Physiognomy how easy it is to learn to read faces. Physiognomy of the face: how and where it is used

Friends and like-minded people, I greet you!

Well, if you have already dealt with the question, well, we will take a closer look at such an interesting question: what connection can there be between such things as facial physiognomy and character?


The head is the most important part of the body, where the main organs are concentrated through which we receive information about the outside world: sight, hearing, smell...

Thinkers of all times and peoples have tried to correlate the shape of the head and facial features with psychological characteristics. Friends, have you ever met people with an "evil face", but with "smart" or "stupid"?

After all, a person's face keeps traces of the most frequent and typical thoughts and experiences for him.

What can be said about a character by looking at a person's hair?

Let's start with such a noticeable detail as hair. A person has the ability to change them at will natural characteristics: color, curly, length, quantity. This is one of the brightest means of self-expression.

Meeting people with thin delicate hair we can see that such people are more , fragile and vulnerable. It is clear that such hair is more common in women. Isn't this the basis of sympathy for blondes, who seem to be sensitive and soft?

But very light hair speaks of indifference and coldness. And here golden issue willfulness and cunning(chanterelle-sister!).

Coarse hair corresponds to the rude nature of their owner., but such people endure the pain and hardships of life more easily, they are straightforward and indelicate.

Coarse hair is more common in brunettes: black curly hair usually belong to people hot and ardent.

Brown hair talking about justice and nobility their owners.

And now, a trick question: How often do you color your hair? And weakly painted in a radical color?» When answering: « Yes!”, we understand that we have before us an impulsive, conceited, self-centered person who is not able to see himself from the outside.

Only hair, or also hairstyles give us away?

Men, for example, who love to wear long hair- it's usually artistic nature or.

And here short hair prefer athletes, military, conservatives.

Girls if you see well-groomed man: haircut, styling, expensive clothes, shoes, accessories, then remember - this conceited and a man who demands admiration from others!

And here women's hairstyle is not a very indicative sign- it all depends on fashion and social class. Young and sexy women wear long hair, but short, fashionably and immaculately cut hair indicates an artistic nature and testifies to the financial well-being of their owners.

Less stylish haircut reveals practicality, and ultra-short haircut - extravagance.

Features of the human face

Conventionally, all people are divided into two groups:

Three parts of the face

Looking at a person's face, divide it into three parts:

  • top part starts at the roots of the hair and ends at the eyebrows.
    It reflects the legacy intellectual ability, it shows the history of the development of human life from 15 to 30 years.
  • middle part starts from the eyebrows and goes down to the tip of the nose.
    She governs the heyday of 31 to 50 years.
  • the part of the face from the tip of the nose to the chin is called bottom.
    It corresponds to the period from 51 to 77 years and is associated with instincts.

If the upper part is longer and wider than the other two, then the person probably had a happy childhood. If the middle part is more harmonious and longer than the other two, then the person has achieved the greatest success in the middle of life, and if the lower part of the face is the most developed, then most likely the person will live a happy life.

An ideal face is one in which all three parts are approximately the same length.

Good signs are considered: a wide, high and smooth forehead, clear and penetrating eyes, a straight and slightly elongated nose, a well-defined mouth, full cheeks, a strong chin.

What are the types of faces?

And now we will learn to distinguish between different types of faces. First you need to define it form.

pear face- the widest in the jaw, tapering to the temples. Such people are very different activity desire to do something all the time. They are determined, stubborn, but can be rude, heartless and harsh.

elongated face- the same width in the forehead, cheekbones and jaws. This is an aristocratic type of face, is considered a standard and is rare. People with this face shape have , have refined manners, very emotional, persistent, diligent, hardworking and prudent. Much effort is spent on self-affirmation.

triangular face- the widest in the forehead. This is the type of people well-developed intuition, sensitive, impressionable and. Among them there are very cunning and quarrelsome natures. In general, people of this type strive for peace, a state of relaxation, but they are often unsure of themselves.

Round face- the widest in the cheeks. These people are associated with kindness, kindness, gentleness. Such people are distinguished by activity, flexibility, sociability, the desire for new experiences, the search for new friends. They are attracted to easy money and gambling.

Square face characteristic of people energetic, disciplined and executive, but such people are often difficult to communicate, and sometimes straightforward to the point of cruelty.

Eyes, mirror of the soul

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul. After all, over 80% of the information about the world around us, a person perceives through the eyes. They always determine the inner experiences of people. It has long been noted that a person with beautiful and attractive eyes has good health, mind, will, balance. Beautiful, expressive eyes have a number of characteristics - they seem to emit light, well protected by eyelids. Deviations testify to character traits that create difficulties in life not only for the owner, but also for others.

First, pay attention to the size of the eyes. Owners big eyes different emotionality, artistry, masculinity,. Large dreamy eyes indicate a loving, musical nature, though with a penchant for distorting the truth.

Small eyes are a sign of caution. When making decisions, the owners of such eyes think about the situation for a long time, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Such eyes often belong to closed, sometimes self-satisfied people. The smaller the size of the eyes, the worse the susceptibility.

Features of the look

The manner of looking over the head speaks of pride, arrogance, neglect.

With his head bowed, a modest person usually looks, overly cautious and restless.

The one who does not look straight in the face, but only throws quick glances - a person "of his own mind." But if a person diligently looks away, then he is either plotting something or feeling guilty. You have to be very careful with this.

A courageous person with a clear conscience usually looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, withstands someone else's gaze.

Sometimes people during a conversation lower eyelids. This unconscious gesture may mean that the interlocutor is unpleasant or uninteresting.

Momentary eye closure means agreement or approval if accompanied by a nod of the head.

Wide eyes for a long time indicate focused attention, a desire to make contact.

If the interlocutor squints eyes, then this can be considered as an unfriendly signal - they do not want to see you, and sometimes the interlocutor can show that he wants to take a closer look at you. Well, and, of course, myopic people can also squint.

A lot depends on other signals - on gestures, posture, head rotation, etc.

Focusing the gaze

Often uncertain, a person who has not achieved anything in life, does not focus his gaze on the interlocutor, but constantly flickering from object to object, on other people.

And the man focusing gaze on the interlocutor, looking long and attentively, as a rule, turns out to be smart, understanding, knowing their goals and ways to achieve them. He is a good analyst, determined, far-sighted and persistent. He is slow, but achieves a lot.

eye color

dark pupils, bordered by silvery proteins, testify to great mind, nobility, power.

And if whites that are yellowish, reddish or pure white, then this indicates malice, shyness, stupidity.

Large iris- a sign of mercy small- Difficulties in relationships with other people.

Grey eyes found in people plastic responding quickly to changing situations. They are distinguished by patience, realism, observation, the ability to subjugate other people.

Blue eyes point to people persistent who achieve their goals, possessing intuition. Dark blue eyes in people with soft manners, idealists, but not always sincere.

Blue eyes characteristic of active people, insightful, able to subordinate people to their desires.

Brown eyes indicate people who know how to work hard and hard, who have energy and will but sometimes impulsive.

Green eyes testify to high sensitivity, tendencies to deep feelings. Such people need love and care, they are very devoted and gentle. They strive for pleasure, but they are very envious.

Black eyes- sign independence and desire for dominance. Encountering obstacles on their way, they are aggressive. And don't forget that "evil eye is black eye".

And you also need to take into account the distance between the eyes and their fit.

The distance between the eyes and their fit

Widely spaced eyes reflect breadth of soul, a shifted to the bridge of the nose, the eyes give out a person pragmatic, purposeful, striving to penetrate the essence of what is happening.

Bulging eyes- nature willful, self-imposed not accustomed to denying herself anything.

And people with deep-set eyes and with a forehead, as it were, hanging over them somewhat, there is a secretive, cautious, not cowardly character, but capable of unexpected aggression. And these people are sensitive, temperamental, suspicious. In short, it is better not to anger such people in vain.

Eye Shape

The shape of the eyes is of great importance in determining the character. For better memorization, since ancient times, Chinese physiognomists have associated types of eye shapes with certain animals.

dragon eyes: large with a lively sheen. The upper eyelid slightly covers the eye. Point to desire for power, the desire to have respect.

phoenix eyes: long eyes with double eyelids, the outer corners of the eyes resemble "fish tails". It's a sign refinement of nature with business and artistic abilities.

Eyes of the Tiger: almost round eyes with brilliance, with numerous folds on the eyelids. testify to impulsiveness, cruelty and thirst for leadership.

elephant eyes: narrow and elongated eyes with double or triple eyelids. They are more common in overweight people, calm, friendly, unhurried.

Sheep eyes: narrow, small eyes with a black and yellow iris, with three layers of skin on the upper eyelids. It's a sign passionate nature, but are often prone to self-destructive moods.

horse eyes: the shape of the eyes resembles a trapezoid (the lower base is smaller than the upper one), they come with sagging eyelids. These eyes indicate gaiety of disposition, talkativeness, and inconstancy.

wolf eyes: The irises are usually small and the protein surrounds the iris from the sides and from above. People with such eyes usually have evil character, cruel, vindictive and ruthless.

monkey eyes: small eyes with double lower eyelids and black iris. They belong very restless people with unstable temperament.

snake eyes: The iris is small with a reddish tint. Points to explosive temper, resentment, aggressiveness.

fish eyes: upper eyelid falls to the outer corner of the eye. Behind the external calmness of such people is hidden instability and impulsiveness.

Cancer eyes: eyeballs protrude noticeably forward. sign stubborn, brave and ambitious personality.

Rooster eyes: more often blue and light brown. The irises are lined with lines emanating from the pupil, like the spokes of a wheel. Such people are subject to all sorts of misadventures.

cat eyes: eyes with double eyelids and dark yellow iris. Sometimes they look sick and cause compassion in other people, but attract the opposite sex.

lion eyes: large eyes with folds on the upper and lower eyelids. Such people tend to justice, as well as organizational skills.

After the eyes, let's pay attention to the eyebrows.

By the shape and color of the eyebrows, one can judge the mental abilities of a person, artistry, talents and other personal qualities. Eyebrows vary in width, length, shape and position.

Wide eyebrows point to courage, honesty, directness and sexuality. But often they are intolerant, have a desire subjugate others.

People with thin eyebrows are shy, modest, conservative.

long eyebrows belong gifted people with artistic inclinations.

short eyebrows belong timid and lonely people silent and distrustful.

And here short and very thick eyebrows talking about courage and ability to lead others.

Eyebrow position

The lower they are located the more impatient and intolerant their owner. Extremely touchy people have eyebrows hanging over their eyes, they do not forgive insults and are very vengeful.

People with high up eyebrows generous, easy to deal with make friends easily.

asymmetrical set eyebrows are found in people who are thoughtful, easily changing moods and desires.

Eyebrow shape

If a person has eyebrows symmetrical, neat, beautiful and slightly curved, he is by nature friendly. If eyebrows grow chaotic and uneven, then relations with other people will bad. There are the following eyebrow shapes:

  • Horizontal- the owners of such eyebrows have a lively mind, easy attitude to life, love for honors, comfort, prosperity.
  • selfish eyebrows- they resemble arcs in shape, grow in width from the outer edge of the face to the bridge of the nose. These people are selfish, narcissistic, vicious and vengeful.
  • Short and very thick eyebrows- neat, shiny and slightly curved at the edges. They belong to the people with artistic talent good taste, impatient and hot, but bold.
  • devilish eyebrows- bushy, chaotic, sticking out in all directions. Their owners are people extremely proud, cruel, vicious, suspicious.
  • Crescent shaped- such eyebrows speak of tenderness, softness, sensitivity, openness in communication.
  • unibrow- such eyebrows indicate restless character and difficulties in life.
  • "Willow" eyebrows- slightly curved and attractive. Belong to the people romantic, smart, friendly, pleasant in communication.

Bottom line: wide, long, smooth, even and raised eyebrows above the eyes are considered a favorable sign.


For those who do not know, the forehead is located in the upper zone of the face and is responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person. The forehead should be wide, high and not protruding much. Studying the forehead, examine it in profile.

The options are:

  • sloping forehead- belongs to a person with good intellectual abilities, but often impulsive and pragmatic. These people act quickly without thinking. Very often they are deceitful and cunning.
  • Straight or slightly convex forehead- in front of us typical intellectual, with good logical thinking, but a lot of time is spent on reflection and there is a lack of intuition.
  • Too prominent forehead- in front of us nature is not far off, evil but very practical.
  • Straight and narrow forehead - honesty, kindness, but weak development of intelligence.
  • Too big forehead- it does not harmonize with other facial features, this is an indicator laziness and tendencies to a sedentary lifestyle.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hair - pride, lack of kindness to others.

And if the wrinkles are located closer to the eyebrows, the person clearly has analytical abilities.


The nose is located in the very center of the face and is of particular importance in determining the character of a person. And it also serves as a fulcrum for assessing the balance of facial features, the harmony of their combination.

Ideally, the nose straight with a well-rounded tip and beautiful wing shape, the openings of the nostrils must be hidden. In addition, the ideal nose has a streamlined shape from the bridge of the nose to the tip, but, as practice shows, the nose has the most deviations from the ideal shape, which is reflected in the character.

Long nose- points to independence the ability to solve various problems.

short nose- this is "open soul", inexhaustible optimism.

Bony long nose - pride, arrogance, arrogance.

Bony nose with a pronounced hump gives us.

Drop nose tip- cheerfulness, optimism .

The tip of the nose resembles an eagle's beak - insight, cunning, and sometimes vindictiveness.

full, big bulbous tip of the nose - human cordial and warm.

Elevated, with protruding wings of the nostrils, the nose - willfulness, incontinence, promiscuity.

Bifurcated tip of the nose - timidity.

Small nostrils - excessive compliance.

Wide wings of the nose - conceit.

hanging nose covering part of the upper lip - a sign perfidy.

The wings at the tip of the nose diverge widely - sensitivity, and sometimes aggressiveness.

Mouth and lips

The mouth is at the bottom of the face. After the eyes, they pay the most attention to it. First, evaluate the size of the mouth.

Big mouth indicates a person striving as much as possible keep near you: information, people, things. Such people rarely miss anything in life.

In people with small mouth much less appetite. To possess something, they need to show great skill and cunning. There is more than enough perseverance and diligence, but the strength is often not enough.

Large mouth with falling corners lips points to strong will, it is difficult to put pressure on such a person.

small mouth in the form of an arc - sensitive nature.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the lower half of the mouth is slightly lowered is a sign stubbornness.

Men tend to have hard lips, while women tend to have soft lips.

Pursed, somewhat retracted lips give out in a person passion for hoarding, and communication with other people is built strictly for profit.

But if you met thin or thick lips, but tightly compressed- in front of you self-confident and courageous person.

Slightly parted lips point to compliance, the openness of a person, his desire to communicate, but such a person is often proud and easily caught in flattery.

Some people, if you look at them in profile, lower lip protrudes forward, which indicates capricious and a self-willed person, accustomed to getting his own way.

"Full-lipped" when upper lip resembles in shape horizontal line, born gossipers with imaginative thinking, with good intuition, with a premonition of the future, perfectly oriented in unclear situations.

People who have a line the upper lip resembles a wave, more resolute and assertive, specific. In conversation, they are overly categorical and straightforward, somewhat talkative, like to joke and are positive about life.

Dropped corners lips speak of frequent lesions and other sorrows.

Some raised corners lips - a sense of superiority, triumph, optimism, success in life.

Chin and jaws

The chin and jaws are located in the "instinctive", lower zone of the face and govern the later years of a person's life.

With a round face well developed jaws indicate affection, generosity, self-control.

With a square face, they speak of determination and firmness of character.

Generally speaking, a wide jaw or chin is a sign of a strong character, if not spoiled by bad features.

Usually, wide chin indicates the presence great strength and agility, such people always go to the intended goal.

If developed jaws are reinforced protruding sharp chin, then this means determination and the speed of the onslaught, but aggressiveness and ambition increase.

Acute triangular chin- an indication of ambition and ambition at . If in profile chin is slightly pronounced and noticeably sloping, in front of us weak-willed person, but quirky, suspicious, vindictive and selfish.

And the owners of chins with vertical slot in the middle in character will prevail cordiality, tenderness, passion.


They judge the first 14 years of a person's life. In its shape, the ear resembles a human embryo, it is determined by condition of almost all internal organs. The ear is also an active erotic zone. When evaluating the character, attention is paid to the position of the ears relative to the eyebrows, the flatness to the head, the color and size of the ear canal.

Thin translucent ears - irritability and impulsivity.

small ears- striving for order.

Long and narrow ears - stinginess.

Hard ears - internal energy.

Soft ears - underdeveloped thinking.

If the upper edge of the ears is above the brow line, this indicates mind and ambition.

What if the ears pressed to the head, then a person lack of independence.

protruding ears point to decision making.

Small ears pressed to the head - vindictiveness.

ear canal- a hole inside the ear. If it big, then its owner kind, generous person able to learn.

And here small hole in the ears speaks of narrowness of interests, envy, vindictiveness.

Secretive people usually have large and deep auricles.

White and red colors are considered favorable, but the dark color indicates a weak mind and poor health.


big lobe usually happens to obstinate and stubborn people It is also an indicator of longevity.

And here small lobe portends cardiovascular diseases.


This is a kind of outgrowth that covers the ear holes.

If a tragus turned out, then such a person needs information from outside.

But if the tragus is bent inside, then we see secretive person unable to use their abilities.

Well, friends, we have come to the end of the study of physiognomy. Remember, appearances are not deceiving! Just not everyone can read faces and between the lines! Of course, keep in mind that this is not an absolute truth and that you should not take it 100%. To be honest, in many cases this information is very true, but there is always room for exceptions. I advise you to watch several criteria than one or two before drawing conclusions.

I wish you success! And may the Force be with you!


You can only tell what a person is thinking by looking at their facial expressions. There are exceptions when an individual is able to mask emotions under the mask of indifference. But how to determine by the features with whom you will have to live, work, or who needs to be entrusted with the execution of a responsible task?

The science of physiognomy helps to unravel the secret nuances of character. It is guided by people working in high positions, it is followed by recruiters.

It will also help you to correctly establish the character of the person with whom you decided to share your own future. The method is based on research conducted by scientists in different countries of the world.

Character traits by common characteristics

Research within the framework of a multifaceted doctrine gives correct ideas about the signs of character, qualities and unique abilities. Alan Stevens (psychologist - the founder of the method of determining character by facial features) claims that the muscles in the face, as well as in the body, are able to develop with regular training. The more often a person uses them, the more they are developed.

If a person's eyebrows are located at a greater distance, he prefers to have an individual space. Psychologists attribute this to the development of the muscles used to express surprise.

You will recognize a confident person by the ratio of the length of his face and the width. If the width compared to the length as a percentage is more than 70 units, then the person can be called confident. Those who have a width of the face less than 60% of the length are cautious and not prone to adventures.

Patient and loyal to the mistakes of others, a person with wide-set eyes. If the upper lip is naturally full, he is generous in speech. People with a thin lip line tend to keep their thoughts to themselves. Individuals with a thick crease on the eyelid have an analytical mindset, and those who have it thin or completely absent have decisiveness.

Face shape and character

Rectangular - sensitive, balanced nature with organizational skills. They are able to set goals and overcome them. Even in leadership positions, such people show delicacy and tact. They know when to firmly express an opinion, and when to remain silent.

Square - they are distinguished by a sharp mind, analytical thinking. At the same time, individuals tend to dominate and show aggression.

Triangular - characterized by conflicting character traits. There is cunning, sensitivity and a desire for solitude. Natures are gifted and attracted to self-development in the spiritual sphere.

Trapezoidal - optimists, carrying a sense of happiness and tranquility. They are cheerful and mildly characteristic. These are excellent workers, but not leaders.

Oval - hardworking practitioners. They methodically perform the work, but at the same time they are able to admire their diligence. They are characterized by narcissism, which is why communication with colleagues often does not add up.

Round shape - indicates softness and peacefulness. They are open to learning new things. They are friendly, but do not tolerate encroachment on their own comfort. These are for whom material values ​​are in the main place.

The profile of the face also leaves an imprint on the character of a person.

A convex profile (large nose, wide and thick eyebrows, sloping forehead, full lips) indicates stubbornness and exactingness.
The concave profile, characterized by flat eyebrows, a small snub nose, a protruding forehead and chin, speaks of patience and good nature.
A flat profile is a calm person with a constant character.

What traits influence character?

Saying "facial features", they mean its individual parts: eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears and lips. When determining the character, keep in mind that they can be artificially modified, especially in women.

Forehead and eyebrow lines

A high and wide forehead in volume will indicate indiscipline. High and sloping reveals the practicality of the mind and the activity of a person.

Thick eyebrows made of stiff hairs are evidence of intransigence. They have a trait of stubbornness and a tendency to cruelty. If the eyebrows narrow towards the end into a thin strip, nobility is inherent in the person, if the tip is turned up - cruelty and enterprise.

Hair growth also gives an imprint on the character. Eyebrows that are fused indicate decisiveness, and divorced to the sides - about treachery of character. Short but thick eyebrows - a person is closed. He is prone to negative emotions and is often quick-tempered.

Going beyond the eyes, indicate intelligence. If the eyebrows are almost invisible, the person is cunning.

The forehead expanding to the bottom indicates such a character trait as curiosity and a tendency to develop mental abilities. Pronounced folds above the eyebrows speak of an active character.

The forehead, expanding towards the top, indicates talent. But such a person is closed and does not take into account the opinions of others.

Set character by eyes

The expression of the eyes is easy to control, so it is often not possible to establish a character from this trait. But the form is given by nature and it is possible to determine the characteristics of a person by it, knowing what it means:

small eyes - a sign of jealousy, if they have a double lower eyelid - inconstancy;
big eyes - a sign of sensitivity, if the eyelids slightly cover the eyes, the person has an imperious character;
narrow - a sign of stealth;
deep-set eyes - beware of such a person, as he can be treacherous;
raised edges indicate courage and good nature;
corners pointing down - excessive emotionality.

Submission is inherent in people who have the outer corner of the eye pointing down.

Nose length and character

The nose is the most truthful way to tell about the character. The expression of the mouth and eyes is easy to change, but changing the nose is possible only with surgery.

Small, indicates pettiness and jealousy. A thin nose with a small hump characterizes a stubborn person. A long nose indicates conservatism, and if it is still wide, the person has poise and calmness. Too much length is a sign of capriciousness and intelligence.

If bones appear on the back of the nose, it means that a person does not know how to concentrate. The wings are located in proportion to the large and flat back - prudence, coldness.

Pay special attention to the tip of the nose:

round - luck and good luck, the individual gets everything he wants;
convex - self-sacrifice is inherent;
rounded nose, like an eagle - nature is subject to revenge;
drooping tip - supersexuality;
the tip raised up speaks of openness and inability to keep a secret;
a sharp tip is a fickle nature, capable of betraying.

The shape and location of the auricle

If the upper part of the ears is located at the level of the eyebrows, the person is stubborn and often dissatisfied. Is the upper line of the auricle in line with the eyes? A person has a developed intuition.

The proportionality of the auricle is difficult to immediately see, but it is also easy to determine the character of a person from it. Width less than height? A person is characterized by weakness of character and a superficial mind. Vice versa? A strong personality with an imperious character.

Rectangular - a sign of perseverance and the ability to achieve goals. Protruding ears will tell about sexuality, and too close-fitting shells are evidence of conscientiousness and hard work.

Does the person have large earlobes? So fortune is on his side. Ears with short lobes will tell about a complex, unbalanced character.

If the outer line has convex shapes, the person has talents. Ears with a round shape will tell about energy and leadership abilities.

Mouth and lip shape

Self-centered and stubborn people have lips of different sizes: the lower lip is wider than the upper one. Thin lips will tell about cruelty, and thick lips - about sensuality and a sharp mind. If you see a wide mouth on a small face, think that in front of you is a real leader who has been given the ability to manage people from birth.

A wide mouth on a large face is a sign of isolation. Such a person pays attention only to his own affairs. A small mouth is an indicator of weak will.

If the corners of the lips are down, the person is stubborn, up - sensitive. If the corners are not located proportionally, then a person is able to deceive and betray. If a person has a large mouth and at the same time it is slightly open, know that this is a careless person, prone to indecision.

When choosing a girl for a life together, remember that closed lips indicate a desire to climb the career ladder. In this case, family life will be in the background.

Chin and its features

Wide - speaks of the spirit of competition, the unwillingness to lose. Expressed features will tell about stubbornness and endurance. This is a person who has and adheres to a value system. Mild features of the chin in a person with a weak will and weak character. He is influenced and lives by the standards of others.

How to learn to recognize the character by the features of the face?

Not everyone can determine the ability of character. To obtain an accurate analysis, you need to have a medical education, as well. Only an excellent psychologist is capable of capturing the shades of mood, contemplating the full picture of character.

After all, the features should be considered in general, taking into account proportions and balance. The length of the nose or ears can only be determined according to other features. Comparing them, you can say: large, small, proportionally or not.

Pay special attention to balance. The more clearly it is expressed, the stronger the character of the personality is manifested. First of all, examine the shape of the eyes, mouth, nose, ears and eyebrows. Then evaluate the forehead and chin, temples and cheekbones.

Based on the records, a more accurate estimate can be made.

An important feature is the eyes. They reveal the essence of a person more than others. Ancient scientists distinguished 39 forms of the eye. Each of them spoke about certain features of the human character. They determined the presence of talent and leadership qualities. In an outstanding, outstanding person, they are proportional and go well with the nose, mouth, ears and other features.

March 22, 2014, 03:40 pm

Hello dear readers of the Reading Technologies blog!

I will dedicate this article to esotericism.

But not in the sense that we will control fate through thoughts and attract events with energy. No. But we will try to use interesting and useful esoteric knowledge to develop our qualities.

Take, for example, the quality observation.

Indeed, in fact, to be able to observe means to be able to see details in an object / phenomenon that others do not notice.

But how can you notice, let alone distinguish one from the other, if you don’t know what parts the object actually consists of and how it is correctly described. After all, one must not only be able to see, but also know - what you need to see in a particular object of observation .


Since ancient times, people have tried to classify similar properties of objects into so-called Typologies .

For example, there are typologies of a person by temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. According to the type of body structure: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

Or division according to the signs of the Zodiac or the year of the Chinese calendar.

Similarly, typical properties were noticed in the lines of the palm - arose palmistry , in the arrangement of objects - Feng Shui , in handwriting - graphology etc.

It was also noticed that people with the same facial features very often have similar character traits. This is how physiognomy.

About it today and will be discussed in our "Book review".

The concept of Physiognomy

Physiognomy- this is a method of determining the type of personality and character of a person, and even fate by external facial features. This is in short.

The first mention of physiognomy is attributed to Aristotle. Even earlier, Hippocrates was also interested in this.

The word physiognomy (from the French physionomie) first came to the Russian language - the art of recognizing a person's character by the features of his face.

Today, a face is called a physiognomy, and instead of " physiognomy"use the word" physiognomy».

Later, from the concept of "physiognomy" stood out kinesics (gestures, facial expressions) phrenology(study of the structure of the skull), oculesica (eye language), etc.

Principles of physiognomy

We single out the basic principles of human physiognomy in order to use them as the foundation for further study.

1. Balance and proportions.

The proportions of some facial features in relation to others are studied. Ideally, they should be balanced.

For study, the face is divided by horizontal lines into 3 parts: upper, middle and lower zone.

2. Zones and forms - this is the second principle.

Each zone controls its own age, for example, the top one will tell about the period from 15 to 30 years and from 64 to 93 years.

The shape of the face is also studied. What are they - oblong, square, triangular or others, which allow you to complement the characteristics of a person.

Interesting research was conducted at the beginning of the 20th century by K. Huter. He also divided the face into 3 parts and showed that the upper part (forehead) determines mental activity, the middle part - sensual and spiritual, the lower part - love for pleasures and benefits.

The Arab physiognomist Abul-Faraj (1226-1286) in the "Book of Entertaining Stories" described a person's appearance and its connection with character.

Some excerpts:

- A strong, courageous person: a slightly oblong face, deep-set eyes, a large forehead, an aquiline nose, coarse hair, thick eyebrows, narrow lips.

- A lover of wisdom: a beautiful face, glowing eyes with power, thin lips.

- Slow person: thick tip of the nose, big ears.

3 . Sis position topic.

In the Chinese face reading system, specific positions on the face are highlighted and they are responsible for a certain age. There are 99 positions in total.

For example, 37 years old - position 37 (pupil of the left eye). The features of this position will characterize a person at 37 years old.

Each position has its own characteristics, and some of them are the most important.

So position 19 (in the forehead) reflects the fate and character inherited from the maternal side. And position 44 is associated with middle age (this is the middle of the nose).

4. Five essential features.

There are five of them: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and forehead.

Other facial features are also studied: a groove on the upper lip, wrinkles, moles, cheekbones, jaws, and chin.

Overall, this is a very interesting way of analysis and introspection. Another reason to look at yourself and escape from the hustle and bustle. And with careful study, this is an opportunity for self-development.

Here's a little help. To broaden your horizons.

And although the physiognomy of the face over the millennia has accumulated a huge array of observations and hypotheses, nevertheless, most of them do not withstand serious scientific verification. Those. not considered scientifically proven.

Although in China Physiognomy was considered a full-fledged branch of medicine.

However, attempts to use physiognomy do not stop. After all, many working in the system " man-man » you need the ability to instantly receive information about the client, partner, interlocutor. This is necessary for teachers and doctors and businessmen and ...., yes, everyone needs it.

After all, few have the gift of clairvoyance, and observant people are sometimes referred to as clairvoyants, because they see what others do not see. Because they know how to see (observe).

This skill is learn to observe and read in the face, I think you can pay attention and time. No magic, just the ability to work with visual information.

Although I do not rule out that long-term studies and experience in the study of physiognomy will allow us to look into the future of man, i.e. read his fate. After all, physiognomy says that this is also possible. There is a chance to check.

Knowing the future, it can be changed if it does not suit you. After all, what is fate , is the track along which a person goes, and since we are all passive and act on the machine (sleep according to Gurdjieff), we are not able to change anything until we wake up.

But waking up and taking responsibility for our own destiny, we can change what does not suit us in this rut ​​and even move to another, more preferable, actually built one.

Now this is some kind of magic, but conscious magic, and not the kind when they “manage energy” without understanding what is behind it and how it will affect.

A. Malovichko has such a phrase “ we can’t figure out even with 2% of our physical essence, but we are trying to work with a completely incomprehensible 98% ».

I am not against energy, I myself have been in this topic for more than a dozen years, but what I understand is that you should not climb over the fence when there is a gate nearby.

Abilities will be given to a person when his condition is ready to receive them. To achieve such a state is a worthy and promising task.

Approaches to the study of physiognomy

I will not impose approaches, but I would single out three levels of its study.

The first level is the quality of observation.

Knowledge of physiognomy allows you to remember the faces of a person. After all, so often we simply cannot describe or remember someone. To do this, you need to know what and how to describe, according to which algorithm.

And here the approaches of physiognomy are very convenient - dividing the face into zones, areas, key features and giving brief characteristics of all this.
This makes it easier to remember and easier to describe.

Second level of knowledge is the ability to draw conclusions about a person's character by analyzing his face.

Third levelread a person's fate.

You can limit yourself to one level, but you can, if you wish, deepen your knowledge and become a real physiognomist.

In any case, the knowledge gained from the study of Physiognomy can be useful in everyday life.

A sincere interest in the study of physiognomy is the possibility of natural memorization, and not that mechanical one like "5 steps to remembering a person's face." After all, showing a sincere interest in studying people's faces, you do not have to strain yourself, everything happens naturally, and memory works much better under such conditions.

Books on physiognomy

Many books have been written for the study of physiognomy. And among them there are those with which you can start an introduction to physiognomy.

I'll start with two - which, in principle, are enough to start with.

Physiognomy. Series "The Fourth Dimension". Compiled by G.M. Novoselov. 1993

This book contains:
Timothy Mar. Face Reading, or the Chinese Art of Physiognomy.
Eldar Razroev. The mirror of one's heart.
G. Durville, A. Durville. Reading in the face of character, temperament and morbid predispositions.
M. Gibadullin. Physiognomy.
F. Thomas. Secrets of the face Physiognomy.

As a source of information for developing the skill of observing faces, the following book is most suitable for this purpose.

Popov S.V. visual observation.2002

In addition to a lot of interesting and useful information that helps in visual observation of a person, the book provides detailed information and guidelines for remembering a person's face, which I spoke about at the beginning - this is the first level of using the knowledge of physiognomy. Practical and most applicable knowledge in life.

I. Lavater. One hundred rules of physiognomy.2008

Johann Caspar Lavater (1741-1801) - Swiss writer, theologian and poet.
From 1769 he collected materials for Physionomics, which was published in 1772-78, with many drawings by the best engravers.
The published work was the quintessence of all physiognomic experience and brilliant insights of Lavater.

Ivan Sikorsky. General psychology with physiognomy. 1912

Ivan Alekseevich Sikorsky (1842-1919) was a Russian psychiatrist and anthropologist.

Fulfer M. The art of reading by faces. 2004
The author is a lawyer with twenty years of law practice, having studied many books on physiognomy, he gained experience in practice by offering “Reading faces with a guarantee” for more than 2 years at various fairs and festivals. This allowed him to gain practical experience.
Then he was invited to various companies, he trained teachers, artists, photographers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers. He was invited as a consultant to select jurors in court. This is a person who has gained practical experience, so reading it is interesting and useful.

Nami Tickle. The face is the mirror of the soul. Physiognomy for everyone. 2010
It is interesting to read how the author of the book came to physiognomy. Many examples and descriptions related to psychology.

Velkhover E, Vershinin B. Secret signs of the face. 2002

Closer to the scientific and systematic presentation. The historical perspective of this science and the deep detailing of the descriptions.

Roshal V.M. Physiognomy. Signatures of life. 2006
We are talking about four signatures: the first is the face of a person, this is what physiognomy does. The second - hands, palmistry is engaged. The third - bumps and bulges on the head, deals with phrenology. The fourth - prints on the body (moles, etc.), is called morphoscopy.
In the book:

Western method of face shape analysis. Hindu method of division into castes. Chinese method of five elements. Fundamentals of classical physiognomy.

Theodor Schwartz. We read faces Physiognomy. 2010
A popular presentation, as examples - the description of the faces of famous personalities.

The book is accompanied by a program on CD PiterFizio, which allows you to make portraits.

Physiognomy. Eldar Razroev. 2005
Having become acquainted with the Typology, Socionics and IIT (the theory of information interaction), the author found much in common with his analysis technique. This is what he described in his book, proposing an eight-sector structuring. On fig. below.

Each sector carries information about the properties of a person in a certain area:
1. Insight. 2. Spirituality.
3. Persistence. 4. Learning.
5. Practicality. 6. Adequacy.

7. Makings. 8. Perspective.

The next block of books - books are also interesting, and although many of the information is repeated, but each has something of its own. It is also useful for expanding knowledge.

List of books in this block:

1. B. Higir. Physiognomy. 2006
2. Angelo Repossi. Physiognomy or the art of determining the character of a person by the features of his face. 2003
3. Francis Thomas. Face secrets. 1993 (The peculiarity of the book is about the connection between physiognomy and astrology).
4. Parshukova L.P., Karlyshev V.M. Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy. 2004 (A textbook for higher educational institutions in the service sector. It is interesting because it is a textbook. What it teaches students can be read).
5. Parshukova L.P., Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy: read the face. 2004 (This is already a popular edition by the same authors).
6. S. Panfilov. Physiognomy of human emotions and characters. 2007
7. T. Klipina, V. Leonkin, I. Gribulina. How to read a person's face. Physiognomy accessible to everyone. 2008
8. Jonathan Dee Chinese physiognomy. 2004
9. Kuai Ch. How to learn to read faces. 2003
10 Jonathan Dee We read in the face. How to know the character of a person. 2007
11. Jeffrey Ford. Physiognomy. 2005
12. Khomich E.O. How to read a person's thoughts: physiognomy. 2006
13. Morok A, Razumovskaya K. We read in the face. 2000
14. Schegolev I. Secrets of the face: Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
15. L. Nimbrook. Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
16. Jean Haner. The wisdom of your face. Change your life with the Chinese art of physiognomy. 2013
17. Rose Rosetree. Face reading. The art of seeing people through. 2011 Series: Mentalist.
18. B. Lynn Henry. Face reading. 2003

A person's face is like an open book. It says everything - eyebrows, eyes, mouth, every wrinkle. With age, faces change, but the most important features remain unchanged, and some begin to manifest themselves more clearly. It is believed that physiognomy is the most ancient science in the world and originated in China. Chinese physiognomists say that one can even read his fate from a person's face.

Physiognomy is often used nowadays all over the world. This science helps to understand a person even before the transaction, during the negotiations. The first acquaintance can tell a lot to a careful look and, perhaps, warn against mistakes that are costly in the business world, in business.

It should be noted that a woman's face is more difficult to read, since when applying cosmetics, a woman's face hides a lot. But even here it is difficult to "change" the shape of the face and eyes. So, let's look at the human face, and learn how to read it: what hidden advantages or disadvantages does it tell us about.

Physiognomists distinguish five major facial features: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

In men, eyebrows are easy to read, in women it is difficult, since almost all women's eyebrows have undergone cosmetic treatment.

Eyebrow texture. One rule applies here: the thicker and stiffer the eyebrows, the more unyielding and stubborn the character of a person. Eyebrow end: thin outer end speaks of nobility; a wide, rearing end - masculinity and enterprise, but at the same time a tendency to rigidity.

Length. Long, graceful eyebrows - calmness, conservatism. The elegant line of the eyebrows is longer than the eye - an outstanding intellect. A short and thin eyebrow - a person is waging a lonely struggle in life. Short and coarse eyebrows - an amorous nature, a tendency to frequent career changes. If the eyebrows are almost invisible - the trick. Short and thick eyebrows - independence, but also aggressiveness, irascibility. Short, coarse, and, at the same time, thick eyebrows - anger, immorality, sexuality.

Direction. If part of the eyebrows goes in the opposite direction - stubbornness, uncompromisingness. A drooping eyebrow is timidity.

The form. Eyebrows fused into one line - resourcefulness, determination, straightforwardness. A shiny black mole inside the eyebrow is a big success. As if torn eyebrows - treachery. Eyebrows in the shape of a boomerang - ingenuity.

It is truly a mirror of the soul. Nothing says so much about a person as his eyes. You can redo everything in your face, but the expression, the shape of the eyes will remain unchanged.

Eye size. Big eyes - susceptibility and sensitivity, masculinity and authority. Small eyes - complacency, stubbornness, jealousy.

The edges of the eyes. Beveled upwards - sensitivity, courage, determination. Eyes slanted down - good nature, optimism, attentiveness. If the outer corner of the eye is long and sharp, this is intelligence and insight. The outer corner of the eye is bent to the top - courage, recklessness, greed. If the corner of the eye looks down - humility, humility.

eyelids. Crawling of the upper eyelid into the middle of the eye - insight, dexterity. If the entire eyelid falls slightly - great sexual attractiveness, but a cold heart. The upper eyelid, falling from the middle to the corner of the eye - pessimism. The general sagging of the lower eyelid in women is warmth and femininity. Swollen in the middle of the lower eyelid - self-centeredness. Swollen eyelids, both upper and lower - fatigue from life.

In Chinese physiognomy, there are types of eyes symbolically represented by a certain animal:

dragon eyes - large, domineering eyes, with a slightly half-closed eyelid - imperiousness, authority.

phoenix eyes - long eyes with double eyelids and small "fishtails" going up and down - people endowed with some kind of talent.

lion eyes - large, with folds on the eyelids - a keen sense of justice, able to manage a large team.

elephant eyes - narrow, long eyes with double or triple eyelids, which rarely open wide - calm, methodical.

Eyes of the Tiger - round, with a yellowish tinge, with a powerful brilliance - impulsiveness, cruel character.

monkey eyes - small eyes with double lower eyelids with black irises - inconstancy, anxiety.

cat eyes - eyes with double eyelids and dark yellow irises - unreliability, negative character.

fish eyes - the upper eyelid falls to the outer corner and has a strong downward slope - slowness, little energy.

Nose length. A long nose is usually characteristic of conservative personalities. Overlong nose - a penchant for intellectual achievement and capriciousness. Long and wide nose - stable character and calm temperament. Short nose - open character, optimistic and friendly.

The form. Skinny and bony nose - weak concentration. A bony nose with a small hump or a high inflection - pride, stubbornness, aggressiveness and determination. Narrow nose - a person will have to work hard and exhaustingly all his life. The back of the nose is flat, large and balanced by the wings of the nose - a cold, prudent nature. Small, in comparison with other facial features, the nose of women is petty jealous. A high nose in a woman with a protruding back is the ability to compete with men for a high position.

nose tip. It also comes in different shapes. The round shape of the tip of the nose is a prosperous personality. If the tip of the nose sags like a piece of meat - a supersexual nature. A pointed, not fleshy tip of the nose is a treacherous, treacherous person. The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle - revenge. Full, large, convex tip of the nose - kindness, warmth, readiness for self-sacrifice. A drooping nose covering a significant part of the upper lip is betrayal and treachery. An upturned nose with nostril openings is a free sexual morality, an inability to keep secrets. Split tip of the nose - suspicion, suspiciousness and shyness.

Mouth size. A woman has a big mouth - she is more inclined towards a career than home life. A large mouth that does not close tightly - carelessness and indecision. A mouth with bow-shaped corners - tenderness, affection, inability to hold high positions. Big mouth, with red, shiny lips - imperiousness, responsibility. A mouth with hard lips that opens in the shape of a square is a good-natured character. A wide mouth on a full face - ambition and self-absorption. A wide mouth on a small face is a good organizer. A small mouth is a weak character. If a small mouth opens well - shyness, the desire to postpone their affairs for later.

Lip shape. Thin lips that do not close very well - a cruel nature. Thick lips - sensuality, methodical mind. Protruding mouth - quick mind, activity, determination. The protruding upper lip above the lower one is vanity and indecision. The lower lip protrudes above the upper - selfishness. If the line between the lips bends to the bottom - self-centeredness, stubbornness. In women, the line of the mouth, concealing a mysterious smile in both corners of the mouth, is a deeply sensual nature. A mouth with long, pointed, thin lips is cowardice. If one corner of the mouth is higher than the other - a tendency to deceive.

Mouth shape. A sinking mouth is prudence. A firm mouth with corners falling down - strong will, steadfastness. Women have such a mouth - stubbornness. Constantly twitching mouth - nervousness and agitation. Mouth slanted to one side - nervousness, a tendency to sarcasm. And the mouth, beveled to the bottom in one direction - inconstancy and stubbornness. Unsteadily formed mouth, with corners curving downwards - a stormy character.

Of course, this is only a small part of an interesting science - physiognomy - the art of reading character in a person's face. You can also "read" ears, chin, etc.

The most complete characterization of a person can be given by considering his face as a whole, but you can start studying physiognomy by examining individual facial features. This will help you quickly navigate where there is little information about the partner with whom you have to do business.

Physiognomy, physiognomy.

Psychology 1

Greetings, dear guests of the blog! Often, after meeting a person, we create a certain idea about his personality, character, and behavioral characteristics. We understand what topics can be discussed with him, whether humor is appropriate, how to behave so as not to offend his feelings.

But often our opinion is also erroneous, and in the process of communication we begin to be surprised at some points. To get to know a person better, it is not enough that he talks about himself and what kind of facial expression he has. Experienced physiognomists can learn almost everything about a person by looking at facial features.

Today I will share the secrets of how to determine the character of a person by facial features.

What will physiognomy tell you?

Basically, most people think that character is something very complex to be easily revealed through the nose and lips. Yes, this is true, but there is a connection between our external data and internal features.

Try to evaluate your friends using the method of physiognomy, and you will understand that this science opens all the cards for us.

What does physiognomy help with?

  • get to know your loved ones better in order to smooth out sharp corners in conflict situations;
  • secretly find out more information about the person you are interested in;
  • easily recognize socially dangerous individuals;
  • learn more about yourself, as well as how your inner world is in harmony with external data.

Thus, understanding at least a little in the art of physiognomy, you get only one advantage.

Public feature - forehead

It is believed that the lower part represents the individual, and the top represents society. If they are harmonious, then the person easily adapts in society and finds new acquaintances. The elongated top of the forehead indicates the character of the leader.

If the forehead is, as it were, divided into two zones: top and bottom, then this may indicate that a person.

If the lines are straight, quadrangular, this is a sign of a good heart. A steep forehead indicates high intelligence. Excessive bulge is a sign of limitation and closeness.

A person with a sloping forehead is strong-willed, not used to obeying others. This is also evidenced by the deepening at the nose. If it is absent, the person is disciplined.

Pronounced brows indicate laxity. The round shape is inherent in complaisant, flexible people who are able to win over others.

Forehead features:

  • small with a zigzag border of the scalp - hot and tough nature;
  • bulge in the corners, breadth - intelligence;
  • resembling a crescent - a narrow-minded person;
  • deceitful, greedy, cunning people have a low forehead, tending back;
  • excessive bulge is characteristic of mundane individuals;
  • directness - a broad soul, kindness.

You can't judge a person by their forehead alone. In physiognomy, all the details are important, because everything consists of little things. So let's move on.

Energy Trait - Nose

Do you want to know the energy potential of a person? Pay attention to the nose. Size doesn't matter. People with a huge nose can have such qualities as indecision, lack of initiative. A small nose can be persistent, strong.

You have to look at the form. A nose with a hump at the base indicates a hard character. The fossa in this zone speaks of timidity, shyness. The hump is observed in strong-willed and passionate. Such noses are characteristic of the Roman people, and its history proves its significance.

Also, a slight hump may indicate a creative nature.

Nose features:

  • large and direct observed in the proud, talented, calm;
  • like an eagle - dominance;
  • pointed - endurance and willpower;
  • when the nose continues the forehead, it is vanity;
  • long - egocentrism;
  • tending to the mouth - vulnerability, resentment;
  • upturned at the end - assertiveness, curiosity, cunning;
  • snub nose speaks of excessive frivolity;
  • a thick organ indicates that a person likes to drink.

Observe people from your environment, whether the description of their nose matches the character. You will be very surprised when you learn to decipher the data of nature.

Beauty trait - eyes

Eyes are considered to be the most attractive feature of a person. They take part in communication and say more about us than we think. It is the epitome of spirituality.

To decipher the meanings, it is necessary to be able to interpret the right eye in men, and the left in women. So, if a person has a more developed right eye, then he is inclined to self-giving. Transparent eyes are observed in clean, kind people.

Dark and with brilliance for the cunning and treacherous. The best shape of the eye is considered to be an oval, which personifies the harmony of the soul. Eyes set deep, as a rule, are observed in slow, but deep personalities.

Eyes that are close to each other indicate that their owner has blurred the line between negative and positive. For people with harmoniously set eyes, this problem does not exist. These people are determined in their intentions.

Bulging huge eyes with small eyelashes - a quick-tempered, absurd personality who, during a good mood, is sensitive and cheerful.

Narrowed eyelids, raised eyebrows, a sharp look - a cunning, observant, self-centered person.

Narrow eyes with half-drooped eyelids - fearlessness, integrity, incorruptibility.

Sleepy eyes with lowered eyelids and thick eyebrows - softness, passivity, laziness.

Wide-open eyes, eyebrows with a break, eyelashes bent up - a strong-willed, honest, open, independent personality.

Petty and cunning people have small eyes with heavy eyelids.

Cheekbones - the personification of strength

Our cheekbones tell how the spirit manifests itself in life. According to them, we can talk about the sociability of the individual, the ability to correctly understand and use information. This feature is pronounced in many eastern peoples, so they are able to unite with each other.

On the cheekbones they speak of such qualities as cunning, a tendency to lie, self-interest. People whose corners of the eyes are lowered to the bottom, and the cheekbones are pronounced with a poorly developed frontal zone, are precisely such and one should be vigilant with them. The bulge of the cheekbones indicates cruelty and anger.

Reading ears and cheeks

If a person has thin cheeks, this indicates spiritual limitation. But even in huge cheeks there is little positive. They talk about strong vulnerability, vulnerability.

Ears are a very important feature in physiognomy. In their configuration, they resemble a human embryo, and experts see great meaning in them. If the lobe is sagging, it speaks of spiritual freedom. In dependent and constrained individuals, the lobes are adjacent to the body. If there are no lobes at all, which also occurs, these people are envious and dangerous.

The top of the ears speaks of the ability to adapt. If it is close to the head, then this person is slow, but if something begins to study, then it is given to the fullest. In cunning, nimble people, the tops of the ears move slightly to the sides.

Large ear shells speak of magnetism. That is, such individuals are able to manipulate, influence people.

Sensual mouth and lips

Small lips and mouth indicate pedantry. Compressed lips are observed in selfish people. The correct shape of the lips, proportionality, harmony, the same bulge indicate honesty, a strong-willed personality, inclined to think.

If the lower lip is wider than the upper one, this indicates laziness, gluttony. And when the top is larger than the bottom - a feature of a kind person.

Beware of people with very thin, pursed lips. They are selfish, cruel, sarcastic. People with full lips are very sensitive.

We study the inner core of the chin

This is the personification of endurance, perseverance. If a person has an elongated chin, he is distinguished by prudence. Convex and rounded observed in practical. The insidious have a pointed chin. Moving forward speaks of purposefulness.

The fossa on the chin indicates stubbornness, isolation, narcissism. Soft is inherent in sensual natures, and bony is greedy. In passionate people, a tubercle is observed in the center of the chin. In a reliable person, the chin is moderately rounded and convex.

Dear guests, put this knowledge into practice and subscribe to updates of my Internet portal, share information on social networks. See you soon!