Preparing for college exams. City of study - your education is in good hands

Modern educational standards oblige any school graduate to take the exam, so almost the entire 11th grade, and sometimes more, when preparing and passing smoothly passes into a new stage, students do not master new knowledge, but only prepare for exams. How are the students doing? Do colleges need to take the exam, and if so, how do students get the time to prepare for it?

Colleges with Parallel Education Program

It is immediately necessary to clarify that there are several types of secondary schools, and the rules for studying and the forms for passing exams are also different in them. Some colleges conduct classes according to the program of the so-called "parallel education", and at the end of the second year of classes, students, just like schoolchildren, pass the Unified State Examination and receive a full-fledged certificate of secondary education. Based on the results passed, a college student can enter the university on a general basis. He can also continue to study at his educational institution, studying practical disciplines and acquiring work skills. Then, in addition to the certificate, the student, upon graduating from the college, also receives a diploma of completion of the CPS, and can immediately apply for a qualified and well-paid job. School disciplines in such colleges are studied in full.
However, there are not many colleges with parallel studies. In most secondary schools, exams are taken twice a year - at the end of the winter and summer semesters. There is no need to take the exam. At the end of their studies, college graduates take state exams for the training program. There are no KIMs used in the Unified State Exam for such exams, and teachers prepare materials for them. There are also colleges in which the exam can be taken at will.

After college to university

But now the training is almost over, and questions arise: is it worth it to enter a university, is it necessary to do this, and do they pass the exam in colleges? The question is quite complicated, since most employers today require a higher education.
After college, if you wish, you can go to any university, both related to the specialty for which you studied in college, and to any other. This is a frequent and quite normal phenomenon: a graduate may well decide to change the scope of his activity completely or partially.
Previously, college graduates enjoyed significant preferences and benefits for admission. However, in 2015, almost all of them ceased to operate. Now everyone enters the institutes on a general basis. This was done because the state spends a lot of money on training specialists with secondary specialized education, and as a result, only a small part of them come to work. The rest, in the opinion of the ministry that abolished benefits, considered vocational schools only as a preferential step for entering the university.

And what about the USE upon admission?

Upon admission, the exam is mandatory. Without them, only the following categories of college graduates are eligible to enter the university:
those who received secondary school diplomas before 2009;
Disabled people and people with limited physical abilities;
· as well as those college graduates who wish to study further in a specialty similar to that received in college. A number of vocational schools have agreements with certain universities (or individual faculties) that their graduates will be able to continue further education in a particular specialty. As a rule, such colleges are branches of universities.

But with this item from the list, you should be especially careful. The Ministry of Education announced the abolition of such an opportunity to continue education without passing the exam in 2017. The issue is still being resolved, so interested parties should be especially attentive to the news on this topic. Then you will have to take the mandatory subjects of the Unified State Examination, as well as the disciplines determined by the chosen area of ​​activity, they need to be clarified at the chosen university.

Will the USE become mandatory for graduates of secondary schools

For more than a year now, all college students, their parents and teachers have been concerned about the announcement of the Ministry of Education that all college graduates from 2017 will be required to take it. Dmitry Livanov, who at that time held the post of minister, explained the reason for such a statement. High school students only go to college to get admissions benefits, he said.

Some experts do not agree with this assessment of the situation and believe that the reason for entering colleges is not the ability to "slip" past the Unified State Examination, but the personality and character of the student. Many students want to start working as soon as possible, and therefore they try to get a reliable specialty as soon as possible. Experts believe that even for those who, after college, go to universities in their specialty, the USE should not be mandatory. An internal university exam will always accurately show the level of knowledge of graduates.

Quite a few students leave school for college, not even intending to enter a university, simply because they are afraid of not coping with the exam. And the situation here is very serious. Oleg Smolin, deputy chairman of the education committee in the State Duma, said in an interview with Izvestiya newspaper that he could not even imagine that in order to avoid passing the exam, schoolchildren would go to colleges. But there is such a trend, and it is frightening. So in some areas, school administrations often cannot even form a 10th grade. And it’s good that schoolchildren still have a chance to successfully learn and get a reliable specialty.

If the introduction of the USE for college graduates takes place, it will need to be accompanied by serious consulting work and other assistance from the departments of education. College students often have excellent knowledge in their specialty, but they are not always ready to pass the basic school disciplines. And they don’t have a year, or even several, just to prepare for the exam, as schoolchildren have now.

Great benefits from passing the exam

It should be borne in mind that passing the exam for college graduates is not only difficult, but also of great practical benefit. You can apply not only to the university with which the college has an agreement, but also to any other, depending on the desire of the graduate and the number of points he has scored. And more about the important advantages of the exam:

Objective assessment of knowledge. There is no chance for weak students who suck up to teachers or beg for good grades. There are also teachers who are unable to teach children.
The exam significantly increases motivation. Agree, there is a big difference between studying a topic that may not be needed after graduation, and a topic that is mandatory for delivery, moreover, immediately.
The interested public can immediately see in which educational institution they really give knowledge, and where there is no educational process, but only its imitation.
Employers can easily decide which of the workers they need. For example, employees with an A in basic math.
In any case, the question of whether the USE is necessary for college students is very ambiguous, and it has no less arguments “for” than arguments “against”.

In MIREA - Russian Technological University, it is possible to enter on the basis of vocational education.

On the basis of vocational education, admission is possible both by the results of the Unified State Examination and by internal exams, and according to statistics, internal exams are passed more successfully than the Unified State Examination. If you have valid USE results, then when submitting documents, you can choose to count the existing USE or take an internal exam. It is also possible to combine the results of the USE and internal exams.

You can get acquainted with the programs of entrance examinations and examples of past years in the section entrance examinations.

The university provides an opportunity to study in an accelerated period on the basis of vocational education through the transfer or recertification of subjects from your diploma. The possibility of accelerating learning is established by the director of the institute or branch after enrolling in the 1st course. Please note that transferring to an individual accelerated plan is a university right, not an obligation!

More than 100 of the most popular educational programs are being implemented at MIREA - Russian Technological University - you can get acquainted with them in the "Guide to specialties".

Graduates of colleges and technical schools can enter state-funded places on a par with school graduates - the competition is held overall according to the points scored based on the results of entrance examinations. Admission on a contractual basis is possible without competition when passing exams for minimum positive scores.

Admission procedure

Submit documents


Deadlines for receiving documents:

Admission to part-time education is carried out only in branches in the city of Stavropol and in the city of Fryazino. List of required documents:

  • document proving identity and citizenship
  • diploma of vocational education (or its copy)
  • medical certificate in form 086-u (ONLY for applicants on 11.05.01)
  • 2 matte photos 3×4 (for applicants for the internal exams of the University)
  • other documents that give advantages for admission

Choose what to count as an entrance test:
count the results of the exam or take internal exams


Applicants on the basis of vocational education can independently choose what to count: the Unified State Examination or internal exams. To participate in the competition, you must pass the entrance tests for the minimum scores:

Submit original and


A prerequisite for admission to the university is the submission of documents on time:

Form of study

Deadline for submission of documents Required documents

Full-time and part-time forms of education (budget, 1 stage of enrollment)

  • Diploma original
  • Application for consent to enrollment
Full-time and part-time forms of education (budget, 2nd stage of enrollment) August 6
  • Diploma original
  • Application for consent to enrollment

Full-time and part-time forms of education (paid)

More than 40% of Grade 9 graduates leave school and go on to college. The college education program based on 9 classes includes the simultaneous acquisition of secondary general education. But you have to study for 3 years 10 months. Can a college student not wait for graduation, but take the exam earlier, get a certificate of secondary general education and continue their studies at a university?

College students study general education disciplines in the first and second years. Therefore, after completing their second year of college, they have the right to pass the state final certification, upon successful completion of which they are issued a certificate of secondary general education.

Where to apply for the exam?

If the college is accredited, then the application for passing the exam must be submitted to the college itself. If the college or technical school does not have such accreditation - the application must be submitted together with graduates of previous years - at the application points designated by regional authorities.

For admission to the Unified State Exam, you must submit a certificate from the college confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current year.

How to get a certificate?

After passing the state final certification (USE), a college student has the right to receive a certificate (part 6 of article 68 of the Federal Law on Education). However, this issue may be technically difficult.

Option 1 - the college has a certificate of accreditation for the secondary education program

The certificate can be issued only by educational organizations that have a certificate of state accreditation for the educational program of secondary general education. If the college has accreditation, a student can easily get a college certificate and continue their education in a secondary vocational education program, while trying to enter a university.

Option 2 - the college does not have a certificate of accreditation for the secondary education program

In practice, most colleges do not have such a certificate.

Official clarifications on this issue suggest that students attach to any educational organization that is accredited as an external student in order to pass the GIA and receive a certificate.

But for enrollment as an external student, schools require original documents. A student can ask the college administration to issue him a certificate on the basis of paragraph 37 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 N 464 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education"

37. A document on education submitted upon admission to an educational organization is issued from a personal file to a person who graduated from an educational organization, left before graduating from an educational organization, as well as a student who wants to enter another educational organization, at his request. At the same time, a certified copy of the document on education remains in the personal file. (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2013 N 464 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education")

It is also possible to find an educational organization that will not require original documents for enrollment as an external student. As a rule, evening schools provide such an opportunity. A student can be attached as an external student to an evening school, receive a certificate, without providing original documents on education and without being expelled from the college. So it will be possible to receive a certificate of completion of 11 classes without dropping out of college.

Legal grounds

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 N 06-259 "On the submission of revised recommendations on the organization of secondary general education within the framework of mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards and the profession or specialty of secondary vocational education received "

Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated February 17, 2014 N 02-68 "On passing the state final certification in educational programs of secondary general education by students in educational programs of secondary vocational education"

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2013 N 464 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education"

This article tells you how you can go to university after college.

The school curriculum in high school is complex and not all students can cope with its assimilation. Therefore, many leave to study after the 9th grade in college. If you have already decided to leave the school bench and go to college, then you need to know that after three years of study, you have the opportunity to continue your studies at a university. In this article, we will look at how you can enter a university after college. You will also learn how to enter universities in the USA and Germany.

How can I apply to university after college in 2020?

Went to university after college

After graduation from the technical school, the student has the opportunity to go to work or continue his studies, both full-time and part-time. Many choose to continue their studies. When entering a university after a technical school, there are several advantages for young people:

  • If training at the institute takes place in the same specialty, as in colledge, then in some institutes it is not required to take the exam.
  • You can choose which form the training will take.: daytime or part-time. At the same time, some Universities meet the needs of talented students and can offer an individual visiting schedule.
  • The student will have the opportunity to combine study and work maybe part time. This is especially important for those who do not have parental support.
  • Mastering the profession and having a conscious idea of ​​the specifics of the work, to study it at the university level is much easier than yesterday's schoolchildren.
  • A student with a specialty feels self-confidence, he has a kind of "airbag" in the form of a profession, and he will not panic at the slightest failure in his studies. Even with an unsuccessful attempt at admission, he will find something to do before the next exams at the university.

Worth noting: It will be much easier to master new knowledge if you choose the same direction in your studies as in college. After all, you have already studied the basics of this specialty in your technical school.

How to get into college after college in 2020? In order to acquire a document on education after school, you must pass the state exam. But many young people who have completed the 9th grade go to technical schools. For them, there are other ways to pass the exam:

  • In colledge, the state exam is taken by students of the first or second year (depending on the direction and specifics of studying at the technical school).
  • After passing the exam, such students receive a certificate and a certificate of completion of grade 11.
  • With these documents and a certificate of the Unified State Examination, you can enter the University.

It should be noted: Entering the Institute after colledge is much easier, especially if the student wants to continue their studies in the same specialty.

Is it possible not to take, and is it necessary to take the exam for admission to a university after college?

Enter a university without an exam

Instructions for applicants to the University after college:

  • Choose the required and suitable specialty. If the qualification is different than in college, you need to prepare for the exam.
  • Prepare and submit documents. It is allowed to submit documentation to 3 different Universities for 5 specialties. A copy of the college diploma and the results of the exam must be submitted to the selection committee. Make sure you have multiple copies of all documents.
  • Waiting for information about admission to the university and submit your original documents.

Is it possible not to pass, and is it necessary to pass the exam after college? Many universities do not require USE certificates for college graduates. In order to enroll in a university in this case, a higher educational institution conducts entrance exams in the profile.

You should know:

  • In our country, there are also colledges that provide their students with the opportunity to enter the 3rd year of the university immediately, but on the condition that the student enters according to their list of institutions.
  • Such secondary specialized educational organizations enter into agreements with universities and are their partners.
  • Therefore, their students can be enrolled immediately in the 3rd year according to the results will enter. exams or interviews.

If a graduate of a secondary educational institution decides that he wants to choose another profession, then he will have to pass the state exam. In this case, you need to be prepared. Also, state exams do not need to be taken by foreign citizens who want to enter a university in the Russian Federation. They have the right to enter only by interview or enter. exams.

Enter a university without an exam after college: which university can I enter after college without an exam?

Entered the university after college without the exam

There are many Universities in Russia, but only a few of them offer admission without state exams. Naturally, top universities are not among them. But you can give preference to another institute - it will also be a good option for studying. So, is it possible to enter a university without an exam after college? What university can I enter after college without the exam?

It is not necessary to have a diploma from a university known throughout Russia in order to find a well-paid job later. You can get a good higher education in less famous institutions, and be a more successful person.

IMES - a university where you can enter after college without the Unified State Examination
  • Here is an example of one of these Universities: Institute of International Economic Relations (IMES).
  • This institute has interesting programs for colledge graduates and other applicants who simply could not pass the exam or did not pass at all, or did not score the minimum score, but at the same time want to get a higher education.
  • "Listener Program" at IMES helps to get training in mathematics, Russian language, foreign language or social studies, and other subjects under the program of additional education.

After completing the program, the student takes the state exam and applies for accelerated education in IMES. In this case, the period of study at this institute for students is reduced for 1 year. This is a very convenient option, since the student does not waste time, and receives knowledge, and then a diploma from this University.

Did students go to university after college in 2018?

In 2018, they entered the university after college

A large number of students enter annually for full-time and part-time education. This year, universities are also preparing to accept several million applicants. Many of them will become students. Did students go to university after college? in 2018?

Last year, more than 1,150,000 people. It's on 6000 people more than the year before last. Of these, a third are colledge graduates. The other part are school graduates, and the rest are applicants who went to study for a master's and postgraduate studies.

Worth knowing: Since last year, institutes have begun to open express courses for future students. Thanks to such courses, it is now possible to find out the requirements of the university and prepare for internal exams.

Is it possible and how to enter a medical school after college?

Entered medical school after college

Many medical college graduates want to go on to study further in order to acquire the honorary profession of a doctor. Is it possible and how to enter a medical school after college?

  • Yes it is possible.
  • Students who graduate from colledge, if they want to enter a medical school, initially take the entrance exam, not the exam. This is provided by many medical schools.
  • Usually, this is a written test.
  • The dates of the exam are set by the university itself. See these dates on the website of the university.
  • Grades after the examination are set by the commission, which is formed by the institute.

In order to get admission to the exam, a colledge or technical school graduate writes an application, collects a package of other documents that are required for admission. They must be submitted to the admissions office. What documents are needed, look at the website of the university, basically, these are:

  • Passport
  • College or technical school diploma
  • Medical health certificate

Documentation and application must be submitted between the twentieth of June and approximately until the tenth of July. Such requirements are due to the fact that entrance exams begin to be held from the eleventh of July. But if desired, if it is prescribed in the rules of the university, the applicant can pass the exam. Specify all the nuances directly at the university itself. Admissions committees begin to work in the month of May.

Important: To pass the exam, you need to write an application to an educational institution. After that, you will receive a letter with the appointment of the date of your subjects for the state exam.

Thanks to the United State. You will be able to apply for the exam to 5 universities for several directions. It is convenient and much more possible to do.

Entering a military university after college: how, what do you need after college to make it easier to enter?

Enrolled in a military university after college

If you decide to enter a military university after college, you will have to take 4 main and simple steps. Here is how you should proceed and what you need to provide:

Select university.

  • Now, in the age of the Internet, it's easy.
  • Choose a direction and find the university that suits your preferences.
  • Then go to the website of this educational institution and view information about it.
  • On the site you will find the passing score for admission this year and last year, and other useful information.

Pass the United State. Exam.

  • Passing the unified state exam is a prerequisite.
  • It is necessary to pass compulsory subjects (Russian language, mathematics) and specialized subjects (chemistry, physics, biology or others).

Pass the pre-selection.

  • At the place of registration, submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office.
  • The application indicates: basic information about yourself, the university you have chosen.
  • Already in the military registration and enlistment office you will have to undergo a medical and psychological examination.
  • After that, the commission will decide on your suitability for admission.

The last step is to pass the professional selection.

  • Professional selection is carried out at the university and consists of several stages.
  • First, the student's eligibility is determined, then the future applicant undergoes psychological testing.
  • You also need to pass an entrance test - the Unified State Examination, physical standards, pass professional and creative exams.

Worth knowing: Many universities require future applicants to complete compulsory military service. There are universities that do not need USE results. They arrange their exams, interviews, and on the basis of this, they select.

You also need to submit the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • Military ID, if applicable.
  • Certificate of secondary education (some universities may require).
  • A college degree is a required document.

From the above, we can conclude that in order to do you need:

  • Dial the required score for the Unified State. Exam.
  • Have a military ID on hand (almost all military universities).
  • Pass a medical examination.
  • Pass the standards.

Important: After college, it will be easier to enter a military university. You already have some knowledge and more responsibility than school graduates. This is understood by the admissions committee of the university.

Educators also know that college graduates are better and more conscientious learners than high school graduates. For you, as an applicant, it is also good that having a secondary vocational education helps to save several years on further admission to a university.

How to enter a US university after college?

Entered a US university after college

First you need to choose a university. If you have decided on the university, choose the specialty you want to go to study. You also need to decide on the program that suits you best. Coledge graduates from Russia have the opportunity to enter US universities for 4-year programs with a Bachelor's degree.

So, first go to the website of the selected educational institution and register. Then you need to prepare the documents that are listed on the website of the American university for online applications. Basically these are the following documents:

  1. Motivation letter- a necessary document in which the candidate for enrollment describes why he needs to be accepted to study under this program at this university. Basically, such a letter is written on one page.
  2. letter of recommendation- the teacher of your college should write. It indicates the characteristics of the academic potential of the future student and his personal qualities.
  3. Summary- the future student writes, briefly, but succinctly. Read about how to write a resume.
  4. Documentation confirming the Russian education.

The following must also be taken into account:

  • You will have to be tested IELTS or TOEFL. Such tests are needed to test knowledge of the English language.
  • If you want to enter such specialties as design or architecture, then you need to make a portfolio or you can also pass tests: SAT and ACT.
  • This is the standard in the US for anyone entering an undergraduate degree. But there are universities that do not require passing these tests and count the result of the diploma from the previous place of study.

After that, you will only have to pay the fee for consideration of the application and send a package of documents. Within a month you will receive a response from the university.

How to enter a German university after college?

Entered a German university after college

To study in Germany, you need to know the German language. Many universities in this country also require knowledge of English. Therefore, it is better to first learn these languages ​​in Russia and pass DSH is a language exam, the results of which are needed to study in Germany.

So, how to enter a German university after college? After secondary specialized education, it will be difficult to enter a university in Germany. The fact is that a student who graduated from college in Russia is the same as an applicant in Germany after 13 classes. As you understand, this country has enough of its own applicants, and universities do not need to accept students from Russia for study.

Important: You will have a great privilege if you finish Studienkolleg- These are preparatory courses for applicants at the university.

If you have a document confirming the completion of such courses and an excellent colledge diploma, then this will be a huge plus when entering a German university.

Do they go to college after high school?

Went to college after high school

Many high school graduates aspire to go directly to the university. At the same time, they often do not know where to go to study and go where they go by points. As a result, they finish their studies and get professions that they do not like or for which it is impossible to find work in our country.

Many decide to enter a master's program in a different direction, then postgraduate studies and teaching to the same students. Others want to go to college to get a job. Do they go to college after high school?

  • Yes, they do. But keep in mind that in most cases, such training will be paid. It all depends on the requirements of the educational institution.

In any case, you will graduate from colledge and get a working specialty in which you will always find a job. There is no need to stop there, but move on, especially since applicants after college, under certain conditions, have advantages.

Video: 10 subtleties of admission to any university