Summary of the chapter A difficult year. All century saw iron

"To whom it is good to live in Russia": a summary. Parts one and two

It should be understood that the summary of the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia” by N. Nekrasov will not give such an idea of ​​​​the work as reading it in its entirety. The poem was written shortly after serfdom was abolished, and has a sharp social character. It consists of four parts. The first one does not have a name: seven men from different villages meet on the road, whose names speak of the situation of the peasants in them - Dyryavino, Zaplatovo, Neyolovo, etc. They argue who lives well in Russia.

The men offer different options: priests, landowners, officials, merchants, ministers, the king. Not having come to a consensus, they go to look for someone in Russia to live well. The summary will not allow us to reveal all the events and dialogues, but it is worth saying that on the way they meet representatives of different classes - a priest, a soldier, a merchant, peasants, but none of them can say that they live wonderfully. Everyone has their own sorrows. Also in this part, the eternal question of drunkenness in Russia is considered: one of the men he met argues that people do not drink from a good life. In the second part, called "The Last Child", the peasants meet the landowner Utyatin: the old man could not believe that serfdom had been abolished. This stripped him of all privileges. The landlord's relatives ask the local peasants to behave respectfully as before, take off their hats and bow, promising them land after the master's death. However, people remain deceived and receive nothing for their efforts.

"To whom in Russia to live well". "Peasant Woman": a summary

In the second part, the peasants go to seek happiness among the female population of Russia. Rumor leads them to Matryona Timofeevna, who tells the peasants the story of her life, which began in serf times. She completely dissuades them of the possibility of a Russian woman's happiness: after hearing her story, is it worth asking at all about who in Russia has a good life? The summary of the history of Matryona is as follows. She was given in marriage against her will to a hard-working man, but beating his wife.

She also survived the harassment of her master's manager, from whom there was no salvation. And when her first child was born, disaster struck. The mother-in-law strictly forbade Matryona to carry the child with her to the mowing, as he interfered with her work, ordered to leave the decrepit grandfather under the supervision. Grandfather did not look after the little one - the pigs ate the child. And the grieving mother had to endure not only the loss of her son, but also accusations of complicity. Matrena later gave birth to other children, but she missed her first child very much. After some time, she lost her parents and was left completely alone, without protection. Then the husband was taken into recruits out of turn, and Matryona remained in her husband's family, who did not love her, with a bunch of children and the only worker - the rest literally sat on her neck. Once she had to watch how her young son was punished for an insignificant offense - they were punished cruelly and mercilessly. Unable to endure such a life, she went to the governor's wife to ask for the return of the breadwinner. There she lost consciousness, and when she came to, she found out that she had given birth to a son, whom the governor's wife had baptized. Matryona's husband was returned, but she never saw happiness in her life, and everyone began to tease her as a governor.

"To whom in Russia it is good to live": a summary. Part 4: "A feast for the whole world"

The plot of the fourth part is a continuation of the second: the landowner Utyatin dies, and the peasants throw a feast, where they discuss plans for the land promised to them earlier by the relatives of the owner. In this part, Grisha Dobrosklonov appears: a young man at fifteen is deeply convinced that he will, without any doubt, sacrifice himself for the sake of his homeland. However, he does not shy away from simple labor: he mows and reaps together with the peasants, to which they respond to him with kindness and help. Grisha, being a democratic intellectual, eventually becomes the one who lives well. Dobrolyubov was recognized as its prototype: here is the consonance of surnames, and one disease for two - consumption, which will overtake the hero of the poem before Russia comes to a brighter future. In the image of Grisha, Nekrasov sees a man of the future, in whom the intelligentsia and the peasantry will unite, and such people, by joining forces, will lead their country to prosperity. The summary does not make it possible to understand that this is an unfinished work - the author originally planned eight parts, not four. For what reason Nekrasov ended the poem in this way, it is not known: he probably felt that he might not have time to finish it, so he led to the finale earlier. Despite the incompleteness, the poem became a hymn of love for the people, which Nekrasov was full of. Contemporaries noted that this love became the source of Nekrasov's poetry, its basis and content. The defining feature of the poet's character was the willingness to live for others - relatives, people, homeland. It was these ideas that he put into the actions and actions of his heroes.

All works of the school curriculum in literature in a summary. 5-11 class Panteleeva E.V.

"To whom in Russia it is good to live" (Poem) Retelling

"Who in Russia to live well"



In a fairy-tale form, the author depicts the dispute of seven peasants about "who lives happily, freely in Russia." The dispute turns into a fight, then the peasants reconcile and decide among themselves to ask the tsar, the merchant and the priest who is happier, without receiving an answer, they go across Russian land in search of the lucky one.

The first peasants meet a priest who assures them that the “priestly life” is very difficult. He says that peasants and landlords are equally poor and have ceased to carry money to church. The peasants sincerely sympathize with the priest.

The author draws many interesting faces in this chapter, where he depicts a fair, where seven peasants ended up in search of the happy ones. The attention of the peasants is attracted by the bargaining of pictures: here the author expresses the hope that sooner or later the time will come when the peasant "will not carry my lord stupid - Belinsky and Gogol from the market."

After the fair, festivities begin, the “bad night”. Many peasants get drunk, except for seven travelers and a certain gentleman who writes down folk songs and his observations of peasant life in a book, the author himself probably embodied in this image in the poem. One of the peasants - Yakim Nagoi - blames the master, does not order to portray Russian people as drunkards without exception. Yakim claims that in Russia there is a non-drinking family for one drinker, but it is easier for those who drink, because all workers suffer the same way from life. Both in work and in revelry, the Russian peasant loves scope, he cannot live without it. The seven travelers already wanted to go home, and they decided to look for the lucky one in the large crowd.

Travelers began to invite other peasants to a bucket of vodka, promising treats to those who prove that they are lucky. There are a lot of “lucky ones”: the soldier is glad that he survived both foreign bullets and Russian sticks; the young stonecutter boasts of strength; the old stonecutter is happy that the sick man managed to get from Petersburg to his native village and did not die on the way; the bear hunter is glad to be alive. When the bucket was empty, "our wanderers realized that they were wasting vodka for nothing." Someone suggested that Yermila Girin should be recognized as happy. He is happy with his own truthfulness and people's love. More than once he helped people, and people repaid him with kindness when they helped buy a mill that a clever merchant wanted to intercept. But, as it turned out, Yermil is in jail: apparently, he suffered for his truth.

The next person the seven peasants met was the landowner Gavrilo Afanasyevich. He assures them that his life is not easy either. Under serfdom, he was the sovereign owner of rich estates, “loving” he inflicted judgment and reprisal on the peasants here. After the abolition of the "fortress", order disappeared and the manor estates fell into disrepair. The landowners lost their former income. “Idle hacks” tell the landowners to study and work, but this is impossible, since the nobleman was created for another life - “smoking the sky of God” and “littering the people’s treasury”, since this allows him to be noble: among the ancestors of Gavrila Afanasyevich there was also a leader with a bear, Obolduev, and Prince Shchepin, who tried to set fire to Moscow for the sake of robbery. The landlord ends his speech with a sob, and the peasants were ready to cry with him, but then changed their minds.


The wanderers end up in the village of Vakhlaki, where they see strange orders: the local peasants voluntarily became "not human beings with God" - they retained their serfdom from the wild landowner who survived the mind of Prince Utyatin. Travelers begin to ask one of the locals - Vlas, where such orders come from in the village.

The extravagant Utyatin could not believe in the abolition of serfdom, so that “arrogance cut him off”: the prince had a stroke from anger. The heirs of the prince, whom he blamed for the loss of the peasants, were afraid that the old man would deprive them of their property before his imminent death. Then they persuaded the peasants to play the role of serfs, promising to give up the flooded meadows. The Wahlaks agreed, partly because they were accustomed to the life of a slave and even found pleasure in it.

Wanderers become witnesses of how the local steward praises the prince, how the villagers pray for the health of Utyatin and sincerely cry with joy that they have such a benefactor. Suddenly, the prince had a second blow, and the old man died. Since then, the peasants have really lost their peace: between the Vakhlaks and the heirs, an endless dispute has gone on for flooded meadows.

Feast - for the whole world


The author describes a feast arranged by one of the Vakhlaks, the restless Klim Yakovlevich, on the occasion of the death of Prince Utyatin. Travelers, along with Vlas, joined the feasting. Seven wanderers are interested in listening to Vahlat songs.

The author translates many folk songs into literary language. First, he cites "bitter", that is, sad, about peasant grief, about poor life. The bitter songs are opened by a lamentation with an ironic saying “It is glorious for the people to live in Holy Russia!” The sub-chapter concludes with a song about the “servant of the exemplary Jacob the faithful”, who punished his master for bullying. The author concludes that the people are able to stand up for themselves and punish the landlords.

At the feast, travelers learn about pilgrims who feed on the fact that they hang on the people's neck. These loafers take advantage of the credulity of the peasant, over whom they are not averse to rising above the opportunity. But there were those among them who faithfully served the people: he treated the sick, helped bury the dead, fought for justice.

The peasants at the feast are discussing whose sin is greater - the landowner's or the peasant's. Ignatius Prokhorov claims that the peasant one is bigger. As an example, he cites a song about a widower admiral. Before his death, the admiral ordered the headman to release all the peasants, but the headman did not fulfill the last will of the dying man. That is the great sin of the Russian muzhik, that he can sell his muzhik brother for a pretty penny. Everyone agreed that this is a great sin, and for this sin all the peasants in Russia will forever suffer in slavery.

By morning the feast was over. One of the Vakhlaks composes a cheerful song, in which he puts his hope for a brighter future. In this song, the author describes Russia "wretched and plentiful" as a country where the great power of the people lives. The poet foresees that the time will come and the “hidden spark” will flare up:

The army rises Innumerable!

The power in it will be indestructible!

These are the words of Grishka, the only lucky man in the poem.

peasant woman

The wanderers thought that they should abandon the search for happy men among the men, and it would be better to check the women. Right on the way, the peasants have an abandoned estate. The author paints a depressing picture of the desolation of the once rich economy, which turned out to be unnecessary for the master and which the peasants themselves cannot manage. Here they were advised to look for Matryona Timofeevna, "she is the governor's wife," whom everyone considers happy. Travelers met her in a crowd of reapers and persuaded her to talk about her, woman's "happiness".

The woman admits that she was happy as a girl while her parents cherished her. For parental affection and all the chores around the house seemed easy fun: the girl sang for yarn until midnight, danced while working in the field. But then she found a betrothed - a stove-maker Philip Korchagin. Matryona got married, and her life changed dramatically.

The author sprinkles his story with folk songs in his own literary adaptation. These songs sing about the difficult fate of a married woman who ended up in a strange family, about the bullying of her husband's relatives. Matryona found support only from grandfather Savely.

In the native family, grandfather was disliked, "stigmatized as a convict." At first, Matryona was afraid of him, frightened by his terrible, “bearish” appearance, but soon she saw in him a kind, warm-hearted person and began to ask for advice in everything. Once Savely told Matryona his story. This Russian hero ended up in hard labor for killing a German steward who mocked the peasants.

A peasant woman talks about her great grief: how, through the fault of her mother-in-law, she lost her beloved son Dyomushka. The mother-in-law insisted that Matryona not take the child with her to the stubble. The daughter-in-law obeyed and with a heavy heart left the boy with Savely. The old man did not keep track of the baby, and the pigs ate him. The “chief” arrived and carried out an investigation. Having not received a bribe, he ordered the child to be autopsied in front of his mother, suspecting her of “conspiracy” with Savely.

The woman was ready to hate the old man, but then she recovered. And the grandfather, out of remorse, went into the woods. Matrena met him four years later at the grave of Dyomushka, where she came to mourn a new grief - the death of her parents. The peasant woman again brought the old man into the house, but Savely soon died, continuing to joke and instruct people until his death. Years passed, other children grew up with Matryona. The peasant woman fought for them, wished them happiness, was ready to please her father-in-law and mother-in-law, if only the children lived well. The father-in-law gave his son Fedot eight years as a shepherd, and trouble happened. Fedot chased after a she-wolf who stole a sheep, and then took pity on her, as she was feeding her cubs. The headman decided to punish the boy, but the mother stood up and accepted the punishment for her son. She herself was like a she-wolf, ready to lay down her life for her children.

The “year of the comet” has come, foreshadowing crop failure. Bad forebodings came true: "the lack of bread came." The peasants, mad with hunger, were ready to kill each other. The trouble does not come alone: ​​the husband-breadwinner "by deceit, not in a divine way" was shaved into soldiers. The husband's relatives, more than ever, began to mock Matryona, who was then pregnant with Liodorushka, and the peasant woman decided to go to the governor for help.

Secretly, the peasant woman left her husband's house and went to the city. Here she managed to meet with the governor Elena Alexandrovna, to whom she turned with her request. In the governor's house, the peasant woman resolved herself with Liodorushka, and Elena Alexandrovna baptized the baby and insisted that her husband rescued Philip from recruitment.

Since then, in the village, Matrena has been denounced as a lucky woman and even nicknamed the "governor's wife." The peasant woman ends the story with a reproach that the travelers did not start a business - “to look for a happy one between the women.” God's companions are trying to find the keys to women's happiness, but they are lost somewhere far away, maybe swallowed by some fish: “In what seas that fish walks - God forgot! ..”

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76. “Do you feel? So good?..” Do you feel it? So good? I love the trembling in your hands And the trembling in your lips: I love you more... Your laughter on thin stems... Always changeably different, Still the same, new in everything - I love you, I love suffering, Longing for the new

“Not everyone between men is looking for a happy one, let's feel the women!” - decide the strangers. They are advised to go to the village of Klin and ask Korchagina Matryona Timofeevna, whom everyone called the "governor's wife".

Wanderers come to the village: Whatever the hut - with a prop, Like a beggar with a crutch; And from the roofs the straw is fed to the Cattle. Stand like skeletons, Wretched houses. At the gate, the wanderers meet a lackey, who explains that "the landowner is abroad, and the steward is dying." Some men catch small fish in the river, complaining that there used to be more fish. Peasants and serfs steal everything they can: One serf was tormented At the door: copper handles Unscrewed; the other was carrying some kind of tiles... A gray-haired courtyard offers to buy foreign books for wanderers, gets angry that they refuse: Why do you need smart books?

Drinking signs for you Yes, the word "forbidden", What is found on the poles, Enough to read! The wanderers hear how a beautiful bass sings a song in an incomprehensible language. It turns out that “the singer of Novo-Arkhangelskaya, the gentlemen lured him from Little Russia.

They promised to take him to Italy, but they left. Finally, the wanderers meet Matrena Timofeevna. Matrena Timofeevna A portly woman, Broad and thick, Thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful; hair with gray hair, Big, strict eyes, Eyelashes of the richest, Harsh and swarthy. The wanderers tell why they set off on their journey, Matrena Timofeevna replies that she has no time to talk about her zhiani - she has to reap rye. The wanderers promise to help her harvest the rye, Matryona Timofeevna "began to open her whole soul to our wanderers." Chapter 1 Before marriage I was lucky in the girls: We had a good, non-drinking family. For father, for mother, Like Christ in the bosom, Residential ...

There was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. Finally, “the betrothed turned up”: On the mountain - a stranger! Philip Korchagin - St. Petersburg worker, By skill a stove-maker. The father took a walk with the matchmakers, promised to give his daughter away. Matryona does not want to go after Philip, he persuades, says that he will not offend. In the end, Matrena Timofeevna agrees. Chapter 2 Songs Matrena Timofeevna finds herself in a strange house - to her mother-in-law and father-in-law.

The narrative is interrupted from time to time by songs about the hard lot of a girl who got married "to the wrong side." The family was huge, Grumpy... I got to Hell from a girl's Holi! My husband went to work, He advised me to be silent, endure... As ordered, so done: I went with anger in my heart, And I didn’t say a word to anyone. Filippushka came in the winter, He brought a silk handkerchief, Yes, he rode it on a sled On Catherine's day, And it was as if there was no grief!

» Matryona Timofeevna replies that only once, when her husband's sister arrived and he asked to give her shoes, and Matryona Timofeevna hesitated. On the Annunciation, Philip again goes to work, and on Kazanskaya, Matryona had a son, who was named Demushka. Life in the house of her husband's parents has become even more difficult, but Matryona endures: Whatever they tell - I work, No matter how they scold - I am silent. Of the whole family of her husband, One Savely, grandfather, Father of the father-in-law, took pity on me ... Matryona Timofeevna asks the wanderers whether to tell about grandfather Savely, they are ready to listen. Chapter 3 Saveliy, Holy Russian hero With a huge gray mane, Tea, uncut for twenty years, With a huge beard, Grandfather looked like a bear ...

He already knocked, According to fairy tales, a hundred years. Grandfather lived in a special room, He did not like families, He did not let him into his corner; And she was angry, barked, His own son honored his “branded, convict”. Saveliy will not be angry, He will go to his little room, Read the holy calendar, cross himself Yes, and suddenly say cheerfully: “Branded, but not a slave” ... One day Matryona asks Savely why he is called branded and hard labor.

Grandfather tells her his life. In the years of his youth, the peasants of his village were also serfs, “but we didn’t know either the landlords or the German managers then.

We didn’t rule the corvee, we didn’t pay dues, and so, when we judge, we’ll send it three times a year. ” The places were deaf, and no one could get there through the thickets and swamps. “Our landowner Shalashnikov through animal paths with his regiment - he was a military man - he tried to approach us, but he turned his skis!

"Then Shalashnikov sends an order - to appear, but the peasants do not go. The police swooped down (there was a drought) - “we are a tribute to her with honey, fish”, when they arrived another time - with “animal skins”, and the third time they did not give anything. They put on old bast shoes, full of holes, and went to Shalashnikov, who was stationed with a regiment in the provincial town. They came and said there was no dues. Shalashnikov ordered them to be flogged. Shalashnikov thrashed him hard, and he had to “split them up”, get the money and bring half a cap of “lobanchiks” (semi-imperials). Shalashnikov immediately calmed down, even drank with the peasants.

They set off on their way back, the two old men laughed that they were carrying home hundred-ruble notes sewn in the lining. Excellently fought Shalashnikov, And not so hot great Incomes received. Soon a notification arrives that Shalashnikov has been killed near Varna. The heir invented a remedy: He sent a German to us. Through dense forests, Through swampy swamps, A rogue came on foot! And at first he was quiet: "Pay what you can."

We can't do anything! "I'll notify the gentleman." - Notify! .. - That ended. The German, Christian Christian Vogel, meanwhile gained confidence in the peasants, saying: "If you can't pay, then work." They are interested in what the job is. He replies that it is desirable to dig in the swamp with grooves, cut down the trees where it is planned.

The peasants did as he asked, they see - it turned out to be a clearing, a road. Caught up, it's too late. And then hard labor came to the Korezsky peasant - Ruined to the bone!

And he fought ... like Shalashnikov himself! Yes, he was simple: he will attack With all his military strength, Just think: he will kill! And sun the money - it will fall off, Give or take a tick swollen In a dog's ear. The German has a deadly grip: Until he lets him go around the world, Without moving away, he sucks! This life continued for eighteen years. The German built a factory, ordered to dig a well.

It was dug by nine people, including Savely. After working until noon, we decided to rest. Then a German appeared, began to scold the peasants for idleness. The peasants pushed the German into the pit, Savely shouted "Naddy!", and Vogel was buried alive. Then there was “hard labor and whips in advance; they didn’t tear it out - they anointed it, there’s a bad rag there!

Then ... I fled from hard labor ...

Caught! They didn’t pat on the head either.” And life was not easy. Twenty years of strict hard labor.

Twenty years of settlement. I saved up some money, According to the tsar's manifesto, I got back to my homeland, I built this hill, And I've been living here for a long time.



Seven men meet on the high road in the Pustoporozhnaya Volost: Roman, Demyan, Luka, Prov, the old man Pakhom, the brothers Ivan and Mitrodor Gubin. They come from neighboring villages: Neurozhayki, Zaplatova, Dyryavina, Razutova, Znobishina, Gorelova and Neelova. The men are arguing about who is good in Russia, who lives freely. Roman believes that the landowner, Demyan - the official, and Luka - the priest. The old man Pakhom claims that the minister lives best, the Gubin brothers - a merchant, and Prov thinks that the king.

It starts to get dark. The peasants understand that, carried away by the dispute, they have traveled thirty miles and now it is too late to return home. They decide to spend the night in the forest, make a fire in the clearing and start arguing again, and then even fighting. From their noise, all the forest animals scatter, and a chick falls out of the nest of a warbler, which Pahom picks up. The mother warbler flies up to the fire and asks in a human voice to let her chick go. For this, she will fulfill any desire of the peasants.

The men decide to go ahead and find out which of them is right. Chiffchaff tells where you can find a self-assembled tablecloth that will feed and water them on the road. The men find a self-assembled tablecloth and sit down to feast. They agree not to return home until they find out who has the best life in Russia.

Chapter I. Pop

Soon the travelers meet the priest and tell the priest that they are looking for "who lives happily, freely in Russia." They ask the minister of the church to honestly answer: is he satisfied with his fate?

Pop replies that he bears his cross with humility. If men believe that a happy life is peace, honor and wealth, then he has nothing of the kind. People don't choose the time of their death. So the priest is called to the dying man, even in pouring rain, even in severe frost. Yes, and the heart sometimes can not stand the widow's and orphan's tears.

There is no honor to speak of. They make up all sorts of tales about priests, laugh at them and consider meeting with a priest a bad omen. And the wealth of the priests is not the same now. Before, when noble people lived in their family estates, the incomes of the priests were not bad. The landowners made rich gifts, were baptized and married in the parish church. Here they were buried and buried. Those were the traditions. And now the nobles live in the capitals and "foreign countries", where they celebrate all church rites. And you can't take a lot of money from poor peasants.

The men respectfully bow to the priest and go on.

CHAPTER II. country fair

Travelers pass through several empty villages and ask: where have all the people gone? It turns out that there is a fair in the neighboring village. The men decide to go there. A lot of well-dressed people walk at the fair, they sell everything: from plows and horses to scarves and books. There is a lot of goods, but even more drinking establishments.

Old man Vavila is crying near the shop. He drank all the money, and promised his granddaughter goat shoes. Pavlusha Veretennikov comes up to the grandfather and buys shoes for the girl. The overjoyed old man grabs his shoes and hurries home. Veretennikov is known in the district. He loves to sing and listen to Russian songs.

CHAPTER III. drunken night

After the fair, there are drunks on the way. Who wanders, who crawls, and who even rolls in a ditch. Groans and endless drunken conversations are heard everywhere. Veretennikov is talking to the peasants at the road post. He listens and writes down songs, proverbs, and then begins to reproach the peasants for drinking a lot.

A well drunk man named Yakim enters into an argument with Veretennikov. He says that the common people have accumulated many grievances against the landlords and officials. If they didn’t drink, then it would be a big disaster, otherwise all anger dissolves in vodka. There is no measure for peasants in drunkenness, but is there any measure in grief, in hard work?

Veretennikov agrees with such reasoning and even drinks with the peasants. Here the travelers hear a beautiful valiant song and decide to look for the lucky ones in the crowd.


Men walk around and shout: “Come out happy! We'll pour some vodka!" The people crowded. Travelers began to ask about who and how happy. One is poured, others are only laughed at. But the conclusion from the stories is this: a peasant's happiness lies in the fact that he sometimes ate his fill, and God protected him in difficult times.

The peasants are advised to find Yermila Girin, whom the whole district knows. Once the cunning merchant Altynnikov decided to take away his mill. He conspired with the judges, and declared that Yermila should immediately pay a thousand rubles. Girin did not have that kind of money, but he went to the marketplace and asked the honest people to chip in. The peasants responded to the request, and bought Yermila the mill, and then returned all the money to the people. For seven years he was a steward. During that time, he did not appropriate a single penny for himself. Only once he shielded his younger brother from the recruits, then he repented before all the people and left his post.

The wanderers agree to look for Girin, but the local priest says that Yermil is in prison. Then a troika appears on the road, and a master is in it.

CHAPTER V. Landowner

The men stop the troika, in which the landowner Gavrila Afanasyevich Obolt-Obolduev is traveling, and ask how he lives. The landowner with tears begins to recall the past. Previously, he owned the whole district, he kept a whole regiment of servants and gave holidays with dances, theatrical performances and hunting. Now the great chain is broken. The landowners have land, but there are no peasants who would cultivate it.

Gavrila Afanasyevich was not accustomed to work. This is not a noble business - to deal with the economy. He only knows how to walk, hunt, and steal from the treasury. Now his ancestral home has been sold for debts, everything is stolen, and the peasants drink day and night. Obolt-Obolduev bursts into tears, and the travelers sympathize with him. After this meeting, they understand that it is necessary to seek happiness not among the rich, but in the "Unwhacked province, Ungutted volost ...".



Wanderers decide to look for happy people among women. In one village, they are advised to find Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, nicknamed the "governor". Soon the men find this beautiful, portly woman of about thirty-seven. But Korchagina does not want to talk: suffering, we urgently need to clean up the bread. Then the travelers offer their help in the field in exchange for a story about happiness. Matryona agrees.

Chapter I. Before Marriage

Korchagina's childhood passes in a non-drinking friendly family, in an atmosphere of love from her parents and brother. Cheerful and agile Matryona works a lot, but she also likes to take a walk. A stranger wooed her - a stove-maker Philip. Playing a wedding. Now Korchagina understands: only she was happy in childhood and girlhood.

Chapter II. Songs

Philip brings his young wife to his large family. It's not easy for Matryona. Her mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law do not give her life, they constantly reproach her. Everything happens exactly as it is sung in the songs. Korchagin is patient. Then her firstborn Demushka is born - like the sun in the window.

The master's steward molests a young woman. Matryona avoids him as best she can. The manager threatens that he will give Philip to the soldiers. Then the woman goes for advice to her grandfather Savely, the father of her father-in-law, who is one hundred years old.

Chapter III. Saveliy, Holy Russian hero

Savely looks like a huge bear. He spent a long time serving hard labor for murder. The cunning German manager sucked all the juice out of the serfs. When he ordered four hungry peasants to dig a well, they pushed the manager into the pit and covered it with earth. Among these killers was Savely.

CHAPTER IV. Demushka

The old man's advice was useless. The manager, who did not give Matryona a pass, suddenly died. But then another problem happened. The young mother was forced to leave Demushka under the supervision of her grandfather. Once he fell asleep, and the pigs ate the child.

The doctor and judges arrive, do an autopsy, interrogate Matryona. She is accused of intentionally killing a child, in collusion with an old man. The poor woman's mind almost goes haywire with grief. And Savely goes to the monastery to atone for his sin.

CHAPTER V. She-wolf

Four years later, the grandfather returns, and Matryona forgives him. When the eldest son of Korchagina Fedotushka turns eight years old, the boy is given into the shepherd. One day, the she-wolf manages to steal the sheep. Fedot chases after her and pulls out the already dead prey. The she-wolf is terribly thin, she leaves behind a trail of blood: she cut her nipples on the grass. The predator looks doomed at Fedot and howls. The boy feels sorry for the she-wolf and her cubs. He leaves the carcass of a sheep to the hungry beast. For this, the villagers want to flog the child, but Matryona takes the punishment for her son.

CHAPTER VI. Difficult year

There comes a hungry year in which Matryona is pregnant. Suddenly the news comes that her husband is being taken to the soldiers. The eldest son from their family is already serving, so the second one should not be taken away, but the landowner does not care about the laws. Matryona is horrified, before her there are pictures of poverty and lawlessness, because her only breadwinner and protector will not be around.


The woman goes on foot to the city and in the morning arrives at the governor's house. She asks the porter to arrange a meeting with the governor. For two roubles, the porter agrees and lets Matryona into the house. At this time, the governor's wife comes out of the chambers. Matryona falls at her feet and falls into unconsciousness.

When Korchagina comes to, she sees that she has given birth to a boy. The kind, childless governor's wife takes care of her and the child until Matryona recovers. Together with her husband, who was released from service, the peasant woman returns home. Since then, she has not tired of praying for the health of the governor.

Chapter VIII. woman's parable

Matryona ends her story with an appeal to wanderers: do not look for happy people among women. The Lord dropped the keys to female happiness into the sea, they were swallowed by a fish. Since then, they have been looking for those keys, but they can’t find them in any way.


Chapter I


Travelers come to the banks of the Volga to the village of Vakhlaki. There are beautiful meadows and haymaking in full swing. Suddenly music sounds, boats moor to the shore. It was the old prince Utyatin who arrived. He examines the mowing and swears, and the peasants bow and ask for forgiveness. The peasants wonder: everything is like under serfdom. For clarification, they turn to the local steward Vlas.


Vlas gives an explanation. The prince was terribly angry when he found out that the peasants had been given freedom, and he had a blow. After that, Utyatin began to act weird. He does not want to believe that he no longer has power over the peasants. He even promised to curse and disinherit his sons if they say such nonsense. So the heirs of the peasants asked that they, under the master, pretend that everything was the same as before. And for this they will be granted the best meadows.


The prince sits down to have breakfast, which the peasants are going to stare at. One of them, the biggest loafer and drunkard, had long volunteered to play the steward in front of the prince instead of the recalcitrant Vlas. So it spreads before Utyatin, and the people can hardly restrain their laughter. One, however, can not cope with himself and laughs. The prince turns blue with anger, orders to flog the rebel. One brisk peasant woman helps out, who tells the master that her foolish son laughed.

The prince forgives everyone and sails away in a boat. Soon the peasants learn that Utyatin died on the way home.


Dedicated to Sergei Petrovich Botkin


The peasants rejoice at the death of the prince. They walk and sing songs, and the former servant of Baron Sineguzin, Vikenty, tells an amazing story.

About the exemplary serf - Yakov Verny

There lived one very cruel and greedy landowner Polivanov, he had a faithful serf Yakov. The man endured a lot from the master. But Polivanov's legs were taken away, and the faithful Yakov became an indispensable person for the disabled person. The master is not overjoyed with the serf, he calls him his own brother.

Somehow, Yakov's beloved nephew decided to marry, he asks the master to marry the girl that Polivanov looked after for himself. The master, for such impudence, gives his opponent to the soldiers, and Yakov, out of grief, goes into a binge. Polivanov feels bad without an assistant, but the serf returns to work in two weeks. Again the master is pleased with the servant.

But a new problem is already on the way. On the way to the master's sister, Yakov unexpectedly turns into a ravine, harnesses his horses, and hangs himself on the reins. All night the master drives away the crows from the poor body of the servant with a stick.

After this story, the peasants argued about who is more sinful in Russia: landowners, peasants or robbers? And the pilgrim Ionushka tells such a story.

About two great sinners

Somehow a band of robbers led by ataman Kudeyar hunted. The robber ruined many innocent souls, and the time has come - he began to repent. And he went to the Holy Sepulcher, and accepted the schema in the monastery - everyone does not forgive sins, his conscience torments. Kudeyar settled in a forest under a hundred-year-old oak, where he dreamed of a saint who showed the way to salvation. The murderer will be forgiven when he cuts this oak with the knife that killed people.

Kudeyar began to cut oak in three girths with a knife. Things go slowly, because the sinner is already at a respectable age and weak. One day, the landowner Glukhovsky drives up to the oak tree and begins to mock the old man. He beats slaves as much as he wants, tortures and hangs him, and sleeps peacefully. Here Kudeyar falls into a terrible rage and kills the landowner. The oak immediately falls, and all the sins of the robber are immediately forgiven.

After this story, the peasant Ignatius Prokhorov begins to argue and prove that the gravest sin is the peasant. Here is his story.

Peasant sin

For military merit, the admiral receives from the empress eight thousand souls of serfs. Before his death, he calls the headman Gleb and hands him a casket, and in it - free for all the peasants. After the death of the admiral, the heir began to pester Gleb: he gives him money, free, just to get the coveted casket. And Gleb trembled, agreed to give important documents. So the heir burned all the papers, and eight thousand souls remained in the fortress. The peasants, after listening to Ignatius, agree that this sin is the most serious.

At this time, a cart appears on the road. It rides to the city for a pension retired soldier. He is sad that he needs to get all the way to St. Petersburg, and the "piece of iron" is very expensive. The peasants offer the serviceman to sing and play on spoons. The soldier sings about his hard share, about how unfairly he was given a pension. He is almost unable to walk, and his injuries were considered "minor". The peasants drop a penny each and collect a ruble for the soldier.


Grisha Dobrosklonov

The local deacon Dobrosklonov has a son, Grisha, who studies at the seminary. The guy is endowed with excellent qualities: smart, kind, hardworking and honest. He composes songs and is going to enter the university, he dreams of improving the life of the people.

Returning from the peasant festivities, Gregory composes a new song: “The army is rising - innumerable! The strength in it will be invincible!” He will definitely teach his fellow villagers to sing it.


The men are arguing and do not notice how the evening comes. They built a fire, went for vodka, had a bite, and again began to argue about who lives "fun, freely in Russia." The dispute turned into a fight. At this time, a chick flew up to the fire. Pahom caught him. A chiffchaff bird appears and asks to let the chick go. In return, she tells how to find a self-assembled tablecloth. The groin releases the chick, the men go the indicated way and find a self-assembled tablecloth. The peasants decide not to return home until they find out "for certain", "Who lives happily, // Freely in Russia."

Chapter I Pop

The men are on their way. They meet peasants, artisans, coachmen, soldiers, and travelers understand that the life of these people cannot be called happy. Finally they meet pop. He proves to the peasants that the priest has no peace, no wealth, no happiness - it is difficult for a priest's son to get a diploma, the priesthood is even more expensive. The priest can be called at any time of the day or night, in any weather. The priest has to see the tears of the orphans and the death rattle of the dying. And there is no honor for the priest - they compose about him "funny tales // And obscene songs, // And all kinds of blasphemy." The priest has no wealth either - the rich landlords almost never live in Russia. The men agree with the priest. They go further.

Chapter II Village Fair

The peasants see poor living everywhere. A man bathes a horse in the river. The wanderers learn from him that all the people went to the fair. The men go there. At the fair, people trade, have fun, walk, drink. One peasant is crying in front of the people - he drank all the money, and the granddaughter of the guest is waiting at home. Pavlusha Veretennikov, nicknamed "master" bought shoes for his granddaughter. The old man is very happy. Wanderers are watching a performance in a booth.

Chapter III Drunken Night

People return drunk after the fair.

People go and fall

As if because of the buckshot rollers, the enemies are firing on the peasants.

Some man buries the little girl, while assuring that he is burying his mother. Women quarrel in a ditch: who has a worse house. Yakim Nagoi says that "there is no measure for Russian hops," but it is also impossible to measure the grief of the people.

This is followed by a story about Yakima Nag, who previously lived in St. Petersburg, then ended up in prison because of a lawsuit with a merchant. Then he came to live in his native village. He bought pictures with which he pasted over the hut and which he loved very much. There was a fire. Yakim rushed to save not the accumulated money, but the pictures that he later hung in the new hut. The people, returning, sing songs. Wanderers are sad about their own home, about their wives.

Chapter IV Happy

Wanderers walk among the festive crowd with a bucket of vodka. They promise it to the one who convinces that he is really happy. The deacon is the first to come, he says that he is happy that he believes in the kingdom of heaven. They don't give him vodka. An old woman comes up and says that a very large turnip has been born in her garden. They laughed at her and did not give anything either. A soldier comes with medals, says that he is happy that he survived. They brought it to him.

Approached stonemason tells about his happiness - about great strength. His opponent is a thin man. He says that at one time God punished him for boasting the same way. The contractor praised him at the construction site, and he was glad - he took the burden of fourteen pounds and brought it to the second floor. Since then, and withered. He goes to die at home, an epidemic begins in the car, the dead are unloaded at the stations, but he still survived.

A courtyard man comes, boasts that he was the prince's favorite slave, that he licked plates with the remnants of gourmet food, drank foreign drinks from glasses, suffers from a noble disease of gout. He is chased away. A Belarusian comes up and says that his happiness lies in bread, which he can't get enough of. At home, in Belarus, he ate bread with chaff and bark. A man who had been hurt by a bear came and said that his comrades had died while hunting, but he remained alive. The man received vodka from strangers. The beggars boast that they are happy because they are often served. The wanderers understand that they were wasting vodka on “muzhiks’ happiness” in vain. They are advised to ask Ermil Girin, who kept the mill, about happiness. By decision of the court, the mill is sold at auction. Yermil won the bargain with the merchant Altynnikov, the clerks demanded a third of the cost immediately, contrary to the rules. Yermil did not have money with him, which was required to be paid within an hour, and it was a long way to go home.

He went out to the square and asked the people to lend as much as they could. They got more money than they needed. Yermil gave the money, the mill became his, and the next Friday he distributed the debts. The wanderers wonder why the people believed Girin and gave money. They answer him that he achieved this with the truth. Girin served as a clerk in the estate of Prince Yurlov. He served for five years and did not take anything from anyone, he was attentive to everyone. But he was expelled, and a new clerk came in his place - a scoundrel and a grabber. After the death of the old prince, the new master drove out all the old henchmen and ordered the peasants to elect a new steward. All unanimously elected Yermila. He served honestly, but one day he nevertheless committed a misconduct - he “buffed out” his younger brother Mitriy, and instead of him, the son of Nenila Vlasyevna went to the soldiers.

Since that time, Yermil has become homesick - he does not eat, does not drink, says that he is a criminal. He said that let them (then judge according to conscience. The son of Nenila Vlasvna was returned, and Mitriy was taken away, a fine was imposed on Yermila. A year after that, he didn’t go on his own, then resigned from his post, no matter how they begged him to stay.

The narrator advises to go to Girin, but another peasant says that Yermil is in jail. A riot broke out, government troops were needed. To avoid bloodshed, they asked Girin to address the people.

The story is interrupted by the cries of a drunken lackey suffering from gout - now he is suffering from a beating for theft. The strangers leave.

Chapter V Landowner

The landowner Obolt-Obolduev was “ruddy-faced, // portly, stocky, // sixty years old; // Mustaches are gray, long, // Tricks are valiant. He mistook the men for robbers, even drew a pistol. But they told him what it was. Obolduev laughs, gets down from the carriage and tells about the life of the landowners.

First, he talks about the antiquity of his kind, then recalls the old days, when "Not only Russian people, // Russian nature itself // Subdued us." Then the landowners lived well - luxurious feasts, a whole regiment of servants, their own actors, etc. The landowner recalls dog hunting, unlimited power, how he christened with all his patrimony "on bright Sunday."

Now there is a decline everywhere - “The noble estate // As if everything was hidden, // It died out!” The landowner cannot understand in any way why the “idle hacks” urge him to study and work, because he is a nobleman. He says that he has been living in the village for forty years, but he cannot distinguish a barley ear from a rye ear. The peasants think

The great chain is broken

Torn - jumped:

One end on the master,

Others for a man! ..

Last (From the second part)

Wanderers go, they see haymaking. They take the braids from the women, they begin to mow. Music is heard from the river - this is a landowner riding in a boat. The gray-haired man Vlas urges the women - you should not upset the landowner. Three boats moor to the shore, in them the landowner with his family and servants.

The old landowner bypasses the hay, finds fault that the hay is damp, demands to dry it. He leaves with his retinue for breakfast. Wanderers ask Vlas (he turned out to be the burgomaster) why the landowner orders if serfdom is abolished. Vlas replies that they have a special landowner: when he learned about the abolition of serfdom, he had a stroke - the left half of his body was taken away, he lay motionless.

The heirs arrived, but the old man recovered. His sons told him about the abolition of serfdom, but he called them traitors, cowards, etc. Out of fear that they would be deprived of their inheritance, the sons decide to indulge him in everything.

That is why they persuade the peasants to play a comedy, as if the peasants were returned to the landlords. But some peasants did not need to be persuaded. Ipat, for example, says: “And I’m a serf of the Duck princes - and that’s the whole story!” He recalls how the prince harnessed him to a cart, how he bathed him in an ice hole - he dipped him into one hole, pulled him out of another - and immediately gave him vodka.

The prince put Ipat on the goats to play the violin. The horse stumbled, Ipat fell, and the sleigh ran over him, but the prince left. But after a while he returned. Ipat is grateful to the prince that he did not leave him to freeze. Everyone agrees to pretend that serfdom has not been abolished.

Vlas does not agree to be the burgomaster. Agrees to be Klim Lavin.

Klim has a conscience of clay,

And Minin's beards,

Take a look, you'll think

That you can not find a peasant more powerful and sober.

The old prince walks and orders, the peasants laugh at him on the sly. The peasant Agap Petrov did not want to obey the orders of the old landowner, and when he caught him cutting down the forest, he told Utyatin directly about everything, calling him a pea jester. The duckling took the second blow. But contrary to the expectations of the heirs, the old prince recovered again and began to demand a public flogging of Agap.

The latter is being persuaded by the whole world. They took him to the stable, put a damask of wine in front of him and told him to shout louder. He shouted so that even Utyatin took pity. Drunk Agap was carried home. Soon he died: “Klim, the shameless one, ruined him, anathema, with a blame!”

Utyatin is sitting at the table at this time. Peasants stand at the porch. Everyone is doing a comedy, as usual, except for one guy - he laughs. The man is a visitor, local orders are ridiculous to him. Utyatin again demands the punishment of the rebel. But the wanderers do not want to blame. Burmistrova's godfather saves the day - she says that her son was laughing - a foolish boy. Utyatin calms down, has fun and swaggers at dinner. Dies after dinner. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But the joy of the peasants was premature: "With the death of the Last, the caress of the lord disappeared."

Peasant woman (From the third part)

The wanderers decide to look for a happy man among women. They are advised to go to the village of Klin and ask for Matrena Timofeevna, nicknamed the "governor". Arriving in the village, the peasants see "wretched houses." The footman who met them explains that "The landowner is abroad, // And the steward is dying." Wanderers meet Matrena Timofeevna.

Matrena Timofeevna A portly woman,

Wide and dense

Thirty-eight years old.

Beautiful; gray hair,

The eyes are large, stern,

Eyelashes are the richest

Stern and swarthy.

Wanderers talk about their goal. The peasant woman replies that she has no time to talk about life now - she has to go harvest rye. The men offer to help. Matrena Timofeevna talks about her life.

Chapter I Before marriage

Matrena Timofeevna was born in a friendly, non-drinking family and lived "like in Christ's bosom." There was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. Then Matrena Timofeevna met her betrothed:

On the mountain - a stranger!

Philip Korchagin - St. Petersburg worker,

A baker by skill.

Chapter II Songs

Matrena Timofeevna ends up in a strange house.

The family was big

Grumpy ... I got to hell with a girl's holi!

Husband went to work

Silence, patience advised ...

As ordered, so done:

She walked with anger in her heart.

And the Word did not say too much to anyone.

Filippushka came in winter,

I brought a silk handkerchief Yes, I took a ride on a sled On Catherine's day,

And as if there was no grief! ..

She says that her husband beat her only once, when her husband's sister arrived and he asked to give her shoes, but Matryona hesitated. Philip went back to work, and Matrena's son Demushka was born on Kazanskaya. Life in the mother-in-law's house has become even more difficult, but she endures:

Whatever they say, I work

No matter how they scold - I am silent.

Of the entire family of her husband, Matryona Timofeevna was pitied only by her grandfather Savely.

Chapter III Savely, Holy Russian Bogatyr

Matrena Timofeevna talks about Savelia.

With a huge gray mane,

Tea, twenty years uncut,

With a big beard

Grandfather looked like a bear ...<…>

... He already knocked,

According to fairy tales, a hundred years.

Grandfather lived in a special room,

Didn't like families

He didn’t let me into his corner;

And she was angry, barking,

His "branded, convict"

He honored his own son.

Savely will not be angry,

He will go into his light,

He reads the holy calendar, is baptized Yes, and suddenly he will say cheerfully:

“Branded, but not a slave!”…

Savely tells Matryona why he is called "branded". In the years of his youth, the serfs of his village did not pay dues, did not go to corvée, because they lived in remote places and it was difficult to get there. The landowner Shalashnikov tried to collect quitrent, but was not very successful in this.

Excellently fought Shalashnikov,

And not so hot great incomes received.

Soon Shalashnikov (he was a military man) was killed near Varna. His heir sends a German governor.

He makes the peasants work. They themselves do not notice how they cut through the clearing, that is, it has now become easy to get to them.

And then hard labor came to the Korez peasant -

Ruined to the bone!<…>

The German has a dead grip:

Until they let the world go

Without leaving, sucks!

This went on for eighteen years. The German built a factory, ordered to dig a well. The German began to scold those who dug the well for idleness (among them was Savely). The peasants pushed the German into a pit and the pit was dug up. Further - hard labor, Savely tried to escape from it, but he was caught. He spent twenty years in hard labor, another twenty in the settlement.

Chapter IV Demushka

Matryona Timofeevna gave birth to a son, but her mother-in-law does not allow her to be with the child, since the daughter-in-law began to work less.

The mother-in-law insists that Matryona Timofeevna leave her son with his grandfather. Savely overlooked the child: “The old man fell asleep in the sun, // He fed Demidushka to the pigs // Stupid grandfather! ..” Matryona blames her grandfather, cries. But it didn't end there:

The Lord got angry

He sent uninvited guests, Unrighteous judges!

A doctor, a camp officer, and the police appear in the village, accuse Matryona of deliberately killing a child. The doctor makes an autopsy, despite the requests of Matryona "without reproach // To an honest burial / / To betray the child." They call her crazy. Grandfather Saveliy says that her madness lies in the fact that she went to the authorities without taking with her "neither a security officer, nor a novina." They bury Demushka in a closed coffin. Matryona Timofeevna cannot come to her senses, Savely, trying to console her, says that her son is now in paradise.

Chapter V The She-Wolf

After Demushka died, Matryona "she was not herself," she could not work. The father-in-law decided to teach her a lesson with the reins. The peasant woman leaned at his feet and asked: "Kill!" The father-in-law retreated. Day and night Matrena Timofeevna is at her son's grave. Closer to winter, my husband arrived. Saveliy after the death of Demushka “For six days he lay hopelessly, // Then he went into the forests. // So sang, so grandpa cried, // What a forest groaned! And in the fall // He went to repentance // To the Sand Monastery. Every year Matryona has a baby. Three years later, the parents of Matrena Timofeevna die. She goes to her son's grave to cry. Meets grandfather Saveliy there. He came from the monastery to pray for "the dema of the poor, for all the suffering Russian peasantry." Savely did not live long - "in the autumn, the old one had some kind of deep wound on his neck, he was dying hard ...". Savely spoke of the share of the peasants:

There are three paths for men:

Tavern, jail and hard labor,

And the women in Russia

Three loops: white silk,

The second - red silk,

And the third - black silk,

Choose any!..

Four years have passed. Matryona resigned herself to everything. Once a pilgrim wanderer comes to the village, she talks about the salvation of the soul, demands from mothers that they do not feed babies with milk on fasting days. Matrena Timofeevna did not obey. “Yes, it is clear that God was angry,” the peasant woman believes. When her son Fedot was eight years old, he was sent to herd sheep. One day Fedot was brought in and told that he had fed a sheep to a she-wolf. Fedot says that a huge emaciated she-wolf appeared, grabbed a sheep and started running. Fedot caught up with her and took away the sheep, which was already dead. The she-wolf looked into his eyes plaintively and howled. From the bleeding nipples it was clear that she had wolf cubs in her lair. Fedot took pity on the she-wolf and gave her the sheep. Matrena Timofeevna, trying to save her son from a flogging, asks for mercy from the landowner, who orders to punish not the shepherd, but the “impudent woman”.

Chapter VI A Difficult Year

Matrena Timofeevna says that the she-wolf did not appear in vain - there was a lack of bread. The mother-in-law told the neighbors that Matryona, who had put on a clean shirt on Christmas, called on hunger.

For a husband, for an intercessor,

I got off cheap;

And one woman was Killed to death with stakes for the same thing.

Don't mess with the hungry!

After the lack of bread came the recruitment. The brother's older husband was taken to the soldiers, so the family did not expect trouble. But the husband of Matrena Timofeevna is taken to the soldiers out of turn. Life gets even harder. Children had to be sent around the world. The mother-in-law became even more grumpy.

Well don't dress up

Don't wash your face

Neighbors have sharp eyes

Vostro tongues!

Walk the street quieter

Carry your head down

When it's fun, don't laugh

Don't cry out of sadness!

Chapter VII The Governor

Matrena Timofeevna is going to the governor. She has difficulty getting to the city, as she is pregnant. Gives a ruble to the porter to let him in. He says to come back in two hours. Matrena Timofeevna comes, the doorman takes another ruble from her. The governor's wife drives up, Matryona Timofeevna rushes to her with a request for intercession. The peasant woman becomes ill. When she comes to, she is told that she has given birth to a child. The governor, Elena Alexandrovna, was very imbued with Matryona Timofeevna, went after her son as if she were her own (she herself had no children). A messenger is sent to the village to sort everything out. The husband was returned.

Chapter VIII A woman's parable

The men ask if Matryona Timofeevna told them everything. She says that everyone, except that they survived the fire twice, got sick three times.

anthrax, that instead of a horse she had to walk "in a harrow." Matrena Timofeevna recalls the words of the holy pilgrim who went to the "Athenian heights":

Keys to female happiness

From our free will Abandoned, lost in God himself!<…>

Yes, they are unlikely to be found ...

What kind of fish swallowed those sacred keys,

In what seas that fish walks - God forgot!

Feast - for the whole world

There is a feast in the village. Organized a feast Klim. They sent for the parish deacon Tryphon. He came along with his sons, seminarians Savvushka and Grisha.

... It was the eldest Already nineteen years old;

Now, as an archdeacon, I looked, and Grigory had a thin, pale face And thin, curly hair,

With a hint of red.

Simple guys, kind,

They mowed, reaped, sowed And drank vodka on holidays On a par with the peasantry.

The clerk and the seminarians began to sing.

Bitter times - bitter songs

Cheerful “Eat prison, Yasha! There is no milk!"

- "Where is our cow?"

Take away, my light!

The master for the offspring Took her home.

"Where are our chickens?" - The girls are yelling.

"Don't scream, fools!

The Zemsky court ate them;

He took another cart Yes, he promised to wait ... "

It is glorious for the people to live In Russia, a saint!

Then the wahlaks sang:


Poor, unkempt Kalinushka,

Nothing for him to flaunt

Only the back is painted

Yes, you don’t know behind the shirt.

From the bast shoes to the collar, the skin is all ripped open,

The belly swells from the chaff.

twisted, twisted,

Slashed, tormented,

Hardly Kalina wanders.

It will knock on the feet of the tavern keeper,

Sorrow drowns in wine

Only on Saturday will come back to haunt his wife from the master's stables ...

The men remember the old order. One of the peasants recalls how one day their mistress decided to mercilessly beat the one "who says a strong word." The men stopped swearing, but as soon as the will was announced, they took their souls away so much that "priest Ivan was offended." Another man tells about the serf of the exemplary Jacob the faithful. The greedy landowner Polivanov had a faithful servant Yakov. He was devoted to the master without limit.

Jacob showed up like this from his youth, Only Jacob had joy:

Grooming the master, cherishing, appeasing Yes, the tribal youngster to swing.

Yakov's nephew Grisha grew up and asked the master for permission to marry the girl Arina.

However, the master himself liked her. He gave Grisha to the soldiers, despite the pleas of Yakov. The serf got drunk and disappeared. Polivanov feels bad without Yakov. Two weeks later, the serf returned. Polivanov is going to visit his sister, Yakov is taking him. They go through the forest, Yakov turns into a deaf place - Devil's ravine. Polivanov is frightened - he begs to be spared. But Yakov says that he is not going to get his hands dirty with murder, and hangs himself on a tree. Polivanov is left alone. He spends the whole night in the ravine, screaming, calling people, but no one responds. In the morning a hunter finds him. The landowner returns home, lamenting: “I am a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!"

After the story, the peasants start a dispute over who is more sinful - tavern owners, landowners, peasants or robbers. Klim Lavin fights with a merchant. Ionushka, the "humble praying mantis", talks about the power of faith. His story is about the holy fool Fomushka, who called people to flee to the forests, but he was arrested and taken to prison. From the cart, Fomushka shouted: “They beat you with sticks, rods, whips, you will be beaten with iron bars!” In the morning a military team came and pacification and interrogations began, that is, Fomushka's prophecy "almost came true to the point." Jonah talks about Efrosinyushka, the messenger of God, who, in her cholera years, “buries, heals, and takes care of the sick.” Iona Lyapushkin - praying mantis and wanderer. The peasants loved him and argued about who would be the first to take him in. When he appeared, everyone brought icons to meet him, and Jonah followed those whose icon he liked best. Jonah tells a parable about two great sinners.

About two great sinners

The true story was told to Jonah in Solovki by Father Pitirim. Howled twelve robbers, whose chieftain was Kudeyar. They lived in a dense forest, plundered a lot of wealth, and killed a lot of innocent souls. From near Kyiv, Kudeyar brought himself a beautiful girl. Unexpectedly, “the Lord awakened the conscience” of the robber. Kudeyar "He took off his mistress's head // And he spotted the captain." He returned home as an “old man in monastic clothes”, day and night he prays to God for forgiveness. A saint of the Lord appeared before Kudeyar. He pointed to a huge oak tree and said: “With the same knife that robbed, // Cut it with the same hand! ..<…>As soon as the tree collapses, / The chains of sin will fall. Kudeyar begins to fulfill what has been said. Time passes, and pan Glukhovsky passes by. He asks what Kudeyar is doing.

The Elder heard a lot of cruel, terrible things about the pan, And as a lesson to the sinner, he told his Secret.

Pan chuckled: “I haven’t had tea for a long time,

In the world I honor only a woman,

Gold, honor and wine.

You have to live, old man, in my opinion:

How many slaves I destroy

I torture, I torture and hang,

And I would like to see how I sleep!

The hermit becomes furious, attacks the pan and plunges a knife into his heart. At that very moment, the tree collapsed, and a load of sins fell from the old man.

Both old and new Peasant sin

One admiral for military service, for the battle with the Turks near Ochakovo, the empress was granted eight thousand souls of peasants. Dying, he gives the casket to Gleb the elder. Punishes the casket to protect, as it contains a will, according to which all eight thousand souls will receive freedom. After the death of the admiral, a distant relative appears on the estate, promises the headman a lot of money, and the will is burned. Everyone agrees with Ignat that this is a big sin. Grisha Dobrosklonov speaks about the freedom of the peasants, that "there will be no new Gleb in Russia." Vlas wishes Grisha wealth, a smart and healthy wife. Grisha in response:

I don't need any silver

No gold, but God forbid

So that my countrymen And every peasant Live freely and cheerfully In all of holy Russia!

A cart of hay is approaching. Soldier Ovsyannikov is sitting on the wagon together with his niece Ustinyushka. The soldier made his living with the help of a raik, a portable panorama showing objects through a magnifying glass. But the tool is broken. The soldier then came up with new songs and began to play on spoons. Sings a song.

Soldier's Toshen light,

There is no truth

Life is boring

The pain is strong.

German bullets,

Turkish bullets,

French bullets,

Russian sticks!

Klim notices that in his yard there is a deck on which he chopped firewood from his youth. She is "not as wounded" as Ovsyannikov. However, the soldier did not receive full board, as the doctor's assistant, when examining the wounds, said that they were second-rate. The soldier reapplies.

Good time - good songs

Grisha and Savva take their father home and sing:

The share of the people

his happiness.

Light and freedom First of all!

We ask God a little:

An honest thing To do skillfully Give us strength!

Working life -

A direct road to the heart of a friend,

Away from the threshold

Coward and lazy!

Isn't it heaven!

The division of the people

his happiness.

Light and freedom First of all!

Father fell asleep, Savvushka took up the book, and Grisha went into the field. Grisha has a thin face - in the seminary they were underfed by the housekeeper. Grisha remembers his mother Domna, whose favorite son he was. Sings a song:

In the midst of the world below For a free heart There are two ways.

Weigh the proud strength

Weigh firm will, -

How to go?

One spacious Road - tornaya,

The passions of a slave

On it is huge,

To the temptation of the greedy Crowd goes.

About sincere life

About the lofty goal There the thought is ridiculous.

Grisha sings a song about the bright future of his homeland: "You are still destined to suffer a lot, / But you will not die, I know." Grisha sees a barge hauler, who, having completed his work, clinking coppers in his pocket, goes to a tavern. Grisha sings another song.

You are poor

You are abundant

You are powerful

You are powerless

Mother Russia!

Grisha is pleased with his song:

In his chest he heard immense strength, His gracious sounds delighted his ears, The radiant sounds of a noble hymn - He sang the embodiment of the happiness of the people! ..

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