Education in Ireland. Ireland is a country of quality education

Ireland is deservedly considered one of the most environmentally friendly, hospitable and safe countries in Europe, so studying in Ireland is very prestigious. It has its own education system, which is not inferior in quality to the British one. Studying in Ireland is a good start to your career.

The Irish Leaving Certificate is recognized worldwide. who have been trained in Ireland. Graduates of Irish schools successfully enter both Irish and top foreign universities.

Studying in Ireland is a reliable way to gain solid knowledge. Passing exams is possible only after a solid assimilation of the material, so the standards and requirements are very high.

What else is good about studying in Ireland and? Most of the guest families are located in the picturesque historical regions of the country, where you can feel the local flavor and the amazing friendliness of its inhabitants. But one of the biggest benefits is the cost.

The cost of studying in Ireland

The cost of studying in Ireland is significantly lower than in England or the USA. The price of holiday programs starts from 900 euros, and the cost of language programs for adults is even lower.

Worth a special mention. The cost of annual education is 30-40% cheaper than in the UK. You can study in Ireland for fifteen to twenty thousand Euros a year and, upon graduation, go directly to a UK university. Thus, such education in Ireland makes it possible to study in the future not only in Europe, but also in England.

The formation of the educational system in Ireland has a rich centuries-old history, which allowed this country to achieve excellent quality in teaching various disciplines. Every year, the Emerald Isle is becoming an increasingly attractive place for European students who want to get a sought-after specialty. A diploma obtained in any of the higher educational institutions in Ireland is recognized in all developed countries of the world and guarantees its owner a high chance of further employment.

Education system

After numerous reforms and the introduction of advanced solutions, the education system in Ireland has gained stability and today it provides three levels for each citizen:

  1. Primary education (Primary School) - for children 6-12 years old.
  2. Secondary education (Secondary School) - for boys and girls from 12 to 18 years old.
  3. Higher and specialized education (Tretiary) - for persons who have reached the age of 18+.

It is noteworthy that the Irish begin to learn literally from the cradle. Although children are usually sent to school from the age of 6, many parents prefer to enroll their babies in preschool institutions. Here, in addition to the development of mental skills and fine motor skills of the hands, the idea of ​​the importance of education, as well as its direct impact on the standard of later life, reaches the smallest citizens of Ireland. Similar pre-school programs are provided for children from low-income families and orphanages, from 3 years old and older.

Along with the three-tier system of education in Ireland, there are two main types of schools, such as:

  1. National educational institutions (free).
  2. Private schools (paid).

For most ordinary citizens, educating a child in a private boarding school is an unaffordable luxury. The annual membership fee can vary between 6-10 thousand pounds, so no more than 4-5% of the total number of students receive knowledge here. Nevertheless, such educational institutions remain in demand, and some of them (for example, The Bower School or Rockwell College) have been operating since the Middle Ages. Here, students are made into real leaders, and the number of students enrolled in higher educational institutions after graduating from private schools is close to 100%.

Elementary education

Primary school in Ireland (Primary School) is compulsory and absolutely free for every citizen of this country. Children are sent to the first grade at the age of 5-6 years, while the term of study here is 6 years. The main disciplines that students will have to study at this stage are the natural sciences, as well as subjects aimed at developing the creative and analytical abilities of the child. Upon subsequent transition to secondary school at the age of 12, students are not required to take any examinations.

Ireland's primary education system provides for three types of schools, including:

  • state educational institutions;
  • specialized schools;
  • private establishments.

Public educational institutions, in which education is provided free of charge, are divided into several types (for example, non-religious, religious,
multi-confessional, etc.). There is also a small group of schools where subjects are taught only in Irish, which allows children to determine their belonging to a distinctive nation and deeply imbued with the culture of their native country.

Children with limited physical or mental abilities study in specialized institutions. The main task of teachers in these schools is the maximum subsequent integration of such a citizen into society. In addition, special attention is paid here to overcoming the psychological difficulties that arise as the baby grows up and becomes familiar with the outside world. The teaching of disciplines and the period of study here depend, first of all, on the severity of the disease of each individual child, however, all educational programs try to saturate them with useful interesting information as much as possible.

As mentioned earlier, the future elite of society is formed in private schools. The directors of such institutions are completely independent of the municipal authorities, therefore they have the right to select the teaching staff, determine the content of educational programs and approve the internal regulations of the school. Many students live together for years in private boarding schools, as a result of which they more expressively than other children reveal the makings of a leader or subordinate.

Secondary education system

Secondary education is required to receive every citizen of Ireland, therefore, at the age of 12, all children enter a new cycle of education (Secondary School). The secondary education system in Ireland consists of three main levels, such as:

  • entry level (Junior Cycle);
  • transition year (Transition Year);
  • senior level (Senior Cycle).

Each of these cycles has its own characteristics. So, for example, the Junior Cycle lasts for 3 years, and during this time the student must master at least ten different subjects (mathematics, English and Irish, natural sciences). As additional subjects that anyone can start studying, history, design, geography, foreign languages ​​and other socially useful disciplines should be noted. Personal education and physical education are considered non-examination subjects, however, due attention is paid to the development of morality, a culture of behavior, and physical endurance.

At the end of the initial level, all students take a mandatory state exam, after which they receive a certificate of the established form (Junior Certificate). Next, teenagers need to make a responsible decision about continuing their education. Anyone who does not wish to go to the next step can start working. The rest will have a Transition Year, which is necessary for admission to the senior level. It is noteworthy that this stage is a purely Irish invention, which helps students to determine the range of their interests. Each institution determines the curriculum in the Transition Year independently, and project work, research, creative circles, sports sections, excursions, and volunteer events allow to identify talents and inclinations.

Senior level (Senior Cycle) implies 2 years of study. This is a kind of preparatory stage for entering a university, because most students after graduation will try to enter a university or college. The educational program provides for an in-depth study of 6 to 8 subjects. The list of subjects depends on the specialty that the student plans to master. Upon completion of the course, all students take a mandatory exam to receive the Graduation Certificate (The Living Certificate). This document confirms that the candidate's level of preparation is sufficient to apply to Irish, American or European universities.

The certificate directly affects the chances of entering a higher educational institution, therefore, the higher the score, the more realistic it is to get the desired specialty.

Secondary education in Ireland is not inferior to the British counterpart, however, in terms of cost, it is more affordable for low-income segments of the population. The average family on the "Emerald Isle" annually spends no more than 4-5 thousand pounds on food for a child, school uniforms and textbooks, while education in private educational institutions can cost about 8-13 thousand pounds. Accessibility, quality and practical focus are the fundamental principles that have made Irish education one of the best in the world.

Higher education system

The third educational stage was education in higher educational institutions, pedagogical institutes or colleges. Basically, all of these institutions are public, but not so long ago, private business colleges began to open in Ireland, which quickly gained popularity among students. Enrollment in all universities of the country is carried out on the basis of the Graduation Certificate, which displays the level of proficiency in specialized disciplines.

The higher education system in Ireland has 7 universities, 14 institutes of technological orientation, as well as over a dozen public and private colleges. The most famous institution of higher education in the country is considered to be Trinity College Dublin, which was founded in 1592. This university has a long tradition, developed infrastructure, the best teaching staff, which made it the main competitor of Oxford and Cambridge on the British Peninsula.

Higher education in Ireland is paid, depending on the specialty, student education can cost about 4-10 thousand pounds annually.

The standard educational program is 3 (sometimes 4) years, after which each student takes a final exam. According to the results of this test
a decision is made to award a bachelor's degree and issue a diploma. Four-year programs provide the opportunity to receive an "honorary bachelor", which in the future gives higher chances for employment.

The range of specialties offered for study at Irish universities is incredibly diverse, but innovative technologies have become their main “horse”. It is for mastering the effective management of personnel, the secrets of investing, doing business, that most students seek to enter higher educational institutions in Ireland.

Master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies

Studying in Ireland can continue after receiving a diploma and assigning a specialty. Those students who plan to link their future with science in the future can, after receiving a "bachelor's degree", enter the master's program at one of the country's universities. The period of study here is 2 years, while the study of the chosen discipline is carried out using cause-and-effect analysis, laboratory experiments or other relevant methods. After graduating from the magistracy, the student is obliged to defend his research work, based on the results of which a decision is made to award him the degree of "master".

Postgraduate and doctoral studies have become the crowning achievement of Ireland's higher education system. This stage is exclusively related to research activities, and its duration is 3 years. During this period, the applicant for a scientific degree is obliged not only to thoroughly master the profile subject along with related disciplines, but also to write and defend his own dissertation. If the defense of the work was successful, then the applicant is awarded a doctoral degree (Doctor of Philosophy or Philosophies Doctor). One of the examiners in the selection committee must be a representative of the university where the doctoral student is studying.

The education system in Ireland began to take shape in the Middle Ages, when local monks began to educate the population on the "mysteries of the universe." Over time, the education model on the Emerald Isle has undergone many reforms, but has managed to maintain its individuality, integrity, and educational orientation. Today, the state policy in the country is aimed at improving the quality of education and its accessibility for all segments of the population, so that every resident of the country can gain in-depth knowledge of any modern discipline.

Every year, many applicants from different countries come to Ireland to study: and no wonder - in terms of the number of educational institutions and the quality of education, it occupies one of the first places in the world. It is there that the famous Trinity College is located - a respected educational institution around the world. Irish universities and colleges can compete with eminent Ivy League universities. The education system in Ireland is excellent.

Education in Ireland is, like in many European countries, three-stage:

Preschool education

The mandatory age at which a child must be enrolled in a school in Ireland is 6 years. Pre-school education is not compulsory, however, Irish pre-schools offer decent preparation for school and an individual approach to any student.

Depending on the requirements of the owners, preschool institutions accept students from 2.5-5 years old. Many institutions offer baby care services. The content of the educational program in such kindergartens is not controlled in any way, usually classes are aimed at physical development, as well as at obtaining basic knowledge such as reading, writing, learning numbers. Training is built in a game format.

Kindergartens in Ireland practice an individual approach to all children: in many teachers focus on developing the personal qualities and talents of each child. Admission of children to preschool institutions is carried out on a paid basis.

On average, about 65% of children from the age of 5 go to preschool at primary schools in Ireland, despite the fact that this education is not compulsory.

School education

Schools in Ireland date back to the monasteries in the sixth century. All schools work according to a single program developed by the government, Catholic schools are still popular, separately for girls and boys. There are schools where teaching is conducted entirely in Irish. Most Irish schools are funded by the government. Individuals, religious orders or the church are at the head. Each academic year is divided into trimesters; in secondary school, children study from September to May.

After receiving preschool education, the student road is divided into three stages:

  • Elementary School.
  • Junior high school cycle.
  • Senior cycle of high school.

Primary school

Irish children are enrolled in primary school from the age of 6. The academic year runs from the beginning of September to the very end of July. Holidays for students are quite long. For eight years, children have been studying basic disciplines - mathematics, English, Irish (it is the second official in Ireland). Upon completion, tests are carried out for a certificate of completion of the first cycle of schooling.

Junior cycle of secondary (Secondary) school

This training cycle lasts for three years. Compulsory disciplines are the same as those in elementary school, and the study of the basics of political education is also added to them. In addition to the main disciplines, the student must choose for himself several additional ones, which he will intensively study already in the senior cycle. In general, students must pass examinations in at least seven disciplines at the end of this stage in order to receive a certificate.

A certificate of completion of the junior cycle of high school already allows you to find a job, but in order to enter a university, you must complete the senior cycle. An additional year of study can be practiced between cycles - the so-called "transition year". There are schools where it is required. The transitional year program is compiled by educational institutions independently.

Senior High School Cycle

At the senior cycle, compulsory disciplines are also studied, and with them additional subjects in the amount of 6 to 8. The training in this cycle is enhanced, all student resources are rushed to prepare for final testing. At the end of the cycle, the student takes exams, the grade for which is set as a percentage. The percentages are added up and displayed in one total score.

Based on the results of the exams, the student receives a certificate again. This certificate makes it possible to continue studying both in Ireland itself and in many European countries, in New Zealand or the USA.

High school education in Ireland

Secondary schools in Ireland accept foreign students for education. The ideal option is to go for a “transition year” in order to be able to thoroughly prepare for further studies and adapt to a foreign environment. Education in secondary schools is paid. The cost of education in Ireland in secondary school is 15-25 thousand euros.

To apply for an Irish high school, the following package of documents is required:

Before admission, the student must complete an entrance test. For foreigners under 16, an Irish citizen guardian is required.

Higher education in Ireland

The third stage of education in Ireland is divided, as in Russia, into special and higher education. To enroll in a university, you must have at least two core subjects in the report card to have high scores. Many universities in Ireland accept foreign students from the age of 17, a citizen of the Russian Federation can be enrolled with a Russian certificate.

There are seven public universities in Ireland. Of course, the most famous university in Ireland - Trinity College, located in Dublin - Oscar Wilde himself studied there, he is considered one of the best universities in the world. Universities and colleges in Ireland allow you to get a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree.

The main attestation program in the universities of Ireland takes 2 years, the diploma - 3, to obtain a degree, you will have to study for at least four years. Depending on the chosen direction of study, the time that will be spent on it also differs: in this regard, everything is optional in Ireland.

Education in Ireland is paid, the column of expenses for educational materials, accommodation and tuition fees is wide, but the cost is lower than in Britain, and the quality of the material is no worse.

Study in Ireland for Russian students and schoolchildren

There are several options for studying in Ireland for Russian citizens:

How to apply to a university in Ireland as a foreigner

The list of documents required for admission to a university in Ireland:

  • Documents on the available education with a certified translation into English.
  • Bank statement confirming the student's financial ability to live and study in Ireland.
  • TOEFL or IELTS certificate, which will confirm the student's knowledge of English.

The entire package of documents is sent to the CAO (Central Application Office) by February 1, when enrolling in a master's program, they are sent directly to the university of your choice. There is a possibility that after submitting the documents, the student will also have to confirm the level of their knowledge by passing entrance tests and exams.

The admission conditions for each university are different - somewhere an additional year is needed for preparation, somewhere entrance tests are required. Due to the difference in curricula, it is recommended that you carefully study all the requirements in advance before submitting documents.

Capital: Dublin

Official language: Irish, English, Gaelic

Main religion: Christianity (Catholicism)

Population of the country: 4 593 100

Currency: Euro (EUR)

Embassy address in Russia: Grokholsky per., 5, Moscow, 129090

Education system in Ireland
Stage Age Type of educational institution Peculiarities
Preschool education From 2 to 6 years Public and private kindergartens Preschool education is not considered compulsory. The curriculum in these institutions is not regulated in any way, but most of them provide basic skills, preparing for school, and also pay a lot of attention to physical activity and outdoor games.
Elementary education From 6 to 14 years old elementary School Children study basic disciplines, which include English and Irish. The learning process lasts 8 years, after the end of this stage, students undergo mandatory testing and receive an appropriate certificate with the results.
Secondary education From 14 to 17 years old high school Secondary education is represented by two levels. The first or younger lasts 3 years. They study not only basic, but also additional disciplines, as well as the basics of political education. At the end of this stage, the student must pass exams in at least 7 subjects. The certificate obtained after this stage allows you to get a job, but in order to enter a university, you need to graduate from the second or senior stage. During the training, the student is intensively preparing for the final exams. After completion, you can get a certificate that allows you to enter various higher institutions not only in the country, but also in Europe or the USA. There may be an additional transition year between the two levels, and in some schools it is mandatory, the program depends on the particular school.
Higher education From 18 years old university
Higher education allows you to get a bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree. The time of study may vary, depending on the chosen specialty and the program of the educational institution. In this regard, Ireland has a fairly flexible system. Educational institutions are divided into special - various colleges that provide applied skills, and higher - universities.

What do we know about Ireland? The first thing that comes to mind is St. Patrick's Day, four leaf clover and traditional folk songs and dances. But few people know that studying in Ireland is considered one of the best and safest! According to statistics, crime in the country is 5% lower than in other European capitals.

The climate in Ireland is temperate: winters are warm and summers are cool. For a whole year, the island is painted green and attracts with its landscapes not only tourists, but also future students from all over the world.

Ireland is a land of opportunity. The Universities of Dublin, Cork and Galway are known all over the world and are considered very prestigious. In addition, studying in Ireland costs 20% less than in England. This significantly affects the flow of foreign students into the country. The requirements for foreign citizens are the same:

    1. certificate of passing an international language exam (TOEFL or IELTS);

    2. certificate of income to determine the financial level abroad;

    4. Certificate or diploma

Features of studying in Ireland for Russian students

The Irish are calm, hospitable and sympathetic people, which means that there will be no problems with the practice of the language;

    1. The cost of education is an order of magnitude lower than in the UK

    2. Universities are located in picturesque historical places and areas;

    3. High level of qualification of teachers and the possibility of self-realization

General features of the educational system in Ireland

Education in Ireland builds from the traditional three stages, as in other European countries: Primary (preschool), Secondary (school) and Higher. Consider in more detail:

Children receive the first stage of education between the ages of 6 and 12. In total, there are about 80 private and public educational institutions in Ireland.

Secondary education begins at the age of 12 and ends at 17. The training program includes not only the improvement of spoken and written English, but also acquaintance with professions, basic skills. Schools are divided into two types:

    · Private - children are supervised around the clock and seven days a week, living on full board;

    Day care - children live in families.

Higher education has a number of benefits and pleasant bonuses. Firstly, the opportunity to combine work and study to pay for courses and accommodation without harm to study.

Secondly, the training program for specialists can be chosen within two years, getting acquainted with the 4 areas presented.

The cost of studying in Ireland

Universities in Ireland are extremely popular with Russian students. In fact, there are not many countries in the world where you can get a quality higher education and an international diploma at an affordable price. In addition, higher education in Ireland for Russians requires only a certificate of completion of a Russian high school - you do not have to overpay for a whole year of study in preparatory courses.

However, in addition to the financial aspect, higher education in Ireland has a number of other undeniable advantages.


From time immemorial, Ireland has been the center of European pedagogical thought. At the dawn of the Middle Ages - in the VI century AD, when most of the neighboring powers had no time for education, the first schools at monasteries began to be created in Ireland.

The opportunity to get a higher education appeared among the inhabitants of the Emerald Isle in the 16th century, when, at the suggestion of the English Queen Elizabeth I, the country's first university, Dublin University, was founded.

The modern system of higher education in Ireland has a structure similar to the British one and consists of 3 levels:

  • Bachelor's degree in Ireland lasts 3-4 years. At the end of the 3-year course, the graduate receives an Ordinary Bachelor Degree, the result of a 4-year bachelor's degree is the Honors Bachelor Degree. This degree, which can literally be translated as "Bachelor's degree with honors", is usually received by those who intend to continue their studies in a master's program in Ireland or apply for a managerial position.
  • Magistracy in Ireland does not fundamentally differ from European or American: there are few lectures, a lot of independent research work. The duration of the master's program at a university in Ireland is 2 years.
  • Doctoral studies, like Ireland's master's degree, are also devoid of characteristic national features. Obtaining a PhD in the Emerald Isle can take from 2 to 6 years, depending on the chosen field of study.

As in neighboring Great Britain, students pursuing higher education in Ireland spend a lot of time in libraries and laboratories, doing independent work, and also actively participate in all sorts of extracurricular activities - from student theater productions to kayaking competitions.


The modern system of higher education in Ireland is represented by 3 types of educational institutions.

Universities - there are only 9 in the whole country - are mainly engaged in research work. Irish university students are the future scientific elite.

Colleges and institutions representing higher education in Ireland, which account for dozens, are focused on the practical application of knowledge. Compared to classical universities, here they pay less attention to the study of fundamental sciences and research work, focusing on the knowledge and skills that a graduate will need in his future work.


For many of our compatriots, one of the main arguments in favor of choosing a higher education in Ireland is the low cost of education compared to other English-speaking countries. A year of higher education in Ireland for Russians will cost about a third less than in an English educational institution. At the same time, the academic training and technical equipment of the universities of the Emerald Isle is no worse than in the UK.

By the way, the cost of living and meals during higher education in Ireland is also noticeably (20 - 30%) lower than in Britain, the United States and some states of continental Europe.

In addition, Russian students pursuing higher education in Ireland are officially allowed to work - up to 20 hours a week during the academic year and full-time during the holidays. Part-time employment during higher education in Ireland is not only an additional source of income, but also, if the student works in their specialty, an experience that potential employers will definitely appreciate.

Another important resource that can be saved by enrolling in an Irish university is time. Ireland is one of the few English-speaking countries that recognizes a domestic high school diploma as a sufficient basis for enrolling in a university.

And, of course, not the last role in the choice of the future place of higher education in Ireland for Russians is played by the issue of the student's psychological comfort. And in this sense, the country is the best suited for our student. Many compatriots note that the mentality of the islanders is close to the Russian one. The Irish are one of the most hospitable peoples inhabiting Europe; any foreigner here is guaranteed a warm welcome and care from the locals.

The number of universities in Ireland offering Master's and Bachelor's programs to Russian students is quite large. Not so many documents are required for enrollment - in addition to the certificate of education, translated and notarized, you need confirmation that the financial capabilities of the applicant will allow him to pay for his studies and living in this country. Usually a bank statement is used for this.

If you are interested in higher education in Ireland for Russians, contact the KNOWLEDGE CENTER. The company's specialists will advise on all issues related to higher education in Ireland, select the right educational institution for you and help you correctly draw up the documents necessary for enrollment. You can sign up for a consultation at the "KNOWLEDGE CENTER" using the online application form below.