The use of ICT in technology lessons. The use of modern information and communication technologies in technology lessons



Numerous sociological studies clearly demonstrate that the education of a modern student takes place in an extremely saturated information field, changes in the entire "background" of the education system. The perception of the child is changing, he lives in the world of technological symbols and signs, in the world of electronic culture. The teacher must be armed with modern methods and new educational technologies in order to communicate with the child in the same language. And one of these methods today is the integration of information and communication technologies into the work system of a subject teacher. To teach a child who enters the "electronic environment" from an early age, to navigate in it, to acquire the skills of "reading", processing and analyzing information received from various sources, to critically comprehend it is one of the most important tasks of modern school.

The goals of using information technology in the classroom:

  • make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means);
  • bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, as he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained with the help of technical means;
  • establish a relationship of mutual understanding, mutual assistance between the teacher and the student;
  • help the teacher to present the material emotionally and figuratively.

At present, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, which ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, and making more efficient use of study time.


The use of ICT in the structure of a technology lesson increases interest in the subject, is useful for mastering the material and contributes to the development of students' creative thinking, allows the teacher to increase his professional competence, and his students to discover and expand their creative potential.

The range of using a computer in the educational process is very large: from testing to playing. The use of color, graphics, sound, modern video equipment allows you to simulate various situations and environments.

The computer allows you to increase the motivation of students. Not only the novelty of working with a computer, which in itself contributes to an increase in interest in learning, but also the ability to regulate the presentation of educational tasks according to the degree of difficulty, prompt encouragement of correct decisions have a positive effect on motivation. One of the sources of motivation is entertainment. The possibilities of the computer are inexhaustible here.

The computer allows you to significantly change the ways of managing educational activities, immersing students in a certain game situation, enabling students to request a certain form of assistance, presenting educational material with illustrations, graphs, etc. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make the lesson attractive and truly modern, to individualize learning, to objectively and timely monitor and summarize.

Preparing for my lessons, I start by searching for additional information and visibility on the Internet. Then I carefully think over in what form it is better to present the material, what forms of organization of educational activities to apply.

The Microsoft Word text editor allows you to develop memos, process charts, survey sheets, task and self-control cards, etc., insert pictures. For example, to the lesson “Embroidery as one of the types of arts and crafts. Preparing for embroidery ”in the 5th grade, I printed out a set of pictures with samples of different types of embroidery, according to which I gave material at the beginning of the lesson, and at the end of the lesson I arranged a survey to consolidate the material.

Microsof Excel spreadsheets develop a systematic approach. Especially effective in the process of working on creative projects. Allow to analyze the economic criteria of the product, marketing research. Also used to create and pass tests.

The graphics editor built into Word and the bitmap editor Paint make it possible to create simple drawings and sketches.

In technology lessons, electronic publications and multimedia aids can be widely used, based on the mandatory minimum content of education for elementary and high schools, for example, from the Cyril and Methodius company. Within the content line of electronic publications, the information unit is the topic, which is divided into paragraphs, including brief reference material, an audio description of the toolkit and exercises, during which the content is mastered. Also, the electronic library contributes to the effective assimilation of educational material. In my practice, there was a case of using a computer game for girls for educational purposes, during which it was necessary to select for Barbie all the elements of the costume, accessories, hairstyle, makeup, decorate the podium for the show and act as a model. Such a game helps to master the material about the costume, hairstyle, makeup, creating your own style. It can be used when studying the sections “Technology for the manufacture of garments” and “Hygiene of a girl. Cosmetics".

But the greatest help in conducting the lesson, in my opinion, is provided to the teacher by presentations that can be created in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. The value and main advantage of Microsoft Office PowerPoint over other office programs is the ability to use animation. In general, the value of a slide in which text is only typed is very doubtful. Why strain your eyes while reading from the screen when there is a textbook on the table? Another thing is when the same text on a slide is an integral part of a multimedia action to explain the essence of the material. For example, in her lesson on preparing for embroidery in grade 5, she explained the essence of the concepts of “ornament” and “color” as follows: one element of the ornament appeared on the slide - she explained that it was just a pattern, then the second, third - it became clear that this was not just a pattern, but a pattern of repeating elements: this is an ornament - the text of the definition of the concept of “ornament” appeared on the slide. On the next slide, a pattern appeared embroidered in black and white - she asked if it was beautiful, then the background color changed, the colors of the embroidered elements of the pattern changed - she asked if it became more beautiful, the colors changed again - the picture became different. Does the perception of a pattern depend on the colors used in embroidery? It turned out that it depends. What is the name of all this? The text of the definition of "color" appeared. This method of explanation creates in the mind of the audience an image of the process being explained. It can be repeatedly strengthened by preliminary preparation, in the very first slides, transferring the student to the era of the 19th and 20th centuries, when embroidery was an integral part of the costume, using the melodies of folk songs. To complete the image, it is required to show the practical scope of embroidery today. And on the slide there are photos of embroideries on clothes, accessories, household items. Thus, the explanatory stage of the lesson became interesting and more memorable.

The first thing to think about when you are faced with the question of developing slides for any topic of the lesson is how to present the explanation in a figurative form. Images are hidden in any object, action, process or phenomenon. You need to learn how to find them. And considering the topic of your lesson from the point of view of related subjects allows you to find imagery in those things where this imagery was not supposed before. The best method of creating images is the method of explanation by drawing analogies between an object, process or phenomenon that is difficult to understand and what each person encounters in everyday life. Therefore, you need to find or create analog images in slides.


The use of multimedia products is relevant to the fact that schools, as a rule, do not have the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, and illustrations. However, the expected effect can be achieved subject to certain requirements:

  • recognition- compliance with the information provided;
  • dynamics– the time of the demonstration should be optimal. It is very important not to overdo the effects;
  • well-thought-out image sequence algorithm;
  • optimal size- this applies not only to the minimum, but also to the maximum sizes, which can have a negative impact on the educational process, contribute to faster fatigue of students;
  • the optimal number of images to be presented on the screen. You should not get carried away with the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from concentrating on the main thing.


There is no doubt that in a modern school a computer does not solve all problems, it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching aid. Not

less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which allow not only to “invest” in each student a certain amount of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. But information technologies, together with properly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.

“The child demands activity incessantly,
and gets tired not of activity, but of its monotony.

Increasing the efficiency of education is impossible without the creation of new forms of education. The use of information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject. The study of any discipline using ICT provides an opportunity for reflection and participation in the creation of lesson elements, which contributes to the development of students' interest in the subject. Classical and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, tests and software products, allow students to deepen their knowledge, improve learning outcomes, increase the intellectual level of students, instill skills in self-learning, self-organization, and facilitate the solution of practical problems.

The teacher should be more and more aware of what opportunities the computer gives to improve the efficiency of the educational process, freeing both the teacher and the student from many routine operations, and expanding the possibilities for the implementation of creative ideas.

Computer technologies have opened up new opportunities for the creation of illustrative material by the teachers themselves: videos, slides, slide films, because. their lack is acutely felt in the educational process. It is known that such teaching aids greatly facilitate the understanding and memorization of educational material for students, arouse their interest in the phenomena being studied. The perception of information is an important stage in the assimilation of the material, the correct formation of concepts, the awareness of their essence depends on it.

In this regard, the importance of the computer increases, and new information computer technologies based on a combination of information and computing capabilities of computers, means of sound and visual presentation of information come into the learning process.

The current stage of development of education is characterized by the intensification of the search for new models of education, focused on improving the level of qualifications and professionalism of teachers, on meeting the needs of society in specialists who are ready to use modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in their lessons.

What is meant by basic ICT - competence.

This is an invariant of the knowledge, skills and experience necessary for a teacher to solve educational problems, primarily by means of IC - general-purpose technologies.

Subject-oriented ICT - the competence of the teacher involves the development of specialized technologies and resources developed in accordance with the requirements for the content of a particular subject, and the formation of readiness for their implementation in educational activities.

There is an acute shortage of methodological support for already created software products.

The methodology for using e-learning aids still needs to be developed. And in workshops, computers themselves are a rarity.

It is necessary to form the readiness and ability of the teacher to use ICT in their professional activities, the ability to solve a number of problems.

These include:

  • improvement and development of skills in the use of PCs, peripheral devices, local and global networks;
  • familiarization with general and educational programs, modeling tools, as well as with the possibilities of their use in the educational process;
  • mastering the methodology of teaching technology using ICT;
  • development of skills and abilities to work with electronic information (search, analysis, systematization, etc.).

When explaining new material and conducting practical work on various sections of the "Technology" program, you can use a number of computer programs: Word, Excel, Power Point, Pain, Adobe Photoshop.

The main software tools used in the learning process are, respectively:

  • document editors;
  • spreadsheets;
  • presentation preparation program;
  • graphic editor;
  • computer-aided design systems;
  • Internet.

Currently, such lessons are very popular, where all or part of the educational material is presented in the Power Point program (slide presentations). This is the most successful form of visual aids, it makes it possible to demonstrate some processes step by step in motion, depending on the topic, since schemes, drawings, tables, etc. on paper quickly fail and are hard to see from the last desks.

The presentation can be made out with all kinds of pictures, diagrams, graphs, tables, etc., it can contain crossword puzzles, tests and be accompanied by sounds, music and speech, which allows you to emotionally influence students. It allows you to better capture images in the minds of students, gives you the opportunity to closer and better consider some events, facts, schemes, phenomena; apply game moment. All slide presentations are a structure, working with which the teacher can pause the show anywhere, go back or forward, while making comments on the topic. It should be noted that it is possible to use the presentation both frontally on a large screen, and individually for each, depending on the level of preparedness of students and the equipment of the class.
The use of computers is effective at all stages of the pedagogical process: at the stage of presentation of educational information, at the stage of assimilation of educational material in the process of interactive interaction with a computer, at the stage of repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills, at the stage of intermediate and final control and self-control of the achieved learning outcomes.

This approach allows you to individualize the learning process.

Recent studies have shown that people absorb 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and up to 75% of what they see and hear at the same time.

Therefore, ICT elements are very important and should be introduced into the traditional lesson.

Developing a presentation for a lesson is a lengthy process that requires a significant investment of time. But, at the same time, it should be noted that the computer significantly reduces the complexity of designing the created schemes, samples, texts, tables, graphs and drawings. Materials captured by digital photo and video cameras are easier to process on a computer. The capabilities of the scanner made it possible to enter images into a computer: illustrations from printed publications, photographs, and graphic editors - to eliminate defects in them, select the desired format, change color, remove unnecessary details, cut out individual fragments and make separate images from them.

A slide - a film, or a presentation, as a method - is modern and promising, it allows the teacher to make changes, clarifications, allows you to correct it at any time, provide a better understanding and awareness of the information that the teacher wants to convey to students.

All slide presentations are, first of all, carriers of information on the subject, facilitate the performance of independent work, create conditions for the implementation of activity and consciousness of students in the process of educational work.

The development and demonstration of slide presentations of training, as well as the use of technical teaching aids, is not an end in itself, but a means of increasing the efficiency of students' cognitive activity.

Based on the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn: the use of a presentation in a lesson is the use of a visual method of illustrations in conjunction with other methods that allow developing students' thinking and activating their cognitive activity. Illustrations are especially necessary when the objects are not accessible to direct observation, and the word of the teacher is insufficient to give an idea of ​​the object or phenomenon being studied. Information placed on a slide and appearing at the right moments of explanation, experiments, experiments, evidence, etc. makes students go through all stages of thinking, use various mental operations.

Compared with the traditional form of teaching, which forces the teacher to constantly refer to the chalk and blackboard, the use of such presentations frees up a large amount of time that can be used for practical work. Presentations allow the teacher to use different forms of teaching and activities in the classroom to develop different kinds of thinking in the student.

In addition to this software product, other ICT tools can be used in the classroom to enhance the cognitive activity of students.

for example: in order to control knowledge, the teacher can use various open test systems or shells to create new tests on the topic or change existing ones. Such test work allows students and teachers to quickly assess knowledge on the topic. Absolute objectivity in assessing knowledge favorably distinguishes them from PC teachers, as well as the fact that machines are not irritated, are not influenced by mood and well-being, and do not experience disappointment with weak students. On the part of students, there is an increase in responsibility in preparing for the lesson, as well as the activation of the cognitive activity of students, since with this method of controlling knowledge, it is required not only to know the basic material, but also to be able to reason and draw conclusions. At the same time, all mental operations are performed.

However, excessive enthusiasm for multimedia technologies without appropriate methodological training can lead to pedagogical errors that reduce the effectiveness of their application. Undoubtedly, the use of media presentations optimize the teacher's activities, simplify the preparation of the teacher for the lesson in the future. The ability to print the necessary slides solves the problem of replicating didactic handouts for the lesson.

The use of a computer makes great demands on the organization of the educational process, which should be distinguished by clarity, thoughtfulness, and expediency.

There are some conditions for the successful (effective) presentation of visual aids made with the help of ICT in the classroom:

  • good visibility in the office, which is ensured by good visibility of the demonstrated visual aid by using appropriate colors with a screen - pointer, etc .;
  • visual aids in the presentation should be as much as required to study the material;
  • a visual aid is shown when it is necessary in terms of time and content of the material being studied;
  • a clear selection of the main, main when showing a presentation to students;
  • it is necessary to rationally combine the demonstration and the word. The word precedes, accompanies and concludes the demonstration of a visual aid presented in the form of a presentation;
  • in the process of perception of what is demonstrated by students, perhaps more analyzers should be included: vision, hearing, etc.;
  • the limited presentation of only visualization will not give a positive result;
  • detailed thinking of explanations (introductory, in the course of the show and final) necessary to clarify the essence of demonstration phenomena, as well as to generalize the learned educational information;
  • use small objects as handouts;
  • involve the students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid, setting them problem tasks of a visual nature.

The systematic use of visual aids in the form of a presentation contributes to the formation of students' skills to work with them.

New information technologies help to find a natural way of turning schoolchildren into active participants in the educational process, and teachers are helped to improve their experience and methodology, thus improving the educational process itself.

Stimulation of cognitive interests in schoolchildren is caused by the novelty of visual teaching aids. The systematic use of ICT contributes to the formation of their skills and abilities to work with a computer.

For a student, multimedia technologies give the greatest effect when they are used in the following cases:

  • for a deeper perception of educational material;
  • in project activities;
  • in presentation activities;
  • when creating multimedia reports, abstracts, essays;
  • when working in local and global networks.

Thus, new information technologies, applied methodically correctly, increase the cognitive activity of students, which undoubtedly leads to an increase in the effectiveness of learning.

  • Application of the national-regional component in the technological education of the university
  • Bibliographic list:
  • The experience of the urban methodological association of teachers of technology and fine arts in Komsomolsk-on-Amur
  • Creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity in technology lessons and after school hours (from work experience)
  • Bibliographic list:
  • On the issue of creative self-realization of future bachelors of pedagogical education of the profile "technology"
  • The role of study tours to industrial enterprises in teaching technology
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Project activities of students at technology lessons as a basis for creating exhibits for the history room and the school museum
  • Formation of key competencies of schoolchildren in technology lessons through the interaction of basic and additional education
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Formation of project thinking of schoolchildren in the process of technological preparation
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Modern approaches to the development of gifted children
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Problems of continuity of technological education in school and vocational education
  • Bibliographic list
  • Development of design and technological thinking in the lessons of special disciplines
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Informatization of the educational process
  • The use of modern information and communication technologies in technology lessons
  • Bibliographic list
  • Development of creative abilities of students in elective classes on technology
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Application of active learning methods in technology lessons at school
  • New approaches and pedagogical innovations in technology lessons
  • Self-education of students as a way of forming universal learning activities
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Features of the implementation of the national-regional component of the content of technological training of schoolchildren
  • Development of creative and analytical skills in technology lessons through the method of projects
  • Section 2. New approaches to teaching school subjects in the context of the transition to second generation standards Subject area "Technology" in the new educational standards
  • Formation of universal learning activities for schoolchildren at technology lessons
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Social project as a means of forming social consciousness and civic position of schoolchildren
  • Competence-Based Approach to Training Teachers in the Educational Field of Technology in the Conditions of the School's Transition to Second Generation Standards
  • New approaches to teaching school subjects in the context of the transition to second generation standards
  • Features of training teachers in the educational field "technology" in the context of the transition of the school to the standards of the second generation
  • Artistic and aesthetic education of students in the lessons of special disciplines in the profession of "tailor" in the context of the transition to the standards of the second generation in vocational school No. 18
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Instilling the interest of students at school in the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Using the project method in art lessons
  • Bibliographic list:
  • The experience of implementing the museum educational program: “In fact, the fish is white and fluffy” among students of the 4th grade of educational schools in our city
  • Bibliographic list:
  • A variety of forms and methods of knowledge control in the context of a student-centered way of teaching students in technology lessons
  • Bibliographic list
  • Conversation and storytelling at a technology lesson as a means of developing the horizons of younger students
  • The specifics of the education system in China
  • Section 3
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Research activities in technology lessons
  • Integration of science, education and business in the process of organizing students' scientific work
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Opportunities and features of research and educational research work of students of technological areas to improve the quality of vocational education
  • Organization of research work of students in the Komsomol-on-Amur Construction College
  • Organizational structure of the system of research work of students of a secondary vocational educational institution
  • Bibliographic list
  • Preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination
  • Bibliographic list
  • Organization of independent work of students at technology lessons at school
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Development of critical thinking in technology lessons
  • Basic model of technology for the development of critical thinking
  • II. The stage of comprehension (or the semantic stage)
  • III. Stage of reflection (or reflection)
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Modern conditions for teaching at the university
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Pedagogical practice at school
  • Educational and creative project "Christmas" as an adaptation and study of the spiritual and world cultural heritage in modern society
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Environmental design in extracurricular activities
  • Artistic and applied processing of wooden products in the interior
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Bibliographic list:
  • On the importance of an in-depth study of cultural studies for design students
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Educational and creative tasks of teaching fine arts: their features and issues of prevalence
  • Bibliographic list:
  • The history of art as a component in the training of a designer
  • The era of the Italian Renaissance
  • Formation of artistic and creative skills in the lessons of fine arts through the use of tasks and exercises of a research nature
  • The influence of Japanese art on modern design
  • Acquisition of designer skills through the Pygmalion Image Center
  • The great past to the designers of the present
  • Bibliographic list:
  • The role of art in the life of modern man
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Factors affecting perception and color choice
  • The ideal of female beauty in ancient Egypt
  • Relationship between design and art
  • To the question of the importance of graphic design
  • Formation of a child's personality culture
  • Section 5. Technological processes in the production of Development of New Ionic Liquids
  • Application Development Environment for eTrobocon
  • Investigation of the effect of gas blowing on the cooling of castings in a magnetic mold
  • The use of combined technological processes for the production of metal products
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Examination of the stress-strain state of ice under the action of a dynamic load
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Parametric 3d - modeling of a horizontal casting machine and metal deformation in the t-flex environment
  • Technology of plastic deformation of metal in the solid-liquid state
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Modeling the cooling of a mold with a core
  • Test procedure (measurements)
  • Description of the design of the cooled plug
  • Test results
  • Approximate calculation of chill mold cooling
  • Heat transfer in the existing mold design
  • Heat transfer on the outer surface of the developed device in the heat removal zone
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Calculation of heat transfer of a device in a modernized chill mold
  • Calculation of heat transfer of a modernized tube made of steel (Fig. 1)
  • Calculation of heat transfer of a modernized tube made of a copper heat-resistant alloy
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Comparative Analysis of Thermal Fields of Billets from Pb-Sb Alloy and Hell in a Variable Section Mold
  • Bibliographic list:
  • Investigation of the process of forming blanks from porous materials at a vertical casting and metal deformation facility
  • Three-dimensional modeling of a vertical casting and metal deformation plant as an important stage in the preparation of the technological process for the production of metal products
  • Study of the process of deformation of porous materials
  • Information about authors
  • Ivanenko Viktor Fedorovich, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Technological Education, FGBOU VPO "AmGpGU", Komsomolsk-on-Amur.
  • The use of modern information and communication technologies in technology lessons

    Ivanov Yu.S., FGBOU VPO "AmSUH",

    Cheremukhin P.S., MOU secondary school No. 14,

    Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia

    Information and communication technologies in education, their advantages, problems of implementation in the educational process. Software used in class technology.

    The development of society today dictates the need to use new information technologies in all spheres of life. The modern school should not lag behind the requirements of the time, which means that the modern teacher should use a computer in his activities, because. The main task of the school is to educate a new generation of literate, thinking citizens who can independently acquire knowledge.

    In connection with the widespread introduction of information technology, the role of the teacher has also changed. He ceased to be the primary source of information and turned into an intermediary, facilitating its receipt.

    As it turned out, information technology can be of great benefit to a teacher of technology. After all, the subject "Technology" is one of those subjects that allow you to very succinctly combine modern technology and the learning process. That is why we try to combine informatics and technology in our practice.

    Advantages of ICT in the learning process

    Theoretical knowledge and practical skills in ICT in the preparation and conduct of technology lessons allow the teacher to:

      increase interest in the subject;

      make the lesson modern;

      make the lesson accessible for students to learn the material;

      gives an opportunity to emotionally and figuratively present the material;

      promotes the establishment of a relationship of mutual understanding, mutual assistance between the student and the teacher;

      improve the professional and pedagogical competence of the teacher.

    One of the obvious advantages of using ICT in the classroom is increased visibility.

    In this regard, it is necessary to recall the great teacher K.D. Ushinsky, who believed: “Children's nature clearly requires visibility. Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will long and vainly suffer over them; but associate twenty such words with pictures and the child will learn them on the fly. You are explaining a very simple thought to a child and he does not understand you; you explain a complex picture to the same child, and he understands you quickly. If you enter a class from which it is difficult to get a word out, start showing pictures and the class will speak, and most importantly, speak freely ... ”.

    In the works of A.A. Boguslavsky, V.M. Kazakevich, V.A. Kolesnikova, G.A. Mochalova, G.N. Nekrasova, G.M. Ptashkina, A.V. Lyzlova, A.N. Terekhin, N.P. Shipitsina and others didactic problems of the theory and practice of using information technologies as a didactic tool in technological education are substantiated.

    From these works it follows that the use of IT is especially relevant in the educational field "Technology", because. the need to use IT in the process of technological and pre-professional education of schoolchildren is due to the fact that IT is:

      basis in computer-aided design of technological processes (CAD);

      the basis of the work of technological, transport robots.

      the only modern method of processing information necessary for teaching technologies for creating products or services.

      necessary component of the method of projects - one of the main methods of teaching technology.

    Using IT in the classroom

    The question arises: when to use ICT in the classroom. The answer is at any time: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the lesson when summing up the results of the work, that is, you can supplement the lecture, the story, the demonstration of the methods for completing the practical task - fragmentarily.

    It is enough to think over the sequence of images on the screen in detail so that the learning effect is as large as possible. After all, multimedia tools provide the teacher with the opportunity to show the necessary image with an accuracy of an instant.

    When designing a lesson, a teacher can use various software products:

      Programming languages ​​- with their help, the teacher can create various software products that can be used at various stages of the lesson, but their use is difficult for the subject teacher. Drawing up a project using a programming language requires special knowledge and skills, as well as a lot of labor.

      It is possible to use ready-made software products (encyclopedias, training programs, etc.) when preparing and conducting a lesson. The use of computer technology in the study of technology in high school opens up wide opportunities for creating and using complex visual and demonstration support in the classroom or when performing laboratory work. In addition, when repeating the material covered, the student independently reproduces all the demonstration experiments that the teacher showed in the lesson. At the same time, he can interrupt the experiment, stop it, or repeat the part that is poorly learned. This approach develops initiative and helps to increase students' interest in the subject being studied.

      Great help in preparing and conducting lessons is provided to the teacher by the Microsoft Office package, which includes, in addition to the well-known word processor Word, the Access database system and PowerPoint electronic presentations.

      The database system involves a lot of preparatory work when compiling a lesson, but in the end you can get an effective and universal system for teaching and testing knowledge.

      Word text editor allows you to prepare handouts and didactic material.

      Electronic presentations enable the teacher with minimal preparation and little time to prepare visualization for the lesson. PowerPoint lessons are spectacular and effective in working with information.

      Interactive modeling systems allow not only to consider any process, but also to take part in it.

    Consider a few examples of the use of modern ICT in technology lessons.

    A great deal of attention in technology curricula is given to the study of technologies in the most important industries. So, for example, a lesson in the 5th grade “Professions of a joiner and carpenter in the modern world. HKK GOS. Plywood. Getting, properties”, many similar topics can be visually shown by means of excursions. But often this turns out to be a rather difficult task due to the lack of such enterprises nearby. But what prevents a technology teacher from finding an interesting film on this topic on the global network and showing it to students? Hard to find - "Ask Google".

    In the 5th grade in the fourth quarter, one of the lessons is devoted to the protection of their own products, which can be organized in the form of a competition with booklets and multimedia presentations made by students.

    Often, throughout the course of technology, the teacher has to explain the devices of complex technical devices. With the use of interactive learning materials, these topics become clearer and more interesting.

    If technology is considered not as a subject, but as a subject area, in conjunction with drawing and fine arts, then the following can be noted.

    Drawing lessons can be supplemented by visiting virtual exhibitions and museums.

    We have listed only a small part of the possibilities of IT in technology lessons, because everything is limited only by the imagination of the teacher and ICT competence.

    Problems of introducing IT into the educational process

    The introduction of new information technologies in the educational process, and, first of all, computer technology, allows you to change the traditional education system.

    The mass teacher, in principle, is focused on maintaining the existing education system, on the use of traditional teaching methods. Reorienting it to a changing, learning school is a major challenge, but it is a complex and difficult task.

    To solve it, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure the information literacy of the teacher.

      Teachers do not have enough time to prepare for a lesson that uses computers.

      Insufficient computer literacy of the teacher.

      Lack of contact with the computer science teacher.

      There is no time in the teachers' work schedule to explore the possibilities of the Internet.

      It is difficult to integrate a computer into the lesson structure of classes.

    New information technologies will not replace teachers and textbooks, they create new opportunities for the development of the entire education system. Not the development of technologies for the sake of technologies, but their use for the sake of maintaining and developing interest in knowledge and learning of students is an urgent task of modern education, in the modernization of which a special role is given to the informatization of education.

    Thus, it can be argued that the use of information technology in teaching technology is quite effective. The use of information technology guarantees an increase in academic performance, an increase in the strength of knowledge, an increase in overall efficiency and students' interest in the subject of technology.


    Material Description: This article presents and argues the advantages of using non-traditional approaches in teaching students in technology lessons. The use of information and communication support allows you to activate interest in the subject being studied, contributes to the development of creative thinking in schoolchildren.

    Currently, the traditional approach to learning is not relevant. To enhance the knowledge of students, to increase their level of interest in the subject, to more fully realize the creative ideas of students, it is necessary to use new means in teaching, such as computer technology. The use of information and computing capabilities of computers, means of sound and visual presentation of information make it possible to demonstrate illustrative and visual material, videos, multimedia presentations.
    Computer technologies to the greatest extent allow to implement one of the most important didactic principles - the principle of integrativity - taking into account interdisciplinary connections.
    In the system of technological training, integrative connections make it possible to more clearly present the characteristics of the subject of technology, to show the relationship between the content of its individual sections and modules, between information and technological training.
    Based on the analysis of scientific psychological, pedagogical and special literature, as well as data from experimental work, six main distinguishing features of a computer as a means of education in its integrated use with software have been identified today. means of various purposes at technology lessons.
    1. The ability of students to work with computer technology in a dialogue mode.
    In conditions of shortage of study time, the possibility of combining computers into a local network allows the teacher to provide each student with the necessary amount of information, attention and assistance. In the dialogue mode, it is possible to use various forms of training: frontal, group, individual.
    2. The possibility of organizing full-fledged individual work of students at a qualitatively new level.
    As you know, the process of mastering knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities is always individual. According to prof. I.M.Cheredov, in educational activity it is extremely important how independent a student is in mastering knowledge, developing skills and abilities. The use of a computer makes it possible to take into account the capabilities of each student in the educational process much more fully, offering a feasible pace of work and providing the necessary correction of the results.
    3. The ability to model objects based on image dynamics and a high degree of visibility.
    Performing work on a computer, the student gets the opportunity to simulate the situation and the possible results obtained in the course of making any decisions. The use of special programs allows you to create the necessary models, select the shapes, colors of any craft. Using the modeling capabilities of information systems, schoolchildren can not only choose the homemade product they are interested in from a large number of samples presented, but also make it on the desired scale and arrange it at their discretion, while demonstrating their creative abilities.
    4. Automation of routine operations and related time savings.
    In the activities of a modern person, there are many labor-intensive information retrieval, computational and other similar operations that a computer will help to perform if there is appropriate software and its skillful use. Without relieving students of the need to learn how to use the usual reference material, we at the same time prepare them for their future work activities in modern automated production. Experience also shows that the use of a computer in technology classes does not reduce, but, on the contrary, allows to increase the experience of working with structural material, as it facilitates the implementation of technical drawings, calculations, and technological documentation.
    5. Access to a large amount of information presented in an entertaining way through multimedia.
    The use of software tools, such as e-books, multimedia encyclopedias, provides students with access to a large amount of new information, which is practically not realizable in the traditional form (on paper). They learn to master it with the help of a computer: searching, launching programs, navigating through electronic directories, highlighting the required information, printing them. Specialized databases allow you to quickly and easily find the information you need.
    6. The versatility of computer technology as a learning tool with ample demonstration opportunities.
    Using a computer and multimedia tools, you can repeatedly demonstrate the methods of performing technological operations, their sequence, follow the process of changing an object, build a drawing, etc.
    Currently, it is relevant to use such a learning tool as multimedia presentations to provide partial or complete information in the lessons. Educational material is demonstrated using the PowerPoint program (slide presentations). This form is the most successful visual aid. It makes it possible to gradually, if necessary, demonstrate any visual material: diagrams, figures, tables, basic concepts, etc. This alternative to paper media makes it possible for all students to be involved in the learning process, since the slides are shown on a large screen, clearly visible to all students.
    The use of illustrations, animations, diagrams, graphs in presentations, the inclusion of interactive crossword puzzles and tests in the lesson process allows you to emotionally influence students.
    Visual forms of teaching make it possible to better capture certain knowledge in the student's memory, form images, take a closer and better look at any events, facts, interesting moments.
    Recent studies have shown that people absorb 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and more than 50% of what they see and hear at the same time. Therefore, ICT elements are very important and should be introduced into the traditional lesson.
    All slide presentations are a structure, working with which the teacher can pause the show anywhere, go back or forward, while making comments on the topic. It should be noted that the presentation can be used both frontally on a large screen, and individually for each, depending on the level of preparedness of students.
    The use of computers is effective at all stages of the pedagogical process: at the stage of presentation of educational information, at the stage of assimilation of educational material in the process of interactive interaction with a computer, at the stage of repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills, at the stage of intermediate and final control and self-control of the achieved learning outcomes. This approach allows you to individualize the learning process.
    In technology lessons, the use of information and communication technologies is the most relevant. Now, on the Internet, you can easily find all the necessary information for a student - these are tables of calorie content, energy value, descriptions of products, recipes, the possibility of compiling dishes from a limited number of products. It is possible to calculate the calorie content of dishes online, counting proteins, fats, vitamins.
    When studying various types of arts and crafts, the possibility of using virtual exhibitions, sites dedicated to origami, macrame, bead weaving, embroidery allows not only to see the best samples, but also to quickly prepare handouts by printing the necessary diagrams, drawings, sketches.
    Thus, the use of ICT in technology lessons makes classes more interesting, provides more opportunities for participation in teamwork, promotes understanding of more complex material, enables the use of different learning styles, teachers can access all kinds of resources, adapting to specific needs, and students begin to work more creatively and become self-confident.
    ICT works for a particular child. The student takes as much as he can learn, works at a pace and with those loads that are optimal for him. Undoubtedly, ICTs are developing technologies and should be more widely integrated into the learning process. Their use allows to increase students' interest in acquiring knowledge, as well as to facilitate the teacher's task of preparing for classes.
    An analysis of classes using information and communication technologies showed that cognitive motivation increases, mastering complex material is facilitated. The use of ICT in technology lessons increases interest in the subject, which is useful when learning new material and contributes to the development of creative thinking in schoolchildren.

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