A person who no one needs. How to live if no one needs you

In the drug rehabilitation center in the village of Chichevo, only one person is being treated, who is addicted to "crocodile" - a dangerous synthetic drug - a woman named Irina Pavlova, tells Time. The fact is that a typical drug addict who has become addicted to the "crocodile" dies in two or three years, explains journalist Simon Schuster. And Pavlova says she took this drug almost every day for 6 years. "Krokodil" is a dirty relative of morphine, "crocodile" drug addiction is spreading among Russian youth like a virus," the article says.

So, from the point of view of medicine, Pavlova's case is atypical. "Probably the Lord saved me," she herself believes. But still, the drug left its mark on her health: her speech is impaired, her gaze is sometimes meaningless, as if after a lobotomy. "She has impaired motor function due to brain damage. She tries to walk forward, but recoils and bumps into something. We try to treat her gently," said Sergey Yatsenko, the manager of the center, who has suffered from addiction for the past 7 years. heroin.

As is usually the case in Russia, Pavlova began taking drugs as a teenager, according to the newspaper. She switched from hanka to heroin, and at the age of 27 she switched to crocodile: "it works about the same as heroin, but it costs at least three times cheaper, and it is very easy to make it," the author writes. The key component - codeine - can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription. According to official estimates, in 2010, from several hundred thousand to 1 million people in Russia took "crocodile". "So far, Russia is the only country where the use of this drug has reached epidemic proportions," the magazine writes.

At a meeting on April 18, after listening to the report of the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov, President Medvedev immediately typed the word "desomorphine" into an Internet search engine and found recipes and instructions. Two of the governors present informed the president that in their regions, about half of the cases of drug addiction and death from drugs are attributable to the "crocodile".

"As one would expect, it is spreading fastest in the poorest and most remote areas of the country - for example, in Vorkuta, Pavlova's hometown," the author writes. According to Pavlova, young people there are constantly bored, most drink, few have jobs. Pavlova said that almost all of her friends who sat on the "crocodile" had already died: some from pneumonia, some from meningitis, "and others simply rotted."

"Rotting" and gave rise to the informal name of the drug. At the injection site - and this drug is injected even into the forehead, even into the feet - the skin becomes greenish and scaly, like a crocodile: the vessels burst, the tissue dies. Usually the case ends with gangrene and amputation, and the porous bones, especially the lower jaw, begin to dissolve," the article says. In 2008, Pavlova was taken to the hospital with gangrene of the pelvic rehabilitation center, came to Chichevo.

"The sad feature of the rehabilitation system in Russia is that the government does little to help it," writes the magazine. According to the author, there are approximately 2.5 million drug addicts in Russia, and there are very few residential rehabilitation centers that are part of the Ministry of Health. The Russian Union of Evangelical Christians, dominated by Pentecostals, runs more than 500 centers without any state assistance, that is, it is the largest organizer of the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Russia, the newspaper writes.


The drug “crocodile”, also known as desomorphine, is an artisanal drug that belongs to synthetic opiates; in comparison with morphine, it causes persistent addiction faster than morphine. Drug dependence on the drug "crocodile" develops after 2 intravenous injections. Mental dependence on the use of the drug "crocodile" develops faster than the physical one, after the first injection of the drug "crocodile" there is a strong desire to repeat the experienced sensations.
The drug "crocodile" is also called the drug of the poor, since its preparation is quite cheap, as soon as the addict runs out of money for heroin, he switches to the drug "crocodile".
Crocodile addiction is a rather young type of addiction, crocodile addiction became widespread after 2000, and the rapid spread occurred after 2005. Crocodile addiction is in 2nd place after heroin.

The composition of the drug "crocodile" includes drugs containing codeine, gasoline, iodine, household solvents, sulfuric acid, sulfur contained in match heads and phosphorus. In the preparation of the drug "crocodile" highly toxic substances with an admixture of heavy metals are used. It turns out a deadly mixture that leads to death in a few months.
Why is the drug called "crocodile"? It got its name due to the fact that ulcers and erosions appear at the injection site, which are initially covered with a purulent crust, the skin in the affected areas becomes similar to the skin of a crocodile.

According to the degree of harm to health, the drug "crocodile" is several times higher than heroin. That is why the drug "crocodile" is called the suicide drug. The average life expectancy of a heroin addict is 7 years from the start of drug use, and a crocodile addict is no more than 1 year. The death of a "crocodile" addict comes from the many complications that the drug causes. A person who uses the drug "crocodile" for more than 4 months is practically incurable and doomed to death.

The constituent substances in the composition of the drug "crocodile" are toxic in themselves, and in combination with the same toxic substances they form a "hellish mixture".

Drug "crocodile" - what is it?

drug "crocodile", also known as desomorphine - an artisanal drug belongs to synthetic opiates, in comparison with morphine, it causes persistent addiction faster. Drug addiction to the drug "crocodile" develops after 2 intravenous injections. Mental dependence on the use of the drug "crocodile" develops faster than the physical one, after the first injection of the drug "crocodile" there is a strong desire to repeat the experienced sensations.
The drug "crocodile" is also called the drug of the poor, since its preparation is quite cheap, as soon as the addict runs out of money for heroin, he switches to the drug "crocodile".
Crocodile addiction- this is a fairly young type of addiction, crocodile addiction became widespread after 2000, and the rapid spread occurred after 2005. Crocodile addiction is in 2nd place after heroin.
Why did the drug "crocodile" become so widely popular among drug addicts? In the 2000s, an active fight against drugs began, as a result of which heroin, cocaine and other drugs disappeared from large cities - this forced drug addicts to look for other ways to get pleasure. There was a paradox associated with the good work of the drug police.

President on the drug "crocodile"
On April 18, 2011, D. Medvedev at a meeting in Irkutsk pointed out that when you enter the word desomorphine in the Yandex search engine, the first sentence “desomorphine is a method of manufacture” pops up in the search line - this means that users are most interested in the desomorphine recipe, and not just the term desomorphine and its definition. At the meeting, a lot was said about the dangers of desomorphine, conclusions were drawn, and it was decided to adopt a law to restrict the sale of codeine-containing drugs, now from May 1, 2011 they can be bought only by prescription.
Prescription drug "crocodile"

The composition of the drug "crocodile" includes codeine-containing preparations, gasoline, iodine, household solvents, sulfuric acid, sulfur contained in match heads and phosphorus. In the preparation of the drug "crocodile" highly toxic substances with an admixture of heavy metals are used. It turns out a deadly mixture that leads to death in a few months.
Why is the drug called "crocodile"? It got its name due to the fact that ulcers and erosions appear at the injection site, which are initially covered with a purulent crust, the skin in the affected areas becomes similar to the skin of a crocodile.
Ingredients that make up the drug crocodile:

Drug "crocodile" - suicide drug
According to the degree of harm to health, the drug "crocodile" several times superior to heroin. That is why the drug "crocodile" is called the drug of suicide. The average life expectancy of a heroin addict is 7 years from the start of drug use, and a crocodile addict is no more than 1 year. The death of a "crocodile" addict comes from the many complications that the drug causes. A person who uses the drug "crocodile" for more than 4 months is practically incurable and doomed to death.

The harm of the drug "crocodile"
The constituent substances in the composition of the drug "crocodile" are toxic in themselves, and in combination with the same toxic substances they form a "hellish mixture". The human body, no matter how well thought out it is, is not able to remove all this muck.
So, let's go all the way with the drug "crocodile":
1. After the injection, toxic substances begin to act on the vascular wall of the vessel, the inner delicate shell of the vessel is not ready to endure such exposure to toxic substances - it is, as it were, burned from the inside and connective tissue cells accumulate at the site of the burn, as a result of which the lumen of the vessel begins to narrow significantly ( that's why drug addicts are forced to look for new veins). Blood through this vessel stops flowing to the limb, but not immediately, because. the human body is a complex system and blood begins to flow through the still working collaterals (through another supply vessel).
2. At the injection site, local tissue necrosis occurs, ulcers appear, covered with a purulent crust. The skin of the drug addict at the injection site becomes similar to the skin of a crocodile. Further injections of the drug in these places become impossible and the addict is forced to look for other veins, which leads to further spread of necrosis and ulcers. The necrotic tissue, as it were, merges with each other and begins to be rejected, as a result of which the skin literally peels off the drug addict's limbs like scales.
3. Next, the drug "crocodile" is carried by the blood to well-perfused organs, such as the liver, brain, heart, lungs and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Particles of heavy metals (contained in gasoline) permanently settle in these organs and have a direct toxic effect on them. Organs cease to perform their functions normally. In addition, the very process of preparing the drug "crocodile" takes place in unsanitary conditions, which means it carries viruses and bacteria, which also settle in the internal organs - this further complicates the process. The human body successfully copes with most viruses and bacteria, BUT in this case, viruses and bacteria enter the bloodstream directly bypassing natural barriers, in addition, under the influence of drugs, there is a significant decrease in immunity. These foreign cells, which have settled in the organs of the addict, contribute to the formation of abscesses (pustules), in "crocodile" addicts, ALL organs suffer at once, multiple organ failure develops, which in 100% of cases leads to the death of the addict.
4. Death of a drug addict from multiple organ failure. It is possible to save from "crocodile addiction" only in the first 2 months from the start of using "crocodile", while the immune system is not yet "planted" and the body is at least somehow able to fight this infection.

Photo of the consequences of eating a crocodile.
Ulcers at injection sites:

Photo effects of the drug crocodile:

Photo of a patient who had a deep phegmon opened - the consequences of eating a crocodile:

Photo of an ulcer - the consequences of the drug crocodile:

Photo of partially healed ulcers on the lower extremities - the consequences of using the drug crocodile:

Photo of deep ulcers of the lower extremities and incipient gangrene - the consequences of a crocodile:

Photo of two "crocodile" drug addicts - a friend helps to remove a section of necrotic tissue:

Photo of deep necrosis of the forearm, tendons and bones melted with pus are visible - the consequences of using the crocodile drug:

Death of a young crocodile drug addict:

A photo of a lung abscess - a purulent focus formed from the use of a crocodile, which was the beginning of sepsis and the death of a drug addict:

In the photo, a liver abscess is the result of using the drug crocodile:

Signs of drug use "crocodile"
The growing secretiveness of the child
Increased frequency and increase in the time of "festivities"
Frequent and unexpected mood swings
Increasing cunning, resourcefulness and deceit
Increasing requests for money
Missing valuables from home
Loss of enthusiasm, indifference to the environment
Red eyes, narrow pupils
Sleep disturbance - does not sleep until 3 a.m., long sleep in the morning
Weight loss, reduced immunity
Injection marks, ulcers at the injection site, inflamed veins
From drug addicts using "crocodile" comes the smell of iodine, pharmaceutical preparations

You can make many different animals from paper and cardboard. I already talked about how to make a bunny. And today I propose to settle in the home zoo also a large toothy crocodile.

Materials and tools for the master class "Paper zoo -" crocodile ""

Materials: green and white paper, toothpaste cardboard box, light green, dark green and pink cardboard, PVA glue, ruler, scissors, black gel pen.


1. Take a box of toothpaste and on one side cut off the valves that close it.

2. Paste the box with green paper.

3. From green cardboard, cut out two parts of the tail of the same shape as in the photo.

4. Glue the tail parts together and put them under the press.

5. When the tail part is dry, glue it on the side of the box where the flaps were left uncut.

6. Now let's make our crocodile's mouth. Cut out two parts from green cardboard and two from pink.

7. Cut out two strips of white paper 23 cm long and 2 cm wide. Cut out sharp teeth on each strip.

8. Glue the strips with teeth to the green parts of the mouth.

9. On the other side, glue the pink parts of the mouth.

10. From green cardboard, cut out two rectangles measuring 3 x 4.5 cm. Fold each rectangle in half and straighten it.

11. Using these rectangles, glue the details of the mouth on the side of the box where the valves were cut off.

12. Take two rectangles measuring 4.5 x 2 cm, cut out of green cardboard and white paper. Let's glue them together. Cut out the eyes on this rectangle. Draw the pupils with a black gel pen.

13. From dark green cardboard, cut out two strips 30 cm long and 3 cm wide. On each strip, turn off the edge 1 cm wide.

14. Glue the strips together to the bent edges. When the glue dries, cut out the teeth. This will be the crest on the crocodile's back.

15. From light green and dark green cardboard, cut out four paws of the same shape as in the photo.

16. Glue in pairs the details of the paws from light green and dark green cardboard. Glue the paws at the bottom of the box and bend them as shown in the photo.

Glue the eyes and comb to the top of the box. Trim the comb on the tail to match the tail.

Toothy crocodile is ready.

The crocodile can be placed on a table or shelf for decoration. And you can put pencils and pens in it.

If your child does not like brushing his teeth, you can promise him that when the toothpaste runs out, you will buy a new one, and make some other animal out of the box. I think that after such a promise, the child will brush his teeth more willingly.

Crocodiles look very intimidating, but if you dig deeper, in the literal sense, you can find a lot of useful things. Crocodiles are the owners of a dense, expensive skin, from which people sew bags, belts, wallets, and more. Some make these mammals their pets. But they also make delicious meat, which is also healthy. We'll talk about this.

Where do they eat crocodiles

Crocodiles are very popular in Thai restaurants; moreover, such recipes are one of the most expensive delicacies. Many assume that the fashion for crocodile meat went after a rumor about an epidemic of chicken meat went around in Europe.

A little earlier, "crocodile meat" was popular in Austria, but Thailand more successfully improved such exotic dishes and the "crocodile menu" became the "horse" of Asian cuisine. In Singapore, there are separate restaurants with a special crocodile menu, and in some such dishes are the core of the restaurant.

Alligator rib barbecue is quite popular in the USA. In Africa, a dish with such meat is not something exotic, on the contrary, it is ordinary, which is different from Japan. In the Japanese menu, a dish with a crocodile can be found only in expensive metropolitan restaurants.

How to cook crocodile meat

A big plus of this type of meat is that it goes well with any dish. For example, soups are prepared from crocodile meat, pies, casseroles are baked, fried for side dishes, with flour products. The meat is perfectly cut and well fried. Chefs find similarities between the crocodile and the bird, as well as in their preparation.

In any cooking, it all starts with defrosting. It is not advisable to use a microwave or hot water for this procedure. It is better to just leave the meat in a container at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Tip: they usually cook the fillet of the paws and tail of the crocodile. The most tender meat and contains the least fat.

After defrosting, remove the remaining fat from the fillet, as it can eventually spoil the taste of the finished meat.

Crocodile tail with curry paste

We use:

  • 1 kg crocodile tail fillet;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 cm ginger;
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric, cumin seeds, red curry paste and tomato;
  • 500 ml chicken broth;
  • 125 ml coconut milk;
  • olive oil (can be vegetable or butter);
  • coriander.

Attention! in no case do not fry crocodile meat on margarine. Its fats can spoil the taste of the fillet, and the food will be unfit for consumption.

  1. Cut into elongated slices or squares.
  2. We cut the onion and ginger. We throw everything into a hot frying pan and fry at the maximum temperature. If the oil is burnt out, and the onion and ginger are not completely fried, add 1 tsp. oils.
  3. When the onion turns yellow little by little, add cumin and turmeric and keep the frying on the fire for a couple of minutes.
  4. Switch the stove to medium heat and pour the chicken broth into the pan. Cook everything for 5 minutes and turn it off when 1/4 of the broth has boiled away.
  5. After we pull the ginger and onion out of the pan, put it on another plate, as we will no longer need it. Switch the pan to high heat and add tomato paste, coconut milk and curry paste to the broth. You can turn it off after a couple of minutes.
  6. We take the second frying pan. Add olive oil and stir in the meat. Fry until golden brown and turn off. You need to cook on low heat so that the meat does not stale.
  7. Mix the sauce and meat, put everything in a bowl. For the beauty of the dish, we put a sprig of coriander on top. Traditional and festive!

If you want to dilute the dish with marinade, you can use citruses for this. It goes well with kiwi, papaya and mango skins. Most often made with rosemary, garlic is added. And, of course, you can not do without spices: pepper, curry, salt, basil, ginger and chili pepper. Putting it all together, you have an excellent marinade!

Useful properties of crocodile meat

Alligator meat does not contain carbohydrates, and the mass of fat does not reach 1 gram. Also, the animal is environmentally friendly, respectively, its meat is not infected or infectious. The second reason for this fact is that there is an antibiotic in their blood. Very low cholesterol. Doctors prescribe it to people who have high cholesterol. Crocodile meat contains a large amount of protein.
Meat is contraindicated for those who are allergic to such exotic dishes.