible handwriting in Arabic, but this is not the main thing, you are not a secretary in an Arab company.) Now you start with this and only with this: Volume One Medina course, videos by I. Sarbulatov:
2. Passed the first volume? Moved to the second one:
● You need to start EXACTLY with these playlists and not a step back. These 2 volumes under the clear and understandable explanation of I. Sarbulatov provide a serious initial base. You don’t even need a teacher, just sit down and turn on the video, listen carefully to what he says and write it down.
3. With diligent studies (3 videos a week, weekends-repetition), it should take you about 2-3 months to do this, depending on your frequency. you will already calmly compose childish sentences like “who is this? This is a rooster.” etc. and you think that you can learn Arabic in so many days, then this is completely absurd. Children begin to speak their native language only after 2-3 years. Do not forget about it)
4. Review what you've learned, read more articles about motivation and don't give up. We must try, try and try again, no matter what the circumstances. Many start learning with some phrasebooks, learning some dialogues in Arabic, etc., thinking that they are learning the language. This is the wrong approach. It's just a waste of time, believe me. What I'm giving you now is I walked this path myself and alhamdulillah achieved more than those who are still learning Arabic proverbs, sayings and day and night learning Baranov's dictionary in order. I. Sarbulatov gives this in the best way on video. You don’t even need to hire any of the tutors.
● Print or buy Abu Adel's book to honey. course and go / repeat it again. The effect will double, I assure you. I myself went through the book of Abu Adel 2 times.
5. Next comes volume 3:
Having reached this level, you will finally get acquainted with the so-called "breeds", and by this time you will understand how this or that word is built in Arabic. You do not need to learn separately the words "visitor, writer, player, written, visited, played, told”, etc. You will simply put one corresponding verb in the desired “framework” and get the desired word.
6. You are not required to sit down and sit for hours. Audience attention for half an hour. During the day, half an hour, in the evening a little more, and at night - a run through the eyes of a notebook. Effect 100%
7. Motivation, strong support - on the site They write convincingly, words strongly motivate.
8. Make dua. There is no other language that would be as well and quickly mastered as the Arabic language - if you put niyat for the sake of Allah and for the purpose of at least reading His Scripture well (placing logical stresses in words and sentences correctly) and even understand some words, as well as hadiths . NOT EVERYTHING WILL COME TO US IMMEDIATELY. Make more dua.
9. Motivate yourself as often as possible.
10. If at times the desire begins to disappear, see point 9.
11. Do not try to build serious sentences in the first 3-4 months like “I looked back to see if she looked back to see if she looked back” or at least what you see in front of you, and, failing to build a sentence, get upset. Do not even think about it, remember how many months the child begins to build sentences. We are exactly the same children.
12. Ask Allah to make things easier for you and turn to experts in Arabic. At least on the Internet.
13. So, you have mastered the first 3 volumes of the medical course, enough time has passed, but you feel that you have really risen compared to what you knew 2-3 months ago. Now imagine WHAT you will know in another half a year. Go to the goal. Set small tasks (learn 10 words, then 10 more words: kitaabun, daftarun, masjidun ...). By the end of the 3rd volume, you will already have a stock of more than 500 high-frequency words.
14. So. Now we have a small, but still sufficient base for today. How does a child begin to learn a language? That's right, he remembers words. We will learn words with you. And which ones? Let's take a dictionary and learn everything in a row? Words that we can only meet in 80-100 years? Or will we learn high-frequency words that cover 95% of word usage in everyday speech? (Less in writing.) What words will we learn? Nepotism, Gestalt ,patrol? Or "student, teacher, wake up, read, laugh, talk,
understand, institute, sea, forest, face, hands"?...
15. I give you ONE OF THE BEST TEXTBOOKS IN ALL POST-SOVIET SPACE. This is Bagautdin's book "Textbook of the Arabic language". Words are given there, then there is a small text where these words are used. There are collected about 4000 words of the MOST USED. I still repeat these words, because in cartoons, in video lectures, these words are everywhere. There is such a method of memorizing words, which leads to an excellent result. This method is "Words and Text" gives an amazing result. You first learn the words, and then when you read the text, you are glad that you understand the Arabic text, because you know all the words that are there. This book will take you about six months. This textbook is one of your favorite my textbooks. There is also an audio version on the Internet.
16. That's all for now. This article is for you for one year. Insha Allah, if we are healthy and alive, write to me in a year with the question “what next” and if by that time I will still be studying Arabic in shaa Allah, then I will tell you what to do. )
17. When you learn words, you don’t have to sit for an hour. 15 minutes is enough. They took a picture of the words on the phone, opened it at the university / institute, repeated it. Did it come to lunch at work? Ate, opened the phone, repeated it. The effect is stunning. The effect will be exactly 15 minutes every 4-6 hours.
18. Try. Try. No one promised you ease. Your actions = your result. A person who worked diligently according to the above instructions, who taught, tried, repeated, could not tell me after 4 months: “I remained the same as was and achieved nothing. No, you didn't do anything at all. You only deceived yourself.
19. In the photo, I wrote out a quote from the book by I. Khaibullin, if you want to improve the result of the study, just multiply some point by 2. "Which one you choose, depending on your abilities"
20. I advise you to start a notebook where you will write verbs and their prepositions with which they are used. As in English, prepositions can change the meaning of words (for example: look out = look out, look at-look), so in Arabic one or another preposition can change the meaning of the verb. Let's say: نظر الى - look (at something), and if instead of the preposition الى we say في, then the verb will be translated as "think about something." And there are many such examples. Write down at least 200-300 verbs and what preposition they are used with. The verb “zahaba” with the preposition “ilya”, “bahaSa” (search) with the preposition “gan”.

For now, this is the plan for both you and me. Wrote in a hurry, if anything, I will add, but it seems that I wrote the main and most important thing. May Allah reward the one who reposts and shares with his friends. Suddenly they also need these tips.
May Allah help us in all our good undertakings!
والحمد لله رب العالمين وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين