BGU biofak personal account. Correspondence department news

Memo to students of the 2nd year of the correspondence department

on organizing field training practices

1. The educational zoological and botanical practice of 2nd year students in the 2018/2019 academic year will be held on the basis of the sports and recreation complex (S.O.K) of BSU "Brigantina" at the address: 222322, Minsk region, Molodechno district, outskirts of the town of Radoshkovichi

2. Director of S.O.K. "Brigantine" - Polyakov Vladimir Alexandrovich, phone: 8-01767-93-4-92.

Practice leaders - deputy. Dean Assoc. Burko Leonid Dmitrievich, tel. :8-017-209-59-00 and

senior teacher Balash Alexander Vyacheslavovich, tel. (8-01767) 93-4-92

3. Terms of training practices:

specialties "Biology" and "Bioecology":from May 13 to May 31, 2019.; (18 full days)

specialties: "Biochemistry" and "Microbiology» from May 20 to May 31, 2019;(11 full days)

4. Daily routine for the period of training practices:

Getting up, exercise, personal time 7.00 - 8.00

breakfast 8.00 - 8.30

preparation for classes 8.30 - 9.00

working hours 9.00 - 13.00

lunch break 13.00 - 15.00

working hours 15.00 - 19.00

personal time 19.00 - 20.00

dinner 20.00 - 20.30

personal time 20.30 - 23.00

lights out 23.00

5. student must have:

Passport, record book, student card;

Study supplies: textbooks obtained from the library; paper for labels, notebooks for field notes or 5 student notebooks, a ruler, simple pencils, felt-tip pens, an album for drawing (2 pcs.);

Individual first-aid kit, repellents from flying insects, ticks;

Waterproof shoes and clothes, warm woolen clothes for excursions in the cold season, a hat, an umbrella, as well as comfortable summer shoes and clothes; - personal hygiene items;

- receipt of money transfer for 3 hot meals a day ( for 18 full days; and 11 full days, respectively ) (cm.Payment for meals; amounts and account number will be announced by April 15, 2019);

6. During the internship period, students obliged:

To acquire knowledge and practical skills in accordance with practice programs;

Impeccably comply with the internal regulations of the SOK BSU "Brigantina", the duty of the duty officer in the room, hostel;

Comply with safety regulations;

Follow the established daily routine;

Take care of the property of the SOK BSU "Brigantina" and educational equipment;

Strictly observe the established rules of behavior in nature;

In case of illness, immediately report to the leaders of educational practices.

7. Students strictly prohibited:

Use of electrical appliances in the hostel: boilers, heaters, stoves;

Unauthorized leaving the place of practice during the daytime or staying outside the SOK BSU "Brigantina" at night;

Smoking in undesignated places;

8. Temporary absence of students in practice can be allowed only in connection with extreme necessity and only with the written permission of the head of educational practices.

9. For violation of the Internal Regulations, Instructions on labor protection and personal indiscipline, the leaders of educational practices have the right to remove the student from further internships and petition the dean's office to expel him from the number of BSU students.

10. Organized departure of students to the place of practice is planned

from the building of the Faculty of Biology on the street. Kurchatov 10.

Memo to students of the 2nd year of the correspondence department

on organizing field training practices

1. The educational zoological and botanical practice of 2nd year students in the 2018/2019 academic year will be held on the basis of the sports and recreation complex (S.O.K) of BSU "Brigantina" at the address: 222322, Minsk region, Molodechno district, outskirts of the town of Radoshkovichi

2. Director of S.O.K. "Brigantine" - Polyakov Vladimir Alexandrovich, phone: 8-01767-93-4-92.

Practice leaders - deputy. Dean Assoc. Burko Leonid Dmitrievich, tel. :8-017-209-59-00 and

senior teacher Balash Alexander Vyacheslavovich, tel. (8-01767) 93-4-92

3. Terms of training practices:

specialties "Biology" and "Bioecology":from May 13 to May 31, 2019.; (18 full days)

specialties: "Biochemistry" and "Microbiology» from May 20 to May 31, 2019;(11 full days)

4. Daily routine for the period of training practices:

Getting up, exercise, personal time 7.00 - 8.00

breakfast 8.00 - 8.30

preparation for classes 8.30 - 9.00

working hours 9.00 - 13.00

lunch break 13.00 - 15.00

working hours 15.00 - 19.00

personal time 19.00 - 20.00

dinner 20.00 - 20.30

personal time 20.30 - 23.00

lights out 23.00

5. student must have:

Passport, record book, student card;

Study supplies: textbooks obtained from the library; paper for labels, notebooks for field notes or 5 student notebooks, a ruler, simple pencils, felt-tip pens, an album for drawing (2 pcs.);

Individual first-aid kit, repellents from flying insects, ticks;

Waterproof shoes and clothes, warm woolen clothes for excursions in the cold season, a hat, an umbrella, as well as comfortable summer shoes and clothes; - personal hygiene items;

- receipt of money transfer for 3 hot meals a day ( for 18 full days; and 11 full days, respectively ) (cm.Payment for meals; amounts and account number will be announced by April 15, 2019);

6. During the internship period, students obliged:

To acquire knowledge and practical skills in accordance with practice programs;

Impeccably comply with the internal regulations of the SOK BSU "Brigantina", the duty of the duty officer in the room, hostel;

Comply with safety regulations;

Follow the established daily routine;

Take care of the property of the SOK BSU "Brigantina" and educational equipment;

Strictly observe the established rules of behavior in nature;

In case of illness, immediately report to the leaders of educational practices.

7. Students strictly prohibited:

Use of electrical appliances in the hostel: boilers, heaters, stoves;

Unauthorized leaving the place of practice during the daytime or staying outside the SOK BSU "Brigantina" at night;

Smoking in undesignated places;

8. Temporary absence of students in practice can be allowed only in connection with extreme necessity and only with the written permission of the head of educational practices.

9. For violation of the Internal Regulations, Instructions on labor protection and personal indiscipline, the leaders of educational practices have the right to remove the student from further internships and petition the dean's office to expel him from the number of BSU students.

10. Organized departure of students to the place of practice is planned

from the building of the Faculty of Biology on the street. Kurchatov 10.



Specialty (direction) Daily budget Daytime paid Correspondence budget Correspondence paid
Biology (scientific and industrial activity) 20 40 25 40
Biology (scientific and pedagogical activity) 25 5 10 5
Biology (biotechnology) 45 30 - -
Biochemistry 25 20 10 15
Microbiology 30 20 10 15
Bioecology 15 10 10 10
Total 160 125 65 85


Biology (DH)
Chemistry (DH)
Russian/Belarusian language (DH)


For full-time and part-time forms of education:
- at the expense of the budget — from 12 to 17 July 2019;
- on payment terms - from July 12 to August 4, 2019


For education at the expense of the budget:
- full-time and part-time forms - from July 18 to July 28, 2019

To receive education on terms of payment:
- full-time and part-time forms - from August 5 to August 6, 2019


1. Winners (diplomas of І, ІІ, ІІІ degrees) of the International Olympiad (in accordance with the list approved by the Ministry of Education) and the Republican Olympiad in Biology held by the Ministry of Education in the academic year that ended in the year of admission.
2. Persons awarded during the last two years at the time of receiving general secondary, secondary specialized education with the badge “Laureate of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for Satsyalnaya Padtrymtsy zdolny nauchentsev and students” for high achievements in certain subject areas corresponding to the chosen profile (direction) education.
3. Upon admission to the specialty, the winners (diplomas of I, II, III degrees) of the third (regional, Minsk city) stage of the republican Olympiad in biology, held by the Ministry of Education in the academic year that ended in the year of admission, as well as persons awarded gold, silver a medal or graduated from institutions of secondary specialized education with a diploma with honors (if there is a recommendation from the pedagogical council of the educational institution they graduated from).

4. When entering a specialty 1-31 01 01-02 Biology (scientific and pedagogical activity) persons who have been trained in specialized classes (groups) of a pedagogical orientation of institutions of general secondary education, if there are marks in the education certificate of at least 7 (seven) points in all academic subjects and marks of at least 8 (eight) points in academic subjects corresponding to the subjects profile tests (subject to the recommendation of the pedagogical council of the educational institution they graduated from, and based on the results of an interview conducted by the HEI in the manner established by the Ministry of Education), subject to subsequent mandatory work on distribution after receiving higher education in full-time at the expense of the budget at least five years.

Graduates of specialized classes of pedagogical orientation must submit documents from 12 to 14 July 2019

List of positions, professions, types of entrepreneurial activity, specialties of vocational and secondary specialized education, giving the right to participate in the competition for higher education of the 1st stage in correspondence or evening forms at the expense of the republican budget

The list was compiled by educational and methodological associations in the field of higher education in accordance with parts one and two of paragraph 4 of the Rules for the admission of persons for higher education of the 1st stage, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 07.02.2006 No. 80.

Approved by the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus V.A. Bogush May 06, 2015

Features of accounting for the average score of a document on education

For enrollment of applicants who have received secondary specialized education, the average score of the diploma of secondary specialized education is taken into account in the total score.

For enrollment of applicants who have received vocational education on the basis of general secondary education, the total scores take into account the average score, defined as the arithmetic mean when summing up all marks in documents on education (certificate of general secondary education and diploma of vocational education).

Head of Department:
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Kuramshina Zilya Mukhtarovna

st. Lenina, 37, room. 129

[email protected] website

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  • The biological and chemical department was organized in 1998 on the basis of the Department of Natural Science and Mathematics of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of the Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Institute.

    On September 1, 2001, on the basis of Order No. 265 of June 6, 2001, the Department of General Biology was organized. Karpov Daniel Nikolayevich was appointed head of the Department of General Biology. On April 1, 2004, by order No. 128K of March 26, 2004, the department was reorganized into 2 departments - the department of "General Biology" and the department of "General Chemistry". Levashova Vera Ivanovna became the head of the Department of General Chemistry. Since August 2009, the departments of "General Biology" and "General Chemistry" have been merged into the Department of "Biology and Chemistry" as part of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Karpov Daniel Nikolayevich was appointed head of the department.

    Since June 2012, in connection with the reorganization of the department "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and Health Protection of Children", the department "Biology" was organized and, according to order No. 1397 of August 29, 2012, assigned to the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

  • The main directions of the research work of the department: biology and ecology of terrestrial and aquatic plant communities of the Southern Urals; biology and ecology of flora and vegetation on saline soils of the Southern Urals and adjacent territories; biology and population ecology of invertebrates and vertebrates of the Southern Urals; development of principles and methods for biomonitoring of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems in the steppe zone of the Southern Urals; study of vegetation of hydrobiocenoses of macrophytes of ravine-gully steppe ecosystems of the Southern Urals; biodiversity and ecology of algae, fungi and lichens of the Southern Urals and Cis-Urals; study of the protective action of microbial preparations; study of the prevalence of mycorrhiza in the root system of the most important agricultural crops.
  • Interuniversity relations have been established with the following universities: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Bashkir State University (Ufa); Sterlitamak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; Orenburg State Pedagogical University; Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin RAS (Tolyatti); Bashkir State Agrarian University (Ufa); Botanical Garden-Institute of the USC RAS ​​(Ufa); USC RAS ​​Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics (Ufa); Moscow Pedagogical State University; Bashkir State Pedagogical University; Russian State University of Oil and Gas Gubkin; Ufa State Oil Technical University; Ufa State Oil Technical University; Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar); Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, UrRAN (Yekaterinburg); Vyatka State University for the Humanities (Kirov); Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow).