life matrices. What are life matrices

THE MATRIX IS OUR ALL LIFE, entirely and completely; The Matrix is ​​everything that was, is and will be in our life. Whoever doesn't like the word "Matrix", use any other suitable word, for example, Maya, Leela, Illusion, Game, Dream, Film, etc. The above implies some unreality, the illusory nature of Life, and soon you will see that it is so .
If you are afraid, do not read further, because then it will be too late!
EXIT FROM THE MATRIX is the knowledge of the HIGHEST TRUTH, the realization of what is REAL, as opposed to what only seems real (and life seems very real, right?) The Highest Truth is very simple, and on this site you will find many pointers to it, from different sides. You will only need to look in the indicated direction, and not at the signs. The mind will cling to the pointers, but remember that the Truth is behind them. Everything that is written here is not the truth, but only its description, a pointer. Perhaps not the best description (just for you), but perhaps not the worst. If you are really interested in getting out of the Matrix and knowing the Higher Truth, be prepared for the fact that at some point you will realize lived in illusion. There are many illusions, and all life, in fact, consists of them. Be prepared for your ego to protest, because knowing the truth destroys the ego, and it does not want it. In this case, the best thing to do is simply to observe the antics of the ego, without involvement, dispassionately. Do not fight it, just watch. To get out of the Matrix, you need to understand how it works and what obstacles there may be on the way to the exit. of the same phenomenon. So, what is the ego. The ego (false self, mind) is a set of identifications (I = body, I = mind, I = spirit, I = name, etc.), beliefs about myself (I am such , such and such, but should be such and such, etc.) beliefs about others (they are such and such, but should be such and such), beliefs about life (the world is such and such, life is such and such, but should would be such and such), as well as a set of desires, aspirations, goals, etc. It should be obvious that this is the “false self”. If it’s not obvious, let’s see what the “true Self” is. The True Self is Consciousness in its purest form (unidentified, impersonal), simply perceiving, without thinking about itself, without dividing the world into opposites. This is awareness in its most primordial, pure form. There is not even a division into "I" and "not me", there are no thoughts about it. There is simply a perception of what is. In the life of every person, such moments of pure perception happen, especially in childhood. The division into “I” and “not me” is the beginning of the existence of a false “I”. Then the false “I” is overgrown with details: I am a boy (girl), I am so-and-so, my name is so-and-so, I am such-and-such, I love this, I don’t like that, I want that, I don’t want that, etc. Ideas about yourself accumulate and become a kind of stable structure that gradually changes over time. Also, a system of beliefs about the surrounding world as a whole is gradually being formed, and this is also part of the false "I". Why can't the mind comprehend the Truth? The mind operates only with those data that are embedded in it (parents, educators, teachers, other people, life) - that is, beliefs (judgments, thoughts). But the Truth is outside (before the appearance of) the mind, and it is not material, it is not a conviction, so the mind cannot comprehend it. The mind can comprehend (recognize) only that which is part of it, an object in the mind, and that which is not an object of the mind, it cannot define. That is why they say that the Truth cannot be understood with the mind. But the mind can be directed to the exploration of its nature, the exploration of the source of the mind. When the source of the mind (false self, ego) is found, the Truth is comprehended. And then the truth dissolves all remaining illusions.
Life seems pretty real, realistic, doesn't it? The "graphics" alone is worth something! Not to mention other perceptions. But this is only an apparent reality. And this illusion of reality is diligently created by the mind. And why not? Why shouldn't this all seem real? If everything was initially perceived as unreal, life would not be the way it is now seen. The feeling of the realism of what is happening is an integral part of the Matrix. So conceived, so done, so it should be. The matrix cannot exist without illusions, because it, in fact, consists of illusions. The illusion of reality gives sharpness to sensations, everything seems real - all these life dramas, problems, emotions, feelings, etc. But wait a little, and you will see what is behind all this. In the meantime, you can enjoy this wonderful illusion, its realism. Perhaps these are the last days when the illusion is seen as reality. When Truth triumphs, the illusion of reality will be seen in its true light - just as an illusion. And then we will talk about the most basic illusion - the illusion of separation and plurality. SINGLE SOURCE and the illusion of plurality objects of the material world. There are so many. But where did this multitude come from? Has it always been? Or is there a source for all this? Even with the help of the mind (logic), one can understand that if something exists, then there must be something that created it, a certain Source, creator, creator. If there is something created, there must be a creator. Initially, everything arose from the Single Source. You can object by saying that there could be several sources. OK, then where did the multiple sources come from? Who created them? One way or another, even with the help of logic, we rest against the fact that the original source is One. The multitude arose from the Unity. We can say this: the illusion of the multitude arises from the One Source. Otherwise, how can something exist without a source? You can say that the source was (in the past), and now there is only created. But it's not. The illusion of time (duration) makes it difficult to understand this. Time is an illusion; there is only the moment now, which is changing every moment. Therefore, if something is now, then now there is also a source of it. If now there is a perception of a multitude, then this perception arises from somewhere, right? Direct your mind to seek the source of all perceptions that arise, and sooner or later, this One Source will be found. Then the illusion of the multitude will be seen simply as an illusion, and the Truth will be Unity. After all, what is more real: the Single Source, or what arises from it and disappears in it? What is always there: the source or its creations? Creations (perceptions) appear and disappear, but the Source always remains. The illusion of plurality also implies the illusion of separation: “I” is separated from “others”, from everything “other”, and also from God (Source). The idea "I exist separately and independently from everything else (including the Source)" is fundamentally wrong. There is no real autonomous self. The separate self is an illusion, a temporary set of beliefs. Look for the Source of these illusions, then they will disappear. When searching for the Source, the mind will “be stupid” and try to look for the source (as an object) in itself, so you need to immediately understand that the Source is outside (before) the mind. The source of the mind cannot be in the mind, and looking for it there is a futile undertaking. The source is not an object, it is not material, it does not consist of something, so the mind cannot grasp it. But when the mind stumbles upon its Source, the mind will disappear, but the Source will remain. Why? Because the mind is an illusion, and the Source is a reality. Only illusions disappear, but reality cannot disappear. Everything that is described above is an attempt to show the direction of movement towards the truth, but not the truth itself. The Creator and creations are one. There are no divisions, no duality. There is only Unity, and the multitude is seen for what it is - an illusion.

The causal relationship in this Matrix certainly exists. There is an endless chain of causal relationships intertwined with each other. That is, the cause of a particular situation or phenomenon is a huge number of previous causes. But a person is inclined to attribute to what is happening only one reason (at best, several), ignoring all the others (unconscious). For example, when asked why you are reading this text now, you could indicate such reasons as “accidentally followed the link”, “someone recommended”, “interested in the title”, etc. But look, you would be reading this now if there weren't a lot of previous reasons like: someone wrote this article, posted it on the site, left links to the site. You can dig even deeper and find even earlier reasons: the author was engaged in self-exploration, and before that he accidentally came across some book, and before that he was born, etc. Another reason: the Internet exists, there is access to it, the ability to create your own website, etc. There are a lot of reasons. In this world of many, there are many reasons, and the reason for all these many is one - the One Source. Now let's talk about the illusion of a reason - we are talking about the idea "I am the cause." A person often considers himself the cause of something: good, bad or neutral. The idea "I am the cause" is due to the presence of identities: with the body, mind, spirit, soul, past experience, etc. Let's take a closer look at this. I thought about this thought. It implies the feeling of being a thinker, one who thinks. BUT! The mind thinks. More precisely, the thought just arose. And only then there is a feeling of "it was I who thought this thought." What "I" thought this thought? I did not think, thought arose as a result of the work of the mind. It is just an identification with the mind - an illusion of causality in thinking. The same applies to decisions and conclusions - "I have decided", "I have concluded". No. The mind has decided, the mind has concluded. But since there is identification with the mind, the illusion arises that “I think, I draw conclusions, I decide.” I did (do). Another illusion is the illusion of the cause of the action. You feel like you are the cause of the action. BUT! The action was produced by the body. And since there is an identification with the body, it seems that you did it. “I thought and I did” = identification with the mind and body, nothing more. The illusion of participation in life. These illusions (identifications) create the illusion of participation in life. You feel like a participant in life, an actor, you "think", "do", "feel", "walk", "work", "relax", etc. All this, of course, is very realistic and familiar. You feel like the cause of something or the effect of something (victim), but if you are not the body and not the mind, then who is the cause and who is the effect? ​​Okay, then who are you? Who am I"? What is "I" if all illusions are discarded? Are you really the cause or effect of anything at all, or is it just what you think? To answer this question, you need to carefully examine "who am I", which will help self-examination.

ILLUSION OF FREEDOM OF CHOICE Is there freedom of choice or is it an illusion? First you need to understand that having a choice and freedom of choice are two different things. Having a choice is a situation where you can choose something from several options. For example, you need to buy bread, and you see black and white in the window. That is, there is a choice. Freedom of choice is freedom in (in) choice, that is, you can choose one of the two - regardless of anything. BUT! No matter what, it will not work, because there is a mind that makes calculations based on past experience and the situation in the present. And the choice is, in fact, predetermined. It will be chosen exactly what the mind (as a result of calculations) considers optimal. It will only be as the mind decides. What is the freedom of choice here? You stand, look at the window, and it seems to you that there is freedom of choice, but the mind will choose the only, most suitable (according to its calculations) option. There is only a feeling of freedom of choice. It seems to you that you can choose another option, despite the mind. And you say: “OK, despite the mind, I choose the second option!”, And you buy not what you usually buy. Then say "I didn't choose what the mind preferred." But who is this "I" who has chosen? Another part of the mind. The mind “argued” with itself, “won” with itself and now says “HA! There is freedom of choice! Wonderful.” It has already been said that the mind is designed to create and maintain the Matrix, the illusion of life. And the mind will not destroy the illusion that it itself creates. In this regard, the cunning of the mind knows no bounds. The illusion of freedom of choice is so strong and desirable (the ego wants to have freedom of choice) that it is not so easy to see it as an illusion. But let's try. Remember when you yelled at someone. Did you have the freedom to choose whether to scream or not to scream? Do you want to say that it was? Then why did you do it, knowing that it would only lead to negative results? No problem has ever been truly solved by crying. You have reached this site. Was your freedom of choice here? You just came in because you wanted to see what was there. Desire took over. Recall a few moments in your life when you had a strong desire for something. Did you keep what you wanted? Or from desire itself? Did you have the freedom to choose to “turn off” that desire and stop wanting? Do you have the freedom to choose to think about something or turn off your mind and be blissful? Do you have the freedom to choose to be or not to be happy? Do you want to say "yes, there is?". Ok, then from now on be always happy no matter what. Do you have the freedom to choose to be or not to be? And so on. It can be very frustrating (at first) to realize that there is no freedom of choice. It is very difficult to accept the lack of freedom of choice, the ego does not want to recognize freedom of choice as an illusion, because it is part of it. The illusion of freedom of choice is part of the illusion of the ego. And the good news is that accepting the fact that freedom of choice is an illusion brings True Freedom. And this Freedom is much better than the illusory freedom of choice. Freedom gives peace, peace, absence of problems and anxieties, enjoyment of every (albeit illusory) moment now. The illusion of freedom of choice creates (in the end) constant tension, anxiety, stress, depression and various kinds of suffering. In addition, the illusion of freedom of choice creates and reinforces other illusions that only drag you into the sticky web of the Matrix. Who needs it? Not convincing? Well, then you need to explore what is the self, which supposedly has the freedom of choice. This self-examination will allow you to understand that "I" is an illusion, and freedom of choice is an ILLUSION OF GUILT, RESPONSIBILITY AND PERSONAL MERIT The illusion of guilt and responsibility is based on the illusions of causality and freedom of choice. You consider yourself a cause that has freedom of choice. Based on this illusion, decisions are made and actions are taken. And then, if the result turned out to be "bad", you feel remorse: "I was the cause of this, this is my responsibility, this is my fault!" Let's return to the idea that supposedly "I was the cause." As discussed in The Illusion of Cause, it only seems to you that "you" were the cause. What caused you to be the way you were? What made you like this? Society, environment, education? You are not the original cause of "your" thoughts and actions. "You" are far from the beginning of the chain of cause and effect. There were reasons before you that made you the way you are. Yes, "your" mind and "your" body caused something and it had consequences, but don't lose sight of the previous causes. You feel like you took advantage of your free will and unintentionally (or intentionally) harmed someone . But we have already discussed The Illusion of Free Choice. You didn't have freedom of choice. More precisely, "your" mind and body had no freedom of choice. The only thing that should have happened in that situation happened. It couldn't be otherwise. The organism (body + mind) is a completely irritable-response mechanism, it has no freedom of choice and autonomous causality. At each specific moment, only what should happen at this specific moment happens. There is no free will (this is also an illusion), there is no freedom of choice, there is no personal causality. Therefore, the subsequent guilt and responsibility are also illusions. Perhaps you do not consider yourself the body and mind, but consider, for example, the spirit or soul, or something like that. And, of course, you as a “spirit” have freedom of choice. Rave. Explore yourself as a spirit (soul) and eventually you will realize that this too is an illusion. This spirit or soul will turn out to be a subtle part of the ego, which itself is illusory. Can an illusion have freedom of choice? Maybe just as illusory. That is, there can only be a feeling of freedom of choice. It seems that there is freedom of choice. There seems to be a "personal" causation. It seems that there is guilt. It seems that there is a responsibility. And in general, life seems very real until all these illusions are carefully considered, until self-examination is performed. Look carefully, would you have a feeling of guilt or responsibility if you had not previously had a feeling of causality and freedom of choice? In addition to the illusion of guilt and responsibility, there is also

ILLUSION OF PERSONAL MERIT. That is, “what a fine fellow I am that I made such a decision and acted in this way!” The ego derives incredible pleasure from such thoughts. There is no personal merit, because the person (“I”, ego, mind) is not an autonomous cause, has no freedom of choice, and is generally an illusion. By the way, look at the actions of “others” with this point of view: they could not behave differently, they had no freedom of choice. This whole Matrix works on the principle of "stimulus-response", and nothing can be done about it. The only thing that can be done (if it has to happen, it will happen) is disidentification with the body, mind, etc., getting rid of illusions, knowing the Highest Truth, gaining Freedom, Bliss, Happiness, Eternity.

God is all there is, and there is nothing that is not part of God. All other beliefs about God are based on the illusion of separation (lack of Unity). Everything is One, and everything is God - this can be called the Highest Truth. However, for the existence of this world, divisions had to arise: into good and bad, right and wrong, bright and dark, etc. Unity (God) was divided into God and the Devil, attributing positive qualities to the first, negative qualities to the second. In every religion, sect or spiritual practice, where there is no understanding of the Unity of everything, there is a division into God and the Devil. The followers of such systems create and maintain the illusion of God, endow him with personal qualities, thus creating their own separation from Him. “I am separated from God” is an illusion. Of course, you will feel separated from God as long as you endow him with some qualities and yourself with others. What happens if you stop creating this illusion of separateness? But you can't. In fact, it does not depend on you, because there are no separate "you" who have causality and freedom of choice. Attributing qualities and separating "self" from "God" is a self-occurring process, like all other processes observed in this world. This process does not depend on you, because there is no separate you. A separate "I" is the same illusion as God, separate from something. All is One. God cannot be separate from anything; God is all there is, and separation is an illusion. Anything that is not Oneness is an illusion. Unity is the absence of separation. The Creator and creations are not separate from each other - they are like two sides of one moment. One cannot exist without the other. The world is divided into manifested and unmanifested, and this is also an artificial division of the Unity into parts. Everything is God, everything is the Will of God and there is nothing but God and His will. You are part of God and His Will, and your illusions are also part of Oneness.
EVERYTHING DOES ITSELF Since there is an identification with the body, mind, playing roles and other beliefs, it seems to you that you are a doer, a participant in life. It seems to you that you are living your life, being the cause of something or a victim of something, deciding something, acting, getting a result ... But this is not so. The Matrix is ​​like a night dream. You dream that you are thinking about something, experiencing some emotions, feelings, doing something, working, relaxing. Everything seems to be really happening, the question “is it real?” does not even arise. But what happens when the dream ends in the morning and awakening occurs? Immediately there is an understanding that all this was not in reality, it was just an illusion, a game of consciousness. The dream just happened, by itself, everything was done by itself. How is the state of wakefulness different from a night dream? In fact, nothing. And here and there there is a feeling of separation and plurality, which is no longer the Truth. The absence of Unity (the presence of a sense of separation) is an illusion. Everything is done by itself. It only seems to you that you are living your life. Life happens on its own, just like a night's sleep. You feel like you are in the body / mind - but this is just a habitual perception. You think that there is freedom of choice - it's just a fleeting sensation. You think that you are the cause of something then in life - but in dreams the feeling of being the cause is no less. In a dream, too, there are all these apparent elements (perceptions, sensations), but is the dream real when you wake up? It seems to you that you are involved in something - but involvement only apparent. Identification with the body, mind and everything else is just an illusion. Everything is done by itself, but it looks as if there is a real living of life, with all perceptions. The night dream analogy is very appropriate. Another analogy is that you are watching a movie that has all bodily perceptions, all thoughts, emotions and sensations, and since attention is completely absorbed in these perceptions, everything seems real. Feeling the realism of what is happening is a wonderful defense against the “hacking” of the Matrix. Everything is so realistic that most people don't even have doubts. What can you do in this movie? Absolutely nothing. In the film, everything is done by itself. You can only look, perceive. This is impersonal awareness. Personal action is an illusion, since the individual himself is just a part of the film. See for yourself, the body walks by itself, thoughts come by themselves, decisions arise by themselves. If you are observant enough, you will begin to notice more and more of these moments, more and more often, until, finally, Total Understanding happens: everything happens by itself. There is no agent, there is no personal causality, there is no freedom of choice, there is no identification and involvement, there are no problems, there is only an impersonal awareness of what is happening. Habitual illusions cease to seem real, and the Highest Truth opens its arms of freedom and bliss. The door to the exit from the Matrix is ​​open. An illusion generated by the illusory "I".

You feel like you own the body. Or it seems that you are in control of the body, which is essentially the same thing. Or it seems that you are in the body. This is the illusion of body ownership and control of the body. It just seems to you. The perceptions of the body are just a collection of perceptions that exist along with all other perceptions. It seems to you that you own the mind. Either you seem to be in control of the mind, or you are in the mind. This is the illusion of having the mind and controlling the mind. You cannot control the mind, thoughts, they arise by themselves. Try not to think for at least a minute. Or try not to think about the purple elephant for a minute. It only seems to you that you own the mind. The perception of the mind, thoughts is also a set of perceptions that exist along with all other perceptions. What else do you own in life? Apartment, car, cottage? Furniture, household appliances, electronics? People, situations, circumstances, work? You just "dream" owning it all. There is neither the one who really owns it, nor the objects of ownership. Both are simply “dreaming”, projected by the Matrix, with all accompanying perceptions. Does anyone disagree? Disagreement is also part of the dream. Who disagrees? Who thinks he owns something? Who is this "I"? "I" (separate, autonomous self, mind, ego) is the basic illusion, and the illusion of possession arises from it, like other delusions. Explore "who am I?". Who owns, who has, who controls? Asking yourself the question "who am I", you will find mostly "body", "mind", "spirit / soul" - identities, beliefs, ideas, but not the Truth. OK. Then ask yourself: who is aware of this body, mind and soul? Who is this "I" who sees all this? If I am aware (perceive) of the body, mind, soul, etc., then who am I who is aware of this? One must investigate the "I", find out all the illusions related to the "I", and then the Truth will be revealed. Self-exploration should help. And do not rush to assert "I own", "I control", "I live" until you figure out what this "I" is.

UNIDENTIFICATION. ILLUSION “I” The way to get out of the Matrix is ​​disidentification (elimination of identity with objects), elimination of the illusion of “I”. While doing self-exploration, exploring “who am I?”, The mind will stumble upon answers like “body”, “mind”, “mind ”,“ spirit ”,“ soul ”, name, gender, age, role, position in society, position, etc., that is, objects will appear - something that the mind can cling to. In other words, the not-self will find itself in various forms. The real Self is not a form, is not an object, and therefore cannot be grasped by the mind. Axiom: The observer is not the observed. If you observe something (perceive, realize), then it cannot automatically be you. The dot cannot see itself. Until awakening, this axiom is true. Disidentification occurs in the process of self-exploration, when the question "who am I?" an object arises, and immediately there is an understanding that since I perceive it, I am not it. Then who am I? Etc. The property of the mind to cling to objects at first may delay the process of disidentification, but, thanks to the same property, in the end all objects will be exhausted and discarded, which will open the possibility of knowing the Truth. Thus, during self-examination, the illusion of “I” is gradually eliminated. The process of disidentification can be lengthy due to many years of deeply rooted identifications, and the accumulated experience associated with them. If it is difficult to engage in disidentification through simple self-examination, it is recommended to sort out the interfering factors with the help of other disidentification techniques. For example, duality techniques clean identities and other mental "garbage" quite quickly and efficiently. What remains when the false "I" disappears?

Self-exploration is a direct path to exit the Matrix, and the essence of self-exploration is to try to understand “who am I?” You ask yourself the question “who am I?” and get answers. All answers to this question are identities: with body, mind, gender, age, profession, role, status, past experience, and so on. But you are not all of that. You are the one who is aware of this body, mind and everything else that the mind throws out to the question “who am I?” Who is aware of the body? Who is aware of the mind? Who is aware of thoughts? Who is aware of emotions? Who is aware of everything else that you think you are? This is what self-examination is. In this self-examination, all identifications must be completely exhausted. Gradually you will go beyond illusory identifications with the body, mind and a bunch of other things. When the false self disappears, Truth remains.

At the beginning of the page, it was said that self-exploration is a direct path to exit the Matrix, but this does not mean that this approach is the fastest. Self-inquiry is a very simple technique of enlightenment, but this simplicity in many cases does not allow fruitful work in this direction. The mind of a modern person is so accustomed to complexities, so confused and chaotic that the simple technique of self-examination “who am I?” in many cases it just doesn't work. All these human desires, goals, aspirations, fears and experiences attract attention to themselves, making it impossible to come to grips with the study of one’s own “I”. Literally, a few can successfully work with the technique of self-examination “who am I?” - less calm, free from heaps of desires and fears. The rest of you need to look for other enlightenment techniques. There are many enlightenment (self-inquiry) techniques, and it doesn’t matter which approach to self-inquiry you choose, as long as it gives a result in your case. How to determine whether it is worth practicing this or that self-inquiry technique? This is not difficult.

You can find many approaches, practices and techniques on the Internet. But how to choose exactly the practice or technique that suits you? The result of applying the right technique is to increase awareness, get rid of problems, complexes and negativity of any kind. You become calmer, wiser, freer and happier. Choose techniques that give a new (deeper) understanding of life, insight into the essence of phenomena, improve physical well-being and mood. Choose what gives the fastest and strongest effect in your case - this will save a lot of time. It is undesirable to use techniques with the use of narcotic (psychedelic) substances, trance and hypnosis. These approaches are far from conscious and will do more harm than good. If you cannot work on yourself on your own, find a specialist to help you. Perhaps it makes sense to attend some kind of seminar or training, but make sure that this is not just another scam - read reviews on the Internet, from various sources. Still, self-improvement is preferable and economical. Be careful with sects, religious groups, and "organizations." The fanatical gleam in the eyes of their representatives indicates that they have not achieved Understanding, and therefore they will not be able to give it to you either. If they don't have the awareness of Oneness, don't waste your time. Unrealistic prices for the services of "specialists" may indicate that this is a business or a scam. Although not always. If you are diligently imposed on the “only correct” picture of the world, this is a manifestation of fanaticism and misunderstanding. If you are required to fill out questionnaires, giving detailed information about yourself and your past (especially unsightly), think about whether this information is against you. Some techniques and even practices are built on bare faith, and work only if a person believes that they will give a result - this is the placebo effect. Choose techniques that work without believing in them. All the best!

BEYOND THE MATRIX What is outside the Matrix, how is life perceived outside the usual illusory limitations? When the Matrix ceases to have power over you, you go beyond it, and life is perceived in a completely different way: There are no problems, worries, fears and depressions. The complete absence of negativity. Calmness, bliss, inner joy, happiness (as a background for everything perceived). Full presence in the moment now.
Everything is harmonious and beautiful, unconditional love for everything that exists. There are no desires, aspirations, goals and plans for the future outside the Matrix. There are no identifications, divisions and struggles of opposites. Everything is One. Lack of attachments, addictions, preferences. Outside the Matrix there is also no involvement in what is happening (perceived), there is enjoyment of every moment now - with admiration, surprise and gratitude. There is no illusion (feeling) of "I", perceptions are impersonal. Nothing is more important something else. All the other illusions listed earlier are also missing, because illusions can only exist within the Matrix. Life, of course, goes on, if I may say so, but this is a completely different life! And this Life is beautiful, amazing and incredible! DO YOU NEED IT?

Let's continue our acquaintance with the Matrix of Life. In the previous article, you learned that the Matrix is ​​universal, applicable to the life of every person. The main elements of the Matrix are the Heavenly Chancellery, the Body, Abilities and Intuition, which interact in the Cultural space of a person.

Last time we talked about the fact that regardless of whether we believe in the existence of the Heavenly Office or not, it affects us, since the theme of the Divine exists in the cultural codes of people. The commandments “do not kill, do not steal, honor your father and mother ...” have long become an ethical norm in the Judeo-Christian tradition and, in fact, represent a law that regulates relations both between people and between people and God, no matter how we imagine him represented.

The heavenly office in the Matrix of Life is the place where our earthly life begins. This is where the basis of our consciousness arises, which stores information about our life purpose and purpose - all of this is described in detail in the first article. And today we are moving on to the second element of the Matrix - the Human Body.

Over the centuries of human history, the view of the body has changed dramatically and has always depended on the views accepted in society. From the worship of the body in ancient Greece, to accusing the Body of sinfulness, common in the Middle Ages. Today, the attitude to the body is determined by fashion, hobbies by certain health-improving methods and certain religious beliefs. In the Matrix of life, the Body is assigned the most important role, since without the body our life mission is impossible. It is thanks to the Body that we have the opportunity to create and correspond to a higher plan. And the essence of this plan is the achievement of a life goal and the realization of our destiny. With the help of the body, we exist in the material world, not only satisfy our physiological needs, but are capable of achievements that demonstrate the highest manifestations of the human spirit.

In order for us to successfully pass our life path, our body must have considerable vitality. Of all the factors affecting the vitality of the Body, we will highlight the elements that have the greatest impact. First of all, these are genes, the subconscious, ways of perceiving information and the influence of cosmic radiation.

Let's start with genes and genetics. Genetics is the science of the patterns of heredity. It is actively developing and today about thirty of its directions are known. Great hopes are pinned on genetics and its achievements are used in many areas of our life from medicine to forensics, from genealogy to genetic engineering. Thanks to genetics, we can look into and find out how human evolution took place. For example, in the modern human genome, from 0.5 to 1 percent of the genes inherited from the Neanderthals. Meanwhile, they disappeared about 40,000 years ago. Genes are the history of our kind and the history of mankind, which continues through the birth of each new person and builds an invisible connection between the past and the future of mankind.

Genes create our brain and body, determine physiology, hormones, temperament, resistance or predisposition to certain diseases, our reactions to stressful situations and how easily we can recover from them. It depends on them optimistically and pessimistically we perceive the world around us, energy or a tendency to laziness, cognitive abilities, our inherent way of psychosomatic reactions.

Our body and brain belong to the material world - we can measure their size, weight, see the internal structure. But consciousness belongs to the non-material world. It exists, but is invisible to the normal eye. We become aware of its existence through our reactions, thoughts, experiences, or actions that we perform through the mediation of our brain. Biologically and genetically, it is a part of our Body, and at the same time, in an amazing way, it is able to interact with the ideal world, acting as an intermediary between the Body and Human Consciousness. Everything we do is controlled by our brain. In a certain sense, we can say that we are our brains.

The ability of the brain to perceive, transmit and convert information into material (bio-chemical and electrical signals) makes possible our activity, experience and development. And how does the brain know what is happening around us in the outside world? How does he know what is happening with our body or consciousness? “We look with our eyes, but we see with our brains. We listen with our ears, but we hear with our brains. All external and internal information is supplied to our brain by sense organs or sensory systems. They provide our ability to see, hear, touch, smell, feel, etc. Based on the signals coming from the sensory systems, the brain will create a model of the world around us, evaluate what is happening to us and determine what need will be leading us right now. Thanks to sensory systems, there is a connection between the body, brain and consciousness of a person and the flow of information in which we are located is regulated.

Processing information requires a lot of energy and for this our brain takes 20% of the energy of the body. Not surprisingly, over time, the brain has developed strategies for working with information, which can be seen in our reactions and behavior patterns. These strategies can be described using the five primary elements, or elements, described in the ancient Chinese philosophy of Wu Xing. There are only five such elements - fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

A person dominated by the element Fire is fast and emotional, he is curious and looking for new experiences. Therefore, it will be unbearable for a person with the element of Fire to work on an assembly line. A person dominated by the element Water is unstable and changeable in communication, tends to occupy a new space. It will be difficult for a person with the element of Water to follow his promises. A person whose element of Wood predominates seeks foundations and continuity in new information, knows how to transform and develop it. A person with the element of Wood is always trying to get to the bottom of the matter. A person dominated by the element Earth is stable, “stands firmly on his feet”, he is cautious and practical. Therefore, quick financial decisions cannot be expected from a person with the elements of the Earth. A person dominated by the Metal element is cold, unemotional and patient, he is firm, stable and closed in himself. A person who is dominated by the element of Metal shows restraint in his reactions.

Information permeates all spheres of our life, connects us with each other and the world around us. Therefore, speaking about the body, we must take into account the information flows of the Earth and the Cosmos. Space affects our body through gravitational, light and magnetic radiation.

The evolution of man and nature took place under the influence of gravity. This influence is so serious for us that a separate science deals with it - gravitational physiology. To ordinary eyes, the forces of gravity are invisible, but they affect us. Including from other planets. And the most famous for us is the gravitational influence of the moon.

The moon does more than just cause the tides to ebb and flow. Certain phases of the moon and its position in orbit affect the state of our body fluids and lead to a deterioration in the condition of not only sick people, but also healthy people. Gravity is the force of attraction between material objects of any size. The existence of gravitational waves arising from the interaction of massive material objects was predicted by Einstein back in 1915. It took more than a hundred years to discover these, and only this year "the creators of the world's first device capable of registering gravitational waves" were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

From physics, we know about four fundamental interactions: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. Strong and weak interactions belong to the world of elementary particles. And gravitational and electromagnetic affect everyone. It is known that weak electric fields constantly operate in the cells and tissues of our body. The influence of the external environment causes their change, activates sensory systems. Electric fields create a magnetic field and electromagnetic effects occur. It is not surprising that magnetic storms or prominence flashes on the Sun lead not only to serious malfunctions in the operation of technology, but also to the ailments of many people.

What about stars and planets? Do they affect us, because they are so far away? Electromagnetic radiation from stars reaches the Earth. It is he who is captured by optical telescopes, radio telescopes and gamma-ray telescopes. And everything that reaches the Earth in one way or another affects us. Only X-ray telescopes, such as the famous Hubble, are in space and register X-rays, for which the earth's atmosphere is opaque.

Now you can say that astrology claims that the Cosmos influences a person. For thousands of years, peering into the starry sky, observing the movement of the stars, man has accumulated a huge amount of data on the influence of the Cosmos on us. The question arises: “How reliable is this data?” The main task of astrology is forecasting and astrology has a huge information potential for this. But it is still not recognized by science because the accuracy of the forecast mainly depends on the skill of the astrologer. For example, during the 2016 US presidential election, all astrologers unanimously spoke about Hillary Clinton's victory, that her aspects between the planets were better than Trump's, and only one made a statement that this would not happen.

It's time to draw the line. We figured out why the Body plays such an important role in our life. We found out what factors affect the vitality of our Body, which increases or decreases it. I hope this article will help you treat your body with more love, take care of it, eat right and keep it in good shape.

Next time you will learn about another element of the Matrix of Life - our intuition. About her secrets, about the fact that everyone has the ability to intuition and they are vital for us if we want to succeed and develop our abilities. If you would like to learn more about the Life Matrix, you can join the Life Matrix workshop in Chicago on February 24, 2018.

Briefly about the author. NaomiLyubimova is a political psychologist, a specialist in the development of human potential, the author of various methods and books. She received her psychological education in St. Petersburg, worked with leading political figures in Russia and Israel.

And from the book you will learn how to put your life in order with the help of the Matrices of Life. The hidden forces of the Matrices directly influence where and how a person is born, what he desires and how the situation of his life develops. The peculiarity of this book is its novelty and the combination of practical psychology with esoteric knowledge and the latest discoveries in science. You can find confirmation of this theory in psychogenetics, and in quantum mechanics, and in fractal psychology, and in the ancient doctrine of karma.


In ancient times, the rulers of great civilizations reached great heights and were known throughout the world. They managed to unite different peoples professing different faiths. Their military victories and economic achievements still impress historians. Moreover, the successes of the ancients were


It becomes clear that it was not just a matter of luck - the great kings of the past managed to develop an effective management system. And for success, you need special abilities and knowledge about the laws of the development of events that would allow you to achieve impressive success.

It is now absolutely clear that from time immemorial people who have held high positions possessed the knowledge that allows them to effectively manage their peoples for decades and lead them to prosperity. These rulers managed not only to maintain their position, but also to give a decent life to their subjects, down to the lowest strata of society.

They had a whole staff of advisers - the wisest people who preserved and increased the knowledge of their ancestors. This knowledge was both esoteric and psychological. Gradually, enough knowledge was accumulated for a strictly systematized teaching about the Matrices of Life to appear.

Knowledge about the predestination of events helped the ancient priests to look into the future and plan the actions of their ruler. Predictions using the possibilities of the Matrices of Life are an accurate prediction of the stages predetermined by fate itself, along which a particular situation and a person’s life as a whole will develop. The correct interpretation of certain signs and an accurate analysis of the situation, which is based on the analysis of the matrix model, makes it possible to look into the future.

Chapter I


Our unknown life

Our life consists of many details that can be more or less harmoniously arranged in our living space. And


some of these

we carefully arrange as we see fit.

The unconscious remains unknown and beyond our control.

With the help of the Matrices of Life, we can clarify for ourselves what is in that part of our being, which is often called


It is this part that will be discussed in my book. It is very important for us to know what to pay attention to, where to look for the causes of our failures, illnesses and conflicts with others. Sometimes these reasons lie on the surface. But it often happens that they are very deeply hidden from our understanding and we cannot find them without knowing where to look.

If you want to realize yourself, achieve what you want as quickly as possible, I am ready to help you. You will be able to save your strength and not get bogged down in the search. Because it is important not only to know how to fulfill this or that desire. It is also very important to know

why do we want this

After all, our desires do not arise by themselves.

We do not just find ourselves in this or that situation - there are reasons for everything. We know this from the law of cause and effect (karmic law):

each consequence (situation) has its own cause (origin)

This means that any life circumstance originates in one of our actions, when we choose how to act - one way or another. And every action we take in the future will have some consequences.

So our desires are conditioned by what we have achieved in the present, what we lack today and what we still have to do. All of them are directed to the future.

A bit of theory

There is knowledge that was generated by life itself and appeared at the time of the creation of the Universe. They have been tested for centuries. I mean knowledge about

Matrices of Life

If the ancient sages had decided to pass them on to us, despite the fact that they were secret in those days, they would have said something like this:

Life on Earth is subject to the law of balance of the four Matrices of Life;

This is the Matrix of Bliss and Peace, the Matrix of Patience and Accumulation, the Matrix of Struggle and Embodiment, the Matrix of Success and Victory;

No one can escape the influence of the Matrices;

Matrices are reborn one into another in a strict sequence;

World of energies of the Four Matrices of Life

Energy of the First Matrix -

Matrices of Bliss and Peace

- we need it in order to give ourselves pleasure, receive gifts, relax in every sense of the word: both in soul and body. With this energy, we can experience


life. But for this, we need to have a lot of such energy. because


- the highest degree of pleasure: sensual, mental and mental.

Energy of the Second Matrix -

Matrices of Patience and Accumulation

- we need it in order to courageously endure adversity, wait for better times, accumulate wealth, grow wiser and gain experience, endure pain and calmly fall asleep under the peaceful snoring of her husband, not paying attention to unpleasant little things. To resist the temptations and resist the bad habits that this energy pushes us to start, we need a lot of strength. Habits drive our behavior from the subconscious. In order to recognize harmful impulses, we must be focused on this process, which requires an expenditure of energy. Or we must block all unconscious impulses, and this is also an energy-consuming procedure.

Energy of the Third Matrix -

Matrices of Struggle and Incarnation

- we need to set goals and strive for them, get out of difficult situations, look for a better life and see the light at the end of the tunnel, escape from the clutches of disease and death. And also to find strength in yourself when it would seem that they are gone, to ask questions and look for answers, to have an interest in new things and to believe in a brighter future.

With the help of this energy, we can keep the chosen direction. In order not to turn off on the way to the goal, we need a lot of such energy. After all, we do not always have to move along the trodden path. We can find ourselves in difficult situations and encounter various obstacles along the way, overcoming which is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of energy from the Third Matrix.

Energy of the Fourth Matrix -

Matrices of Success and Victory

- we need in order to still achieve our goals, to achieve


This energy allows us


How the energies of the Matrices manifest in our lives

To begin with, I think it is necessary to define the phrase "energy of the Matrices".

The energy of any one Matrix will always prevail among others, which affects the twists of fate and the choice made by a person.

Each specific situation in our life has its own energy. At the same time, each situation is influenced by one of the Matrices. And we feel this influence daily and hourly. For cases that are simple and understandable to us, we have a certain set of so-called stamps of perception and behavior. That is, we can heat water and brew tea for ourselves without specifically addressing the energies of the Matrices of Life.

It is more difficult for us when we need energy, the lack of which we experience. For example, when we need to wait, be patient, but we don’t have the strength. And we show impatience, fuss, and this negatively affects the results in our affairs.

How the Matrices program our lives

I want to remind you that the lack of awareness in our lives leads to the fact that we are more easily succumbed to external influences and are more willing to

dancing to someone else's tune.

And first of all it concerns our Matrices. Each of us has all the Four Matrices worked out differently, and therefore we are not alike and live differently. But there are many coincidences in life, when different people behave almost the same way.

Explanation: All people are essentially the same.


explanation: different people can


At the same time, in the same situations, different people can behave differently.

Explanation: Everyone is different.


explanation: even people who look alike can


the degree of elaboration of certain Matrices.

I affirm this without proceeding from the principles of public morality and the idea of ​​forgiveness. My point of view was formed after realizing the influence of the energies of the Matrices of Life on all levels of our being. Our thinking, our habits, our desires and way of life obey the laws of the Matrices. And we can notice and understand this in order to help ourselves work through each of them as quickly as possible.

How is it that we attract certain situations

The reality is that everything in our life depends on ourselves, but only if we follow the laws of the Four Matrices. To do this, of course, you need to know these laws and how to work out the Matrices, how to determine which Matrix prevails in this particular situation, and in general in our life.

In each case of diagnostics, we will see a certain picture. We will receive not only a diagnosis, but also a recipe, using which you can change your life for the better. It is only necessary to properly understand the matrix features, the features of each Matrix, and what should be done with everything.

And here it should be remembered that the best is not what we want, but what will allow us to follow the laws of the Matrices of Life. Or even like this:

the best desire is the one that does not contradict the laws of the Matrices of Life.

Yes, these laws are sometimes harsh, but they regulate all life processes and direct them in the right direction. After all, we all want success! And we all have the potential to achieve this success.

As long as we have undeveloped Matrices, we need to be prepared for the fact that we also have the potential to fail from time to time. Each of us has ever faced the fact that we found ourselves in an unexpected or unpleasant situation for ourselves. And some people in their life just do what


trouble for yourself.

From mouth to mouth, stories are passed about those people who seem to be lucky in everything. They seem to attract good luck, wealth and useful connections. At the same time, a person himself can practically do nothing specifically for this. They say about such people that they have good karma, or in our case -

good Matrix

Life scenarios based on the nature of the energies of the Matrices

The combination of energies of worked out and unworked Matrices creates the conditions for life events to develop according to an individual scenario. This means that every person's life has some degree of predestination. We cannot predict exactly what will happen to an individual. But they are quite capable of presenting the general picture of life, and even with a certain degree of detail.

For example, using the Matrix, you can explain why a person cannot achieve success in some business, why he is sick, or why he has no chance of success at all. But you can also suggest the path that will lead a person out of this situation, talk about what will help change events for the better and finally achieve what you want.

Usually people do not lump together everything that happens in their lives. But you and I have a good opportunity to look at the life of other people from the outside with the help of the Life Matrix model. This clearly shows how the worked out Matrices create a positive picture of life, and the unworked ones create a negative one.

Here are two real life scenarios based on the same prevailing Matrix.

Scenario one, negative

A young woman, quite pretty, a mother of two children, almost never worked anywhere, but someone always helped her: relatives, ex-husband, rare suitors ... One day she met a middle-aged man who had his own small business. They began to live together and considered themselves a family. He opened a beauty salon, and she began to work there as an administrator. She was not interested in the salary, because the man fully provided for all her needs and indulged her whims.

For a while, the woman enjoyed the sweet life, especially without overworking herself and not burdening herself with thoughts about her future. The present suits her perfectly. And two years later, the man was fed up with her company and, having sold his business, left the city, leaving the woman some money. She was fired from the salon, because she was of no value as an employee and now she was no longer the wife of the owner.

The woman was left alone with two children, but, as before, she was not going to work for the sake of a salary. Money was constantly lacking, so she began to deny herself cosmetics, clothes and medicines. Then, as luck would have it, she fell on her left arm, and it swelled from a severe bruise. This woman was not going to go to hospitals and spend money on medicines, so soon her hand began to lose sensitivity and was partially paralyzed. But the woman was assigned a disability pension, and this saved her from starvation.

She constantly repeated that she needed money and that soon all her debts would be returned to her. Although all her friends knew that she did not lend money to anyone. Over time, the poor fellow fell lower and lower, her health deteriorated, her teeth turned black from coffee and cigarettes ... In the end, she became like a homeless person. She was no longer recognized by her old friends, because she was used to getting everything for free, for free, so to speak. Her only breadwinners were her daughters, who by that time had grown up.

It is known that this woman began to look like an old, toothless, wrinkled witch, although she is no more than her former girlfriends - only under forty. She hardly leaves the house, she got herself some kind of mongrel - she probably picked it up on the street - and there is a very unpleasant smell in her apartment.

Scenario two, positive

One girl was a sweet, quiet child. She could play with dolls for hours without giving anyone any trouble. Her dolls' dresses were always neatly pressed and lay on their shelves for years. And the girl wore her own dresses very carefully, so my mother gave old clothes to the children of her friends, and they thought that she had given them new clothes.

When the girl grew up, she went to college and studied diligently. She was not a crammer and knew just enough to score the required score. Gradually, she earned a reputation as a good student, and she was automatically given tests. Even at the institute, the girl began to save a little money, without spending money on cosmetics and perfumes.

They didn’t give her gifts, but sometimes she allowed herself something fashionable from clothes, which, by the way, she didn’t have much. True, she took care of all her dresses and wore them for a long time. After graduation, she was recommended to a good company in her specialty. A few years later, the young woman was promoted in position and salary. She already had enough money in her account to take out a loan for an apartment.

She met a young man, but was in no hurry to get married. Young people met for several years on the same days in the same place. During this time, the girl paid off the loan and became the head of the department. Then she still married her fiancé, and they bought a car. Then they built a cottage and gave birth to a child.

Over time, the family changed the old apartment to a more spacious one. After that, they decided to have another child. In the summer they constantly disappear in the country, diligently grow all sorts of vegetables and make preparations for the winter. I heard that the couple decided to update their car. External crises do not interfere with their measured life, because they can not only endure adversity, but also managed to save up something for

black day.

Many of the acquaintances envy their constancy, while not understanding how one can live without passions and violent emotions, intrigues and risky plans.

On the plurality of lives

each of us lives not one life, but at least several

Hardly anyone can say for sure how much. And

each person appears on Earth at the time that is the only possible time for this. We are born into the family that best suits our


I know that not everyone will want to agree with these statements. Because many are dissatisfied with the life situation in which they allegedly found themselves


If everything is different for you, then you are more fortunate than others.

The most common opinion about the circumstances of our appearance in this world is very vague. It boils down to the fact that this is a coincidence, a set of accidents, a combination of circumstances, and the like. The fact that one person is born talented, lucky or rich, and the other - mediocrity, a cripple and a beggar, is more convenient for us to attribute to chance. Because if we search


in these events, we will be able to come to significant and not very convenient conclusions for ourselves.


there is a certain pattern that


future life before we were even born.

And our luck, our talents, our happiness and wealth are already waiting for us in earthly life. This view refers us to our distant ancestors who believed in

multiplicity of lives and predestination

future events.

These beliefs arose as a result of centuries of observation of how events are formed and unfold in the material world. Even the ancient sages realized that not everything can be explained in the language of matter. Accordingly, there were hypotheses about the existence of the non-material world. And the repetition and unpredictability of what is happening gave rise to a belief in the existence of a Force that directs the course of life according to a certain pattern.

Today we have a journey into the Destiny Matrix method. Together we will open the matrix and know ourselves step by step. The material of this article will be of interest both to beginners who are just getting to know each other and in search of themselves, and to "old people" who have been in the subject for a long time.

We will start with a key concept introduced in ours at the end of 2016 - the Mirror Matrix.

Mirror Matrix

An important element of deep understanding method Matrix of Fate and differences from other schools is the Mirror Matrix.

"Why do you have the number of birth on the right, and the energy of the year of birth on the left?" is a frequently asked question from those who have studied this method on third-party resources.

I answer: The Matrix is ​​our reflection.

If we look in the mirror and do some action, then this action is repeated and displayed in the mirror. The matrix is ​​a mirror of ourselves, and in order for it to become a mirror on a piece of paper, we make the right side male and the left side female.

Accordingly, the right hand is responsible for the father, the left for the mother. When we display the same on the matrix, the number of birth falls on the right side, the number of the year on the left.

Further movement along the matrix goes clockwise - this is development, and the development of energies occurs counterclockwise, already the expansion of energy. Thus, a complete system is obtained.

Working with the looking-glass matrix (printed version of the matrix), when the birth number is written on the left side, is more difficult. Today we will see this clearly, when working with volume, this part goes into the shadows. And instead of growth and development, the person himself goes into the shadows. It begins to push through a straight square (foundation).

In addition, many in the looking-glass matrix begin to work immediately with a diagonal square, not understanding the difference between the squares - for them it is just a figure on paper. But at the energy level, this difference is incredibly huge!

As a result, the cons of energies manifest themselves stronger and brighter in life situations: discord begins in the family, at work, losses in finances, health - a lot of provocations and negativity immediately turn on.

Fate Matrix Method interesting in that as soon as you open your energies, as soon as you make the first calculations, prescribe energies, they immediately turn on for you. This is a living method, not a monument, as soon as you open and get acquainted with your energies, at the same moment they come to life in you.

For a more detailed understanding of the meaning of the date of birth numbers and the method itself, I recorded a free video course. You can access it via this link:

As soon as you discover some kind of energy and start working with it, immediately, in the near future, they begin to turn on provocations showing and revealing these energies to you. And you either notice these provocations or succumb to them - this is the passage of this or that energy, this or that program.

By the way, the energies of the current day also work in the same way.

EXAMPLE: Today is the 11th, for example, you could be very active today, do a lot of things, or waste your energy, do a lot, but to no avail. Or maybe you didn’t want to do anything today, you felt a state of laziness. Either someone tried to push you, to impose something, or you imposed something on someone. This is the inclusion of 11 energies.

There is a whole topic - a personal horoscope in the matrix. But that's another story... Let's get back to the Mirror Matrix.

Reversal relative to the vertical line - the Line of the Spirit

Imagine, we take a vertical line, in the figure it is a line with energies 7 and 5, and we unfold the matrix relative to it. The energies from the left side of the printed matrix are transferred to the right side. This is how the Mirror Matrix is ​​formed.

And it turns out that you are already working with a mirror matrix, and are not standing behind a mirror. Your energies begin to unwind in the correct sequence - the development is clockwise, and the expansion of the energies themselves is counterclockwise.

Our goal today is to introduce you to yourself with the help of an amazing method Matrix of Fate.

Remember, first we strengthen and harmonize the lower and upper crosses, because the energies can be in the negative, the squares lie unevenly on top of each other, the matrix can be half buried in the ground, it can be twisted into a tube, the chakras can not work.

On the right side, write your birth date.

This is the figure (energy) of the quality of the individual. What kind of person? How does he present himself in society?

If you want to know the description of 22 energies, you can download from this link:

On top we write the month of birth, there are only 12 of them.

This position is responsible for the sahasrara chakra and speaks of your connection with Spiritual Teachers. More precisely, your connection goes through this energy. Also, this energy is responsible for the downward flow of monetary energy. But we are already on the course.

On the left, we calculate the energy of the year of birth, for this we add all four digits of the year of birth one at a time: 1983=1+9+8+3=21.

21 is less than 22, so it's written that way. If you get a number greater than 22, then by adding, calculate the energy and write it down. This position is responsible for the karma of the present - recurring events in your life. What are these events will be prompted by the file with the description of the energies that you downloaded earlier in step 1.

Add the three vertices obtained - the date, month, year of birth and calculate the energy of the fourth lower vertex, write it down.

Often asked: “Where can you find your purpose? How many destinations do I have?

There are six destinations in total - planetary, tribal, social ... but we, deepening and discovering new knowledge, came to the conclusion that destination one for a person, is in the center of the matrix. And below is the energy Soul Goals.

The lower energy is also the obstacles that a person goes through, and the experience that a person gains after passing these obstacles.

Forty years is also a given lower position in the matrix of fate, when it can be very painful, and either sinking to the bottom, a person rethinks the values ​​​​of his life and goes up, or ...

What happens at the lowest point of the Matrix of Fate?

Each person passes this point in the region of 40 years. The vertical diagonal turns on - the manifested Spiritual rod, through which there is a connection with the VS (Higher Forces), and when a person does not move along the path of his Spiritual growth, his destiny, provocations of energy begin.

In this way, the BC tries to give clues to a person, first through certain events, in order to sharpen his attention.

When a person does not hear prompts ( this may be due to the closeness of the Soul Center (the center of the matrix), when the attitudes from parents, schools, imposed by society, personal, interfere with hearing impulses, the call of one’s Soul), then the situation begins to worsen - loss of money, real estate, relationships, work, deterioration of health.

Plus, since the lower part of the matrix is in the world of matter, then all these events occur in the material plane. This is not something Spiritual, for example, a crisis of faith, and events hit the most material points, the main elements of which are finances, self-realization, health, relationships.

The Matrix is ​​not an abstract system, many of you have encountered psychics when, upon coming to them, they told you: “Oh, you are sausage. Let's remember what you did then ... ".

I believe that someday, after a certain number of years, this system will be so well-known, accessible that people will easily interact and work with it, find answers to questions and bypass many errors.

Instead of looking for something or going to someone, a simple alignment according to the Matrix of Fate method will tell you important and key information about a person.

For a more complete portrait and solving certain problems, there are many other tools. There is a Matrix of the name, when two combined matrices: the Matrix of the Surname of the Name and Patronymic (full name) and the Matrix of birth, the energies are collected like beads, which gives a deeper understanding of the portrait of a person.

There is a Matrix of the Subconscious. There are provocateurs and helpers, each energy has its own root and flower. This is already the depth that we study in our

But, even with the initial knowledge, it is already becoming much clearer in life.

As soon as you become aware of the energy that is here and turn it into a positive, it becomes your experience - you have fulfilled your purpose of this level, and as soon as you pass it further, you move to the center of the Soul, this is what we do in the "Matrix Reboot".

Your next goal is Purpose of the Soul. That is, first you fulfill the destiny at the level of yourself as a person, the manifestation of yourself in this world, and then you fulfill the destiny of your Soul - this is the program of the center of the Matrix.

Right square calculation

To find the vertices of a direct square, the principle of adding adjacent energies works.

Take the received energy of the birth number and add it to the energy of the month of birth and get the energy of the upper right vertex of the straight square - this is the energy of the Father's Family.

We count the upper left vertex of the direct square in the same way, adding up the neighboring energies. Add up the energy of the month and the energy of the year of birth, the energy received is the energy of the Mother's Kind.

In exactly the same way, we find the bottom vertices of a straight square.
Add up the energy of the year and the energy of the destination, convert the resulting amount if the result is more than 22 and write it down.

Add the energy of the birth number and the energy of the lower energy of destination, transform the result if the sum is greater than 22 and write the energy of the lower right vertex into the matrix.

After you have counted all the vertices of the Matrix, take and write down all eight energies in a row. Look at the energies, write down the qualities of these energies. The next step is to find and record your vibrational series.

What it is? How to calculate and write it. There are simple numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and there are composite numbers, these are numbers greater than 9. If you have more than nine energies in the matrix, then by addition you reduce them to one number : 10-1, 11 - 2, 12 - 3, 13 - 4, 14 - 5, etc. are root energies.

EXAMPLE: If you look at my matrix, three threes are striking, besides this there are 12 - 3 and 21 - 3. The key energy of my matrix is ​​3. For my vibrational series, the three is the root energy for the entire series.

The vibratory row is a hint that allows you to see how many identical roots are in your row. If the triple goes into the negative, then, accordingly, the entire matrix begins to roll into the negative.

The negative of the three is greed, the desire to control everything, being hooked on the material, living life in the past or in the future, and not in the present. A person does not live the way he would like, either in dreams, or in past grievances, clues, etc.

You will find out in the next article.

What does each of us know about the world and life in general? Only what we have been allowed to know through the media. There are simply no other sources.

This means that our sources of information are television, the press, radio and people who transmit information to each other, again taken from media sources. It turns out that in fact a person does not know anything about the world and life at all, except for what he was allowed to know.

Life in the matrix or awareness

How often do we watch TV? Statistics show that on average human spends, sitting at the TV, 15 years of his life. Do we need it? This is perhaps the most powerful tool for programming human consciousness.

You have chills, headache, insomnia (programming in progress) disease). Further advertising medicine - buy, and everything will be fine. You understand that this is an absolute scam, and on a national scale.

Just like racketeers: first they rob you, and then they offer protection for your own money. But far from stupid people are sitting in the Ministry of Health, and they are well aware of the impact of television and advertising on consciousness of people.

And the government cannot be unaware of all this. So, everything is done on purpose. I do not promote light drugs, but from my own experience I know that they do not cause aggression, on the contrary, a person, as it were, goes into introspection, and this is also known.

But no, they are banned (even curly parsley, and even then they recognized it as a drug). It is impossible for people to engage in self-analysis, then they will understand that they are being bred like suckers.

These prohibitions were tightened when the hippie movement appeared, which promoted freedom and love. No state needs such people - after all, they will not plow for the power of the state and will not go to war as cannon fodder, playing the games of politicians.

Alcohol? Yes, please, at least get drunk, he's not expands consciousness and does not make people wiser. But it is known that 80% of crimes are committed by a drunken shop. Please - drink, rob, rape and kill, just don't get out of line.

And for dissidents there are psychiatric hospitals or again the same prison. At all times there has been a hunt for dissent, because the free people the state does not need them: not only will they not plow on others, but they can put others out of action.

What does each of us know about the world and life generally? Only what we have been allowed to know through the media information. There are simply no other sources.

This means that our sources of information are television, print, radio and people, which transmit information to each other, again taken from media sources.

It turns out that in fact human does not know about the world at all and life nothing but what he was allowed to know.

Just think about it and decide for yourself what to believe and what not. A person is very quickly programmed, and this is known to those who are at the top of power.

Look for knowledge in yourself, turn to your true I, and everything else is a well-designed matrix, where directions are indicated for everyone from birth (nursery, kindergarten, school for the formation of like-minded people, and then the choice is either to work or study further; but you, dear, are nowhere matrices if you don’t go out, you will still plow, there is no other option).

First, a person works, earns money, and then the state pulls it out of people, thanks to the program laid down in humanity: drink, smoke, eat, get sick, buy medicine, watch TV and don’t think about anything.

I am not making any discovery, all this has long been known and said long before me. Why then allow me and others to talk about it openly?

Yes, because egregore civilization is so powerful that lonely exclamations, like mine, will not change anything, otherwise I would have been neutralized long ago, and information destroyed.

Although now special services are also being introduced to control information on the network, where moods that are objectionable to the authorities will be suppressed.

Well, okay, not everything is as scary as it seems at first glance. After all, wise people have learned to live in the matrix, but not of this world. Toltecs call it stalking, which means playing the game of life, and they do it well.

realizing that there is nothing important in this world except of death, stalkers play roles like in a theater, with the only difference being that it doesn't matter to them.

For those who have not read Carlos Castaneda, this understanding will be unusual and obscure (I also could not understand the essence for a long time at first). But over time, this will definitely come, and then it will be possible to learn to be free even in the matrix.

In order to avoid accepting further erroneous beliefs in your life, live according to the principle: BELIEVE NOT BELIEVE, that is, pass information through yourself and create your own experience, your personal knowledge.

Forget about the information that we have been stuffed with since childhood. Do you still believe the earth is round? Absurd! In three-dimensional space it is round, in two-dimensional space it is a circle, in four-dimensional space it’s not understand at all.

But there are countless spaces, and each of them has a different reality. Do you still think that 1+1=2 ? Also a false statement. After all, you can think of any number of ways to calculate, and the answer can be absolutely any number.

We were convinced that sun- it's fire. Who touched him? Valery Sinelnikov, for example, considers it mirror, which reflects the human mood, and his theory has the right to exist.

I can, for example, come up with and say that Universe- it's a big bag sun is the hole in this bag, and beyond the hole is the light. Who can prove to me that I'm wrong?

And if major authoritative figures from science, for fun, confirm my scientific justification, prove, convince and program humanity, then a powerful egregor will be created that will make this reality absolute truth.

And you won’t be able to easily prove to the next generation that it was an experiment, since the program embedded in early childhood, sits very firmly.

Forget about what you supposedly know, and then you will be open to understanding the truth, because everything that is in your head is transmitted through other people, which means it is not yours.

People get the impression that I'm not a very positive person, more likely even a sad and sad person, and my harsh lyrics are proof of that.

I did not intentionally create such an image, it just happened, but everything, as they say, has a downside. You cannot be cleansed without acknowledging the dirt. You can splash yourself with perfume as much as you like, but you will not become cleaner until you go to the bath.

Someone is trying to propagate the absolute goodness? Well, then the flag is in your hands, run after the sun so that the night does not catch up with you, and do not even think of blinking, otherwise you will see darkness.

How do you recognize light if you haven't seen darkness? How to recognize good if there is no evil? Evil exists as long as there is good. There will be no one - there will not be another. Absolute good, as a rule, is promoted by those who are trying to hide their evil.

Any attempt to propagate something is a defense in order to hide its other side. Those who hate drug addicts, alcoholics, are themselves hidden drug addicts and alcoholics.

And psychologists know about this, as they also know that it is necessary to treat a person who does not depend on a bad habit, namely, someone who is trying to empathize with him and set him on the right path. Bad truth?

Still would! After all, only a conscious person can reveal their true thoughts. If you are negative get emotional at the sight of an alcoholic or drug addict, then the problem is in yourself, treat yourself.

The best option is not to judge and stop dividing world for good and bad. Trying to impose a program Ego to your subconscious, which is in absolute harmony with the entire universe? Isn't it stupid?

Do not judge and you will discover a new world, WORLD LOVE AND HARMONY. I'll quote from the movie at the end. "Biggest Secret" :

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy Health.

Lawyers destroy Justice.

Universities destroy Knowledge.

Governments destroy Freedom.

Mass media destroy Information.

Religions destroy Spirituality."

A chapter from a book on self-knowledge and achieving goals in the language of accessible esotericism "Hedgehog in the fog or reaching the goal - 2". Noel Bukharmetov and Natalia Berilova

Order full versions of books with practical exercises and installation of the "Tunnel Leading to the Goal"