What is the story of the crane and the heron about? Fairy tale crane and heron

The crane offered the heron to marry him. The heron did not agree, and then changed her mind and herself offered to woo the crane ... So they go to each other all the time, but no one wants to cast aside their pride. This is a funny and endless fairy tale that will amuse the child.

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Fairy tale Crane and Heron read

An owl flew - a cheerful head. So she flew, flew and sat down, and turned her tail, but looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, turned her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew ...

This is a saying, and this is what a fairy tale is.

Once upon a time there lived a crane and a heron in the swamp. They built themselves at the ends of the hut. It seemed boring to the crane to live alone, and he decided to marry.

Let me go woo a heron!

The crane went, - tyap-tyap! - kneaded the swamp for seven miles.

Comes and says:

Is the heron at home?

Marry me!

No, crane, I won’t marry you: your legs are in debt, your dress is short, you fly badly yourself, and you have nothing to feed me with! Go away, lanky!

The crane went home without salty slurping. The heron then thought about it and said:

"Than to live alone, I'd rather marry a crane."

Comes to the crane and says:

Crane, marry me!

No, heron, I don't need you! I don't want to marry, I don't marry you. Get out.

The heron wept with shame and turned back.

The crane thought about it and said:

"In vain I did not take a heron for myself! After all, one is bored. Now I will go and marry her."

Comes and says:

Heron! I decided to marry you, marry me!

No, crane, I will not marry you!

The crane went home. Then the heron thought:

"Why did you refuse? What's the point of living alone? I'd rather go for the crane."

She comes to woo, but the crane does not want to. That's how they go to this day to woo each other, but they never get married.

Russian folk tale "The Crane and the Heron"

Genre: folk tale about animals in the processing of A. Tolstoy

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron" and their characteristics

  1. Crane. The guy is hot where, the groom is enviable, lonely, but vindictive and touchy.
  2. The heron, a frivolous bride, often changes her mind, hurried and hasty in decisions.
Plan for retelling the tale "The Crane and the Heron"
  1. The swamp where the Crane and the Heron live
  2. Crane woo
  3. Heron's failure
  4. Heron changed her mind
  5. Crane failure
  6. Repetition
The shortest content of the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The Crane and the Heron lived in the swamp.
  2. The crane wooed the Heron, but the Heron refused him
  3. The heron changed her mind and asks to get married.
  4. The crane refuses the Heron, but repents
  5. The Crane again asks the Heron to marry him.
  6. And so they walk one after another endlessly.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron"
Haste in making decisions only brings harm.

What does the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron" teach?
A fairy tale teaches to be able to listen to another person. It teaches you not to rush into making important decisions. It teaches you to think first and then speak. Learns to respect other people and reckon with their opinion. Learn to compromise.

Review of the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron"
I enjoyed this hilarious story, although neither the Crane nor the Heron are perfect. They have lived alone for too long, and therefore it is difficult for them to decide to start a family, they are afraid of responsibility, they each have their own habits. But I want to believe that someday they will agree and everything will be fine with them.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron"
Harmony and harmony are the first happiness.
Consent leads to good things, but a dispute finds opponents.
Demand is not a sin, refusal is not a problem.
Think about it, don't think about it.
Not in a hurry, the matter is argued, but plainly.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron"
A Crane and a Heron lived in the same swamp. Each of them built a house for himself, only at different ends of the swamp.
And now it became boring for the Crane to live alone. He decided to woo the Heron. Went to visit through the swamp. He waved seven miles, got there, and asks Tsaplya to marry him.
And Tsaplya turn him from the gate. She does not like the groom - and the legs are thin, and the dress is short, and it flies badly, and even feed him later, when there is little food itself. The Heron drove away the Crane, and she thought. And it's really boring alone. I decided to agree and went to the Crane.
She comes and announces that she agrees to marry him. And the Crane sits offended, does not look at the Heron. “No,” he answers, “now I don’t want to marry you. Go, you Heron, where you came from.”
Tsaplya cried out of resentment and shame and went home. And the Crane looks after her and thinks that he refused in vain, because one really does not live. And run after the Heron. He catches up near the house and asks to return, they say he agrees to marry.
But here the Heron shows his temper and drives the Crane away. She does not need such a fickle groom. Chased away. but he himself thinks: “But what am I! I myself drive my happiness away!” And run after the Crane.
So they follow each other to this day, but the wedding has not played.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron"

About our smaller brothers

Answers to page 18

Crane and heron.
Russian folktale

An owl flew - a cheerful head.
So she flew, flew and sat down, and turned her tail, but looked around and flew again - flew, flew and sat down, turned her tail and looked around and flew again - flew, flew ...
This is a saying, and this is what a fairy tale is.
Once upon a time there lived a crane and a heron in the swamp. They built huts at the ends of the swamp.
The crane became bored of living alone, and he decided to marry. “
Let me go and woo a heron!”
The crane went - tyap-tyap! - kneaded the swamp for seven miles.
Comes and says:
- Is the heron at home?
- Houses.
- Marry me!
- No, crane, I won’t marry you: your legs are in debt, your dress is short, you fly badly yourself, and you have nothing to feed me with! Go away, lanky!
The crane went home without salty slurping.
The heron then thought about it:
"Than to live alone, I'd rather marry a crane."
Comes to the crane and says:
- Crane, marry me!
- No, heron, I don't need you! I don't want to marry, I won't marry you. Get out!
The heron wept with shame and returned home.
The heron is gone, and
uravl thought:“In vain did not take a heron for himself! After all, one is boring.”
Comes and says:
- Heron! I decided to marry you, marry me!
- No, crane, I will not marry you!
The crane went home. Then the heron thought:“Why did you refuse? What is it to live alone? I'd rather go for the crane."
She comes to the crane to woo, but the crane does not want to.
That's how they go to this day to woo each other, but they never get married.

1*. Submit an offer. If you are at a loss, look in the textbook.

The prompt is the introduction or completion of a fairy tale in the form of a joke, joke, fable.

2. How are the crane and heron depicted in the fairy tale? Mark the answer + or write your own.

kind + indecisive
smart prudent

3. Guess riddles. Underline the words. Write down the clues.

Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-billed, body gray,
And the back of the head is bare, red.
Dirty wanders through the swamps,
Catches frogs in them,
Clueless jumpers.


Standing on one leg
He gazes into the water.
Pokes beak at random -
Looking for frogs in the river.

Year of writing: unknown

Genre of work: story

Main characters: Crane and Heron- birds


The crane and the heron lived at different ends of the swamp. One day, the crane decided to get married. As many as seven miles had a chance to go to get married. Then he proposed to the heron to marry him. She was only amused by the suggestion. She said that she did not like his long legs and short clothes. And there is nothing to feed the wife. But the heron regretted her words. I thought that two are better than one. And went to reconcile. The crane categorically refused, he was offended. But then I thought that I had refused in vain, it was boring alone. Here he went back. Received a refusal. And the heron again wanted to return everything. That's how they still go to each other. Failed to get married.

Conclusion (my opinion)

A simple children's tale contains important lessons for adults. Before making a decision, you need to think carefully. Having made the choice to stick with it. Think about the feelings of others, treat with kindness. Pride, intransigence, stubbornness limit a person, make him unable to change his life for the better.

Once upon a time there was a Crane and a Heron. They were neighbors and often visited each other. The crane was bored of living alone. He decided to get married. He got married to the Heron. But the Heron laughed at him. She said that the Crane was not a match for her. He got offended and went home.

The Heron thought why she drove the Crane away. After all, life alone is boring. She went to the Crane, began to ask: “Marry me!” The crane told her that she was ugly, and he did not want to marry her. Heron cried and returned home.

The crane caught himself and thought that he had offended the Heron in vain. He went to her and said that he decided to marry. But now Tsaplya said that she did not want to marry him.

As soon as the Crane left, the Heron began to regret her refusal. And she herself went to the Crane. But now he refused her. So they walk one after another through the swamp, they can’t agree in any way. And all because they are too proud.

Folk tales about animals are usually satirical or humorous. They ridicule certain human shortcomings. Each animal tale shows certain human characters and situations in which these characters are revealed. Animals are endowed with all human qualities. The fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron" ridicules such qualities as pride, arrogance, inability to find a common language with others, selfishness.

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  • Analysis of the Tales of the Crane and the Heron
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  • summary of the crane and the heron
  • summary of the fairy tale crane and heron
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