Hexagram 51 love interpretation. Excitation (lightning)

This hexagram often falls out to us when significant and promising changes are coming. They occur unexpectedly and awaken from stagnation and apathy. They may involve the loss of a job or an old friend, separation from loved ones due to circumstances beyond their control, divorce or the end of a relationship, or the sudden realization that you are no longer young or healthy. The essence of such experiences lies in the fact that these circumstances impose new restrictions and losses, sometimes perceived as punishment.

The yang energy (lower line in both trigrams) for a long time gave way to yin energy (the second and third lines in both trigrams). Now she exploded out, causing shock and respect. All relationships with the cosmos and society, as well as within you, suddenly gained a second wind.

Although life goes better in a state of harmony, a shock is sometimes necessary to eliminate lethargy and apathy. The purpose of the thunder in the sky is to awaken and start conscious meaningful actions. In this case, it symbolizes the true grace of the divine forces. The thunder that brings us out of apathy can appear in the psychological or social sphere in the form of a father, an experienced friend, a significant book, a spiritual Master, or our True Self, suddenly emerging from the secret depths of the subconscious.

In everyday life, this hexagram indicates that many difficulties have accumulated around us, the situation itself has become unstable, full of unpleasant surprises, but these changes are only for the better. If you carefully take the necessary actions, gradually, step by step, then you will overcome difficulties, and the changes will be effective and productive. You will reach your goal even in a situation resembling a thunderstorm. You can suddenly become famous, go into a successful business, or enlist the support of influential people. Passivity will only lead to failure. Acting on the contrary, that is, relying on old prejudices and addictions, you will attract bad luck.

As a result, as soon as you find yourself in such a SHOCKING situation described by this hexagram, do not lose your head. Stay calm and constantly remind yourself that fate is giving a sign, forcing us to reconsider our actions and become stronger. However, the most important thing is that it gives a chance to stay on the Path of spiritual growth, that is, to be in harmony with cosmic movements. With the right attitude, we can achieve this.


If you act deliberately, you can overcome obstacles and fulfill your desire.


There are many obstacles to overcome, but perseverance will bring success.


If this is the first marriage, then the chances of creating a harmonious relationship are small. Entering into a new marriage will bring much more success.

Pregnancy, childbirth

During the period of pregnancy and childbirth, there will be some problems. A boy will be born.

Health status

There is a chance that a long-standing illness will reassert itself. She is serious. Recovery will be gradual. Neuralgia, brain diseases, nervous disorders and high blood pressure. The initial period of the disease will be the most serious.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Stand firm in your positions. Do not offer and do not compromise yourself, luck is on your side.


A trip to the south is favorable, things are different with the east. A surprise may await you on the road, but it will not interfere with the fulfillment of the purpose of the trip.

Exam, test

Although other problems bother you besides anxiety, the score will exceed your expectations.

Work, business, specialization

you can try to implement the plan, but on the condition that you do not use force.


Changeable, possible thunderstorms.

lucky color

Green, blue, black.

lucky numbers

4, 8, 3

Changing Traits


A series of scandalous events, in the center of which you will find yourself, will not only shock your friends, but also cause a complete mess. If panic seizes you and you lose your inner balance, then expect trouble. Friends are unable to help. Even though others may see you as heartless and criticize your harshness, remove yourself from the situation. Such action is justified!


Shocks occur one after another, as if they have no end, posing a serious threat and incurring losses. The I Ching usually calls for masculinity, but in this situation a little fear is not so bad.

Stay passive and things will eventually clear up.


You are not ready for a scandalous event. You are now in its center, completely isolated, and it seems that everything is gone. Your ego betrayed you once again. The only way out is to maintain inner peace and refrain from acting during this period.


In the third line, the classical text says the following: “The one who is frightened by Thunder cannot make decisions calmly. Be reasonable and correct your behavior. It's not such a big problem." Direct all your efforts to achieve self-control in this situation, try to calmly find a solution to the problem. While you are scared and excited, do not take any steps.


You are at the center of a scandalous event. A serious threat looms, you can lose privileges, status or property. Try your best to resist these forces, but do not get into dangerous situations and do not forget about self-control and reflection. With such a wise attitude, you will restore everything that was lost. Instead of suffering losses, you will gain success.

First (dominant)

You are shocked by an unexpected event. The natural reaction will be excitement and intense fear. However, don't panic! You need to experience this event. Stay calm, your tension will come into balance, and the outcome will be positive.

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Fortune telling on hexagrams is one of the most ancient divination and came to us from China. The Book of Changes consists of 64 predictions - hexagrams, which were known to mankind three millennia ago. To this day, these predictions amaze the imagination with their ability. The basis of these hexagrams is quite simple - they consist of six lines, each of which can be continuous (yang) or dotted (yin). All six lines are divided among themselves into trigrams. The upper trigrams tell about the past of a person, the lower ones about his future. All 64 hexagrams have their own name, serial number and detailed description. A lot depends on what scheme turned out during fortune-telling, and most importantly, do not confuse which lines in which order you need to draw.

Hexagram 51 is called Zhen. It consists of one whole, two broken lines, one whole and again two broken lines. It should be noted that the lines are written horizontally from the bottom up. It means excitement (lightning). The main interpretation can be described as a necessary shake-up, shock, awakening to love and life.

This hexagram warns that one should not get carried away by instant emotions, but should focus on real relationships and strive for better changes. All actions taken should be a reflection of thoughts and goals.

There are several interpretations of the same hexagram, but this does not mean that only one is correct. All existing definitions are correct and all of them can be trusted. So the associative interpretation of hexagram 51 says that a person is standing on a mountain, he is in a difficult situation. Considering that flowers are blooming on the tree and a scroll of papers is hanging on the branches, it indicates that spring time is very favorable for creativity. A person who pushes a cart filled with books indicates the need for some kind of service. Coins and valuable stones - speak of fame and fortune.

Hexagram 51 interpretation, which multifacetedly has one common designation, is that everything leads to success and prosperity, but subject to a measured and correct decision. You should not spontaneously react to everything that happens. She says that all the planned things will be successfully completed, despite the fact that someone is trying hard to prevent this. Do not despair. The chosen goals in the end will not be what was expected for so long. You should not get hung up on this idea and it is best to give up your place to your opponent, most likely his victory will eventually turn into a defeat for himself. You should be aware that troubles can occur in the environment that do not matter. If hexagram 51 falls out, this indicates that it's time to go on vacation. You should not worry about various misunderstandings, anyway, nothing can be changed and everything will proceed as it goes by itself. You should only enjoy life and tune in to a great vacation. In any case, fate will turn its attention to the person who is guessing.

The description of hexagrams is quite extensive and varied. It should be noted that such fortune-telling exists not only in China, but also among the Arabs and the French. It is from here that there is such a variety in the designation of each symbol. In order to guess according to the Book of Changes, you do not need any special equipment. You only need to take coins or dice. If coins are used, then by definition, “eagle” is a broken line, and “tails” is a solid line. We flip a coin six times and write down the results on paper. Recall that you need to draw lines from the bottom up. Next, we look at the designation of the resulting hexagram in the Book of Changes. You can look at the definitions of each of the lines separately, but this process can only confuse and lead to misinterpretation, so it is easier to look at the definition of an entire hexagram.

But you should not take the interpretation of hexagrams literally. All designations are written conditionally and in aphorisms, so you should listen only to the main meaning of what was said, and the rest will come by itself.

Despite the fact that divination on hexagrams is considered one of the most ancient, it is still very popular to this day. When deciphering the designations, it should be borne in mind that each of the lines has its own designation. So, for example, the first line (the topmost) speaks of the development of a circumstance, in such a way when its overdevelopment occurs. The second tells about the development of circumstances in the external world. The third is the beginning of the manifestation of internal processes. The fourth line will report unfortunate moments in the progress of the situation. The fifth position denotes the results of the development of a life problem, and the sixth (lowest) one speaks of the beginning of the situation, of the moment when the situation is just beginning to take shape.

Naturally. For an unknowing person, it is best to look at the designations of ready-made hexagrams, since disassembling it in parts is rather confusing and the result may not always be clear. To quickly find the desired designation, there is a table that is divided into two parts for quick and easy searching.

Do not be upset if the designation predicts trouble or an ending that you do not expect at all. Life is unpredictable and everything that happens in it is passing. You should not turn to this fortune-telling just to annoy someone or with bad intentions for others. Do not ask questions about the meaning of life, or “How many suitors will I have?” - all this will only hurt further predictions. Fate does not like to be trifled with. Also, do not ask the same question if you suddenly do not like the answer option. And most importantly, you should not be upset about an unfavorable interpretation of the prediction. You should listen to the recommendations of the Book and in this case the current situation will go in the right direction. The Book of Changes only helps to get on the right path and notice the mistakes that are made.

The appearance of the Zhen hexagram in a love scenario predicts that success awaits you very soon, and the one that you have been waiting for a long time, but, unfortunately, someone really wants to prevent this, so you should gather your strength and be extremely careful in order to distinguish the threat in time and respond appropriately.

Now, more than ever, those who envy your love or your beauty, your success and so on can become more active. But in any case, their goal will be to denigrate you and prevent you from enjoying love happiness. And if you do not yet have a love relationship, then someone is trying very hard so that they do not arise. Be careful and prudent.

Also, the appearance of the Zhen hexagram indicates that some event will happen in your life in the very near future, which will become the starting point for success. The main thing is not to miss it, that is, to have time to respond properly - not succumbing to the temptation to increase it, but also not to fall back into endless thoughts “what if ...”. Now more than ever, you just need to respond to a new chance of fortune in the best way that you can.

If you are waiting for love, then now a person will appear with whom you can find the fullness of love feelings - so do not miss him, do everything to connect your fate with him. And if you already have a love relationship, then there will be a chance to make them better, deeper and saturated with tender feelings.

In a word, you are required to be attentive and active. And do not forget, as mentioned above, someone will constantly try to interfere with you, so at the first opportunity, do it in such a way as to completely neutralize his attempts to spoil everything for you. At a minimum, try to keep everything a secret until you are sure that nothing threatens your love.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

You are experiencing a very dynamic event. On the one hand, the expected will not come true. On the other hand, you need to have the power of lightning in order for the desired to come true.

The Canon of Changes is saturated with paradoxes, but perhaps the 51st and 52nd hexagrams are the most paradoxical of all. Returning to the answer some time later, you will discover something new over and over again.

Perhaps you will learn something soon.


Something prevents you from learning the whole truth about the event. The truth will be like lightning to you.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Everyone who is involved in your area of ​​interest is now experiencing a strong excitement. The other side of the event will soon open to you.

bottom line.

Now you have no idea what surprise awaits you. "Happiness".

Second line.

Paradox. Having achieved the goal, we lose it. By abandoning the goal, we sometimes gain disproportionately more. Advice: "Do not chase - in seven days you will get it."

Third line.

Don't get lost. Become like lightning.

Fourth line.

The news will not have a significant impact on you.

Fifth line.

Enviable endurance and self-control. Guess where it's from?

Top line.

Events will pass nearby, almost without affecting you. Confusion will be replaced by regret.

Andrey Khramov, Andrey Tsumanov. I-Ching - the alphabet of fate