Harry Potter original movie with subtitles. Harry Potter in English with English and Russian subtitles

Everyone who studies English - at school, in courses, at university - is often recommended to watch films, read newspapers and literary works in the original. At the same time, it is important that the information is not only useful, but also interesting. The Harry Potter books and movies in English are a great way to build up your vocabulary and practice your listening skills. They are interesting and exciting not only for children, but also for adults, especially fans of the fantasy genre.

How does "Harry Potter" help in learning English?

A series of books about Harry Potter is not just a fascinating adventure novels by J.K. Rowling, but also a kind of English course, consisting of several levels. It helps to acquire new knowledge and supplement existing ones.

The Harry Potter books are special in that each successive one is more "adult" than the last, and it's not just about the characters and the plot, which become more complex and intricate. There are also changes in the language. It also becomes more difficult. So, for example, in the first book, Harry, Ron and Hermione speak in short, simple, fairly understandable phrases, and Dumbledore makes simple statements.

Toward the end of the adventure, the main characters are already discussing ingenious plans and subtle details of how the wizarding world works, and Dumbledore's speech can take up entire pages. The language of the narrator also becomes more complicated: at the beginning of the book it is simple and even cheerful, as in children's stories, at the end it becomes more neutral, and sometimes even sinister.

Reading the original "Harry Potter" allows the reader to imperceptibly raise the bar for the complexity of the text. Why is it invisible? Because an enthusiastic reader sometimes does not even notice how the characteristic vocabulary is mastered, getting used to the author's style, developing reading skills, despite the fact that the text is becoming more and more difficult.

Reader's note

For those who are going to get acquainted with Harry Potter in the book version, some notes will be useful.

  1. Features of the language of the novel "Harry Potter". The novel is written in British English. But in the American edition, some words are replaced by American counterparts to make it clearer to the reader:
  • Tinned soup (UK) - Canned soup (US) - canned soup,
  • Mum (UK) - Mom (US) - mother.
  • Car park (UK) - Parking lot (US) - car parking,
  • Biscuits (UK) - Cookies (US) - cookies.
  • However, there are also British words and expressions that have remained in the American version:
  • Bloke is a guy.
  • Mental (He "s mental!) - crazy,
  • Blimey! - Blimey! Can not be!
  • Trainers - sneakers
  • At once - instantly.
  • At the top of his voice - (shout) loudly.

  1. different styles of speech. The novel contains both modern and sublime literary English speech. For example, Harry and Ron talk like normal children, using "I dunno" instead of "I don't know" or "'Spose so" instead of "I suppose so". But representatives of the older generation, professors, aristocrats of the magical world are expressed more bookishly. "I do not require your assistance," said Voldemort.
  2. Hero dialect. The features of the speech of the characters speaking with an accent are also displayed in writing. This feature is inherent not only to foreigners, but also to British heroes with a distinctive accent. French accent, Fleur Delacour: “You remember my seester, Gabrielle? She never stops talking about "Arry Potter." Bulgarian accent, Viktor Kram: "This is his symbol, I recognized it at vunce: Grindelvald carved it into a vall at Durmstrang ven he vos a pupil there."
  3. Author's neologisms and magical vocabulary. Most of the vocabulary is magic terms: well-known words and words invented by the author. For example, muggle is a person who does not belong to the magical world, Blast-Ended Screwt is an Explosive Devilcrab, a fictional creature.

And such words as spell, charm, hex, curse are often translated into Russian simply as “spells” or “spells”.

Which is better: the book or the movie?

The way of getting acquainted with the novel "Harry Potter" is determined by the wishes and goals of the person studying English. If you need to work with vocabulary (expand vocabulary), you need to practice reading in English, then books are best suited. If you need to work out auditory skills, listening comprehension of English speech, in this case, you can use the screened version of the novel.

For those who are at the very beginning of the language learning journey, it is recommended to watch Harry Potter films with double - Russian and English - subtitles.

Watching "Harry Potter" in English without subtitles will be interesting and useful for those who are allowed by the level of language proficiency.

Another option is to download an audiobook. The advantage of this option is that the audiobook allows you to get acquainted with the work anywhere and anytime (on the way to work, school, home, etc.). And the inability to see all the special effects helps to concentrate on the text of the characters.

Timeline of Harry Potter films

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in English - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in English - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in English - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in English - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in English - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in English - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in English - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Learn English with pleasure!

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