Denisov Mikhail Evgenievich copies. PstGU › faculties and departments › faculty of church arts › departments and departments › graduating departments › department of history and theory of Christian art › teaching staff › denisov mikhail evgenievich

Some publications of Denisov M.E.
1. About the work of A. Deineka in the 1920-30s. (According to the materials of the collection of the Kursk art gallery) / A.A. Deineka. Personality. Creation. Epoch. Collection of scientific and methodical works of graduate students, applicants and students. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 1999.
2. On the issue of restoration of paintings by A. Deineka / Problems of Soviet art in 1930-50. (To the 100th anniversary of the birth) Sat. reports, memoirs. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 1999.
3. Art and war in the life of two Dutch artists / War and artistic culture. Sat. reports. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 2000.
4. To the question of attribution. I. F. Darbes. Portrait of an artillery lieutenant general. 1773-1780 / History and culture. Materials of scientific conference. Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore. 2000.
5. Portrait of General of Infantry F.F. Buksgevden from the collection of the Kursk Museum of Local Lore / War and Artistic Culture. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 2000.
6. On the issue of military portrait attribution / Topical issues of Russian military history. Proceedings of the Twenty-third All-Russian Scientific Conference. Ed. S.N. Poltorak. SPb. Nestor, 2001.
7. On the question of attribution: Gavriil Shevchenko. Lieutenant of the 17th Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. / Culture. Education. Human. Materials of the first summer cultural-anthropological school for young scientists of the Kursk State Pedagogical University. Ed. A.V. Reprintseva. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 2001.
8. Portraits and faces. To the question of attribution / Intelligentsia in history. Sat. conference materials. Ed. A.V. Reprintseva. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 2002.
9. Iron age. On the work of A. Deineka in the 30-40s. Based on materials from the collection of the Kursk Art Gallery / Gold, silver, iron. Materials of scientific conference. Kursk: KSPU publishing house. 2002.
10. Tricks and experiments. The miracle of flight by A.A. Deineka / Wonderful and ordinary. Materials of scientific conference. Kursk. Publishing house of KSPU. 2003.
11. The place of the image in art history texts / Image and text. Collection of materials of scientific conference. Kursk: publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz". 2004.
12. Anatomy of one memorial portrait / Pro memoria. Collection of materials of scientific conference. Kursk: publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz". 2006.
13. About the game and two paintings from the collection of the gallery / Scientific game. Collection of materials of scientific conference. Kursk: publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz". 2006.
14. Transformations by A. Deineka. (On the issue of attribution of the work of A. Deineka "After the battle" from the collection of the Kursk State Art Gallery). NII TII RACH. "Russian art. XX century» Collection №111. Moscow. 2007.


1. Exhibition of restored works from the gallery's collection. Kursk Regional Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 1994
2. Personal exhibition. Zheleznogorsk Museum of Local Lore. 1997
3. Personal exhibition. CDC "Gamma". Moscow region Chernogolovka. 1998
4. Copy and restoration. Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore. 1999
5. A.A. Deineka. Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore. 1999
6. Year 2000: Tradition rediscovered. Greenwich. Connecticut. USA. 2000
7. Time and woman. Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore. 2001
8. Exhibition of students and teachers of the Suzdal Art and Restoration School. Vladimir. 2004
9. Falsification and examination. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2004
10. Identification. Kursk State Regional Museum of Local Lore. 2006
11. Personal exhibition. Zheleznogorsk Museum of Local Lore. 2007
12. Hic Rhodos, hic salta. Ilvisheim. Germany. 2009
13. Personal exhibition. Kursk. TC "Continent". 2009
14. Return of the Queen. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2009
15. New painting by Mikhail Denisov. Kursk. TC "Continent". 2010
16. Maneuvers. New painting by Mikhail Denisov. Kursk. TC "Continent". 2011
17. We painted a still life. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2012
18. Anatomy of painting. Simferopol Art Museum. 2012
19. This is not Malevich. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2013
20. From dress to painting, from fashion to war. Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore. 2014
21. Woman and the world. Kursk Regional Museum of Local Lore. 2014
22. DENI - a new creative method. Zheleznogorsk Museum of Local Lore. 2014
23. Night of the Arts. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2015
24. Make me beautiful. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2015
25. Private show 2016. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2016
26. Head. Kursk State Art Gallery. A.A. Deineki. 2017


Born on July 14, 1974 in Kursk
1995 - graduated from the Suzdal Art and Restoration School
Since 1995 he has been working in the Kursk Regional State
local history museum and the Kursk state art
gallery them. A.A. Deineki (artist-restorer of oil and tempera painting)
Since 2000 - member of the TLC of Russia
2002 - graduated from St. Petersburg State Academic
Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repina

For a year he was a sexton and subdeacon in the church in honor of the Monk Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki in Moscow.

In 2013-2015 - General Director of Center for Historical Research LLC.

Competitor member of the Historical and Genealogical Society in Moscow, member of the Russian Union of Local Historians, member of the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists.

Sphere of scientific interests - biographies of saints and biographies of church leaders, history of churches and shrines, sources of hagiography and church local history of the 18th-20th centuries.


Author of about 90 published works, including a number of biographical articles in the Moscow Encyclopedia, edited by Yuri Luzhkov and Sergei Sobyanin. Founder of the monographic series "Sanctuaries of the Sushchevskaya part of Moscow". Organizer of short-term courses "How to write the history of the temple?" and lectures "Parish History: Relevance, History, Sources, Structure and Methods".


  • Life of the Martyr Timothy (Kucherov), Warden of the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki. - M., 2008; ed. 2nd. - M., 2015.
  • Nezlobin Alexander, priest. “Let us show the gentleness and simplicity of our hearts…”. Teachings, words and conversations for Sundays and holidays. Catechistic teachings on the "Our Father", the Creed and the Ten Commandments / Compiled by M.E. Denisov. - M., 2011.
  • Denisovian. Biographical Dictionary. - M., 2014.
  • Church of St. Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki during the years of persecution (1917-1937). Monograph. M., 2014.
  • Church necropolis of the Miussky cemetery in Moscow in the 18th-21st centuries. Monograph. M., 2016. In press.
  • And by name, and by the life of Smirnova. Host of clergy Smirnovs on the land of Lopasna / / Chekhov Today. - 2007. - No. 49 (844).
  • Kucherov Timofei Ivanovich, martyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 2. I - M. - M., 2008. - S. 361.
  • Priest Pavel Velichkin - church local historian of the Serpukhov district // Student youth of the Moscow region and social sciences. - Kolomna, 2008. - S. 108-113.
  • Representatives of the family of clergymen Nezlobins. Archival research // Ryazan Church Bulletin. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 60-64.
  • Sources on the history and fate of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village. Talezh (Chekhov District, Moscow Region) // First All-Russian Local History Readings. - M., 2009. - S. 188-190.
  • Moscow expert S. A. Golubtsov (1932-2006): biography and review of the personal archive. // Regional history. Local history. Moscow studies. - M., 2009. - S. 23-29.
  • From the history of the village of Shelkovo // Orthodox Stupino. - 2009. - No. 7 (76). - S. 13-14.
  • Ananyino // Orthodox Stupino. - 2010. - No. 5 (83). - S. 12-14.
  • From village to village: pages of the history of Gorki // Orthodox Stupino. - 2010. - No. 6 (84). - S. 13-15.
  • Plekhanov John Gavrilovich, Hieromartyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 426.
  • Poluektov Alexander Gavrilovich, spiritual composer // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 473.
  • Preobrazhensky Nikolai Alekseevich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 523.
  • Preobrazhensky Petr Alekseevich, Archpriest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 524.
  • Protopopov Alexei Nikolaevich, Hieromartyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 545-546.
  • Razumikhin Arseny Ivanovich, Archpriest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 584-585.
  • Rechmensky Alexander Ivanovich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 626.
  • Local historian, historian, publicist: About Archpriest Alexander Ivanovich Rechmensky (1869-1939) // Moscow Journal. - 2010. - No. 10 (238). - S. 13-19.
  • Priest Pavel Velichkin (1850-1920) - church local historian of the Lopasnensky region // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 23 (1235). - p. 5.
  • The fate of the church in the village of Skurygino, Podolsky district and its clergy in the twentieth century // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 23 (1235). - P. 6-7.
  • The village of Maltsy in the late 18th - early 20th centuries // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 88 (1300). – P. 6.
  • Zavolipyevo is one of the oldest settlements in the Lopasna region // Chekhov Today - 2010. - No. 97 (1309). - P. 13.
  • Between Melikhovo and Talezh // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 106 (1318). – P. 10.
  • Hieromartyr Vladimir Sokolov (1883-1940) // Church Historical Bulletin. - 2009-2010. - No. 16-17. - S. 71-80.
  • "He had excellent behavior..." The earthly path of Priest Alexei Nikolaevich Protopopov (1880-1938) // Moscow Journal. - 2012. - No. 1 (253). - S. 52-60.
  • Hieromartyr John (Plekhanov) (1879-1938) // Chronicler near Moscow. - 2012. - No. 2 (32). - S. 54-60.
  • Romansky Nikolai Alekseevich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 40.
  • Romashkov Dimitri Ivanovich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 41-42.
  • Svyatoslavsky Petr Gavrilovich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 200.
  • Sergius (in the world Pavel Alexandrovich Golubtsov), Archbishop // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 240-241.
  • Sokolov Vladimir Ivanovich, Hieromartyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 365-366.
  • Sysoev Daniil Alekseevich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 515.
  • Theodore (in the world Fyodor Nikolayevich Pulyashkin), schieromonk // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 5. U - Ya. - M., 2012. - S. 87-88.
  • To the biography of the Mountain Mari translator A.A. Denisov (V.A. Nolga) // Mari Archaeographic Bulletin. - 2012. - No. 22. - S. 253-256.
  • Ascetic of faith and piety, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, priest Pyotr Gavrilov Svyatoslavsky. // Church and time. - 2012. - No. 2 (59). - S. 147-175.
  • The history of veneration of the hero of the Patriotic War, priest Peter Svyatoslavsky in Russian cities in 1812-2012. // Church and society in Russia at the turning points of history. Collection of abstracts. - Sergiev Posad, 2012. - S. 148-152.
  • Domestic parish archives in the XVII - XXI centuries. // Church and society in Russia at the turning points of history. Collection of abstracts. - Sergiev Posad, 2012. - S. 225-227.
  • Message from the teacher Mikhail Evgenievich Denisov on the work of the sections of the All-Russian Scientific Historical Conference "Church and Society in Russia at the Turning Stages of History" // website of the Department of Church History of the MPDA.
  • Materials about the Moscow clergy (1920s - 1930s) in state, departmental and private archives // Collection of articles and abstracts "Student Science". - M., 2012. - S. 213-222. Electronic resource: .
  • "The temple again passed to the faithful parishioners ...". Moscow Church of St. Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki. Years of persecution. // Moscow Journal. - 2013. - No. 2. S. 76-84.
  • Metric record of the death of A.P. Chekhov. // Chekhov Bulletin. - No. 28. - M., 2013. - S. 122-125.
  • Das Metrische Buch mit der Aufzeichnung ueber den Tod des A. P. Tschechow // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  • The Blessed Virgin Birth church in Taleg village (1792-1939) // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  • Priest Pavel (Paul) Velichkin (1850-1920) - Serpukhov region's church historian // Center for Historical Research LLC website.
  • Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Talezh (1792-1939) // site of the Metochion of the Ascension David's Hermitage in the village. Talezh.
  • "From the talented Rechmensky family." Life and scientific and journalistic work of the mitred archpriest Alexander Ivanovich Rechmensky // historical Internet portal "Moskovia".
  • Priest Dimitry Ivanovich Romashkov (1863-1942) as a Muscovite // website of the Department of Church History of the MPDA.
  • Member of the Alaska mission, dean of the Aktobe district, miter archpriest Sergiy Mikhailovich Popov (1874-1960) // site of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Aktobe.
  • The Tsyganov clan of the Denisovs // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  • The history of the destroyed church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in the village of Skurygino, Chekhov deanery, Moscow diocese // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  • The destroyed necropolis of the village of Skurygino // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  • The territory of the former Troitskaya Sloboda of Moscow // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  • “The personality of Vladyka amazed with his, I’m not afraid to say, righteousness, which is impossible to keep silent about ...” // website of the Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy.
  • To the biography of the church regent M.N. Rodyukov (1888-1949) // Regents' business. - 2014. - No. 7.
  • Sources on the history of the Far East outside the Far Eastern Federal District // Website of the Khabarovsk Theological Seminary.
  • Chronicle of the Grado-Khabarovsk Assumption Cathedral for 1893-1917. // Website "Orthodoxy in the Far East".
  • From the history of “Akathist to Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Her Honest Sign in Velikiy Novegrad” // Akathist to Our Most Holy Lady Our Lady, Her Honorable Sign, in Velichy Novgorod. - M., 2015.
  • The source base of the biographical study of the clergyman of the Russian Church XVIII - early. XX centuries // Domestic archives. 2015. No. 4.

Used materials

  • Biography on the website of the Moscow Theological Academy
  • Biography on the website of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities

For a complete list of works, see: Denisov Mikhail Evgenievich. Bibliographic index. To the 30th anniversary of the scientist. M., 2017.

In 2009 he graduated from the Faculty of Archival Affairs of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities. In 2012-2014 - Lecturer at the Department of Church History of the Moscow Theological Academy; member of the Educational and Methodological Department of the MDA. In 2014/2015 - Head of the Department of Church History of the Khabarovsk Theological Seminary; member of the Academic Council of the CDU. Since 2013 – General Director of Center for Historical Research LLC. Since 2012 – lecturer at the Department of History and Theory of Christian Art at St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities.

Area of ​​scientific interests:
archival studies, source studies of national history, hagiography, hymnography, local history and genealogy.

Scientific publications:

  1. Life of the Martyr Timothy (Kucherov), Warden of the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki. - M., 2008; ed. 2nd. - M., 2015.
  2. Nezlobin Alexander, priest. “Let us show the gentleness and simplicity of our hearts…”. Teachings, words and conversations for Sundays and holidays. Catechistic teachings on the "Our Father", the Creed and the Ten Commandments / Compiled by M.E. Denisov. - M., 2011.
  3. Denisovian. Biographical Dictionary. - M., 2014.
  4. Church of St. Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki during the years of persecution (1917-1937). Monograph. M., 2014.
  5. Church necropolis of the Miussky cemetery in Moscow in the 18th-21st centuries. Monograph. M., 2016. In press.
  6. And by name, and by the life of Smirnova. Host of clergy Smirnovs on the land of Lopasna / / Chekhov Today. - 2007. - No. 49 (844).
  7. Kucherov Timofei Ivanovich, martyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 2. I - M. - M., 2008. - S. 361.
  8. Priest Pavel Velichkin - church local historian of the Serpukhov district // Student youth of the Moscow region and social sciences. - Kolomna, 2008. - S. 108-113.
  9. Representatives of the family of clergymen Nezlobins. Archival research // Ryazan Church Bulletin. - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 60-64.
  10. Sources on the history and fate of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village. Talezh (Chekhov District, Moscow Region) // First All-Russian Local History Readings. - M., 2009. - S. 188-190.
  11. Moscow expert S. A. Golubtsov (1932-2006): biography and review of the personal archive. // Regional history. Local history. Moscow studies. - M., 2009. - S. 23-29.
  12. From the history of the village of Shelkovo // Orthodox Stupino. - 2009. - No. 7 (76). - S. 13-14.
  13. Ananyino // Orthodox Stupino. - 2010. - No. 5 (83). - S. 12-14.
  14. From village to village: pages of the history of Gorki // Orthodox Stupino. - 2010. - No. 6 (84). - S. 13-15.
  15. Plekhanov John Gavrilovich, Hieromartyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 426.
  16. Poluektov Alexander Gavrilovich, spiritual composer // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 473.
  17. Preobrazhensky Nikolai Alekseevich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 523.
  18. Preobrazhensky Petr Alekseevich, Archpriest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 524.
  19. Protopopov Alexei Nikolaevich, Hieromartyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 545-546.
  20. Razumikhin Arseny Ivanovich, Archpriest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 584-585.
  21. Rechmensky Alexander Ivanovich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Part 3. Mr. - M., 2010. - S. 626.
  22. Local historian, historian, publicist: About Archpriest Alexander Ivanovich Rechmensky (1869-1939) // Moscow Journal. - 2010. - No. 10 (238). - S. 13-19.
  23. Priest Pavel Velichkin (1850-1920) - church local historian of the Lopasnensky region // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 23 (1235). - p. 5.
  24. The fate of the church in the village of Skurygino, Podolsky district and its clergy in the twentieth century // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 23 (1235). - P. 6-7.
  25. The village of Maltsy in the late 18th - early 20th centuries // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 88 (1300). – P. 6.
  26. Zavolipyevo is one of the oldest settlements in the Lopasna region // Chekhov Today - 2010. - No. 97 (1309). - P. 13.
  27. Between Melikhovo and Talezh // Chekhov Today. - 2010. - No. 106 (1318). – P. 10.
  28. Hieromartyr Vladimir Sokolov (1883-1940) // Church Historical Bulletin. - 2009-2010. - No. 16-17. - S. 71-80.
  29. The conference "Hagiology in Church Practice, Science, Art, Education" was held // Electronic resource:
  30. "He had excellent behavior..." The earthly path of Priest Alexei Nikolaevich Protopopov (1880-1938) // Moscow Journal. - 2012. - No. 1 (253). - S. 52-60.
  31. Hieromartyr John (Plekhanov) (1879-1938) // Chronicler near Moscow. - 2012. - No. 2 (32). - S. 54-60.
  32. Romansky Nikolai Alekseevich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 40.
  33. Romashkov Dimitri Ivanovich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 41-42.
  34. Svyatoslavsky Petr Gavrilovich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 200.
  35. Sergius (in the world Pavel Alexandrovich Golubtsov), Archbishop // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 240-241.
  36. Sokolov Vladimir Ivanovich, Hieromartyr // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 365-366.
  37. Sysoev Daniil Alekseevich, priest // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 4. R - T. - M., 2012. - S. 515.
  38. Theodore (in the world Fyodor Nikolayevich Pulyashkin), schieromonk // Moscow Encyclopedia. T. 1. Faces of Moscow. Book. 5. U - Ya. - M., 2012. - S. 87-88.
  39. To the biography of the Mountain Mari translator A.A. Denisov (V.A. Nolga) // Mari Archaeographic Bulletin. - 2012. - No. 22. - S. 253-256.
  40. Ascetic of faith and piety, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, priest Pyotr Gavrilov Svyatoslavsky. // Church and time. - 2012. - No. 2 (59). - S. 147-175.
  41. The history of veneration of the hero of the Patriotic War, priest Peter Svyatoslavsky in Russian cities in 1812-2012. // Church and society in Russia at the turning points of history. Collection of abstracts. - Sergiev Posad, 2012. - S. 148-152.
  42. Domestic parish archives in the XVII - XXI centuries. // Church and society in Russia at the turning points of history. Collection of abstracts. - Sergiev Posad, 2012. - S. 225-227.
  43. Message from the teacher Mikhail Evgenievich Denisov on the work of the sections of the All-Russian Scientific Historical Conference "Church and Society in Russia at the Turning Stages of History" // website of the Department of Church History of the MPDA.
  44. Materials about the Moscow clergy (1920s - 1930s) in state, departmental and private archives // Collection of articles and abstracts "Student Science". - M., 2012. - S. 213-222. Electronic resource:
  45. "The temple again passed to the faithful parishioners ...". Moscow Church of St. Pimen the Great in Novye Vorotniki. Years of persecution. // Moscow Journal. - 2013. - No. 2. S. 76-84.
  46. Metric record of the death of A.P. Chekhov. // Chekhov Bulletin. - No. 28. - M., 2013. - S. 122-125.
  47. Das Metrische Buch mit der Aufzeichnung ueber den Tod des A. P. Tschechow // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  48. The Blessed Virgin Birth church in Taleg village (1792-1939) // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  49. Priest Pavel (Paul) Velichkin (1850-1920) - Serpukhov region's church historian // Center for Historical Research LLC website.
  50. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Talezh (1792-1939) // site of the Metochion of the Ascension David's Hermitage in the village. Talezh.
  51. "From the talented Rechmensky family." Life and scientific and journalistic work of the mitred archpriest Alexander Ivanovich Rechmensky // historical Internet portal "Moskovia".
  52. Priest Dimitry Ivanovich Romashkov (1863-1942) as a Muscovite // website of the Department of Church History of the MPDA.
  53. Member of the Alaska mission, dean of the Aktobe district, miter archpriest Sergiy Mikhailovich Popov (1874-1960) // site of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Aktobe.
  54. The Tsyganov clan of the Denisovs // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  55. The history of the destroyed church of the Holy Prophet Elijah in the village of Skurygino, Chekhov deanery, Moscow diocese // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  56. The destroyed necropolis of the village of Skurygino // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  57. The territory of the former Troitskaya Sloboda of Moscow // website of the Center for Historical Research LLC.
  58. “The personality of Vladyka amazed with his, I’m not afraid to say, righteousness, which is impossible to keep silent about ...” // website of the Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy.
  59. To the biography of the church regent M.N. Rodyukov (1888-1949) // Regents' business. - 2014. - No. 7.
  60. Sources on the history of the Far East outside the Far Eastern Federal District // Website of the Khabarovsk Theological Seminary.
  61. Chronicle of the Grado-Khabarovsk Assumption Cathedral for 1893-1917. // Website "Orthodoxy in the Far East".
  62. From the history of “Akathist to Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Her Honest Sign in Velikiy Novegrad” // Akathist to Our Most Holy Lady Our Lady, Her Honorable Sign, in Velichy Novgorod. - M., 2015.
  63. The source base of the biographical study of the clergyman of the Russian Church XVIII - early. XX centuries // Domestic archives. 2015. No. 4.