Lexicon composed by Tatishchev. Tatishchev, Vasily Nikitich - Lexicon of Russian historical, geographical, political and civil


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Part of the text: E. V: How the Ural Mountains were discovered. Chapter 9. V. N. Tatishchev - the first researcher of the nature of the Urals “Tatishchev began. It is difficult even to list what he did for the first time. And it is all the more amazing how much he found that science was accepted only a long time later. A. Kuzmin A native of a small noble family, Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev (born April 19, 1686) was not only a contemporary of Peter's reforms, but also an active participant in them. Very little information has come down to us about the early years of his life, and besides, they are contradictory (New information about Tatishchev’s youth is now replenished by the story: Blyumin G. 3. Tatishchev’s youth. - L .: Lenizdat, 1986). It is known that V. N. Tatishchev spent his childhood in Moscow and Pskov, he was the middle of three brothers. Apparently, he received his primary education at home. In 1693, together with his brother Ivan, he was granted the title of steward (Stolnik was a court rank in Russia in the 13th-17th centuries; most of the stolniks served in the civil service; the title usually complained to people of noble birth). However, instead of serving at the court, he was to serve in the army, and in the future - state activities. Many works have already been written about the versatile activities of Tatishchev. Our job is to show...

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Part of the text: Azov and at the Prut (1711). After this, he was sent to foreign lands, where he improved himself in the sciences and in the German and Polish languages. In 1718, the president of the manufactory and the berg college, Feldzeugmeister General Count Bruce, after his departure for the Aland Congress, entrusted his geographical studies to Tatishchev, who was then in the rank of artillery lieutenant commander. In 1720, Tatishchev was sent to Siberia to manage state-owned iron factories. He says in his Lexicon: “In 1721, captain Tatishchev started building an iron factory on the Iset River and built the considerable city of Yekaterinsk.” Demidov, to whom only the Fedkovsky plant was granted by Peter I, extended his possessions more than he should have, and used state artisans for the plant; fearing that Tatishchev would not deprive him of state property, he filed a complaint against him with Peter I in his oppression. At that time, the sovereign sent Gennin to the Siberian factories and instructed him to investigate this quarrel. Gennin, having found this case, sent the entire investigation with Tatishchev to the sovereign. At the end of this feud, Tatishchev was ordered to go to his former position at the Siberian factories. “As I was leaving for Siberia in 1722,” says Tatishchev, “and came to Princess Anna Ioannovna to accept forgiveness, she, pitying me, asked the extravagant scoundrel, clerk Timofei Arkhipovich, who was a jester at court: will I return soon? he didn’t love me because I wasn’t superstitious and didn’t kiss his hand, he said: “He will dig up a lot of ore, and they will bury him himself.” In 1723, Tatishchev was taken to court, where he stayed for about a year; but on what occasion and under what position, it is not known for certain. Produced in 1724...

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Part of the text: home. There, a courier awaits him with a decree of acquittal and the Order of Alexander Nevsky. Tatishchev thanked the empress in a letter and returned the order as no longer needed. The next day the priest prepared him for the other world. After saying goodbye to his son, daughter-in-law and grandson, he died while reading the Gospel. In 1886, the so-called "exhortation" of Tatishchev to his son was published, allegedly recorded by an eyewitness to his death. The "exhortation" reflected a different picture. But there was nothing Tatishchevo in him. It was erroneously attributed to Tatishchev by the publisher A. Dmitriev only on the grounds that it was placed in the same collection with Dukhovnaya. There is no need to talk about any pardon in 1750. Nobody took the accusations of the Senate seriously anyway. Nothing has changed in regards to the real cause. Rostislav Evgrafovich, who often lived with his grandfather with his mother, was apparently not an eyewitness, but a "hearing". He could hear similar things from the courtyards and peasants of Boldin. Shortly before his death, Tatishchev reported to the Academy of Sciences about his medical practice and asked chemists to analyze the composition of some of the drugs he used. Tatishchev, in particular, successfully used ...

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Part of the text: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF VN TATISCHEV Russian history. T. I-VII. M.-L., 1962-1968. Collection of laws of ancient Russians. Ibid., vol. VII. Selected works on the geography of Russia. M., 1950. Factory charter. "Mining Journal". SPb., 1830, part III. book. IX. Talk about the benefits of science and schools. In the book: Tatishchev VN Selected Works. L., 1979. Arbitrary and consensual reasoning and opinion of the assembled Russian gentry about state government. There. A note about students and education expenses. In the book: Popov N. V. N. Tatishchev and his time. M., 1861. Spiritual. "Selected Works". Brief economic before the village following notes. There. Discourse on the revision of the total and related to it. There. A discourse on fugitive men and women and on the elderly for escaping. There. The idea of ​​merchants and crafts. There. The story of the mammoth beast. There. Lexicon of Russian historical, geographical, political and civil. There. Presentation to the Cabinet on the causes of the Bashkir unrest and on measures to improve the management of the Bashkirs. - In the book: Materials on the history of the Bashkir ASSR, vol. 3. M.-L., 1949. Discourse on the Cyrillic letters. "Anthology on the history of the Russian language", vol. 2, no. 2, M., 1948 (compiled by S. P. Obnorsky and S. G. Barkhudarov). The institution by which the teachers of Russian schools have to act. "Historical archive", vol. V. M. -L., 1950 (editor N. F. Demidov). The order to the master. Ibid., vol. VI, 1951 (edited by N. I. Pavlenko) . Factory Proposal. Ibid., vol. VII (edited by P.K. Alefirenko). Correspondence for 1746-1750. T and m, vol. VI (prepared by A. I. Andreev) . Decree to shipmaster Odintsov. - "Ural archeographic yearbook for 1973". Sverdlovsk, 1975...

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Part of the text: Captain Vasily Nikitin, the son of Tatishchev, began to study grammar in French artillery, from the birth of his 34 years 6 months and two days. "Consequently, he was born on April 19 (29), 1686. The Tatishchevs belonged to the branch of the princes of Smolensk. This family, however, "I've lost my health for a long time. Under the Moscow tsars, only a few rose to duma ranks. Vasily's grandfather, Alexei Stepanovich, had a small patrimony - the village of Basargino in the Dmitrovsky district. He began his service in 1638 with the rank of a tenant in Tula. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1647, he became a stolnik, and was governor in Yaroslavl in 1659. In the 70s he participated in the Chigirin campaigns, and in 1680 he was dismissed from service and, apparently, died soon after. the eldest son Fyodor, Nikita Alekseevich, who received the rank of tenant in 1678, remained powerless. from the younger generation of Moscow officials and from the "choice", that is, the district nobles. They served either alternately at court, or on campaigns in the "sovereign ...

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TATISCHEV Vasily Nikitich (1686-1750), historian, statesman. In 1720-22 he managed state factories in the Urals, founded the city of Yekaterinburg. In 1741-45 Astrakhan governor. Prepared the publication of historical sources, introduced into scientific circulation the texts of Russian Truth and Sudebnik 1550. Created a generalizing work "Russian History from the Most Ancient Times" (books 1-5, ed. 1768-1848), in which, from a rationalistic position, he considered the emergence and development Russian state; for the first time in Russian historiography he gave a periodization of the history of Russia: domination (862-1132), violation (1132-1462), restoration (since 1462) of autocracy. Compiled the first domestic encyclopedic dictionary - "Russian Lexicon".


TATISCHEV Sergei Spiridonovich (1846-1906), historian, publicist. In 1864-77 in the diplomatic service; participant in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78; in 1881-83 an official of the Ministry of the Interior. From the beginning of the 1880s. collaborated in the journal "Russian Bulletin" and the newspaper "New Time". Works on the history of Russian diplomacy and foreign policy, including "The foreign policy of Emperor Nicholas I" (1887), "Emperor Alexander II. His life and reign" (vols. 1-2, 1903-11; 2nd ed., 1996) and "The Tatishchev family. 1400-1900" (1900).

Source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

Vasily Nikitich (04/19/1686-07/15/1750), statesman, historian. Born near Pskov in a poor, but well-born noble family.
In 1693 - 96 Tatishchev was taken to serve as a steward at the court of Tsarina Praskovya Feodorovna, the wife of Peter I's elder brother - Ivan Alekseevich. In 1704 he entered military service in the dragoons. He took part in many battles of the Northern War, was wounded in the Battle of Poltava. In 1706 he received the rank of lieutenant, in 1712 - captain. A young and capable officer was noticed by Peter I and J.V. Bruce. In 1716, Tatishchev was transferred to the artillery, engaged in the inspection of the artillery units of the Russian army. On trips abroad he studied engineering, fortification, artillery, read and collected books on history, philosophy, geography. In 1718, Tatishchev was promoted to captain-lieutenant and sent as part of the Russian delegation to the Aland Congress.
In 1720, by decree of Peter I, he was sent to the Urals to manage state-owned Ural factories. In 1720-22 he was engaged in the construction of new factories in the Urals, founded the city of Yekaterinburg, opened a number of mining schools, and sought to increase the use of civilian labor in factories. Vigorous activity led Tatishchev to a clash with the industrialists Demidovs, who slandered him, accusing him of bribery. The investigation of Tatishchev (1723), carried out by decree of Peter I, proved his innocence. But the Demidovs got their way: Tatishchev left the Urals.
In 1724 - 26 Tatishchev was in Sweden, in 1727 - 33 he served in the Mint, doing a lot of useful things for streamlining monetary circulation in Russia.
Tatishchev took an active part in the events of 1730: he compiled and signed projects for the nobility, read out the appeal of the nobility to Anna Ivanovna. Tatishchev found himself in the camp of opponents of D. M. Golitsyn. Defending autocracy as the most expedient form of power for Russia, he objectively sought to limit it in the interests of the majority (and not the top) of the nobility (note "Arbitrary and consensual reasoning and opinion of the assembled Russian gentry on state government").
In 1734-37 Tatishchev ruled the Ural region, in 1737-39 he led the Orenburg expedition, in 1739-41 the Kalmyk commission, in 1741-45 he acted as governor of the Astrakhan region. The talents of Tatishchev, the administrator, unfolded in the affairs of the arrangement and protection of the southeastern regions of Russia, complicated by clashes with the interests of indigenous peoples. Tatishchev's independent decisions irritated many officials, he had no shortcomings in enemies. In 1745 he was released from service and sent into exile in the suburban village. Boldino, where he, without waiting for the "highest" forgiveness, died.
Tatishchev also worked in the scientific field, leaving a noticeable mark in history, geography, philosophy, pedagogy, linguistics, and other sciences. Tatishchev is rightly called the father of Russian history. Russian History (books 1-4, 1768-1784) is Tatishchev's main work, on which he worked from 1719 until the end of his life. In this work, for the first time, he collected and critically comprehended information from many historical sources. Russian Pravda (in a short edition), Sudebnik 1550, the Book of the Big Drawing and many more. other sources on the history of Russia were discovered by Tatishchev. "History of Russia" has preserved the news of sources that have not survived to our time. According to the fair remark of S. M. Solovyov, Tatishchev indicated "the way and means for his compatriots to engage in Russian history." "Forewarning" to "History" was the first historical and philosophical understanding of the basic principles of the historian's work and the tasks of historical knowledge in Russian historical thought. Rejecting the providential point of view in the interpretation of historical events, Tatishchev came up with a rationalistic explanation, linking historical development with "mental enlightenment".
Tatishchev was a typical statesman in his convictions. His worldview and practical activities were subordinated to the idea of ​​serving the “good of the Fatherland”.
L. N. Vdovina

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

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    Vasily Nikitich (April 19, 1686 - July 15, 1750) - Russian. scientist, historian and philosopher, state. figure. Genus. in a noble family. Ch. work T. - Russian History ... (book 1–4, M., 1768–84, book 5, M., 1848; vol. 1–5, M.–L., 1962–65), over to the swarm it worked ok.… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    TATISCHEV- Vasily Nikitich (1686 1750), Russian. state figure, scientist, one of the first educators in Russia. Known for his works on history, philosophy, geography, economics and statistics. In 1734 and 1736, T. developed the first special in Russia. questionnaires (were sent to ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tatishchev V. N. Vasily Nikitich Rus. historian, Mrs. activist, organizer of the horn. production and horn. education in Russia. Studied in Moscow. eng. and artillery school, from 1704 in military service, participated in the Northern War. In 1719 he was appointed to ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

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    Vasily Nikitich (1686-1750), Russian historian and statesman. In 1720 22 and 1734 37 he managed state factories in the Urals. In 1741 45 Astrakhan governor. Works on ethnography, history, geography. Major works Russian history ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

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    one . Vasily Nikitich (19.IV.1686 15.VII.1750) Russian. state activist, historian. Genus. in the family of a Pskov landowner, graduated in Moscow from Ing. and art. school. Participated in Sev. war (1700 21), performed various military. diplomatic orders of Peter I. In 1720 22 and ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

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    TATISCHEV- Vasily Nikitich (1686 1750) Russian historian; compiled the Chronicle Code and collected a lot of materials for the history of Russia. His works began with the publication in 1768 under the title: “Russian History from the Most Ancient Times. By tireless work through ... ... Cossack dictionary-reference book


  • History of Russia from the most ancient times (number of volumes: 7), Tatishchev V.. This edition includes "History of Russia" by the famous Russian scientist and thinker Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev (1686-1750). Tatishchev is rightfully considered the founder of the Russian historical ...