Fet a whole world of beauty. Literary and musical drawing room "the whole world from beauty"

Municipal state educational institution

"Zamzor Secondary School"

Librarian Durnykh Varvara Mikhailovna

Literary drawing room based on the lyrics by Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet "The whole world from beauty"


  • To acquaint students with the main stages of the life and work of A. Fet.
  • Develop and improve reading skills.
  • To instill interest in lyrical works
  • To instill love for the native land, nature.
  • Develop students' creativity.


  • Exhibition of books "His poems captivating charm".
  • Presentation "The whole world from beauty"
  • Recordings of songs.


Slide #2

A whole world of beauty

From big to small

And you're looking in vain

Find its beginning.

What is a day or a century

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal is human.

Leading(melody sounds)

The whole world from beauty... And it is poetry that teaches people to see the beauty of the world around them, opens the souls of other people, flowers and trees, animals and birds, makes a person kinder, more beautiful, conveys to them feelings of love and compassion for all living beings. Therefore, it is impossible not to love the poems of A.A. Fet, who wrote about dahlias burned by frost, about fluffy willow, about silver lily of the valley, about a lonely oak ...


Slide №3-4

A whisper, a timid breath.

trill nightingale,

Silver and flutter

Sleepy stream.

Night light, night shadows,

Shadows without end

A series of magical changes

sweet face,

In smoky clouds purple roses,

reflection of amber,

And kisses, and tears,

And dawn, dawn!..

Leading. This is the poem from which Fet's loud glory began, which forever became for many Russian readers a symbol of all Fet's poetry.

“Pure air of poetry” is a special atmosphere in which we invite ladies to immerse themselves.

Epigraph: « Fet is a true touchstone for the ability to understand poetry.

(Slide No. 6: portrait of A.A. Fet (1820 - 1892))

Leading. Today's meeting in the "Literary Living Room" is dedicated to the lyric poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (Shenshin). The Oryol region is known in Russian literature as the birthplace of great masters of the artistic word, who reflected in their works the wonderful nature of their native places, spiritual wealth, diligence and talent of the common man.
Leading: Seven kilometers from the city of Mtsensk, Oryol province, in the landowner's estate Novoselki, in the family of Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin and Charlotte Fet, on November 23, 1820, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (Shinshin) was born. (Slide number 7: Novoselskaya estate)

The Novoselskaya estate consisted of two wooden outbuildings, outbuildings, and a vast garden (photo). Afanasy Fet spent his childhood and youth here. They took place in the conditions of a poor provincial noble family.

Presenter: As a boy, Fet loved, together with peasant children, to catch quails, climb trees, and ride horses. He enthusiastically wandered around the beautiful surroundings of the village, enthusiastically admiring the shady garden of the Novoselskaya estate. Many years later, A. Fet wrote with a slight sadness:

Greetings, my kind old garden,
Blooming years blooming heritage!
With a bitter smile I drink your fragrance,
Which my childhood once breathed. (Slide number 8: Kind, old garden)

Leading: As a child, the poet listened to fairy tales about the firebird, about the water, about the Baba Yaga, which the yard girl Proskovya told him, and when he grew up, he fell under the tutelage of the first “Teacher” of Russian letters - the home cook Athanasius.

From the very early years he was “greedy for poetry”, tried to find them everywhere, taught by heart. The neighbors found a notebook in which many poems were copied, and most importantly, Pushkin's poems and his poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. “Oh, what pleasure I experienced, repeating the sweet verses of the great poet,” Fet recalled. (Slide number 9: The poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus”)

Presenter: Fet was first educated in a German boarding school in the city of Verro (Estonia). At the age of 14, Fet was taken to St. Petersburg to prepare for the university exam, and three years later he entered Moscow University. Here Afanasy Afanasyevich met with poets and writers. They often gathered together, read poetry, talked about literature. Afanasy Fet himself began to write poetry. He decided to show them to Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Gogol found "Undoubted Talent" from the young poet, and in 1840 the first collection of poems by Afanasy Fet was published.

(Slide “10-11-12: Poem “Evening”)

Sounded over a clear river,
Rang out in the faded meadow,
It swept over the mute grove,
It lit up on the other side.
Far, in the twilight, bows
The river runs to the west.
Burning with golden rims,
Clouds scattered like smoke.
On the hillside it is either damp or hot,
The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night, -
But the lightning is already glowing brightly
Blue and green fire.

Presenter:(slide number 13)

The release of A. Fet's poems became a bright event in the national literature of the new decade. In 1843, his poem “I came to you with greetings!” “We do not know such a lyrical spring feeling of nature in all Russian poetry!” - such was the impression of this poem by Vasily Botkin.

(Slide number 14: “I came to you with greetings”)

I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen
What is hot light
The sheets fluttered;
Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch,
Startled by every bird
And full of spring thirst;
Tell that with the same passion
Like yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still the same happiness
And ready to serve you;
Tell that from everywhere
It blows cheerfully on me,
I don't know what I will
Sing - but only the song matures.

Presenter: In 1853, Fet became a permanent contributor to the Sovremennik magazine, where his poems were published.

(Slide No. 15-16: “The lake fell asleep ...”)

The lake fell asleep; the black forest is silent;
A white mermaid carelessly swims out;
Like a young swan, the moon is in the sky
It glides and contemplates its double on the moisture.

The fishermen fell asleep at the sleepy lights;
The pale sail does not move a fold;
Sometimes a heavy carp splashes near the reeds,
Letting a wide circle run through smooth moisture.

How quiet ... I hear every sound and rustle;
But the sounds of silence at night do not interrupt, -
Letting out a live trill at the nightingale,
Let the grasses on the water of the mermaid sway ...

(Slide number 17: Fet's poetry is a mystery)

Leading: Fet's poetry is a mystery. Elusive sounds are composed into words, and the melody of the verse is heard, giving rise to associations with color, with feeling, with thought. Fet's lyrics fascinates, takes you to a special world created according to incomprehensible laws of rhythm. (Slide No. 18: Stepanovka farm, music “Take away my heart ...”)

Leading: A. Fet lived a long and difficult life. Fate has dealt him many blows. We will now tell you about some of the events of their life Fet.

Slide No. 19 (Pairs move to the music, stopping in front of the audience, reporting facts from the life of A. Fet, “disguised as secular gossip”)
(Scene: couple one.)

She is: Ah, something today Fet is gloomy. It's so unlike him. And the hostess of the ball did not write anything in the album today.
He: How? Haven't you heard the scandalous news about the death of Maria Lazich, the daughter of a retired general, who was in love with Fet? They had an affair when he served in the Kherson province.
She is: About death? But she was so young... she was... Poor thing, what could have happened? Oh, do not languish, tell everything quickly. (Slide No. 20: Lyrics by A.A. Fet)

He: Her dress flared up from a carelessly thrown unextinguished match. Engulfed in flames, Mary exclaimed: "For God's sake, save the letters!" - Fet's letters to her. Then she rushed down the steps in the garden and fell, all burned. She died 4 days later. Her last words were: "He's not to blame - but I am."
She is: What a terrible death! And what prevented their happiness? After all, they said that he, too, was in love with her.
He: Like what? A lack of money. Yes, he fell in love with the poor girl Maria Lazich, but was forced to refuse marriage to her for material reasons. What could he offer Mary? He is forced to serve in the army so that the officer rank gives him the right to hereditary nobility.

Presenter: Echoes of this tragic event are heard in Fet's lyrics. To the memory of his beloved, he dedicates a cycle of poems “You suffered, I still suffer”; “The day shone for us, awakening the fire in the blood”, “I spoke at parting.” (Music “I said at parting…”)

(Slide #21-22: Pair Two)

Lady with a fan: Yesterday I read Fet's new poems. And they said that while serving in the army, Fet completely stopped composing them.

T.A. Kuzminskaya: So it was in the first years of his service, there in the Kherson province. And when he began to serve in the guards, he began to visit St. Petersburg often. I got along with Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy...

There will be a file: /data/edu/files/y1452830019.ppt (Presentation "The whole world from beauty")

lady with a fan(interrupting): Lev Nikolaevich? Your nephew? So you are familiar with Fet!

T.A. Kuzminskaya: Yes. Once I even sang for him. Fet was visiting our friends. They were having an evening. I was asked to sing. I was afraid to start singing in such a company. I was embarrassed by the thought that Fet would criticize me, because he heard so much real good singing.

The windows to the garden were open, and the nightingales, right under the windows in the garden, flooded with moonlight, were shouting over me ... It was so strange how their loud rubs interfered with the voice itself. I felt how little by little my voice was getting stronger, becoming louder ... (Glinka's romance “I remember a wonderful moment” sounds) Slide No. 23

When I stopped talking, Fet came up to me and said: “When you sing, words fly on wings. I beg you, repeat the romance.
And the next morning, when everyone was sitting at the tea table, Fet entered the hall, went to the table and put a piece of paper with a poem with the words: “In memory of yesterday's Eden evening!”.

Lady with a fan: Ah, let me guess! It was a poem “The night shone, the garden was full of moon ...” (Music “The night shone ...”) Slide No. 24

Presenter: By the end of the 70s, A. Fet moved to the Vorobyovka estate in the Kursk region. His main occupations are again poetry and translations. Afanasy Fet writes many poems, mostly only about nature and love. In 1883, when Fet was already 63 years old, he published a collection of poems "Evening Lights". (Slide number 25)

Leading: Love and nature are A. Fet's favorite topics. (Slide number 26) Fet's nature always shines, rejoices, trembles. In it, even when it rains or snows, everything is full of life:

The night is bright, the frost is shining,
Come out - the snow crunches,
The tie-down is freezing cold
And it doesn't stand still.

Presenter: For Fet, nature is a source of joy, philosophical optimism and unexpected discoveries.

(Music “Quiet evening is burning down ...”) Slide number 27

Leading: the poet sees in nature what others did not notice: he is in awe of the sad birch, admires the boundless expanses, admires the snow, listens to the silence.

(Slide number 28: the poem “Sad birch”)

sad birch
By my window
And the whim of frost
She is torn apart.
Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.
I love the daylight game
I notice on her
And I'm sorry if the birds
Shake off the beauty of the branches.

Presenter: In Pushkin's style, Fet's poems about love were sublime and wise. In Fet's life there were specific meetings with extraordinary and yet earthly women who inspired the creation of poems.

(Slide #29: Love lyrics)

The poet in his poems sang of female beauty. Fet has a whole cycle of lyrical messages addressed to Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, Tatyana Kuzminskaya, her sister Elena Khomutova, Sologub and many other women.

To believe in the beautiful, to love the beautiful is the high happiness of the poet and his highest goal. It is no coincidence that many of Fet's poems have become romances, the performance of which even now gives rise to a range of feelings in the soul of every person. (Music “I won’t tell you anything”) Slide #30

Leading:(Slide number 31-33)

On November 21 (December 3, according to the new style), 1892, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet died in Moscow. He was buried in the village of Kleimenov, Oryol district, the Shenshiny family estate.

Presenter: wavy cloud
Dust rises in the distance;
Equestrian or foot
Can't be seen in the dust!
I see: someone is riding a dashing horse,
My friend, distant friend,
Remember me!

Leading: So our journey into the world of A. Fet's poetry ended. His poems bear the living imprint of the Russian soul. To whom the Motherland is dear, Fetov's poetry will definitely be to the heart. (Slide number 34: A whole world from beauty ...)

Presenter: A whole world of beauty
From big to small
And you're looking in vain
Find its beginning.
What is a day or a century
Before what is infinite?
Although man is not eternal,
That which is eternal is humanity.

I invite everyone to touch the work of the great poet "His captivating charm" through his works. (book exhibition)

A whole world of beauty
From big to small
And you're looking in vain
Find its beginning.

What is a day or a century
Before what is infinite?
Although man is not eternal,
That which is eternal is human.

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More poems:

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  2. All day the gates creak, glass rattles in the window. The crow rises heavily against the wind and, unable to withstand the roll, brushing off somehow, rushes down the wind instantly into a ravine full of dusk! Leaning against the fence...
  3. Alas! what is beauty in the world? - Aerial fire, shining in the night, A dream is pleasant to the heart of sleep, A ray of sunshine, shining in the dew. An instant - there are no Aurora tears, An instant - the dream has ceased to flatter, An instant ...
  4. There is something shameful in the power of nature, Silent enmity to the rays of beauty: Over the world of rocks the years rush, But only the world of dreams is eternal. Let the unchanging ocean threaten, Let the icy ones sleep proudly...
  5. Sparks, sparkles, sparkles and glare. The sea is either gray or blue. Calling seagulls are crying. The salty foam of the surf splashes. Eternal seas sound kisses. Forever heeded by the white ruins Narrow, dark,...
  6. They showed an ostrich in the Passage. The cold box of the store, And the gray light from under the glass roof, Yes, this kerosene stove on the counter - He got used to everything a long time ago. Puffed up, on sleepy eyes He pulled purple ...
  7. There is a lofty meaning in separation: No matter how much you love, at least one day, at least a century, Love is a dream, and a dream is one moment, And sooner or later, or awakening, And must finally ...
  8. This Corsican has been thundering with bloody deeds for a century. Eats a hundred thousand people And with ... t kings ....
  9. Every day in the morning - the same thing: Fine diamond grains Rain drums endlessly On glass, on a tin roof ... Oh, my favorite art! Don't let dull longing grow! Warm up...
  10. I hear the ringing of distant horseshoes, I see the Dnieper of the dead years. Black ford. Crossing. Plaque. And along the backs of hunchbacked bulls, On the weathered cheekbones of the fighters, On the tops of faceted bayonets A red sunrise rises. In the Poltava region...
  11. You understand what KamAZ is: These are hundreds of roaring engines, This is a commotion of hundreds of winds In the wide open spaces of the Kama. And the city of Naberezhnye Chelny stands in full view of the whole country. You understand what is...

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

A whole world of beauty
From big to small
And you're looking in vain
Find its beginning.

What is a day or a century
Before what is infinite?
Although man is not eternal,
That which is eternal is human.

In 1859, in the St. Petersburg monthly magazine "Russian Word" Fet published an article "On the poems of F. Tyutchev." Before turning to the analysis of the work of a contemporary, the poet sets out his philosophical and aesthetic views. Over time, much in his perception has changed. The concept of beauty remains the same. Fet considered it a real-life element of the world around people. A creative person must have a special gift of clairvoyance. A certain angle of view helps him to see even the most banal object from a new perspective. In the outside world, the artist captures beauty, which is his ideal, and embodies it in art. Fet's philosophical and aesthetic views are expressed not only in theory, but also in practice. Some of them are expressed in the poem "The whole world from beauty ...". The exact date of its writing is still unclear. Literary critics indicate the interval between 1874 and 1886.

In the poem, thoughts are given in the same order as in the article. In the first quatrain, Fet talks about the place of beauty in the world. In the second - about the relationship between human and beauty. The concept of clairvoyance, which is described in detail in the work “On the Poems of F. Tyutchev”, in the work “The whole world from beauty ...” is expressed in the last two lines, which are distinguished by conciseness, accuracy and aphorism: “Although a person is not eternal, what is eternal, - humane. The coincidence between prose and lyrics is also observed at the intonational level. Both the article and the poem are characterized by heightened emotionality.

Fet's contemporary critics often did not accept his poetry and ridiculed it. The heyday of the work of Afanasy Afanasyevich fell on the sixties of the nineteenth century - in the Russian Empire this is the time of Bazarov and nihilism. People tried to understand the world around them through science, to explain things, the nature of which previously seemed an unsolvable mystery. Fet's lyrics did not fit into such concepts in any way. His poems are a fixation of a fleeting sensation, moreover, a purely individual one. He did not depict objects, but a personal look at them. The approach of Afanasy Afanasyevich to creativity was partly due to the small number of verbs in his poems. This can be seen in the work "The whole world from beauty ...". Only two verbs are used in the octagon, and they are almost identical in meaning - “seek” and “find”.

Theme: "The whole world from beauty" (according to the lyrics by A.A. Fet)


1. Educational: analysis of Fet's love lyrics, acquaintance with the impressionism of his poetry, with ways to achieve harmony and musicality of poetic speech;

2. Educational: education of aesthetic feelings;

3. Developing: the development of figurative thinking.

Educational area: literature

Lesson type: consolidation of the studied

Lesson form: non-standard ( lesson-concert on lyrics by A.A. Fet)

Types of organization of student activities: work in microgroups - analysis of A.A. Fet's poems on questions, individual advanced task for 5 students - expressive recitation of poems by heart.

Interdisciplinary connections: music, visual arts

Lesson Objectives:

1. Educational: analysis of Fet's love lyrics, acquaintance with the impressionism of his poetry, with ways to achieve harmony and musicality of poetic speech;

2. Nurturing: education of aesthetic feeling;

3. Developing: development of figurative thinking.

Equipment: portrait of A.A. Fet; computer presentation;

Epigraph:... I don’t know myself what I will

Sing, but only the song matures ...

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment:

1) greeting students,

2) checking the readiness of students for the lesson,

3) monitoring the mood of students.

2. Updating the basic knowledge of students. Answer the questions:

1. How does A.A. Fet understand the purpose of poetry?
2. What is the figurative structure of Fet's lyrics?
3. What kind of muse do you imagine A.A. Fet? How does it differ from Pushkin's muse?
4. What did L. N. Tolstoy mean when he said that the poet has “poetic audacity”?

3. Preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of the material. Introductory speech of the teacher:

A whole world of beauty -

From big to small...

And you're looking in vain

Find its beginning.

What is a day or a century

Before what is infinite?

Let not eternal man

That which is eternal is human.

Fet's poetry is an example of harmony and melody. She is part of the beauty of this world. The purpose of our lesson is to trace how, in what ways the harmony of Fet's poetic speech is achieved, why his poems are so musical. In one of his letters, Fet writes: "... I was always drawn from a certain area of ​​​​words to an indefinite area of ​​​​music, into which I went, as far as my strength was." Russian composers N. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. Varlamov, P. Tchaikovsky, A. Grechaninov and others set 177 poems of the poet to music, many of them repeatedly.

We will listen to one of the most famous romances on the verses of Fet “At dawn, don’t wake her up…”

4. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Acquaintance with the concept of impressionism in poetry:

Impressionism(from fr. impression- impression) - a trend in art of the last third of the 19th - early 20th centuries, which originated in France and then spread throughout the world, whose representatives sought to most naturally and impartially capture the real world in its mobility and variability, to convey their fleeting impressions.

(Reproductions from paintings by impressionist artists are shown)

« Impressionism in poetry- this is an image of objects not in their entirety, but in instantaneous, random snapshots of memory; the subject does not add up to a whole picture, but is fixed in fragments. (Working with an epigraph)

5. Checking students' understanding of the new material.

1st student reading a poem by heart “I came to you with greetings ...” (1843)

Checking the work of the 1st group:

Morning is the time of the awakening of nature, the time of the awakening of feelings. There is a lot of movement, cheerfulness, dynamics in the poem. What is it due to? (An abundance of verbs: came, tell, got up, trembled, woke up, started, ready to serve, sing, ripens)

Repetitions give a special expression (Anaphora - tell, other repetitive words: the forest woke up - the whole woke up; with each branch - with each bird; alliances that ... that ... that ...)

What literary devices do you see in this poem? (personifications, epithets)

Using the technique of personification, Fet animates nature. She lives with him: “the forest woke up, started up, full of thirst”, “the sun rose, trembled”. The awakening of nature is joyful, it awakens bright feelings in a person.

At the end of the poem, love and joy pour into a song that becomes the highest embodiment of these feelings. The poem is a kind of poetic manifesto of Fet. It has three looks: nature, love and song are closely related. They form Fet's harmony of the world.

It is in the musical lyrics that Fet made artistic discoveries, it contains the innovative essence of his lyricism. It manifested itself most clearly in the 1840-1850s. Poem "Whisper, timid breath..." written in 1850 and published in No. 2 of the Moskvityanin magazine. It has become a new poetic word both for Russian literature and for Fet himself.

Reading the poem by the 2nd student by heart:

Checking the work of the 2nd group:

What do you think this poem is about? Paint the picture you see.

What is the parallelism of the poem? (The world of nature and the world of man)

What features of the poem did you notice: morphological (no verbs), syntactic (only nominal sentences)?

Determine the meter of the piece.

What figurative means does the author use? (the personification of the "sleepy stream", the epithets "timid breathing", "purple roses", "magic changes", "smoky clouds", the metaphor "silver stream")

The metaphor “dawn” occupies a special place. What do you think this metaphor is in the context of the poem? (Dawn is not only a natural phenomenon, it is the highest expression of feeling, the light of love)

- The same world of beauty is present in the poem“The night shone. The garden was full of the moon ... ”, written much later, in 1877. It is dedicated to Tatyana Andreevna Bers, sister of Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, wife of Leo Tolstoy.

Reading the poem by heart by the 3rd student:

Checking the work of the 3rd group:

What is the complexity of the emotional state of the lyrical hero of this poem? What conflicting feelings dominate his soul? (The poet does not paint a portrait of the woman he loves, does not trace all the changes in their relationship. He only captures the quivering feeling that grips him under the impression of the singing of a young girl. Perhaps he remembers another girl, left by him many years ago. But love for her, not extinguished until now, is reborn again, called by music, singing, moonlight, the youth of the performer.)

How is this expressed in the vocabulary and sound of stanzas I-II? (The Fetovsky image affects the reader with the help of a special sound of words. These are combinations of vowels and consonants, alliteration. Each stanza has its own sound writing. The sounds "s" and "l" in the first stanza enhance the effect of the symbols "moon" - a love date, "radiance" - feeling of love.)

What character do the short sentences of the first stanza give to the inner world of the lyrical hero? What is the poetic meaning of this? (The lyrical narration goes on growing: the feeling grows. In the first stanza, an atmosphere of a date is created. Here the poet uses the image of a moonlit night, turning it into a symbol of a love date.)

Has the mood changed in stanzas III-IV? What are the key words of the last stanza? Is there a difference between the words "believe" and "believe"? (The whole soul of the poet comes out, dissolves in music - and at the same time in the soul of the singing heroine, who appears before him as a living embodiment of love "That you are alone - love, that there is no other love."The verb "believe" is much broader in meaning than "believe". It means 1) to be convinced of something, 2) to accept something as true, 3) to trust someone, 4) to believe in God, to believe. "Believe" covers only the last of these meanings. Using this very verb, the poet spiritualizes the image of his beloved.Fet attaches almost no importance to the huge temporary break that lay between the first unforgettable evening and a new meeting, casually giving it just one line “And many years have passed, tedious and boring ...”. In his mind, both evenings merge into one, overcoming all the laws of earthly life. In those hours when a sweet voice sounds, the poet acquires the meaning of being, and time for him in reality passes into eternity.)

II and IV stanzas end the same way. What is the poetic meaning of this? (“Tedious and boring” life here contrasts with that delightful evening of a love date. This contrast reinforces the impression of a date, where the lyrical hero feels that she is “one - all life” and “all love.” Magic sounds healed heart anguish, the hero returns to a state of love-suffering, but suffering that regenerates the soul. A refrain arises: "Love you, hug and cry over you.")

What has changed in the attitude of the lyrical subject to life when "many years have passed"? Why is he ready to forget the insults of fate and believe in the infinity of life? What gives him vitality? (The last four lines of the verse are both the musical, emotional, and semantic completion of the poem. This is the last and highest point of the lyrical plot. And this is glory to both the beautiful in life and the beautiful in art.)

Identify the key images of the text by analyzing the series of nouns, adjectives and verbs. How are the images - semantic dominants - interconnected? What poetic meaning do these relationships reveal? (Each word of the poem tells the reader about something familiar and close - and speaks with beautiful, as if unknown words. One of the key images is the piano. "The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling..." Behind this image, we see not only the piano itself, but and we hear the sounds that come from it. Fet's wonderful image affects us not only directly, but also indirectly.)

Listen to the romance “The night shone. The garden was full of the moon ... ”to the verses of Fet. Did the composer manage to preserve the melody of the poem, the emotionality of the imagery?

The romance “The night shone. The garden was full of moon ... "

6. Stage fixing.Like other poets, Fet willingly sang female beauty in his works.. Over the years, he creates a whole cycle of lyrical messages addressed to Sofya Tolstaya, Tatyana Kuzminskaya, Elizaveta Khomutova, Natalya Sologub and many other women. But his main muse was and continued to be until the end of his life Maria Lazic, his first love, once abandoned by him and tragically lost. Many poems of the poet are dedicated to her - the best examples of his work: “Old Letters” (1859), “You have suffered, I am still suffering ...” (1878), “alter ego "(1879).

Reading by heart the 4th student of the poem "No, I haven't changed..."

The gamut of feelings that is contained in each of these poems gives rise to more and more new musical images. Sometimes they are born right in front of our eyes. Listen to a musical improvisation on a poem « alter ego » dedicated to Maria Lazich.

(The poem is performed by the 5th student with the guitar - her own musical improvisation)

7. Homework: write an essay on the topic "Impressionism of A.A. Fet's poetry".