Teaching rhetoric. Online courses on rhetoric and public speaking

I really liked the course, awesome exercises, the trainer was very invested in the process!

A lot of useful information, exercises that are not only effective but also funny in places. Coach Leonid explained everything very clearly. I liked the work with fears and with meta-messages, there were funny fieldwork. In general, I liked the teaching methodology, I think that the Oratory Art training covers in great detail many aspects of oratory skills, having learned and practiced which you can very, very improve the effectiveness of your speech, just like any communication.

Vasily Kulesh


Awesome training. Perhaps one of the best among those I've been through.

Leonid explains everything as clearly and clearly as possible. The training in public speaking was very rich both in terms of material and practice. And this is the first course in which classes “continued until the last minute”)) - an unexpected turn of events. But despite the slight fatigue, after the training it felt like I had crystal clarity in my head for most of what I had gone through. And, of course, the training is very fun. Thank you very much for the training

Pavel Mikhailov

Head of Sales Department

It was interesting to learn from a person who has achieved excellent results in the topic he teaches

What I liked most was the competent matrix of skills required in public speaking. I liked the theory/practice ratio: the theory was compressed into the required format. In total, the Oratory course gives a lot of knowledge and skills - cool and sometimes difficult. But everything is explained and presented in an accessible manner, and each individual exercise is performed cheerfully and enthusiastically. I learned a lot of new and useful things. Thank you

Evgeniy Grigoryan


I truly experienced and understood the power of how you can communicate your thoughts effectively and deeply!

And also make people think about your words, inspire them to do something, captivate them with a story or story, and also encourage them to do something. I can say that my speech has become lively, varied and colorful) And this, in turn, had a very positive effect on my general condition and mood - it improved, and my mood lifted). In addition, a very important issue for me was considered - self-presentation! How to tell about yourself in 1 minute in such a way as to hook and interest the people with whom you communicate. Overall, I liked everything. Thanks to Coach, you are very positive and charismatic, a true professional in your field!

Anatoly Melnikov


Oratory is an amazing training, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of communication skills!

This training is essential for every person who wants to get their idea and proposal the attention it deserves. The confidence of your word becomes unshakable! I can say with confidence that this is the best training I have ever attended. The most necessary, powerful, bright, practical! In a word - I recommend it! Special thanks to Leonid Vasiliev for his hard work, attention and experience!

Pavel Podobed


The training program itself is simply amazing!
Inga Medvedeva

Sales Specialist

I had a fear of speaking in front of an audience, which by the end was already destroyed by going beyond the limits

The training is the strongest! After the Oratory training, I intend to continue practicing the skill; in fact, I have a complete understanding of how to use all the tools, and not just the volume of my voice, which I used before. It is important for me to use this skill to sell in front of an audience, which is what I plan to do in the near future. The coach invested his maximum in the group and answered absolutely every question from the participant. As I progressed, I stepped far out of my comfort zone. For the first time I experienced the pleasure of performing, this state of flow and attention directed at you. Many thanks to the coach

Maxim Borovoy

Photo/Video shooting

The training breaks boundaries and stereotypes in matters of communication and public speaking.

Leonid Vasiliev, a man who minds his own business. He presents information simply and explains everything down to the smallest detail. During the training I received communication “tools” that I use almost every day. I understood what I need to work on and what to improve in my communication. I recommend everyone to take this course! You will discover a lot of new things. And even if you don’t plan to speak publicly, you will learn how to simply communicate with people who surround us everywhere: at work, in a store, at home, on the street, etc. and so on.

The ability to speak convincingly and work with an audience of listeners is important for everyone today. Even those who do not need to speak at conferences every day still need to present themselves correctly - getting a job, salary, and career advancement depend on this. No matter how in-demand a specialist you are, it is important that you and your ideas are heard.

Two ways to improve your speaking skills:

  • take a course in rhetoric or public speaking;
  • engage in self-study.

The main advantage of the courses is the real opportunity to speak in front of an audience of listeners. However, the courses also have disadvantages - due to the fact that there are many people in the group, the teacher does not devote enough time to everyone. Thus, there is no personalized approach, which is so important when working on psychological and speech problems of people that prevent them from speaking correctly and freely.

In the case of self-study, the advantages are obvious - you can try different methods, spend exactly as much time as needed on doing exercises and consolidating certain skills, you can study according to a convenient schedule, etc. Oratory lessons do not necessarily have to be supervised by a teacher: today You can find a variety of video lessons on the Internet, tutorials for beginners, as well as many tips.

Mistakes of Beginner Speakers

Those who are just starting to learn make the same mistakes. These include:

Training can take place in different ways. With the advent of the Internet in every home, video lessons have become very popular. In fact, they are no different from listening to a lecture at a seminar or training to improve rhetoric - except that you cannot ask the teacher a question.

Videos can be free or paid. Free ones can be freely found, viewed and downloaded online. They provide information regarding rhetoric and discuss the most well-known exercises for improving it. Paid lessons can be found on the websites of rhetoric teachers or by contacting them personally.

Popular exercises for developing public speaking skills include:

  • exercises in front of the mirror;
  • exercises with a voice recorder;
  • independent preparation of a speech using given reference points.

In the first case, you can observe yourself during a speech or monologue. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, everyone will notice the excitement and fuss that we ourselves do not notice, but which are visible to those who listen to a public speech. It is also effective to record a speech on video - the effect of the exercise will be similar to the exercise with a mirror, and the speaker will not be constantly distracted by the reflection in the mirror.

You can find “pivot points” yourself on the Internet or in a book, or you can get them from a video in which the teacher talks about them. Knowing the “outline” of a monologue, it’s easy to compose a speech. However, over time, the task will need to become more complex and improvisation training will be required.

Video lessons on the Internet also talk about other techniques that can be used to become an experienced speaker. The path to this will take some time, however, the result is worth it - you can speak at conferences and meetings in front of strangers, communicate with colleagues, partners and loved ones without embarrassment, anxiety, instantly formulating thoughts and being able to achieve the desired reaction to them.

Teaching public speaking is important at every age, for young and experienced professionals, and for a variety of activities. The time it takes to train will pay dividends for years to come. In addition, even if you know how to speak in public, it is worth periodically expanding your knowledge and abilities in the field of rhetoric - this will help in business, in school, and in personal relationships.

There is a thesis with which I completely agree:

A successful person is a speaker.

  • Because speech is an important tool of a MODERN SUCCESSFUL person.
  • Each of you, I am sure, buys a mobile phone With maximum number of useful functions: so he could not just call, but also take photographs, shoot videos. So? And this no longer seems excessive.
  • This is how any employer wants to hire employees. with the maximum number of useful functions . Skill protrude, do presentations, reportsuseful function of an employee, do you agree?

Is it easy to learn public speaking?

Various people enroll in my Public Speaking courses. Both confident people and insecure people. But after a while they are already good speakers.

And one hundred percent.

That's why I know that learning public speaking is easy. Any person with any data.

Don’t believe those people who tell you that learning rhetoric is difficult.

  • It is as difficult and at the same time easy as learning to ride a bike, swim or cook in the kitchen.
  • For a long time I believed my friends that only a select few can learn to play the guitar. Until I was 18 I believed. And then I bought a guitar and within a month I was playing quite well. After another half a year, I was one of the best in my dorm.

I also heard that a speaker needs some innate data and abilities. For example, charisma or self confidence

Yes, they won't hurt.

It's all good. But most often people come to me without these qualities. But... they do their homework, do exercises... And get excellent results in public speaking.

By purchasing along the way and charisma and confidence

Need data. But others. At least a slight sense of pride and a little self-discipline.

It’s also useful to remember that laziness is not the most important thing in life.

Is it possible to learn public speaking from a self-instruction manual?

The famous proverb says that you can lead a donkey to water, but no devil can force him to drink.

No matter who teaches us, no matter how he teaches us, we learn ourselves. And depending on how much knowledge we need, we learn.

There are two main elements in any training: theory And practice

Without theories It is possible to learn, but it is difficult. Theory helps to quickly master knowledge and quickly master practice. Without practices(without lessons and exercises) learning is even more difficult. Knowledge without practices- Just gossip, which are gradually are forgotten. Alternately receiving knowledge and securing them on practice, we learn any skill.

Later, when the skill is learned, we do not remember the knowledge and do not control our actions - we just do it.

Public speaking is not a simple skill.

Mastering rhetoric requires practical exercises involving speaking in front of other people.

  • You can do exercises by yourself, in front of the mirror.
  • You can - exercises before video camera.

But in this case, it is useful to periodically find practice in speaking, at work, at meetings, at parties.

One way to organize practice is to gather a group of friends who are also interested in mastering public speaking for free and learning together.

This happens often. Friends or colleagues are interviewed who want to learn public speaking lessons for free. There are always people who want to learn rhetoric. And after the first meeting, rumors about useful leisure bring even strangers. And all the lessons and exercises from this book can be done together.

Can be trained alone with a friend.

Do practical exercises together.
And, alternately, be a demanding teacher and a talented student.

Collecting is very welcome family evenings, and do exercises with your family.

This is an interesting and useful family leisure activity. You'll see that all members of your family will enjoy elocution lessons.

But if you still use rhetoric study on your own- it is also good. After all, many practical exercises can be done independently.

So where should you start?


2. Practice.

Lesson #1.

Let's start with a simple exercise. Read any of these parables:

Stand in front of the mirror and tell any of them in your own words.

If you are already doing well in front of the mirror, turn on the video camera.

A webcam, for example, or a video camera on a smartphone.

When this turns out well, tell this parable to one of your friends.

Next time you can do the same with any story(news) from the Internet.

Here's an example.

  • The most ordinary story told by the most ordinary person:

I think it’s useful to learn public speaking once, so that you can use it for the rest of your life.

However, the preface has gone on for a long time - it’s time to move on to the next chapters.

Public speaking is more than the ability to get up on stage and confidently deliver a prepared speech. Many politicians, public figures and leaders believed that the ability to convince an audience that you are right, to interest them in your ideas and thoughts is the key to success in any endeavor.

Oratory is the ability to convey one’s point of view to listeners, present one’s ideas and achievements in a favorable light, and draw attention to an exciting problem or one’s own person. Eloquence is a personal brand. Outstanding speakers are able to completely change the public's perception of themselves and their cause during a public speech. Because words, voice, speech are one of the most effective tools of persuasion. Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to use this tool to achieve your career and personal goals.

The Oratoris school of public speaking provides individual and group classes, but not all students can come to the school in Moscow or St. Petersburg at the right time. Some are too busy for face-to-face lessons, others are abroad or in a remote region. We have organized online rhetoric lessons especially for busy students. Study from home or office at a time convenient for you!

How online classes work

All you need for online lessons is Skype and a webcam. You will study with the founder and head of Oratoris, Anton Dukhovsky. He conducts personal online meetings and trainings with each student. Anton Dukhovsky is not a theorist, he adheres to the principle: in order to achieve success in business, you need to practice every day. Therefore, every day he speaks to different audiences, gives solemn speeches, short lectures, and gives presentations.

We are confident that for training to be effective, it must meet the student’s goals and provide answers to questions that concern him. Therefore, we offer several formats of online classes:

  • Public speaking courses “Expert”, “Time to Persuade”, Storytelling.
  • Rhetoric classes according to the author's system of Anton Dukhovsky.
  • Individual preparation for presentations, interviews, interviews, holiday speeches.
  • A course designed specifically for you: indicate the topics that interest you, and we will create a program.

The Expert online course includes several classes at a time convenient for you. They are carried out according to the schedule that we set. You can complete the program at a more intense pace. “Expert” includes professional voice and speech production, overcoming stage fright, training in public behavior, techniques for capturing and holding the attention of listeners. Anton Dukhovsky will also teach you how to prepare texts for ceremonial speeches and presentations. You will learn how interesting it is to start them and finish them effectively.

The online course “Time to Persuade” can be taken via Skype. But he has a different program, it is dedicated to wit, the development of verbal thinking, communication with a conflicting audience, the ability to influence listeners and convince them of the correctness of their point of view. A separate lesson is devoted to the analysis of “hot” speeches by famous world leaders and provocations from the audience.

The online course “Storytelling: The Power of Stories” is dedicated to the ability to tell stories, as well as use them to achieve your goals: marketing, image formation, persuasion of the audience. The program will teach you to influence listeners with the help of stories, use storytelling in business, and extract profit from stories.

How online classes work

Most often, public figures study public speaking: politicians, leaders, pop stars. Communication with the public, presentations and press conferences are an integral part of their work; the position requires them to be able to win over the audience and clearly express their thoughts. But we also have teachers, coaches and lecturers studying online. Because mastery of a topic and deep knowledge in a certain area do not yet equal the opportunity to present it to listeners, explain the topic clearly, attract attention and stir up the interest of students.

However, online public speaking classes will be useful to anyone who is thinking about the future, wants to develop, build a career, or win people over. Because rhetoric is the ability to communicate, convey your thoughts, and convince. Classes will make you more relaxed and confident, help you overcome internal anxieties and achieve more in the area in which you work.

Who is online training for?

  • The ability to behave in front of an audience: on stage, at the pulpit, in a conference room or at a festive table. Stage fright is familiar to every person, but we know how to overcome it and truly love performing in front of an audience.
  • Self-confidence and freedom of expression. Online public speaking training will help you believe in yourself and overcome your inner inhibitions and complexes. You may have been taught since childhood that “I” is the last letter in the alphabet and silence is golden. But we know: modesty only makes a person gray, and we will teach you to demonstrate your talents and express your thoughts beautifully.
  • Ability to communicate, skills of a pleasant interlocutor. It will become easier for you to negotiate with business partners, investors, and colleagues. You will learn to make friends, win over strangers, and meet people of the opposite sex easily and naturally.
  • Preparation of brilliant speeches, presentations, toasts. You can plan, write and deliver a persuasive speech for any occasion. You won’t get confused during an interview, an interview, or a business discussion.
  • Beautifully delivered speech and deep voice. Oratory requires mastery of the voice, and in online classes we will teach you speech and diction. Even your opponents will not want to interrupt you - your voice will sound so good.
  • Charisma and talent for persuasion. Forget if you were told that charisma is something that you can only get from birth, because it is not true. Developing charisma is one of the things we teach online listeners.

Cost of online training

As you know, people's impressions of communicating with each other are based 55 percent on body language, 38 percent on voice timbre and diction, and only 7 percent on the words they speak. Therefore, the problem of a good voice for a person is extremely relevant, since it determines almost 40 percent of his success in life.

It is very important to breathe correctly. And the first few exercises will teach us this:

1. Inhale on the count of 1, 2, 3, 4, on 5, 6 - hold your breath, on the count of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 - exhale.

2. Repeat the task of exercise 1, but as you exhale, count out loud: 7, 8...15.

3. Take a short breath, hold your breath a little, and as you exhale, start counting: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Do not speed up the counting rate, do not take in air.

4. Say a counting tongue twister, inhaling at the place indicated *, and continue as you exhale, as long as there is enough air: “Like on a hill, on a hillock there are thirty-three Egorkas*: one - Egorka, two - Egorka, three - Egorka and so on Further".

6. This is an exercise to train the diaphragm. Say the text below without closing your mouth. You can imagine that you have a filling and you cannot close your mouth:

Without eating for two hours? Terrible!
I didn't have breakfast in vain.
I want to eat more than ever!..
Wait two hours? Nonsense!
There is character, there is will,
If I can’t, I won’t eat!

We are on the right track and the following exercises are aimed at development of the voice itself: its strength, mobility and euphony

7. Name the floors along which you mentally climb, raising the tone of your voice each time, and then “go down” down.

8. Pronounce the words slowly at first, then gradually speed up the tempo to a very fast pace and then slow down: “We were driving fast, we were driving fast, we were driving fast... we were driving fast... we were driving fast.”

9. Pronounce the syllables drawn out and smoothly (as when singing): mi, me, ma, mo, mu, we.

The most interesting things are ahead, bringing us closer to the success of speaking in front of any audience: exercises to develop diction.

10. Pronounce difficult combinations of sounds, first slowly, then faster:

Tlz, jr, vrzh, mkrtch, kpt, kft, ksht, kst, ktsch, kzhda, kkzhde, kzhdo, kzhdu, kshta, kshte, kshtu, kshto.

11. Say words with difficult combinations of consonants, first slowly, then faster:

Stay awake, philosophize, postscript, cheer up, transplantation, supersonic, disheveled, counter-breakthrough, point of explosion, Protestantism, excite, over-anxious, get into the barrel, department, fire hose, supersonic, floridate, philosophize, monster, much to snore.

12. Practice pronouncing long consonants:

To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to tours, to Gala, to Katya, to Kiev, to the end, to the city, distant, to get involved, to give, to kindle, an outlet, to live out, without a fur coat, ruthless, immortality, to restore, to confirm, push away;

13. Work on the combination of sounds can be carried out in the form of a game, using onomatopoeia:

  • Hammer the nails: Gbdu! Gbdo! Gbde! Gbdy! Gbda! Gbdi!
  • Imitate a horse's stomp: Bird! Ptko! Bird! Birds! Ptke! Birds!
  • Throw imaginary plates to your partner: Kchku! Kchko! Kchke! Kchka! Kchky! Kchki!

14. Pronounce tongue twisters with difficult combinations or alternations of consonant sounds:

  • Tell us about your purchases. - What kind of purchases? - About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.
  • Buy a pile of spades.
  • There is a haystack with a small quail, and under the hay there is a quail with a small quail.
  • Standing, standing at the gate, is a bull with a blunt mouth and wide short length.
  • The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell was poured, the bell was forged, but not in the Kolokov style; the bell needs to be re-capped and re-caulked, the bell needs to be re-belled and re-caulked.

This is a small part of the existing exercises aimed at developing speech and voice. But if you devote 15 minutes a day to such training, you can learn to control your voice and easily win over others.

“A poet is born, but a man himself becomes an orator” (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Even such a famous speaker of the 20th century as the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher had a shrill voice from birth that was not very pleasant to hear. She felt lost in front of a large audience, was frightened by hundreds of human eyes, and at the same time forgot her words and did not know where to look.

But in fact, Thatcher became “iron” later. Having perfectly understood and realized that without oratory she would not be able to achieve significant success in politics, Margaret began to work on herself. The “Iron Lady” signed up for voice training classes and took public speaking courses.

Long months of preparation for a public speech, rehearsals and auditions, consultations with a theater arts teacher and an experienced image maker led her to the result that we all know well.

As you can see, each of us can become a great speaker. The main thing is desire. If it is, then the first step on the path to your comprehension of the art of eloquence has already been taken.

To be continued...