What is TOEIC Test? TOEFL, IELTS or TOEIC? Comparison of tests Materials for preparation for toeic.

Which determines your level of business English proficiency. Test of English for International Communication TM is designed for those candidates who are not native English speakers and wish to study or work abroad. The results of this test are trusted by many educational institutions and employer companies in English-speaking countries. TOEIC assesses a candidate's language skills to communicate in real-life work situations.

Communicate with colleagues, conduct telephone conversations, establish business communications, conduct meetings, presentations, conduct business correspondence - all these skills are necessary for you in the process of work. These are the skills that the TOEIC test tests.

Educational testing service Educational Testing Service (ETS) is the company that developed the TOEIC. For more than 15 years, the test has been taken by candidates from different countries; it is recognized in 60 countries. Among the companies that recognize the results TOEIC included Coca-Cola, TengizChevroil, Siemens, Procter&Gamble, Hewlett Packard/Compaq and many others.

TOEIC Test Structure

The exam tests all your speaking skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The LISTENING and READING parts include 200 questions.

Part Speaking and Writing tests your skills in viewing and conducting presentations, conferences, negotiations, as well as telephone and business correspondence skills.

Tests were developed for different purposes:, TOEIC - as a test for those who want to find work abroad and receive a certificate confirming their knowledge of business English at a sufficient level for this purpose. Scores for both exams can be compared using the table with international English language levels as a basis.

A few secrets of preparing and passing the TOEIC

Firstly, correctly formulate the goal. If you need test results for employment in a certain company, find out the minimum passing score. Most companies require a minimum of 600 points, but if you want a management position, you may need 800 points for TOEIC.

Secondly, analyze the structure of the test and determine your strengths and weaknesses. If not everything is good with written speech, practice it. And vice versa: if you have problems with the speaking part, improve your speaking skills. It is also worth paying attention to preparing for the exam format, try to answer questions on time, count the minutes.

Third, select a training course. You can prepare on your own or with a teacher in courses, the main thing is that you need to devote time to preparation regularly, without delaying it until the last week before the test.

Fourth, expand your vocabulary. Often it is because of a limited vocabulary that students pass the test with a low score.

Fifthly, Try to learn how to identify distracting answers on a test. Each test question has two distracting answers that should lead you away from the correct one. Homonyms, words with similar meanings, can confuse you. Remember this.

At sixth, no need to translate everything. The meaning of many words or phrases can be guessed from the context. If you translate everything thoroughly, you may not have enough time to complete the remaining tasks.

Seventh, read aloud when studying for a test. In this way, you not only develop listening and reading skills, but also develop pronunciation.

TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication- an English language proficiency exam aimed at candidates who wish to obtain a position in an English-speaking international company. The structure of the TOEIC test has many similarities with the structure of the TOEFL exam, but the main difference between them is their purpose.
The TOEFL test is intended for academic purposes - admission to foreign educational institutions, participation in scientific symposiums and conferences, while the TOEIC is intended to assess the English language skills of people who will work in an international environment. The exam allows you to determine a person’s ability to competently conduct presentations, business meetings and negotiations in English. The TOEIC certificate is necessary for those who want to build a successful career in international business.

In total, you can get from 10 to 990 points for the Listening & Reading exam. The gradation scale is as follows:
It will also be important for the employer color TOEIC certificate, since it is directly related to the number of points a candidate earns on the exam.

  • 860 – 990 points - Gold certificate
  • 730 – 855 points - Blue certificate
  • 470 – 725 points - Green certificate
  • 220 – 465 - Brown certificate
  • 10 – 215 - Orange certificate

TOEIC Preparation Materials

How much does it cost to take the TOEIC exam?

Listening & Reading block
  • The cost of passing the TOEIC exam is €125 (if the result is issued on
  • Score report form), the cost of the test with an official certificate is €155.
    • To receive a duplicate Score Report you will have to pay an additional €8.
    • Sending test results by courier will cost €20-45.
    Speaking & Writing block
    • The cost of taking the test is €150.
    • You can get a duplicate certificate for €30.

    What are the registration rules?

    • When canceling registration for a test, the candidate has the right to a refund, but only if the Testing Center was notified of the cancellation or postponement of the exam date at least 3 weeks before the planned date of taking the exam. Otherwise, the money will not be returned.
    • If the candidate does not appear for the exam, the amount paid by him will not be refunded.
  • Analysis of the test structure
  • Before you begin preparing for the exam, you should familiarize yourself with its structure. If a candidate sets himself the goal of passing a reading and listening test, then he should practice more in completing tasks to develop skills in reading and understanding English texts. To cope with the exam tasks, you need to find examples of tests from previous years. They will help you understand how to approach solving typical problems.
  • Setting a goal
  • In any endeavor, it is important to set goals for yourself, and passing the TOEIC test is no exception. You should initially decide what result will be sufficient to get the desired position or enter a business school. For example, to get a job at an international company you need to score at least 800 points, and to enter a university - from 600 points. The main thing is to set real goals for yourself.
  • Preparing the curriculum
  • Often, students put off preparing for the test until the last few days or weeks, which is the main reason for failing the exam. It does not matter when exactly you registered for the TOEIC exam, the main thing is that preparation for the test should begin as early as possible. You should immediately decide on the preparation method. Some people prefer to study independently, while others like to work in a team under the supervision of a teacher. It is advisable to do both. If it is not possible to take preparatory courses, you need to make sure that the selected training materials have accessible explanations for the answers. The top five tutorials include: 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC from Barrons, Kaplan TOEIC, Barron's TOEIC Test with Audio CDs, Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC and Cracking the TOEIC with Audio CD.
  • Reasonable time allocation
  • Initially, it is worth identifying your weaknesses; this can be done using a trial test. The test consists of several parts, each of which requires time to prepare. But you shouldn’t be too zealous on one block of tasks; you need to distribute the load evenly and pay more attention to your weak points. It is advisable to divide the school week into several sections, for example, on one day work on tasks for checking vocabulary, and on the other on honing writing skills, etc.
  • Vocabulary expansion
  • Limited vocabulary is one of the main reasons for failure in the exam. In order not to fail, you should get a dictionary to write down unfamiliar words that you come across during the preparation process. Why shouldn't you learn words purposefully? Because it's ineffective. A person remembers a new word better in some context. It is advisable to write down in the dictionary along with the word the sentence to which it refers. At the end of each week, you can sum it up - repeat all the new words and write short essays with them. TOEIC has a business focus, so it is important to study business vocabulary that is related to work, travel, events, etc.
  • Trust your intuition
  • There may be questions in the test whose answers seem both true and false. In this case, you should trust your intuition. It's not a good idea to change your answer several times because it takes extra time, which is a luxury you can't afford in an exam. It's better to focus on new tasks. You can return to difficult test questions later (we are talking about the paper version of the test).
  • Literal translation
  • Of course, unfamiliar words will appear more than once in the test, so there is no need to translate absolutely everything, there is no time for this, you need to be able to guess the meaning of the word based on the context. You are not allowed to use a dictionary during the exam.
  • Guessing the answer
  • You shouldn’t leave the question unanswered; it’s better to just guess it. This is not prohibited by the exam rules; points are not deducted for guessing the answer, as in the SAT test.
  • Save time
  • You shouldn’t spend too long on one section; you need to learn how to properly manage your time during the exam. The goal of each candidate is to complete all test tasks at any cost. There may be time at the end of the exam to return to difficult questions.
  • Listen quickly
  • In the process of preparing for testing, you should hone your listening comprehension skills. During the exam, you will not be able to listen to the question again or rewind the recording. You need to learn to grasp the meaning of what is said the first time. There is also very little time allotted for the answer, so you shouldn’t think about the previous question when the announcer starts announcing the next one.
  • Reading aloud
  • Understanding English fluently is a necessary skill that needs to be practiced daily. Reading English literature aloud will help improve speech perception and feel the rhythm of the language. It is advisable to read modern newspapers, magazines, brochures, publications related to business topics. It is equally important to hone your speaking skills; to do this, you can listen to TV shows and even lectures from the best universities in the world, which are freely available on the Internet. It is important to learn real English, which is used by modern people in daily business communication.
  • Mock Tests
  • There are a lot of practice tests online that you can take absolutely free. This is a chance to find out your current level of knowledge and identify your weaknesses and strengths. It is advisable to take a practice test before starting preparation and after completing it to compare the results. There are practice tests that are compiled by the creators of the exam. This is another opportunity to understand the TOEIC structure and learn how to solve typical problems.
  • Study with a native speaker
  • Even if the candidate does not have the financial ability to pay for classes with an individual tutor, you can use the services of international services for learning foreign languages, in which people from different parts of the world are ready to teach their native language to other visitors of the resource for free. On one of these sites you can meet a native English speaker who wants to learn Russian. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and improve your English.
  • Learning new material without cramming
  • Studying new material the night before an exam is a huge mistake. During this time, you need to have a good rest, get enough sleep before the test and let your brain relax. In the morning you need to eat a hearty meal so that during the exam you don’t think about delicious food. The week before the exam should be devoted to reviewing the material studied.
  • Victory over anxiety
  • Test takers are often overcome by doubts about their knowledge and abilities before taking the test. Excitement and outright panic can strike at any moment, which will certainly affect the exam results. It is important to mentally set yourself up for a positive wave; after all, this is not the last chance in life, and you can retake the test at any time. It is advisable to register for the exam several months before you want to get a job or enroll in a business school, so that if you fail, you will have the opportunity to retake the test.
    The TOEIC test does not require the candidate to know specific vocabulary in any particular area, for example, finance or economics. The exam assesses a candidate's overall readiness to communicate in a business environment. This is where its complexity lies. The exam tasks cover the widest possible range of topics: from communication in a team and writing office memos to planning a company budget, shopping and travel.
    The exam may include questions related to booking a table in a restaurant, holding a corporate event, or renting a room. Therefore, TOEIC preparation courses may be suitable even for a person who speaks English at an advanced level.
    Thousands of organizations around the world trust the results of the TOEIC exam. It doesn’t matter what the candidate’s goals are - employment in an international company, continuing education abroad, attending an international training - the TOEIC certificate opens any door. Moreover, successfully passing the exam will be an excellent addition to your resume in English.

    TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is an examination of English language proficiency in a work environment for daily communication on an international scale (for example, in business, tourism, negotiations, healthcare, etc.)

    Who is the TOEIC for?

    The TOEIC was developed by the American Academic Testing Service (ETS) to assess English proficiency in business communication situations for non-native English speakers. It is taken for work in foreign countries and in international companies. It is also a mandatory test for obtaining a diploma at all universities in Europe (in addition to university exams).


    TOEIC has a varied scoring scale, allowing you to assess the level from zero to advanced international. The results for the first and second parts of the test are summed up and form an overall result - from 10 to 990 points and correspond to certain levels:

    • 905 – 990 International Proficiency (international advanced)
    • 785 – 900 Working Proficiency Plus (working)
    • 605 – 780 Limited Working Proficiency
    • 405 – 600 Elementary Proficiency Plus (initial +)
    • 255 – 400 Elementary Proficiency (initial)
    • 185 – 250 Memorized Proficiency (memorized)
    • 10 – 180 No Useful Proficiency (unusable)

    After passing the test, you will be issued a TOEIC Certificate, which varies in color depending on your score:

    • orange (10–215)
    • red (220–465)
    • green (470–725)
    • blue (730–855)
    • gold (860–990)

    How is TOEIC different from TOEFL?

    TOEIC is not intended for academic purposes, but to test knowledge of the language of everyday and professional communication in various fields of business. Therefore, the vocabulary is more business-oriented than scientific, which is typical for TOEFL.

    TOEIC Listening and Reading Tests There are two types - the older/classic TOEIC and the New TOEIC. They have similarities:

    • written form (paper and pencil),
    • same length (2 hours in total). Listening 45 min and reading 75 min
    • same difficulty
    • business-oriented contexts

    Differences between the new version of the TOEIC exam and the classic TOEIC exam:

    • more different accents (American, Canadian, British, Australian)
    • less talking – but more questions about each dialogue
    • more questions about related paragraphs
    • fewer questions about photos
    • no questions to find errors

    It is best to find out in advance which version the ETS office where you are going to take the TOEIC accepts. TOEIC is not accepted in Russia. You can find your nearest ETS center that accepts the TOEIC on the website.

    TOEIC Reading consists of 3 parts, which are slightly different in the old and new versions of the exam.

    1. Incomplete Sentences. You need to choose the appropriate word from the options provided.
    2. Error Recognition(in the old version) or Text Completion(in the new one). In the old version of the exam, words and expressions that may contain errors are underlined in sentences and you need to choose where the error actually is. In the new version you will be asked to complete sentences by inserting the necessary words (for example, in a business letter)
    3. Reading Comprehension. Texts are given from a variety of contexts - newsletters, advertisements, messages, tables, diagrams, announcements, etc. Then several questions are asked to test reading comprehension.

    TOEIC Listening consists of 4 parts, which also differ depending on the version of the exam.

    1. Photographs. You need to choose the sentence that best describes the pictures most accurately.
    2. Question-Response. You need to choose a more appropriate answer to the question.
    3. Short Conversations. You will be given short dialogues to listen to and asked questions based on what you heard.
    4. Short Talk. You listen to a monologue and answer questions about it.

    Tips on preparing for TOEIC Listening are available at

    Initially, the TOEIC test consisted of only two parts - listening and reading. But in December 2006, a new TOEIC Spe aking and Writing test appeared in Japan and Korea. Since January 2008, this test has been accepted in the USA and Canada. In many countries around the world, TOEIC is still accepted only as the Listening and Reading Test.

    TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test is carried out online at official ETS test centers. Often on certain days (if possible so that they do not coincide with the TOEIC Listening and Reading Test). Lasts 80 minutes.

    You can look at an example of the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test at

    TOEIC Speaking lasts 20 minutes, you will be asked 11 tasks, and your speech will be recorded for assessment by TOEIC examiners according to the following criteria: pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary and the correct answer according to the content. TOEIC Speaking is scored from zero to 200 points.

    TOEIC Speaking consists of 6 parts:

    A sample TOEIC Speaking exam is available on the website.

    Please note that you will not be speaking to a live examiner - you will be speaking into a microphone with headphones before your audio recording is assessed by an official ETS examiner. You need to practice speaking into a microphone, it is also advisable to have background noise (TV or people talking, as this will bring you closer to the exam situation - when you speak into a microphone, other examinees will also answer next to you). Avoid monotony in speech, which is so typical of Russian speakers - try to use different intonation patterns that are characteristic of native English speakers.

    TOEIC Writing lasts 60 minutes. Consists of 8 tasks and is scored from zero to 200 points:

    • Description of the pictures. In tasks 1-5, pictures from fishing are given for them, which must be used to describe them. 8 minutes for all 5 tasks. Grammar and correspondence of descriptions to pictures are assessed.
    • Response to the letter. 10 minutes to read the letter and write a response to the email. The vocabulary and content of the answers are assessed.
    • Essay. 30 minutes to write an essay on a given topic. You need to write 4-5 paragraphs - approximately 300 words. Grammar, vocabulary, text organization, logical sequence and coherence of the text are assessed.

    TOEIC online resources:

    Here you can learn more about the TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests format, assessment criteria and recommendations for preparing for the TOEIC.

    • – official website of the TOEIC exam


    International students and workers must pass a standardized English language test to advance to the next level in their education or professional career. Universities and employers use three well-known tests: (Test of English as a Foreign Language), TOEIC (Test of English for International Business Communication) and IELTS (International English Language Assessment System).

    Usually, the choice is obvious. When a student applies to an educational institution, they explain to him which test he needs to take according to the program. But some universities accept the results of various international English language tests. Then the student himself chooses what to take.

    TOEIC tests language proficiency for business communication

    Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, New Jersey develops and administers the TOEFL and TOEIC tests. The TOEIC assesses everyday English language skills of people who work in a foreign environment.

    TOEIC was introduced in 1970. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry asked ETS to develop testing for corporations. They wanted to find out whether employees could conduct business in a foreign language.

    The TOEIC is based on business English. But to pass the test, you do not need knowledge of special business vocabulary. The questions cover real-life business situations, such as attending a company meeting.

    Organizations sometimes use the TOEIC to evaluate employees' progress in an English language program. Another test is needed to understand the employee’s initial knowledge and determine him to the required level of the language program. ETS estimates that 14,000 organizations in 150 countries use the TOEIC.

    TOEFL tests language proficiency for university studies

    TOEFL IBT is an “electronic format” test. Students take it on a computer.

    Many universities in the United States consider TOEFL IBT scores exclusively for admitting foreign students.

    TOEFL ITP is a “paper format” test. This option is part of the university's ETS testing program. Educational institutions use the TOEFL ITP to evaluate student progress. Universities do not accept the results of such a test for admission.

    There are two more new TOEFL options. They are intended for younger students who are learning English. The TOEFL Junior Test is taken by children and adolescents from 11 to 15 years old, and the TOEFL Primary Test - from 8 years old.

    IELTS tests general and academic language skills

    General IELTS uses topics and materials from books, daily newspapers and magazines.

    Tests from a student's point of view

    Trivik Kurniasari is a master's student at an American university. She took the test in electronic (IBT) and paper (ITP) form.

    She says the ITP, or university test, is the easiest. It is similar to regular multiple choice tests.

    The main difference between TOEFL IBT and IELTS is (Spoken). In IELTS you have a one-on-one interview with an examiner. In the TOEFL IBT, you listen to the assignment material and record your voice response using a computer.

    For Kurniasari, the Speaking section of the TOEFL IBT was more difficult, and she explained why.

    “TOEFL IBT is more difficult because you need to communicate with a computer rather than a real person. I remember there were 20 or 30 students in the class during the test. It was difficult to answer the tasks in the Speaking section. When I was about to say something, I heard the person sitting next to me. So I lost concentration.”

    And passing the one-on-one interview in IELTS was easier for Trivik.

    “In IELTS you are talking to a real person. It’s like a normal conversation, so I felt more comfortable and easier here than on the TOEFL IBT.”

    Listening and your own point of view in discussions

    Another difference between TOEFL IBT and IELTS is the Listening section. She has four recorded monologues or dialogues in IELTS. In TOEFL IBT it includes lectures by teachers and discussions by students.

    Kurniasari believes that TOEFL IBT lectures and discussions are more difficult.

    “When students argue or a teacher explains a topic, they use many idioms to voice ideas and express thoughts. Therefore, you need to be well aware of such expressions and their meanings. Because of this, TOEFL IBT is much more difficult than IELTS.”

    She advises focusing and taking more notes.

    “You need to concentrate and try to take notes more often. Keep in mind that they speak quickly, and it’s impossible to remember everything.”

    Prepare well in advance

    Trivik Kurniasari's strategy for success is to teach, teach and teach again.

    “If you want to take any test, make sure you have enough time to prepare. I try to prepare for the test for at least two months to analyze it in detail and get used to the structure.” She also recommends using books instead of free materials online. The first time she scored low on the TOEFL IBT. And after that I purchased study guides to prepare for tests.

    “I decided to study harder and bought several books. They were expensive, but I really wanted to get a high score. Books are more useful to me than online examples because they allow me to go back and take notes.”

    According to her, to prepare for the Listening section, students must hear the speech of English-speaking people from different countries.

    “For listening, listen to native speakers on radio, TV and VOA. For example, for me the most difficult part in IELTS is accent. Usually the tasks use a British accent, so you need to get used to it. But sometimes there is an Australian accent. And I don’t know him well.”

    TOEIC Exam (TestofEnglishforInternationalCommunication) is an English language test to determine the level of international communication. The TOEIC exam is designed to assess the spoken English required to work in an international environment. If you want to work in large companies, mainly in Asia, then taking the TOEIC is necessary. This test is used to identify the abilities of potential candidates. Before taking these exams, ensure that your level of English meets the requirements by taking certain English language tests.

    TOEIC Cost

    The approximate cost of the exam is $65.

    The TOEIC exam takes 2 hours and consists of two sections:

    1) Listening consists of four parts and a certain number of questions for them:

    Part 2: Q&A: 30 questions

    Part 3: short dialogues: 30 questions

    Part 4: Short Stories: 20 Questions

    2) Reading consists of three parts:

    Part 5: Unfinished Sentences: 40 Questions

    Part 6: Finding Errors: 20 Questions

    Part 7: Reading Comprehension: 40 Questions

    However, it should be noted that a new version of the TOEIC was created in 2006, which included changes. The sixth part task was changed to fill in the gaps in sentences. In the seventh part, two texts are given for comparison and questions for them.


    TOEIC scores are scored on a scale from 10 to 990 points, which correspond to certain levels:

    905 – 990 – international

    785 – 900 – working +

    605 – 780 – limited working

    405 – 600 – initial +

    255 – 400 – initial

    185 – 250 – memorized

    10 – 180 – unsuitable

    Types of certificates

    The TOEIC certificate comes in five different colors depending on the number of points scored:

    – orange (10 – 215)

    Brown (220 – 465)

    — green (470 – 725)

    — blue (730 – 855)

    – golden (860 – 990)