The history of the exam where to start. Self-preparation for the exam in history

There are about three months left before the start of the Unified State Examination in Russia, and therefore, those who have not yet begun to prepare for the exam should hurry up. According to statistics for the past year, the Unified State Examination in the history of Russia is taken by a fairly large number of graduates who subsequently wish to enter universities in the humanities. But do not forget that the history of Russia is a very extensive material, which is sometimes interpreted differently in various textbooks or manuals. Therefore, it is best to use textbooks recommended by FIPI, the official website: and an open bank of tasks:, when preparing for the exam in history. -task-ege

How to prepare for the exam in the history of Russia

There are several ways to prepare for the history exam:

  1. Sign up in advance for preparatory courses, which are necessarily held in various higher educational institutions. In these courses, the graduate will receive the necessary amount of required knowledge, which, of course, will help him successfully write and pass the exam. Also, upon admission to a university that conducts preparatory courses, additional points will be awarded to the total number of points in the USE
  2. When preparing for the exam in history, you can use the services of private tutors who will deal with the graduate individually. With this method of preparation, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a tutor
  3. You can thoroughly prepare for the exam in the history of Russia on your own. At the same time, the main condition for successful preparation is the desire and perseverance of the graduate.

How to independently prepare for the exam in the history of Russia. Helpful Hints

The volume of questions and assignments for the Unified State Examination on the history of Russia is quite extensive and includes questions not only for the final grades, but also questions related to the material of the 5th and 6th grades. Therefore, for successful independent preparation for the Unified State Examination in the history of Russia in 2015, the following is required from the graduate:

  • Motivation for success
  • Possession of basic knowledge of history
  • Closing gaps in knowledge
  • Systematization and repetition of the studied material

So, if you are sure of success, then to achieve an excellent result, it remains only to use our recommendations:

  1. It is recommended to work through the assignments of previous years, which you will find here and test assignments of 2015 online here. Thanks to this work, you will be able to understand the structure of tasks and assess your level of knowledge, as well as analyze and evaluate your level of preparation.
  • It is necessary to draw up a plan for repeating and studying the educational material, according to which to proceed with the repetition and study of the necessary material
  • Be sure to keep a chronological table in which you should record the main dates, historical events and the names of historical figures. These notes will serve as hints and will provide an opportunity to quickly review the studied material.
  • It is advisable to pass a trial written test of the Unified State Examination of the History of Russia in 2015. Firstly, testing will show gaps in knowledge, and secondly, it will provide psychological support to the graduate
  • To improve the level of knowledge, it is recommended to read historical books and watch historical documentaries, thanks to which the graduate will gain a deeper understanding of historical moments in the development of Russia
  • A week before passing the exam in the history of Russia, it is recommended to repeat the material until the 18th century - tests here, and then 19-20 centuries - tests here and at And the day before the exam, you should review all the material using your chronological notes.

Remember! Written answers to the exam should be clear, understandable and concise, but at the same time revealing the essence of the task.

Increasingly, the question becomes relevant - what is needed to prepare for the exam in history? After all, this is not such an easy subject as it might seem at first glance. It is very easy to get confused in events and dates. And the exam in this subject requires good preparation. How to prepare for the exam in history, what methods will be the most effective and efficient? Moreover, many do not even know where to start. But with great diligence, you can cope with any difficult task.

Quite often there are situations when there is 1-2 years to prepare for the exam, and the head on the historical topic is empty. It is very difficult for teenagers to decide where they want to go, and often they decide it at the last moment. It seems that preparing for the exam in history from scratch is unrealistic. But it's not. The issue is the effort put into it.

test part

First, you need to know the dates. But remembering them all is very difficult. There is an option that will help make this task easier.

It is easy to confuse which of the proposed events happened first. Associations are needed to remember dates and events effectively. For example, you teach the 11th century. First remember all the rulers of this century in order: Vladimir, Svyatopolk the Accursed, etc. Then learn the events that occurred during their reign. So it will be easier to remember that the baptism was earlier than the compilation of the Russian Truth, because Vladimir ruled earlier.

By the same principle, contemporaries of rulers should be remembered. For example, Metropolitan Macarius was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible, and Patriarch Nikon was a contemporary of Alexei Mikhailovich. If you memorize a subject using this technique, you will easily pass not only the test, but it will help you in other tasks as well.

Secondly, you need to study cartography. Omitting this point is an unforgivable mistake. Because of it, you can lose a lot of points on the exam. Cartography is especially needed for those who prioritize self-training.

What is the best way to learn cartography? For example, you repeat the period of activity of some ruler. In parallel, see all the described actions on the cards:

  • how the territory of the state changed;
  • with whom he fought;
  • what kind of trips he took;
  • troop movements during battles.

Pay special attention to the last point when studying important historical battles, for example, the Battle of Borodino.

Thirdly, do not lose sight of cultural studies and terminology. Questions on terms often come across in assignments.

Tasks B

To cope with the tasks from the 2nd part, you need to read a lot, especially if you are starting to prepare from scratch. Moreover, it is desirable to read not school textbooks, but special manuals for applicants or, even better, monographs.

Also in the 2nd part there are tasks where you will need to write arguments in support or refutation of a position regarding a particular situation.

To prepare for this kind of assignments, group sessions and discussion of discussion questions are ideal. For students, this is not a problem. Surely they have additional classes to prepare for the exam. But what about people who are no longer in school? On the Internet you can find a site with courses to prepare for the exam in history. In most cases, you can choose between group or private lessons. Even a short visit to such courses will give an impetus to your studies. But on the Internet, you need to be careful. Before contacting a company, read reviews about it.

Tasks C

One of the most difficult tasks in the exam is the essay. What does it take to deal with it with dignity? It will be necessary to describe the historical event, its causes and consequences. To write an essay well, you only need knowledge of dates, events, rulers, that is, what was mentioned above.

When writing, do not go to extremes. For example, refrain from phrases like this: "Stalin was a despotic tyrant."

Note! Some insecure students refuse to write an essay. Never do that! Even if you are not very well prepared, you have a chance to get at least 1 point, which can be decisive.

Useful video: preparing for the exam in history from scratch


Not everyone is lucky with history teachers. Usually, people who, for some reason, are not tired of preparing for the Unified State Exam in history under the program of a school teacher, place great emphasis on self-study. Fortunately, in today's world this is not a problem. There are many sites for preparing for the exam, you can download or buy the necessary materials, you can watch educational films at any time.

To get started, be sure to purchase a book for preparation with trial options. Solving them is necessary not only to improve the quality of knowledge, but also in order to fill your hand and not get confused during the exam.

Then it is important to choose textbooks of various levels of complexity. Below are examples of options.

  • School textbooks. If you are preparing from scratch, learn the school curriculum first.
  • Reference books: Orlova, Barabanova, Kavtsy.
  • University textbooks: Sakharova, Pavlenko.
  • Schemes and tables: Kirillov, Orlova.
  • Atlases "Bustbust" for the school curriculum.

Of course, these are not the only materials in existence. But they have helped more than one generation pass the exam, and they have the most positive feedback.

There are also training materials available online. These can be online tests, theory, videos, help in preparing for an essay.

Some sites for preparing for the exam in history:


In addition to websites on the Internet, there are various applications for the phone. Thus, online training allows you to train anywhere and at any time.

Almost always, with intensive study, a little relaxation is needed. You can find many historical films on YouTube. The brain will be able to rest a little, but at the same time many facts will remain in memory. It is better to choose documentaries, because they have much more authenticity. And don't think they're boring. If you love history, then you will find them very interesting. As an example - a documentary on YouTube "History of the Russian State".

Important! Historical films for preparation should only be an addition to the theory that you have already learned. Especially lazy people who decide to prepare for the exam only on films will not succeed: too many facts require memorization.


A few tips on how to prepare for the exam in history more effectively.

Outline the material according to the following table:

For excellent memorization of dates, write them on pieces of paper and hang them around the house.

When you solve tests, look at the meaning of all terms that you do not know, description of events, dates. In other words, gradually fill in the gaps.

Buy an atlas with contour maps and complete tasks on them. After a good study, the material is remembered better.

Effective preparation for any subject: scientists have proven that the best way to learn a subject is when you teach it. Ask a friend or family member to help you and be a listener. Explain the material to him, especially your weak topics. Over time, you will realize that you understand the subject much better.

How not to miss anything

Almost all students, starting to prepare, devote most of their time to the ancient period. This is due to the fact that at first people take up some business with enthusiasm. But then it gradually subsides. Or, as in the case of preparing for the exam, there is no longer enough time. Then handing over the story will be problematic.

In fact, you need to devote more time to the Middle Ages and the Soviet era, because you will have to learn much more information from them.

Before starting classes, look through the trial versions of the exam and note what topics are found there. Then start to disassemble them in detail. But do not learn everything by mere rote learning. Everything requires associations and understanding of meaning. With associative memorization, it is easier to remember something or build a logical chain.

Before you make a plan for preparing for the exam in history, you need to do a few things:

The last point may seem strange. Everyone has one goal - to pass the exam. But after all, 40 points will be enough for someone, and 99 points are needed for someone.

It is best to plan with a clear chronological order. But don't forget the tips above.

What exactly do you need to know in history to pass the exam? There is no answer to this question. Anything can get caught: questions on the chronology of historical events, historical terminology, the history of culture. You will be tested on your ability to analyze historical events, work with information presented in different forms, and argue your point of view.

Useful video: how to start preparing for the exam in history


All that is required is to study regularly and persistently, and you already know how to prepare for the exam in history. Maybe these words will seem funny to someone, but do not worry too much on the exam. Panic can bring down even a child prodigy.

Modern graduates must decide in advance where they will go to study after graduation. It is for this reason that students need to know what subjects they will take in order to enter a university. This opportunity allows children to start in advance. And our article will tell you how to do it yourself.

Statistics show that most graduates choose to take the exam in the humanities, such as history, social studies, literature, and so on. Please note that no one has yet said that passing literature or social studies will be much easier than passing a test in physics or chemistry.

Thus, our article will tell future graduates how to prepare for the exam in history from scratch.

Structure by history

Every year the structure of the exam in a particular subject is changed by the organizers. However, the essence remains the same: control of knowledge on the history of Russia. The Ministry of Education decided in 2017 that the history exam would consist of only two parts. This is not a reason for sadness or joy. The examination package of tasks consists of 25 questions. 19 of them should be answered briefly, and the remaining 6 should be answered in detail.

Exam questions are divided into difficulty levels: basic, advanced and advanced. The higher the level, the higher the score for a correct answer. All these subtleties need to be known in order to understand how to prepare for the exam in history. In order to complete all the tasks, the examiner has 4 hours, so the graduate must allocate time in advance in order to successfully write the paper. For example, for simple questions, you can take no more than 7 minutes. For complex ones, the student has the right to spend up to 60 minutes.

When should I start preparing for the exam?

A future graduate should understand that it is impossible to prepare well for the exam in history in a week. On testing, the graduate must show knowledge of the history of Russia from the 6th grade, when children begin to study this subject.

Russian schoolchildren study the history of the Fatherland for 4 years. Imagine how much information you will need to re-read and remember.

It is best to start preparing well in advance, that is, in the 10th grade. It is necessary to go to the school library, take textbooks on the history of Russia for grades 6, 7, 8 and 9.

As you read the tutorials, you need to make a chronological table of events in the Russian state. During all this time, it will be no less useful to compile a mini-reference book in which historical figures will be recorded, information about what time they lived, who they were, what they created, and what reforms they carried out.

In order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is necessary to perform various tasks, as well as pass tests on topics. It is very important to draw up a schedule of work or a schedule for which you will prepare. Now you understand the history and get good scores.

There are several techniques that will help you remember a large amount of information even faster and better, we will talk about them below.


Many of you have no idea what mnemonics is. Who works with a large amount of information, the mnemonic is simply necessary. So what is it? Mnemonics is a set of special methods and techniques for memorizing the necessary information by compiling associations and connections. This technique is actively used by students. The brighter your association is, the faster and easier the information will be deposited in your memory. You ask about how to prepare for the exam in history with the help of mnemonics? Very simple. The methods of this technology allow memorizing the biography of historical figures.

It is enough to remember your friend, who is at least a little like a historical person in character, appearance, and so on. Or maybe because they have the same name. The funnier and brighter the association, the easier it is to remember the information.

We are moving on to the next technology that will help you remember numbers and dates.

How to remember the date

A lot of students complain that it is very difficult or impossible to remember this or that date. This problem also includes the difficulty of remembering the formula. In order for the numbers you need to be firmly entrenched in your memory, you need to correlate them in your thoughts with a number that you remember well. It can be the birthdays of your friends and relatives or someone's phone number. You can correlate the date with familiar numbers. There is another method how to remember the formula. First you need to stop taking it as a formula. Take a close look at it, perhaps you will see some figure in it. Maybe she will remind you of a certain word.

Attention! Be sure to write down these associations, and before the exam, review your accumulated material.

cheat sheets

Many teachers have a negative attitude to this. And in vain! A cheat sheet will come to the aid of a person who has a better developed motor memory. The thing is that when a student writes down the material on paper, then part of the information firmly settles in his memory. In addition, the cheat sheet is also useful for its structure. It does not contain unnecessary information, because only the most important material remains on the sheet. Also, with the help of a cheat sheet, it is convenient to refresh the knowledge in your head.

Three suggestions

This method of mnemonics is useful for those who pass a humanitarian subject, including history. The essence of the reception is that the student first reads a lecture or a paragraph of the textbook on the topic of the ticket, and then selects 3 main sentences from the material that will convey the material presented. They must be spoken aloud at least 3 times, and then written down. This technique activates several types of memory at once. For other subjects, you can complete the work in the same way.

Universal Questions

KIMs in history consist of questions of this type. What are they? Here are a few examples to give you an idea:

  • arrange the events in chronological order;
  • establish the correspondence between the event and the year;
  • enter the term in question;
  • fill in the gaps in the text (sentence);
  • write the name of the figure referred to in the text;
  • study the map and complete tasks on it.

Our article has come to an end. You have read a lot of useful information on how to prepare for the exam in history. We hope you find it useful. Good luck with exams!

The USE in history is one of the most popular elective exams. It is taken by those who go to the humanities faculties: journalism, jurisprudence, political science. Many people think that history is an easy subject and you can prepare for the exam in history from scratch and in a year. Is it so?

The average score in history is low compared to other electives. Many people try to pass the Unified State Examination in History, but usually pass it poorly, especially if they are preparing for the Unified State Examination in History from scratch. “Deuce” is unlikely to be given, but it will not be enough for admission!

What do graduates from the USE program in history not know? They do not know cultural studies, cartography, they cannot compare (synchronize) the events of foreign history and domestic. They confuse historical figures and terminology. A very large number of incorrect answers in the second part, where it is necessary to give arguments in support of the position or in refutation.

The last question in the version of the exam in history is an essay. For him, 11 primary points are given, but few of the students gain them.

How to prepare for the exam in history from scratch? If we now begin to teach history, and at the same time did not study history either in the seventh and eighth grades, or later, then where do we start? The first thing we pay attention to is the chronology. Yes, it is knowledge of events in chronological order. Which event follows which. And this is the most difficult thing for students! How to learn all the dates if there are so many of them? It's good that there are not so many questions in the exam where knowledge of dates is checked up to the day! Nevertheless, there are so many events and dates that a high school student can become desperate.

How to learn events and dates in preparation for the exam in history from scratch? Here is the memorization technique I recommend as an expert.

Let's say you're studying the 10th century. There are many events: the war with Byzantium in 907-911, the uprising of the Drevlyans, the pagan reform of Vladimir, the baptism of Russia, and that's not all! How can you remember all this? First, remember that this is our tenth century, then we will “arrange” the personalities who ruled at that time, in chronological order. Prince Oleg, the next place - Prince Igor, Princess Olga, Svyatoslav and Vladimir. And then we will “attach” to each of the princes the event that took place during his reign. Thus, we get a chronological sequence.

With its help, you can easily answer the question of what event happened before - the uprising of the Drevlyans or the baptism of Russia. You will immediately remember that first there was Oleg, and then Vladimir. So the uprising of the Drevlyans was earlier, and the baptism of Russia - later.

Here is such a great technique for remembering chronology - take it and use it. By the way, each ruler must also be “attached” to his contemporaries! For example, Metropolitan Hilarion was a contemporary of Yaroslav, Metropolitan Macarius was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible. And if you come across the question of which of the metropolitans lived earlier and who later, you can easily answer it, knowing that Prince Yaroslav ruled first, and only then Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The second thing that is important when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch: while studying topics, it is necessary to learn cartography in parallel. For example, we are studying a historical figure - Prince Oleg. We look at the map: with whom he fought, how he expanded the territory of Kievan Rus. What historical monuments were built. We build associations. Example: Prince Vladimir - Church of the Tithes. It happens that in the textbook there is no her current appearance. Then Google is here to help! We search and find an illustration - the reconstruction of the Church of the Tithes. And of course, you need to know the architects who built the temple.

And that means that when preparing for the exam in history from scratch, it is necessary:
knowledge of dates
knowledge of historical figures
cultural studies

When preparing for the exam in history from scratch, make a sign: century, ruler, his domestic policy, foreign policy (reforms, wars). In the next column - write out the terms, the next column - contemporaries.

And then - the second part of the exam in history. To prepare for the exam in history from scratch, you need to read a lot - “read” the material. Use different sources. This will help you understand the text that you will see in the task in the second part. You will need to determine the time, the ruler, the main events described in this text. And then - the following questions, where it is necessary to write arguments in support or refutation of the position. This is one of the most difficult questions.

For example, the baptism of Russia: its positive and negative meaning, that is, we must give two arguments with a plus sign and two with a minus sign. This means that it is necessary to consider debatable issues, which are very numerous in history.

In the classroom, we devote a lot of time to such debatable issues and develop a base that will help to correctly complete such tasks.

Now about essay writing. An essay is one of the most difficult topics on the exam in history. It is necessary to determine exactly what events were. Events relate to one of three periods: this is the period of the rule of the Ruriks, the period of the Romanovs and the Soviet period. My recommendation is to carefully work out the second period. Next, you need to write why the event happened, the content of the event and its consequences, describe the personalities who are associated with this event, what role they played.
And plus the historical assessment of this period - with a "plus" sign and with a "minus" sign.

In our courses, we give an algorithm for writing an essay. We remember the chronology and analyze events from the positive and negative sides. This is how the whole picture emerges. And some additional material that is not in the textbook. Recommended films and historical literature.

When you are preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch, by March you should have a complete historical picture, and then work on assignments and complex questions of the Unified State Examination in history. History must not just be taught - history must be lived - in order to pass the exam well.

A history tutor directs, focuses on complex issues of the exam, teaches how to write an essay, argue a position, identify a chronological sequence, introduces cartography and cultural studies.

Oh well, that's easy enough if you're in 10th grade right now. If at 11 - woke up a bit late, of course, but there is still a chance and quite a big one.

First you need to set yourself a goal in terms of points and steadfastly go towards it. My goal was 100, I started from the very beginning of the 11th grade. I had very little luggage, mainly formed on the basis of the course of Russian literature of the 19th century and the work of Karamzin in the retelling of my father-historian. So you should sit down and clearly assess what you can hope for. I was preparing together with a friend who was an applicant for a provincial law faculty, who did not try very hard, but he just had to overcome the threshold of 50 points, which he successfully did.

1. The best textbook for passing the exam is the Moscow State University textbook on the history of Orlov and Georgiev. It can be bought almost everywhere, it is very convenient. On it we learn "theory".

2. Then you need to buy benefits. I took the usual ones from FIPI, plus a separate allowance for complex tasks. Take a book with KIMs and solve them, write part C in full in a specially wound notebook. It is desirable - to find a teacher who can check them. Or by keys. Solve as many tests as possible and get your hands on it.

3. Learn the codifier. Or at least read it carefully. You must know how each task is done. What points are given and taken away. I highly recommend that you find materials for teachers who check the exam on the Fipi website - there are samples of assignments completed for medium and high scores (part C).

4. Buy manuals with pictures and maps. Most often, Slavic tribes, major battles and uprisings are asked on the cards. It is highly desirable to know what each ruler of Russia looks like (I am not talking about Rurik and Svyatoslav, but it is necessary to distinguish Khrushchev from Andropov and Chernenko).

5. Maintain spreadsheets. From the largest battles of the Second World War to the reforms of Alexander I. If convenient, take notes. I didn’t lead and just circled the right places in the textbook, because it’s easier for me.

6. If you want a good score, don't skimp on culture. A lot of people are cut off on it, especially those who are not preparing for the exam in literature. Feofan Grek, Andrei Rublev, Falcone, Ton, Feofan Prokopovich and others, others, others. Learn famous churches, buildings, paintings, artists. There is a lot(!!!) of everything here. Don't forget the culture of the 80s and 90s. Including TV shows.

7. Hang above the table excerpts from the most disliked and difficult topics. For me, all sorts of officials of the USSR were like that (this question is very popular at the Unified State Examination) and the Pugachev uprising, I don’t even know why.

8. Be prepared to study one topic 8, 9, 10 times. History is forgotten terribly quickly, because there is a lot of information. I advise you to start with the most ancient and end with Putin, it is also desirable to learn it, you never know what they will come up with.

9. Find a friend and train together. It's fun, interesting, especially if a friend knows much more than you.