Authenticity value. Authenticity in musical instrument performance

The concept of originality and naturalness in its own way is especially acute at the present time. Thanks to the media and the Internet, people can communicate with each other, being in different countries. Undoubtedly, this development of technology has brought a lot of diversity, new interests and expanding horizons into our lives. And you can't argue with that. But besides all the charms, there were also disadvantages. One of them is very closely related to the topic of our article.

An example from psychology

Social networks "give birth" to universal idols who become trendsetters of fashion, attitudes and behavior. It seems that there is nothing wrong with taking an example from a worthy person. But firstly, in the vastness of social networks worthy role models can be counted on the fingers. And secondly, each person must learn something from others, but at the same time remain himself. After all, each of us is a unique set of habits, thoughts, desires. Each one is an unread book with deep inner content. But the concept of authenticity, that is, authenticity, is much broader and covers not only the sphere of psychology ...

Authenticity is...?

Every person heard this word and asked himself the question of what authenticity is. The meaning of the word is very simple, but not everyone understands it. This is due to the fact that people have too much information that they cannot operate correctly. All concepts are confused, and it turns out just a set of words, as a result, it is almost impossible to remember what authenticity is. This is a very unpleasant process, due to which knowledge turns into a set of intuitive conclusions.

Literally speaking, authenticity is authenticity, something real. Authenticity is one of the central concepts of Gestalt therapy. In psychology, this term means the ability of an adult to live his own life, not to put on masks and correspond to his inner "I". Self-acceptance is a central concept in psychology. But this is just an example that can be used to explain what authenticity is in an accessible way. It is believed that one of the two manifestations of authenticity is congruence - the correspondence of external behavior to internal content. Its second manifestation is transparency. The meaning of the word does not need to be explained. What is authenticity in jurisprudence?

How to establish authenticity?

Consider this concept from a legal point of view. Establishing authenticity involves proving the uniqueness of certain documents that are not subject to adjustment. In other words, we can talk about the authenticity of any papers. Establishing the authenticity of a contract means that its text and terms are final and do not need to be amended. This process occurs due to the initialing of the treaty. Initialing of papers is the affixing of signatures or initials of authorized persons.

It should be noted: if the contract or document was drawn up incorrectly, then you can make changes to them. However, after that they are subject to a new establishment of authenticity.

In addition to initialing, there are other ways to authenticate. These include:

  • inclusion of the text part of the treaty in the final act;
  • inclusion of the text part of the document in the resolution.

Authenticity in modern treaties

It should be noted that the initialing method is not suitable if the contract is concluded not by two parties, but by several. Therefore, new methods of establishing authenticity are increasingly being used and developed. In such cases, it is confirmed by the signatures of competent persons.

Also note that at significant events, the texts of the agreed treaties are often included in the final acts. But, importantly, the inclusion of these texts in the final document does not mean that the conference participants agree with some or all of the clauses of the treaty. The act that is drawn up at the end simply fixes, but does not confirm. In order for authenticity to be established, a special signature is required.

Summing up, I would like to say that the concept of authenticity is very broad. It is used in many sciences and industries. And not in vain. In any field, something real, genuine, is of the greatest importance. Artificiality has not been recognized as a virtue for a long time, because it is just a masterfully executed copy. No matter where you intersect with the concept of authenticity, the main thing is to understand its true meaning.

What is authenticity? According to the dictionary, to be authentic means to be authentic or real. It's hard to describe what authentic people should look like, but you can instantly recognize which person is authentic and which isn't. Perhaps it's the way a person speaks or behaves (or rather, how they don't say or do things) that makes it possible to know in an instant whether they are authentic or not.

In any case, authentic people do a lot of things right, which makes them extremely likable. It's nice to spend time with them. I'm sure you prefer to deal with real people rather than those who pretend. Here are 15 things authentic people will never do so you too can learn how to live an authentic life.

1. Do not fake feelings

Authentic people don't hide their feelings or pretend to feel something they don't really have. If they are upset, they show it. If they don't like someone, they let the person know about it. They express their feelings honestly and openly without fear of causing harm. If you show your true feelings, then you let people know who you are and what you are worth. Authentic people do this all the time, which frees them from emotional bottlenecks.

2. Don't try to please everyone

Highly authentic people strive to show compassion and understanding to everyone, but they don't live to meet the expectations of others or please everyone. They know it's impossible, so don't even try. Just be confident in who you are and what you do. This way you will attract the right people who will appreciate you for who you are.

3. Don't compare yourself to others

We are all unique. We have different abilities, aspirations and access to resources that are necessary for success and happiness in life. That is why our life paths cannot be compared with what other people have. Highly authentic people understand this fact and avoid social comparisons to gauge their own progress. They don't compare themselves to others. Instead, they do their best to stay true to their aspirations and dreams. Do your best, but don't compare your progress to others. What works for others may not necessarily work for you.

4. Don't Seek or Need Other People's Appraisal

Genuine people feel comfortable with that and know their worth. They don't need other people to know how special they are. If you feel comfortable even knowing your own shortcomings, you can walk with your head held high and with a confident step.

5. Don't lie

Insecure people who do not know their own worth lie so easily and willingly that it becomes second nature to them. But authentic people always tell the truth, because they know that lying destroys trust in a relationship. Speak the truth, even if it's hard to do so, and you'll never look back and regret what you did. Being honest is the best way to be at peace with yourself and other people.

6. Don't pretend to be someone they're not.

Many people pretend that they are not who they really are. Real people don't pretend to be more famous, poorer, or more talented than they really are. They always remain themselves. They do not hide what they have and do not claim what they do not have. Being yourself is really great. It is inspiring and deeply satisfying to be living your own life.

7. Don't dwell on the past

Highly authentic people live in the present. They don't let the past dictate their future. If you worry about it, you will repeat past mistakes. You will not be able to freely create new experiences and relationships. Do what you can now, learn from past mistakes and believe in the future. It will help you find meaning in life.

8. Don't let others make their own decisions.

Only you can make important decisions in your life. Authentic people are always at the wheel of their lives. They make important decisions on their own. If you let other people decide for you, you will eventually lose. Also, if you don't have the courage to take charge of your life, then you won't have the strength to succeed.

9. Don't blame others for your own mistakes.

Authentic people don't blame others for their own failures. They take responsibility for every decision and action they make in their lives, whether the outcome is positive or negative. When you are the first to admit you were wrong or made a mistake, you open the door to real help, support, and guidance from others. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. What matters is what you do after this mistake.

10. Don't envy other people's success

Authentic people support and motivate others, help them move forward and become better. They know that if others can do it, then they are no exception. Therefore, authentic people are happy when others succeed. See other people's accomplishments as proof that you too can succeed. In any case, don't try to diminish the other person's chances of success.

Authentic people trust their own sixth sense. They will not act until they have assessed the situation and figured out how they feel about it. If you think things through, you improve your chances of considering all your options and making the right decision. You can ask other people for advice, but the final decision should be yours.

12. Do not value material goods above life experience

Highly authentic people see beauty in experiences and relationships. They know that meaningful experiences make life worth living. You need to look for a better life and material well-being, but do not underestimate the people, relationships and experiences that you have in your life. It's not about how much money you've accumulated, it's about what you've learned along the way.

13. Do not deny love and kindness

To be authentic means to be loving. Genuine people cannot hate, demoralize or devalue others. Instead, they show love, kindness, and gratitude. They encourage others to be authentic and avoid all forms of discrimination and subjectivity. Treat everyone fairly and kindly. When showing love, don't expect anything in return.

14. Don't close your mind

Authentic people are always open to new ideas and life lessons. They know they don't exist in a vacuum. When you keep your mind closed, you are more likely to be rude or insult other people's feelings and beliefs. Free yourself from beliefs and start accepting new arguments and ideas. You do not have to agree with everything that is said to you, but you must take it as a tolerant and reserved person.

15. Don't spend time with "toxic" people.

Highly authentic people know that they are somewhere in between all the people around them. If the people you spend most of your time with are bullying others and dragging them down, then you are most likely doing the same. Get rid of all the ill-mannered and critical people that surround you. This is the easiest way to stay true to your innate goodness and love for the world.

In the works of modern psychologists and psychotherapists, authenticity is considered as an integrative ability of the individual. The tradition of this method goes back to the works of M. Heidegger and J.P. Sartre. K. Rogers, for example, defines authenticity as a person's ability to refuse the proposed social roles and the manifestation of real thoughts, emotions and behavior peculiar only to this person. In this sense, authenticity becomes a necessary component of genuine communication, in contrast to the usual "talk and chatter" (M. Heidegger), understood as a "perversion of the act of communication" and leading to false understanding.

The psychological fuzziness of the boundaries of the definition of authenticity leads to a terminological scatter of category synonyms:
- fully functioning (K. Rogers);
- freedom (F. Allport);
- self-actualization (A. Maslow);
- self, holistic personality (F. Perls);
- congruence (J. Grinder).

The most correct psychological definition of authenticity can be recognized as a complete and integral relationship of all psychological processes of a person that determine its functioning. The manifestation of authenticity is the experience of individual experience, not distorted by social defense mechanisms, involvement in what is happening and the direct manifestation of one's emotions.

Consistency of thoughts and actions with emotions in modern psychology is usually called congruence, or consistency. Thus, an authentic personality is congruent.

Geschalt therapy involves awareness of the relativity of social mechanisms and behavioral patterns before achieving authenticity, or selfhood, leading to the assertion of one's own value and the need to display any emotions. At the same time, this does not relieve the individual from taking responsibility for the authenticity of social behavior.

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  • authenticity

Today the word "latency" or "latent" can often be heard in relation to a person or any manifestation. These terms are used in medicine, psychology, computer networks and so on. So what does the word "latency" mean and where can it be used?

Term designation

Latency is called a passive or inactive state, which manifests itself in a latent form, as well as stagnation or waiting for a certain period. Synonyms of latency are such terms as "hidden conflict" or "incubation period" - states that are in a latent stage until the onset of a climax, resolution of the problem and transition from this stage to the stage of action.

In a broad sense, latency is inherent in all life processes, which from time to time tend to be secretive.

A striking example of latency is pregnancy in some mammals - it can be delayed until the female finds suitable conditions for the birth of offspring. Often the term "latent" can be heard when defining some deviations - whether it be aggression, inappropriate behavior or homosexuality. Latency is also called the period of inertia within the organism (system), which is initiated under the influence of a certain stimulus and gives a reaction upon completion of this latent state. Often the term "latency" is supplemented with definitions that clearly indicate the type of state under consideration or a specific system.

Application of the term

The latency period in relation to computer networks indicates the amount of time required for a data packet to travel from one point to another. In relation to network switches, the latent period is the time it takes for a given packet to pass through a particular switch. Also in computers, latency is a wait or delay that increases the actual response time compared to the expected time.

Latency, as a parameter of RAM, is the time it takes to wait for a data packet from memory or to execute processor instructions.

In psychology, the latent period is called the natural mental manifestations that occur between 6 and 12 years. During this period, the behavior of children is easy to correct and learn. Modern psychologists argue that during the latency period, the child is able to develop cognitive, social and mental skills by contacting perceived objects. During adolescence, erotic needs in the form of masturbatory activity and the fantasies associated with it do not disappear, since they are an important factor in maintaining the stability of the child during the middle and late phase of the latency period.

Authentic personality is a concept that occupies an important place in psychology, in translation meaning "genuine". It flourished and acquired its current meaning in the works of humanistic psychologists and existentialists. For a person, the acquisition of authenticity is the disclosure of one's true self.

Very close concepts to the word authenticity are: congruence, freedom, self-actualization, selfhood and integrity. They appear in almost any fundamental work that touches on the concept of a person's personality, choice, values ​​and meanings.

All our prejudices are an attempt to protect ourselves from the surrounding chaos, from new problems, but we create them ourselves or cannot solve existing ones, closing our eyes to reality with our own hands and not seeing the possible answers hidden in it.

Rogers gives the example of a man who, as a result of his life experience, has gained the confidence that others want to see him as "strong". He neglected to take care of his health, could not openly express feelings of love or pain, because this made him vulnerable. His family moved away from him, his illness worsened. And just something was enough not to feel obligated to be someone else.

2. People who have discovered their true self trust the signals they feel in their own body, their emotions and memories.

Our emotions, feelings, experiences are the main guideline in life. Each person has needs - there are general, and there are individual. It is enough for one person to be with people for an hour, and then he will feel tired, while for another, a whole day is not enough.

These differences are difficult to explain, but in general we can talk about a different constitution of the psyche. If we do not satisfy the desires that are important to us, we feel annoyance, fatigue, bitterness. And until a person changes his behavior, his state will not change either.

As a result of the fact that people renounce their personal experience, they stop hearing feelings, experiences, a state of inconvenience, they renounce them. Meanwhile, the constant ignoring of one's own needs can lead to depression. What is she? In mild forms, this is a sign that signals to a person: “Change your behavior, something is wrong.”

The more we trust our own body, the easier it becomes for us to maneuver in the events of life, the more pleasure we get from it. At first it can be very difficult, because hundreds of thoughts are swarming in your head, dozens of reactions to one incident can arise, but then everything will work out.

And, by the way, understanding the dynamism and complexity of what is happening is already an indicator of awareness; for one who closes, reality is always very unambiguous. By practicing a conscious approach to reality, a person will gradually become more and more aware of the unsatisfactory consequences of his choice and change it, correcting mistakes.

Rogers emphasized that the main obstacle to a sober view of reality is the inclusion of fantasies and prejudices in one's experience. For example, in a romantic relationship, a girl may point blank at the negative qualities of a young man, because of this it is easy to make mistakes, and only a sober look was enough to avoid problems.

Those who gain authenticity depend less and less on the opinions of other people. They do not seek approval and encouragement, but set their own standards of life. A person realizes that his whole life consists of his choices, and reality can satisfy him only if he proceeds from his own needs.

This component speaks of responsibility. Real and full development of a person begins with taking responsibility for one's own life and choices.

When a person takes on this responsibility, he can no longer approach the choice negligently, but asks himself questions about how much his decisions meet internal needs, how much they express him. Interest and responsibility lead to the fact that the revealing personality becomes more initiative and independent.

4. Absence of the need to put oneself in a rigid framework, acceptance of the changing nature of the individual.

Authenticity is an ideal to which one can aspire, but it is unlikely that one will ever be able to embody it in its entirety. A person every day reveals his own Self, or rather, creates his own personality, facing a new experience that carries him into the future. There are no exact definitions by which to express it.

Trends inherent in authentic people

What tendencies characterize those who seek to discover authenticity? What most accurately characterizes the path that will lead a person to himself? There are only a few of them, and they are the main ones on the way to the true Self:

  • Dropping masks, an authentic person does not pretend to be someone else.
  • The debunking of "right" and "due". A person who follows the path of searching for authenticity does not consider that duty and rule are higher than her own worldview.
  • Getting rid of the desire to meet expectations and please people. Since man threw off his masks and ceased to be guided by duties and rules, he became independent. Authentic personalities do not think about how to please someone so that he fulfills desires - they themselves go to the realization of their dreams, and there is no need to satisfy the expectations of others.
  • Responsibility for yourself and your path, independence.
  • Refusal of strict schemes and rules.
  • Acceptance of the dynamism of life and one's own personality (the next point follows from this).
  • Silent permission for people to be Others (an authentic person does not believe that others or reality should meet her expectations, be a certain pattern, but accept them as they are).
  • Cultivating faith in yourself and, most importantly, a high appreciation of your own uniqueness. It doesn't matter if we meet the standards or not, it is important to value ourselves regardless of this, because standards are standard paths, and any discovery and any life is an amazing path that has not yet been traveled.

Authenticity is difficult to achieve, because we are surrounded by social rules, norms, breaking which we risk earning bumps. However, who became the author of the concept of "self-actualization", close to the one under consideration, argued that self-actualizing people can behave perfectly within the boundaries of the norm, but only if they do not encounter resistance to this in themselves, they will not go against themselves.

he believed that authentic individuals can accept any social norms, if they were comprehended and deeply felt by them, recognized as true and, on this basis, included in their behavior and worldview. Therefore, authenticity is not always a challenge to the rules, but it is always a very active, conscious position, which means that it does not accept rash adherence to the rules.

An authentic personality does not need to be equal to someone. She does not define herself as a group of good artists or excellent mathematicians. She has her own path, and she is the only one on it.

According to one physicist, what one person has done can be repeated by another, but what about what no one has ever done? This is creativity, accomplishment, experiment. We don't know it's possible for sure, but by gaining authenticity we also have the courage to go forward without guarantees, to express ourselves without hoping to stand in line with anyone, to create our own place in the world. Author: Ekaterina Volkova