Literary poetry competition. K.R


Poetry Contest!

We invite both beginners and already published authors writing poetry in Russian to take part in the international open poetry competition"S T & H & I".

Millions of readers are tired of yellow press, gossip and negative messages. Modern poetry has not exhausted its resources. Just a commercial approach to solving any problems and cheap consumer goods far-fetched "sensations" moved and closed it from true connoisseurs.
The competition is your chance to try your hand at creativity. Cooperation with us is an opportunity to see your works not only on the site, but also printed in the almanac "S T AND X and I". Let each author find his reader! Give your talent to the world!
All participants of the contest are obliged to read the rules of the contest (see the Regulations on the contest) and express their consent to comply with these rules. The participant of the competition, submitting a competitive application, thereby expresses to the organizers of the competition his unconditional consent to comply with the Regulations and rules of this competition. And also expresses his consent to the free publication of his works in the almanac "S T AND X and I" and on the competition website.
Competition time.
The poetry competition "S T AND H and I -2018" is held from January 6 to December 30, 2018 in 4 stages. Each stage lasts 3 months and is a full-fledged independent competition.
The first stage is from January 6, 2018 to March 31, 2018.
The second stage is from April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018.
The third stage is from July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018.
The fourth stage - from October 1, 2018 to December 30, 2018.
In each stage of the competition, several nominations will be offered:
- Philosophical lyrics
- Poems about love
- ironic verse
- Free theme - poems on any topic at the discretion of the author.
- Verse of the month
The contestant can take part both in one nomination, and in all at once, both in one stage, and in all four.
At each stage of the competition, in each nomination, according to the results of a free vote of readers on our website, three winners will be determined. We ask all participants and readers to become members of the jiri and take part in the voting.
The prize for the winners (and there are three of them - by the number of prizes) of the competition in any of the nominations will be the free publication of the best works in the almanac "S T AND X and I". Attention! According to the results of the 2012 competitions, the first almanac has already been published, in which the works of all the winners printed for free!
For more information about the order of publication in the almanac, see the section.
All authors whose works will be published in the collection will be able to purchase the required number of copies of the publication in accordance with the application submitted earlier. Read more in the section.
Also on our website from January 6 to December 30, 2018 there will be a mini-competition in the nomination. Each stage lasts 1 month and is a full-fledged independent competition. Each month will have its own poetic theme, which will be previously communicated to the participants of the competition. See nomination for details.
What is worth participating in competitions?
We, the organizers of the project "S T AND H and I", are still taking care of all the expenses for the competition. All participants of the first, second, third and fourth stages of the 2018 contest (respectively for the mini-competition "Verse of the Month" from January to December inclusive) exhibit their works on the site for free. And therefore - write. Send us your unusual and unique works, boldly declare yourself and your talent!
Hold on, we're waiting!
Attention poets and writers!
To take part in the competition and exhibit your works on the site, go to the section "How to become a participant in competitions" and send an application.
For any unclear questions related to participation in the competition or registration of applications, please contact the organizing committee at . . We are always ready to advise you and help you get the job done right.
Good luck in all endeavors!

It is impossible to live life without noticing the small miracles around us that are sent to us by Nature herself - these amazing gifts of hers that make us smile, be amazed or simply be moved to the depths of our souls, and thereby become even closer to God. And if your soul sings from contact with the wonders and beauties of our wonderful world, if you, admiring, express this singing of your soul in your works, then this competition is for you.
In the development of our universe, nothing passes without a trace: not a single moment, not a single smile, not a single word. And if each of us brings joy to another with our creativity, then we will definitely improve our world!

Sincerely, editor-compiler of the Soul's Delight series, Maryam Averina

The International Union of Creative Forces "Illumination" announces a poetry mini-competition for authors registered on the site. The purpose of the competition is to search for talented poets and assist in the development of their creative potential.
The best poems will be included in the collection "Delight of the Soul" 2016.

Competition dates:

  • April 19 to May 10, 2016 inclusive - acceptance of applications for participation.
  • until May 31, 2016 - discussion.
  • June 2, 2016 - summing up.

The terms of participation:
The competition will be held on the forum
Participation in the competition is free. If you wish, you can make a contribution to the development of the organization in the form below.
Applications are accepted by e-mail marked "Delight of the soul".
The application must contain the last name, first name, creative pseudonym (if any), city, a selection of no more than FIVE poems (no more than 120 lines in total).
The theme of the poem: about nature.

Competition procedure:
Competition topics are created by the Organizing Committee.
Anyone can comment on the topic. Only the submitted selection of poems will be judged. The participant can refuse the general discussion and receive only the evaluations of the editorial board.
The author has the right to edit his poems on the recommendations of readers. Edited poems are placed by the author independently in their contest theme.
The winners are determined by the editorial team of the collection "Delight of the Soul" based on poems in the latest edition.


All participants are awarded electronic diplomas.
Authors whose works will be included in the collection are awarded a certificate of publication and the collection "Delight of the Soul" in electronic format.
Everyone will be able to order printed copies of the collection in emerald embossing through the website's online store or the editorial board.

The collection "Delight of the Soul" will be published in July 2016. The collection will be assigned an ISBN of the electronic edition.

Application form
sent to an address marked "Soul's Delight"

  • Full name / Nickname
  • City
  • Login on the site
  • I agree to criticism / I do not want to receive feedback
  • Selection of poems

International Literary Competition named after P.P. Ershov for works for children and youth for the eleventh time announces acceptance of works.
Books and manuscripts are accepted, which will be considered and awarded in three categories: "For the best work of art", "The connection of times" (educational literature), "Choosing a patron" (fairy tales).
Works are accepted before February 1, 2016 at the address: 119146, Moscow, Komsomolsky pr. 13, "For the P.P. Ershov competition".

Sergey Yesenin Poetry Competition - until March 31. The Union of Writers of Russia and the Foundation for the Support of Creative Individuals continue to accept entries for consideration.

Revolution Next. Competition of youth dystopia and post-apocalypse. Conducted by the editors of the science fiction publishing house EKSMO, Alexei Bobl and the Lit-Era portal. The competition accepts novels from 420,000 characters with spaces, both completed and in the process of creation.

“I will take you to the museum. People's Book"
All project participants were invited to join the process of public publication of the book - to collect the most vivid and informative stories about the life of museums and exhibits, about the cases that happened to visitors in museums, the history of their impressions of world-class art samples. To a certain extent, the organization of the public process of creating a folk book about museums is a change in rhetoric in the current public discussion of the museum theme. Two editorial offices will work on the creation of a folk collection in the AST publishing house - the editorial office of Elena Shubina and the editorial office of Astrel-SPb. Until April 1, 2016.

Another tour of FanCon. Short stories (fantasy) are now accepted for the "XVI Spring Fantastic 2016", round deadline April 18, 2016.

Have you discovered the grain of writing talent in yourself and want to be appreciated? In this case, there are at least two scenarios. First, you gain patience and start bombing publishing houses with a synopsis of your work and the text itself from morning until late at night for days on end in the hope that someone will want to publish a young talent at their own expense. At the same time, get ready for long months of waiting - in most cases, publishers need from a month to three to review one manuscript.

Or the second option - you send your work to a prestigious competition. If everything goes well, you win and gain popularity, and now you are no longer chasing publishers, but vice versa. However, even if the victory goes to someone else, any competition of a wide scale is a good opportunity to light up. So keep it up! And especially for you, we have compiled a list of the best competitions for the young and promising!

1. International literary competition "Russian Prize" (150,000 rubles)

When: Follow the information on the website.
Organizers: Development Foundation "Eurasian Research Institute".

The Russian Prize is the only Russian prize awarded to a Russian-speaking writer living outside of Russia. The purpose of the competition is to preserve and develop the Russian language and support Russian-speaking writers of the world. The prize is awarded in three categories: "Large Prose", "Small Prose" and "Poetry". The winners are awarded prizes in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. There are no age restrictions for applicants for the award. It is important that both published and previously unpublished works can participate in this competition.

2. International Literary Competition "Coronation of the Word"

When: information about the start of the competition appears annually in the summer, so writers need to follow the updates on the website: and in the media.
Organizers: Tatiana and Yuri Logushi.

The competition is held in the nominations "Novels", "Scenarios", "Plays" and "Song Lyrics", as well as "Coronation of Words for Children". Manuscripts of previously unpublished works are accepted for participation. The decision on the results of the competition is made by the jury. Winners receive cash prizes. Last year, the 1st prize in the nomination "Novels" was 20 thousand hryvnias, in the nomination "Scenarios" - 15 thousand, "Plays" - 10 thousand, "Song poetry" - 8 thousand. A number of special prizes are also awarded. Today the competition "Coronation of the word" is one of the most prestigious in Ukraine.

3. Competition "Writer of the Year-2016"

When: Until November 1, 2016.
Organizers: Your Publishing House (Moscow)

The competition is held with the aim of "discovering new talented names and promoting their promotion to the literary Olympus," as stated on the publisher's website. Authors over 18 years of age are allowed to participate. The place of residence does not matter. To participate, the author needs to apply on the page. At the end of the year, eminent representatives of the literary world will choose one or more of the most interesting authors, who will be offered special conditions for cooperation with the publishing house and presented with a nominal award.

4. Competition "Poet of the Year-2016"

A similar competition "Poet of the Year - 2016" is held by "Your Publishing House" for poets.
To take part in it, the author needs to apply on the page.

5. International literary competition of one story at LITER-RM.RU

When: until May 15, 2016.
Organizers: leaders and editorial board of the Literary project LITER-RM.RU - writers, publishers, members of the Writers' Union of Russia, graduates of the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.

The purpose of the competition is to popularize literary creativity, find talented young people, and also determine the geography of authors who create in Russian. Russian-speaking prose writers over 14 years old from anywhere in the world can become participants. The competition budget is 15 thousand rubles.

The competition is held in three nominations "Realistic story", "Fantastic story" and "Fantasy story, fairy tale". Winners in each nomination receive a monetary reward in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, as well as a diploma. You can find out the details of the competition.

6. International competition of one poem at LITER-RM.RU

Also, a similar competition - the International competition of one poem on LITER-RM.RU - is held for poets.
Deadline - until December 1, 2016

The competition is held in two age groups: from 12 to 27 years old inclusive and from 28 years old. The winner will receive a cash prize of at least 2,000 rubles (from 12 to 27 years old) or 3,000 rubles (from 28 years old). Subject, form and content of competitive works can be any. The details of the competition can be found.

7. International Literary and Pedagogical Competition "Kind Lyre" (Pedagogical Recognition Award)

When: until February 29, 2016.
Organizers: Union of Writers of Russia, Union of Writers of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Education Support Fund, St. Petersburg State University, Humanitarian Pedagogical Center "Citizen of the 21st Century", Center for Information Support of Scientific Research, Lyceum of Information and Communication Technologies No. 590 St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the competition is to increase the importance of modern Russian literature in the field of educating the younger generation, as well as to attract interest in the book as a source of morality. There are no restrictions for authors by age, citizenship, place of residence. The prize is awarded in the following nominations: "Fiction - primary school age" and "Fiction - no age limit". Competitive works must be written in prose in Russian, are not limited in subject matter and cannot be published earlier. The winners will receive diplomas, and the best works will be included in the final collection. Competition details: on the website.

8. International competition for the best work for children "Korneichuk Prize-2016"

When: before May 1, 2016.
Organizers: Public organization "Regional Development Agency".

The Korneichuk Prize is a competition for the best works for children that have not been published before, and a real chance for novice children's authors. The works of the competition laureates attract the attention of major publishers in the country, which means that your story, story, fairy tale or poem may soon find its reader. At the end of the competition, the organizers form a collection of the best works. The brightest works are also included in literary almanacs.

The competition is one of the main events of the IV Odessa International Korneichuk Festival of Children's Literature, which is held as part of the XX International Book Fair "Green Wave". The winners in each nomination will receive diplomas, commemorative figurines and cash prizes in the amount of UAH 10,000.
Contest page.

9. Literary competition L'Officiel Online

When: all the time.
Organizers: L'Officiel Ukraine.

Recently, the Ukrainian editorial office of the world famous magazine L'Officiel launched a literary competition in the novel genre. The volume of competition works is up to 2 thousand characters. Each week, the best novel will be published on L'officiel Online. No prizes, winners and losers are expected. However, if the quality of the text is high, the editors promise to mark the best author.
All details on the site.

10. 100% Fiction Science Fiction Competition

When: until February 14, 2016.
Competition coordinator: Kolesnikov Oleg Ernstovich.
Jury President: Vladimir Evgenyevich Churov, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

11. Literary competition of the publishing house "Smoloskip"

When: until December 31, 2016.
Organizers: Smoloskip publishing house.

We wish you good luck writers!