How to get to the exhibition center "Sokolniki"? Description of the exhibition center "Sokolniki". History of Sokolniki District Temporary exhibitions of the current year

Only own photographs were used - date of shooting 18.04.2014 and 08.06.14

Dacha Khlebnikova

The address
How to get there

A two-story wooden building - the dacha of Maria Petrovna Khlebnikova, built at the end of the 19th century.

Manor Tsigel

The address: 5th Luchevoi prosek, 14, bld.1,2; d.16, pp.1,3
How to get there: M. "Preobrazhenskaya Square", Tram 11, 9 stops, 11 min, to the stop. University of the Foreign languages.

The dacha was built in 1915–1917. for the merchant of the 1st guild, construction contractor P.V. Tsigel, completed in the 1930s. Architect - S.Ya. Aizikovich.
Architectural monument. Cultural heritage sites also include the manor service building and a fence with a gate and a gate.
Presumably, one of the dachas of L.P. Beria was located here.
Since 1960 the building was occupied by the recording studio NPO Videofilm. Then there was the Youth House.
Information about the estate is taken from the site:.

Cottage Lyamina

Built in the 19th century. Since 1918, a children's forest school has been located here.
Now - a private school of individual development with in-depth study of foreign languages, mathematics and physics "Thinker".
The objects of cultural heritage on the territory of the dacha include:
- main wooden two-story house
- kitchen outbuilding
- a fragment of a fence with gate pylons
- stable
- winter garden building with a tower
- barn
Ivan Artemyevich Lyamin is a representative of the Lyamin family of merchants, known since the end of the 18th century. He took an active part in the public life of Moscow, was a hereditary honorary citizen, chairman of the Moscow Exchange Committee and a member of the Moscow branch of the Council of Trade and Manufactories. In 1871, Ivan Lyamin was elected to the post of mayor. During I.A. Lyamin’s tenure in this position, active measures were taken in Moscow to develop education and culture. In 1871-1872. five city schools for boys were opened. I.A. Lyamin was a member of the Committee for the organization of the Polytechnic Museum and put a lot of effort into its opening.
At the factory in Yakhroma, Lyamin built a school for 350 students and a hospital for workers. Numerous so-called "Lyaminsky barracks" were built for the workers, which are still used as housing. Lyamin donated his house in the city of Dmitrov for the construction of a Home for the Elderly Workers. In the estate bought from Prince Golitsyn, Lyamin arranged a rest house for workers. During the Crimean War of 1853-1856. I.A. Lyamin donated large funds to the needs of the soldiers, for which he was awarded the gold medal.
In the 1850s, Lyamin acquired a plot of land in Sokolniki, where he built a summer estate for the family. At the same time, I.A. Lyamin became the chairman of the Commission for Improvement in Sokolniki. Here on the Shiryaevo field, at his expense, in 1875 a wooden church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk was built according to the project of the architect P.P. Zykov.
The revolution destroyed the life and habitual ties of the Lyamins family. The house in Sokolniki was nationalized, and Nadezhda Krupskaya organized the "Forest School" in it - a sanatorium for sick children. When the sanatorium ceased to exist, the building was protected by the Soviet authorities as a memorial place for Lenin and Krupskaya.

6th Luchevoy prosek, 21. Lyamina's dacha.

6th Beam Prosek, 21, p.11. Dacha Lyamina.

Cottage Lyamina

Dacha Lyamina. Fountain

6th Beam Prosek, 21, p.11. Dacha Lyamina. Outbuilding

Dacha Lyamina. Grotto

Dacha Lyamina. Water tower in the Winter Garden.

Dacha Lyamina. Water tower in the Winter Garden.

6th Beam Prosek, 21, p.11. Dacha Lyamina. Winter Garden

Dacha Lyamina. Sculpture "Lenin and children".

Merchant I.Ya. Testov's dacha

The address: Bolshaya Tikhonovskaya st., 18 building 1

The end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. - an object of cultural heritage.
The main house, outbuilding, covered passage have been preserved.
Ivan Yakovlevich Testov - Moscow merchant, restaurateur, owner of the most popular tavern in Okhotny Ryad, character in Gilyarovsky's stories.
Now there is a private closed kindergarten and school "Olympic".
The territory is fenced with a three-meter solid fence.
Information about the cottage is taken from the site:.

Cottage of merchant N.D. Stakheev

The address: Bolshaya Olenya st., 6

The end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century is an object of cultural heritage.
The grotto and the foundation of the fountain in the southern part of the territory have been preserved. Architect K.F. Bugrovsky, 1890s.
Nikolai Dmitrievich Stakheev - a major merchant, gold miner, owner of coal mines and oil fields, owner of weaving factories and many shops, tea merchant, representative of the richest merchant dynasty of the Stakheevs, famous in the 19th century. throughout Russia. The Stakheevs went down in history not only as successful entrepreneurs, but also as patrons of the arts - they donated, according to various sources, from 1 to 7 million a year for the construction of churches, monasteries, and shelters.

Sokolniki - a park located on the territory of the Sokolniki municipal district in the north-east of Moscow, bounded from the south by Sokolnichesky Val, from the east by Bogorodskoye highway, from the north by Rostokinsky passage, from the west by the line of the Yaroslavl railway. In the north, Sokolniki Park merges with Losiny Ostrov. The area of ​​the park is about 600 hectares.

In the XIV-XVI centuries, there was a dense forest on the site of the park, going far to the north. Ivan the Terrible hunted in the part of the forest closest to Moscow in the 16th century. Since 1657, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich hunted in the forest. Hunting was carried out mainly with the help of falcons, for which there were special trainers of these birds - falconers.

At the end of the 17th century, Sokolnichya, Olenya and Alekseevskaya groves were formed on the site of the forest. In the part closest to Moscow, even under Peter I, a clearing was cut through, on which the young tsar organized festivities. This alley exists to this day and is called the May Prosek.

“During the Patriotic War of 1812, in order to establish the shortest road from the city towards Losiny Ostrov, another clearing was laid, later called the 4th Beam. Here, in the thicket of Sokolnichya Grove, many residents took refuge from the Napoleonic invaders. “After the fire of 1812, a significant part of Sokolnichya and other groves were cut down to restore wooden houses in Moscow, but soon the groves grew again.”

In the 1840s the layout of the Sokolnichya Grove was made - in addition to the existing ones, clearings-alleys were laid, fanning out from the central circle and the Cross-cutting clearings. (The Mitkovsky passage was barbarously cut through the park in preparation for the American exhibition. Vehicles got access to the park through it with the corresponding consequences.) Behind the Putyaevsky ponds, a “maze” was arranged - five intersecting circular paths, trees and shrubs were re-planted, various grasses and fields were sown flowers. This principle of the park arrangement is preserved to this day. In the depths of the grove, small plots of land were given to tenants for development, where dachas subsequently appeared, and the part of the grove closest to the city was used for festivities. In 1863, a wooden church of Tikhon Zadonsky was built at the end of the Maisky glade.

“In 1878, Sokolnichya and Olenya groves were bought by the city, and a public park for walking was arranged in them. In 1883, a wooden rotunda was erected in the center of the park on the so-called “circle”, where music was played on holidays. Later, an open stage was set up here, on which not only serious concerts were given for a moderate fee, but sometimes entire operas by Russian classics were staged. In 1896, a dam was built in the Deer Grove and ponds were formed. The area has become picturesque. Boating took place on the ponds, and a restaurant was briskly trading nearby.

On May 16, 1931, the Moscow City Council declared Sokolniki a city park of culture and recreation. A fountain was built at the main entrance, an orchestra stage, exhibitions, and a restaurant were set up in a large circle. They built attractions that were popular at that time: “airloop”, “silomer-hammer”, “gliding flight”, “room of laughter”, “vertical wheel”, shooting gallery, “swing-boats”, “immelman”. Until 1937, the park was named after the then People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR A.S. Bubnov.

In 1959, between the 4th and 5th Luchevye Prosek, on the site of the former CDKA stadium, two exhibition pavilions with glass walls 15 m high were built, in which on July 25, 1959, in the presence of Nikita Khrushchev and Richard Nixon, the American National Exhibition "Industrial Products" was opened. United States”, remembered for kitchen debates about the merits of opposing economic systems: capitalism and socialism. Subsequently, these pavilions were transferred to the new exhibition center. In the second half of the 1970s. dacha development in the park was largely eliminated. In 1973, the Sokolniki Sports Palace was built in the southern part of the park.

In recent years, the park has grown significantly and updated. Concert stages, a library-reading room, four amusement parks, a billiard hall, a dance veranda, a sports alley with rental of roller skates, bicycles, scooters and other sports equipment, a swimming pool, a go-cart track, and numerous cafes are at the service of visitors. In 2008, three new modern attractions were additionally purchased and are operating. Tennis courts, ping-pong tables, a sports and recreation complex, and a chess and checkers club are located on the third Luchevy Prosek.

In winter, the park has a skating rink and ski slopes with ski and skate rentals. Park theatrical holidays, including sports, music and entertainment programs, literary evenings, concerts of professional and amateur artists, brass and symphony orchestras have become very popular with the metropolitan public.

The Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center annually hosts exhibition projects beloved by Muscovites, including the Equiros equestrian exhibition, the International Exhibition of Calligraphy, the Russian Educational Forum, WAN Expo / Festival of Pregnant Women + Festival, the Music Moscow exhibition, the Formula needlework" and many others.

In September 2011, free Wi-Fi access to the Internet was launched on the territory of Sokolniki Park for everyone.

Sokolniki is a district of Moscow, unique in that most of its area is occupied by the park of the same name, which served as the starting point and the reason for the emergence of human settlements here.

In the 15th century, the places, formerly called the Forest Triozerye or the Wolf's ruin, began to be used by the grand ducal family for falconry. This entertainment was very common at court, and falcons, hawks and gyrfalcons were brought here from all cities and villages, kept and trained in the falconer's settlement.

In the 17th century, during the reign of the father of Peter the Great, Alexei Mikhailovich, the popularity of falconry reached its peak, and the village already received its modern name Sokolniki.

Alexei Mikhailovich attached to this type of hunting not only an entertaining value. She was in charge of the Board of Secret Affairs. Special rituals and customs arose, for which the language "argo", invented by the king himself, was used. The falconer was often a confidant and adviser to the king, the position was very honorable and responsible. During the hunt, important political issues were resolved, birds were presented as expensive gifts as a sign of respect, and the exchange of trophies testified to a special disposition. No wonder Ivan the Terrible introduced the image of an eagle into state symbols, symbolizing royal power, vigilance and strength.

Near Sokolniki, on the banks of the Yauza River in Preobrazhensky, the son of the Tsar, Peter the Great, spent his childhood. His Amusing regiments were located there. Peter the Great treated falconry, and hunting in general, cooler than his father. He considered it useless and leading to infamy, and even called it the occupation of serfs and hounds, because. the pack was often actually run by servants. But the tsar loved all kinds of festivities and feasts, so he took part with pleasure in the feasts of the captured Swedes, whom he settled in Sokolniki. In the park, the May Alley was specially cut through, where, according to the Swedish custom on May 1, tables were laid on the spring holiday and the nobility walked. There is a version that the expression "buffet" came from here. Those who did not manage to join the exquisite feast were content with tea parties in Sokolniki, the tradition of which outlived Peter himself for a long time.

Since then, Sokolniki has become a favorite place for festivities for both the nobility and ordinary people. Even Alexander I chose Sokolniki to celebrate his coronation. The luxurious celebration lasted three days. The people were treated to baked bulls and geese, drink beer and wine. The emperor watched the process with pleasure, riding among the crowd on a horse.

In 1826, in view of the abolition of falconry, Nicholas I transferred Falcon Grove to the Kremlin Building Expedition, after which the area began to be actively built up with dachas. The tasks of the Expedition of the Kremlin Building included the layout of Sokolniki, and in 1838 the final ray structure of the park appeared on the map for the first time. Seven numbered beams depart from the central circle, the third of which also bears the name of Alekseevsky, and the seventh - Maysky Prospekt. In addition, the alleys differ in the species of trees planted on them: walking from the first clearing to the last, you can admire birch, elm, birch, maple, ash, elm and elm trees on the sixth, and larches on the seventh, Maiskaya alley.

A free summer life, a pine forest, magnificent air, festivities, performances and music attracted the chosen Moscow society here. Falconers are mentioned in many works of art, appear in a considerable number of paintings. Writers A.N. Ostrovsky, A.P. Chekhov, V.A. Gilyarovsky, artists I. Levitan and A.K. Savrasov, Chaliapin and Lemeshev sang.

In 1879, the gallerist's brother S. Tretyakov bought Sokolniki and organized a public park. The price was high - 300 thousand gold, and the merchant had to go around many of his comrades and partners, collecting the necessary amount.

The Sokolniki district gradually developed and built up. During the reign of Peter the Great, Sokolniki acquired several buildings that have survived to this day. One of them is the building of a linen factory, which produced sails for the fleet with the help of former sailors. There was also a small hospital for sailors nearby, which gave the name to the street: Matrosskaya - by the profession of hospital patients, and silence - because the street, according to the order of Peter I, was impassable.

After the factory moved at the end of the 18th century, the almshouse of the Staro-Ekaterininsky hospital was located here. A little later, a “dollgauz” was built nearby - the Preobrazhenskaya mental hospital and a strait house, now the famous Matrosskaya Tishina prison.

At the end of the 18th century, technical progress came to Sokolniki. They laid a horse-drawn track (a railroad, along which horses pulled the carriages), the area was equipped with gas and kerosene lamps. At the same time, the housing stock began to expand: at first, 12 Sokolniki streets appeared, and by the beginning of the 20th century their number reached 70. along Stromynka street. The medical institutions of Sokolniki were democratic: built for workers and poor citizens, they did not shine with rich interiors, but served a large number of those in need. Sokolnichesky highway became the center of the district, a fire tower and a police station were built here.

In 1935, one of the first metro stations Sokolniki was opened. Complex in design, decorated with black marble, gray-blue and white marble, the station occupied in 1937. first place at the international exhibition in Paris. And, given that for 70 years the station has remained practically unchanged, with the exception of the lighting lamps, which have become brighter, it can rightly be considered one of the attractions of the Sokolniki district. A wide alley paved with tiles leads from the arched exit from the Sokolniki metro station to the entrance to the park.

Several old churches still delight Orthodox residents of the Sokolniki region and simply connoisseurs of Russian architecture. Among them, located on the Shiryaevo field, the Church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Sokolniki.

As for the rest, this is an area with a fairly standard development for Moscow in the 80-90s, equipped with everything necessary for the townspeople. For a population of 60 thousand people, there are about 10 schools, about the same number of kindergartens, several universities (Russian State Social University, Moscow State Linguistic University named after Maurice Teresa, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, National Institute of Fashion, etc.). The health of residents is taken care of by 33 City Clinical Hospital, Psychological Center "Soul of the City", Medical Center "Your Doctors"; The House of Youth, the Children's Youth Center, the Shakhtar Tennis Club, sports clubs for tennis, football, hockey and figure skating are responsible for sports. You can spend your free time at the Orlyonok and ArtKino cinemas, at the Chocolate Museum or the Mikhail Pugovkin Museum, the Firebird, Amethyst, Art House theaters or visit the Silver Rain large karting center.

Once a branch of a pine tree in the Sokolniki forest knocked off the hat from the head of Ivan the Terrible himself. Annoyed, the king ordered to cut down all the pine trees in this place, and build a hunting palace out of them. According to legend, this palace was connected to the Kremlin by a secret passage, passing through which Grozny could listen to the speeches of the boyars without fear of being noticed.

In the 1900s, during the period of active dacha life in Sokolniki, thieves settled in the forest, spoiling a lot of nerves for sedate summer residents. In order to facilitate the work of the police and reassure civilians, the undergrowth was cut down, resulting in the death of centuries-old coniferous trees. The thieves, as usual, it did not hurt much.

At one of the surviving dachas in Sokolniki, previously owned by L.P. Beria, in the "perestroika" there was a rehearsal base for the rock group "Alisa", where Sergey Galanin and Garik Sukachev used to go. It's not hard to imagine what these old walls saw.

History reference:

15th century - the foundation of the settlement of falconers
16th century - Establishment of a bird supply service for falconry
17th century - the village is named Sokolniki and appears on maps
1657 - construction of the Transfiguration Palace
1697 - the construction of a linen factory by Peter the Great
1742-1747 – Sokolniki included in Moscow
1787 – transfer of the almshouse to the former linen factory building
1801 – Coronation of Alexei I
1826 - Sokolniki Park is transferred to the department of the Expedition of the Kremlin building
1871 – construction of a horse-drawn tram in Sokolniki
1879 – Sokolniki Park becomes public
1884 - construction of a fire tower
1935 – opening of Sokolniki metro station
1937 - Sokolniki metro station received the Grand Prix at the Paris Exhibition

The streets of Sokolnichi and the Sokolnicheskaya outpost square of the same name - it seems that time has taken care to perpetuate the legend of the royal falconers, who had a separate settlement here several centuries ago.

Recreating the history of these places, the researcher has a rather difficult time to separate truth from fiction, legend from reality.

In the “Notes on Muscovite Affairs” by Sigismund Herberstein, an Austrian diplomat of the 16th century, there is a description of the Grand Duke’s hunting in the forest near Moscow, by which historians three centuries later for some reason began to understand the Sokolniki Forest. However, scribe books of the XVI century. do not fix the name Sokolniki; it is not found in the documents of the XVII century. Historian P.V. Sytin claimed that in this place in the XVII century. there was the village of Voznoskovskaya, originally the property of Prince D.M. Pozharsky, and then the palace property. It is only known that the local forests were the hunting domain of the king, and the name of the Shiryaev field of Sokolniki Park conveys a curious legend about the royal falcon Shiryai, who swiftly rushed at his victim, but, not calculating the blow, crashed. We turn to the documents - but they are silent again. So, Sokolniki is not mentioned in the description book of the Order of the Grand Palace, and at the same time, it gives a list of servants of the royal Falcon Court in Semyonovsky.

Behind the haze of legends, the history of this area has been drawn in dotted lines since the 17th century. Here were reserved groves, gravitating towards the Preobrazhensky palace economy. One of them, now located on the territory of the park, was called Gracheva or Pometnaya - according to the naive reasoning of I.E. Zabelin, "every city droppings were dumped here." In reality, however, at the Gracheva birch grove there were palace hay mowing. Back in the 40s of the XVIII century. a single forest area was understood as a grove between and , which was then mercilessly cut down by the peasants of the surrounding villages, so that the issue of saving it was discussed at the level of the Senate.

One of the earliest mentions of Sokolniki dates back to April 9, 1714 - the issuance of a decree banning merchants and Slobozhans from settling on "white" land. From now on, the latter were obliged to live only in settlements, among which Preobrazhenskaya, Semyonovskaya, German, Lefortovskaya and Sokolnichya were named. The Michurin plan of Moscow in 1739 provides the first known graphic depiction of Sokolnicheskaya Sloboda. This small flat area was limited from the west by the dammed section of the Rybinka River, and from the east by the lands of Preobrazhensky. The yards crowded to the road, which branched off to the north, towards the protected forests. This settlement was much smaller than the later Sokolniki and occupied only a small area north of the modern one, in the area. To the east of it, in the place of the modern one, the Falcon Yard is shown - a wooden square of office premises. The drawing of Moscow in 1767 clarifies the details: a small river, the left tributary of the Rybinka, flowed between the Sokolnichiy yard and the settlement. Obviously, the true development of Sokolniki is associated with the 30s of the 18th century, the time of the brilliant heyday of gun hunting in the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna. Here was the settlement of rifle rangers, and the area itself was under the jurisdiction of the Ober-Jägermeister office.

Kamer-Kollezhsky shaft 1742-1747 included Sokolniki in urban areas. The border began to pass at the site of the modern entrance to the park, where there was a wooden outpost. To the east of it, the protected groves turned out to be reduced, and the so-called Sokolnichye field was formed, according to the decree of 1798, adapted for military maneuvers. The plan of 1812 shows here still a natural field with paths crossing it. But five years later we see it as a real military parade ground of rectangular outlines. Here was the shooting range of the 2nd training carabinieri regiment, and on holidays and during coronations, folk festivals were held. Sokolniki was the eastern outskirts of the city, which was almost not damaged during the fire of 1812. Quite early these places became a summer cottage. From the 40s of the XIX century. active development of the adjacent territory begins. In Sokolnichey grove, clearings were broken, going in radii from the outpost. Small plots of land were sold to tenants on the "Chinche law". This made it possible, paying rent on time, to transfer possessions by inheritance. Dachas were built mainly in Sokolnichaya Grove, near glades with beautiful views of sunny lawns and austere pines. At one of these dachas lived the famous historian of Moscow I.M. Snegirev.

In 1879, Sokolnichya Grove, Shiryaevo Pole and Olenya Grove were purchased by the city from the Ministry of State Property with the transfer of rents to the city. Falconers were often depicted on postcards, phototypes, engravings, primarily because of their picturesqueness. Attention was attracted either by a pavilion on a circle, or a Chinese arbor, or neatly tidied clearings, or ponds lost between the greenery of trees. In 1896, a dam was built in the Deer Grove to maintain a system of ponds. A pre-revolutionary postcard shows an island on one of the ponds with an openwork bridge thrown over to it. There are benches for rest under ancient trees. From the beginning of the XIX century. a lithograph has been preserved depicting a leisurely festivities in Sokolniki, with picnics and tents, many people and a succession of carriages. Another image, later - N.P. Chekhov, the brother of the great writer, depicted the celebrations of 1883, when an elegant pavilion was built on the Sokolniki circle, the traditional center of the park, on the occasion of the coronation of Emperor Alexander III. The famous architect A.S. took part in the creation of its interiors. Kaminsky.

Throughout the 19th century Sokolniki was a place of festivities for Muscovites. The festivities on May 1 were especially famous. On May Day festivities, both raznochintsy and noble people appeared here, flaunting epaulettes and expensive sewing on their uniforms. The nobility, led by the Governor-General, went out to see the festivities in Sokolniki. It had its own sights - the May glade or the "Wolf Valley". There were baths on the banks of the Yauza. Especially famous was Burkin's dacha with an illuminated garden and an orchestra that performed waltzes and polkas, works by Mozart and other composers. The park was home to Kurtner's wooden ballroom pavilion and the tea trade flourished.

When did the tradition of festivities in Sokolniki originate? At least not less than two centuries ago. According to the memoirs of E.P. Yankova, collected and recorded by her grandson D. Blagovo, the May Day festivities in Sokolniki took place already in the reign of Emperor Peter I. where long tables were set up. From this, the Sokolnichya Grove was called for a long time "German Tables" ... A lot of decent society went there, and since many went in a train and in gilded carriages, horses in feathers, the festivities were the most elegant, not at all like after that. Some noble people sent cooks there in the morning to their tents; they will invite guests, dine in one tent, and then go to another to sit and look at those who are circling around the grove in carriages. Then, during the reign of Alexander I, Sokolniki was considered such a distant Moscow outskirts that, according to the memoirs of the same E.P. Yankova, to go here from Moscow - "boredom will overcome." Until 1812, there were no dachas here, with the exception of the state-owned country house of the Moscow Governor-General. It was located near the Rybinka River (between the modern Sokolnichya Slobidka and Malenkovskaya streets) and at the end of the 18th century. belonged to Bruce, and then to Rostopchin. The estate included a house, a garden and three ponds fed by a river. In 1812, the famous historian N.M. Karamzin, who left Moscow on the day the French entered the city.

Sokolniki more than once got into the pages of literary works. Moscow writers of everyday life gave them a respectable place. For them, Sokolniki is not a place for noble duels, as in L.N. Tolstoy, but nostalgic memories, coupled with some sentimentality. Publicist N. Skavronsky writes "Sokolnitskaya idyll" - the tragedy of the misunderstood love of a poor forty-year-old man for the "pretty girl" Lisa. More can be said: Sokolniki was a place where literary works were written. Here in 1830 P.Ya. Chaadaev wrote the third letter from a series of so-called "Philosophical Letters", which brought the author wide fame.

Sokolniki was also loved by artists, in particular A.K. Savrasov. Often he admonished his friends to go exactly here: "... nightingales sing there, bird cherry blossoms." The artist dedicated several of his works to Sokolniki. The study and painting "Elk Island in Sokolniki" (1869) are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. The age-old forest and untouched Russian nature inspire the romantic painter. The Irkutsk Art Museum has his other landscape with a view of Sokolniki (1882) - more lyrical, depicting a small swamp and lonely birch trees. In 1880, at a student exhibition of the Wanderers, a picture of another, still young, artist appeared, which brought him recognition. On a small canvas, a leaf-strewn alley of the park was depicted with a young woman in black walking alone. The author of the painting "Autumn Day. Sokolniki (1879) was I.I. Levitan (the figure of a woman on the canvas was executed by his friend N.P. Chekhov).

Falconers of the second half of the 19th century. - this is not only a park, but also the settlement itself. The correct grid of streets and lanes began to take shape at this time. The area developed rapidly, like other surrounding areas, which was caused by the construction of a railway station complex nearby. Initially, a small area was planned to the north of Sokolnichesky Highway (now), adjoining the park. Some streets were named after the homeowners - Ivanovskaya (now), Mitkovskaya (now). There were also two that preserved the memory of the Rybinka River. There were four reminders of the Sokolniki field. In 1898, the area to the south was also planned out: twelve were formed, some of which retained their names. At the beginning of the XX century. in this area there were about 70 streets and alleys, including clearings. In the 1880s, a horse-tram was held here, which was replaced at the beginning of the 20th century. by tram. The highway was paved with cobblestones and lit by gas and kerosene lanterns.

The central axis of Sokolniki is increasingly moving towards the highway. Here in 1881-1884. designed by architect M.K. Geppener, an elegant building of the police and fire department was built with a tower and a high observation deck. On the sides were low houses of inhabitants, small and medium-sized enterprises. The area to the east was occupied by hospitals. In 1882, the Bakhrushins' manufacturers expressed their desire to donate 450,000 rubles to the city's public administration to build a hospital for the chronically ill. In 1885, its foundation was laid. This was the beginning of the Bakhrushinskaya (now Ostroumovskaya) hospital, opened in 1887 in buildings built on the Sokolniki field by the architect B.V. Freidenberg. Of the 238 hospital beds, 228 were free for both sexes, "mostly from the poorest residents of Moscow."

In 1894, across the highway, opposite the Bakhrushinsky hospital, an almshouse was built, the construction of which became possible thanks to the contribution of the Boev merchants (the neighboring streets are still called). Near the almshouse, two-story buildings of free apartments were built. Another major hospital here has become the city Sokolnicheskaya hospital on. Sokolniki are turning into a district of charitable institutions: there is a house of free apartments named after. E.K. Rakhmanova, not far from Sokolniki there are constructions of the Children's Hospital of St. Vladimir and the "Coronation Asylum", the Bayevsky shelter and the Ermakovskiy branch of the City workhouse, the Buneev psychiatric hospital.

The area is intensively built up by enterprises. Among them at the beginning of the XX century. the factory of geodetic instruments “F. Shvabe" (later production association "Geophysics"), Sokolniki car repair plant (SVARZ), Dinga pasta factory (now JSC "Extra-M"). The memoirs of factory workers have come down to us, depicting the bleak life of workers. S. Vatulin recalled: “It was difficult to work at the plant, and even harder to study ... Vacations did not exist, and illness days were not paid ... There were no incentives, but there were fines - mainly for the loss of small tools or working drawings. And it is not surprising that even the healthiest boys soon turned into people with pale faces and tired eyes, already looking like an adult. It is no coincidence that the workers of Sokolniki enterprises take an active part in the revolutionary movement.

Falconer happens
The whole area is huge
Grinevsky planting
The farce is hilarious here.
Not far from the grove
This garden is located.
Here the audience is simpler -
There is a Democrat...

At the beginning of the XX century. F. Chaliapin, A. Nezhdanova, L. Sobinov sang at the Sokolniki circle. In Sokolniki, Chaliapin first performed in the Arcadia Garden in the late 1890s, together with the Mamontov Opera Group. Savva Ivanovich then wrote that "they performed with success, and when Chaliapin sang, there was a groan."

Oddly enough, Sokolniki did not have a decent church for a long time. In 1863, the temple of Tikhon of Zadonsk was consecrated on the Shiryaev field, but it was small and was intended more for summer residents. At one time, large churches were hospitals. Finally, in 1909, according to the project of the architect P.A. Tolstoy on Sokolnicheskaya Zastava Square, they began to build the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, consecrated in 1913. In addition to the main altar, there were two chapels and a lower church. Architecturally, the temple is designed in the neo-Russian style, but with the use of modern elements. Here we see the tented completion of the era of Muscovite Russia, and embedded Novgorod crosses, and a portal made in the "Western" spirit. But such eclecticism does not obscure the beauty and grace of the building. The peculiarity of the temple is that its altar, unlike other Moscow churches, is turned not to the east, but to the south, towards Palestine, the birthplace of the Savior. Since the 1920s, shrines from closed churches were transferred to the Resurrection Church - the Iberian icon from the Resurrection Gate, the Passion Icon of the destroyed Passion Monastery, the image of the Bogolyubskaya Mother of God, St. Panteleimon, and others. In February 1945, meetings of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church took place here, who, after a long absence, elected Patriarch Alexy I to this post

Soviet times became an interesting era in the life of Sokolnikov. Their name sounded in succession. The architecture of Sokolniki was enriched by the creations of the constructivist architect K.S. Melnikov - club them. I.V. Rusakov (1927-1929) on Stromynka and the club of the Burevestnik shoe factory on Rybinskaya Street (1929). In 1935, the terminal of the first stage was opened in Sokolniki. Pilot N.F. spent his childhood here. Gastello, who later became a Hero of the Soviet Union. The youth of the famous Soviet poet Lev Oshanin passed right there.

In Sokolniki in 1918-1920. V.I. visited several times. Lenin, either speaking to the workers of the region, or arriving at the forest school on. Ilyich's speeches on the state of the country were traditional. T. Lyudvinskaya recalled one of them (November 6, 1920): “Vladimir Ilyich spoke about hundreds and thousands of heroes who immortalized their names during our great revolution ... enthusiasm, the will to work, perseverance ... The workers left V.I. Lenin caressed and warmed by his big heart. Lenin explained to them the harm and danger of the propaganda of the oppositionists. Arriving at the forest school, where N.K. Krupskaya, Ilyich was changing. Often he was cheerful, joking, calling the yard dog Bobka "comrade Bobchinsky." Even the New Year was subsequently celebrated here on January 19, in memory of the fact that it was on this day in 1919 that Lenin visited the Christmas tree in the forest school.

Both the park and the Sokolniki exhibition complex are known far beyond the capital. Let's dwell on the features of the latter, along the way providing all the important related contact information.

Sokolniki Exhibition Center - what is it

Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center is not without reason so famous not only in Russia but also abroad - it is a pioneer in the international Soviet, and later Russian , narrow-profile and international, commercial and social (including and commissioned by the Government of the Russian Federation and consonant structures). Up to 5 thousand companies from 55 countries of the world participate in the events, which are attended by up to 1 million visitors every year!

The Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center consists of 9 pavilions occupying an area of ​​33,000 m 2 . Throughout their territory there is free WI-FI, various-sized parking lots - for 10, 20, 30, 35, 40 and 200 cars. In pavilion No. 7 of the complex you can find the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy, and in No. 7a - the Museum of Packaging. It is important to note that the center is a member of a number of important domestic and international organizations:

  • UFI (International Union of Fairs).
  • MCCI (Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry).
  • UIEF of the CIS and Baltic States (International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs), etc.

The location of the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center is, without further ado, a good one - on the territory of one of the most popular and loved by Muscovites parks in the capital. In the immediate vicinity of the complex, you can find a library-reading room, a dance veranda, sports alleys with rental points for a wide variety of equipment, a swimming pool, a go-kart track, towns with attractions, numerous food court areas and much more. Among other things, the park hosts a wide variety of cultural, sports, and entertainment events dedicated to a certain season, holiday, or event.

Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center: contact information

Exhibition Center "Sokolniki" is located at the following address: Moscow, 5th Luchevoy prosek, 7, building 1. The complex has its own official website, where you can find all contact phone / fax numbers, e-mail address.

Today, the general director of the exhibition center in Sokolniki is P. V. Revenko, and the president is A. Yu. Shaburov.

Sokolniki Exhibition Center: how to get there

There are three ways to get to Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center:

  1. On foot. Coming out at the metro station "Sokolniki" and passing through the 4th Luchevoy Prosek (Main Alley) of the park of the same name, visitors will find themselves on the territory of the complex.
  2. On the free bus. On days when exhibitions are held in the complex for a wide range of visitors, free buses run from the Sokolniki metro station to pavilions No. 2 and No. 4. The place of their stop is easy to find according to the set temporary indicators. A typical traffic schedule is every half an hour from 10:30 to 18:30 from the Sokolniki station to the KVC and also every half an hour from 11:00 to 19:00 from the pavilions to the metro.
  3. By car. If the entrance for pedestrians to the park is absolutely free, then you will have to pay 200 rubles for entering its territory by car. You should move along the 3rd Luchevoi glade to the parking lots. There are 10 of them in total. The most spacious one (parking for 200 cars) is located along the 3rd Luchevoi glade after Mitkovsky passage.

Pavilions "Sokolnikov"

Here is a brief summary of the CEC pavilions:

  • The rounded pavilion No. 2 of the Sokolniki Exhibition Center is the very first one that visitors see when walking along the central clearing of the park. Its area is 4385 m2.
  • Pavilion No. 3 occupies an area of ​​2025 m 2 . It is located in a single complex with pavilions No. 11 and No. 11.1.
  • Pavilions No. 4, No. 4.1, No. 4.2 in the Sokolniki Exhibition Center are also combined into a single complex. Their areas are 4752, 3752 and 959 m 2 respectively.
  • Pavilion No. 7 is designed for 150 people. Press conferences, presentations, coffee breaks and even chamber concerts are held here.
  • Pavilion No. 7a with an area of ​​3650 m 2 is distinguished by its versatility. The premises, depending on the specifics of the event, can be transformed into an exhibition or trade fair space, a hall for corporate meetings or business events, a solemn platform for receptions, weddings, concerts and various parties.

History of Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center

Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center was founded in 1959. We repeat that he was the first among the complexes of such a plan in the USSR. The first exhibition was the American national "Industrial products of the USA". It was opened by N. S. Khrushchev himself and the Vice President of the United States R. Nixon. She was remembered by many as the pearls of these politicians regarding American and Soviet life and the material well-being of the citizens of these countries. Later, the dialogue between Nixon and Khrushchev would be called the "kitchen debate" - it took place opposite the "Modern Kitchen" stand of General Electric. But still more interesting at that exhibition was an unusual domed round pavilion, built according to the project of the American engineer R. Fuller.

It is estimated that for 1959-1976. Sokolniki exhibition center in Moscow was visited by 19 million people! During this period, 56 exhibitions were held - chemical, printing, engineering, automotive and geodesic. The year 1989 in the life of the complex was distinguished by the fact that the Moscow Fair was merged (it still holds events in Sokolniki at the present time) and the German Glahe International. The result was the expansion of the range of exhibitions of the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center.

2009-2010 - the time of the large-scale overhaul of the complex. In the same years, pavilions No. 4 and No. 7a were erected. In 2011 Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center becomes a member of three organizations at once - UFI, AIPC (International Association of Congress Centers), Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs. At the same time, cooperation was established between the CEC and PKiO Sokolniki - a common line of development was determined.

Permanent exhibitions in Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center

On a permanent or regular basis, the Sokolniki Exhibition Center operates:

  • equestrian exhibition "Ekviros";
  • exhibition "Formula of Needlework";
  • exhibition "Music Moscow";
  • project "For Little Hearts" - master classes in calligraphy for orphans and children with disabilities;
  • project "Our Victory";
  • International exhibition of calligraphy;
  • "Two Paris";
  • "The first exhibition in the stratosphere";
  • "Mobile Polar Museum";
  • "The first handwritten Constitution of the Russian Federation".

Temporary exhibitions of the current year

Currently, the following exciting events have been held or are planned in the Sokolniki pavilions:

  • January: "Christmas Toy Factory", Orthodox Fair "Ringing Bells", "We Are Together".
  • February: Moscow Dive Show (an exhibition of underwater photographers), MOTORSPORT EXPO 2017.
  • March: eco-products festival, City Build Russia 2017.
  • April: "Blade - Traditions and Modernity", "Gem Collapse", International Festival of Franchises, Carpentry Festival, "Ice Industry", VAPESHOW Moscow, Festival of Pregnant and Babies, XIV World Dance Olympiad.
  • May: "Treasures of the North", festival of oriental culture Oriental-EXPO, parade of vintage cars "Retro-fest".
  • June: 9th International Tattoo Conference, Russian Gaming Week, Jointed Doll Festival, Food Truck Festival.
  • July: Japan Cars & Culture Expo 2017.
  • August: "ZOOFest".
  • September: BARBER CONNECT RUSSIA, "Jewellery Vernissage".
  • October: 3D Print Expo, Belarus-Russia exhibition.
  • November: Eat the Fish Festival, Halal Food Exhibition, Advanced Robotics Exhibition.
  • December: cat and dog shows (held monthly).

Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center in Moscow is the oldest Russian exhibition complex, which is still relevant today. A lot of events are held here that will be of interest to the most diverse visitors and participants.