Open lesson in the senior group The Earth is where we live. Summary of the lesson “The planet is our home”, preparatory group for school

Tyulina Elena Nikolaevna
Position: music director
Educational institution: GBDOU №124
Locality: Saint Petersburg
Material name: abstract
Subject: Summary of the lesson "Colorful planet"
Publication date: 13.06.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson in

preparatory group "Colorful Planet"

using ESM, compiled by the educator

preparatory group Pavlovich N.V. and

music director Tyulina E.N.

GBDOU No. 124

senior preschool age.
: music hall
Time spending:
21.05 2014, 9.30
 Summarize the children's knowledge that the Earth is a common home for all living on Earth.  Concretize ideas about the inhabitants of our planet.  Introducing the children of the preparatory school group to the perception of folk music, developing the ability to express its character with the help of performing and creative skills.
Program tasks
 Formation of ideas that there are many countries and different peoples on Earth.  Fix the names of countries, introduce the flags of different countries, national costumes, music, dances.  To broaden the horizons of children through acquaintance with the musical culture of other countries.  To develop creative abilities and skills of musical and rhythmic movements;  Expressiveness of performance of musical material.
 To develop cognitive activity and horizons of children.  Develop emotional awareness.  Develop expressiveness of speech, activate children's vocabulary.  To enrich the knowledge and musical impressions of children about the national characteristics and customs of other countries.  Activate children's vocabulary.  To develop the creative activity of children so that children get joy and pleasure from the performance.

 To cultivate a sense of respect for people of different nationalities, the desire to live in friendship with all the peoples of the Earth.  To develop in children the skills of tolerant relations.
 Organization of the perception of music from different countries, aimed at the aesthetic development of children.  Game;  Multimedia;  Technologies of cooperation. A child who successfully interacts in a team; A child who resists intolerant relationships; socially adapted child.
Equipment and attributes:
Globe model, illustration, encyclopedia, laptop, multimedia projector, screen.
Didactic material:
disk with materials for holding the "Country of the World" based on the materials of the site "Your child" //tvoyrebenok, CD with musical arrangement.
Finns, Italians, French, Russians.
Methodical methods:
Conversation, looking at illustrations, artistic word, didactic game “Who lives where? ”,“ Find out whose flag? ”, An entertaining quiz, watching dances and listening to the music of the peoples of the world.
Music material:

1. Song "Carnival" (music and lyrics by Vashchenko)

2. Song "Planet of Childhood" (music by A. Zhurbin, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky)

3.Finnish polka (fin. Nar)

4.Tarantella (Italian Nar)

5. Song "I live in Russia"

(V.Tsvetkov, N.Zagumennikov)

6. Quadrille (Russian folk)

7. "Solar Circle" (L. Oshanin, A. Ostrovsky)

Preliminary work:
Examination of the atlas "The World and Us", examination of illustrations about the peoples of the world, reading of poems by V. Orlov "Colorful Planet". Listening to music of other nations, looking at slides depicting different countries. Learning poems, songs, dances.
Lesson progress:
Sounds f / g of the song "Carnival" muses and words. Vashchenko, children enter the hall like a snake and dance.
Our home is dear, our common home is the Earth, where we live with you! Just look around: Here is a river, there is a green meadow. In the dense forest you will not pass, You will not find water in the desert! And somewhere the snow lies in a mountain, And somewhere it's hot in winter ... They have one name: Forests, and mountains, and seas - Everything is called Earth!
Song "Planet of Childhood" op. P. Sinyavsky, music.

: Children, who knows what it is? - display of the globe. Children's answers.
Correctly. This is a globe, a model of the globe. There are five continents on the globe: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia (show on the globe).
Children, what countries do you know? (Children's answers shown on the screen.)
There are many countries on our Earth where many people live. They are different and similar to each other. People differ in hair color and eye shape. People sing, dance, wear clothes in different ways, different countries have different traditions, people speak different languages.
Poems for children "Colorful Planet" (Sasha D.).

Sasha D.:
There are many different countries in the world, And the sun shines on each, And children laugh everywhere, Growing up day by day, We invite you to travel with us, Travel the world, Explore this planet.
Come on, let's go!
Multi-colored children live in the world. They live on one Multi-colored planet. And this planet For all time For all the multi-colored ones Only one.
The planet is spinning, The big planet, It is warmed by the palms of the sun, But they warm the planet Much warmer Smiles and laughter of colorful children!
Children, each country has its own flag, let's see? (Children's answers with screen display).
I suggest playing the game “Who lives where? » I name the country, and you name the people who live there.
Bring up - children
: America - Americans Russia - Russians England - British France - French India - Indians Australia - Australians Germany - Germans
: That's right, kids! Together with us on the globe live people of different nationalities. They differ in skin color, language, national traditions. -Let's dream with you. Which country would you like to visit, find friends and why?

tell 2-3 stories.
: That's right, kids! I want to invite you on a trip around the countries and see what dances they like to dance in different countries, and our magic screen will help us with this. So, guys, we are with you in Finland.

Music sounds. Views of FINLAND appear on the screen.

We are with you in Finland. This cold but so friendly country in the north of Europe - Finland is a country of exemplary cleanliness. Here you will find endless lakes and rivers, water from which you can drink, birch and coniferous forests, where mushrooms and berries grow right under your feet, and real Finnish exoticism - the Northern Lights - fireworks born by nature itself - a truly breathtaking sight in the Arctic sky. Finns call this phenomenon "fox fire".
Grisha P.'s poem:
Rivers, lakes, polar night, This is Finland - the daughter of the north! Trolls from a fairy tale, Skis, sleds, Pine trees, radiance, reindeer teams, A breath of coniferous spirit in the face. Huskies - dogs, "ugi" - boots Dance Finnish polka, legs!
People in this country love to dance the polka.
Dance "Finnish Polka". (Fin. Nar.)
Good for Finland, but we're moving on. Our path lies in Italy. Italians dance the Tarantella.
Music sounds, on the screen - ITALY.


Guys, we are in Italy!!! Imagine that you are lost in Italy! Around - no friends, no acquaintances ... Imagine? So, no trouble is terrible, If in Italy you know the names: Aldo, Adolfo, Niccolò, Angela, Nanni, Giuseppe, Tommaso, Carmela, Bianca, Rosina, Umberto, Luciano, Gianni, Giovanni, Sibilla, Silvano,
Enzo, Lorenzo ... and so on ... In general, the floor will come running to cry - Italy. That everyone will not fit in the Colosseum! (verses by A. Usachev)
Italy, Italy Wonderful country! How much sun, light, And music is heard!
We will please you with a cheerful tarantella. A merry tambourine is ringing He is calling us to dance!

Wonderful country Italy, but we need to go further. We are going to FRANCE!!!
Poems about France (read by Arthur M.).

I love France very much, although I am not French. And I find places in it For a very different taste: In the wonderful city of Plombier Invented was PLOMBIR. And from Roquefort, for example, the famous CHEESE went. Probably, in the place of Languedoc Cooked LANGUET, And where is the wonderful town, In which the first eater Tasted VINAIGRETE? I love France very much, even though I haven't been to it. I'll buy a map of France - Bigger and tastier!
Vedas. asks the children about the capital of France and its sights.

name the capital of France, the main river in Paris, a museum in France, an amusement park ....)

1. What country is called "foggy Albion" 2. Name the largest country in the world 3. Which country's inhabitants are very fond of pasta 4. What is another name for the country Japan 5. Name the symbol of France. And now it's time to go home to Russia.
On the screen is a splash screen with views of Russia.
Our country is very beautiful and very big. What is the main city in Russia, what other cities do you know? (Children's answers) In the old days, Russian people were very fond of holding fairs, the main fun at the fair was swinging. Want to try?.
D / game "Russian masters".

Ah, Russia, you, Russia, How your soul sings, My dear side, How good you are!
The Volga is mother spills, Birches and fields rustle here, A scarlet dawn rises, Russia, you are dear to us!
Golden fields And birches all around, You, my Russia, You are our beloved home!
Russia is rich in talents, Girls and boys sing. We love our free songs, And white-trunked birches!
The song "I live in Russia" (V. Tsvetkov, N. Zagumennikov) - performs


What kind of dance do they like to dance in Russia?
We will show the Russian style We are going to a quadrille!!!
Dance "Quadrille" (Russian folk)

: What do you think, what do all people on earth dream of? (Children's statements.)
A: Of course, all people dream of peace. They want to live under the sun together, as a friendly family. This is the main desire of all people, all children on the planet.
: What would you wish for the children of the whole earth? (Children's answers) Let's listen to the poems about peace and friendship that Ira T. will read.
Let's protect from adversity any Big and trusting Blue Ball! Come on, guys, In spite of bad weather, Let's embrace the planet with Our round dance! Let us scatter clouds and smoke over her, We will not let anyone offend her!
Children to the music of "The Solar Circle" (L. Oshanina, A. Ostrovsky) leave the hall.

Synopsis GCD Cognition

Program content:

1. Educational tasks: to give knowledge about the wealth of the native land, that the people of Russia and the peoples of other countries use the wealth of the native land; expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North.

2. Developmental tasks: to teach to maintain a conversation about nature, to express one's point of view, to reason and give the necessary explanations, to develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence



Synopsis GCD Cognition

« Corner of the planet, where we live".

Program content:

1. Educational tasks:to give knowledge about the wealth of the native land, that the people of Russia and the peoples of other countries use the wealth of the native land; expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North.

2. Developmental tasks:to teach to maintain a conversation about nature, to express one's point of view, to reason and give the necessary explanations, to develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence

Organizing time.


"Let the snowstorms get angry - all in vain

Let darkness 9 months a year

And yet my land is beautiful,

I won't find another like it in the world.

Tell me, children, what is the poem about? (children's answers)

correctly, this poem speaks of the north, what do you think our lesson will be devoted to (children's answers) quite right, please look at the blackboard, what do you see? (children's answers)

This is a map showing the Yamal Peninsula, its name speaks for itself, what is it like? (children's answers)

caregiver : That's right, well done (Yamal i.e. "I'm small")

I propose to go on trips around our region (in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). At the end of the journey, a surprise awaits you. But getting to it is not so easy. On the way there will be obstacles that we have to overcome. To begin with, you need to remember and decide on what we will go to the tundra?

The children explain their sentences (what transport can be used to drive through the tundra)

caregiver : Sit down "comfortably", let's go!

So, our first stop is “The camp” (the camp is decorated on the table 2 models of the plague (summer and winter) sledges, a cradle, a boy and a girl in national clothes, models of deer)

Invite the children to talk about people, housing, deer. (children's stories) (for what, what it is made of)

caregiver : you are absolutely right!

(In one of the tents, children notice envelopes in which there are puzzles with the image of a deer and a tent). Children of their choice are divided into two teams and go to a specially prepared place)

caregiver : What did you get? (children's answers) Well done!

Children, think and tell me without which, the most important animal, the indigenous inhabitants of the tundra could not live? (children's answers)

caregiver : right - this is a deer, he is very unpretentious. He does not require food from the owner, nor shelter from bad weather. Deer are guarded by shepherds and their assistants - dogs.

What do deer eat? what do they eat? (reindeer moss)

caregiver : Let's move on. (Working on the Interactive Whiteboard)

The next obstacle is called "Guess". There are five pictures on the board in front of you, you need to name the numbers of those that belong to our region:

The first five slides "Northern berries";

The second five slides "Fish living in the Gulf of Ob";

The third five slides "Animals of our region";

caregiver : Well done, and you coped with this obstacle, now it's time to relax.


The polar sky of the night is darker. Streams of steam from deer nostrils.

Hey, hey, hey! (running in a circle with arms raised above your head).

Sleigh runners whistle along the road. The snow slides and flows over it.

Hey, hey, hey! (ski step).

And the wind with my cheerful song. Flies over expanses of snowy fields.

Hey, hey, hey!

The song my friend flies after the deer, and the herd itself gathers in a circle.

Hey, hey, hey! (running around).

caregiver : Let's move on. Children look and think, what is this stop? (children's answers) "Tower". (On the table is decorated: a model of an oil rig, a helicopter, cars, photographs are posted depicting drillers and oil workers, oil rigs, laying pipes)

Well done, that's right - this is a drilling rig. Our region is rich, in its bowels there is invaluable wealth - oil and gas.Gas and oil are used not only by the people of Yamal, not only by the people of Russia, but also by people from the far abroad. Gas and oil are sent far through pipes throughout our country, as well as to other states.

Kids, what do you think, why do people need gas.(children's reasoning)

Please listen to the riddle:

It won't run without it.

No bus, no car

The rocket won't go up

Guess what it is? (petrol)

What is gasoline made from?

(Gasoline is made from oil)

Well done guys, you are correct. Oil is very necessary for mankind, gasoline and other fuels are obtained from it, which sets in motion the engines of aircraft, sea and river vessels, tractors, cars - all that without which we cannot imagine our life now.

caregiver : Children, please look at the sky (an interactive whiteboard with the image of the northern lights is turned on)

The night sky lit up

What is marvelous?

And in the tundra from him

It becomes brighter.

Children: Northern Lights.

Educator: right you know what it isThe northern lights are an amazing light show on Earth. It is a brilliant, multicolored glow in the sky. A typical aurora borealis looks like a shining curtain, iridescent with blue-green lights interspersed with pink and red.

When charged particles from space invade the upper atmosphere at high speed, they collide with air molecules, and they begin to glow. The northern lights can only be observed in the southern and northern polar regions of the Earth. You can see the northern (polar) lights in winter when the weather is clear

Well, we have finished our journey through our so small, but so beautiful and interesting Yamal Peninsula. It's time for us to return to kindergarten, let's close our eyes and count to 3, here we are back

RESULT: -Where have you been today?

What interesting and new things did you learn during our trip to Yamal

(each child answers)


  1. To deepen the idea that the planet Earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. In addition to water, there are continents - solid land - dry land where people live.
  2. To acquaint children with the scientific version of the formation of continents on planet Earth, with the symbols of land, water on maps and globes, with the names and location of the continents on the map.
  3. To lead to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planet, since only on Earth there is life.
  4. Raise the desire to protect our Earth.
  5. Encourage children to make inferences based on the information they have.
  6. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking.
  7. Improve dialogical and monologue forms of speech.

Materials and equipment:

A large image of the parts of the world (continents), a globe, a physical map of the world, a map of the "Solar System" (for children), a poster "The Solar System", a didactic picture "The All-Earth", paintings depicting various peoples inhabiting the planet Earth, an apple, a spinning top.

Lesson progress

On the central wall of the hall hangs a large panel depicting the globe. On the side wall are placed: an old map, a map of the earth before Cook's discovery, a physical map of the world, a poster "Solar system". Books about the planet Earth, about the Cosmos, slides and illustrations "The Universe", "Peoples of the World" are laid out on the tables near the wall.

Children enter.

The melody of the Russian folk song "Motherland" ("I see a wonderful freedom") sounds.

Teacher. Good afternoon my young friends! Guys, we live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. Great is our Motherland! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas, from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. This is a huge state!

We have made many interesting and exciting trips around our native country. What did you see around you?

Children. There are high mountains in Russia, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes.

Children. There are small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields.

teacher. We are proud of our great Russia, its diverse nature, rich natural resources, and especially the hardworking and talented people who inhabit it. But there are other countries in the world where the same people live, but they speak other languages. And we all have a common home. If you guess the riddle, you will find out what its name is:

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That our house is a huge ball.

Children. Earth.

Children. And the people still say this: “I didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls me mother.”

Teacher. What do you know about our planet? What is it, the Earth?

Children. Our planet is a huge, huge ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to drive around it.

Children. She is round like an apple. The earth revolves around the sun, like an airplane around a tower. Moreover, it itself rotates around its axis, spinning like a top, only slowly.

Children. Earth is a satellite of the Sun. It is much smaller than the Sun. Eight other planets revolve around the Sun along with our planet.

Children. But only on our Earth there is life.

The teacher approaches the poster, which depicts the solar system and invites children to find our home among these planets - the Earth.

The child finds and shows.

teacher. And who wants to show our home planet on a star map?

Children show.

teacher. How did you know it was Earth?

Children. Our planet is blue.

teacher. Why is she blue?

Children. There is a lot of water on Earth.

Children. When astronauts look at our planet from space, it seems to them a luminous ball of beautiful blue color.

teacher. Well done boys! Why do you think there is life on Earth?

Children. Earth has water to drink and air to breathe.

teacher. Right. Water and air are essential for all living organisms.

My friends! But have people always had this knowledge? It turns out not. But how did they draw the Earth on which they lived? Very different. Their ideas seem to us today fantastic, fabulous, implausible. Let's see how they painted our world.

Demonstration of illustrations.

Children. In ancient times, people thought that the Earth is huge and flat, like a pancake or like a plate, and you can get to the edge of the Earth.

Children. Some said that it was supported by three huge whales that swim in the ocean.

Children. Others argued that the flat Earth is supported by three elephants, the elephants stand on the back of a huge turtle, and the turtle swims in the ocean ...

Children. There were even daredevils who dreamed of getting to this region and seeing what was there, on the edge of the Earth, and whether it was possible to fall from it.

Children. People set off on foot, or on horseback, or by ship.

teacher. And did they get to the ends of the earth?

Children. No. As soon as they got to the sea or ocean, they believed that their journey was over: here it is the edge of the Earth. There is nothing else but water.

teacher. Children, but there were also people who, having reached the seashore, transferred to the ship and continued their journey. It was these navigators who, in the end, became convinced that, setting off on a journey from some place and always moving in the same direction, for some reason they return to where they started the journey. "Why is this happening?" people thought. Yes, because, suddenly someone realized that the Earth is not flat, like a pancake. No, it's round like a ball.

teacher. A great role in the knowledge of our world was played by the time of the great sea voyages. Magellan made the first trip around the world on five ships. For three years, his ships sailed forward and forward, without changing direction and checking their path by the stars. Four ships were lost in the rough waters of the ocean. And only one ship called "Victoria" circled the Earth and returned to the port from the other, opposite side. So people understood how big our Earth is, and proved that the Earth is a ball and it can be driven around.

Show illustrations of sailing ships.

teacher. Why did people in ancient times have a wrong idea about the structure of our world?

Children. In ancient times, people could not move across the earth for long distances. After all, there were no roads, no ships, no trains, no planes. Therefore, no one managed to reach the “end of the earth” to check the stories about whales, elephants, turtles.

Fizkultminutka. Music sounds.

The teacher reads the riddle, the children perform the movements:

Someone in the morning, slowly (Walking in place.)
Inflates a yellow balloon (Children blow and spread their arms.)
And how do you get out of hand - (Raise hands up, clap.)
It will suddenly become light around. (Turns sideways.)
What is this ball?

Children (in chorus). The sun.

teacher. Friends, what then surrounds the Earth? And it is surrounded by a huge space, which is called outer space, or space. This space is not empty, it is filled with various cosmic bodies - stars, planets, comets and meteorites.

Above the Earth there is a huge air ocean - the atmosphere, and every day, every hour, every minute, without noticing it, we "bath" in it. And passers-by on the street, and cats, and dogs, and pigeons, and even trams and trolleybuses "bath" in this ocean. It is very important for our life. We breathe air, animals, birds and plants breathe air - all life on earth cannot do without it. And if this ocean disappeared, then our Earth in just a few minutes would become a lifeless planet. The air shell of the Earth is its amazing blue “shirt”. In such a "shirt" our planet does not overheat from the heat of the sun, does not get cold from the cosmic cold, as, for example, the Moon and the planet Mercury. The air shell is a combat chain mail that protects the Earth from space "projectiles" - meteorites. Another important work of the air ocean is to monitor the climate on our planet, to distill cold air to the south, warm air to the north. And only thanks to the air shell - the atmosphere on Earth, the only planet in the entire solar system, life exists.

Children, how did people imagine the sky before?

Children. When people thought the Earth was flat, they thought that during the day it was covered with a blue cap - the sky through which the Sun moves. And at night some huge giant closes it with a black cap. Only this cap is full of holes, it has many small holes through which light enters the Earth.

teacher. These holes are the stars. Only then did people realize that the stars are something completely different. How many of you know what stars are?

Children's answers.

teacher. That's right, stars are huge fireballs. Why do they seem so small to us?

Children. They are very far from us.

teacher. Which star is closest to us?

Children. This is our star - the Sun.

Children. It gives our planet light and heat, without it there would be no life on Earth.

Space music sounds.

The children and the teacher stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a large image of the All-Earth (made from pieces fastened on the inside).

teacher. Many millions of years ago, the Earth was a huge continent. As a result of natural cataclysms, this continent began to collapse, large and small pieces began to separate from it.

The teacher removes the mounts from the All-Earth model. Children have large and small pieces of "sushi" on their hands. Upon careful examination, children recognize in them the outlines of modern continents and islands.

Children are invited, looking at the physical map of the world, to independently decompose the continents and islands on blue matter, which depicts the ocean.

Children consider the continents, name them.

Children. Africa, America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica.

The teacher shows them on the globe.

teacher. What is a globe?

Children. A globe is a tiny model of the earth. It depicts what is on the real Earth: oceans and land.

teacher. You can see that the globe rotates around its axis. (Turns the globe.) This is how the earth rotates. The Earth exposes the Sun to one side or the other. So they say: "Day and night - a day away!".

The continents are inhabited by animals, various plants grow on them, different peoples live. The teacher shows illustrations, books, posters. Offers to listen to V. Orlov's poem "Common House".


Under one blue
We live under a common roof.
House under blue roof
Both spacious and large.
The house is spinning around the sun
To keep us warm
So that every window
It could illuminate.
For us to live in the world
Not afraid, not threatening
Like good neighbors
Or good friends.

teacher. The earth is not only land, but also oceans and seas. Guys, what is more on the globe - water or land?

Children's answers.

teacher. Children, imagine that the Earth is an apple.

The teacher peels the apple, leaving about one-fifth of the peel.

teacher. This will be land, and everything else will be rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. Thus, you see that the land occupies a small part of the Earth. Maybe you know what some seas and oceans are called?

Children's answers.

The teacher shows the seas and oceans on the globe, then shows the slides "Planet Earth".

teacher. Our planet Earth is beautiful and amazing. How long a person lives, he always, all his life admires her beauties and comprehends her secrets and mysteries.

The earth is our common home for all who live on it. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it also needs the Earth. We have a common roof over our heads - a blue sky. Under our feet is a common floor - the earth's surface, we have one lamp for all and a stove - the Sun. We have a common water supply and a fan - the wind.

The music of Y. Chichkov "Scherzo" sounds.

Children put on hats of insects, birds, animals. A musical composition is performed, children dance and depict animals. The composition ends with a free formation of children.

Children read poetry.

First child.

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields - our dear home, guys!

Second child.

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her.

Third child.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us better.
We will decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers ...

All children.

We need such a planet!

The music of Erio Mariconi "Raindrops" sounds.


Our home is our home, our common home -
The land where we live!
You just look around:
Here is a river, there is a green meadow.
In the dense forest you will not pass,
You won't find water in the desert!
And somewhere the snow lies a mountain,
Somewhere hot in winter...
They have one name:
Forests, and mountains, and seas -
Everything is called Earth!


  1. Levitan E.P. To kids about stars and planets. - Petrozavodsk: Krugozor, 1995.
  2. Levin B., Radlova L. Astronomy in pictures. - M .: Children's literature, 1967.
  3. Grizik T. I know the world. - M .: Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", 2004.
  4. Skorolupova O.A. Space conquest. - M .: LLC "Publishing house Scriptorium 2000", 2003.
  5. Klushantsev P.V. What did the telescope say? - L .: Children's literature, 1980.


the Russian Federation

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Municipal preschool educational institution "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"

Berkakit village, Neryungri district

678990, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Neryungrinsky district, Berkakit village, Basharina st., 5.

Abstract of the lesson in the cognitive direction (regional component)

Theme: "Corner of the planet, where we live"

Prepared by:

Teacher Leskova A.A.

"Corner of the planet, where we live"

Purpose: Implementation of the regional component by introducing the children of the older group to the Native Land.


Educational tasks: To expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of their native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North; to consolidate children's knowledge about the fauna of Yakutia, to form an initial idea of ​​​​the "Red Book of Yakutia", about some birds and animals listed in the Red Book.

Development tasks: to teach to maintain a conversation about nature, to express one's point of view, to reason and give the necessary explanations, to develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the desire to take a feasible part in its protection and protection. Activate the dictionary of children (Red Book, reserve).

Lesson progress:

Guys, look how many guests are in our hall, let's say hello to them.

Eberde (hello).

Guys, today I invite you to a tour of the museum.

Educator: what is the name of the person who conducts the tour?

Children: Tour guide.

Let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum.

Children: Don't talk. Do not touch the exhibits with your hands.

Do not play pranks, listen carefully, answer questions with a full answer, move quietly.

Guide: Well done, let's start our tour.

Let's go to the map. What is the name of our country?

Children: Russia.

Guide: That's right, is our country big or small?

Children: Big.

Guide: Of course, it is big, and therefore our country was divided into many Republics.

Guide: Guys, there is such a thing as a “small Motherland”, how do you understand what a “small Motherland” is? The Little Motherland is the place where you were born, where your parents live. This is your village, where you study or attend kindergarten. This is our Republic. Tell me guys, what is the name of our republic?

Children: Sakha Yakutia.

Guide: Look at the map of Russia. Our Yakutia occupies a rather large territory and is the largest region of Russia. (The teacher holds a pointer along the border of Yakutia).

And now let's look at the map of Yakutia.

What can be seen on the map?

Children: Rivers, seas, cities.

Guide: What cities of Yakutia do you know?

Children: Yakutsk, Mirny, Aldan, Lensk and of course our hometown - the city of Neryungri!

Tour guide: Guys, Yakutia is a very multinational republic, among a large number of nationalities there are representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha.

Indigenous people are the people who have lived on these lands since ancient times.

The indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) include:

Yakuts, Dolgans, Evenks, Evens, Yukagirs, Chukchi.

Guide: Let's go and see how the indigenous peoples of Yakutia live.

The dwelling of the Yakuts was a booth or chum - a hut made of poles in the form of a cone, covered with birch bark, felt or deer skins; Balagan is the winter dwelling of the Yakuts, the summer dwelling of the Yakuts is called urasa (consideration of the dwelling).

From the 20th century Yakuts began to buildhuts .

And now I suggest that you and I watch a video about the culture and life of the peoples of the north.

  1. A collapsible dwelling - a chum - is adapted to the conditions of a nomadic lifestyle. In the center of the plague, a fire was lit earlier, now an iron stove is being lit.
  2. Men are engaged in fishing, hunting, breeding deer. Reindeer are of great importance for the people - this is also a transport for moving around the vast expanses of Yakutia. Deer skins are used to insulate the home, as well as to make clothes and national Yakut shoes - high fur boots. Deer meat is used for cooking.
  3. Women cook food, raise children, embroider patterns on fur clothes with beads. Clothes are decorated with applications in the form of geometric ornaments.
  4. Currently, national clothes are more often used as festive ones. Only nomadic reindeer herders wear clothes made of deer fur, which are most adapted to the harsh northern climate.
  5. The folklore of the peoples of the North is diverse:

ritual (ritual);



  1. The Yakut national instruments are the drum, tambourine,

kyryympa - a stringed instrument with a bow and khomus.

Guide: Yakutia is a special, unusual region. Many different trees and berries grow here. Let's remember what trees and berries grow in Yakutia.

Go to the table, take the cards and name what is shown on them?

Children: pine, spruce, birch. Cedar, red ash, willow, aspen, bird cherry.

Children: blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, currants, honeysuckle.

Guide: Attach your cards to our map.

Guide: Many different animals and birds live in the forests of Yakutia. Let's come and look at them (children are offered to consider stuffed birds and animals).

  1. Capercaillie - a large bird, it can be identified by bright red eyebrows. Capercaillie prefers deaf places in the forests. These birds love swamps, which are rich in a variety of berries. Spring display is typical for this bird.

Let's listen to the capercaillie talk.

  1. And this bird is a nutcracker.

The bird fully justifies its name - "nutcracker": in the taiga it feeds almost exclusively on cedar nuts alone, which a beak well adapted for this helps it to get out of the cones. They peck out nuts to the last grain, stuff their goiter with nuts, and then hide them in remote corners of the forest.

The population of cedar largely depends on the number of this bird. That is how useful the activity of this little bird is! Listen to the voice of this bird.

  1. Did you recognize this bird? This is Woodpecker- a small bird. What can you tell about this bird? The beak is sharp and strong. He breaks through the bark of a tree to find insect houses. They have a very long tongue, and all in order to be able to get their own food. Let's listen to his voice.
  2. lapwing bird . There is a crest on the head. These birds are very mobile, they deftly and quickly run among the grass. When a person or animal appears in a meadow or field, several birds fly up at once to meet each other, shouting “whose are you, whose are you”. For agriculture, the lapwing bird is of great benefit, destroying insect pests.

And now let's look at some animals living in the forests of Yakutia.

  1. Bear . The largest predatory animal of our forests. The bear sleeps in a den in winter. Educator: Why does a bear sleep in winter?

Children: In winter, it is difficult for a bear to find food.

Guide : How does he sleep all winter and eat nothing?

Children: The bear eats well in the fall, and fat accumulates under his skin.

  1. And this clumsy-looking, but very fast, strong and agile predator - wolverine. Omnivorous predator - feeds on hares, birds, rodents, fish, berries. Despite the great strength, strong teeth and sharp claws, the main weapon is an unpleasant smell that no animal can stand, so no one attacks the wolverine. And we'll move on.
  2. This is a fox. The fox does not change his fur coat in winter. Why do you think the fox has such a fluffy tail? The tail warms, traces sweeps.

The little fox knows - a fox, in a fur coat all her beauty. Guys, what do you think the fox eats?

whom does the fox sniff out under the snow? The fox hunts mice. In winter, life in the forest stops and the main fox food is mice - voles. The fox mouses - it means it hunts mice.

  1. Hare - a white hare digs a hole in the snow in winter, it is white in winter, and gray fur in summer. Feeds on grass, tree bark, shrub branches. Fast legs and sharp hearing save the hare from predators.

Guys, I propose to tell a poem about this animal.

Guide: Now let's play a game"Find an extra animal and birds".

Among the pictures you need to find extra animals or birds, and say why they are extra.

(Hare, fox, wolf, arctic fox, brown bear, reindeer, tiger, koala, hippopotamus)

Tiger, koala, ......, are superfluous, since they do not live in Yakutia. Well done!

Then choose the animal that lives in Yakutia and attach it to the map.

Now let's look at our map. How beautiful she has become.

Guide: Guys, and you know, there are still a lot of animals that live in Yakutia and some of them are listed in this book. Do you know what this book is called? This is the Red Book. It contains all the animals and plants that are threatened with death. There are very few of them left on Earth!

- And who will say how you can help animals that are threatened with death?

Children: They must be protected! They need help. Forbid hunting, you need to feed, do not destroy their nests.

Guide: Right, and also,reserves have been created to protect rare animals and plants. The reserve is a piece of nature that is protected. On its territory you can not hunt, fish, cut down trees. We have many nature reserves in Yakutia.

And now I suggest you play the game "Polar Owl and Eurasian".

Purpose: to cultivate agility, endurance, develop speed skills.

The polar owl is in the corner of the site or room. The rest of the players are Europeans.

To the quiet rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the evrazhkas run around on the site, to the loud blow of a tambourine, the euragens become a column, do not move. The polar owl flies around the evrazhki and the one who moves or does not stand in a column takes away with him. At the end of the game (after three or four repetitions), those players who distinguished themselves with greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game: Loud blows should not sound for a long time. Children must quickly respond to the change of strokes.

Guide: And guys, I want to tell you about the northern miracle, this is the northern lights. You know what the Northern Lights are - a striking light show on Earth, a sparkling, multicolored aurora in the sky.

The northern lights can only be observed in the southern and northern polar regions of the Earth. You can see the northern (polar) lights in winter, when the weather is clear (showing a video about the polar lights).

Questions for children:

  1. What is the name of the region where we live?
  2. How rich is our region?
  3. What measures have been taken to protect the nature of our region?
  4. What do the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha do?

Guide : “Today we continued our acquaintance with the region in which we have been living since birth, we learned how huge, boundless, rich it is, many different peoples live in it. Although our land is harsh, but the nature is very beautiful.

Guide : And in conclusion, let's listen to a poem that our guys will tell. "Beloved Land" (author Tatyana Demina)

  1. The sun is shining over the taiga

In the depths the river roars

And the wind blows across the sky

Golden clouds.

  1. The clumsy bear walks

crushes green leaves,

Deer roam through the bushes

Pinch reindeer moss and grass.

  1. I love your spaces

Yakut land, native land,

Where forests, fields and mountains.

Captivated by beauty.

  1. Be always so beautiful

Shine a bright star

Yakut land, beloved land

Live forever in memory!


kөrsүөkhkhe dieri. ( Korsүөkhkhe dieri)


Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas : « cognitive development», « Speech development», « Artistic and aesthetic development».

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive-research, visual.

Goals : form an idea about the environmental problems of the native city(villages) ; introduce you to the flora and fauna of your area; cultivate love for the native land;learn to create fabulous images; to consolidate the ability to draw the basis of the building and come up with decorating details, make a sketch with a simple pencil, and then draw up the image in color, bring the idea to the end, achieve the most interesting solution; develop the ability to evaluate drawings in accordance with the task of the image; to improve the methods of working with paints, ways of obtaining new colors and shades.

Targets for preschool education : has an idea about the flag and coat of arms of the native land, its geographical position; composes a story about the nature of the native land, flora and fauna; independently performs a drawing of a fairy-tale palace in a different way, observing proportions.

Materials and equipment : white paper slightly larger than a regular sheet; gouache, watercolor(you can give colored pencils instead of paint, then the program content changes somewhat and during the lesson you should pay attention to the technique of drawing with pencils) .

organized activities of children

1. Introductory word of the educator.

Guess the riddle:

A house appeared in the field,

He turned into a home

For mice, hedgehog, tits,

Squirrels, bees and foxes.


What happened to the tower when the bear came? Let's help the inhabitants of the Teremok build a new house.

2. Conversation about the native land.

The song "Our Land" sounds.

Why did our lesson start so unusually today? Why do you think this particular song was played?(Because we will talk about our region.) What do you already know about your native land? Why do we need to know about the place where we live? Each territory has its own symbols: a flag and a coat of arms. Consider the coat of arms of your native land. Describe it. Which river flows through the entire territory of your native land? Consider illustrations about your native land.

3. Drawing "Fairy Palace".

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen and their children, princes and princesses. Where did they live? In a hut, a tower or a palace? Today we will draw a palace. It can be two or three stories high. Now I will name the characters from the fairy tales you know, and you will tell which of them lived in the tower, who lived in the hut, and who in the palace(list stories) . Let's play fairy tale! Imagine that in the distant, distant times you were architects. This is what architects used to be called. And you lived in a distant kingdom, in a distant state. And the kingdom was ruled by Tsar Saltan, who had 3 sons-princes and 3 daughters-princesses. The king's children have grown up. The tsar summoned architects to himself and ordered them to invent and draw palaces for their children, and it would not hurt to move to a new palace themselves. The architects bowed to the king and went to come up with their projects. Well, guys, let's try to draw palaces for our heroes? Consider illustrations depicting fairytale palaces. What are fairy palaces? How are they decorated?(Different lattices, balconies, columns.) Consider the unusual shape of windows, columns, doors, beautiful domed roofs. What palace do you want to draw? First you need to make a drawing with a simple pencil. Draw a rectangular or square wall of the palace. Remember that there should be room for extensions and towers above and on the side. When the drawing is ready, you need to paint over the walls, it is better to choose light colors, and for roofs - bright and dark. Those who quickly complete the task can draw trees, flowers, birds or fairy-tale characters near the palace.

Children draw on their own.

4. Summary of the lesson.

Let's put the pictures on the wall. Character figurines will live here.

Puts a figurine of a fairy-tale hero near the picture.

The king of architects asks: “Who invented this palace? Tell us, good fellow(or red girl) what is good about your palace?”

The child tells, then chooses a character who will live in the palace.

Do you agree, Ivan Tsarevich, to live in such a palace? The king thanks the architects: “Thank you, good fellows and red maidens, for your work. You pleased the whole royal family. Overseas guests will come, they will see such beauty and spread glory all over the world!”