Phonetics. Vocabulary

Special vocabulary- these are words and combinations of words used mainly by people of a certain profession, specialty. Among special words, terms and professionalisms stand out.

Terms (from lat. kertiz - border, limit) are catches, which are officially accepted names of scientific concepts, instruments, tools, machines. The set of terms of a particular science or profession is called terminology (for example, physical, linguistic, medical terminology).

The characteristic features of the term are: 1) unambiguity, 2) emotional and stylistic neutrality. Each term has a precise, logical definition, so it doesn't need context like most common words. For example:

Sharp [ie], -a, m. (special). A musical notation requiring a semitone to be raised.

Lysis, -a, m. (special). A slow drop in temperature with a gradual easing of the symptoms of the disease, as opposed to a crisis.

Sometimes there are words with two or more meanings that are used not in one, but in several professional areas. For example:

Aperture, -s, f. (special) 1. Muscular septum separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. 2. A plate in optical instruments with a hole that transmits rays.

Deviation [de], -i, f. (specialist.). 1. Deviation of the compass needle from the meridian line under the influence of large masses of iron located nearby. 2. Deviation from the desired direction (for example, the flight of a projectile, bullet, ship's course, etc.) under the influence of some reason.

Terms are highly specialized and commonly used.

Highly specialized terms are used only by specialists in this field. For example, the words abasia (loss of the ability to walk), abulia (pathological weakness of will, lack of will), bradycardia (slow heart rate) are used only in medicine, ablaut (morphologically determined vowel alternation), prosthesis (the appearance of an additional sound at the absolute beginning of a word), thesaurus (language dictionary with complete semantic information) are used in linguistics, aval (guarantee for a bill made by a third party in the form of a special guarantee record), advice note (a notice sent by one counterparty to another about changes in the state of mutual settlements), surplus - ( excess of revenue over expenditure) are used in the field of economics; (aviation), anat. (anatomy), biol. (biol;); military (military), lingu, (linguistics), mat. (mathematics), psychol. (psychology), physical. (physics), etc.

Common terms have a wider scope and are understood by many: adrenaline, appendicitis, tonsillitis, vaccine (med.); square, rectangle, trapezoid (math.), balance, deficit, credit (econ.).

Professional words are words used in the colloquial speech of people united by any profession, specialty, which are not officially recognized names of special concepts. For example: a window (in the speech of teachers) - “a free lesson in the middle of the school day”; zero (in the speech of teachers) - “preparatory class; children preparing to enter the first grade of the school, etc. When using professionalisms in texts, words are often taken in quotation marks.

Special words used in a work of art give color and brightness to the work!, connect the literary text with life. For example:

Four blast furnaces dominated the plant with their monstrous chimneys. Next to them rose eight cowpers designed to circulate heated air - eight huge iron towers topped with round domes. Other buildings scattered around the blast furnaces: repair shops, a foundry yard, a locomotive, rail-rolling, open-hearth and puddling furnaces, and so on (A. Kuprin).

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See what "Special vocabulary" is in other dictionaries:

    Special Vocabulary- words and phrases, which are called objects and concepts related to decomp. spheres of human activity. The composition of S. L. includes terms and nomens, professionalisms and prof. jargon, to which, as a rule, are not commonly used ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Special vocabulary- 1. A set of words and phrases denoting the concepts of a special field of knowledge or activity. Sl. subdivided into terms and professionalisms (professional jargon), for example, phoneme, morpheme (terms), cut into meanings ... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    special vocabulary- units The same as the terminological vocabulary ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    Words and phrases that name objects and concepts related to various areas of human labor activity and are not commonly used. The special vocabulary includes terms and professionalisms ...

    special vocabulary

    Special vocabulary- 1. A set of words and phrases denoting the concepts of a special field of knowledge or activity: 1) terms; 2) professionalisms (professional jargon). 2. Same as terminology... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    vocabulary- (another Greek λεξικος verbal λεξις word, expression, figure of speech) A set of words that make up what l. language. 1) (vocabulary). The whole set of words that make up the literary language or dialect. 2) A set of words, ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    See special vocabulary... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

    vocabulary in terms of its scope- is divided into several groups: 1) the vocabulary of the people; 2) dialect vocabulary; 3) professional and special vocabulary; 4) jargon vocabulary ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


  • Russian history and culture in the artistic word. Vocabulary. Textbook, I. M. Kurnosova, V. I. Makarov. In the dictionary, material is semantized that reflects various elements of the lexical system of the Russian language of the 19th-20th centuries. in its development: ethnographisms, dialectisms, special vocabulary, ...

Recall that a general question is considered to be a question to the whole sentence; and the answer to a general question can only be "yes" or "no":

Does John like coffee? - Yes, he does.

Does John like coffee? - Yes.

Special question, on the contrary, is given to a specific member of the sentence and its purpose is to obtain additional or new information. Unlike general questions that begin with an auxiliary verb, special questions should begin with question word. In this case, the interrogative word replaces the member of the sentence to which the question is asked.

Question words

Here is a list of question words used:

Who? - Who?

Whose? - Whose?

whom? - Whom? To whom?

What? - What? Which?

Which? - Which?

how? - How? How?

Where? - Where?

When?- When?

why? - Why?

How man/much? - How much?

how long? - How long? and etc.

Word order in special questions, answers to them

Like general questions, in special questions the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject, but in this case they are preceded by an interrogative word.

I usually listen to the radio on Monday mornings. – What do you usually do on Monday mornings?

I usually listen to the radio on Monday mornings. - What do you do on Monday mornings?

Answer a special question will either be a complete sentence using the repetition of all its necessary members, or a short answer, which consists of only one member of the sentence containing the answer to the question asked.

He told our secret to his friends last night. Last night he told our secret to his friends.

When did he tell our secret to his friends? – He told it to them last night. When did he tell his friends our secret? He told his story last night.

Special question to the subject

Particular attention should be paid to the construction of questions that begin with the question words " who" and " what". Similar questions can apply to both subjects and additions. In this case, the structure of the question will be different.

If a question beginning with “who” or “what” concerns an object (who? To whom? With whom? Etc.), then the question is formulated according to the rules described above.

However, if the question is asked to the subject (who? What?), it uses the word order for the declarative sentence - with the subject replaced by the appropriate interrogative word.

They talk with Michael at every lecture. They talk to Michael at every lecture.

Who do they talk with at every lecture? Who do they talk to at every lecture? (a question for the addition (“with whom”), the word order of the usual special question is used).

Who talks with Michael at every lecture? Who talks to Michael at every lecture? (a question to the subject, the auxiliary verb is not used).

Special vocabulary - these are words and combinations of words used mainly by people of a certain profession, specialty. Among special words stand out terms and professionalism.

Terms(from lat. lermiz - border, limit) - these are catches, which are officially accepted names of scientific concepts, instruments, tools, machines. The set of terms of a particular science or profession is called terminology(for example, terminology physical, linguistic, medical).

The characteristic features of the term are: 1) unambiguity, 2) emotional and stylistic neutrality. Each term has a precise, logical definition, so it doesn't need context like most common words. For example:

Sharp [ie], -a, m.(specialist.). A musical notation requiring a semitone to be raised.

Lysis,-a, m.(specialist.). A slow drop in temperature with a gradual easing of the symptoms of the disease, as opposed to a crisis.

Sometimes there are words with two or more meanings that are used not in one, but in several professional areas. For example:

Diaphragm,-s, well.(special) 1. Muscular septum separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. 2. Plate in optical instruments with hole for light to pass through.

Deviation [de], -i, well.(specialist.). 1. Deviation of the compass needle from the meridian line under the influence of large masses of iron located nearby. 2. Deviation from the desired direction (for example, the flight of a projectile, bullet, ship's course, etc.) under the influence of some reason.

Terms are highly specialized and commonly used.

Highly specialized terms are used only by specialists in this field. For example, words abasia(loss of ability to walk) abulia(pathological weakness of will, lack of will), bradycardia(slow heart rate contraction) are used only in medicine, ablaut(morphologically determined vowel alternation), prosthesis(the appearance of an additional sound at the absolute beginning of a word), thesaurus(language dictionary with complete semantic information) are used in linguistics, aval(guarantee for a bill made by a third party in the form of a special guarantee entry), advice note(a notice sent by one counterparty to another about changes in the state of mutual settlements), surplus- (the excess of revenue over expenditure) are used in the field of economics; av.(aviation), anat.(anatomy), biol.(biol;); military(warfare), lingu,(linguistics), mat.(mathematics), psychol.(psychology), physical(physics), etc.

Common terms have a wider scope and are understood by many: adrenaline, appendicitis, tonsillitis, vaccine(honey.); square, rectangle, trapezoid(math.), balance, deficit, credit(economy).

professional words- these are words used in colloquial speech of people united by any profession, specialty, which are not officially recognized names of special concepts. For example: window(in the speech of teachers) - “a free lesson in the middle of the school day”; null(in the speech of teachers) - “preparatory class; children preparing to enter the first grade of the school, etc. When using professionalisms in texts, words are often taken in quotation marks.

Special words, used in a work of art, give color to the work, brightness!, connect the literary text with life. For example:

Four domain furnaces dominated the factory with their monstrous chimneys. Beside them rose eight cowpers, intended for circulation heated air - eight huge iron towers topped with round domes. Around domain ovens scattered other buildings: repair workshops, foundry yard, locomotive, rail rolling, open-hearth and puddling ovens and so on (A. Kuprin).