Take a test to determine the type of temperament. Temperament - a genetic problem or an acquired gift? Description of temperament types

Tests::: Who are you - phlegmatic or melancholic?

In addition to the previous two types of temperament, there are two more - phlegmatic and melancholic. If sanguine and choleric people are distinguished by a high level of energy, active and mobile, their emotional state is easy to guess by the face, then the situation is different with phlegmatic and melancholic people. Their main similarity is a weak external manifestation of feelings. For example, you are talking with a person, he is absolutely calm, though not particularly talkative, and after some time you will find out that it was on this day that he got married, and to his beloved woman. But there is still a difference between a melancholic and a phlegmatic. The melancholic is very impressionable, he can suffer for two weeks because the neighbor forgot to say hello to him. And the phlegmatic, on the contrary, is very calm, it is almost impossible to knock him out of his usual rut. At the same time, phlegmatic people are slow: it takes them fifteen minutes to tie their shoelaces. If you "didn't find yourself" in the previous two tests, try this one.

1. You spent the whole weekend cleaning, went to take out the garbage, and when you returned, you found that your child had brought home a street puppy and after their five minute game, you would have to start all over again. You:
lie down on the sofa and wait - maybe at least once in your life you will be lucky and it is in the next half hour that the end of the world will begin. After it, they say, there will be no time for cleaning.
shrug your shoulders, send them to play outside and start all over again.

2. An acquaintance with whom you have never had a particularly warm relationship offers you a basket of mushrooms that he has collected with his own hands. Will you take them:
no, suddenly he wants to poison.
yes, but just in case, carefully sort them out, what if he doesn’t understand them very well?

3. Imagine that you have won a very large sum in the lottery. You:
you assume that people will become jealous of you, and therefore you begin to get nervous and avoid friends.
buy the essentials in such a way that there is something left for a rainy day.

4. Let's say your spouse (wife) in the service is not appointed to the position that you hoped for. You:
think it's better than being fired and start saving on household expenses.
you worry as if something irreparable had happened - what could be worse than injustice towards the dearest person.

5. You get sick, the doctor wrote you a prescription for medicines. You:
find out from the doctor which of the medicines is the most necessary, buy it for sure and will take it strictly in accordance with the instructions.
buy everything that the doctor prescribed, at the same time find out in the pharmacy if there is anything else for your illness and replenish your home first-aid kit with stocks of this remedy - what if it is it that will save you in the future?

6. Do you feel the desire to drop everything and run away somewhere?
such thoughts come to mind very rarely, besides, all things are planned for the year ahead and you don’t want to break this order at all, since you are used to doing everything on time.
yes, this happens quite often, but you think that not only the statement is true that it is good where we are not, but also bad where we are. So thinking about running away is pretty pointless.

7. You have been assigned a very difficult and responsible job. Your knowledge and skills are enough, but you will have to make every effort. Before you even completed a quarter of the task, you encountered a difficulty that seems insurmountable to you. You:
ask for an extension of the deadline. If you try to do everything even more carefully and accurately, everything will definitely work out.
put your hands down immediately. If they want, let them fire you, but you can't do it.

8. You are already late for work, stuck in traffic, although you are in the middle of the road.
you will rush with all your might, fighting for every minute, try to change the mode of transport, if only the delay was less significant.
this happens quite rarely. Usually you calculate your route taking into account all the possible troubles that can happen along the way. But since you are already late, then take it philosophically - wait until the movement improves.

9. You were spending the evening at home in the company of your own person, when the lights suddenly went out. After twenty or thirty minutes spent in complete darkness, silence and solitude, you:
yawn and go to bed - it seems that you won’t be able to do the things planned for the evening, so let at least time not be wasted.
you will go crazy with fear and anxiety - from childhood you are afraid of the dark. In addition, the disruption of plans completely unsettles.

10. Do you check the front door several times before you go to bed:
no, because you are firmly convinced that you closed it, never forget to do it.
yes, it's just some kind of misfortune - it immediately flies out of your head, whether you did it or not.

What is the difference between "character" and "temperament"? Temperament is what a person receives at birth. Properties, motives of behavior and skills that are genetically incorporated. Character is developed with experience, often in an attempt to change temperament. For example, from childhood, a shy young man becomes more determined in adulthood because he took acting classes and developed the ability to speak boldly in public. Here shyness is a trait of temperament. And the acquired determination is a character trait. Diagnosing your own temperament contributes to the formation of character, if you work on yourself. Self-knowledge at the psychological level allows you to reveal positive personality traits and work on negative ones. Diagnostics will give parents the key to his upbringing, tell him how to handle the baby so that he hears and understands correctly.


From the school bench, everyone knows four types of temperament into which people are divided. The distinction is made depending on the behavioral responses to the expected events, from which clear patterns of behavior are formed. Interestingly, character traits can manifest themselves in a person regardless of the type of temperament. Many do not think about it, confusing concepts or combining them into one. But from these differences it is clearly seen that each person is unique, since events, life experience, childhood, social environment - all this educates character.

Temperament Properties

Manifestations of properties depending on the type of personality differ significantly. This is what makes it possible to conduct a qualitative diagnosis of temperament and character.

1. Sensitivity. This definition characterizes the individual's response to external stimuli. Each of the types reacts differently, one will show a violent reaction if hurt. The other one won't care.

2. Reactivity. It is characterized by an involuntary response to external or internal stimuli, such as harsh sounds, loud music, or screaming.

3. Activity. Refers to the reaction to the outside world. Purposefulness, willingness to overcome difficulties, the ability to steadfastly resist life's troubles.

4. Plasticity (rigidity). The ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Life flexibility.

5. The pace of reactive activity. Speed ​​reaction. Ability to respond quickly to stimuli.

6. Introversion (extroversion). Ability to make quick decisions. Speed ​​of perception of information.

7. External manifestations of the response.

Based on these properties, a complex diagnosis of temperament types is built. How do you know what type you are? The properties of temperament types are also associated with the hormonal nature, physiological processes in the body, and the structure of the figure.

Method for determining the type of temperament

The most extensive and popular method is the Eysenck temperament diagnostic method.

Hans Jurgen Eysenck is a British psychologist. He developed a system of questions, answering “yes” or “no” to diagnose the properties and types of temperaments. The result of passing the questionnaire will be the identification of the actual self, taking into account introversion and extraversion. The technique also reveals the emotional stability of the individual. The Eysenck test is a classic method for determining personality typology, one of the most used in modern psychology.

Eysenck questionnaire

So, answer some questions. Do not think for a long time over the answers, act at the behest of consciousness. Place a plus next to the question number if the answer is yes. And minus if the answer is no.

Questionnaire text:

1. Do you often feel cravings for new experiences, for being distracted, for experiencing strong sensations?

2. Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand, encourage, sympathize with you?

3. Do you consider yourself a carefree person?

4. Is it very difficult for you to give up your intentions?

5. Do you think things over slowly and prefer to wait before acting?

6. Do you always keep your promises, even if it is not profitable for you?

7. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

8. Do you usually act and speak quickly?

9. Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

10. Is it true that you are able to decide on everything for an “argument”?

11. Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet someone of the opposite sex that you like?

12. Do you ever lose your temper when you get angry?

13. Does it often happen that you act thoughtlessly, under the influence of the moment?

14. Do you often worry about the thought that you should not have done or said something?

15. Do you prefer reading books to meeting people?

16. Are you easily offended?

17. Do you like to be in the company often?

18. Do you have thoughts that you would not like to share with others?

19. Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything is on fire in your hands, and sometimes you feel tired?

20. Do you try to limit your circle of acquaintances to a small number of your closest friends?

21. Do you dream a lot?

22. When someone yells at you, do you respond in kind?

23. Do you consider all your habits to be good?

24. Do you often feel like you are to blame for something?

25. Are you sometimes able to give vent to your feelings and carefree fun in a fun company?

26. Is it possible to say that your nerves are often stretched to the limit?

27. Are you reputed to be a lively and cheerful person?

28. After a job is done, do you often think back to it and think about what you could have done better?

29. Do you feel restless when you are in a big company?

30. Do you ever spread rumors?

31. Does it happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts come into your head?

32. If you want to know something, do you prefer to find it in a book or ask people?

33. Do you have a strong heartbeat?

34. Do you like work that requires concentration?

35. Do you have bouts of trembling?

36. Do you always tell the truth?

37. Do you find it unpleasant to be in a company where they make fun of each other?

38. Are you irritable?

39. Do you like work that requires speed?

40. Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts of various troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?

41. Is it true that you are slow in your movements and somewhat slow?

42. Are you ever late for work or meeting someone?

43. Do you often have nightmares?

44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you do not miss any opportunity to talk with a new person?

45. Do you suffer from any pain?

46. ​​Would you be upset if you could not see your friends for a long time?

47. Are you a nervous person?

48. Are there those among your acquaintances that you clearly do not like?

49. Are you a confident person?

50. Are you easily offended by criticism of your shortcomings or your work?

51. Do you find it difficult to really enjoy events that involve a lot of people?

52. Are you bothered by the feeling that you are somehow worse than others?

53. Would you be able to spice up a boring company?

54. Do you sometimes talk about things that you do not understand at all?

55. Do you worry about your health?

56. Do you like to play pranks on others?

57. Do you suffer from insomnia?

Result interpretation

All questions are divided into groups that relate to the personal qualities of the individual. Count the number of times you answered "yes" or "no" to the number questions in each group.

Results processing:

1. Extraversion - is the sum of the answers "Yes" in questions 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56, and the answers "No" in questions 5 , 15, 20, 29, 32, 37, 41, 51.

If the total score is 0-10, then you are an introvert, closed within yourself. If 11-14, then you are an ambivert, communicate when you need it. If 15-24, then you are an extrovert, sociable, turned to the outside world.

2. Neuroticism - is the number of answers "Yes" in questions 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57.

If the number of “Yes” answers is 0-10, you are emotionally stable. If 11-16, then emotional impressionability. If 17-22, then there are separate signs of looseness of the nervous system. If 23-24, you have neuroticism bordering on pathology, a breakdown, neurosis is possible.

3. False - is the sum of the points of the answers "Yes" in questions 6, 24, 36, and the answers "No" in questions 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

If a score of 0-3 is the norm for human lies, the answers can be trusted. If 4-5, then it is doubtful. If 6-9, your answers are invalid.

If the answers can be trusted, then a graph is built based on the data received.

Reduce the result by points to the Eysenck scale. Check in which part of the circle was the value of the result of your questionnaire.

Eysenck values

Interestingly, there are no 100% extroverts or introverts. In each personality, the qualities of both types of temperaments are combined in different proportions. Let us consider in more detail the meaning of each of the poles of the test for temperament in the circle of Eysenck.


For a word, it will not climb into your pocket. Lover to talk about everything in the world. There is such a person in every team, he attracts listeners to himself, he is ready to support any conversation. Likes to meet new people, makes many friends. But he does not have enough opportunity to pay due attention to everyone. Therefore, the relationship is superficial. An extrovert likes to create movement around him. They constantly call him on the phone, he is going somewhere, in a hurry. He likes to be in society, it fills him with energy. Outwardly, an extrovert can be recognized by a loud voice, ringing laughter and active gestures. Often it is difficult for him to stop, he can say too much. He is bored of being alone. Even being alone at home, an extrovert will communicate with someone on the phone, correspond. Prone to risk, impulsive in action. But cheerful and groovy.


For him, some detachment from society is typical. The circle of friends chooses carefully, with the expectation of a lifetime. Introverts are reluctant to make contact, only when necessary. These are rare guests at parties, and if they appear there, then under pressure, because they do not want to go of their own free will. Those close to an introvert are people who have been proven over the years and who are nice to him. If he does not see them for a long time, the relationship is still sincere and friendly. Introverts are comfortable being alone, they always have something to do. The company gets tired quickly. At the same time, they can lead a quite active life in society, they do not necessarily sit at home within four walls. An introvert gets energy from things: from good food, interesting literature, healthy sleep. For him, the inner component of his life, stability and tranquility are more important. As a rule, he is pedantic, does not like to make quick decisions. Characterized by a high degree of self-control, rarely angry. Possesses high morality, prone to excessive pessimism.


It is characterized by increased excitability, irritability. This trait of temperament gives the person uncertainty in everything (in himself, in others, in things and actions). In diagnosing the type of personality temperament, this property indicates a restless nature, vulnerable and prone to depression. Reactions to external stimuli may be inadequate, which is fraught with consequences in the form of stress and neurosis. The person is receptive to external events, anxious. In psychology, it is defined as an emotionally unstable personality type. An individual with signs of neuroticism worries all the time with or without reason, is overly self-critical, and is afraid of public transport. Exaggerated fears about loved ones.

Neuroticism is accompanied by feelings of guilt, defenselessness.

emotional stability

Self-confidence, propensity for leadership. Calmness and balance. The individual is ready to help everyone (and helps if possible). There is no tension, in stressful situations it acts clearly and quickly. Quickly adapts to new circumstances, easily absorbs information. A person does not pay attention to the little things in life. Purposefully moves towards its goal.

Pavlov's method

The Russian physiologist I. V. Pavlov identified four well-known personality typologies. The classification is as follows: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic. Express diagnostics of Eysenck's temperaments, in combination with Pavlov's method, gave the most accurate and disclosed definition of these concepts. As a result, we can characterize people as follows:

A sanguine person is a person with emotional stability and extrovert traits.

Choleric is an emotionally unstable person and an extrovert.

Phlegmatic - emotionally stable and introverted.

Melancholic is an introvert prone to neurosis.

Let's study each type in more detail.


In pronounced representatives of this temperament, emotions prevail over reason. Any event in life is expressed on the emotional level of such a person. In a moment of joy, he will jump, scream, hug everyone and laugh out loud. At the moment of disappointment, it is bitter to cry and tell others about your trouble. Moreover, it will move rapidly from one state to another. The flow of energy thrown out in a fit of emotions quickly dries up, this constantly requires replenishment with new sensations.

The choleric energetically takes on new things, his whole life is filled with actions that require his vigilant urgent attention. If he has a favorite thing, the choleric will give himself to him with all passion. He has pronounced leadership qualities, he is able to become a leader, leading people. It has a high resistance to stress, as it is unable to detain attention for a long time on unpleasant moments. It is common for a choleric person to abandon an unfinished business if he is not interested in it. The mood often changes, because it reacts emotionally to every moment in life. Short-tempered and unrestrained. Cholerics who prefer honest relationships will defend the unreasonably accused until they lose their pulse. Pravdoruby, rather from restraint. Strive to be the main character in any event.


Vulnerable, prone to the knowledge of the inner "I". If a temperament test showed that an individual is basically melancholic, this does not mean that he is a sad pessimist. This type of temperament has a pronounced creative beginning. The melancholic is spiritually developed and prone to deep emotional experiences. Knows how to look at the root of the problem or events, notices the details. Able to perfectly cope with any work, especially requiring perseverance and attentiveness. He sees beauty in the most ordinary things. Suspicious, from this avoids contact with people whom he does not trust completely. Reduced self-esteem, offended by statements addressed to him. Slow, but hardy and capable of analysis. A sensitive melancholic is prone to long-term relationships with people. Having lost his trust, it is most likely impossible to restore it.


Variable type. If the temperament test showed that you are a sanguine person, you need to carefully monitor your emotions. A sanguine person changes his mind instantly, the same goes for commitment to hobbies and work. At the same time, the sanguine is the most lively and cheerful of all types of temperaments. He is active, artistic, has a rich facial expression. It's interesting to watch him. Quickly adapts to changing circumstances. He takes up work easily and joyfully, since childhood he has been fond of various circles, interest clubs. The sanguine person lives with pleasure, enjoys both work and leisure. In the case of a lack of attachments and interesting hobbies, it becomes superficial.

Phlegmatic person

This type of temperament is solid and consistent. He is selective in hobbies, always brings all things to their logical conclusion. Life position is weak, not active. He is not prone to impulsive actions, he is calm and collected, he does not like empty talk. A hard worker at work, always ready to help, take responsibility. The phlegmatic has a deep inner world. In negative traits, he is lethargic, incapable of taking a decisive step. But the most calm of all, inert. Persistent in achieving the goal. Stress-resistant, avoids conflicts. It is hard to adapt to new conditions, not ready for drastic changes. Not subject to emotions, does not express feelings directly. He is able to listen to another person, while not talking about his feelings. There are no problems with self-esteem, it is rarely a little underestimated.

Typology of personality in children

For parents, knowing the type of temperament in a child is undoubtedly important. Determining the temperament of a person in childhood gives the key to education, building an effective learning process. If you correctly understand what type your baby belongs to, there is a chance to use his positive traits to the maximum, to enable favorable personality development. Having an understanding of how a child thinks, and taking into account the characteristic features of temperament, a thinking adult is able to avoid harming the child's psyche and minimize the formation of negative aspects of character.

Choleric child

This child is noisy, restless and active. It can be aggressive, it is characterized by a quick change of mood. He perceives information well, but often forgets what he was asked about. Difficulty going to bed. Likes noisy games, quickly finds contact with other players. The body works quickly, the baby easily recovers from illness.

Parents need to fill the free time of a choleric child with some useful activity. It would be better if it was a sports section. It needs to be taken out to nature more often, it needs a lot of space. After the release of energy in the section, you can engage in intellectual activities. The child should come to educational activities physically tired, then he will be able to perceive information and be assiduous. Fatigue will not affect the work of the brain; the energy reserves of a choleric child are inexhaustible.

melancholic child

Extremely sensible, unhurried. Uncomfortable feels in an unfamiliar atmosphere, hard to converge with other children. But if you make friends with someone, then for a long time. Sensitive, from this we are vulnerable. You need to communicate with him carefully, as he perceives everything at his own expense. The information assimilates for a long time, timid and uncertain when communicating. A change of place of residence or kindergarten is perceived by a melancholic child hard. It is difficult to put him to sleep, but in the morning he is alert and ready for action.

The melancholic child needs parental approval and support. He needs this more than anything else. From criticism and abuse closes, in the future it will bring him a lot of problems. It requires support for his initiative in any endeavors, stimulation of stories about his own feelings.

sanguine child

The soul of the company, open to both other children and adults. A little careless, no sense of self-preservation. He takes on a lot of things, but brings little to the end. Does not calculate strength. Does not remember insults, restless. Inclined to team games, loves sports and communication.

Parents need to train perseverance and diligence in a sanguine child. A joint lesson will place the child and prepare the ground for a trusting relationship. Assembling a constructor or a puzzle, a puzzle is something that he cannot do alone, and together with his parents such an activity will give the desired educational effect. It is necessary to instill in the child the foundations of morality so that an easy attitude to life does not grow into a superficial one.

Phlegmatic child

Slow, thorough. Likes to find out what the essence of everything is. He is not emotional, so there is often a feeling that he does not care what is happening around him. Can independently play for a long time and enthusiastically and not interfere with adults. Sleeps well, but has difficulty getting up in the morning. Likes to snuggle up under the covers.

Parents need to learn how to convey positive emotions to their children. He easily succumbs to a passion for a useful activity: caring for an animal, household chores. It is necessary to add variety to his daily routine: watching cartoons and films, going to the circus and the zoo. To stimulate physical development, a homemade Swedish wall or a rope is suitable.


Psychological diagnosis of temperament affects not only self-knowledge. Knowing what type you are provides an opportunity to stimulate the development of personality strengths. By recognizing weaknesses, you can deal with them. Or, conversely, use it for good. Diagnostics of temperament in adolescents and young children allows parents to raise a child without breaking his worldview and attitude. Willingness to work and develop a child's strengths will definitely find a response.

Each type of temperament has its strengths and weaknesses, and the task of a person throughout life is to find harmony between them. The integrity of the individual is determined by the ability to find the facets of all the inherent possibilities and skillfully use them in one's own life. Society consists of many individual personalities, and even complete opposites in temperament can exist side by side without mutual claims.

Methods for determining and characterizing temperaments.

Each person is an individual and is not like anyone else. But still there are people who differ in similar character traits. This is due to temperament and psychotype. It is the psychotype that allows us to communicate well with friends and not find a common language with people who are not attractive to us.

Temperament - a stable combination of individual psychophysiological characteristics of a person associated with dynamic, rather than meaningful aspects of activity. Temperament has nothing to do with social development and personality education, but it largely affects the formation of the individual.

Simply put, it is the speed of mental processes that take place in the nervous system. It is impossible to influence temperament, but it is possible to achieve its correction in order to eliminate negative qualities.

There are four main types of temperament. In life, it is difficult to single out a pure psychotype, since mixed options most often prevail.

Temperament types:

  • Phlegmatic person. Among your acquaintances, there are definitely individuals who are difficult to outrage with something. They are very calm and patient. Sometimes there is a slowness. But meticulousness and scrupulousness allows you to carefully treat the work. Usually they are assigned difficult tasks that require patience. Sometimes such people are referred to as "Armor Man".
  • Choleric. This psychotype is completely different from the phlegmatic. It is characterized by increased nervous excitability. Cholerics are usually nervous over trifles, quickly waste their energy and cannot finish what they started. The mood changes very quickly. They tend to invent a lot and twist reality.
  • Sanguine. This psychotype is similar to a choleric person, but his mental reactions are more stable. Such people in communication are very lively, active. It is difficult not to notice such a person, since the facial expressions are very expressive. They respond quickly to everything that comes. Unlike choleric people, they are more persistent and can bring the work they have started to the end.
  • Melancholic. Nervous excitability is high, very emotional temperament. Such people often live in their own experiences, oblivious to reality. Quite whiny and pessimistic.

This is a fairly bright psychotype, which has both negative and positive sides.

Negative sides of choleric:

  • Don't be defeated by others
  • Impatient, always in a hurry, because of which they get into unpleasant situations
  • Emotional and true. People are often offended by them for this.
  • Hysterical. The slightest unpleasant word can cause a storm of emotions and resentment.
  • Surface. Rarely delve into the essence of the problem, they are not interested in delving into something and delving into
  • They quickly get to work, but just as soon they quit what they started without finishing it

Positive qualities of choleric:

  • Fast and mobile. Can instantly complete assigned tasks
  • Resolute. They always know how to act in a particular situation without hesitation.
  • Not afraid of change. Always go on adventures
  • They don't hold a grudge. They move away quickly and don't get angry
  • Designer
  • Geologist
  • Artist
  • Photographer
  • Entrepreneur
  • advertising agent

It is better to give preference to a free schedule than hourly work. It is better for choleric people to work for the result, and not to sit out the hours in the office.

Choleric - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

This is one of the most pleasant psychotypes. Unlike choleric people, they are emotionally stable.

Negative sides:

  • Superficiality
  • Haste
  • Unwillingness to delve into the depth of the situation
  • Frivolous
  • They love to brag
  • No sense of proportion

Positive sides:

  • Leaders. Often they take up the organization of some kind of community and succeed in this matter.
  • Stress-resistant and harmonious. They try not to react painfully even to the most unpleasant situations. It's hard to get them out of your mind.
  • They rarely suffer from mental illness. Because of the stable psyche, there are no psychiatric patients among them.
  • Optimistic. Even in the most difficult situations, they try to find something positive.
  • Administrator
  • Teacher
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Economist
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer

Sanguine - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Quite a complex psychotype with unstable reactions.

Positive sides:

  • gullible
  • Creative personalities
  • Compassionate
  • friendly
  • know how to listen
  • Faithful to the second half
  • Good friends

Negative sides:

  • prone to depression
  • Pessimistic
  • prone to criticism
  • They do not know how to communicate with people and do not want to
  • Avoid noisy companies
  • System Administrator
  • Programmer
  • Librarian
  • Editor

Melancholic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

People with such a psychotype are the golden mean between other temperaments. They are balanced, calm and positive.

Positive sides:

  • Workaholics. These are the worker bees of society, the best workers
  • Stress resistant. They are very hard to get rid of
  • Patient. They endure for a long time, not because it is necessary, but because everything suits them
  • Purposeful. They methodically carry out their work and bring it to the end.

Negative sides:

  • They don't like change. For them, moving is a natural disaster.
  • Difficulty getting along with people. They are generally not very sociable by nature.
  • Inhibited. Often they are lazy and do not strive for anything. Complete lack of initiative
  • Engineer
  • Veterinarian
  • System Administrator
  • Dispatcher
  • laboratory assistant
  • Jeweler

Phlegmatic - positive and negative qualities, suitable professions and activities

Pure psychotypes are very rare. Usually these are various variations of two or more temperaments.

Mixed temperaments:

  • Phlegmatic / sanguine. Active, but not in a hurry, many friends, like to be in the company, but do not attract much attention. Stress resistant and workable. They can speak beautifully, but also be silent when necessary.
  • Melancholic/phlegmatic. Restrained, scrupulous and pessimistic. Often they are depressed, but they quickly get out of it. They like to do one thing and bring it to the end.
  • Sanguine / choleric / phlegmatic. Balanced and very active psychotype. They always draw attention to themselves and achieve success in business. They get along well with people, but dominate if necessary.
  • Choleric / sanguine. Strong, caring, able to communicate with people. These are always leaders and dominating individuals. Active and purposeful.
  • Choleric / sanguine / melancholic. Active and purposeful, but at the same time ready to make concessions. They perform well in front of an audience and can lead.
  • Phlegmatic / choleric. They finish what they started. They love stability and always stand their ground. They try to dominate, though they do not always succeed.
  • Sanguine / melancholic. Persuasive, critical and persistent. They are trying to turn the situation in their favor. Loyal friends, picky, do not like to speak in public.
  • Melancholic / sanguine / phlegmatic. They do everything according to the rules, not aggressive, caring and secretive. Kind to people and sensual. Good friends and helpers.
  • Melancholic / phlegmatic / choleric. Stable, careful and persistent. Caring and positive. Too critical and demanding.

There is a certain method for determining the psychotype. At the same time, you should not expect that you will get 100% belonging to any particular type. Usually this is the percentage of different psychotypes in one person.

To determine the types of temperament, the psychological technique of the English psychologist G. Eysenck is used, who developed a two-factor model, the main characteristics of which are extraversion and neuroticism.

VIDEO: Psychotype determination, G. Eysenck's test

Determining the type of temperament will allow you to identify weaknesses and strengths and correct your behavior.

VIDEO: 11 tests for each

Parents will be able to determine the temperament of their child. Since the characteristics of the temperament of younger students have a significant impact on learning activities. Any person must constantly take into account the temperament of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of conflict situations, and avoiding possible stress.



Parent meeting on the topic "Determination of temperament"

Features of the temperament of younger students have a significant impact on learning activities.

Temperament is a combination of individual psychological characteristics of a person that characterizes the dynamic and emotional-volitional aspects of her behavior and activities. It acts as a kind of link between the body, cognitive processes and personality. Accounting for the individual characteristics of students is necessary in relation to various aspects of his personality, including in relation to the temperamental characteristics of children.
The main properties of personality include: temperament and character. Temperament is determined by the type of nervous system and reflects predominantly innate characteristics of behavior. Temperament expresses the attitude of a person to the events taking place around him.
Any person must constantly take into account the temperament of the people with whom he has to work and communicate. This is necessary for effective interaction with them, reducing the likelihood of conflict situations, and avoiding possible stress. There are no better or worse temperaments. Therefore, efforts in contact with a person should not be aimed at correcting him, but at the competent use of the merits and advantages of temperament while neutralizing negative manifestations.
The earliest classification of temperament types was developed in the 2nd century BC. Roman physician Claudius Galen. In this typology, four main types are distinguished: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. As a rule, one should talk about the predominance of certain traits of temperament, the relationship of temperaments, their percentage in the personality. In "pure form" individual types of temperament are rare. However, let us characterize the "pure" types of temperaments.


It is characterized by increased excitability, actions are intermittent. He is characterized by sharpness and swiftness of movements, strength, impulsiveness, vivid expression of emotional experiences. Due to imbalance, carried away by business, he is inclined to act with all his might, to be exhausted more than he should. Having public interests, temperament manifests in initiative, energy, adherence to principles. In the absence of spiritual life, the choleric temperament often manifests itself in irritability, efficiency, intemperance, irascibility, inability to self-control under emotional circumstances.


Quickly adapts to new conditions, quickly converges with people, sociable. Feelings easily arise and change, emotional experiences are usually shallow. Facial expressions are rich, mobile, expressive. Somewhat restless, in need of new impressions, insufficiently regulates his impulses, does not know how to strictly adhere to the developed routine of life, the system at work. In this regard, he cannot successfully carry out a task that requires an equal expenditure of effort, prolonged and methodical effort, perseverance, stability of attention, and patience. In the absence of serious goals, deep thoughts, creative activity, superficiality and inconstancy are developed.

Phlegmatic person.

It is characterized by a relatively low level of activity of behavior, new forms of which are developed slowly, but are persistent. It has slowness and calmness in actions, facial expressions and speech, evenness, constancy, depth of feelings and moods. Persistent and stubborn, he rarely loses his temper, is not prone to affects, having calculated his strength, brings the matter to the end, is even in relationships, moderately sociable, does not like to chat in vain. Saves energy, does not waste it. Depending on the conditions, in some cases, a phlegmatic person can be characterized by "positive" traits - endurance, depth of thought, constancy, thoroughness, in others - lethargy, indifference to the environment, laziness and lack of will, poverty and weakness of emotions, a tendency to perform only habitual actions.


His reaction often does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus, there is a depth and stability of feelings with their weak expression. It is difficult for him to concentrate on anything for a long time. Strong influences often cause a prolonged inhibitory reaction in melancholics (“hands down”). He is characterized by restraint and muffled speech and movements, shyness, timidity, indecision. Under normal conditions, a melancholic is a deep, meaningful person, can be a good worker, successfully cope with life's tasks. Under adverse conditions, it can turn into a closed, timid, anxious, vulnerable person, prone to difficult internal experiences of such life circumstances that do not deserve it.

The famous cartoonist H. Bidstrup once depicted the reaction of four people to the same incident: someone accidentally sat on the hat of a man resting on a bench. As a result: the choleric became furious, the sanguine laughed, the melancholic became terribly upset, and the phlegmatic calmly put his hat on his head.


You are alternately offered a set of personality traits (80 questions). Answer positively ("Yes") if this quality really manifests itself in you. Or it shows up in your child. Otherwise, choose the answer "No".

The result of the test is the percentage of the types of temperament present in you.


1. You are restless, fussy



2. Unrestrained, quick-tempered



3. Impatient



4. Cutting, straight to people



5. Decisive and proactive



6. Stubborn



7. Resourceful in an argument



8. Work in jerks



9. Resentful and touchy



10. Have a fast, passionate, slurred speech



11. Unbalanced, prone to vehemence



12. Aggressive



13. Risk-averse



14. Intolerant of shortcomings



15. Have expressive facial expressions



16. Able to act quickly and decide



17. Relentlessly strive for something new



18. Have sharp, choppy movements



19. Persistent in achieving the set goal



20. Prone to mood swings



21. You are cheerful and cheerful



22. Energetic and businesslike



23. Don't follow through often



24. Tend to overestimate themselves



25. Capable of quickly grasping new things



26. Unsteady in interests and inclinations



27. You easily experience failures and troubles.



28. Easily adapt to different circumstances



29. Get down to business with passion



30. You quickly cool down if the case ceases to interest you.



31. Quickly join a new job, quickly switch from one job to another



32. Bored of the monotony of everyday work



33. Sociable, responsive, do not feel constrained with new people



34. Maintain composure in unexpectedly difficult situations



35. Hardy and able-bodied



36. Have a lively, loud speech, with lively gestures and facial expressions



37. Always have a cheerful mood



38. Fall asleep quickly and wake up quickly



39. Often not collected, hasty in decisions



40. Sometimes they tend to slide over the surface in business, get distracted



41. You are calm and cool



42. Consistent and thorough in business



43. Cautious and reasonable



44. Know how to wait



45. Silent and do not like to talk in vain



46. ​​Have a calm, even speech, without sharply expressed emotions, gestures and facial expressions



47. Restrained and patient



48. Finish what you start



49. Don't waste your energy



50. Strictly adhere to the routine in life, the system in work



51. Easily restrain impulses



52. Little receptive to approval or blame



53. Gentle, show condescension



54. Constant in their interests and relationships



55. Slowly get into work and switch from one thing to another



56. Equal in relations with people



57. Love neatness and order in everything



58. Difficulty adjusting to new surroundings



59. Inert, inactive, lethargic



60. You have endurance



61. You are shy and shy



62. Get lost in a new environment



63. Find it difficult to establish contact with strangers



64. Do not believe in yourself



65. Easily endure loneliness



66. Feel overwhelmed and confused when you fail



67. Tend to withdraw into themselves



68. Get tired quickly



69. Possess weak, quiet speech, sometimes reduced to a whisper



70. Unwittingly adapt to the character of a person



71. Extremely susceptible to censure and approval



72. Make high demands on yourself and others



73. Prone to suspicion



74. Prone to daydreaming



75. Painfully sensitive and easily vulnerable



76. Impressive to the point of corrosiveness



77. Overly touchy



78. Secretive and unsociable



79. Little active and timid



80. Strive to evoke sympathy and help from others.



Test results.

There are 4 groups of questions in the test, 14 statements in each group. The first 14 (from the first to the fourteenth statement) describe the choleric temperament. The second group, from the 15th to the 28th statement, describes a sanguine person. The third group, from 29 to 42 - phlegmatic type of temperament. And the last group, from 43 to 56, the statement describes the melancholic temperament.
If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament is dominant for you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed in you to a large extent. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the features of this type of temperament are poorly expressed.

Temperament- this is an innate cumulative system of psychological characteristics of a person. Psychologists distinguish 4 types of temperament: Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric and Phlegmatic. In a "pure form" none of the temperaments is found, as a rule, in addition to the predominant, so-called basic temperament, the personality combines the features of 2 more, or even 3 types of temperament. Throughout life, under the influence of external factors, some traits of temperament can be smoothed out or, on the contrary, become the most pronounced, but in general, the predominant type of temperament is laid down at birth.

Hat test. Determination of temperament in the picture.

Try to imagine yourself in the place of the person whose hat was “damaged” and choose the appropriate option without looking at the answers. You are invited to choose a picture from the cartoons, so the situation is a bit exaggerated. At the same time, in life, we do not always show our temperament and most often we suppress our reactions in order not to “frighten” others. So for now, when testing, be honest with yourself.


1. Choleric.


3. Sanguine.

4. Phlegmatic.

Figure temperament test.

Choose the figure that is closest to you.


1. Square - phlegmatic.

2. Triangle - choleric.

3. Rectangle - Mixed type of temperament.

4. Circle - melancholic.

4. Zigzag - sanguine.

Description of types of temperament.

Phlegmatic person

Unhurried, imperturbable, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy with the manifestation of emotions and feelings. Possesses logical judgments. He has a strong, balanced, workable nervous system, a stubborn, persistent worker, he brings things to the end. Most often calm, restrained and constant in feelings, the mood is even, rarely loses his temper.
Capable of deep, stable and permanent feelings. Phlegmatic peace-loving, attentive, caring. Moderately talkative, does not like to chat about trifles. Save energy, don't waste it. Facial expressions, speech, gestures and actions are slow and calm, restrained, emotionally inexpressive. Solid, reliable, distinguished by the depth and constancy of thoughts.
But the phlegmatic person hardly switches from one job to another, “swings” for a long time, does not adapt well to a new environment, is passive (low level of activity), it is difficult to develop new habits and behaviors, but they become persistent. He is characterized by lethargy, laziness, indifference to others, lack of will. Tends to do familiar work in familiar, familiar surroundings.


Fast, passionate, impetuous, open, with quick mood swings. Choleric is active, mobile, optimistic, impulsive, but at the same time easily excitable and restless. A choleric person also has a strong nervous system, but he is unbalanced, quick-tempered, irritable, impatient, touchy, vulnerable.
He may have emotional breakdowns. Due to conflict, it does not get along well with other people. Choleric easily switches from one business / topic of conversation to another business / topic, he is characterized by sudden mood swings. He is highly excitable, he has pronounced emotional experiences, he is not able to control his emotions.
The movements and speech of the choleric are fast, intermittent, abrupt, impetuous, impulsive. He is prone to exhaustion, because when he is enthusiastic about his work, he acts with all his might. In the interests of society, he is initiative, principled, active, energetic.
In the absence of spiritual and personal growth, he is affective, irritable, quick-tempered, aggressive, unrestrained, conflict.


A lively, hot, mobile person, with frequent changes in mood, impressions, with a quick reaction to all events taking place around him, quite easily reconciled with his failures and troubles. Sanguine is cheerful, friendly, talkative, flexible, responsive.
He has a strong, balanced nervous system, high efficiency, while he is active and mobile, easily survives failures. He easily communicates with people, quickly converges with people, easily switches, easily and quickly reacts to what is happening around. At the same time, he strives for novelty, a change of impressions, is restless, and does not regulate his impulses enough. He has a rich, mobile facial expression, fast, expressive speech.
A sanguine person cannot do things that require concentration, attention, perseverance, patience. He has a quick change of feelings, but the feelings are shallow, prone to inconstancy, superficiality.


A person is easily vulnerable, prone to constant experience of various events, he reacts sharply to external factors. The melancholic is highly impressionable, easily emotionally vulnerable, touchy, but at the same time sensitive and sensitive, easily gets along with different people, non-conflict.
He has a weak nervous system, increased fatigue, low mental activity, slowness. He is highly emotional, but tends to experience problems within himself, which leads to self-destruction. His feelings are deep, constant, stable, but at the same time weakly expressed. It is difficult for him to focus on something for a long time.
The melancholic is hard and acutely experiencing failures (often hands down), he is timid, shy, anxious, indecisive, unstable to stress, his speech is quiet, slow. He is closed, uncommunicative, quiet, pessimistic, his mood changes easily, but at the same time he is melancholic and reasonable.
In a healthy environment, it is efficient, can perform monotonous work that requires attention, perseverance, patience, and concentration. The person is deep and meaningful. But under adverse circumstances, it becomes anxious, withdrawn, fearful, vulnerable.

Scientists have noticed that the most powerful and outstanding personalities, as a rule, have a strong character and a pure type of temperament. So, O. V. Suvorov, A. S. Pushkin, I. P. Pavlov approached "pure" choleric people. Famous melancholics: Mozart, Poganini. Sanguine - Yu. A. Gagarin. Many other equally famous people also had pure, or close to pure types.

Character with temperament is usually quite strongly connected with each other, it depends on them how a person will behave in a particular life situation. On our site you can also go through a free patented personality and temperament test We hope this will help you better understand yourself and the people around you. Good luck!