What is being built near the electric coal next to the railway. What is being built along the Gorky railway

A catastrophic situation with traffic has developed in Elektrougli near Moscow. The railway divides the city into two parts. The tracks are in such a state that the crossing is constantly being repaired. Due to many hours of traffic jams, doctors and firefighters do not have time to get to the place of the call in time. Cars are forced to stand idle at the barrier for 2-3 hours.

Minutes count, the patient - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War - is suffocating from asthma. The ambulance is stuck in a traffic jam. 6 hours pass - the railway crossing is closed.

You can get from one part of the city to another only through this crossing. The barriers have been raised. Paramedic Kuznetsova says that in her practice there has already been a case when people died due to the fact that automobile traffic across the railway was blocked.

“There was a case: they arrived at my grandmother with pulmonary edema with a delay of 3 hours. Naturally, she did not wait for us. Well, how can I explain to people? useless,” complains Elena Kuznetsova.

Nobody is responsible for this. Relatives were only told: a tragic accident. The operation of this move is like one accident. Travelers close it when they repair the road, every day for 3-4 hours.

Better from this, the canvas, however, does not become. The head of the city administration, driving along the tracks, is shaking in his own "Volga". The isthmus across the road is broken, drivers scratch the bottom of cars. Letters to the Moscow Railways remain unanswered, potholes only get deeper, traffic jams get longer, the red light stays on longer.

"More than 150 enterprises have to work, and their transport is idle at this time. They cannot work, earn money, pay taxes," Viktor Sorokin, head of the Elektrougli municipality, is indignant.

The official only complains about the railway workers, he cannot really help his voters. He says: it is not in his competence to control the work of the Moscow Railways. He writes letters that allegedly do not reach the addressee. The Moscow Railway shifts its blame to local authorities.

"Neither the city administration nor the residents have ever contacted the railway workers with this problem," says Natalya Pashkalova, head of the public relations service of the Moscow Railways.

No one seems to be to blame, only because the crossing is closed for hours, neither the ambulance, nor the fire trucks, nor the police can pass. Law enforcement officers do not even get out of their official cars until the barrier goes up.

"We just don't have time to help people in detaining criminals and so on," Viktor Starchenko, acting head of the city's public security police, admits.

The switchman has to make excuses for how the authorities and officials of the Moscow Railways carry out their duties.

When the cadastral value of land in Elektrougli was calculated, the proximity of the railway and the Nosovikhinsky Highway was taken into account. Weaving here is the most expensive in the Noginsk region. The budget is replenished, but this does not make it easier for the residents.

The transport hub for the town of Elektrougli near Moscow became Gordian. For the past 3 years, neither the district nor the regional authorities have been able to solve the problem. The situation is only getting worse. There is, however, an ambitious project to build two bridges at once, which should connect different parts of the city. However, while the government of the Moscow region is looking for funds for its implementation, the only bypass road has collapsed.

Kupavna is a railway station of the 31st km of the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway in the village of Kupavna, since 2004 a microdistrict of the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Region, after which it was named.

The station has two passenger platforms connected only by a deck through the tracks.

Not equipped with turnstiles. To the south of the platform - the Kupavna district, to the north - the village of Vishnyakovskiye dachas. To the north, a freight line departs to Staraya Kupavna (the main route is more than 9 km).

The travel time of electric trains from the Kursk railway station is from 32 to 45 minutes, from the Novogireevo station (with the metro station of the same name) 21-27 minutes (see). It is the terminus for three pairs of daily electric trains.

On September 5, 1975, the electric train ER1-219, following the route Zakharovo - Moscow, passing a turnout in the even neck of the Kupavna station, collided with the side part of the 8th car of a freight train traveling in the opposite direction. The freight train was torn apart, its wagons began to collide with the wagons of the electric train. As a result of the crash, 18 people died and 35 were injured.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  About Kupavna

Kupavna is an area located thirty kilometers from Moscow in the Gorky direction, that is, to the east.

Kupavna is a village and town of military sailors located near the station of the same name in the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway, on the twenty-seventh kilometer of the Nosovikhinsky Highway. But in general, Kupavna is geographically a much more extensive area.

The dome consists, as it were, of several parts. The first is Staraya Kupavna, a settlement (small town) in which people constantly live. The second is "New" Kupavna, which is already a small town of military sailors. There are also several villages, one of which is the village of Biserovo.

In Kupavna there is one large lake Biserovo, two large quarries, one of which is closed, many small lakes for breeding and catching fish. Many forests surrounding Kupavna purify the air well, although, and all this prosperity is located 30 km from Moscow, the difference in air purity is easy to notice. In general, this is a very vast, beautiful and very picturesque area.

In addition to the towns and villages where people live permanently, there are a lot of summer cottages and gardening associations in Kupavna. For more than forty years, people have been coming here to relax in nature from Moscow. Several generations, grew up in dachas in Kupavna. And they will forever associate the summer months with it.

We love Kupavna very much and are proud that we can relax there in the summer. During our stay there, a lot of things happened. What only happened to us: there was both bad and good, and cheerful and not very, there were quarrels and abuse, and new acquaintances and love. There were problems, there were dangerous moments, there is no need to retell everything, and there is no need. :) Of course, we hope that all the good things will stay with us, and the bad things will never happen.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  Strictly speaking, Kupavna is a mixed-type settlement located near the station of the same name in the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway. Its "urban" part is once a closed, regime military camp of the Navy, located next to the 32nd Central Naval Clinical Hospital. The village is located in the southeastern part of the Balashikha district of the Moscow region and is administratively the Kupavna district of the city of regional subordination Zheleznodorozhny.

But when they say "Kupavna", they usually mean a larger area located in the north-east of the Moscow region, which bears this name not so formally, but historically and in essence. Namely, these are territories historically adjacent to the city of Staraya Kupavna (formerly the village and village of Staraya Kupavna), located on the river of the same name. By whose name these places are called and which subsequently received other settlements and the nearby railway station.

Conventionally, we can say that "Kupavna" is the territory from Lake Biserovo - in the west, to the village of Kudinovo, the village of Belaya and the Elektrougli - Obukhovo highway - in the east and from the village of Kupavna - in the south to the highway "Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod" - in the north.

Again, conditionally, we can say that Kupavna is located within the boundaries from 38 ° 6' east longitude (western shore of Lake Biserovo) to 38 ° 12' east longitude (eastern border of the city of Staraya Kupavna, Belaya village, Kudinovo village) and ranging from 55 ° 44´ north latitude (southern border of the village of Kupavna) to 55° 49´ north latitude (highway "Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod").

Dmitry (Jambalini)  It is possible to determine the latitude and longitude of a place with an accuracy of arcseconds on images of the earth's surface from space presented on the Kosmosnimki website, in particular, on views of Kupavna from space.

Administratively, various parts of this territory are located in two districts of the Moscow region at once. A small southern part, namely the village of Kupavna, is in the southeastern part of the Balashikha region, and the main part is in the southwestern part of the Noginsk region. The border of the districts runs along the Gorky passage of the Moscow Railway, then near the Kupavna station a little to the north of it, then goes around Biserovo Lake along the southwestern shore and goes to the village of Zarya.

Kupavna is located on the western outskirts of the "Meshcherskaya lowland" - the lowest part of the Moscow region. So, in particular, the Noginsk region is characterized by heights from 122 meters above sea level in the area of ​​the Klyazma River, up to 160 meters in the north and south of the region.

Kupavna is located on average at an altitude of 146-147 meters above sea level, with a general decrease in altitude to the east to 140-142 meters in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of "50th anniversary of October" and the village of "Kudinovo", as well as with a decrease in altitude to a lesser extent north. The level of heights generally decreases in the direction of the Klyazma river valley. The highest places in Kupavna are directly the village of Kupavna and the village of Biserovo, both located at an altitude of 147 meters, northwest of the village of Biserovo up to 148 meters. The lowest are the southern part of the floodplain of Lake Biserovo and the valley of fish farm ponds. The level of the shoreline of the lake - Biserovo is 136.1 meters, and the fish farm ponds in the area of ​​the central dam - 133.5 meters.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  The origin of the name "Kupavna"
Kupavna, with its ancient, pagan name, stands out among its neighbors, whose names keep a vivid imprint of the last century. After all, with such a gently-shy, affectionate name, it is surrounded by industrial-industrial ones - Zheleznodorozhny, Elektrougli and Elektrostal, which Obiralovka, Vasilyevo and Calm once turned into; and socialist-idealistic - Zarya and Svetly ...

In no case would I want to offend the inhabitants of these towns and cities, I just wanted to emphasize that Kupavna was very lucky to keep her original name, so dear to the heart and hearing.

The word "Kupavna" extremely corresponded to the picturesque, beautiful area. Several rivers flowed near the village: Kupavna (Kupavinka), Chudinka, Kudinka and Shalovka. In addition to the rivers, there were also lakes with mirror water - Biserovskoye, Kupavinsky pond, there were also lakes - one on the site of today's Lakes, the other on the territory of the Akrikhin plant. The latter lasted until the forties of the twentieth century.

But where did such a sweet-sounding name come from? In Russia, it often happened that a village located next to a river took its name. But where did the name "Kupavna" by the river come from?

Researchers write that this is how beauties were called in Russia - "a beautiful beautiful woman." Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: "But she herself is majestic, she acts like a peahen ...". Pava - Kupava - Kupavna - beauty. In Dahl's explanatory dictionary: "Kupavaya is a magnificent, proud beauty ... Pava."

However, it is believed that in the first place the word "kupavna" is associated with the name of the flower. Dal writes in his explanatory dictionary that kupava is a water plant, a water lily.

Kupavna, kupavka is a flowering plant that is found in Russian folk botanical names. In the Vladimir region, a flower with a fluffy corolla is called a kupavka. In Tver, Novgorod and other regions, this is the name given to water or marsh plants growing in damp and swampy places. The village just stood among the peat bogs of Biserov and Kudinov.

This legend, perhaps, is closest to the truth and is reflected in the image of the old coat of arms of Staraya Kupavna, on which in the center, next to the Vladimir milestone, a river flower was depicted, which, according to the author of the coat of arms, gave the name to the village.

As an alternative, options are also considered that the word "kupavna" can come from a consonant hydronym from another language: the Finno-Ugric or Baltic group. In any case, it is unlikely that one will ever be able to reliably find out the origin of the word "kupavna", although its Slavic roots seem to be the most acceptable.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  The geological structure of the Noginsk region was mainly composed of deposits of the post-Tertiary period (modern and glacial), and of the ancient bedrocks, Jurassic and Carboniferous, as well as partly rocks of the Lower Cretaceous period.

Deposits of the Devonian period lie directly on the ancient (Archaean) crystalline basement of the Russian platform. The nature of the Devonian and Carboniferous deposits indicates the alternation of marine conditions with continental ones at this time. At a time when there was no sea here, silts accumulated in the depressions and on the shore in the then existing swamps and lakes, which later turned into refractory clays, known as Gzhel-Kudinovskie.

Above the deposits of the Devonian period, there are Upper Carboniferous formations, consisting of limestones, dolomites and variegated clays, the surface of which is characterized by significant roughness.

The Upper Carboniferous formations are overlain by strata of greater or lesser thickness of black or dark gray very dense waterproof Jurassic clays. Jurassic period deposits formed at the bottom of the sea.

In the Cretaceous period, the sea finally left the limits of the Russian platform, and since that time, the processes of erosion of previously deposited rocks by denudation have acquired an important role. Therefore, the Lower Cretaceous rocks are of negligible thickness and have no significant influence.

Above the sequence of Jurassic clays are post-Tertiary sands and sandstones, usually aquifers, and above them are Quaternary sands.

The region owes much of its modern structure and appearance to the Quaternary period and Quaternary glaciations. During the Quaternary period, the area was subjected to glaciation three times. The first glaciation was the Oka (500–400 thousand years ago), since then the glacier reached the Oka River valley. The Oka glaciation is followed by the Dnieper (250-170 thousand years ago), in which two phases are distinguished: the Dnieper proper (250-200 thousand years ago) and the Moscow (190-170 thousand years ago).

During the Dnieper glaciation, the glacier moved far south beyond the boundaries of the modern Moscow region. During the Moscow glaciation, the glacier covered only the northern part of the Moscow region, its border passed along the Klyazma River. During the melting of the Moscow glacier, the moraine strata (actually glacial deposits) of the Dnieper glaciation were almost completely eroded and the bulk of the alluvial-fluvoglycial deposits (water-glacial, associated with the activity of melted glacial waters) formed.

The watering of the periglacial zone, the border of which passed through the territory of the present Noginsk region, and near which the current territory of Kupavna was located, was so great during the melting of the Moscow Glacier that the lowlands were filled with large lakes or turned into powerful valleys of the runoff of melted glacial waters. Suspensions settled in them, forming outwash plains with sandy and sandy loam deposits.

The subsequent Valdai glaciation (70–11 thousand years ago) also had a significant impact on the formation of the region, although it did not reach the territory of the Moscow region, but only the Valdai Upland. The high watering of the territories persisted during the melting of this glacier. On the surface of the outwash plains of Moscow age, there were wide valleys of runoff of melted glacial waters, which have been preserved in the relief to our time.

It was the Quaternary glaciations that formed the main features of the relief of the territories of the Noginsk region and Kupavna. The corresponding flat relief with extensive swamps is typical in general for all the surrounding territories - the "Meshchera lowland". During the melting and retreat of the Quaternary glaciers, the pearl of the Kupava places was formed - Lake Biserovskoe. The meltwater runoff valleys turned into multiple swamps, at the bottom of which, later, dying plants formed peat deposits. The Kupavinskoye sand deposit is also deposits washed in by melt water from the receding Moscow glacier.

Peat bogs

Dmitry (Jambalini)  The presence of marine sediments, especially Jurassic oily clay, occurring at a comparatively small depth - from 4 to 8 meters, determines the high standing of groundwater, which contributed to the creation of peat bogs, which once occupied very vast areas in Kupavna. Watery plants, dying, formed clusters of plant remains, which decomposed in the absence, and then in the complete absence of oxygen and excess moisture.

Peat deposits in the Noginsk region are located on average at a depth of 2 meters, but sometimes reach a depth of up to 10–15 meters. At the same time, it takes from 300 to 2000 years to form a layer of peat 1 meter thick. But in the 19th century, the reserves on the territory of the present Noginsk region, including Kupavna, were very large. So the area of ​​the so-called "Biserovsky swamp" (located on the territory of the current Rybkhoz ponds) was approximately 420 hectares, the thickness of the peat layer was 1.41 meters, the reserve was 5922 thousand cubic meters.

Active development of peat and drainage of swamps in the Kupava region began at the beginning of the 19th century, when the Doktorovsky chemical plant and the Kupava textile factory began to require a lot of fuel. The main peat extraction sites for Staraya Kupavna's enterprises were Maslovo Boloto, located near the village of Timohovo (where the notorious landfill is now located) and the so-called Biserovskoye Bog - the current territory of the fish farm ponds. Fish farm ponds are, in fact, the result of peat production, and, contrary to a widespread misconception, are not former sand pits, but former peat quarries. Timokhov peat mining subsequently became the main one for the enterprises of Staraya Kupavna, and in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, a narrow-gauge railway line was built for them, the so-called "Kupavinsky narrow-gauge railway". The Biserovskoe swamp began to be used for peat extraction for external consumers, and a broad-gauge line was laid to it from the Kupavna station.

In the 19th century, when peat was one of the most common types of fuel, its development was very active, including in Kupavna. So in the collection of historical and local history essays by Alexandra Alexandrovna Kulikova "Kupavna in the fate of Russia" it says: "In 1876, there were peat bogs (quarries) in Staraya Kupavna, which crushed up to 2000 cubes of peat per year."

In the 30s of the XX century, peat extraction in the Biserovsky swamp was given the name "Peat extraction site named after Maxim Gorky". At the same time, the so-called 1st and 2nd sections named after Maxim Gorky were located on the Biserovsky swamp; in the 30s, the 3rd and 4th sections also appeared. Accordingly, the 3rd is approximately at the site of the current sand pit, and the 4th is to the east of the current Akrikhin plant. At the site of the 4th site, there are now also a large number of small ponds, apparently the result of peat excavation, dry sand excavation is currently taking place in the area. Peat extraction existed until the end of the 50s of the XX century, when the bulk of the peat was worked out. In 1961, on the site of the ponds of the 1st and 2nd sections, the Biserovo fish farm was organized.

From the very beginning of peat extraction on the Biserovsky swamp, barrack settlements were built on the northern and southern sides of it. 1st and 2nd Biserovsky sections, respectively. On the site of the settlement of the 1st section, in the early 60s of the XX century, the village of Rybkhoz was built, and the settlement of the 2nd section has retained its name to this day. This is a village located between the southern shore of the fish farm ponds and the railway line to the sand pit and Staraya Kupavna. The initial section of this industrial branch was built specifically to service peat extraction in the Biserovsky swamp and remove peat

Dmitry (Jambalini)  In 1898 the Kupavna railway station was opened, and around 1900 a wide-gauge line was laid from it to the Biserovskie peat mines. The branch departed from the main passage of the Nizhny Novgorod (now Gorky) railway to the northeast, immediately turning sharply to the north and went in a straight line strictly north to the very Biserovsky peat bog. It passed along the western border of the village "Second Biserovsky site" (the name of the village remained just since the time when it was a residential area No. north-west, ending near residential area No. 1 of peat extraction, on the site of which later, in the 60s of the twentieth century, the village of Rybkhoz was built. The section of this branch from the Kupavna station to the turn to the sand quarry and Staraya Kupavna exists and is still in operation.

Also, from the beginning of the 20th century until the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century, there was the so-called “Kupava narrow-gauge railway” and it went from the Kupavinsky textile factory to the village of Timokhovo (where the Timokhov landfill is now located) and “Maslova swamps”, where at that time also peat mining was active. Here the branch was connected to the then widely developed narrow-gauge railway system, which at that time connected Bogorodsk (Noginsk), Vasilyevo (Elektrougli), Khrapunovo and, in fact, covered the entire Maslovo swamp. Peat was delivered along the branch for steam engines of the Kupava textile factory. Approximately at the beginning of the 50s, after the development of the bulk of peat in the Maslovoe Bog and the transition of the Kupava factory to more modern types of fuel, the branch was removed. At the same time, the entire narrow-gauge system began to disappear, but its sections, in particular the branch linking the Kudinovsky plant of ceramic structures and the clay quarry near Timokhovo, existed until the mid-90s of the XX century.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  As for the broad-gauge line from the Kupavna station to the Biserovsky swamp, during the First World War, in 1916, a branch was built from it from the village of the Second Biserovsky section to the “doctorovsky” (“dokhturovsky”) chemical plant in Staraya Kupavna (on where the Akrikhin plant was built in 1936). At that time, the plant produced chromic acid and picrin, a powerful explosive needed by the front. Engineer Ya.Sinagof supervised the construction of the branch. Approximately in 1925, the branch was brought to the Kupavinsky textile factory, and later branches from it approached almost all the enterprises of Staraya Kupavna. In the 1930s, it was also planned to build a direct line from Noginsk, either to Monino, where the railway arrived in 1928, or to Staraya Kupavna. The "Starokupavinsky" version was supposed to be a continuation of the branch to "Akrikhin" and a textile factory. But this idea was not realized, as well as the direct line planned in 1928 from Noginsk to Moscow.

In the 30s - 40s (and partly possibly in the 50s) there were also a large number of branches from the Kupava railway line in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe current ponds of the Kupava sand pit. These paths were also used to service peat extraction, in particular the 3rd and 4th peat extraction sites "named after Maxim Gorky". The 3rd site was located on the site of the current sand pit, the 4th site was significantly to the northeast - on the site of the current sedimentation ponds north of the state farm named after. 50th Anniversary of October. This branch was the longest - it departed from the main branch approximately in the middle of the curve from the village of the 2nd Biserovsky site to the quarry, went to the northeast, apparently, along the territories now occupied by the Kudinovsky quarry pond, crossed the current highway from the highway "Elektrougli - Obukhovo" to the asphalt plant, crossed the Shalovka River and approached the peat extraction site. Perhaps the branch was narrow gauge. These branches apparently existed until the 50s, when peat production stopped and sand mining began. Very clearly visible on this map posted on the Encyclopedia "Younger Brother" website of Dmitry Zinoviev.
By the end of the 50s, the peat in the Biserovsky swamp, by that time officially called the Maxim Gorky peat enterprise, was almost completely selected and the Biserovo fish farm was formed in its place, the production volumes of Staraya Kupavna enterprises, on the contrary, increased. As a result, the branch to Staraya Kupavna became the main one, and the branch to the fish farm (the former peat bog) was at first secondary, and then completely lost its significance. In the early 60s, it was shortened to the middle of the central dam of the fish farm. “Ice wagons” with fish were fed along it for harvesting at the fish farm enterprise. In 1982–1983, the unloading area near Rybkhoz was liquidated and traffic along the branch stopped, only in a small dead end near the village of the 2nd Biserovsky section there was a “club car” in which films were shown to local residents. In 1988–1989, the club car also disappeared, and traffic on the branch line ceased completely. In 1992–1993, the branch line to Rybkhoz was finally liquidated and new and expanded old summer cottages took its place.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  In some places, rotten, rotten sleepers and rusty rails come across along the entire former route of the branch, both lying in the ground and as fences. From under the fence of summer cottages built on the site of a branch, in the place where a dead end departed from it into which the “club car” was driven, the handles of the manual arrow still stick out. At the site of the former crossing, where the branch line crossed the road to the village, the rails rolled into asphalt still lie. They go further under the fences of summer cottages and then break off over the river flowing along the southern border of the fish farm. Until the end of the 90s, on the central dam of the fish farm, there was still an old two-axle railway platform, if not of the tsarist, then certainly of Stalin's times. And the rails on the dam still remained at the beginning of the 21st century.

From its very appearance, the branch to the Biserovsky peat bog, and later to Staraya Kupavna, belonged to the general railway network. First, to one of the roads of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway, then, already under Soviet rule, it belonged to the NKPS network, and then to the Ministry of Railways. Cars from the Kupavna station were delivered to Staraya Kupavna and taken back by the locomotives of the Ministry of Railways, where they were already delivered to the enterprises by the locomotives of the enterprises themselves. Akrikhin, Moskhim, ZhBK had their own locomotives.

A similar situation, when the access roads of enterprises were serviced either by the Ministry of Railways or by the transport shops of the enterprises themselves, was typical for the entire Soviet Union, but this state of affairs was not particularly beneficial for both the Ministry of Railways and enterprises. Therefore, from the beginning of the 60s, the idea of ​​​​combining the transport departments of enterprises into specialized industrial railway transport enterprises (PPZHT) began to be implemented. One of the first industrial railway transport enterprises in the country was founded in Elektrostal in 1962. In 1976, EPPZhT created its own section on the basis of the transport department of the Glukhovsky cotton mill. The enterprise worked as a section of EPPZhT until 1984, when it was spun off into a separate enterprise, Noginskoye PPPZhT.

The enterprises of Staraya Kupavna, whose access roads adjoined the Kupavinsky railway line, were not satisfied with the quality of service provided by the Ministry of Railways. Not timely supply and cleaning of wagons, frequent downtime. Therefore, at the request of the serviced enterprises, the Main Directorate of Industrial Railway Transport of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR decided to transfer the branch line for service to PPZhT. In 1989, the Kupavinsky section of the Noginsk PZhT was organized on the branch.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  Promzheldortrans Association NPPZhT allocated locomotives TGM4A-1146, TGM4A-2698, TGM4A-3118, TGM6A-2456, TGM6V-0008 to service the section, the company also got locomotives of transport workshops of enterprises - one TGM23 of the ZhBK plant and one diesel locomotive TGK Moskhim, which formally still belongs to the Moskhim enterprise. In December 1989, a young engineer, Natalya Alekseevna Korotkova, headed the Kupavinsky section, by that time she had worked as a shift supervisor, a dispatcher, and an engineer.

And after the MPS, the site was in a catastrophic state. First of all, the terrible state of the track led to frequent derailments of the rolling stock. In the early years, there were up to 70 gatherings per month. In 1990, the enterprise needed at least 45 thousand rubles (5 Zhiguli cars - colossal money for a not very large enterprise) to repair at least the main access road to the station. After all, if the gathering took place on it, then the entrance became impossible to any of the enterprises. And PPZhT was helped by enterprises that actually initiated the start of its work. Someone gave a little more (primarily Akrikhin and ZhBK), someone a little less, but one way or another, the enterprises collected for the repair of the access road. And this was a great merit of the heads of enterprises: Akrikhin - Ivan Ivanovich Tyulyaev, ZhBK - Georgy Borisovich Merensky, Base No. 1 - Anna Ilyinichna Toropchenkova, ABZ - Anatoly Vladimirovich Pyasetsky, Moskhim - Yuri Afanasyevich Petrishchenkov .

The enterprises of Staraya Kupavna helped the PPJT in every possible way. In the early years, when PPZHT did not have any production facilities of its own in Staraya Kupavna, they provided locker rooms, rest and dining rooms, as well as space for the control room and depot for PPZHT employees. But all the same, the working conditions remained difficult and extremely low, and the PPZhT employees could not endlessly upholster themselves in strange corners. And thanks to the efforts of Natalya Alekseevna, in 1995, the control room building was built, which also houses all the administrative and office premises of the Kupava section. And by 1997, a depot building was built on the site of the boiler pit of the Akrikhin plant.

Despite all the difficulties, the Kupavinsky section and the Noginskoye PPZhT as a whole, thanks to the work of its employees, withstood the difficult 90s and continue to develop successfully. The company is rightfully considered one of the best in the industry. Natalya Alekseevna Korotkova, who raised the Kupavinsky site to such a high level, is now the Deputy General Director of the Noginsk MPPZhT. And the general director Vladimir Nikolaevich Torop is also the president of the research and production association Promzheldortrans, as well as the chairman of the Council of Heads of Industrial Transport Organizations and Enterprises under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  At the time when the branch was serviced by the Ministry of Railways, there was an alarm system on it. The section "Station Kupavna - Post 6th km (the official name of the three-track siding near the quarry)" was equipped with a semi-automatic blocking. On both sides, the stretch was fenced with three-digit entrance and, preceding them at a distance of about 1 km, two-digit pre-entrance traffic lights. The entrance traffic light burned with one yellow light in case the entrance traffic light burned with a red light and green light in case the entrance traffic light burned with yellow or green light. In accordance with the rules for the movement of trains in sections equipped with semi-automatic blocking, one of the duty officers at the separate points limiting the stage could send the train to the stage only after receiving consent from the other officer on duty and handing the baton to the locomotive brigade. Until the arrival of the train at another separate point, other trains could not be sent to the haul.

From the side of the northern mouth of the Post 6th km (from the side of the industrial zone of Staraya Kupavna) was fenced with a two-digit shunting traffic light with blue and white lights (shunting work is prohibited and allowed, respectively). Thus, trains to the "Post of the 6th km" were received from the side of the Kupavna station by train order, and from the side of Staraya Kupavna - by shunting. The traffic lights enclosing the 6th km Post worked until the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, although it is possible that the entrance and shunting lights stopped working even earlier.

From the end of the 80s to the beginning of the 90s, after the transfer of the branch for service to the Noginsk PPZhT, traffic along the branch began to be carried out in a shunting manner and the use of traffic lights was abandoned. The duty post of the Post of the 6th km was also liquidated. Although the entrance and pre-entrance traffic lights of the Kupavna station worked until 1999-2000, when the first one was replaced by a shunting one, and the second one was dismantled accordingly. At the end of the 90s and in 2006, respectively, the masts of the shunting and pre-entrance traffic lights of Post 6 km were dismantled, which had been “eyeless” for a long time. Also at the end of the 90s, the lighting tower of the 6th km Post and the post building, which had not been used for about 10 years, were dismantled. The masts of the former entrance traffic lights of the Kupavna station and the Post 6th km are still standing.

Apparently, the rejection of the signaling system and train traffic was associated, on the one hand, with the inexpediency of its use due to the drop in traffic due to the economic reforms of the 90s and the crisis in the country, on the other hand, with the transfer of the branch from the jurisdiction MPS to PPZhT, and the overhead and high cost of maintenance, in general, not a very necessary system.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  In different years of its existence and to this day, the Kupavinsky industrial branch serviced and continues to serve such enterprises of Staraya Kupavna as the Akrikhin chemical-pharmaceutical plant, Khimbazu, Khimreaktivkomplekt, the Kupavna textile factory, asphalt- a concrete plant, a plant for reinforced concrete structures (ZhBK) and many others, a total of 29 enterprises. From the very beginning of development and until 2004, the branch also served the Kupavinsky sand pit.
The Kupavinskoye sand deposit was formed during the Quaternary glaciation. The useful stratum of the deposit is made up of alluvial-fluvioglycial (water-glacial, associated with the activity of glacial melt waters) deposits of the fourth floodplain terrace (al, fgl (4t)Q II ms). During the retreat to the north of the Moscow glacier (3rd of 4 during the period of the Quaternary glaciation), its melt waters were washed up in the runoff valleys of the thickness of sandy and sandy loam deposits. Above the thickness of the sandy deposits lie the modern bog deposits - directly the subsoil layer and dark gray bog clays, which later formed here in the swampy lowland.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  Kupavinsky sand quarry - these are four ponds, which are actually the result of mining. Conventionally, they can be called: the “old” quarry is the one located to the west of the railway line from the Kupavna station to Staraya Kupavna, and which, accordingly, began to be developed before anyone else; "new" quarry - the one located east of the railway line; "Kudinovsky" quarry - the one that is located closer to the village of Kudinovo, to the east of the "new" quarry and is separated from it by an isthmus along which the power line passes, as well as a much smaller pond near the Kupavinsky ZhBK plant.

Until the 30s of the XX century, most of the territory where the Kupava quarry is now located was covered with forest. In the east and west, the territory was heavily swamped. In the place of the swamps, located in the west, there is now the eastern pond of the Biserovo fish farm and the western quarry pond (the “old” quarry) bordering it. As for the swamps in the east, they exist even now, and are located near the northeastern shore of the "Kudinovsky" quarry - between it and the village of Kudinovo. The river Kudinovka flows through these swamps. In the 1930s, partly due to the fact that the construction of the Akrikhin plant and active housing construction began in Staraya Kupavna, the forest was gradually cut down. However, on the territory to the east - now occupied by the northern part of the "Kudinovsky" quarry, the forest survived until the beginning of the 70s, where it was uprooted and cut down immediately before the start of the development of the "Kudinovsky" quarry.

Approximately in 1932, peat extraction began on the territory of the current "old" quarry - the so-called "3rd Biserovsky peat extraction site" was organized. But unlike the "Biserovsky swamp", on which the 1st and 2nd Biserovsky sections were located, in these territories the thickness of the layer of surface swamp deposits - peat - turned out to be insignificant, but as a result of this, high-quality building sands, washed up here once by a glacier , were located close to the day surface.

Thus, approximately from 1937–1938, sand began to be mined in Kupavna. It was dry working, almost exclusively manual labor was used, and the main tool was a shovel. The development did not stop during the Great Patriotic War. After the war, in 1946–1948, the first dragline excavators appeared in the quarry. Initially, they were steam engines, but later steam engines were replaced by electric ones. Dragline excavators, due to their characteristics, were used only for the development and reloading of sand to loading areas, sand was still loaded mainly by hand.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  Since 1952, the Ramensky trust "Hydromekhanizatsiya" began to work out in a hydromechanized way - the first dredger - 80-35 - came to the Kupavinsky quarry. Hydromechanized development at the Kupava quarry began in the northeastern part of the territory, where the pond of the "old" quarry is now located - from the current site of the Remix company, where the equipment is located, and in those years there was a barracks settlement for quarry workers. Subsequently, the dredger moved to the southwest, then to the northwest, then reaching the Shalovka River and the current ponds of the fish farm, the dredger turned around and moved back east to the residential area of ​​the quarry. From 1959-1960, a more powerful dredger 100-40K (capacity - 100 m³ of sand per hour, pulp transportation over a distance of 4 km) began to work at the quarry, and the first dragline excavators from the mid-50s replaced diesel "two-cube" excavators E1250. In 1959, the Moskvoretsky Quarry Administration was organized to manage the activities of the mining enterprises of the Noginsk district of the Moscow region. It included the Timokhov quarry of blue refractory clays and the Kupavinsky sand pit was transferred from the Gidromekhanizatsiya trust. The administration of the quarry management was located in the city of Elektrougli, opposite the Kudinovsky plant of ceramic structures.

Since the beginning of the 60s, the gradual resettlement of the residential village of the quarry began - in 1962, the first residential building for the employees of the quarry was built in Staraya Kupavna, and later the quarry management built houses in the village of Elektrougli. Part of the territory on which the quarry settlement was located by 1962–1963 was washed away by a dredge that came close to it.

In 1962-1963, work at the "old" quarry was stopped for almost ten years. At that time, the western, central and partly northern part of the pond that exists now were mainly worked out. The depth of the pond at that time was 7 - 10 meters. After the completion of workings at the "old" quarry, the pond was transferred to the newly formed fish farm Biserovo and formally belongs to it since then. All the work of the dredger in the "old" quarry in subsequent years was already carried out by agreement with the administration of the Biserovo fish farm. Approximately in 1963, the development of the second pond of the quarry, the so-called "new" quarry, began. For this, the 100-40K dredger was dragged with the help of bulldozers to the territory east of the railway line, where it was to work in the coming years, for which part of the railway tracks was temporarily removed. The development of the "new" quarry began from the north-west (from the railway line and the current asphalt-concrete plant). The dredger moved south and east, gradually expanding the pond evenly from the northwest corner. The 100-40K dredge worked at the "new" quarry until 1971, after which it was transported back to the "old" quarry.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  Since 1969, new powerful electric excavators E2503 have appeared at the quarry, which have worked at the Kupava quarry for the longest time - until 2005. And in the 80s, diesel-hydraulic excavators E5124 and E6123 also began to work in the quarry
In 1973, a new, more powerful dredge 350-50L was assembled at the "new" quarry (productivity - 350 m³ of sand per hour, pulp transportation over a distance of 5 km, L - for the extraction of light rocks). During 1973, the dredger worked near the northern bank of the quarry - near the asphalt plant, deepening the "new" quarry. In January 1974, she sank. In the summer of 1974, the dredger was raised and during the year repair and commissioning work was carried out on it. In 1974 - 1975, the new dredger also worked on the "new" quarry deepening it.

In 1975, the development at the "new" quarry was stopped. By this time, the pond of the “new” quarry had acquired its modern shape with the eastern border along the power line, and the depth of the pond was 15–20 meters, and in some places up to 22–25 meters. After finishing work on the “new” quarry, the new 350-50L dredger, passing under the power line, moved further south and east, where it began to wash out another pond - the so-called “Kudinovsky” quarry. It is worth noting that until 1973, a 35 kV power transmission line through which the Akrikhin plant is supplied with electricity from the 500 kV highway "Kuibyshevskaya (now Zhigulevskaya) HPP - Center", passed from north to south in a straight line, changing direction by almost 90 degrees only near the village of Vishnyakovo, turning east to a distribution substation near the village of Belaya. After the Moscow Quarry Administration was given a land allotment for the development of the "Kudinovsky" quarry, part of the power line that passed through this territory was moved. She began to turn to the west, passing along the southern coast of the "new" quarry (now the isthmus between the "new" and "Kudinovsky" quarry), then, turning to the south, went parallel to the railway, bypassed the sedimentation tanks in Cherepkovo from the southwest, and only then left southeast to Vishnakovo and Belaya. In the period from 1975–1976 to 1982–1983, the development of the Kudinovsky open pit was carried out in the southern and southeastern parts of the current pond. Subsequently, the dredger 350-50L, having passed through the “new” quarry, again passed under the power line, now to the north, began to develop the central and northern part of the “Kudinovsky” quarry. Work on this site was carried out from 1983 to 1995. The dredger gradually expanded the pond, increasing its radius relative to the passage under the power line. To the south, the pond expanded until it reached the already washed-out southern part of the “Kudinovsky” quarry, to the northeast until it came close to the road to the asphalt plant, to the east until it reached the boundaries of the land allotment. At the same time, the separately washed northern and southern parts of the "Kudinovsky" quarry were separated by a dam similar to the one that now separates the "Kudinovsky" quarry from the "new" one and through which the power line passes. The current "Kudinovsky" quarry until the mid-90s consisted of two separate ponds. The dam was washed away approximately in 1995. Until the mid-90s, the South Pond was also divided almost in half by a sandy spit, stretching from its eastern shore almost to the western (very clearly visible on the maps of the Moscow region in 1984).

Dredger 100-40K worked from 1972 to 1974 in the northern part of the "old" quarry, deepening it and expanding it to the north. In 1975, having made a puncture in the dam and passing through the Shalovka River, he began to wash out the pond near the ZhBK plant. The development of the pond near the ZhBK plant was carried out from 1975 to 1984. Its depth averaged 15 meters, and in some places up to 18-19 meters.

In 1985, the dredger returned to the "old" quarry and, after working on it for a short time, burned down. A new dredger 100-40K was assembled to replace it. The burned-out dredger was towed to the southern shore of the "old" quarry, where the almost untouched one stood until the end of the 90s. At the end of the 90s, it was cut into scrap metal and only the lower cut-off part of the pontoons, which still stands “ingrown” into the sandy shore, remains a reminder of it.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  In 1981-1982, the last tenants were evicted from the quarry village, the houses were demolished, and the site on which it was located was soon washed away. Only one building remained from the village, which is now located on the technological site of the Remix company and is used as a locker room and a rest room. meters. Since the mid-1990s, the “old” quarry began to expand to the east, coming closer and closer to the railway line, while the site on which the alluvium maps were previously located was gradually washed away. In 2000, a dredger came close to the railroad line near the south bank of the pond. From 2000 to 2006, the dredger moved along the railway siding to the north. The pond of the "old" quarry acquired its modern form.

Approximately in 1996, the dredger 350-50L, having completed work in the north-eastern part of the "Kudinovsky" quarry, returned to the "new" one. After that, the dredger washed out the northern puncture under the power line, so that it was possible to ensure the passage of vehicles along the entire dam for maintenance of the power line. During the year, the dredger worked near the southeastern shore of the "new" pit between the punctures under the power lines, deepening the "new" pit. From the following year, he returned to the southern part of the "Kudinovsky" quarry, where he first washed away the spit that separated the southern part of the pond, and then from the end of the 90s, the dredger worked near the southeastern shore, moving further into the fields in the direction of the village of Kudinovo and later near the southern coast, where he carried out work to deepen the existing working, in particular due to the increased suction length. Development at the "Kudinovsky" quarry was also stopped in 2006, when the dredger came close to the settling tanks of Cherepkovo. The depth of the quarry at that time was 15–20 meters, as in the “new” quarry, and in some places up to 22–25 meters. siding of the railway line &mdash "Post of the 6th km". Temporary tracks were laid from the southern neck of the railway siding to the northwest, coming close to the alluvium maps, on which the wagons were fed for loading. Periodically, depending on where the map was washed, the path fit into a new place. The last time a temporary track was laid was in 1997. Subsequently, the wagons were loaded directly on the siding tracks. To transport the pulp, a single complex system of slurry pipelines was created, connecting the dredgers operating on various ponds and the sites on which the maps were washed. If the "new" quarry and the quarry at the ZhBK plant are located relatively close to this site, then the "Kudinovsky" quarry is significantly removed from it. Two slurry pipelines were laid from the "Kudinovsky" quarry along its banks and the banks of the "new" quarry. One enveloping the "new" quarry from the south side, the other from the north. The first one was used, respectively, when the southern part of the “Kudinovsky” quarry was initially washed out and subsequently, when the dredger worked near the southeastern and southern shores in the second half of the 90s-2000s. The slurry pipeline from the north side was used, respectively, in the development of the northern part of the "Kudinovsky" quarry. Until now, a small sandy isthmus has been preserved in the northwestern corner of the "new" quarry, through which the slurry pipeline passed, as well as its part passing under the railway line. And other remains of the hydromechanical system still exist. A large number of pipes, elements of branching and intersections of the network remain on the piece of land that remains from the alluvium site.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  I would like to note that some structures located near the quarry were not directly related to it. Firstly, it is a group of boxes between the railway line embankment and the “new” quarry (in which pipes were still lying until recently), with high concrete collectors at the ends. This facility was an element of the transport system of the Akrikhin plant, through which the waste from its production was to be transferred to the Lyubertsy!!! aeration station (estimate the distance, the scale of the project and the cost that could correspond to it). But for well-known political and economic reasons, the project was not destined to be completed. Huge money was literally buried in the ground and scattered around the surrounding area. Another hydromechanical structure is a dilapidated pumping station on the southern bank of the "new" quarry, from which many pipes still emerge, now turned into a "public toilet". The station, built in the 1970s, was used until 1993 to irrigate the fields of the state farm "Imeni 50 leti Oktyabrya". Another pumping station, located on the northwestern shore of the "new" quarry, from the beginning of the 60s and until recently, was used by the Biserovo fish farm to raise the water level in its reservoirs, which fell after the quarry was filled with a map, due to the fact that that the water level in the quarries is lower than the water level in the ponds of Rybkhoz. The controlling stake belonged to the government of Moscow, since the quarry management, and in particular the Kupavinsky sand pit, provided for the needs of the Moscow construction complex. In 1999, the "Kudinovskaya" development and the dredger 350-50L were leased to the company "Nedra". After that, since the autumn of 1999, the maps of the "Kudinovsky" quarry, already owned by the company "Nedra", began to be washed south of the pond of the "new" quarry - in the field, between the pond of the "new" quarry and reclamation fields. In the fall of 1999, an access railway track was laid to the maps, which was subsequently dismantled in the summer of 2007. In 2006, the company "Nedra" worked out the "Kudinovsky" quarry within the boundaries of the land allotment and the development on it was stopped.

Since 2005, the company "Nedra" has begun production on the northwestern pond of the Biserovo fish farm. Rybkhoz Biserovo commissioned Nedra to deepen one of its ponds, which are quite shallow - 3-5 m (former peat quarries). In this pond, it is supposed to breed mirror trout, which, as you know, loves cold water. The development is carried out in a hydromechanized way - by a dredger 100-40K. The site for alluvium maps is located on the northern side of the pond, on the eastern outskirts of the village of Rybkhoz.

The development at the "old" quarry was leased to the company CJSC "Magistral", and since 2006 CJSC "Remix". In 2006, the development at the "old" quarry with the help of a 100-40K dredger stopped. In 2007-2008, the development was carried out with the help of a low-power dredger on a small pond dug on the territory of the site for alluvium maps, near the administration of the Remix company. In 2006, Moskvoretskoye Quarry Management OJSC itself was declared bankrupt. Since 2006, dry mining has also been carried out with the help of excavators in the territory to the west of the "old" quarry and the quarry near the ZhBK plant.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  In the best times of the quarry, up to 1.5–2 million cubic meters of sand per year was washed up only in the “old” quarry, 100 railway cars were loaded per day. The main consumers of Kupavino building sand were Moscow ZhBK No. 2 and ZhBI No. 7. A ZhBK plant was also built in Staraya Kupavna in 1946-1948. It was extremely convenient and rational in the presence of a nearby deposit of extremely high-quality construction sand. Later, in 1966-1968, based on the same considerations, an asphalt-concrete plant was built on the northern bank of the "new" quarry. Today, sand is transported by rail to both the ZhBK and the asphalt plant. By the beginning of the 21st century, production volumes had fallen to 300-400 thousand cubic meters of sand per year, and all development firms finally abandoned the use of rail transport in 2004, preferring truck haulage to it.

Despite the fact that the quarry has always been an industrial facility, "part-time" it was also an informal recreation area. Quarry ponds - have become a favorite vacation spot for the local population and summer residents. “Recreation areas” are, as a rule, the coasts passed by the dredger quite a long time ago, and which managed to become relatively flat, since immediately after the washout the coast remains almost sheer, but even after 5–10 years after the washout, the bottom steeply goes into the depths almost at the very coastline. In order for the coast and the bottom to become really gentle, several decades must pass.

In some places, the "cultivation" of the pond after the completion of the development was carried out purposefully - the coast was washed off to make it more gentle, trees were planted along the coastline. This work was especially active in the "new" quarry, and also partly in the "old" one. So trees grow almost along all the banks of the "new" quarry, as well as along the northern, southern and western shores of the "old" quarry.

Apparently, as a mining enterprise, the Kupava quarry is living out its last years - it is still used as a base on which equipment is located, but the development on some ponds has been completely stopped, on others its volumes have decreased by orders of magnitude. Not far off is the day when, instead of excavators and dredgers, only swimmers and fishermen will remain in the quarry, and the quarry will finally turn from an industrial zone into a recreation area, and nothing will remind you, and few will think about what once was in this place there were no beaches, no ponds, but only swamps and forest.

On April 15, 2010, the Vesti-Moscow program featured a story about water pollution in the Novy and Kudinovsky quarries as a result of a malfunction in treatment facilities.

Dmitry (Jambalini)  A significant part of the Kupava reservoirs, and the Kupava sand pits, and the ponds of the Biserovo fish farm (also former quarries that arose on the site of numerous swamps) are man-made. But there are also reservoirs in Kupavna created by nature.

Biserovskoye Lake, perhaps, is the most ancient geographical object in this territory, so that thousands of years ago it was already here and almost exactly the same as it is now.

Biserovskoe Lake is the closest relict lake to Moscow. The origin of the lake is probably the Quaternary Ice Age. The region was glaciated three times during the Ice Age. If the first two glaciers - Likhvinsky and Dneprovsky completely covered the entire territory, then the third - the Moscow glacier covered only the northern part of the Moscow region, its border passed along the Klyazma River. Apparently, Biserovskoye Lake was formed during the melting of the Moscow Glacier, about 170 thousand years ago. The flooding of the periglacial zone, which directly included the territory of Kupavna, was so great during the melting of the Moscow glacier that the lowlands were filled with large lakes or turned into powerful valleys of melted glacial waters. Apparently, the lake was also significantly fed later when the Valdai glacier melted, which no longer reached Moscow, but stopped much to the north, but the streams of melt water flowed precisely over these territories. At one time the lake was very large. This is evidenced by the bed of lakes, located 1 km from Biserovsky and on the same level and line with it. Apparently, once Biserovskoye Lake was one with the "Oil Swamp" that once stretched from the current Kupavna to Elektrostal.

The shores of the lake are low and almost undecorated. The length of the lake is 1600 meters, width - 800 meters, area - 105 hectares, maximum depth - 5 meters. The western shore is silty, the lake basin is filled with a thick layer of sapropel silt. Fish is represented by 15 species: perch, pike, roach, golden and silver carp, gudgeon, tench, top, ruff, catfish, rotan. In the 1980s, carp, bighead carp, bream and pike perch were introduced. Particularly favorable conditions for the habitat of crucian carp, pike, roach and perch. There are references to podust, bleak and chub. Coastal vegetation is represented by coastal sedge, chastukha, common reed, lake cattail, common and dioecious nettles, forest geraniums, succession, ranunculus, horsetail, reeds. Aquatic vegetation: duckweed, water lily, egg-pod, Canadian elodea, hornwort, water-color.

3 streams flow into the lake. Two flow into the lake from the west and one from the north-west, near the village of Biserovo. Only the Shalovka River flows out of the lake, then it flows through the ponds of the Biserovo fish farm, then goes around the village of Shulgino and east of the village of Obukhovo flows into the Klyazma.

Once upon a time, a primitive man lived on the eastern shore of the lake. From year to year, local residents found flint tools and shards of ancient pottery washed out by water from the cultural layer on the shore of the lake. In 1939, an archaeological expedition of the Moscow Regional Museum worked on Biserovskoye Lake, excavations yielded a lot of stone tools and ceramics. As a result, seven locations of Neolithic finds (New Stone Age, 6–2 thousand years BC) were registered on the shores of Lake Biserovskoe: 4 in the northern part of the lake and 3 in the southern part. Minor excavations of an exploratory nature were made at some locations.

Tags: What, they are building, along, the, railroad, Gorky, direction

How to build a bypass road

Page 1 of 3 - What is being built along the railway near Kuchino near Pekhorka?! ... We are advancing on all fronts of the Gorky direction of the Moscow Railway ... from two different sides of the railway. this will make independent...

Bike path route | Topic author:

So far, there are two options that have not yet been drawn by anyone on the diagram:

Along the Nosovikhinsky Highway;
- along the railroad.

If you have any alternatives, please suggest here!

Yulia (Kirsta)  The nose is already narrow. Where else is there to make a track? :) and so, where they lay it, we'll go there :)

Vladimir (Rosaria)  View on Yandex.Maps

Vladimir (Rosaria)  http://maps.yandex.ru/? um=sF361qWIT0zE91Y3NzGx10vOeHp..

Anna (Sharmonique)  I'm for along the railway)

Mospan (Wiley)  I think that this path can be made along the forest belt. Either from the northern Kuchino, or along Saltykovka.

Roman (Caulton)  Vladimir, it will not be possible to lay a path through the forest area near the Yellow Pond, namely closer to Shkolnaya Street - an elite residential complex is being built there. In general, I advise you to look not at diagrams, but at Wikimapia (http://wikimapia.org/) - all objects are marked there.

Roman (Caulton)  http://maps.yandex.ru/? um=i4QtMyawbKYElIekm4GXkTf-2H2..
You can’t drive up to the Yellow Pond - the northern shore is fenced (restaurant-estate "Rus", and felling begins on the south. But the clearing of the power line clearing to the south has already existed for a long time).
A distant route is possible - through the Saltykovsky forest, Fenino, Pavlino, Olginsky park.

Construction of the 4th main track on the Reutovo stretch...

Sep 16, 2014 - Reutovo Railway Map - Railway Map On August 31, I cycled along this line from Zheleznodorozhny to Moscow. ... Behind the Kuchino platform in the direction of Novogireevo. ... An overpass is being built to turn electric trains from Moscow to Balashikha without ...

The production and warehouse complex can be built in Elektrougli in the Noginsk district in the second quarter of 2018, the press service of the Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow Region reported, citing the head of the department, Ruslan Tagiev.

"The Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow Region received a notice through the regional portal of public services about the start of construction of a production and warehouse complex in Elektrougli, Noginsk district. Construction is scheduled to be completed in the II quarter of 2018." Tagiev.

The press service clarified that the object is being built at the expense of the investor, the developer is LLC "Garant-Logistic" "StellaStroy". The total area of ​​the complex will be 7.4 thousand square meters. m.

"According to the project, there will be special storage areas for products of various categories, equipped with refrigerators. The facility will have a logistics system, special equipment, round-the-clock security. Parking for heavy vehicles and places for unloading vehicles will appear on the adjacent territory"- added to the press service.

/ Wednesday, February 8, 2017 /

. . . . .

"The production and warehouse complex is designed for the storage of frozen products. . . . . . The facility will have a logistics system, special equipment, and round-the-clock security," Ruslan Tagiev, head of the Main Directorate for State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region, is quoted in the message.

. . . . .

Construction is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2018.

Supervision of the construction of the facility is carried out by Department No. 8 of the Glavgosstroynadzor. A program of scheduled inspections has been drawn up, a responsible inspector has been appointed , noted in the release.

The facility is being built at the expense of the investor. LLC is the builder "Garant-Logistic", general contractor - LLC "StellaStroy", lies in the material.

. . . . .

"Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow Region, through the regional portal of state and municipal services, received a notice about the start of construction of a residential building (building 52b) for 263 apartments in the Central microdistrict in Dolgoprudny. The planned completion date for construction is the III quarter of 2018.", - the words of R. . . . . .

It is clarified that the developer is JSC “ DUX ”, general contractor - OOO “ DSMU ”. The total area of ​​the multi-storey building will be more than 24 thousand square meters. m. On the ground floor of the house is expected to accommodate shops and service businesses.

"Recreation areas, as well as sports and children's playgrounds will be equipped on the adjacent territory. The improvement plan also takes into account accessibility requirements for people with limited mobility. 66 cars can be accommodated in an open parking lot"- added to the press service.

In Shchelkovo, the construction of a production and warehouse complex has been completed, the press service of the Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow Region reported, citing the head of the department, Ruslan . . . . .
"The construction of a complex of buildings for industrial and warehouse purposes on Zarechnaya St. in Shchelkovo has been completed. A conclusion was issued for the facility intended for placement and storage of goods in accordance with the program of a particular tenant on the compliance of the constructed facility with the requirements of technical regulations and project documentation", - the words of R. . . . . .

The press service noted that the developer is LLC “ Technopark ”, financing is carried out at the expense of the investor. The total area of ​​the complex of buildings is about 18.7 thousand square meters. m, parking for heavy and light vehicles, loading and unloading areas are equipped on the territory of the facility, a video surveillance system is installed.

The construction of a sports and recreation complex (FOC) in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region can be completed in the third quarter of 2017, the press service of the Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow region reported, citing the head of department Ruslan . . . . .

"The construction of a sports and recreation complex with the placement of a universal sports hall is continuing on Pochtovaya Street in the village of Povarovo. By order of the Glavgosstroynadzor of the Moscow Region, violations of the order of maintaining executive documentation identified during a scheduled inspection of the facility under construction have been eliminated in a timely manner. Work is being carried out on schedule. . . . . .

The press service clarified that the customer of the FOC, intended for conducting training sessions and competitions in team sports, is the administration of the Solnechnogorsk district, the general contractor at the facility is OOO “ Alstroy ”. According to the project, on an area of ​​more than 2.3 thousand square meters. m will be equipped with several sports halls, medical and methodological rooms, wardrobe, locker rooms and showers, administrative and technical premises. In addition, it is possible to place stands for 210 spectators in the universal sports hall.
"Currently, the installation of enclosing structures is being completed at the facility, and internal engineering systems are being installed. In order to improve the quality of work performed and prevent violations, Glavgosstroynadzor obliges construction participants to tighten control over the construction of facilities, conduct regular training and checks of workers and engineering and technical workers at knowledge of construction technology, to intensify work on the input control of used building materials, products and structures", - emphasized the head of the supervisory authority R. . . . . .

An elevated overpass is under construction in the Noginsk region. The route of the Nosovikhinsky Highway passed here right through the village of Vishnyakovo, which adversely affected the quality of life of the local population. During peak hours, traffic jams were formed for several kilometers. The passage of cars was hindered by railway crossings in the village of Vishnyakovo and in the city of Elektrougli.

“To get to the dacha,” says Moscow resident Valentin Krasyuk, “I had to stand for three hours. "Zhelezka" is heavily overloaded, both electric trains and freight trains run. When the problem is solved, we have been waiting for a long time. And when they heard about the construction of an elevated overpass, at first they did not believe in such good news! But some time has passed, and we look: the earth is digging, trees are squirming, several supports have already been installed, in a word: work is in full swing!

Elena Smirnova from the city of Elektrougli is also happy with the changes: “Now you can get from Coals to Moscow in a straight line, you don’t need to cross the railway. Although construction has not yet been completed, it is already clear that the appearance of the area has changed immediately. There were always big traffic jams at the entrance to the city. But now the crossing has been removed, they are building a road leading from the flyover to Elektrougli. And if there are similar exits from the road to other settlements of the region, this will greatly improve communication between them.”

At the same time, residents of Vishnyakovo initially expressed concern about the overpass. “Of course, constant traffic jams through the center of the village are not the case. But with the construction of such a huge structure, another question arises: will there be too much noise? - complains a native of Vishnyakovo Maria Ilyinskaya. “But then I found out that part of the highway will bypass our village. This made me happy: the ecology in the area will improve! And they promise to enclose the overpass with noise-insulating shields.”

“We are not only afraid of traffic jams,” says Olga Nikitina, another resident of the district. “Before, there was no access to the railway. If you had to cross to the other side, you had to walk along the rails. Now this problem will be solved by an elevated pedestrian crossing. Comfortable and safe!”

Another question tormented the residents. Since there is not enough space for the construction of the route on the southern side of the railway, it means that, for sure, it will be necessary to start the route through Vokzalnaya Street. But, in this case, several houses will have to be demolished, but where to get new housing? However, the deadline for the project is slightly shifted, and local residents will be able to get apartments in a new apartment building, which will be completed at the very beginning of 2016.

"If the United States dies, it will only be from Russian mismanagement."
From a Soviet political joke.

I'll tell you about one of the mysteries of the Moscow region, which has long occupied me. We are talking about an abandoned marshalling yard located to the left of the main (!) railroad of the Gorky direction on the stretch Station "Elektrougli" - Platform "43 km".

On the map, this place looks like this:

From the satellite it is less clear, since this area is not detailed on Google maps, and on Yandex the cloud stuck -

The station, of course, is still Soviet-built. I do not have exact information, I will be grateful for any. But it is obvious that it served some of the industrial enterprises located either in the city itself (Elektrougli in Soviet times was a large industrial center, a city of regional subordination), or to the northeast of Elektrougli, which is even more likely, since .d. branch. The Kudinovsky Ceramic Plant is located there, but it functions quite well. And even further away there is the Vtorchermet plant, where military equipment was melted down. I will definitely go there by bike and bring photos, because it is not clear whether it is working or abandoned. Even in those places there is a large Moscow garbage dump - the Timokhovo solid waste landfill, (Timokhovskaya dump), but I don’t believe in its connection with the station - the piece of iron does not reach there. So most likely, a piece of iron recycling plant, plus abandoned and destroyed factories in the city itself. Apparently, the capacity of the Elektrougli station itself is enough to service the industry that has remained in the Coal.

Schematically, the station is arranged as follows:


It is located "in the turn" of Gorkovka, from the north of it, behind a small swamp, passes the Nosovikhinsky highway. By the way, the swamp is the main landscape in those parts, despite their popularity among summer residents, Wikimapia generally designates the area as one huge old swamp, called Maslovo. From the western neck of the station, the path to Elektrougli departs, and from it there are two paths to the north. One is from the side of the electric coals, the other is from the side of the abandoned station. They cross Nosovikha under the bridge. By the way, the bridge is a different story, it was built with a mistake, and it was closed for a very long time. Cars circled the tracks; there are now concrete pillars on that bypass road. Behind the bridge on the right, a recently built “logistics terminal” I don’t know the details, and they don’t interest me. The eastern neck of the station is a dead end, it has no connection with Gorkovka (a red cross on the diagram). Moreover, in my youth, I don’t even remember if I had. Judging by the mound, it could. But when in 1995-96 the canvas was completely re-laid, replacing wooden sleepers with concrete ones, they simply did not make an arrow in that place.

So, I turn to the most important thing. What is the "fun"? What is so special about this abandoned goods station?


I have never seen anything like this anywhere else in the Moscow region. In recent years, our MZD has eliminated a bunch of railway lines, either because road transportation has become more profitable in many cases, or because the enterprises that were served by the lines have stopped working. One can recall the stations of Oktyabrsky barracks, Ochakovo-2 and 3, Simonovo, the paths to the Znamya Truda, Krasny Bogatyr and Badaevsky beer factories, the flour mill at Testovskaya, the Bolshevik confectionery factory. There is no end to this list and it is not expected. I am not talking about narrow-gauge roads and branches where there was a passenger service, because I wrote about this not so long ago.

But if the railroad is closed, it is not left to rot "in the street." Even a used rail or wagon that has worked out its resource is a valuable ferrous metal, cast iron or steel. He is not redundant. Unless wooden sleepers are left, and even then, only if the road is being demolished as unnecessary, and not “for construction”.

Here, all the cars are still standing, the rails lie, lighting trusses are stretched over them. True, the searchlights from them have long been flooded (by the way, and the turnout mechanisms), now instead of them there are bird nests. The tracks are gradually overgrown, the wooden parts of the wagons are rotting, young birches and pines are growing right through them, and grass is growing on them. Kill me, I don't understand how this could happen. How so much good iron (this is now, but 15 years ago you could say “so much good rolling stock”) in front of the entire railway authorities (I repeat, next to the main line) has been rotting to no avail for the second decade. Moreover, the station is not the smallest - more than a kilometer in length and 7 tracks.

Well, illustrations, of course.

Here's a video:

Here are some photos from different years.

General views:

And details:

Birch - and she mourns the abandoned

And all this is a couple of hundred meters from city blocks.

The way "under the bridge" from the Elektrougli station is clearly used. I think that "logistics terminal".

And here's what's interesting. On the territory of the city itself, there are also branches to abandoned factories. DISASSEMBLED. Like the factories themselves, by the way.

And a kilometer from the station to go - hands do not reach? Or legs?

I have only one explanation: the station is owned by an already non-existent enterprise, and the ends of its ownership or inheritance are lost.

And for a long time!

Well, I will finish the alaverdy to the new owners of the station - the seagulls, the indigenous inhabitants of the marshes. I really liked how they chase the crows - I support them in this!!!