The teacher is not an official. Why You Shouldn't Work as a University Teacher

Peter! If you have noticed, then Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Taking a bribe” is included in Chapter 30. CRIMES AGAINST STATE AUTHORITY, INTERESTS OF CIVIL SERVICE AND SERVICE IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES

Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Abuse of official powers" contains notes that answer your question about who are officials:

“Notes. 1. Officials in the articles of this chapter are recognized as persons who permanently, temporarily or by special authority perform the functions of a representative of power or perform organizational, administrative, administrative and economic functions in state bodies, local governments, state and municipal institutions, state corporations, as well as in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations of the Russian Federation.

2. Persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation, in the articles of this Chapter and other articles of this Code, are understood to mean persons holding positions established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws for the direct execution of the powers of state bodies.

3. In the articles of this chapter and other articles of this Code, persons holding public positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are understood to be persons holding positions established by the constitutions or charters of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the direct execution of the powers of state bodies.

4. Civil servants and employees of local self-government bodies, who are not among the officials, bear criminal liability under the articles of this Chapter in cases specially provided for by the relevant articles.”

Teachers are entrusted with the performance of organizational and administrative functions, for the violation of which they are responsible as officials, that is, they are the subject of a crime - receiving a bribe on the basis of paragraph 1 of the notes to Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


To substantiate the arguments, I give an example from judicial practice:


Having heard the report of the judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation V.A. Zhuravlev, the explanation of the convict, who supported the arguments of the complaint, the conclusion of the prosecutor Yu.N.


O., an associate professor at the Samara Aerospace University, was found guilty of taking a bribe in the amount of 3,000 rubles from A.

The crime was committed by him on October 15, 2001 in the city of Samara under the circumstances set forth in the verdict.

O. pleaded not guilty to the crime.

In the cassation appeal, he indicates that he is not the subject of this crime, since he did not have organizational and administrative functions, he received money from A. as payment for future tutoring work, A. slanders him, asks to cancel the verdict and dismiss the case due to the lack of corpus delicti.

After checking the case file, discussing the arguments of the cassation appeal, the Judicial Board finds the court's verdict correct.

O.'s guilt in the committed crime was proved, in addition to the testimony of the convict, who did not deny the fact of receiving money from the student, the testimony of witnesses A., A.A., K., an employment contract, an order, an account card, a copy of the record book, regulations on course exams investigated at the court session.

It is impossible to agree with the arguments of the complaint that O. is not the subject of the crime for which he was convicted.

As a teacher of higher educational institutions, O. had the right to take exams. In case of failure to pass the exam, this gave rise to legal consequences for students, in particular, for A. expulsion from the university and vice versa, giving O. a positive mark left A. the right to study at the university. Thus, O. was entrusted with the performance of organizational and administrative functions, for the violation of which he is responsible as an official, that is, he is the subject of a crime - receiving a bribe.

The Judicial Board cannot agree with the arguments of the complaint that O. received money from A. in the amount of 3,000 rubles for future tutoring, since this contradicts the circumstances of the case, according to which O. gave A. a positive mark without taking exams and, therefore Thus, there was no need to conduct tutoring sessions. These circumstances are consistent with the testimony of A. that the money was transferred for giving a positive mark without passing the exams. To believe that A., A.A. stipulate the convict there are no grounds.

The court gave a correct assessment of all the examined evidence and reasonably concluded that O. was guilty of committing a crime under Art. 290 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

O.'s punishment was appointed in accordance with the law, taking into account the degree of public danger of the crime, the identity of the perpetrator, and extenuating circumstances.

Guided by Art. 339 Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR, Judicial Board


the verdict of the Samara Regional Court of February 22, 2002 in respect of O. is left unchanged, the cassation appeal is not satisfied.

At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish a bribe-gratitude from the so-called ordinary gift. Yes, Art. 575 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to give ordinary gifts to state (municipal) employees, the value of which does not exceed 3,000 rubles. However, it should be borne in mind that this provision of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is not applicable to criminal law. Article 575 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation speaks of a gift agreement, which excludes the counter transfer of a thing or right or a counter obligation on the part of the person accepting the gift. Thus, if an act committed by a person contains elements of taking a bribe (whether it is a bribe-bribery or a bribe-reward), criminal liability occurs regardless of the amount of the remuneration received.


Alisa Reznikova

Head of the school of foreign languages, teacher, author of the program for learning spoken English and French in three months.

You pulled yourself together and once again decided to learn English. You are in search of a teacher, and your eyes dazzle from the abundance of options. You are promised a tutor with many years of experience and three educations, instant results, royal pronunciation, preparation for Cambridge exams and training for your pet dog. Before you the first difficulty - the choice of the teacher. However, if the right decision is made at this stage, the same difficulty will be the last one on the way to the long-awaited understandable English.

What to look for when choosing a specialist? Here are 11 main aspects.

1. Education

International diplomas and certificates really confirm an excellent level of proficiency in modern English, but a linguist diploma can often be an alarming bell. It is important to understand whether the teacher is interested in the development of the language or is he limited to what was learned from the textbook many years ago.

Remember when you were taught in school to say we shall to represent the future tense? In modern English, this form has long been considered obsolete and is practically not used. Unfortunately, with the teaching of English in many universities, the situation is similar to that in schools.

At the same time, if your teacher has a psychological and pedagogical education, this can be a tangible advantage, since the teacher will better feel the peculiarities of your perception and will be able to find an approach to you, regardless of personal sympathies.

2. Experience

No diploma can guarantee that the teacher will hear your questions, sensitively adapt their materials and quickly find solutions to non-standard problems that may arise during the course of training. It comes with practice. In addition, only an experienced teacher will be able to determine what exactly is hindering you on your way to mastering the language, and select materials that exactly meet your goals.

Even if you choose a teacher whose native language is English, his work experience is still one of the most important criteria. Especially now, when any native speaker can start teaching simply because it is in demand in the education market. But it is much easier for a person who thinks with you in the same language to understand your problems and offer ways to solve them. Try to figure out for yourself how you would explain to a foreigner studying Russian the pronunciation of the sound [ы]? And the fact that the almost identical phrases "I'm coming from the office" and "I'm coming from work" need different prepositions?

A native speaker always uses its rules intuitively, without thinking about how they actually work. Keep this in mind when it seems to you that an all-English course with a foreigner is an easy solution to all problems.

3. Honesty and professionalism

You should not refuse a teacher who answered one of your questions: “I don’t know.” After all, you do not speak your native language perfectly. Do you know the meaning of these primordially Russian words: locker, belongings, orarion? Hardly. But these gaps in knowledge, rather, are your opportunities for growth and certainly do not prevent you from freely communicating, working, and getting an education in Russian.

An important correction: a good teacher will never leave you alone with a problem, and after his “I don’t know”, “I will clarify the information and answer you next time” will definitely follow.

4. Engagement

Any popular language in the modern world is changing at lightning speed. Even 15 years ago, we would have been perplexed when we heard phrases like “We went out for soap” or “Throw money on a mobile phone.” Now they are the norm of our daily life.

With English, the situation is even more interesting. Due to the fact that it is the language of international communication, it changes even more rapidly. Every year, about 4 thousand appear in the English language! Moreover, the changes are happening so quickly that the Russian school does not always keep up with them: until now, in English classes, you can find the use of the word supper to denote dinner, although in reality it has long been supplanted by dinner.

The teacher may be fluent in English, but if he is not in love with this language, he will only be able to teach you what is written in the textbooks, and not the living language that you will encounter at the end of the class. Ask a potential teacher about new trends in vocabulary or grammar. And be sure, if the teacher not only learned the language once, but really lives it every day, he will have something to tell you.

5. Training program

It is obvious that the promises from the series “learn English while you sleep” do not correspond to reality. If there was a universal method that works easily, quickly and for everyone, the whole world would have long been speaking English.

The bottom line is that there is no perfect method, but there is always a method that will suit you.

Agree, it would be useless to teach snakes to swim breaststroke. However, snakes are excellent swimmers, despite their "flaws" in the form of a lack of paws. The situation is exactly the same with English: anyone can learn to communicate, despite their “shortcomings” in the form of personal characteristics of information perception. Your task is to find a teacher who is ready to adapt his course for you, and not convince you of the need to follow a clear structure.

6. Specialization

There is a very popular saying in English, “Jack of all trades, master of none”, which describes a person who takes on everything, but is not a master of anything. Very often, in their announcements, teachers indicate that they can prepare you for the Unified State Examination, and for international exams, and for entrance to a medical university, and for a business trip, and for a tourist trip to South Africa.

Yes, indeed, in all these cases, you will need one language - English. But the difference can be significant, both in terminology and grammar. If a teacher has such a range of programs in his resume, be sure to specify whether he teaches all these specialties himself or collaborates with other teachers. If he works alone, ask about his experience in your target area.

7. Price

The cost of English classes can vary from $5 to $225 per academic hour. Paradoxically, it is not at all a fact that expensive classes will lead you to your desired goal. The main criterion for you should not be the cost of education itself, but the value for money. It is unlikely that you want to learn English for many years, even if it will be classes for only $ 5.

8. Timing

This criterion is very often not indicated in the announcements of teachers for a simple reason: they are not ready to take responsibility for your result. Most likely, when asked about the terms of training, they will answer you that everything is very individual, because everyone has a different learning ability. This is true, but the trick is that your ability to learn will become apparent to a good teacher in the first 2-4 meetings. Therefore, it is ideal if, when asked about the duration of the course, the teacher names the approximate dates and indicates that he will be able to tell you the exact numbers after about a week of classes.

9. Results

An insecure teacher will move away from discussing your results into lengthy reflections on how much they will depend on you, on the frequency of classes and on the position of the Moon in the third house. An experienced teacher will briefly present you with possible scenarios: what efforts and for how long can lead to certain

A good teacher will not make you blush for not knowing simple things - instead, he will make them so for you. Do not look down, be understandable and intelligible - the norm of communication of such a teacher.

11. Love and hate

It is just as important that you are attracted and inspired by the personality of the teacher, just as important that it is easy and pleasant for you to study with this teacher. A true teacher will not try to please you, will not follow your whims. He will do exactly what will help you reach your chosen goal. In the process, you may not understand his motives, you may be annoyed by his pickiness. But you will laugh at all this together when, by the end of the course, you will discuss in English how your classes began.

It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of a conscious choice of a teacher for the effective learning of a foreign language. After all, it is here, at the very beginning of the journey, that it is decided whether you will waste your resources, falling in your own eyes and harboring resentment against the teacher, or fall in love with the language, reach the intended level and, with the help of a new powerful tool in your hands, achieve the goals about which previously only dreamed of.

Ecology of life. People: I have long wanted to write something about my experience as a teacher, but following corporate ethics stopped me ...

A memo for a novice teacher, or why you should not work as a teacher at a university

December 12, 2015 was my last working day as a teacher at the Technological University. For a long time I wanted to write something about my experience as a teacher, but following corporate ethics stopped me. Now that I have no obligations to the university, and the Ministry of Education and Science no longer pays me a salary, I consider it possible to write some of what I know firsthand.

In this article I will try to consider various aspects of the work of a teacher at a university: psychological, intellectual, material and financial. Attention: a lot of negativity!

I retired of my own free will. This desire did not arise suddenly. I started wanting this more than two years ago for various reasons. Moreover, I had already left the university, but then the main reason was one family circumstance. After more than two years of working as a programmer, I returned back to the Department of Computer Engineering due to problems with work in the crisis year of 2009 (in the provinces, work was really bad then, and there was almost no remote work). In total, I gave work at the university for about 15 years.

But this article is not about why I left teaching this time, but about what awaits a young or novice teacher, what he should be prepared for, what difficulties and misunderstandings he will have to adapt to.

Psychological compatibility

The first thing to start with is your psychological compatibility with teaching. The fact is that many, in my opinion, of those who are hired by the university are introverts. But teaching is very much associated with intense interaction with people, which is not only difficult for introverts, but causes them to become very tired and overexcited, leading to an inability to realize their talents and a deep sense of dissatisfaction. A high teaching load can lead such people to a nervous breakdown, to diseases of the cardiovascular system, and maybe to mental disorders. It's all really serious. But everything would be fine, and somehow it would be possible to exist in this role on the sly, but in recent years the pressure on teachers has increased greatly both from the side of the authorities and from the students. My advice: if you are an introvert, then run from this work wherever your eyes look, and better not come closer, so that you don’t accidentally suck!

The average classroom load per rate is 900 hours. With an even distribution of hours for the entire academic year, this is about four or five days in two or four pairs. The teacher's working week is six days. Do you think the rest of the hours and days you got for nothing, and you can do whatever you want in them? At least to rest, at least to work somewhere else?

This is not true. In addition to directly conducting classes, you must prepare for lectures, write notes, manuals. Check course projects and papers, test papers. And there is such a terrible thing as the Complete Methodological Kit, in short PMK. This is such a folder for each subject, which should contain documents prepared according to the standards of the ministry and the university, and these documents will be drawn up and filled with information by you!

These folders will be periodically, several times a year, checked by different commissions, and if shortcomings are found, and they will definitely be found, then you will not only be punished, but you will also correct them. And after a short amount of time, you will have to redo everything, because the standards and ciphers have changed, or even throw everything away, because there is no such object anymore, and start from scratch, because a completely new object has fallen on your head that did not previously exist in nature. Now multiply all this by the number of different subjects that you will teach (it is common for one teacher to teach from five to ten different subjects) ...

It is likely that, for financial reasons, you will be working more than your wages. This means there will be less time to rest. And forget about working on projects or by profession. Get some sleep...


Salary is the bottleneck of a teacher's work. Work for that and work to generate income, and this income should be enough for you to be able not only to support yourself, but also your family, and preferably your parents. And something even should remain. But the same cannot be said about the salary of a teacher!

The situation is aggravated by the fact that young teachers are taken on the positions of assistant, teacher or senior teacher. Most often, the position of an assistant goes to the first few years, the salary of which is comparable to the minimum wage, often less than the minimum pension, and definitely not enough for elementary survival. Output? Sitting on the neck of your parents or working more, for example, for two rates. But even when you defend your thesis and you are given the position of assistant professor, you will still receive a salary on the verge of survival. But this will happen only after many years. So is the skin worth the candle? I'm not talking about growing up to be a professor.

Part-time work and side jobs

The size of the salary of a teacher is such that he cannot work only for a rate, otherwise he will not survive. Usually teachers work part-time in the same university or in one or more (!). The main problems with part-time work are as follows. Internal part-time work can be part-time plus 300 hours maximum. External part-time job no more than 300 hours. That's not a lot. But it is no longer possible to physically take the work!

As for work in production, no one wants to take on part-time employment. And even if you agreed, you still won’t be able to offer the employer an acceptable work schedule, because you depend on the schedule, which is not you.

As an option, one could teach part-time and work in the real sector the rest of the time, but today this is not a realistic option. First, universities do not hire part-time. This is due to the criteria for the effectiveness of the university. Secondly, the volume of methodological and paper work at the university will remain about the same huge as for the rate.

Finally, side jobs. This refers to tutoring, assistance in writing final and term papers. Yes, some people manage to make a little extra money. But again, everything depends on the availability of time for this, as well as clients. It has been noticed that while you are a student yourself, you regularly come across such part-time jobs, and as soon as you become a teacher, everyone gradually disappears somewhere. Although the teacher seems to be doing a better job ...


The career ladder of a university teacher looks something like this. You are graduating from a university or a full-time postgraduate or master's program, and you are offered to stay at your own department or faculty, or your acquaintances offer to enroll you in their university. You are promised support in writing a dissertation, defending it, and then being promoted. But first you are hired as an assistant. In fact, an assistant is an assistant to an associate professor or professor, in fact - the same teacher as everyone else, only receives the smallest salary at the university, often even less than the engineer of the department.

You worked as an assistant for several years, then you are promoted to a teacher or senior teacher. And you reach the first ceiling until you write and defend your dissertation. But writing a dissertation while working in parallel is very difficult, and not everyone succeeds at all. Therefore, if you have not done anything significant in this direction for two or three years, then seriously think about leaving your teaching job, because this will continue to be the case.

UPD: If in the late nineties - early 2000s it was not difficult to defend oneself, then in the last two years it has become much more difficult to defend a dissertation. It seems that the situation will continue to change in this direction.

After defending your dissertation, which in itself is a difficult and time-consuming undertaking, you can apply for the position of associate professor. The salary of a teacher and an assistant professor differs by about eight thousand. That is, many years of scientific work is estimated at only a few additional thousand.

Further career growth becomes even more difficult. You can write a doctoral dissertation, and after defending it, become a professor, receiving a few thousand more to the assistant professor's salary ... Between starting as a teacher and getting a professorship, it can take from 15 years, and then if you are especially lucky ...

That's all in general. Whatever position you hold, the essence of the work will be approximately the same: classroom, methodological and research work.

Scientific work

The first thing I want to say is that I do not know a single teacher who would write a dissertation while working as a teacher at the same time. Or in another way: I know several teachers who did not study full-time graduate school, but immediately after graduating from the university went to work as a teacher, and not one of them was able to write and defend a dissertation! And it’s not all mediocrity, it’s just physically impossible. And this is clear from all of the above. Indeed, in order to create something new, the brain and body must be rested, but the work of a teacher does not imply this.

Secondly, there are practically no conditions for serious research work in universities. Often there is no equipment, instruments, premises, element and raw material base. Everything you do will be done at your expense and in your own time.


If you have ever heard that the ministry and universities finance scientific developments, then forget about it for now, this is not about you. Yes, there is a system of grants, prizes, awards and prizes. But this is all after the fact, that is, after you have fairly invested financially and materially in your development. And only after you have done something worthwhile, you can claim at least partial coverage of the costs. And the costs can easily exceed your teacher's salary for the year. And not the fact that such compensation will occur. In any case, this funding only covers the cost of the equipment, but in no way goes to your salary!

Part of the solution to the funding problem is access to sponsors and patrons. Usually companies interested in graduates of your university agree to this. But such companies are often difficult to find. In general, here I would not flatter myself if I were you.

Is it worth investing personal funds in university developments? Yes, if you are writing a dissertation and are going to continue working at this university after defending it. Otherwise, no. Because no one will thank you for your dedication. Not a prize, not even a diploma.

Age difference with students

One of the first serious psychological difficulties of a young teacher is a small age difference with his students. And in the case of part-time students or those who first served in the army, this difference is also negative.

On the one hand, with your own, you are all smart and cool, almost a boss. And on the other hand, on the part of the students, you are their peers, who, by some misunderstanding, turned out to be a teacher. Such is our culture that a university teacher is perceived through the prism of age-related authority, and not professional. For example, most teachers are much older than their students, as a rule, they are suitable for parents. And here... And here you get an uncontrollable audience, some of which refers to you as you, and in general, conducts as cheekily as in your own yard.

It is difficult to advise something here, except how to put up with it. And wait until you grow up...

A certain amount of time will pass, and you will face another age problem: this is when you will be suitable for your students to be their parents, as we say. But due respect, as to parents, you will not receive. What can I say, humble yourself, but continue to respect yourself. Don't fall for rudeness.

high and light

Another serious problem of a young teacher is that, due to his youth and age-specific naivety, he believes that the job of a teacher is to bring knowledge to people. Alas, most of the audience came to the university not for knowledge, but simply for a release from the army, or simply by inertia, prolonging childhood.

Here you need to understand and not forget that you are not an authority for students, and it is useless to read morality. They do not listen to their parents painfully, and you are nobody at all.


When you were a student, you sometimes noticed that some of your teachers were incompetent in the subject they taught. But you are definitely better than them. You are very passionate about your specialty, did your own projects, wrote articles and even worked part-time in real production! You will definitely achieve success and be popular among the masses of students!

Forget about it! Your competence will be assessed only by a very small number of interested students. For everyone else, you are exactly the same. And all they need from you is to get credit and pass the exam without any problems. Moreover, they will also laugh at you: what are you doing here with your qualifications!


Do you remember yourself at lectures when you were still a student? Has it ever happened that you fell asleep on them, talked with a neighbor in misfortune, could not sit for an hour and a half, were late for them, or even scored? Now you are a lecturer, whose students sleep at lectures, talk at the same time with you and also loudly, and if you are alone, then there are many of them ... And just like you once, they cannot concentrate on your monologue, they are late or not at all come. Well, how? Like? I doubt! Well, yes, you and your rector, dean and other bosses know what to do: you need to make the lecture interesting for students. And now you are proofreading mountains of literature purchased with personal funds, the latest articles on a planned topic, preparing slides, writing a summary. As a result, your eyes are red, your head hurts, you slept for only three hours. Early in the morning you came to a wonderful lecture, you happily proclaim the topic, you start talking great, but what is it? Nothing changed! Still, almost no one listens to you, at the same time they talk to you in full voice, sleep and turn their backs to you.

What's the matter? After all, the lecture is so interesting, you tried so hard, but your audience just doesn't give a damn! Everything is quite simple, you just need to figure out what a lecture is. A lecture is a way to convey information to the audience. The lecture was invented in the ancient world, when books as a source of information were extremely expensive, and not all useful and new information was recorded in them. And then there was nothing left for interested people to come to the lecture, listen to it carefully, ask the lecturer questions, because there is no other chance to get information. But in today's world, information has become easily accessible. These are classic printed books, e-books, archives of scientific articles. Almost all questions can be answered from the Internet. Today, there is only one niche left for lectures: reporting the latest, yet unpublished information first hand.

Thus, everything falls into place: You are not the primary source of information; plus interested persons in the audience, as you already know, not so many, sometimes not at all. So the lecture turns into an absurd monologue against the backdrop of student chatter.

Since lectures are an integral part of the curriculum and students must attend them, unfortunately you cannot not read them, or allow students not to attend them. Sooner or later, they will come to your lecture with a check from the dean's office or the rector's office, and woe to you if you are not found in the audience, or if there are few students in the opinion of the inspectors. It's very hard to give advice here. Another dissonance: the presence of requirements and the inability to implement them.

You can follow the path of choosing the lesser of two evils: allow those who are not interested and indifferent not to attend your lectures, unofficially, at their own peril and risk. Promise not to punish for missing lectures, but continue to record in the journal, including in the journal of the head of the group, be sure (!).

This is your defense in case of unscrupulous elements who try to accuse you of having taught them poorly. (The surest way to protect yourself from such attacks is to control attendance. And if a student missed classes, then he loses the right to claim that you are doing poorly.) Those who are shaking about their attendance will most likely continue to go, well, maybe every other time. But part of the uninterested audience will still be eliminated. Next, adjust the quality of the preparation for the lecture depending on the audience. If the audience is weak, then often enough information from Wikipedia.

Dilute the lecture with more images, speak less and more slowly. Do not try to outshout the talkers. Usually the most interested in the lecture sit on the first two rows, so you speak for them, and look at them, and do not pay any attention to the rest. There is one noticeable psychological point here: interested students sit in those places where the lecturer is looking, and the rest accumulate away. For example, if the lecturer always looks at the right half of the audience, then sooner or later the audience will sit there. Another good method of dealing with chatter is to pause meaningfully for a while until the audience quiets down. True, this is not for long, but it is necessary to remind yourself, for the sake of respect for yourself.

And the last thing: be patient, do not allow yourself to break loose and scream in irritation at an audience that does not listen to you, tune in kindly and treat what is happening with humor.


Despite success in the fight against bribes, this phenomenon apparently remains. I can only judge indirectly. Didn't do it myself. What you need to know: there is a chance of being caught red-handed. This is on your conscience. But if you do not take bribes on principle, then do not relax either! You can be framed "for everything good." Keep an eye on the situation in the audience, especially during session time. Keep your portfolio closed. Do not leave students alone in the classroom. Do not seat students at your table. Take the record book in your hands only in open form. Follow all formalities.

Sixes and thieves

Surprisingly, practice shows that in each group there are thieves. These are students whose parents are well acquainted with the authorities or with authoritative fellow teachers. They learn, as a rule, also mediocre, and even worse than everyone else. But they are being asked for. Moreover, they often ask for an excellent mark, which in itself cannot but cause rejection. Moreover, it can be humiliating for you. Imagine: a student didn’t go to your classes for the whole semester or went, but shook your nerves, and the session came, the boss calls you and says that you need to appoint such and such. Then this loser comes to you with a record book, and you obediently sign for him just like that. How disgusting! As an exit, you can refuse, but I think about further work at the university you can forget ...

Now about the sixes, that is, informers. It's not necessarily thieves. But from among those who consider it necessary or possible to report to your superiors about what you said is "superfluous", whether you are late for classes, whether you are rude to students, whether you are competent in the subject, and so on. Here I advise you to behave in the presence of students and colleagues with restraint, really not to say "excessive", if possible, be polite. But do not fawn or try to please!

being late

By themselves, minor delays are harmless. Here even high persons sometimes allow themselves this. This is because sometimes you can really come later without losing anything. But in the case of classes, it’s not so simple anymore. I repeat once again: the problem is not being late as such, but that they are disorganizing.

If you allow students to be late, then gradually the number of latecomers will exceed all conceivable limits. And one day you may be alone in the audience!

A separate problem is being late for a lecture. It makes it very difficult to read it. As you know, there is such a thing as a stream of consciousness, and so a lecturer during a lecture enters the stream, and latecomers pull him out of it. If there are a lot of latecomers, it just becomes annoying, and the lecture may break.

In principle, you can generally prohibit being late for your classes, especially for lectures. But remember yourself: we waited for the tram for half an hour, got nervous, but they still didn’t let you in ... In general, a little inhumane. I applied the 20 minute rule, which I learned from one of my professors at university. It consists in the following: if a student is late for more than 20 minutes, he is not allowed to the lecture, if less, then he waits for 20 minutes from the beginning of the lecture and can enter the classroom. There is of course a side effect here: some students start to come to these same 20 minutes every time.

Well, do not be late if possible. First, the example is bad; secondly, the vile student nature uses this fact against you.

Quality bar

There is such a psychological phenomenon as the bar of quality. Everyone has their own level of quality, working below which you get accumulating dissatisfaction, which subsequently leads to serious psychological problems, such as burnout, apathy, loss of interest in work and profession, inability to develop.

The reality is that working at a university does not require either high qualifications or a high standard of quality. Students don't know and can't do anything. Most don't want anything. Even the simplest things that you have known for a long time will be on the verge of a great discovery for them.

The reason for the decline in quality will also be: lack of time and fatigue.

But I advise you, if possible, not to significantly reduce the quality of your work, constantly keep yourself in good shape, study something new and modern, do your own projects. Don't focus on students.

Consequences and problems

The consequences can be the most severe if you do not heed the advice of the experienced and your mind and heart. These are deep dissatisfaction, financial problems, family turmoil and disorder, pain for mediocre years lived, loss of skills, low self-esteem, serious problems with nerves and psyche, and with health in general. All this for what?


In order not to go crazy, we need some kind of outlet in difficult circumstances. Unfortunately, the variant with the use of alcohol by teachers is quite common. It is not worth talking about the perniciousness of such a hobby here.

Personally, my hobby for many years has been Olympiad programming. I not only took up it myself (at the age of 33!), but also managed to attract a certain number of students to it. Thanks to the preparation for participation in the Olympiads, I significantly improved my professional level (Kormen and Skiena contribute), made friends from among the students, many of whom have already graduated and work in the profession.

And thanks to trips to the Olympics, for the first time I visited many cities in Russia and not only. True, in recent years, the university began to refuse to finance business trips, and we were forced to reduce the travel program to a minimum, while part of the trips were paid from our own pocket. In the last three years I have been studying robotics with students, we even managed to achieve some success in this area, despite the fact that we did not have special training. But this hobby turned out to be extremely costly, and had to be abandoned. In any case, it was a lot of fun, it was a real outlet. Perhaps this is the only pleasant memory from working at the university.

But I want to warn you about the following. First, don't be under the illusion that many people will share your passion with you. No, it's good if there are at least a few people! Secondly, you will not be paid for your activities with students, and the classroom and methodological load will not be reduced. The only thing you can try to count on is, in case of success and interest from the authorities, to get from them a certain degree of loyalty and indulgence to your infirmities ... Do not forget also about an irreplaceable and expensive resource: about your time.


Now that you, dear readers and former colleagues, have read this lengthy article, there should be no illusions about working as a teacher, and myths debunked. Here I will only list them.

  • teachers have a lot of free time;
  • teaching is like a pleasant walk in a pleasant company;
  • teachers do what they want and what they see fit;
  • teachers are the elite of society;
  • teachers are engaged in the latest developments and science;
  • teachers have a lot of rest;
  • teaching is not difficult;
  • teachers make good money;
  • teaching can be combined with work in production (on projects).


Teaching is just a job. If you are young, but you managed to lure you to a university to teach, then I advise you to listen to your heart: is this what you dreamed of? Are your goals illusory? Is this job right for you? Are you self-deceiving? Maybe you prefer to work in the real sector of the economy? Write programs, design machines, sell cars? If so, then feel free to leave, even run away from the university. This is not what you need. Your path is different. And never feel guilty! It's just a job!

And finally: if everything that I wrote here is not about you and your university, then I am sincerely happy for you and your university! I believe that there will be several of these in Russia. published

Join us at

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 10, 2015 No. 08-1240<О квалификационных требованиях к педагогическим работникам организаций, реализующих программы дошкольного и общего образования>clarified, in particular, the following.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", persons with a secondary vocational or higher education who meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books, and (or) professional standards.

At present, the Unified Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and employees (section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers"), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (hereinafter referred to as the handbook), is subject to application. From January 1, 2017, for similar purposes, the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n ( hereinafter referred to as standard).

Both the handbook and the standard establish that a person applying for the position of a teacher must have a higher vocational education or a secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" or in a field relevant to the subject being taught, without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the field of activity in an educational organization without presenting requirements for work experience.

Thus, according to the above regulatory legal acts and explanations to them, it should be considered that persons who have, for example, higher professional education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" (qualifications - "Philologist. Teacher of Russian Language and Literature", "Historian. History teacher", etc.) and (or) in the field corresponding to the subject taught (specialty - "Russian Language and Literature", "History", etc.), meet the qualification requirements for teachers of the Russian language and literature, teachers of history and social studies, etc.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the lack of education on the profile of work (in the direction of training) in itself cannot be the basis for recognizing a pedagogical worker as inappropriate for the position held during his certification if the presentation of the employer, on the basis of which the attestation commission makes a decision, contains a positive, motivated, comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional, business qualities, results of the professional activity of the teacher in fulfilling the duties assigned to him by the employment contract.

Thus, you may well become a teacher at school, but what depends on the specialty you have received. In addition, in the course of work, you will most likely be able to undergo professional retraining, that is, roughly speaking, retrain as a teacher in another subject. For example, at my school, half of the teachers had diplomas from a classical university, and for some reason they impressed me more, but this is purely IMHO.

That is, it turns out that you can learn, for example, to be a teacher in a college, and then just go through professional retraining in half a year and become a teacher of mathematics or geography? Wow... But if a person is a cook or an engineer, can he, having undergone professional retraining, become a teacher, for example, a labor worker?

Some almost all scientific and pedagogical workers (teachers) of universities, having worked out the norm of teaching work, leave their jobs. And some rectors of some Russian universities did not teach anything epic fail the rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation V. Laptev, who obliged the entire faculty to sit all 36 hours a week within the walls of the university (“The rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation was fired”, Kommersant, April 6, 2011). And in some universities, teachers are still required to stay all 36 hours a week. Portal Administration PhDRu will try to find out how legitimate this requirement is ...

According to Article 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, reduced working hours are established for teaching staff no more 36 hours a week. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2010 N 2075 “On the duration of working hours (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers” in paragraph 1 clarifies that this provision on a 36-hour working week also applies to

employees from among the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher professional education and educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists.

At the same time, the Note to this order states that:

1. The duration of the working time of pedagogical workers includes teaching (educational) work, educational work, as well as other pedagogical work, provided for by qualification characteristics for positions and features of the regime of working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions, approved in the prescribed manner.

According to paragraph 88 of the "Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2008 N 71:

For employees of a higher educational institution engaged in pedagogical activities - pedagogical employees, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week and an extended annual paid leave of 56 calendar days.
The teaching load for teaching staff is set by the higher educational institution independently, depending on their qualifications and the profile of the department, in the amount of up to 900 hours per academic year.

Given model provision determines the maximum limit of the study load, and the specific number of hours of study load for assistants, senior lecturers, associate professors and professors is determined by the Collective Agreement between employees and the administration of the university.

Thus, in higher educational institutions, only the maximum working time of teachers is determined - 36 hours per week and the maximum amount of teaching load (900 hours per year for universities and 800 for advanced training institutions). Within this time, teachers must perform all types of teaching load: lecturing, conducting seminars and laboratory classes, consultations and exams. At the same time, the teacher regulates only the pedagogical load, which is differentiated depending on the position held.

However, it should be noted that the working hours of a university teacher include not only the teaching load, but also educational, methodological and research activities: preparation of lectures / practical classes; articles/textbooks/monographs; participation in conferences / seminars, as well as in research projects. Thus, paragraph 7 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (No. 69 of March 27, 2006) “On the peculiarities of the working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions” indicates the types of extracurricular work of the teacher:

VII. Working hours
teaching staff of educational
institutions of higher professional education
and educational institutions of additional
vocational education (increase
qualifications) of specialists
7.1. The working hours of persons from among the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher professional education and educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists within a 36-hour working week are determined taking into account the performance of teaching work, as well as the implementation of research, creative and performing , experimental design, educational and methodological, organizational and methodological, educational, physical culture, sports and recreational work.
7.2. The mode of performance of teaching work is regulated by the schedule of training sessions. The amount of teaching work of each teacher is determined by the educational institution independently, depending on the qualifications of the employee and the profile of the department and cannot exceed 900 hours per academic year - in educational institutions of higher professional education and 800 hours per academic year - in educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) specialists.
7.3. The mode of fulfillment by the teacher of duties related to research, creative, executive, experimental design work, as well as educational, methodological, organizational, methodological, educational, physical culture, sports and recreational activities is regulated by the internal labor regulations of the educational institution, research plans works, programs, schedules, etc.
The internal labor regulations of the educational institution, other local acts may regulate the performance of the specified work both directly in the educational institution and outside it.

However, at the university, all of the above activities can only be carried out subject to the availability of an appropriate organizational, technical and material base. Therefore, in order not to sit at the university all 36 hours a week, at the beginning of the academic year, the teacher must include extracurricular activities in his individual curriculum. Indeed, many points of the form of an individual plan of a university teacher, which is approved by the head of the department, may provide for work outside the walls of the university ...

So, as far as "full-time teacher", then according to article 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, “For teaching staff, a reduced working time of no more than 36 hours per week is established”(See also the "Regulations on the peculiarities of the working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2006 N 69). The number of hours of classroom (lecture-throat) workload for teachers is determined by a collective labor agreement developed in accordance with the model regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and is 850-900 academic hours per academic year for assistants and senior teachers and 800-850 academic hours per academic year for associate professors. The rest of the workload is extracurricular workload - the so-called "afternoon"- educational, scientific, methodological and research activities that no one fully performs in real life. For the state pretends to pay the assistant 5,500 rubles, and the assistant pretends to work. How the story ended at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, when the rector V. Laptev ordered the entire faculty to sit all 36 hours a week within the walls of the university, is well known to everyone ...