Day of the formation of the DPRK. Holidays of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea List of the main and especially widely celebrated holidays in North Korea

Korea is often referred to as the land of traditions. From a very early age, children are taught here to certain rules of behavior that will accompany them all their lives. Eating healthy food, honoring ancestors, knowing the Hangul alphabet to perfection and wearing the national dress Handbok for all holidays in Korea - these and other indestructible customs have existed for hundreds of years and will remain in the life of Koreans for more than one century, given how strictly they are respected by all the inhabitants of the country.

The country fell apart, but the holidays are preserved

Once upon a time, Korea was a single state, but after the Second World War, the country's territory was divided into two political zones - northern and southern. Subsequently, the northern zone was transformed into the independent Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and the southern one into the Republic of Korea. If it turned out to be quite simple to divide the territories, then it turned out to be impossible to separate the national holidays of Korea, which have been developing for more than one decade. In both states, they still continue to celebrate dates that were once common, uniting and uniting the nation.

So, the celebration of the New Year remains unchanged - the main event, which is not afraid of any political strife. fun and interesting is the main task of every inhabitant of our planet, and Koreans are no exception.

On the night of January 1, Koreans gather together with their families and friends to spend the old year, leave troubles and misfortunes in it and enter the new one with the hope of prosperity and prosperity. As in other countries, the squares here are decorated with elegant Christmas trees and garlands, joyful bustle reigns in shopping centers, and traditional Santa Clauses walk along the streets.

If all over the world the morning of the first of January means the end of the main celebrations, then for the Koreans, all the most interesting is yet to come. According to the lunar calendar, Koreans celebrate the transition to the new year in February. Sollal - this is the name of the main festival for every inhabitant of the state.

It is customary to celebrate Sollal within the strict framework of ancient traditions: in each house, a ritual sacrifice to ancestors is held, ritual tables with national dishes are set, each congratulation is necessarily accompanied by deep bows demonstrating respect and love for relatives.

How are significant events celebrated in South Korea?

There are not so many official holidays in South Korea: only nine. That is why the inhabitants of the country treat each significant date with special trepidation, looking forward to it and carefully preparing for it. South Korea's spring holidays begin with the country's Independence Movement Day. At the beginning of March 1919, a declaration of independence was published, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in defense of it. During demonstrations and mass rallies, more than 47,000 Koreans were killed by the Japanese police. Descendants honor the memory of their fallen ancestors and celebrate this important date every year.

In April, the entire country takes to the streets to take part in special greening and tree planting events. April 5th is known as Tree Planting Day in Korea.. The restoration of Korean forests is one of the most important national tasks, and every citizen considers it his duty to go outside on this day and plant a few seedlings.

In May, the inhabitants of the country celebrate two significant events: on the 5th - Children's Day, and on the 12th - the birthday of Buddha. So that the Koreans could pray to the Buddha and thank him for his help, the authorities of the country declared May 12 a day off. Folk festivals, festive processions, streets decorated with colorful lanterns - this is how Koreans pay respect to their deity.

Summer in South Korea is marked by two holidays: Day of Remembrance for those killed in the Korean War and Proclamation of the Constitution Day. The beginning of autumn is a time that all the inhabitants of the country are looking forward to with great impatience. On the 15th of the 8th lunar month, Chuseok is celebrated - a harvest festival and gratitude to the soil for its generosity.

Holidays in the Land of Morning Calm

North Korea is often referred to as the "Land of the Morning Calm" or the "Land of the Morning Calm". Almost all significant events in this country are political in nature, with the possible exception of the New Year. All other holidays in North Korea, one way or another, are connected with the ideas of patriotism and communism - the main guidelines for the state's course.

February 16 marks the birthday of Comrade Kim Jong Il, a military, party and statesman who has ruled the country for 17 years. April 15 is another important date - the day of the Sun, the day when the "eternal president" Comrade Kim Il Sung was born.

In the holiday calendar of North Korea, the names of these two legendary leaders appear very often: their birthdays, death anniversaries, the dates when Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung headed the state, and so on are celebrated.

If these important names do not appear in the name of the holiday, then Koreans celebrate the Day of the formation of the army, the Day of the foundation of the Labor Party or the Day of the Nation. The country is almost completely isolated from the outside world, so it’s hard to say whether the people of North Korea like this order of things or not: all citizens are brought up in the spirit of strict patriotism and love for the Motherland, and personal life issues fade into the background when it comes to Fatherland and its interests.

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Over the weekend, North Korea celebrated 100 years since the birth of the founder of the country - Kim Il Sung. This event has become the largest and most grandiose holiday for the entire existence of the DPRK.

For the first time, North Korea's current leader, Kim Jong-un, the world's youngest head of state, who was recently declared "Supreme Commander" addressed the nation from the podium for the first time. People sincerely sobbed.

During the holiday, a large-scale military parade was held in Pyongyang, and everything ended colorful fireworks and fireworks.

Many foreign journalists were invited to the celebrations, but one must understand that photographers were strictly limited in their actions, and they were allowed to shoot only approved stories from certain angles. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

In anticipation of grandiose spectacles, ordinary people and artists sang songs that Kim Il Sung did not sleep at all at night, but worked to make life better for Koreans. , April 16, 2012. (Photo by Vincent Yu | AP):

On April 15, 2012, a large military parade took place in the capital of the DPRK, Pyongyang, which demonstrated the power of the country. The parade was hosted by the new great leader Comrade Kim Jong-un. (Photo by Reuters | Stringer):

North Korean soldiers, Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

On Mass dances were held in Pyongyang's main capital square, in which ordinary people participated, on April 16, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

170 meters Juche idea monument in Pyongyang, where there was the apotheosis of fireworks, when powerful volleys flew from the monument in different directions. April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

Before the start of the military parade in honor of the 100th anniversary of Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

"Superiority in military technology is no longer the exclusive monopoly of the imperialists," the new North Korean leader said in his address. (Photo by Reuters | KCNA):

Military parade on the central square of Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

Units of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Guards, including women's, marched in front of the stands. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

During the parade, 5 MiG-29 fighters flew over the central square of Pyongyang, causing a storm of delight, April 15, 2012. (Photo by Ng Han Guan | AP):

All people were delighted with what was happening ... (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

... without asking the question that is relevant for a poor country: how much does it all cost? (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

The scale of the military parade was amazing. Most of the military equipment on display was of Soviet and Russian production. (Photo by Reuters | KCNA):

(Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

The current leader of North Korea, the youngest head of state in the world, 28-year-old Kim Jong-un, addressed the nation for the first time from the rostrum: "The power of our country is limitless and this parade is proof of this." (Photo by Pedro Ugarte | AFP | Getty Images):

North Koreans dream that their ideas will sooner or later take over other countries. Many during the speech of Kim Jong-un sincerely cried. Pyongyang, April 15, 2012. (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

Meanwhile, the military parade continued. The outstanding role of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, thanks to whom the Korean army has turned "into an invincible armed force," was emphasized in every possible way. (Photo by Reuters | Stringer):

A soldier in the stands with a bunch of medals. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

Some journalists managed to film residential areas that did not fit into the grand celebration in Pyongyang, April 12, 2012. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

Pyongyang Metro, which is one of the most deep subways in the world: some stations are located at a depth of 110 meters underground, which makes it possible to use the subway as a refuge. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

The deserted streets of Pyongyang and the famous 20-year-old long-term construction - the 105-story Ryugyong Hotel, April 12, 2012. (Photo by Ed Jones | AFP | Getty Images):

Opening ceremonies of two large monuments to Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang, April 13, 2012. In the middle of the photo is the new head of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un. (Photo by Bobby Yip | AP):

In no case should journalists copy his posture while photographing monuments, raising their right hand up. Also, you can not take photos where the images will be cropped (for example, to do the "amputation" of the legs). (Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

And songs praising Kim Il Sung. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

A festive concert against the backdrop of a portrait of the founder of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, Pyongyang, April 16, 2012. (Photo by Bobby Yip | Reuters):

(Photo by David Guttenfelder | AP):

The grandiose celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il Sung, have come to an end. Pyongyang, April 17, 2012. (Photo by Vincent Yu | AP):

Every year this date is celebrated in the north of the Korean Peninsula as a public holiday.

In 1910, Korea, one of the oldest Asian countries, was forcibly annexed by Japan. On August 22, 1910, the country was officially incorporated into the Empire of Japan and remained a Japanese colony for 35 years. Management was carried out by the governor-general.

According to the decisions of the Cairo Conference of the Allied Powers (December 1, 1943), Korea was to gain independence after the end of World War II. This decision was confirmed by the Potsdam Declaration of July 26, 1945.

After the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and with the beginning of the defeat of the Kwantung Army in August 1945, the Emperor of Japan announced the surrender and implementation of the decision of the Potsdam Conference. By agreement between the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in Korea, two time zones were defined for accepting the surrender of the Japanese army: the Soviet one north of the 38th parallel and the American one south of it.

The Soviet-American agreement on the temporary administration of Korea, signed in December 1945, assumed that the divided country would not last long - until the formation of a new government. However, in the conditions of the Cold War, which began between the USSR and the USA almost immediately after the end of World War II, the 38th parallel.

In the northern part of Korea, immediately after the liberation, the Japanese organs of the colonial apparatus were liquidated, land reform was carried out, industry, transport, communications, banks, etc. were nationalized. At the same time, the Soviet military administration contributed to the creation of a structure of party and state power in the image and likeness of the that existed in those years in the USSR. On the other hand, in the south of the Korean Peninsula, the United States, while declaring adherence to the principles of parliamentarism and democracy, in fact contributed to the establishment of an authoritarian regime dependent on Washington.

The Joint Soviet-American Commission on Korea, set up at the Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers of Russia, the United States and Great Britain in December 1945, was never able to work out an acceptable formula for the formation of a Korean state.

In 1947, the issue of creating a unified state in Korea at the initiative of the United States was submitted for discussion by the UN, which decided to hold elections under the supervision of a UN commission.

In May 1948, elections were held in South Korea for a national assembly and a South Korean government was formed, headed by Syngman Rhee. On August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was proclaimed with Seoul as its capital.

Having declared this act illegal, the North Korean authorities, with the support of the Soviet military administration, carried out similar work in the North. On September 9, 1948, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was formed with Pyongyang as its capital. Following the formation of the DPRK, Pyongyang achieved the unification of the party organizations of the North and South into the Workers' Party of Korea (KPK). Kim Il Sung was appointed Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the DPRK, he also headed the Workers' Party of Korea.

Both governments intended to unite Korea under their own rule, which they proclaimed in the Constitutions adopted in 1948.

In 1948, all Soviet troops were withdrawn from the North. The Americans withdrew their troops in the summer of 1949, but left about 500 advisers in South Korea. Military advisers of the USSR also remained in the DPRK.

Military-political contradictions between states with different socio-political systems led in 1950 to the outbreak of war. Contingents of the US Armed Forces and 15 other countries operating under the flag of the UN multinational forces took part in the hostilities on the side of the Republic of Korea, and contingents of the Armed Forces of China and the USSR took part on the side of the DPRK. On July 27, 1953, the DPRK and the Republic of Korea signed an armistice agreement.

According to the Armistice Agreement, North and South Korea are separated by a military demarcation line, on both sides of which there is a demilitarized zone with a total width of 4 kilometers.

In July 1972, the Joint Statement of the North and the South was signed, which fixed the basic principles of unification - independently, without reliance on external forces; in peaceful way; on the basis of "great national consolidation".

In 1991, the DPRK and the Republic of Korea concluded an Agreement on Reconciliation, Non-Aggression, Cooperation and Exchanges, and in 1992 adopted a Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Formally, the war in Korea is not yet over. After coming to power in South Korea, President Moon Jae-in between North and South. In 2018, two summits of the leaders of the republics were already held at the Phanmunjom call center in the demilitarized zone. The previous two inter-Korean summits were held in Pyongyang in June 2000 and October 2007.

Republic Day in North Korea. In previous years, test explosions of nuclear charges and launches of their potential carriers - ballistic missiles - were also timed to coincide with the anniversary of the founding of the DPRK.


On major holidays in North Korea, they organize picturesque festive processions. The events are accompanied by the organization of the famous "living pictures". Thousands of people in an instant create unusually detailed and picturesque canvases of gigantic size from colored sheets of paper.

If you are going to go to North Korea during any holiday or festival, please start filling out all the documents in advance - there are not enough places in hotels and on airplanes for everyone.

List of the main and especially widely celebrated holidays in North Korea.

date Holiday Special Events
16.02 Comrade's birthday Kim Jong Il. Flower exhibition of Kim Jong Il. Performance.
15.04 Sun Day Comrade's birthday Kim Il Sung. Flower exhibition of Kim Il Sung. Performance. Mass dance of youth in the square. Friendship Festival.
01.05 Labor Day. Folk Games. Artist performances. Friendship meetings.
01.06 Children Protection Day Special children's concert.
08.07 Commemoration of Kim Il Sung Artist performances. Friendship meetings. Floral exhibition.
15.08 Renaissance Day
25.08 Songun Politics Day Activities are being specified.
28.08 Youth Day Folk festivities in the streets. Mass dance of youth.
09.09 Republic Day Artist performances. Mass dance of youth in the square.
10.10 Workers' Party of Korea Day Mass dance of youth in the square. Holiday concert.