What kind of threads are sewn. How to file a case file? How to flash documents for tax

The situation when entrepreneurs are faced with the need to flash documents is far from uncommon. Papers may be needed for the tax office, a pension fund, or for archiving.

It is strictly forbidden to glue documents or fasten them with a stapler. To avoid problems and not earn a reputation as an illiterate person, you need to know how to flash documents in accordance with all requirements.

General rules

At first glance, it may seem that there should not be any difficulties in stapling documents, but this is not entirely true. The process must be approached responsibly so that the papers are in proper form. Many printing houses can do this work for a fixed fee and in a short time, but not every entrepreneur will risk entrusting important papers to strangers. In order not to use the services of professionals every time, it is worth figuring out how to properly flash documents.

Supervisory structures do not provide entrepreneurs with specific guidance on this issue, so you will have to figure it out on your own. Information can be gleaned from the Methodological recommendations in the field of office work.

Sewing paper with thread

How to flash documents in this way? To do this, you need to prepare accessories. You need to have threads, needles and glue. The process consists of three stages:

  • Preparation of documents. All papers must be laid out in the correct order and numbered with a pencil in the corner of the sheet. Holes can be made with an awl or a hole puncher can be used. In the case when there are a lot of papers and it is impossible to pierce them with a hole punch, you should use a sharp nail and a hammer. The number of holes depends on the importance and purpose of the document. Top-secret documents are sewn into five holes to avoid substitution of sheets. The holes must be placed on the left, in the center of the free field. The distance should be approximately three centimeters from one puncture to another.
  • Write-off. When figuring out how to flash documents with threads, you need to know important nuances. In most cases, it is customary to use twine or LSh-210 thread. Other strong threads are also allowed. It is necessary to start the process from the back of the hole, which is located in the middle. It is customary to stitch documents twice to give the desired strength. The thread is brought to the back from the central puncture and tied with a knot. If you need to fasten papers that are not of particular value, you can use a regular thread.
  • Document verification. To properly certify the papers, it is necessary to prepare a small piece of paper measuring 4 by 5 cm. It must be glued to the knot so that the ends of the thread are free. On the sheet it is necessary to indicate the number of papers filed in number and in words, as well as the position, surname and initials of the person in charge. After that, the certifying person puts his signature and seal, if any. The edges of the signature and seal must necessarily go beyond the sticker sheet.

How to prepare paperwork for the tax office?

Any entrepreneur is required to provide various reports on their activities, so knowledge of how to flash documents for the tax service is necessary. To avoid inconsistencies, it is advisable to check with the responsible person about the rules for fastening documents.

A list of all attached papers should be compiled with the finished document. The inventory must be enclosed at the very beginning of the case and numbered separately. It is also necessary to indicate the dates of documents and the number of sheets. It must be remembered that the number is placed on the sheets, and not on the pages. If the document is multi-volume, the pages of each volume are numbered separately.

For tax authorities, you need to flash documents into 3 holes, no more and no less. The distance between the punctures should be more than three centimeters. You need to place them in the fields on the left side. Holes are made with an awl or a thick needle. Punctures should be in the middle of the field so that the text is clearly visible. All holes must be made so that they are strictly under each other.

What thread to sew?

Documents for tax must be sewn only with a piercing needle, using twine or LSh-210 thread. In extreme cases, flashing with a nylon thread folded several times is allowed.

The thread is output on the back of the last sheet. The ends, the length of which cannot be more than 6 cm, must be tied. The sticker is made according to generally accepted rules and is certified by a signature and a seal. The ends of the thread must be free.

If the document will be stored for more than ten years, five punctures must be made. In this case, the sticker must be made of tissue paper.

Document cover

You need to know not only how to flash documents, but also how to choose a cover for them. They can be of three types: standard, non-standard and those used for long-term storage of papers. As a rule, most often the dimensions of the cover are 229 by 324 mm, they are used for A4 sheets.

If the document is larger, you need to make a custom cover. To do this, you can contact the printing house or do it yourself. Those papers that need to be stored for more than 25 years should be framed in a strong cover made of thick cardboard. If the transfer of the document to the state archive is meant, the material for the cover must be acid-free.

Firmware in 4 holes

Depending on the terms of storage of documents, registration can be of two types:

  • Partial, in which the sheets may not be numbered. In this case, the inventory and certification sheet do not need to be drawn up. Such registration is allowed for documents that are stored for no more than ten years.
  • Full registration is necessary when the papers have been in the archive for more than ten years. In this case, you need to flash the documents into 4 holes.

The cover must be hard, made of thick cardboard, the thickness of which is 0.35-1.5 mm. Description elements must be arranged in accordance with GOST 17914-72. When filing papers, you need to remember that the text should be well read. All metal items such as paper clips and staples must be removed.

For flashing in 4 holes, you need to prepare an awl, a clamping device, large needles and threads. If there are a lot of sheets, it is more advisable to take a drill.

Subtleties of "archival stitching"

Before flashing the documents, you need to check all the papers and arrange them in the correct order. The sheets of the inventory should be numbered separately. At the end, a witness is required.

If the case is drawn up partially, cardboard must be applied above and below. In the case of a complete design, it is necessary to sew and make a binding using PVA glue.

To clamp the pack, you should use oppression or a special device. The lower and upper puncture should be placed at a distance of 30 mm from the borders of the fields. The remaining two holes are located at a distance of about 80 mm from the extreme punctures.

The ends of the thread must be threaded through different needles and held in the middle punctures on the front side. The thread is brought out from the back side through the extreme punctures to the front side. Then it is threaded into adjacent holes. The ends must be tied from the back.


Proper reporting and document management is one of the essential aspects of successful activity. Therefore, managers must approach this matter with all responsibility and know how to properly flash documents.

Entrepreneurs and office workers in their work are faced with the need for the correct execution of multi-page documents. Regulatory authorities and higher organizations, as you know, are meticulous about the design of business papers, and therefore sometimes difficulties arise. Let's figure out how to properly flash and number documents so that there are no unnecessary questions when submitting them.

Who handles the paperwork?

It seems that there is nothing complicated in flashing papers. But in fact, not everything is so simple. There are certain rules by which this is done. If you want to make a binder of newspapers or magazines for use within the organization, then this is one thing. But if you are faced with the task of preparing documents for the archive or the tax office, or somewhere else, then you need to approach the work with all responsibility, otherwise you risk getting the papers back. The reason for the refusal may be incorrect registration.

There are many such cases. And all due to the fact that we do not know how to properly flash and number documents. A sample design is unlikely to be provided in the tax or archive.

Now there are a sufficient number of firms involved in the firmware of documents. You can use their services. They certainly have a lot of experience. They offer a wide range of covers. But this is not always convenient. The fact is that printing houses are overflowing with orders. Let's say you need to do this job urgently. How then to be? It remains only to deal with this issue.

In addition, in conditions of economy, management is not always ready to pay extra expenses, and therefore this type of work falls on the shoulders of secretaries and accountants. So, it’s better to figure it out yourself once, so that there are no problems in the future. This knowledge may come in handy.

Help for beginners

We want to note that there are no uniform standards regarding how to flash documents. By the way, state structures also do not give any explanations on this matter. Which means you have to figure it all out yourself. In this we will be helped by the methodological recommendations of office work (order of the Federal Archives of December 23, 2009).

What do you need to flash documents?

Before you start the work itself, you need to prepare. You will need the following materials:

  1. The documents themselves.
  2. Glue.
  3. Paper.
  4. Needle.
  5. Awl.
  6. Hole puncher.
  7. Special threads.
  8. Company seal.

In general, the whole process can be divided into three stages. The first is preparation, the second is the firmware itself, the third is the certification of the finished document.

Which cover to choose?

Speaking about how to flash documents, you need to remember such a nuance as the design of the cover. Of course, in the printing house you will be offered beautiful options, but they are not always needed if we are not talking about a thesis.

For a small binder, a paper cover will suffice. If a long-term use of the binder is expected (for example, archiving for more than 25 years), then thick cardboard is used.

The cover can be standard size (A4 format) and non-standard. It already depends on the format of the sheets to be bound. The cover must fit the size of the document.


When preparing papers for stitching, be sure to number the pages. The presence of numbering is a prerequisite for registration. "What is it for?" - you ask. In order to make it impossible to tear out unnoticed, remove some of the sheets. This moment is very important. So let's talk about how to flash and number documents. There are some nuances here.

When putting down the numbering, you need to remember the rules:

  1. Sheets are numbered, not pages.
  2. Only Arabic numerals are used.
  3. The list of documents itself is not numbered.
  4. If you need to number a letter, then first a serial number is assigned to the envelope, and only then to each leaflet.
  5. If the Case is very large (as a rule, such files are archived), then it may consist of volumes, each of which will have its own numbering.
  6. If there are papers inside the binder on which numbers are already affixed, they should be re-numbered in a single format.
  7. If there are nested sheets of large sizes (A3), they must be expanded and put a number in the upper right corner. Then fold again. It will be hemmed only at one edge.
  8. It happens that small documents (checks, certificates, etc.) are pasted onto the sheets. In this case, the sheet is given one number, but at the bottom of it a list of pasted papers is listed.
  9. When small documents are glued only to the corner, then each of them can be given a number.
  10. Drawings, diagrams, photographs, plans are also numbered.

To understand how to properly flash and number documents (a sample is given in the article), you need to consider the sequence of actions step by step.

What should I do if there are errors in the numbering?

Before that, you should make sure that the filing is correct. Look carefully at page numbers. If it turns out that some of them are missing, then you can enter an additional letter numbering. All the sheets will remain under their numbers, and on the missing ones you should write the number from the previous sheet and the letter.

In case of gross errors, it makes sense to carefully cross out what was written and make a correct entry next to it. All changes made must be reflected in the confirmation note.

Document Description

Before flashing documents with threads, it is better to check the correctness of the execution of the entire Case. After all, I would not want to embroider it later. As a rule, there are several packages of papers inside it. Absolutely the entire list must be listed in the inventory. It is compiled by the responsible person, indicating the date. The description is not numbered.

How to sew documents with threads in three holes?

If all the documents are prepared, then you can start flashing. To do this, you need special threads or you can use twine. Of course, it does not make sense to sew several leaves with a harsh thread, you can take a regular one folded in half.

So, let's go directly to the question of how to flash documents with threads. Photos with a detailed description will serve as a visual addition to the algorithm of actions. Let's start with the fact that it is necessary to fasten the sheets so that later you can easily read the information presented on them. To do this, holes are pierced from the left edge, approximately at a distance of one and a half centimeters. There should be three holes. They are located on top of each other. Punctures can be made with a hole punch when the stack of sheets is small. For thick toms, you will need an awl. Prepare the thread, but do not make it too long, seventy centimeters will be enough.

How to flash documents correctly? A sample workflow is shown below. For convenience of explanation, let's assign numbers to the holes: top - 1, middle - 2, bottom - 3.

You need to start sewing from the back of the Case, passing the needle through hole 2 to the front side. In this case, one end of the thread will remain behind. Then, through 1 hole, the needle is again brought to the back. At the moment when the needle and the free end of the thread are behind the document, you need to move again to the front side, and then again to the back.

How to flash documents, we almost figured it out. It remains the case for the small. Once all the sheets are fastened, you can safely tie the threads into a knot on the back of the Case.

It must be tightly tightened so that it can then be sealed with a confirmation note. The ends of the threads must be left hanging freely from under the sticker.

How are documents certified?

Well, as you can see, there is nothing difficult in resolving the issue of how to flash documents with threads. The photos presented to your attention are a direct confirmation of this. We just have to certify the completed sheets.

This is called a "certificate signature". To make it, you need to take a small piece of paper measuring 5 x 6 centimeters and glue it on the back so that it covers the knot. The ends of the thread should come out from under it and hang freely.

On this note you need to indicate how many pages were stitched. Then it is signed by the director, date and seal of the organization. In general, the certification signature is made either by the director of the company, or by one of the deputies. The seal itself is placed so that one part of it falls on the last sheet of the pack, and the other on the note.

Why are documents stitched?

We have already mentioned that filed documents are archived for storage, in addition, in the daily activities of an enterprise, it is very often necessary to fasten bundles of sheets. These can be contracts, and reports to the tax or other regulatory authorities. By the way, the tax authorities generally have very strict requirements in this regard. The use of a stapler is not permitted. This is considered a gross violation.

In general, the Ministry of Finance even gives its own recommendations on how to flash documents. So, the filing cannot be very voluminous. The optimal size is up to fifty pages. If there are a lot of documents, then it is better to break them into several Cases. There must be continuous numbering in Arabic numerals. The leaves are stitched with a coarse thread, which must be tied on the back of the finished document. From above, the knot is sealed with a confirmation note, which must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules. Do not forget that the number of sheets of the Case is affixed on it. For regulatory authorities, the signature in the assurance note is very important. It can only be set by the director or another person who has the authority to do so. All this is certified by a seal. Its print should lie down so as to capture part of the sheet and note. In fact, all these recommendations repeat the information we have presented above. We considered it necessary to bring them, so that you can make sure that you are doing everything correctly, in accordance with the instructions of higher authorities.

The tax authorities make an unambiguous requirement for the integrity and safety of not only the documents themselves, but also copies. Moreover, photocopies are also filed in a separate pack.

Instead of an afterword

We talked in the article about how to properly flash documents with threads for submission to the archive and regulatory authorities. Sometimes disputes arise regarding the design of binders, because there is no document that would give precise explanations on this issue, and even with comments. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the standards adopted in office work. It must be remembered that the government agencies where you submit papers may have their own requirements for their design. Therefore, it is better to always clarify such information in advance in order to avoid errors and return documentation for revision. After all, everywhere there can be nuances.

If an organization has ever received a requirement from regulatory authorities to submit documents, then most likely it has an idea how to stitch documents. For those who have suffered this fate for the first time - this material. Attention, if you use, then documents signed with digital signatures and not duplicated on paper can be printed out if it was necessary to submit documents upon request, for example, tax. But keep in mind that according to the order of the Federal Tax Service in 2019, you can submit documents through the TCS (such a bonus will obviously please users of the same Accounting Circuit) or through the taxpayer's office. Users of the online service also have the opportunity to upload scanned consignment notes in the TORG-12 format to Kontur Accounting (including on several sheets!), and the system itself will recognize the documents and they will be visible in the program. This online service, unfortunately, has no analogues, so we have to talk about online accounting in Russia in the singular. Yes, it allows you to get rid of many paper procedures, but this online service is not suitable for everyone completely and completely, someone uses it only partially, someone is just starting to switch, but during tax audits and other situations it often happens that it’s easier print the documents, then you have to staple the documents and send them. If such situations have affected you, this article should help you figure out how to stitch documents step by step.

How to staple documents and who needs it

First, the requirement is spelled out at the legislative level. How to staple documents and why, is regulated, in particular, by the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 7.0.8-2013, by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.11.18 No. ММВ-7-2 / [email protected] etc. Secondly, it is necessary for the organization itself, so that later there would be no unpleasant situations about allegedly incompletely submitted documents. The main rule: if a company needs to give more than one sheet to the authority, it is imperative to staple the papers!

Now you need to figure out how to stitch documents correctly? Many go to extremes: make sure to make three or more holes, use only nylon thread, the text on the fastening paper only in block letters ... In fact, in most cases there are no clear state requirements for punctures, threads, etc. But there are departmental requirements, there are corporate rules ... The main function of flashing documents is to ensure their safety, protect them from changes, so that the desired sheet does not disappear or be replaced by third parties. What really matters:

  1. The stitched stack of documents should be numbered in the margins.
  2. There should be a sticker on the back of the stack that prevents the sheets from being removed. To do this, it is fixed with glue and the seal of the organization is placed on it, partly going on the sticker, partly on the sheet on which it is attached.
  3. The following is written on the sticker: “Stitched, numbered<количество листов цифрами>(number of sheets in words), laced, sealed. A signature and a transcript are also put, usually the head or the person who prepared the documents.

Ways to flash documents

The first, most common option is to pierce the stack with a thick needle or awl and sew it with thread. Or make holes with a hole punch. By the way, this option is preferable. If a package of documents is placed in a binder, then an unpleasant situation is possible: a hole punch can “break the seal”, simply break the thread that holds the paper together.

According to tradition, thread the thread through the holes several times and fasten it into a knot. Leave the ends of the thread sticking out from under the sticker.

If it is necessary to submit stitched and certified documents, we put “correct copy” by hand or with a stamp”, the signature and transcript of the person who certifies the documents, his position and the date the package was formed.

Another option on how to staple documents - "know-how for the lazy", by the way, was spied on by the tax office: just staple it, and on top of the paper clips, as usual, attach a sticker and put a seal.

Usually, documents should be stapled from the edge of the sheet - in the middle, but it is not forbidden to stitch sheets through the upper left corner. For large volumes, special devices are used - binder machines.

How many holes to make how to staple documents?

This is almost never regulated, as well as the material of the thread, the requirement is only for strength, well, so that it exists. The easiest option is to make two holes, of course this is the minimum amount when you need to staple documents, making a larger number is usually not difficult. However, making holes for stitching documents is one thing, but sewing documents with a thread is another. Therefore, we need two videos, for the simplest (but beautiful) stitching and for the most complex.

How to flash documents with 2 holes (holes, actually)

How to staple and certify documents - the opinion of the Ministry of Finance

Most often, the question “how to stitch documents” is asked by those who received a requirement from the tax office to submit certified copies of the primary documents. It is not clear how to package in this case. Whether it is necessary to certify each sheet separately, or put “correct copy” only on the last sheet of the binder. The Ministry of Finance changes “testimony” quite often, for example, a letter from the Ministry of Finance dated 08/07/14 No. 03-02-РЗ / 39142 was issued for this case. It says that you can assure the entire firmware, leaving a mark on the last sheet. But subject to the following conditions:

  1. The document must have all signatures and seals legible.
  2. Any sheet from a pack can be photocopied without violating the integrity of the firmware.
  3. The firmware must be strong.
  4. The sheets in the pack are numbered and their number is indicated by numbers and words on the sticker.
  5. Documents must be certified by signature and seal.

However, a couple of months later, the department issued a letter dated October 29, 2014 No. 03-02-07 / 1 / 54849 with other explanations: The Tax Code does not provide for the submission to the tax authority of copies of documents in a binder, certified on the back of the last page of the last document. Actually, everyone knows the rule “what is not allowed, it is possible”, in this case, the Ministry of Finance adheres to the rule “what is not spelled out in the Tax Code, will be spelled out by us.” That is, until it was spelled out, it was possible to “think it out”, but with the release of the corresponding letter, a new rule already appears. The arguments in the Ministry of Finance are as follows: the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated November 5, 2009 No. KA-A41 / 11390-09 was adopted, which states that under the words “copies certified by the verified person”, specified in paragraph 2 of Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it should be understood that the official of the organization certifies copies of documents by putting on them the necessary details that give them legal force. That is, each sheet that you submit to the tax office must be certified separately. However, as already mentioned in the article, it is necessary to follow the instructions of the department where you are going to hand over / stitch the documents, this, by the way, is also mentioned in the specified GOST. Yes, yes, we have lived to the time when the state itself in GOST indicates the variability of the rules and the need to check them annually!

Hello! Today we will tell you how to file documents correctly and without problems. Any enterprise or its structural subdivision, no matter what size it is, at least once faced such a need as filing documents.
This need arises if the documents are being prepared for archiving or for various legal procedures. There are several ways to file documents, which we will consider in this article.

Filing documents at the enterprise

At any enterprise, a different volume of documents is generated during the year, some of which, after the expiration of the storage period, must be transferred to the archive. This category includes documentation that has already been executed, or papers related directly to employees of the organization. In accordance with the established procedure, documents are subject to submission to the archive after a year has passed since the completion of their circulation in office work.

Responsibilities, which include the preparation of documents and their direct submission to the archive, can be assigned to employees of the enterprise, who are the persons responsible for the document flow. In some cases, such duties may be assigned to the secretary, accountant or any other responsible person. In any of the options described, such an obligation must be secured by order.

In addition, the secretariat of a separate division may be involved in the preparation of documentation for archiving. In any case, the transfer of documentation can be carried out only after their final and complete execution, and nothing else.

Document filing steps

This procedure can be divided into several stages:
The documentation must undergo a mandatory check for the correctness of its distribution into the relevant groups of documents;
It is necessary to start filing documents correctly;
Checking the page numbering of documents;
It is required to issue an inscription of an accompanying nature in an appropriate way;
Be sure to make an internal inventory of all documents;
Correction of details indicated on the binding (if necessary). Here we are talking about the fact that, perhaps, there were changes in the names of the enterprise, its registration index, changes in the deadlines or subtitles. In all these cases, the changes must be recorded on the binding;
Conducting an inventory of documents that are being processed.

It seems possible to partially file documents if the period of its storage does not exceed ten years.

In addition, it is allowed:
Do not organize documentation;
Do not number all documentation;
Refuse to use the certification inscription;
Refuse to flash documentation.

Legislative regulation of the operation of filing documents

Document management and related office work are very complex processes. Often there are situations when documents already prepared and deposited in the archive may be returned due to incorrect execution. This leads to a natural question: how to file documents correctly? This operation is regulated by the Methodological recommendations in the field of office work. These recommendations are legally fixed by the order of the Federal Archives, which came into force on December 23, 2009.

It is this legislative act that fixes recommendations on the procedure for filing documents. They should be adhered to in order to avoid the return of incorrectly executed documents and the refusal of the archive to accept them for storage.

The internal archive of each organization can store documents for a certain period of time, after which the documentation must be transferred for storage to state archives, or disposed of, if the law allows it.

Archival retention periods

Legislation strictly regulates the periods during which documents must be stored. These terms directly depend on the type of documentation:
75 years should be stored business books, notarial records, documentation related to personnel;
75 years they keep all documents related to the privatization procedure (transfer of objects of the state housing fund to the ownership of a private person);
Patent documentation for inventions is stored for 20 years;
Documentation related to capital construction has been kept for 20 years;
Documentation related to the implementation of design activities is archived for 20 years;
15 years should be kept in storage of various kinds of scientific works and research;
All archival documentation of an organization whose activities are related to agriculture is stored for 5 years;
5 years of storage of various kinds of documentation related to film and photography activities;
3 years - photo and video documentation.

In the event of liquidation or reorganization of an enterprise, all documentation that does not have a storage period must be transferred for storage to the state archives. Documents related to the personnel of the enterprise are also subject to transfer.

If the organization is non-state, then in this case the legislation provides for a special regulation of relations. More specifically, the following principle applies: the law requires the conclusion of an agreement with the Federal Archival Service, but if such an agreement is concluded late (for whatever reasons), then the archive is obliged to accept only the package of documents that is directly related to the staff organizations. But the fate of the remaining documents and the subsequent place of their storage, should be decided by the chairman of the commission for the liquidation of the enterprise.

Documents to be flashed :
In accordance with the law, all documentation, which consists of two or more pages, is subject to firmware. This rule also applies to documents of a statutory nature. It is important that documents that are not subject to transfer for storage in the archive, of course, may not be flashed.

Why you may need to flash documents

The main factor influencing the need to flash documentation is that in this way they try to protect documents from possible withdrawal or substitution of its individual sheets. That is why documents are subject to firmware with the help of threads, and their numbering. The documentation is then sealed.

The list of documents to be flashed includes documents of an accounting and personnel nature, as well as accounting books for the organization's profits, and other especially important agreements.

An additional list of documents to be flashed can include copies and translations that have been notarized.
Documents that have been formatted this way are much easier to store and take up much less space. In addition, thread binding and subsequent sealing allow you to be sure that the documentation has a holistic appearance. At the moment, alternative methods that meet the law have not been invented.

How to file documents and submit them to the archive

After the complete execution of all the necessary documentation to be archived, the final step is filing. To start filing documents, it is assumed that all metal objects, such as pins, paper clips and staples, are completely removed. After that, the documents are removed from the binder.

If the documents are already completed properly, a blank sheet is added to them, on which an accompanying inscription is drawn up. In addition, at the beginning of the stack of documents, you can also add sheets that will be used to draw up an internal inventory. An alternative can be specially prepared inventory forms.

How many sheets can be filed in one folder

The law establishes the maximum number of sheets that can be stapled together and then constitute one case. Thus, the cases must be completed in such a way that the total number of pages does not exceed 250 pieces. It is likely that during the year the enterprise has collected a large number of papers that should be archived. In this case, they are divided into separate volumes containing up to 250 sheets. In the standard procedure, the firmware is done using a hard cover.

In the event that the sheets have a different format, then the firmware of such a volume must be carried out using four puncture points. This allows you to most securely fasten sheets of different sizes together.

When flashing documentation that has a long shelf life, it is allowed to flash sheets together with the cover, that is, through and through.

In the case of documentation that has a standard retention period, the stitching is carried out as follows: the stitching starts from the sheet that is next after the binding. After that, a cardboard strip is laid on top of the first sheet, after which the whole thing is stitched. Cardboard spacer is used to protect the threads from wear.

It is worth remembering that the documentation can be stored forever, so you should control the boundaries of the firmware. That is, the threads should not be on the text, and it should be easily legible even after the firmware procedure.

It is allowed to store documents directly in the binder. But only if the period of storage of this documentation does not exceed 10 years.
At some enterprises, a special machine is used - a brochurer. However, this method of stapling documents is acceptable only for internal storage and is unacceptable for an archival binder.

The next step in the preparation of documents is their numbering. Numbering is carried out for convenience when working with documentation. Produced with a black pencil or a special numbering machine. Page numbers are placed in the upper right corner of the document only on the front side. When numbering, it is important to remember that page numbers should not overlap the main text, and it is forbidden to number using colored pencils or ink.

To make it easier to stitch documents, you can use archival folders, a drilling machine, as well as a binder.

A separate standard is valid for flashing documents related to bank cash transactions. In this case, the thickness of the already stapled document folder can be up to 10 centimeters.

Preparatory work for firmware documents

Before you start stitching, you need to align the entire stack of papers. If the papers are of different sizes, they must be laid in such a way that it would be convenient to puncture.

After the laying is done, it is necessary to make punctures, or drill holes using a special machine or a conventional drill, so that later it is easy to file documents. The number of holes can be from 2 to 5. Some specialized machines can also immediately thread the thread into the prepared holes. If drilling occurs with a conventional drill, care should be taken that the holes do not move.

Sewing with threads by hand

When sewing documents manually with threads, you will need a needle and threads. The firmware is carried out through two holes. After flashing, the ends of the thread must be tied, and on the reverse side of the document, and then glue a small strip of paper onto the knot formed.

After that, it is necessary to draw up a certification inscription containing information about the number of sheets filed and who certified the file. This procedure is performed in such a way that the print and the inscription protrude beyond the boundaries of the glued strip of paper.

Then the pages are subject to mandatory numbering. As practice shows, it is not so difficult to file documents manually, however, if more than 5 sheets are stapled, then it is already quite problematic to pierce them with a needle. In this case, the use of a hole punch is allowed.

Lace-up with a hole punch

As we mentioned earlier, it is rather problematic to pierce more than 5 sheets together, so you can use hole punches or electric punches. With such firmware, you need to do the following: place 4 holes on the field of the documents to be stitched, making sure that the text remains readable, then lacing.

Documents certified by a notary, contracts, cash books, bank-type documents, as well as registration journals and personal files are subject to lacing.

Accompanying inscriptions when filing documents

Upon completion of the procedure for binding and numbering documents, it is necessary to draw up a certification inscription. As a rule, the certification inscription necessarily contains information about the number of stitched pages and about the features of the documents included in the firmware, and then attached to the back of the case.

The certification note must be signed by the head of the organization.

Also, it should be noted that the accompanying inscription must contain the signature of the responsible person and its transcript. Then it is also glued to the case, fixing the knot of firmware threads and certified with a seal imprint, which is placed on the border of the sticker and the case sheet itself.

We hope that you correctly understood how to file documents at the enterprise.

How to stitch documents with thread?

The problem of firmware is primarily of interest to the employee in whose job description this duty is prescribed. Most often, the burden of this "craft" falls on the fragile shoulders of personnel officers and accountants. It is very important to hone your skills: incorrectly made firmware can itself be a source of various problems if any important sheet from the documentation disappears.

So, how to properly stitch documents with a thread (step by step) and what is it for?

Basically, in office work, personnel and accounting documents are flashed, which are supposed to be stored for more than ten years. Since July 2013, constituent documents and applications to the Federal Tax Service have been allowed to be submitted for registration and not stitched.

How to properly stitch documents with a thread: photo step by step

Step 1. Equipment

  • Make sure that the resulting stack does not exceed 250 sheets, and its thickness is less than four centimeters.
  • Add a blank sheet to the block for an accompanying inscription. At the beginning, you can additionally attach sheets for an internal inventory.
  • Archival book parameters - maximum 32 x 23 cm.

Step 2. Numbering

Use a special numerator or a black pencil. Insert page numbers. Their place is in the upper right corner of the front side. Numbers should not overlap with the main text. The description is not counted as a page when numbered.

If there is a sheet in the bundle that is not included in the format, it can be hemmed at one edge and folded, and numbered as one sheet. But if the folded sheet is hemmed in the middle, it must be counted as two sheets. The illustrations are numbered on the reverse side of the sheet.

Step 6 Firmware

Documents with a long shelf life can be stitched through, along with a cardboard cover. However, the generally accepted procedure is to start binding from the sheet following the binding.

Lay a cardboard strip on the first sheet. This will prevent the thread from fraying quickly.

Documents are stitched twice.

With three punctures: start stitching the paper from the back, from the middle puncture, leaving about 7 cm of thread.

From the front side, insert the thread into the upper hole.

The needle was behind; send it to the bottom puncture.

Also leave at least seven centimeters of thread. Connect this remainder of the thread with the previous remainder and tie a knot.

Four holes: start stitching from the second puncture from the top. Then insert the needle into the top hole and then back into the second hole from the top.

Then the needle should fall into the third hole and, further, from the back - into the fourth. Finally, insert the needle into the third puncture from the front.

After tying the knot, 5-6 cm of free thread should remain.

Step 7. Sealing and Certification

Glue a piece of tissue paper so that both the knot and some of the hanging threads are covered. Thick paper for these purposes can not be used: the knot should be clearly visible.