Psychologists distinguish between genuine reasonable and imaginary needs. Explaining needs through the concept of motive

You can also distinguish between real and imaginary needs. Without dwelling on this for a long time, I will say the essence:

Genuine needs are those that lead to personal development.

Imaginary or false - on the contrary, lead to degradation.

You can find examples on your own.

69. Interpersonal relationships are a phenomenon that occurs in any group of people as a result of their psychological interaction in the process of communication - mutual knowledge and mutual experiences. group- an association of people who have a common social sign, based on their participation in some activities connected by a system of relations that are regulated by formal or informal social institutions.

There are large, medium and small groups.

Large groups include aggregates of people that exist on the scale of the whole society as a whole: these are social strata, professional groups, ethnic communities (nations, nationalities), age groups (youth, pensioners), etc.

The middle groups include production associations of employees of enterprises, territorial communities (residents of the same village, city, district, etc.).

Diverse small groups include such groups as family, friendly companies, neighborhood communities. They are distinguished by the presence of interpersonal relationships and personal contacts with each other.

71. criteria of truth.

The purpose of knowledge is truth.

The criterion of truth is practice:

1. accumulated experience (it is cold in winter)

2. material production (how to treat animals, grow crops)

3. experiment (knowledge, when the body freezes, it expands)

4. theoretical proof (math. geometry)

72. law of supply and demand.

73. Socio-economic formation(build) - in Marxism- a stage of social evolution, characterized by a certain stage in the development of the productive forces of society and the historical type of economic production relations corresponding to this stage, which depend on it and are determined by it.

The main socio-economic formations are: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist,socialist and communist.

But its essence was revealed only by K. Marx and F. Engels, who created the theory of social- economic formations.

74. The theory of "local civilizations"

Among the most representative theories of civilizations is, first of all, the theory of A. Toynbee (1889-1975), who continues the line of N.Ya. Danilevsky and O. Spengler. His theory can be considered the culminating point in the development of theories of "local civilizations". A. Toynbee's monumental study "Comprehension of History" is recognized by many scholars as a masterpiece of historical and macro-sociological science. The English culturologist begins his research with the assertion that the true field of historical analysis should be societies that have, both in time and in space, a greater extent than nation-states. They are called "local civilizations".


LOBBY, lobbying, lobbying (from English lobby - letters.: lobby) - actions of state bodies, legislative, executive, judicial authorities aimed at supporting certain industries and sectors of the economy of regions, enterprises, social groups, dictated not by objective necessity, but by interest, sometimes by bribing officials. Lobbyists represented by government officials help their wards in obtaining profitable government orders, loans, assistance, benefits, licenses, favorable conditions for economic and commercial activities, in creating and registering new organizations, and in suppressing competitors. It is customary to single out the agrarian lobby and the industrial lobby.

LOBBY, non-cl., cf. A group of representatives of economically strong structures that influence public policy.

Civil society is a sphere of self-manifestation of free citizens and voluntarily formed associations and organizations, independent of direct interference and arbitrary regulation by the state authorities.

Political Party ( GreekΠολιτική - "the art of government"; lat. pars- "part") - a special public organization(association), directly setting itself the task of mastering political power in state or take part in it through their representatives in public authorities and local government. Most of the parties have a program: exponent ideologies party, a list of its goals and ways to achieve them.

A party is always the bearer of an ideology;
· A party is an organization, that is, a fairly long-term stable association of people at different levels of politics - from local to international.
· The purpose of the party - the conquest and exercise of state power.
· The desire to secure broad support from the population (support can be different: from participation in the election campaign to active membership).
· The specific position of the party in the state (expressed in the connection of the party with the state apparatus, in the fact that party members are members of parliament, government).

Functions of a political party:
· Ensuring communication between society and the state;
· Stimulate the active participation of citizens in political life;
· Influence the formation of public policy;
· Contribute to the development of political culture and political consciousness;
· Carry out the nomination of candidates for elections to state bodies at all levels.

79. taxes, mandatory payments levied by the state from legal entities and individuals. They arose with the division of society into classes and the emergence of the state. Used to finance his expenses.

Not so long ago I got acquainted with such a concept as imaginary needs. I decided to figure it out and it turned out that there is not much information about them on the network, which is what spurred me to do a little research in order to make my own definition of what imaginary needs are.

imaginary human needs.

In terms of sales, there are two main types of needs - true and false. It is immediately worthwhile to determine that the imaginary needs of a person is a definition not strongly related to sales. Although, in my opinion, any knowledge about the psychology of the consumer is useful for the seller.

Imaginary human needs are values ​​formed under the influence of society. Satisfaction of imaginary needs does not solve any problems and does not bring any benefit to a person. Satisfying imaginary needs is just a waste of time and other resources (money, health, strength). Imaginary needs are imposed from the outside, their satisfaction is not beneficial for a person.

Examples of imaginary needs.

There are hundreds of thousands of examples of imaginary needs, in fact, all modern marketing is aimed at creating imaginary needs. This is . Here are some recent examples of imaginary needs:

  • 99% of consumers use no more than 5% of smartphone functions. The product is purchased only due to the fact that everyone has it, it's like that.
  • Your friend came and told you: that he is engaged in numismatics and it's great and interesting. And you also decide to do numismatics, but after a short period of time you are not interested in it, and you quit.
  • You went into the subway car and saw that everyone was wearing jeans, and you went and bought jeans too.

In general, the creation of imaginary needs among the population is one of the most powerful tools. Probably everyone can remember how many unnecessary things you have at home. But at the time of purchase, they seemed very necessary, because everyone has this thing.

Clients with imaginary needs.

The average salesperson has to deal almost every day with customers who have imaginary needs. A distinctive feature of such customers is that they usually know what product they need, but they cannot explain why and why. Moreover, it is highly undesirable to argue with them, this will cause open negativity and misunderstanding. If you have the product they need in stock, then sell it and forget it. If there is no product, then it will be effective to use the method