Clinical death black space vacuum. Health: Near-Death Experience

During clinical death, many patients experience an out-of-body experience. Most of them say that they have even heard the doctor say that the patient is dead. Then, being in a state of clinical death, he heard a growing rumble.

The most important thing is to return no later than six minutes, because staying "there" for more than five to six minutes is accompanied by irreversible changes and death of the brain. What actually happens during these five or six minutes, during which the doctors will try to bring the patient back to life?

People who return from that world split their consciousness - they saw and heard everything that happened around them at the time of their death, but could not make contact with the living people who were around them.

An American soldier tells how he was in the hospital, where his leg was amputated and, as a result of gangrene, he was on the verge of life and death. Suddenly the soldier felt that his soul had left his body. He was surprised, looked down and saw his body lying on the bed.

Deciding to see what is happening in the next room, he decides to go through the wall. But when he felt that he was actually seeping through a solid surface, he decided that since he could pass through walls, he could also return to his body and stay there. At this time, he saw doctors around him who threw all their strength into bringing him back to life. Finally, they succeeded.

Most people say that despite knowing that they are dead because they see their lifeless body and hear the disappointing conclusions of doctors, they are not afraid of death. On the contrary, all those who have experienced clinical death say that they feel absolutely calm and even experience some kind of joy that someday will inevitably happen. Upon returning to the body, they feel terrible discomfort and want to return to the light.

It is obvious that all people have experienced coming back from some point in their near-death experience. At the moment of return, there is an interesting change in their attitude to what is happening. Almost everyone remembers that in the first moments of their death, an insane desire to return back to the body and a bitter experience of their death dominate.

However, when the deceased reaches certain stages of dying, he no longer wants to come back, he even resists returning to his body. This is especially characteristic of those cases in which a meeting with a luminous being took place. As one man put it very pathetically, "I wish I never left this creature"...

Exceptions to this generalization are quite frequent, but do not seem to change the essence of the matter. Several women who had small children said that during their near-death experience they would also have preferred to stay where they were, but they felt they had to go back to raise their children.

“I thought about whether I would stay here, but then I remembered my children and husband. Now it is difficult for me to accurately state this part of my experience. When I experienced these amazing sensations in the presence of light, I really didn't want to go back. But I seriously thought about my responsibility, about my duties towards the family. So I decided to try and get back.”

In other cases, people reported that although they felt very good and calm in a completely new disembodied state, and even were glad about this state, they were still glad to return to physical life, since they were aware that they they have some very important things left unfinished.

In several cases it was a desire to complete their education.

“I had completed three years of college and had only one year to finish my studies. I thought, "I don't want to die now." But I felt that if all this went on for a few more minutes, and if I stayed near this light a little longer, I would completely stop thinking about my education, since I would probably begin to learn about other things and all my earthly concerns would become completely indifferent to me. ".

The answers that have been collected from survivors of near-death experience give a very diverse picture of how the return to the physical body takes place, just as they give different answers to the question of why this return took place.

Many simply say they don't know how or why they returned, or that they may be speculating. Very few say they felt that their own decision to return to their physical body and earth life was the deciding factor.

“I was out of my physical body and felt I had to make a decision. I understood that I could not stay like this for a long time, next to my physical body - well, it is very difficult to explain to others, but for me then it was completely clear - I understood that I had to decide on something: either to move away from here or back.

On the other hand, it was all rather strange, and I kind of still wanted to stay. It was absolutely amazing to realize that I would have to do good on earth. So, I thought and decided, “Yes, I must go back and live,” after which I returned to my physical body. I can say that I felt my terrible weakness suddenly leave me. In any case, after this event, he began to recover.

Others felt that they "received permission to live" from God or from a luminous being, given to them either in response to their own desire to return to life (usually because this desire was devoid of any self-interest), or because God , or luminous being, inspired them with the need to carry out some mission.

“I was above the table and saw everything that people were doing around me. I knew I was dying, that this was what was happening to me now. I was very worried about my children, I thought about who would take care of them now. So I wasn't ready to leave. The Lord let me come back to life.”

The young mother felt:

“The Lord sent me back, but I don't know why. I certainly felt His presence there, and I know He recognized me. And yet He did not allow me to go to heaven. Why i do not know. Since then, I have thought about it many times and decided that it happened either because I have two small children to raise, or because I was not yet ready to go there. I'm still looking for an answer to this question, so I can't get it out of my head."

In a few cases, it seems to people that the prayers or love of other people, their friends and loved ones, can bring them back, regardless of their own desire.

“I was next to my old aunt during her last illness, which was very severe. I helped take care of her. Throughout her illness, someone in the family prayed for her recovery. Several times she stopped breathing, but we sort of brought her back. One day she looked at me and said, “Joan, I have to go, go there, it's so beautiful there. I want to stay there, but I can't while you pray for me to be with you. Please don't pray for me anymore." We stopped, and soon she died.”

“The doctor said that I had died, but I was, despite this, alive. What I experienced was so joyful, I did not feel any discomfort at all. When I came back and opened my eyes, my sisters and my husband were there. I saw their joy - they had tears in their eyes. I saw that they were crying for joy that I had not died. I felt that I had returned because something seemed to attract me: this “something” was the love of my sisters and husband for me. Since then, I believe that other people can bring us back.

The story of a woman who experienced clinical death in childhood:
“It started back in 1972. I was then 9 years old. The history is quite old.
That year, I became ill after an injury (physical) inflicted on me. For a week, my mother treated me at home. Then no one could have imagined that I was already slowly getting infected. It was the month of March, there was a day before my birthday, which I carried through life in my memory.
I won’t tell for a long time, I will only say one thing, that on that day I died. I remember how my mother cried, I saw it all from the side and tried, not understanding what was happening, to touch her hands, telling her that I was with you, here I am, don’t cry, but she didn’t hear me and didn’t see. Then I turned my attention to my bluish body lying in her arms.
Then came green circles (rings) in the form of a funnel expanding upwards, through which a ray of the Sun passed (in my understanding then). Then the picture changed to a dark blue sky with stars. I was not fast, but rather very slowly, flying up, surveying all the beauties with my 360 ° vision. It was such a feeling, as I now understand, that I was in a vacuum, at the same time hearing the "music" of the Cosmos, if it can be called that. Everything was in motion—there was a seething sensation (according to the sounds). On the left and on the right, at the same time, I was accompanied by some balls of yellow and white, in some places there were not balls, but rings of the same colors. I continued to fly and heard somewhere far away, as if everywhere, a melody that I can hardly describe in words, very vaguely reminiscent of the sound of an organ, but not chants. Then I was accompanied by transparent "plasmoids" in the form of "8", not connected in the center (I describe it as an image that clearly resembles a ciliate shoe). Then I saw a clear line (horizon), because of which the Sun of dazzling white color slowly rose from the edge to the edge of this horizon. I was so happy that I cannot describe my feelings in words. Then, for some reason, the thought “But what about mom?” came to my mind. Then I flew down very quickly. I remember only the entrance to the body with some kind of sound.
As my mother later said, that when I came to, I had cadaveric spots and glassy eyes, the ambulance doctors shrugged and said that this was unrealistic.
The story didn't end there. I slowly made amends. After some time, she communicated with her Higher Self, then everything stopped. But the most interesting thing is that my memory more and more often returns me to what I saw after clinical death. Very often, after everything I had experienced, for some time, I had the same dream, after which I woke up in horror and tears. But only now I understand that through a dream (subconsciousness), I was shown not only the beauty of the Cosmos during the journey, but also the horror of the Hell of the Subtle Worlds.
Here I remember only one single picture, repeated in every dream from day to day of that time. Namely, I am in some caves, where it smells of slop, it is very dark, only in some places fires are burning on the ground. I walk through the dark labyrinths of this cave, on the left side there are metal cages with very tall, swarthy people who are there. They shout and ask for something, near the cages there are guards of monsters, with human legs, animal heads. On the right side in the cave there are huge Rocks, where the hands of tall people, nailed with chains, are raised up. A small stream flows from the rock. These people ask me to drink, I collect water in my palms, I try to approach them and give them a drink, but the monsters knock this water out of my hands - and so on endlessly. On the one hand, I am accompanied by an indescribable fear and a desire to get out of there as soon as possible, on the other hand, by someone protecting me, whom I don’t see, but I know that I’m nearby. I try to get out of there, as I go through everything I saw, but the monsters do not let me go to the exit. At the same time, they do not physically touch me, but they lead threateningly so that I do not give people water. In the end, the ending repeats the same thing - I go around these huge monsters and go out into the crevice to the surface of the earth. I don't remember anything further. This dream was repeated more than once.
Was I, a 9-year-old child, shown Hell or was it a memory of my previous incarnation?

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    I believe that if hell exists, then it is rather a place without God, and not demons who torment sinners. Perhaps the dream is allegorical, the guards with animal heads are lust and base instincts that prevent the “captives” from gaining freedom and drinking “water”. Were the prisoners relatives, acquaintances?


    Well, I don’t know ... I am of the opinion that the Earth is the hell of some other planet. There are no other hells and heavens.



    Perhaps this is not Hell, in our understanding. Perhaps these are events that took place on Earth a very long time ago. Prisoners are giants, which are mentioned in the Bible. And overseers are creatures genetically created by aliens to Earth (from Nibiru, for example).
    He wrote about conveyors that produced people with the heads of birds and animals. Ernst Muldashev. Perhaps the giants were used both as a labor force and as genetic material.
    People Assembly Conveyors:



    Heaven is real and hell is real. The fire of Gehenna is unbearable, and our fire on earth is its miserable likeness, but there are also cold, icy places in hell, that is, the places are different in terms of the degree of torment, and these torments depend on the quantity, quality (severity) of a person’s sins.
    Demons and demons (guards with animal heads) do not give them water, because their goal is to torment, hurt and humiliate human souls. They didn’t let her in, because they didn’t want her to return and tell that hell is real (this is his most insidious fiction), then many people will believe in God and try to avoid these terrible places.




    This is told in the Gospel, in the lives of the saints (for example, the Vision of St. Theodora), in Orthodox traditions, people on the Internet talk about this (it’s impossible to pretend like that) and people whom I personally know talked about their dreams where they saw their relatives.



    So she had a dream about it, already after clinical death. It's about sleep. There's just a sharp transition in the narrative, look:

    “Very often, after everything I had experienced, for some time, I had the same dream, after which I woke up in horror and tears.”



    And who's to say what a dream is? My opinion, I think that the soul leaves the body during sleep, but with the right to return back to the body, when leaving, it sees this and the afterlife, I can be wrong, but I read several cases where this version is confirmed.



    It is very difficult for me to understand you for the simple reason that you rely on facts from someone else's words, and not on your own personal experience. Understand, Life and Death are mutually exclusive. And if here you are able to learn and transfer your knowledge to others, then no one will transfer this knowledge to you “from there”. When you leave, you don't come back. And if “suddenly” this happens, then the time allotted to them beyond the line is not at all enough to reveal the full picture of their existence. As a rule, after the resurrection, there are much more questions than answers. Because only suggestive memories remain, but without concrete results. For example, even if someone claims that he visited hell, there are no recorded cases of obvious burns or traces of any torture ... This world is created for people. On their stable laws. With specific time limits. After which the next stage of the transition opens. And where and how - no one knows and no one can know! Books, films, stories of ancestors are teeming with information on this topic since time immemorial. Yes, but you do not take into account one. That everything that comes from someone is created by the people themselves. And everyone has their own truth. As well as the transition into oblivion. You cannot claim what is not yours.


    Hello, Alexander! I'm glad you're back and looking forward to new wonderful stories. It's hard for you to imagine that people can get knowledge directly. If I tell you that this is how I got my knowledge, you will not believe it. Therefore, read about the appearance of the Mother of God to Seraphim of Sarov. And if you read Sophia's commentary on the story of "Secrets of Cemeteries", then once again make sure that people can communicate with the dead and receive knowledge from them too.



    That's embarrassing. The dead know something, demons also know a lot of things.
    And we, like poor relatives, see nothing further than our own nose and are forced to turn to those who “know”. The question is how correct such appeals are. knowledge for us, living people, basically closed? Doesn't this violate any criteria for being in embodiment?



    Hello Lyudmila! I will answer because of the differences in volume. Well, let's start with the fact that I have not gone anywhere, but I am still actively present on the site. Including among all of you. Unless he reduced participation in general discussions. But as you can imagine, it is not a hindrance to continue reading the stories and watching the discussions.
    Now let me summarize your answer. Apparently, I still express myself very difficult, since I regularly fall into the category of misunderstanding, although I try to answer as fully as possible. Tell me, why emphasize something that I didn’t even talk about? I myself, as you know, is far from being a skeptic. And to deny someone's examples I had no idea. My answer is not focused on the dubiousness of someone's experience, but on statements in its absence. Why did I intervene this time.
    I will quote:
    1. I'll start with the question originally posed.
    “You are so confident about such things. Where does all this knowledge come from? Were you there?"
    2. “It is very difficult for me to understand you for the simple reason that you rely on facts from someone else’s words, and not on your own personal experience.”
    3. “...everything that comes from someone is created by people themselves. And everyone has their own truth.
    4. "You can't claim what isn't yours."
    Further, between the lines, I meant that a person makes loud statements, having absolutely no idea what exactly he (she) is talking about. Only those who have experienced it themselves can say. Let's say you personally (from deceased relatives), or the same Sophia, based on her life situations. But not otherwise. Therefore, he gave an example of those who have been, so to speak, in hell. That is, this is a purely personal testimony, and for extraneous statements there is not even elementary evidence. But a person persistently appeals with facts, by and large, about which he does not have a clear idea. (I advise you not to be too lazy and re-read how it looks from her words). Probably at this moment, confusion in misunderstanding occurred ... Well, then. In a dispute, truth is born. And I'm willing to give it to you. Although I remain of my opinion that the true GURU is the one who experienced something himself, and not the one who heard about it.



    Alexander, to convince church-going believers of something other than the Holy Scriptures is an empty business.
    It is possible that in the subtle astral World, where we find ourselves after disincarnation, there are different levels-layers (abodes) that coincide in their organization with what the disembodied expect from them. Astral worlds are built by people's thoughts and souls are attracted accordingly. Therefore, for the souls who appoint themselves punishment-Hell, who believe in the existence of Paradise with angels and chants, respectively, scientists have a multidimensional Space for cognition. Atheists in general are there in suspended animation. As they say, everyone chooses to their taste. All this is described in detail in the books of Robert Monroe, who once learned to leave the body and travel through the subtle Worlds.



    Lyudmila, the fact of the matter is that there was no goal to convince someone or something. An elementary question was asked - where does this knowledge come from? And it is accessible, in a more abbreviated form from my words, that truth, choice, direction are personal for everyone. That is, we are now walking with you, as well as with LUDMILoy, in a circle of the same conclusion.
    PS: Monroe's stories are familiar to me far from hearsay.



    It is so obvious that this knowledge (which we are talking about) is from sources approved by the Russian Orthodox Church (Bible, Gospels, Apocalypse)
    About Monroe, have you tried OOBs? I tried.
    Nothing terrible. worlds inhabited by people. True, the time in them differs from ours a hundred years ago. But this is in my case.



    I agreed with the generalization of the idea from the above sources. But I justify the emphasis based on personal knowledge and experience.
    PS: to make it easier for you to understand me, read my story "Lethargic dream" with numerous comments. It is there that there is all the comprehensive information about my views on the otherworldly.



    Okay, I'll read it with pleasure.


    Damn, how I envy those who know absolutely exactly like this (it’s not clear where only) that after death they will find paradise. I really envy. Because they will not have time to be disappointed, but they are not afraid to die. They believe that no matter how they die, life will continue in some other form. It's worse for me. I am sure that after death there is nothing. It's common sense to me. And I'm much more afraid of dying. If I believed that I would get somewhere else, it would certainly be easier for me. That's why, I think, stories about afterlife, rebirth, were invented. To not be so afraid to die. And if a child, someone close to you, died, then you can take comfort in the fact that they have gone to a better world. In some religions, there is also a semblance of hell, where they fall for bad deeds. This is right. Let people be afraid of hell. Yes, only life shows that no one is afraid of nothing. Well, victims in such cases can take comfort in the fact that the offender will be punished after death. In my opinion, this is certainly little consolation.



    I especially liked: “In some religions, there is also a semblance of hell, where they get for bad deeds. This is right. Let people be afraid of hell.” - Valuable verdict


    Anna, everyone is afraid of death and believers too. Even Jesus asked: "...let this cup pass from me...". When I had just terrible situations in my life and I wanted to die, I dreamed of my dead relatives or close friends and told me, live, everything will work out, do not rush to die. This is how they want us to live. Maybe only those who are seriously ill (physically or mentally) are glad of death, as a deliverance from torment?



    I'm sorry for interfering. But in my opinion, according to the scripture, when Jesus prayed with an appeal to God, the phrase “... let this cup pass from me ...” most likely meant not the fear of death, but the desire to alleviate suffering, both physical and moral ... Otherwise, Jesus thirsted for all their earthly way of returning to the Lord. But this is my conclusion. And, as you know, everyone can make mistakes.



    For those who do not believe in the continuation of life. Real story.
    My colleague, with whom we worked for many years in the same department and even sat in the same room, at a certain time began to be interested in spiritual knowledge, read a lot of esoteric literature and even went to the ashram of the Indian Sai Baba. Her desktop was filled with photographs of the adored Guru, which caused ridicule and rejection of those around her. I was more loyal to the preferences of a colleague, and then I began to take books from her quite often to study. Not all, of course, but only those that my soul chose, so to speak. For example, Indian yogis were of little interest to me, but the Baltic healer Luule Viilma was very interesting. But it's not about that. The above is necessary to understand that there was a certain spiritual connection between me and my colleague based on our mutual interest in spiritual knowledge. Many years later. The colleague has retired. Then she fell ill with an incurable disease and died. After her death, the thought of her getting in touch with me did not leave me. And this connection was subsequently in a dream. Two in particular stand out:
    the first dream: we are standing with her in some kind of gallery covered with transparent glass, furnished on both sides with plants in pots. Colleague
    first of all, she began to assure me that she was alive.
    - Well, you could not tell me. I don't doubt it at all. Better tell me what you're doing here.
    - I got a job here.
    -Are you satisfied with this job?
    - Not that... I was hoping for a more interesting activity.
    -What's the job?
    - I was instructed to monitor the relationship between the intensity of the color of plants and people's thoughts. (It seems that the purer the thoughts, the more cheerful the plants. Auth.)
    Dream two:
    I am in a small room furnished very modestly in the style of the 70s of the twentieth century. Sofa bed, table, chair.
    My colleague comes in, surrounded by people I don't know, about five people. Everyone is cheerful, talking to each other, smiling. They started introducing themselves to me. One of them introduced himself as a writer and landlord. To my question about why such a modest, not modern environment, he answered that he sometimes needed a separate room for solitude (he writes something) and he created an environment for himself that was to his liking (apparently, this was during his lifetime. author .)
    Then a smiling colleague starts the conversation:
    - Luda, can you imagine, I fell in love here, but unrequited.
    -What are you doing! In whom?
    - In Barbarossi.
    And he looks at me slyly, waiting for a reaction.
    -Klarochka (that was the name of my colleague), this name does not tell me anything, except for the association with Hitler's "Barbarossa plan" from the school program about the Second World War.
    - Well, of course, - a woman from this company, unfamiliar to me, entered into a conversation, Jeanne wrote about him (Barbarossi) in her memoirs.
    Which Jeanne? What memoirs? Why is this cheerful woman telling me this as if she has no doubt that I know ALL of this? And I'm perplexed. I don't understand anything. I continue to be confused. It seems that the interlocutors were a little upset, seeing my reaction.
    - Luda, you can't be here anymore.
    -How can I get out of here? Wake up? I begin to close my eyes tightly and then open them abruptly. How many times this manipulation helped me get out of a nightmare (wake up)! But in this case, there was no way to wake up.
    “Nothing, don’t worry,” said Clara (colleague). Your husband will help you wake up.
    A moment later, an alarm rang in the real world. It was time for my husband to get up for work...
    Me a little later. I come to work. I go to the Internet. So, so ... I type in the search box Barbarossi.
    “Barbarossa, in some cases Barbarosa (from Italian Barba rossa - “red beard”) - a nickname for a number of people and derivative names, later also a surname.

    Bearers of the nickname

    Frederick I Barbarossa (1122-1190) - Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
    Aruj Barbarossa (c. 1473-1518) - pirate, Sultan of Algeria.
    Hayreddin Barbarossa (1475-1546) - Turkish naval commander and nobleman.
    I'm starting to study the genealogy of the Roman emperor. Ba, yes, his granddaughter was born in France, her name is Jeanne. Maybe she wrote memoirs about her great grandfather?
    Biography %80%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B0
    and here is his granddaughter:
    Joan I (1191-1205), countess palatine of Burgundy from 1200
    Why did a colleague call him Barbarossi and not Barbarossa in a dream?
    In any case, all this looks a little like just a dream. Such coincidences.

We hope that you know about clinical death only by hearsay. They say that in this state the door to the afterlife opens. MN decided to sort out the myths that dreamers have piled up around this state.

The term "clinical death" appeared when doctors realized that after a cardiac arrest they had another 3-5 minutes to bring the patient back from the other world. The patient's blood circulation and reflexes are absent at this moment, however, cellular metabolism continues anaerobically. If, before the body's reserves are depleted, the doctors manage to restore the supply of oxygen to at least the brain, then it will probably retain all its functions, and you will get out.

Although there is little hope. The US National Institute of Neurological and Communication Disorders analyzed the statistics of the 9 largest hospitals in the country: 91% of patients who were resuscitated died anyway. Of those who returned to us, 4% "had disorders of higher nervous activity and required outside care." And only 5% recovered completely. We perceive these people as messengers from the other world. And they take full advantage of it. Many reanimated people later say that in their dead form they flew through dark tunnels to the light, met with divine beings and beloved (deceased) relatives, watched their revival from the side, and, in general, felt great.

Suddenly you really should not be afraid of leaving?


Man hears doctors pronounce his death

The cerebral cortex - the one that is responsible for managing mental processes (consciousness, memory, thinking) - is already turned off, like a computer from which the cord has been pulled out. And the person continues to hear and realize what he has heard. What other evidence is needed to confirm that we have an immaterial soul and the possibility of the existence of consciousness separately from the brain?

In fact “Some areas of the cerebral hemispheres - for example, the cortical section of the auditory analyzer - resist oxygen deficiency longer than others. So in the process of turning off the brain, complete hearing loss occurs a few seconds later than, for example, turning off the centers of motor activity., - explains Lev Gerasimov, head of the laboratory "Life support technologies in critical conditions" of the Research Institute of General Resuscitation of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. According to international standards, a physician should spend no more than 8-10 seconds to ascertain clinical death, because every moment is precious here. If there is a loss of consciousness and cessation of breathing, the doctor must begin resuscitation. It is possible that he will say out loud "clinical death" even before your consciousness completely fades.


It seems to a person that he is falling or, on the contrary, is flying up the dark tunnel towards the light.

This plot is one of the most frequently encountered in the memories of clinical death. Proponents of the supernatural consider this tunnel the gateway between the world of the living and the dead.

In fact “The brain generates pictures of the afterlife just like hallucinations or dreams. But this happens not in a state of clinical death, but in the moments immediately before its onset and immediately after successful resuscitation - when the brain works in “emergency mode” with malfunctions due to oxygen deficiency., - Lev Gerasimov continues to patiently dispel the myths. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that large-scale hallucinations, which, according to the patient's feelings, can last for many hours, actually take only a couple of seconds. Check it out the next night: in REM sleep, you can "live" for several days, just rolling over from side to side.

Now about the tunnel through which the deceased flies towards the light. The occipital cortex, responsible for our vision, can generate an image without even receiving neural signals from the eyes. In the process of extinction, a person first stops receiving a real “picture”, and then the cortical analyzer stops working. And he does it gradually. The tissues on the periphery are the first to experience oxygen deficiency, the last are the poles of the occipital lobes. During this process, the virtual “field of vision” (remember, the eyes no longer see, but the brain still produces a picture) narrows until only central or, as it is also called, “tubular” vision remains. And the vestibular analyzer at this moment, due to a lack of oxygen, ceases to adequately perceive information about the position of the body, and it seems to the person that he is moving - for example, flying.


In the next world, a person is waiting for peace and freedom from earthly worries, because in a state of clinical death a person experiences just such sensations.

The American physician and psychotherapist Raymond Moody, in his book Life After Life (see reference below), quotes the words of a man who returned “from the other world”: “At the time of the injury, I felt a sudden pain, but then the pain disappeared ... I felt warm and pleasant like never before”.

In fact From the point of view of modern medicine, nothing awaits you in the next world. And peace in dying is a temporary state. In response to critical situations, your body usually releases a dose of endorphins into the bloodstream so that you do not experience overwhelming stress (for example, due to pain) and continue to fight to the end. Clinical death takes the 2nd place in the ranking of the most dangerous adventures of your body (in the first place - biological). Therefore, before completely shutting down, your brain literally floods itself with the "hormone of happiness", which causes pleasant sensations. In addition, medications that are administered to the patient in the post-resuscitation period can cause a joyful feeling. Many of these substances are quite suitable for dancing in discotheques.

Behind the tomb

The topic of near-death experiences was popularized by the American physician and psychotherapist Raymond Moody. In 1975, he published the book Life After Life, which contained an analysis of the metaphysical adventures of 150 people who successfully survived near-death experiences. Moody compiled a list of typical sensations of the temporarily dead - like separation of consciousness from the body or meeting with beloved relatives (at first there were 9 items on the list, in 1977 Moody expanded it to 15 items).

Moody did not make any scientific conclusions in his works (3 books were published in multi-million copies). However, in a recent interview, the doctor stated literally the following: “Having already interviewed more than a thousand people ... and constantly encountering the same stunning and unusual episodes in their stories, I am ready to say that life after death most likely exists. As a matter of fact, now I have absolutely no doubt that my interlocutors were able to cast a fleeting glance at what is outside our world.


In a state of clinical death, consciousness leaves the physical shell

In the stories of those who descended “on the other side”, such a plot is often found: they seem to soar above their bodies and watch from the sidelines how they are revived. At the same time, a person is not tied to his mortal shell and can move, for example, around a hospital building.

In fact, Sam Pernia, a resuscitator at the University of Southampton (UK), conducted an experiment. He posted vivid, evocative images in intensive care units that can only be seen if you look down from the ceiling. But none of the patients who survived clinical death in these rooms and talked about the exit of consciousness from the physical body saw these drawings. Is this also a hallucination?


In a state of clinical death, a person meets deceased relatives, angels, God and other exotic creatures.

In 2008, the American neurosurgeon Eben Alexander thundered into a hospital bed with a diagnosis of infectious meningitis. After lying in a coma for a week, Eben came to his senses and began to tell everyone about the unforgettable experience of traveling through the afterlife. Alexander moved around the other world on the wing of a huge butterfly, he was accompanied by a woman with high cheekbones and beautiful blue eyes. The neurosurgeon, of course, communicated with his companion through telepathy. Impressed by these experiences, Alexander wrote the book Proof of Paradise, which immediately became a bestseller.

In fact, in a coma, the central nervous system does not turn off completely: the person retains reflexes, some parts of the cerebral cortex may act. So, scientifically speaking, it wasn't death - Alexander was more "here" than "there". Los Angeles neurologist Sam Harris suggested that Alexander, in a coma, was exposed to endogenous dimethyltryptamine (DMT). According to one theory, in the borderline state between life and death, the body produces in industrial quantities not only endorphins, but also this alkaloid - again, to reduce stress levels. DMT brings a person into a special mystical state (the so-called entheogenic, which translates as “become divine from within”), accompanied by powerful auditory and visual hallucinations. South American shamans, for example, use DMT in ayahuasca to communicate with spirits. So Alexander was lucky.

Degree steals

At normal human body temperature (36.5ºС), clinical death lasts 3–5 minutes, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Then comes biological death. However, under special conditions (when the body cools, electric shocks, heating), the intermediate state between life and complete destruction can be delayed. For example, a 3ºC decrease in body temperature gives resuscitators a full 10 minutes to work from the moment the patient's heart stops. And in 2008, North American resuscitators revived an 82-year-old man who froze outside to a body temperature of 26ºС. He spent more than 2 hours in a state of clinical death.


Near-Death Experiences Share Similar Memories, Proving the Reality of the Afterlife

A light in the end of a tunnel. A being made of light and love. Adventures of consciousness moving apart from the physical body. This is allegedly faced by any intensive care patient, regardless of gender, age, social status, education and nationality. This is considered to be the strongest argument in favor of the reality of conscious existence after death.

In fact, most of the research on near-death experiences has been and is being conducted by Western scientists. It is clear that they are studying their compatriots who were brought up in the traditions of one of the Abrahamic religions and share Western cultural values ​​- perhaps that is why their near-death experiences coincide. And, for example, in the book Vipassana Meets Consciousness by Bhavan Vissudhikunavot, a Thai woman describes what happened to her after her heart stopped in a different way: “I felt tired and left the hut. Standing under the coconut tree, I felt a deep sense of beauty. Then I saw the road and followed it. Suddenly I saw two people. They were the servants of the Lord of the Dead Yama. One of them said that they would take me to hell now. I asked to be allowed to go home to warn my relatives. When I entered, there were many people in my hut who were crying. Then I stumbled, fell and came to life". And no, mind you, angels with trumpets.

Personal experience

We found a man who agreed to tell you about what he saw and heard while he was dying.

Alexander Sobolev. 38 years old, entrepreneur (Moscow):

I experienced a state of clinical death when I studied at the Ryazan Airborne School. My platoon participated in reconnaissance group competitions. This is a 3-day marathon for survival with extreme physical exertion (no sleep and virtually no rest), which ends with a 10-kilometer march in full gear. I approached this last stage not in the best shape: on the eve I cut my foot with some kind of snag while crossing the river, we were constantly on the move, my leg hurt a lot, the bandage flew off, the bleeding resumed, I was in a fever. But I ran almost all 10 km, and I still don’t understand how I did it, and I don’t remember it well. A few hundred meters before the finish line, I passed out, and my comrades brought me there in their arms (by the way, participation in the competition was credited to me). The doctor diagnosed "acute heart failure" and began to revive me. I have the following memories of the period when I was in a state of clinical death: I not only heard what others were saying, but also watched what was happening from the outside. I saw how something was injected into my heart, I saw how a defibrillator was used to revive me. And in my mind, the picture was like this: my body and doctors are on the stadium field, and my relatives are sitting in the stands and watching what is happening. In addition, it seemed to me that I could control the resuscitation process. There was a moment when I got tired of lying around - and I immediately heard the doctor say that I had a pulse. Then I thought: now there will be a general formation, everyone will tense up, but I deceived everyone and I can lie down - and the doctor shouted that my heart had stopped again. Finally I decided to return. I will add that I did not feel fear when I watched how I was revived, and in general, I did not treat this situation as a matter of life and death. It seemed to me that everything is in order, life goes on as usual.

  • The phenomenon of "clinical death" as a factor in the evolutionary growth of personality.

    Iissiidiological view of the problem.

    (Italics in blue indicate reference numbers, excerpts from books or articles, as well as special iissiidiology terms, the exact and more true definition of which can be found in the "Dictionary of Terms". Oris. Iissiidiology. 9 volume.)


    So, what did this experience give me personally, in search of answers where did it lead and how did my life change after receiving this experience? I will briefly describe the dynamics of my psycho-mental experiences before and after the experience, its reflection on the dynamics of my subsequent life creativity, in order to make it easier for the reader to draw some analogies and parallels with his life storyline, and, accordingly, come to his own conclusions.

    At all times in the history of mankind, there has always been a category of people who asked questions: “Is the earthly life of a person finite? What will happen to me after my death and what is "there" - beyond the bounds of earthly existence? How and where to find a reliable and completely satisfying answer to this complex and sacramental question for stubborn seekers of truth, who later turn out to be miners and owners of golden grains of Knowledge that help expand people's Self-Consciousness to perceive the world around them?

    Being young, full of strength for creative ambitious achievements in family and career growth, I was sure that life is multifaceted and exciting, that I am on the verge of unexplored discoveries and the whole world provides me with these opportunities! And it will be honest to admit that the questions voiced above very rarely arose in my young head, I didn’t really want to dive deep into reflections on these topics, and why think about death if life is just beginning and promises so many wonderful things! After all, we mainly associate death with old age, and it’s still so far away ... That’s when the time comes, then we’ll see, but for now it’s not worth wasting precious time on solving such puzzles, so you want to enjoy all the delights of earthly life as much as possible, because it’s for this I was born into this world! I believe that this is what most of the young generation of the earth thinks about, letting go of receiving these answers to the will of Fate. And, of course, She (fate, providence), in relation to my personality, was not slow to give me such an amazing and extraordinary chance.

    Background: stressful conditions.

    In August 1991, the entire people of the former Soviet Union experienced a crisis situation associated with its disintegration into separate independent and independent republics. The conflict of the situation found its aggravation through previously not fully regulated interpersonal interactions of people belonging to different nations and nationalities, having their own national culture and traditions, professing different religions and, to top it all, strongly mixed according to these characteristics in separate geographical areas, but passionately desiring by any means to preserve its territorial-geographical integrity and independence. All this then resembled one huge bubbling cauldron, where passions were heated to the limit and, in my subjective opinion, did not leave indifferent and indifferent not a single person and not a single family, both in the post-Soviet space itself and beyond. Many countries and people are going through similar events now, but the events already affect planetary scales.

    I and my Korean family (by my husband) also experienced similar stress at that time from the unexpectedly piled up need to urgently resolve all vital issues of a national, economic, social, linguistic and political nature. As a result of a strong emotional shock associated with a conflict in family life and a subsequent divorce from my husband, an extraordinary incident happened to me. In medical practice, it is called by a common name - "clinical death", although among the opinions of medical workers, not everything is so simple.

    ** In medicine, according to resuscitation, clinical death is the last stage of dying. Academician V.A. Negovsky defined this phenomenon as follows: “... clinical death is no longer life, but it is not yet death. This emergence of a new quality is a break in continuity. In a biological sense, this state resembles suspended animation, although it is not identical to this concept. Clinical death is a reversible condition and the mere fact of cessation of breathing or blood circulation is not proof of the onset of death. **(one)

    Before this incident, I had some ideas (SFFUURMM-Forms) that physical death is the dying of a biological body due to various diseases, traumatic injuries of vital organs, cardiac arrest, or for other reasons unknown to medicine. Like most people on the planet, according to my ideas, I connected “myself” (all my emotional and mental reactions, the accumulation of empirical life experience) with the body in which I was aware of myself - having a certain appearance and concrete (fixed in the certificate) date of birth, and which grew, gained experience, and at the end of some indefinite period had to die. As a rule, a conclusion on the fact of a person’s death is made by a medical examination of doctors, although we all know from life that death happens not only in hospitals and medical institutions, but also in the most unexpected places where it is impossible to provide real timely medical care, and simply not doctor in the immediate area. None of us knows exactly the hour or place where it can happen. That's what happened to me as well.

    Gaining experience.

    My friend invited me to visit her to relax, distract from gloomy thoughts and a long stressful state. The next morning, after the party, when I tried to get up, I suddenly fell, as if I had been disconnected from the power supply, and after a moment I suddenly felt myself outside my physical body, that is, I saw it, as it were, from the side, lying crookedly on the floor. I myself (that is, my Self-Consciousness) hovered under the ceiling and examined my lifeless body with some surprise, mentally talking as if to myself: “Oh! Wow! How unfortunately sprawled on the floor! Now people will come in and how will they perceive it! But quickly losing interest in her lifeless body, she began to rise up - beyond the ceiling and above - feeling a gradual increase in speed. I note that “I” did not feel any material barriers in the form of interfloor ceilings, but only a clear feeling of the effect, as from lifting on a high-speed elevator, and at the same time, full awareness of the integrity of my ISness, like “bodies” with arms, legs and eyes, who are watching and looking at it all. Believe me, it is quite difficult to explain and describe in simple human words what I have never experienced before, about which there were no ideas or SFFUURMM-Forms (that is, a set of signs, characteristics, parameters of a phenomenon, object, life form, and so on ), with which it could be identified, and therefore the recoding of what I saw was based on simplified archetypal representations of the life experience I had already accumulated, which was accumulated in my internal information space ODS (OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-system).

    For a while, I felt the sensation of the presence of someone nearby, as it seemed to me, supporting me by the elbows of the hands on both sides, as well as the radial spread of light around me, as its source. Having risen to some limit, "I" - also with acceleration - rushed horizontally, as if through a tunnel, towards a sparkling white dot, which rapidly increased in size, emitting a dazzling silvery-golden-neon-white light. In parallel with this, at some point in my “head” a telepathic dialogue began with someone who then appeared before me at some distance in the form of a powerfully radiant and luminous Being, from which a “euphoric-jubilant” state of an extraordinary and incomparable (in terms of the quality of sensations here on earth), embracing the whole “me” of Joy, Happiness, Infinite Freedom and Comprehensive Love for everything that I have never experienced before or after this incident. The glow of light was so powerful that I could barely make out that this Being also had what looked like arms, legs, and a head, but it was almost impossible to make out the details. The voice in my head was completely emotionless and unbiased. He calmly asked if I realized that I had died, and said that I would not return to where I came from. I readily answered: “Yes, I realize!...” But in my head it sounded again: “And Zhenya? How is she? - “Yes ... Zhenya ... Sorry, but I can’t leave her now and the repairs in my house are not finished!” - I answered, and suddenly I felt a strong excitement for my 11-year-old daughter. And again she heard the voice of the luminous Being: “Well, well, go. But remember, we will come for you!”

    I have remembered these words for the rest of my life.

    Exit from the near-death state. Insights.

    I woke up abruptly, as if from a click above my ear, and instantly regained consciousness in my body, while experiencing severe cold and chills, which did not allow me to warm up for several hours. Consciousness at the same time worked clearly and almost immediately came the understanding of an indisputable fact for me now: “We, people, are IMMORTAL!!! The main fear that owns all of humanity - the fear of death as the finitude of the All, the loss of the physical body with which we identify our personality, the disappearance from the physical plane and the complete destruction of us, without the possibility of continuing life - this is just the greatest illusion, a huge delusion, our ignorance and the greatest deceit of all mankind!!! And nobody knows about our Immortality??!! Or know, but very few? Perhaps Saints or individuals, who are few in number. And how to prove it? After all, you can believe in it only when you yourself have received this extraordinary experience!!!”

    All sorts of guesses swirled in the mind: “Yes, we are immortal in the part of the Soul, and our physical bodies are only conductors in the form of a dress or suit for exploring these physical realities and knowing ourselves in them! Astronauts put on special devices - spacesuits for spacewalks, and divers use special equipment to explore the depths of the sea! A kaleidoscope of new unknown feelings flooded over me - I experienced euphoria, powerful jubilation, a state of the greatest illumination of the mystery of Being revealed to me, tears of joy flooded my face, I wanted to jump up and run to tell all the people who got in my way about it. But at the same time, anger and indignation appeared: “Why is this not given to all people? Why is it hidden and so little is said about it?!!!” And after that - even greater despair from the fact that the brightness, the sharpness of these feelings and sensations are gradually beginning to elude me, that it is impossible to keep them forever and how to experience them again !!! Everything changed overnight!

    Adaptation in a new quality.

    I did not want to feel the fear of being misunderstood, and also to feel compassionate and sympathetic looks behind me. I chose to keep it all inside myself, lie low and not share it with anyone. But to bury, to forget these states was impossible, and simply not destined. They, like a booming alarm, constantly arose in me and more and more clearly demanded some kind of action to confirm what I had felt. At that time, having started to analyze what happened - how I lived before the aforementioned incident, what thoughts and desires owned, moved my choices and actions at that time - I could not find a direct relationship. It seemed to me that a lot of things were happening to me unfairly, because I assessed myself and my actions as a whole - as a positive person, acting in accordance with the circumstances of the world around him forcing him.

    Based on the Knowledge I have today, I understand that most of my life creativity was permeated with both open and veiled egoism, although it was motivated by actions for the benefit of others. Egoism is always inclined to find justifying motivations for any of its actions. But nevertheless, it laid a fundamental foundation for the revision of my entire Worldview regarding the quality of life's creativity and its summarizing feature - death, as two sides of the same coin. Along with this, I had an additional range of various questions regarding the concepts of God, religion, the belonging of the luminous Essences, birth on the physical plane, the possibility of transition to other worlds, and also what is the task of humanity, why there is so much suffering, wars, cataclysms on earth , injustice, and many other issues that now no longer allowed to continue to live calmly and serenely as if nothing had happened. Considering all this life material from the standpoint of my current iissiidological ideas, I come to the conclusion that it was this Interest* = Focus of Self-Consciousness = Focus of Close Attention (FPV) that began to shift my Self-Consciousness in that direction of development (that is, in those scenarios) where maximum opportunities for his (FPV) satisfaction.

    * Interest is the desire to understand some issues (in which you have not yet known yourself, that is, you do not have this experience), the need to get to their essence.

    Lifelong race. Looking for answers.

    All religions of the world at all times and on all continents promised people after death the afterlife and the liberation of their Souls, like the Sparks of God, from the heavy shackles of the physical body. It was to the spiritual side that I first turned my gaze. Almost all written treatises of the main religions (Bible, Koran, Torah, Vedas and others) have their own understanding, presentation and description of the Soul and its immortal Essence, and, as I see it, in them It has, in general, a superficial, lengthy and very blurred descriptive image. The information in these texts was more of a prescriptive conditioned nature, determining human behavior on the earthly plane, but I wanted specifics about the Higher Spheres. In my search for it, I turned to religious figures of different faiths for clarification, hoping to get the most convincing answers there. After all, who, if not them, should have known everything (according to my ideas!) Regarding the immortality of the Soul and everything connected with its subsequent afterlife, but none of them could give at least some convincing explanation of what happened to me. experience.

    It became obvious to me that the representatives of religions themselves (as they called themselves - governors, mediators and executors of the will of God on earth) were incompetent in this matter and only repeated by rote what they themselves managed to glean from the Old Testament written sources. Disappointed in all this, I came to the conclusion that in order to communicate with the Higher Forces (the luminous Essence with which I met, I attributed to the category of Angels, since I experienced a feeling emanating from her only of all-encompassing Love, peace and happiness, but not fear or some kind of danger) I do not need any intermediary, dressed in a spiritual dignity, or some special place (for example, a church or a mosque), that everything IS in me and it is ALL miraculously hidden inside me. It is only necessary to find that cherished “key” that opens the door to these beautiful Worlds, the existence of which I no longer doubted. Now I directed all my efforts in search of this “cherished key to the golden door” to the study of all kinds of scientific, philosophical, spiritual and esoteric literature, and also attended various spiritual, yogic practices and seminars, hoping to somehow satisfy the most important and undying interest.

    Undoubtedly, one way or another, these actions helped me expand my Self-Consciousness and recognize that all human life on Earth is not limited only by the framework of ensuring the survival of the personal ego and the establishment of the material well-being of his family environment, that along with this there is an even deeper Meaning and a wider the purpose of people (as a kind of "homosapiens - a reasonable person") in the evolutionary plan called "Earthly life of mankind". But with persistent attempts to get to the deep Essence, the questions only multiplied. In pursuit of satisfying this Interest (FIV), I moved from one country to another, simultaneously gaining life experience through all sorts of powerful stressful situations (inter-qualitative synthesis = sub-chakra refocusings), and I think that it was Interest (FIV) that served as a reprojecting (refocusing) mechanism for my personality, which ensures the transition from one life situations (scenarios) to others and the corresponding change of my “current” Interests (this process is called Focal Dynamics in Iissiidiology).

    The alleged reasons for the emergence of Interest.

    The field of my attention (FPV) was also the medical literature and reference books available at that time, but nothing like what I experienced then did not come across. But an incident that happened even earlier - in 1983, is still worth mentioning, because it made an indelible impression on me and aroused then an extraordinary Interest, which, as I see it now, was one of the reasons for my near-death experience.

    During a tourist trip to the city of Tallinn, the Republic of Estonia, I came across a very popular at that time magazine "Science and Life", which contained a small article by a well-known cardiac surgeon, world-famous scientist, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine N.M. Amosov. I don’t remember the name of the article and the year of publication, but what was said in it really stuck in my memory. Namely: a well-known cardiac surgeon spoke about the successful use in his medical practice of special devices designed by himself personally in order to make the heart muscles start contracting in the event of a cardiac arrest. In passing, the author of the article mentioned that in some cases, in some patients during surgical operations, a sudden cardiac arrest occurred and the patients were, according to the medical definition, in a state of “clinical death” for several minutes, and then, after applying the articles developed by the author resuscitation methods, also suddenly came to their senses. This in itself for doctors was a sign of the success of their actions in a new, then still being worked out, method of restoring the vital functions of a person and bringing him to consciousness. Subsequently, this branch of medicine received an independent status, a separate direction, and became known as resuscitation.

    But what stood out to me in this article was something else. The patients who came to their senses after the operation told that they saw the fussy actions of doctors to revitalize their bodies, as if from the outside, and added a lot of the smallest details and nuances, which, according to the doctors themselves, these patients could not have known, since the testimony all instruments indicated that the person was at a given moment in time absolutely without any signs of life. These patients could not know, feel, hear or even see anything. At the end of the article, the academician asked something like this: “... how can this be and what lies beyond the bounds of earthly existence?” It was indeed a strange puzzle for science and medicine… and for the patients themselves who survived this condition.

    The article greatly excited me and I mentally returned to it for a long time, trying to realize how this could actually be: “The body died, but the Consciousness continues to live, and even think, and in addition the body suddenly came to life later? I wish I could experience something like this!” Now I can say for sure that at that time I had a clear Interest in experiencing such a phenomenon, and eight years later, having gone through various life events and vicissitudes, Fate (boastful dynamics) led me to one of the scenarios where this opportunity came true. It turns out that I myself ordered it for myself, mentally fueled by my thoughts, but due to the fuss of other events taking place around, which turned out to be more important at that time, I forgot about the article and remembered only when I began to try to explain to myself what happened to me in August 1991.

    Views of scientists on the phenomenon of "clinical death".

    A little over 10 years ago, information began to leak from the reviews of people involved in research on this topic that in the state policy of the former Soviet Union of the 1980s, any mention, and even more so publication in the press, of "supernatural and paranormal phenomena" for political reasons on behalf of science is strictly was forbidden and suppressed, so information on this phenomenon among ordinary people was minimal. Scientific research in the field of pre-agonistic states (preceding death) and directly on the very phenomenon of "clinical death", as well as on the parapsychological abilities of a person, was carried out in our country under the strictest secrecy. A group of leading scientists and specialists of the country was assembled and they were given the task of finding out what contributes to the occurrence of the state of "clinical death" in patients, and to find a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of the exit of the Soul from the body, which was experienced by people of different nationalities, races, ages and religious views. . Many data were not published, and only in our time some of these studies have become available to the public in separate publications and video materials, for example, on the YouTube channel on the Internet. (2)

    The more I immersed myself in the study of this topic, the more I realized that this phenomenon is not limited to the calculation of several tens of thousands of recorded cases. It turns out that there were more than 8 million people in the US alone who experienced this phenomenon, but how many such people around the world? The current endless space of the Internet provides extensive material that indirectly or directly relates to this subject of consideration: many scientific works in various fields of medicine (neurophysiology, neurosurgery, resuscitation, molecular chemistry, thanatology, transpersonal psychology and others), treatises on philosophical and religious, metaphysical and esoteric directions, as well as forums where people share their personal impressions from their experiences.

    All this for me was also a great revelation and awareness of the scale of the scope, covering the population of the entire globe, in comparison with the state of awareness of the population 10-20 years ago. The rapid development of the Internet has played a big role here. I hope that an inquisitive seeker of truth - according to the resonant principle - will himself come to those sources of information that more accurately correspond to his Interest at the current moment. But in order to present a more complete picture of the phenomenon under study within the framework of this article, I believe it is necessary to cite some excerpts from different points of view of scientists directly or indirectly related to the study of this phenomenon.

    In the West, one of the first to speak openly about his studies of the phenomenon of "near-death experience" and the fact of the exit of the Soul from the body was an American physician, Professor R. Moody, whose books ("Life after Death" and "Life after life") after 90 appeared in our country on spontaneous street stalls and instantly became bestsellers. I also read these books. There were reports from more than 250 people testifying to their "posthumous" life, but there was no real scientific explanation for the phenomenon itself.

    The professor's student and his follower Dr. Bruce Grayson (one of the most prominent experts in this field), together with his colleagues, developed strict criteria (a certain scale) for interaction with other researchers of this phenomenon, according to which the states experienced by a person were evaluated for compliance with "near-death experience". This scale was made up of various components:

    *Change in the thought process - reports of increased vibrations and reaching the threshold of some extreme high frequency;

    *Change in emotional state - reports of overwhelming feelings of Joy, Unity with the Universe, a sense of security, Love and warmth;

    * Paranormal or psychic phenomena - reports that people left their bodies, reports of extrasensory perception of events occurring at a distance, vision of the future, awareness of the Unity of Everything with Everything;

    *Transcendental component - people feel that they are in another, supernatural world, where they can meet already deceased relatives or Saints (for example, the Virgin Mary, Christ, Buddha, Mohammed and others).

    According to Professor B. Grayson, he and his colleagues and scientists from other countries "raised the virgin soil", they realized that the phenomenon of "near-death experience" is much more common than one might think. Now, according to them, it became possible (thanks to the developed scale) to determine what kind of phenomenon a particular person experienced. These scientists systematized the data on the description of the states of being in this phenomenon and, for the most part, they came down to the following:

    * “Observation of clear light; voices are heard; a state of goodness and peace; awareness of what happened is given; a retrospective of a lived life is shown; the person himself makes an analysis (instantaneous), where he was wrong, and has the opportunity to evaluate the mistakes made in his actions; indifference (for the most part) to the physical body; sensual harmony and unforgettable peace; telepathic conversation with other Essences and life forms (for example, animals, trees, air and others).

    *Assessment of the condition of patients after recovery from clinical death:

    “Reassessment of life values; setting goals and priorities; the realization that the concept of "death" is an illusion, a deceit, a lie, and the word "death" itself does not reflect the truth of the ongoing processes and a more suitable definition for it is "a transition from one state to a qualitatively different one." (2)

    In the course of research, the opinions of specialists were divided into two opposite ones.

    Some experts are skeptical that every moment of clinical death can be explained scientifically, especially now, with the latest discoveries in the work of the brain, its individual regions and neural connections. For example:

    All these visions are the consequences of shock, lack of oxygen, anesthesia, and so on;

    Oxygen-sensitive parts of the brain begin to fail;

    People see the tunnel because the blood supply to the retina is disturbed;

    Calmness, peace are born due to the failure of certain parts of the brain and the powerful release of certain hormones that reduce pain during dying - therefore, one feels euphoria, joyful peace;

    Looking at yourself from the side appears due to the angular gyrus.

    According to the neurophysiologist of the American University of Western Kentucky, Professor Kevin R. Nelson, he found a scientific explanation for visions in near-death experiences or near-death experiences: "This is a kind of sleep, namely, its fast phase." He came to this conclusion after interviewing more than 50 patients who experienced similar visions without being near death. The scientist found that people who experienced near-death experience, unlike those who did not have such an experience, often have very long experiences associated with the brain system responsible for sleep and wakefulness. (3)

    Resuscitation doctor Gubin Nikolai Gennadievich (GNG) in his article on "Terminal States", after analyzing the arguments and provisions that, according to him, almost all adherents of "life after death" and "immaterial soul" operate (namely: Elisabeth Kubler -Ross "On death and dying", 1969, "Death does not exist", 1977; J. Meyers "Voices on the edge of eternity", 1973; R. Moody "Life after life", 1976, "Reflections on death after death", 1983; D.R. Wikler, Journey to the Other Side, 1977; S. Rose, The Soul After Death, 1982; P. Kalinowski, The Crossing, 1991, and many others), concludes that:

    “The vast majority of such books are based on a survey of people who have “suffered from clinical death,” but there are completely no data on when, by whom and how the fact of clinical death in these people was recorded. To ascertain the onset of clinical death, mandatory fixation of three components is necessary: ​​a) lack of breathing, b) lack of blood circulation, c) complete areflexia. Therefore, the data obtained when working with such groups of patients, it is simply incorrect to associate with the concept of actual clinical death - patients who have undergone poisoning (for example, with ataractic or GHB-like drugs), a deep coma, an epileptic seizure (pti mal) , psychotic crisis, hemorrhagic shock, etc. Yes, and the researchers themselves sometimes do not hide the fact that certain strange symptoms are not associated with clinical death, but for some reason they do not evaluate this objectively. (four)

    In addition to what has been said, already now some of the doctors believe that it is possible to cause clinical death with the help of special equipment without the experience of dying. The only question is time. An experiment was set up where contacts were placed on a special helmet that deliver electrical discharges that create interference in certain parts of the brain. This helmet should help reproduce the sensations of people who have returned from the other world, but so far there are no convincing results. According to the conclusion of the scientists who conducted the experiments, the brain of a person who has gone through clinical death differs from the brain of the others, has a special activity (it works like the brain of nuns who have dedicated their lives to God), but they still do not know what this is connected with.

    In the near-death experience studies conducted by Dr. Imban Louzhen from the Netherlands in collaboration with Sam Parnies and Peter Sedwig from the UK, scientists came to the conclusion that the previously prevailing assertion that the brain is a generator of Consciousness and memories is not such, and it is time to reconsider this view, since the brain, in their opinion, can be attributed to the receiver of Consciousness and this is a kind of Revolution. (5)

    Dr. Pim van Lommel was inclined to a similar opinion in his report "The Mystery of Perception during a Near-Death Experience" at the scientific conference "Science and Non-Duality", held in the summer of 2013 in the Netherlands. (6)

    René Johansson of Denmark, founder of the non-profit public information and research organization NDI, experienced this phenomenon himself in 2000, and during his time on another plane during a near-death experience, he says, he realized that: “... all beings are the essence One and everything in the universe is interconnected. Scientific experiments prove the general principles of quantum mechanics - although the particles are separated in space, they are still informationally interconnected, and this is called the science of quantum entanglement or non-locality. All particles in the universe are not separate, although they may appear to be separate physical entities, but in fact - they are all linked and interconnected. (7)

    And in an article posted on the website of S.N. Lazarev "Man of the future. Diagnosis of Karma”, the author tells about the sensation that appeared for the scientific world of Russia - a near-death experience personally experienced by the Russian leading designer of OKB "Impulse" of space research V.G. Efremov. “This experience allowed him not only to take a fresh look at the world, but also helped him solve a technical problem on which he had been working for two years. It is interesting that this happened to a person who has more pronounced technical inclinations and, as a rule, according to psychoanalysts, it is people of a similar warehouse in science who tend to deny everything "otherworldly and mystical." This scientist, in his scientific works, described the afterlife using mathematical and physical terms, publishing them in the journal "Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State Technical University", and then spoke about them at a scientific congress. (eight)

    Professor Robert Lanza (from the Medical School of the University of North Carolina USA) is generally firmly convinced that we believe in death only because we were taught this from childhood. In his theory of "Biocentrism", space, time and the world around us are an illusion created by our Subconscious. The scientist is convinced that: “As soon as we understand and admit that in addition to the familiar world there is another, with more subtle energies, it will become obvious that there is no death. Many experiments in physics show that the Universe has a huge list of Laws and constants that are very well suited for life, and thanks to this, great mysteries of science can be solved if the possibility of continuing life in another form and Consciousness is included in the calculation. (3)

    Here I have given a small part of the various opinions that are currently available in medicine, which show sufficient disunity in the views and ideas about this phenomenon among different scientists. Until now, in science, the vast majority of research is based only on data that are obtained empirically through repeated experiments. A statement about the discovery of something is valid if it is confirmed by a series of experiments and scientific experiments, the results of which are officially recorded by special devices and are stable. Knowledge obtained through intuitive insights, but not experimentally confirmed, for such a category of scientists is not argued, not proven, and therefore is pseudoscientific and is not subject to consideration.

    But there is another category of scientists who are increasingly using intuitive levels of Self-Consciousness in their research, putting forward bold ideas and theories that unexpectedly find their confirmation after some time and become a sensation. For example, the American physicist Hugh Everett, back in the 1950s, proposed a theory of a multi-world interpretation of the Universe, which the world scientific community did not accept at that time. But now there are more and more physicists who confirm his theory - these are A. Aspect, D. Bomm, R. Penrose (a famous British physicist and mathematician from Oxford, who is currently developing his quantum theory of consciousness), a Russian scientist in the field of space research V.G. Efremov. In medicine, there are also scientists who support this developing direction - Professor R. Lanza from the University of North Carolina, USA.

    Professor, anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff (from the department of anesthesiology and psychology at the University of Arizona and part-time director of the Center for the Study of Consciousness at the same university) claims that a person’s Consciousness does not disappear without a trace after his death, but is literally absorbed into the fabric of the Universe, and the mechanism necessary for the implementation of this process is built into the nervous system. Speaking on Science TV channel, Dr. S. Hameroff said that the human brain is a natural quantum computer, our consciousness is its software, and the soul is information accumulated at the quantum level. According to him, quantum information cannot be destroyed. Therefore, after the body dies, it merges with the universe. And it can exist there indefinitely.

    According to his theory, the human mind has a quantum nature. The main thing in his theory is that the carriers of consciousness are indicated - these are protein microtubules (microtubules) located inside neurons, and it is they, and not neurons, that accumulate and process information. By their structure, they are best suited to be carriers of quantum properties in the brain, since they can maintain quantum states for a long time, that is, they can work as quantum computers. “When the heart stops supplying blood to the brain, microtubules seem to be discharged,” explains Hameroff. “However, the information accumulated in them is not destroyed, does not disappear, but goes into space.” According to the professor, the carriers of quantum information and, consequently, Souls, are woven from some material, "much more fundamental than neurons - from the very fabric of the Universe." “I think that consciousness, or what preceded it, has always existed in the universe,” says Hameroff. “Perhaps since the Big Bang.” (9)

    But let's get back to the question - what kind of understanding of this phenomenon did I personally get and what did it lead me to? Back in 2003, I came across small brochures of the cycle “The Art of Dying” by the writer Oris, the study of which prompted me to think deeper than all the previous information of other authors. I am deeply grateful and grateful to him for the information in these books, which was a kind of "building blocks" in the ladder of expanding my Self-Consciousness and subsequent Spiritual growth. Since that time, these small brochures, thanks to the huge reader's interest in them and the subsequent deeper and more reliable information brought by the author from high-frequency intuitive levels, gradually transformed into multi-volume editions of books under the general name "Iissiidiology". (ten)

    Why is Iissiidiology so remarkable specifically for me? And by the fact that it convincingly substantiates the principles and methods of the most favorable and harmonious planetary coexistence of all people on the planet, their purposeful development and becoming at a higher level of their evolutionary maturity, the achievement of spiritual and economic prosperity, which gives complete confidence in the future to every person of the entire world. communities.

    The concept of this Knowledge is based on such basic concepts as multi-world, singularity, multipolarization, sloogrenity, duvuillerrt, simultaneity, simultaneity and others, as well as on the idea of ​​the quantum nature of Self-Consciousness of absolutely any form of Mind. I will try very schematically and very simply here to describe a small part of the structural dynamics in which we, as people (personalities), know ourselves. An inquisitive and interested reader can find more detailed and detailed information about this in the books of Oris: Fundamentals of Iissiidiology and comments on them - BDK (Immortality is available to everyone). (eleven)

    In accordance with Iissiidiology, we, as developing and self-aware intelligent Forms, are manifested in the Universe simultaneously and simultaneously at every point of its heterogeneous structure - as complex configuration Fields-Consciousness or Universal Foci of Self-Consciousness (UFC), which (due to their multidimensional structure) in our 3-4-dimensional wave reality, consisting of numerous Worlds and Continuums, are represented by their Foci of Self-Consciousness or Focus Configurations (f-Configuration). Each f-Configuration is ideally interspersed in its World by a certain conglomerate set of Representations (SFUURMM-Form; ideas about natural phenomena, society, politics, economics, science, social relations, health, religion, etc.) about everything that fills this World, and about to itself as a Form that is self-aware of itself and has a specific physical vehicle - a biological body (NUU-VVU).

    The difference between such f-Configurations in our three-dimensional realities is determined by the rotational shift in the quantum of information and is approximately 1/328 shifts per conditional second. Each shift can be conditionally represented as a separate frame in a film of a film, and the frame itself as a whole World with all its filling with various Life Forms (people, animals, plants, minerals, insects, etc.), which, with the next shift, is replaced by the next frame , and so continuously, one after the other, not linearly, but spheroidal. This suggests that in one second there is a change of 328 frames (Worlds) with their own personal Interpretations (f-Configurations, Stereotypes) belonging only to them, which in turn are structured by a clear set of highly specific Representations about this World. At the same time, each Stereo-type is also differentiated into 386 energy-information smaller Fields-Consciousnesses (Stereo-doubles). All personal Interpretations live and develop in parallel Worlds according to their life scenarios.

    The system of Perception of our biological conductor (body) in the conditions of 3-4-dimensional realities is arranged very imperfectly. On average, it is designed to reproduce only 24 frames per second - like a tape drive mechanism in a movie projector - and therefore we cannot fix the realization of 328 frames per 1 conditional second in our Self-Consciousness. For the most part, we inertially track only the psychosomatic states of the body and the average mental-psychic activity. Each personal Interpretation is structured by different-quality sloogrent energy-information interconnections, which, according to their qualitative composition (according to dimensional ranges), are aggregated into the so-called “energy-informational structures” - Iissiidi centers. In the Worlds of the 3-4-dimensional range, where we are now creatively manifesting ourselves and being realized, we are able to track all our psycho-mental reactions only after some time has passed (seconds, minutes, hours), due to the inertia of Space-Time, which is also directly is tied to the quality of our psycho-mental activity - and in this regard, awareness of the quality of our thoughts and feelings occurs with some delay, with a delay.

    This, in turn, greatly affects the awareness of our choices - in favor of an accelerated increase in the evolutionary (amplative) level of Self-Consciousness of any person and all of humanity as a whole. Since displacements (rotational shifts) occur constantly and continuously every “second”, we - as Focuses - are all the time in the process of Focus Dynamics, like a film with endless series turned on once, and we slide our Focus over these series, each time qualitatively changing them into depending on the Interest expressed in the activity of the two lower energy Iissiidi centers (either we watch some action movies with elements of violence, or we cannot stop watching romantic scenes, and so on - satisfying all kinds of interests in the rational-mental, sexual-sensual and other life experiences).

    Very conventionally and schematically, Iissiidi centers can be characterized as follows: the first center - provides the Focus with a physiological manifestation in the 3-4-dimensional Worlds, is responsible for the survival of the biological form of a person; the second is emotional and sensual, tied to the sexual level of procreation. The second pair of Iissiidi centers: the third center is responsible for mental processes and intellect; the fourth - provides highly sensitive mental states and experiences. Both of these pairs are slooograntly (spheroidally) energy-informational (holographically) interconnected with each other: the first center - with the third, and the second - with the fourth, and in practice of life, all of them, in a direct cumulative relationship, determine the quality of our life creativity. Focus Dynamics occurs continuously with the receipt (unpacking) of each quantum of information, and as soon as the creative interest is satisfied (that is, the configuration Focus is combined with the Stereo-type, which corresponds to its resonant interest), it immediately becomes better due to the automatically obtained integral experience from less quality of their choices), - the next reprojection of the Focus into the next, suitable in terms of its energy-information parameters, closely spaced (parallel) f-Configuration takes place. And so infinitely and continuously along all creative realization directions in the infinite cosmic Existence.

    As I noted above, when refocusing into our next Stereo-type occurs, then we (for the time being, due to the imperfection of our system of perception of the surrounding world) do not have the opportunity to view the lived scenarios with our participation, since they are, according to the content of Thought-forms ( Representations) are of less quality and have a lower degree of information capacity. But as soon as our f-Configurations become more perfect (having previously synthesized (received) the maximum experience in knowing oneself in the sphere of creativity of the first pair of lower Iissiidi centers), then we can, if desired, “see” that our lifeless conductors remained in the past scenarios ( corpses), which are observed only by those f-Configurations of people who continue to qualitatively remain an integral part of that World.

    We are always aware of ourselves only as alive and creatively realizing our Interests in the moment “here and now”. And we have absolutely no idea what happened to us a moment ago, since we have already occupied a new, qualitatively improved, Stereo-type, which is still alive and in his personal information space (individual ODS) he does not have information of his personally experienced experience in realizing himself dead. Therefore, he (the new Stereo-type) has no idea what is happening in parallel scenarios, from where his Focus has just been re-projected and, as if nothing had happened, continues to live and create further.

    Here the reader may legitimately have a question: “What, then, is behind the phenomenon of “clinical death”? Indeed, during an operation, people suddenly stop working of all vital organs and doctors ascertain a death, but unexpectedly after 5-6 minutes (and in some cases up to an hour), patients come to Consciousness and, having returned, as it were, from the next world, tell what happened to them, their feelings (everything that was given in the data of Dr. B. Grayson).

    Let's assume that in one of the scenarios (World) the patient died on the operating table and the doctors stated that the heart or brain stopped working, and his Consciousness (Focus) was reprojected into another scenario (World), - very similar, but still slightly different vibrationally from the previous one, where, for example, the doctors performed a successful operation and the patient survived, but a few hours after the operation he still died. And there is a scenario where this patient did not end up in the hospital at all and continues to live safely, without suspecting anything. The most favorable outcome is provided by the whole multitude of different-quality variants of events occurring to us. This is called the multipolarization of the Focal Dynamics, due to which we have the opportunity to be aware of Ourselves alive all the time. Sometimes you can note in your Focus Dynamics such physical states, when your heart suddenly pricked or caught somewhere, you wanted to lie down. As a result, in one scenario you lay down and got up, and in the next scenario you lay down, fell asleep and died quietly in your sleep, refocusing into a close, but still slightly different in quality Thought-forms, personal Interpretation.

    These are the sign symptoms that somewhere in parallel scenarios fatal refocusings began, and in your scenario this was reflected as some kind of poor health, thereby drawing your attention to the poor quality of the choices of your Configuration, which entered a tensor state with the World where you are now realize yourself. In the same scenarios, where, for example, the patient returned, as it were, “from the other world,” his Focus, after a lethal refocusing, was fixed on the group of scenarios where the operation was successful and he woke up safely from anesthesia. And all the sensations and visions were caused by the realization of various hormones (which modulate the corresponding activity in some parts of the brain), which, as it has now become known, express either states of euphoria, joy, happiness, merging with all creation, or feelings of fear, depression and anxiety. , - as well as all kinds of visions that the "dead" could decipher only through the archetypes of Thought-forms (UU-VVU-copies) already existing in their individual ODS.

    The search for answers to questions that worried me for a long time after the near-death experience is partly reflected in the 11th volume of comments on the Fundamentals of Iissiidiology, in the series “Immortality is available to everyone”, in the following paragraphs:

    11.12313. Everything that sometimes happens to “people” at the moment of their clinical “Death”, due to the activation in the Self-Consciousness of some of the “personalized” UU-VVU-copies (a process that you tend to subjectively perceive as an “exit” from the physical body) , is a highly specific mental state that has nothing to do with "Death" or the so-called "afterlife existence", but is due only to the urgent need for this "personality", prompted in its Self-Consciousness by Form-Creators from the Subconscious Levels, something radically change in the direction of improving the quality of their future elections. This mental phenomenon is not the dynamics of the "Death" of this "personality", but the dynamics of its further continuation of its Life in a specific state and for a short time, after which there are refocusings in the NUU-VVU-Configuration with the usual state of Self-Consciousness.

    11.12314. That is why all these minutes of being in a state of clinical "Death" are clearly fixed by the inertial dynamics of "VEN" and are well remembered by the "personality" itself. And it is thanks to him that “you” in Life have an unusual opportunity to really look back at the entire segment of the path you have traveled, in order to remember and look at everything that you thought, experienced, said and did in your Life and, realizing many of your mistakes , as well as conscientiously evaluating everything that you have created, decide whether you continue to live in the same qualitative manifestation or start doing something that is more consistent with your highest Ideas about Who you want to be. Thanks to this state, you will have the opportunity, without the embellishments you are used to, without experiencing fear or condemnation, to make an impartial and detailed analysis of your entire Life lived in order to determine the Experience you have received and decide for yourself how you should live further.

    11.12315. Why do such states exist? I would call it the moment that was initially programmed in your “rotation Cycle” as an opportunity for a radical refocusing in this “scruullerrt system” for a sharp exit from some kind of “development scenario” into a completely new Direction of life creativity for you. This state of clinical “Death” is the “most terrible Judgment of God” that you need to go through at this moment of your Life in order to try to start living in a new way, more purposefully, making better Choices. There is no other “judgment” carried out outside of your own Self-Consciousness, and even theoretically it cannot be, due to the absolute identity of the energy-information structures of the NUU-VVU-Forms focused by you and the entire Universe!

    Exactly as described in these paragraphs, it happened with my Self-Consciousness and its gradual, step-by-step transformation through a reassessment of life values ​​from selfish positions of serving oneself to an ever greater manifestation of Service-to-Other tendencies through altruism in deeds and actions, which later formed into a conscious desire and choice. The path is to devote your whole life to this high and noble Goal, guided by the high-frequency and universal Knowledge of Iissiidiology. And in this regard, here, in my opinion, the philosophical thought of the scientist Kenneth Ring fits, in his article “Near-death experience”, as a conclusion: “... At the same time, this new curious phenomenon - near-death experience - apparently , performs an important mission, instilling in humanity the hope that even in the darkest moments (maybe just then) Light appears in life to show us the way forward. The question for each of us is whether we have the courage and wisdom to follow him.” (12)

    For a deeper understanding of the mechanism of reprojecting (refocusing) the Focus of Self-Consciousness into our other Interpretations, which differ in various qualitative and frequency characteristics, thereby remaining and realizing oneself all the time alive, I suggest my dear reader to turn to the primary source of this universal Knowledge. You yourself, having begun to understand in detail all aspects and details of the work of this most complex mechanism, comparing and checking with the practice of life, you will be able to see the grandeur and scale of the eternal and endless existence of the Universe itself and man in it, as an integral structural unit of this living being and not for a single a moment of a self-developing most complex organism that does not interrupt its existence.

    Now you, in addition to receiving scientific confirmations that are opening up more and more like mushrooms after a summer rain, will be able to realize what the concept (phenomenon, effect) is like “death”, and its particular manifestations, for example, as the phenomenon of “clinical death” is a certain specific “section” of the general universal mechanism of refocusing from one qualitative state to another (initially modeled and built into the multi-level structure of the Universe), correspondingly reflecting the degree of quality of that Configuration of Self-Consciousness that was available to you at the time of the event. This “effect” allows you to reassess and analyze your selfish actions in relation to others in your life and redirect your creativity to another, more evolutionary development, striving for a harmonious synthesis of highly intellectual Altruism and highly sensitive Intelligence in the All-Unity with other manifested Life Forms.

    So, dear reader, following my individual path of consistent and gradual expansion of the levels of Self-Consciousness - from obsession with satisfying selfish needs in my daily activities, through powerful stressful lessons, to the subsequent revision of many life positions - I realized:

    My youthful dreams - about universal Equality, Brotherhood, High Love, Friendship of all peoples and nations, united into one single organism as one highly developed planetary race, called Earthlings - can be realized only when humanity is united by one lofty Idea of ​​building a harmonious society of universal Prosperity through the creation of 144,000 Cities of Light of Knowledge and Love all over the planet on the basis of high-frequency-intuitive Knowledge of Iissiidiology, where each member of this community will choose for himself evolutionary development through Spiritual Service to Everything, having previously outlived all selfish tendencies in himself through the conscious practice of introducing high-frequency Iissiidiological SFUURMM -Forms;

    Really realizing and recognizing the uniqueness and value of the immortal Essence of any manifested Form of Self-Consciousness in the infinity of the Universe, the human community will have a gradual access to unlimited opportunities for improving people in the Lluuvvumic (truly Human) direction of development in an unprecedentedly short time, and will make them equal co-Creators of the Worlds with others space civilizations, which all progressive minds have dreamed of for millennia.

    In their unanimous choice for the realization of this High Goal, many people from different countries have united in Ayfaar, which at the moment are unique Centers for approbation and consolidation in practice of high Knowledge through the so-called "Ayfaar lifestyle" and its key Principles. We talk about this on our official website, where we share our accumulated experience with everyone who wants to go with us in this direction. (ten)

    List of literature and video materials:

    3. Documentary film "Great mysteries of the soul" > Clinical death

    4. Information Center "Thanatology"

    Http://>Clinical death, causes, consequences

    5. "Day I died" BBC (Day I died)

    6. “The mystery of perception during NDE”, conference “Science&NONDuality” on 28th May 2-nd June 2013 The Netherlands.

    8. Awareness of Knowledge. Beyond the threshold of life. polyphonic consciousness. Sensational revelation of physicist V. Efremov.

    9. Soul. Journey to the afterlife.

    12. Living Knowledge. Near death experience. Kenneth Ring.

    Still, I found time to write my own story. I'm so, shorter ... In 1993, I was 14 years old, two scumbags tried to take my bike away, as a result of which one of them, two heads higher than me from a turn, with all the dope, hit me in the liver, (a year earlier I suffered severe jaundice, that is, there was no liver as such) and I lost consciousness while standing, when I fell, I hit my head, left temporal region on the asphalt. Then a bright light, and I am flying over a flowering valley, without sadness I understand that I have died, but there are so many interesting and beautiful things around. Gentle warmth enveloped me, bright colors, greenery, strange plants and birdsong, my first thought was Paradise, in front of me is a beautiful two-story house (something like a white house in Washington).

    I began to descend to the ground, seeing me, people came out greeting me, as if they had known me for a long time, they took me into the house. Inside the house there was exquisite luxury, high ceilings, tapestries, statues, almost all in gold, and the most interesting thing was that everything was dear and familiar to me, as if I had always lived here. Going to the mirror, I was in shock, the body was not mine, that is, I understood that I was me, with all my heart and soul, (especially since I had not forgotten who I was in a past life and what happened to me, and how the eyes were those two who helped me leave that world, and I was not even angry with them), but the body was different, athletically built, tall, beautiful, blond hair, well, everything is just ideal.

    What happened next was even more interesting. I don’t remember exactly how many years I lived there, not just alone, that is, I was surrounded by people, how to say courtiers, maids, cooks, the kitchen was stunning, all dishes were served in silver dishes, with all the rules of etiquette. Everyone was kind and affectionate to me, a similar attitude towards everyone was on my part, by the way, during this time I did not experience either sadness or sadness, a feeling of happiness and joy overwhelmed me constantly. One fine day, I met a girl of unprecedented beauty, I don’t remember the details of the acquaintance, but I remember that I fell in love without hind legs. After a while, they played a magnificent wedding, I remember the first wedding night with all the details ... We already lived together, twice as much happiness and joy, next to me was my beloved and loving, tender and beautiful wife.

    Further in brief. A daughter was born to us, all in her mother's beauty, and a year later, a son. They lived happily for a long time, the children grew up beautiful, obedient could not get enough of them. So the children grew up and matured, found companions, celebrated their weddings. After a while, my wife and I were already nursing our grandchildren. I want to note that my wife and I practically did not grow old, and lived minute by minute, hour by hour, months, years. One fine summer day, I forgot to say that summer was always there, like a bolt from the blue, a cry sounded throughout the valley, a cry came from above and pierced everything around. "Roma ...", - again came from the top, and I began to slowly rise up and with horror began to remember everything, which I had long forgotten about. Thus, my beautiful world moved further and further away from me, I was confused and discouraged, but what about my family, I don’t want to leave this world, I shouted.

    It suddenly became dark, besides, I realized that I was under water, rather at the very bottom, and only a weak ray of light made its way from the top, I involuntarily began to quickly climb up it, like through a tunnel. A bright light, and I see below me, a teenager lying on the pavement in a pool of blood, and next to him the boy is shaking him shouting: "Roma! Wake up!" And again, with horror, I understand that it is me, but still I don’t want to return to this body, I want to return back to my beautiful world to my beloved wife and children.

    Then it’s dark, I want to open my eyes, but I can’t, it turns out the blood that flooded my entire face just dried up. Having torn off one eyelid, I saw a bright floating light, my head hurt as if it had been cut with an ax, my left eye was not only swollen, in its place there was a hematoma the size of a small melon, my head was very dizzy. The kid helped me get up, he knew me, he was the younger brother of my classmate, his name was Denis, as I remember now. According to him, I lay on the pavement for 10 minutes without any signs of life.

    Five years later, a doctor said, "You have the heart of a 70-year-old man." The only thing is that in old age, after physical death, I would like to return back to that flowering valley, to that white house and relive that life and those sensations.