Is it possible to sell online courses. Case: How I launched an online course that brought in $100,000

Today, thousands of people are eager to find among the many opportunities that gold mine, which will give them a chance to forget about the lack of money forever and move to a fundamentally new financial level. And one of the most promising business opportunities available to the average citizen is making money on training courses. So, in this review we will talk about how to open training courses.

Why training courses are relevant

To begin with, it is worth noting the fact that we live in a time when two completely different generations have crossed.

In each city, side by side, those people who were born at the beginning of post-Soviet capitalism and are guided by more modern principles of worldview, and those who at one time managed to absorb the bright mentality of Soviet society, rotate side by side. What's with the training courses?

The fact is that quite often young people show interest in various types of activities and want to develop professionally in them.

For example, questions about how to open a hairdressing course and how to start their own car sales business may be important to them. Moreover, young people can master several directions at once. Entering universities in various specialties is the lot of the few who have enough enthusiasm and money for such a maneuver. Plus, by the time the technology is released, the trends will change a lot, and therefore the relevance of training may be low.

But the training courses last much less than studying at the university, and the information that is given in such courses has the maximum level of relevance.

Salvation for people in the form of courses

If we talk about people who were taken by surprise by the collapse of the Soviet Union, then courses that teach a new specialty are a lifeline for them. After all, in a relatively short period of time they will be able to master a new profession that is in demand in the labor market.

Thus, training courses are more than an actual direction of entrepreneurial activity. With their help, you can combine, for example, the needlework business and sports.

Local courses

The first option that you can use to earn money is local courses for teaching popular specialties and just interesting activities. You can conduct them in a rented or your own premises. For example, owners of beauty salons can open manicure or hairdressing courses on the basis of their company.

If there is no own real estate suitable for classes with a group, then nothing prevents you from taking advantage of the rental option.

However, in the courses themselves, the room does not play a major role, although it is important. For example, in order to understand the question of how to open needlework courses, your office may not be required. You can easily cope at home. Especially if you have the right skills.

Training can become popular thanks to the reviews of satisfied customers. If, after a set of classes, newly minted specialists master specific skills well enough to get a job or start providing services on their own, then the rating of the courses will be high.

Find qualified professionals

In order to understand how to open training courses, you need to find professionals. In this regard, one fact becomes clear - the qualifications of the specialists who will train must be high. As a rule, courses are opened by those who are already professionals in some field of activity and are ready to transfer knowledge to others at a decent level. This factor must be specified when drawing up a business plan.

English courses, for example, require a professional approach. And if the necessary skills are not available, it is necessary to attract specialists from outside. But in this case, the invited professional will have to pay, which will reduce the profit margin. Although in the case of hired personnel for training, you can go in a very profitable way and make courses that will include training in various specialties. Such a move will provide a much greater flow of people, and hence a different level of income.

Of course, in the case of opening multidisciplinary courses, you will need to pay more for renting the premises, however, with the correct formation of the price for education, all costs will be easily compensated.

Marketing activities

In order for advertising to reach the representatives of the target audience, it is necessary to determine which sources of advertising information in a given region are most effective. And only after that invest in an advertising campaign. At the same time, one “but” remains: the number of people who can pay for education is limited at best by a specific region, at worst by a city. And despite the fact that in this area there is competition.

In order to expand the circle of potential customers, it is worth bringing your training system to the Internet space, where people can buy it not only from all regions of the country, but also from other countries. Such a move could increase the sales market for the training course hundreds of times.

Learning on the Web

An information product is a very popular way to sell your knowledge and experience, as well as the skills of other people, to thousands of users from all over the world. This type of activity can be easily combined with local training courses. But if you wish, there is an opportunity to turn online learning into the main and stable source of high income. How to open training courses on the web?

On March 20-21, the first practical conference on online education will be held in Moscow, where the most famous Russian educational brands will share their knowledge in the field of creating and promoting educational products.

Evgeny Lebedev

Director of Marketing and Product at Foxford Online School.

Assess the demand

Marketing your educational project begins at the stage of choosing a topic of study. If no one wants what you teach, then no amount of promotion and advertising will help you sell the course. Who, for example, needs courses on the use of mechanical accounts? But 30-40 years ago, this was a very useful skill for any seller in a grocery store.

You can estimate demand using several tools.

  • Analysis of the volume of search queries at Formulate what search query is most likely used by people who can potentially learn from you. Check its frequency and evaluate seasonality.

  • Social media demand analysis. Formulate what people write when they are looking for something related to learning and asking about it from their friends and in groups on social networks. Write this phrase in the search and analyze the quantity and quality of the displayed posts.

  • Study. The previous points allow you to study the formed demand, when a person already has a clear need and he is trying to satisfy it. But more often it happens that a person would be glad to learn something, but does not actively search. Then you can do your research. Create a questionnaire in which you will tell about your educational product and place a pre-order form. Distribute this questionnaire to your friends and friends of friends. So you will understand if there is a demand for a similar product in your environment. It is important that you do not need to create the content itself to conduct such research. You only pretend that you have it, and thereby test the real need.

Submit information correctly

If there is a demand and your expertise is in demand on the market, then it must be properly presented to a potential audience. Make a website (or a separate landing page) and describe the benefits of learning from you.

Show that you are an expert

The most important competitive advantage in education is the name of an expert and his status. A programming course from MIT (the largest US university) and a course from a talented self-taught person from Voronezh are perceived by a potential audience in completely different ways. Although it is not at all necessary that, from the point of view of efficiency, a self-taught course is worse.

If you are a recognized expert in the market, then do not be shy about it. List your accomplishments that are related to the course and share them with the audience.

If there is no big name yet, then show your qualifications with the help of a portfolio, certificates, diplomas, tell about the relevant position and experience.

Create a training program

The curriculum lets the audience know what you will be teaching. The course may be called "Analytics", but 100% consist of theory. And the potential buyer is waiting for the practice. He comes for a solution to a problem and wants to learn how to work with databases himself.

Demonstrate that your training program will solve the customer's problem.

In the program, it is important not only to identify topics for study, but also to show what skills the buyer will receive at the exit. You can go even further and “package” the skills for a specific benefit for the buyer: for example, show how his resume will look after completing the course.

Show the benefits of your course

How will your course differ from a dozen others? What is its uniqueness? If you can't answer these questions right off the bat or you're talking about the quality of the program and a cool expert, then think again. All courses are made by good teachers and are conducted according to effective programs. At least everyone says so. But buy courses with unique benefits. Think of them and create them.

Find a reason to believe you

In the presentation of information, it is important that it be believed. Statements like “146% of students were satisfied” have not convinced anyone for a long time. Give your potential audience a reason to believe (RTB).

Effective RTBs can be:

  • Reviews of real students on the site, which confirm that training with you will help you achieve results. The video format, posting them on the social networks of your students, a call to ask students for details, their contacts will help to increase the credibility of the reviews themselves.

  • A free webinar where you will reveal one of the topics of the training program and demonstrate your teaching skills and expertise.
  • Video (screen recording) from past classes or a webinar with a short story on the topic of the course.

  • A promise to return the money if the program did not suit the student. Only an honest promise with transparent rules.

  • Data on the number of people who completed the course. This is social proof that the course is worth enrolling in. To be believed, numbers alone are not enough, show your students and tell us what they have achieved.

Facts about the UX Design course,
Diploma works and feedback from students of the course "UX-Design",

How to start promoting a course

After high-quality content packaging, it's time to start promoting it. In general, work on the promotion of educational content differs little from work with other products. The basic checklist looks like this:

1. Define your target audience

  • young professionals who know the basics and want to improve their skills in order to get promoted;
  • experienced specialists from related fields who have decided to change their profession;
  • mothers on maternity leave who want to learn something fundamentally new.

2. Set up analytics

It will allow you to determine the effectiveness of marketing channels and adjust the promotion plan.

3. Determine the set of channels for promotion

The main channels for promotion are usually the following:

  • contextual advertising;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • advertising on thematic sites;
  • publications in groups in social networks and in thematic media;
  • direct sales.

As a rule, if we are talking about a small, "craft" course, then the main promotion tool is advertising on Facebook and VKontakte.

4. Define a test budget

Remember that your task is to pay less for attracting a user than you will receive in the end from him. At this stage, you can work with two variables: the cost of the paying user and the price of the product.

  • Determine the starting price for the course, based on the analysis of the pricing policy of competitors.
  • Start a small ad campaign.
  • If you're happy with the ratio of ad spend to sales revenue, great.
  • If you are not satisfied, then try to raise the price and see if the volume of sales decreases. Or try lowering the price and see if the cost of the payer decreases.
  • If the ratio is still unsatisfactory, then call an advertising expert who will tell you if it is possible to reduce the cost of a paying user by fine-tuning advertising campaigns.
  • If everything is set up correctly, but there are no sales and you are not ready to suffer losses, then we return to the previous stages, once again check the demand and work on the packaging.

5. Scale your ad campaigns

If your content allows you to scale sales, then after finding the first marketing channel with a paying user cost that suits you, launch a second channel, a third, and so on.

Features of the promotion of the educational course

Despite the fact that, in general, the tools for promoting educational services do not differ from the generally accepted ones, there are several features that you should pay attention to.

1. It is very important from the first days of a product's life to think about the so-called word of mouth, and more precisely, about your brand. If you are running courses in your name, then your name is your brand. High-quality training, user happiness, educational result - a necessary minimum to develop a brand. If everything is in order with the necessary minimum, then ask to leave feedback on the social network. Personally write to everyone who has completed your training, ask for feedback and, if you liked everything, ask them to write a review on social networks.

2. Develop a referral program. Learning together is more fun! And your students can become your agents of influence.

3. Making a buying decision can take weeks or months. Therefore, the advertising that you launched today may only be effective in a few months. Be patient.

4. In educational content and its marketing, it is important to maintain motivation. Without motivation, the student will not have good results, and your product will not have a good reputation. Incorporate elements of positive reinforcement to keep you motivated: motivational emails after completing homework, success stories from your students, bonuses for top students. You can also work with negative reinforcement: for example, we call the parents of those students who miss classes, and parents become effective learning motivators.

25 people came to the first stream, about 50 people came to the second. It is not yet scalable as a business, but rather just a way to convey some developments to people. Yes, and earnings - a nice addition.

I decided to start the course because I always manage to explain different things in an accessible way. And everyone says that this is one of my strengths. I tried to develop my weaknesses for a long time, but then I decided to try to do something using my strengths. It can be said that this is a hobby, I always try to do something other than my main job, although all my hobbies are related to business.

I promoted the course through my personal network of contacts on Facebook plus advertising there. Because the audience relevant to the topic of the course lives there. From the first students of the course, I received powerful feedback, I understood what to do if I want to scale the project.

Alexey Kulichevsky

Director of Marketing at

It is difficult for me and many of my acquaintances to hire good marketers and analysts. There are very few people with the necessary set of skills, because no one teaches this. I have accumulated enough experience for 12 years, I love and know how to share it. There are enough design materials, CSS and HTML, instructions for working with advertising platforms on the Internet. Maxim Ilyakhov teaches me how to write and edit texts better than me. But according to the analytics, there was nothing. That's why I decided to do this course.

For a year and a half, 471 people passed it. It was included in the educational program of several universities. People are starting to list it on their resumes as an additional education. From time to time I receive feedback from familiar entrepreneurs that my graduates really work much better.

In principle, I am satisfied, but now I see many shortcomings in the course: some topics could be covered more fully or clearly, several important topics need to be added. I worry a lot about homework. I want my students to get feedback as quickly as possible, but I can't check the work fast enough.

I started creating the course by writing the first two lessons and making a page with a payment form on my knee. After that, he wrote on Facebook: “Hello everyone. Look, I made a course here ... ". This gave the first 150 students. Everything was done so primitively that I signed each student with my hands: I opened Yandex.Checkout, copied the email, went to Mailchimp, inserted the email, clicked OK.

After that, I had no time to advance: I have a head start - two weeks, and then every week I need to give a new lesson. If the topic was clear to me and I had already taught it before, then it took just a week to write, edit and design the lesson. If at least something was unclear, it could take 2-3 weeks, because it suddenly turned out that the topic was more complicated than I thought.

There are 16 lessons in the course, it took six months of work without days off to write them. When I finished the course, I redesigned the landing page and posted on Facebook again: “Dudes, I finished the course and made a new landing page.” Well, that's all. I didn't promote it any more.

Most important feedback: 150 sales two days after launch. First, I realized that the course is necessary and important. Secondly, I burned bridges. Money received, no way back. Will have to write.

Sergey Bolisov

Chief Distribution Officer to the site.

I consider my course quite successful. I do not spend it as often as I would like, but all the launches went well. Operating expenses are minimal, I do everything myself, so I stay in the black. This year I want to experiment with participation formats and packages, it seems like an interesting scaling option.

The course was launched for several reasons. Firstly, I like to explain to people what I am good at and what will help in their work. I feel like I'm helping them develop. Secondly, this is how I improve in the development and promotion of my own product - I fill bumps on a small scale, so that later I can avoid it in large projects. And thirdly, this is additional money that I spend, including on charity.

Basically, I recruit participants from announcements on my pages on social networks and on friendly sites. Sometimes I ask myself to post a post, sometimes someone does it on their own initiative. Often my announcements appear on the Tilda social networks, from which quite well-converting traffic comes.

I don't want to make a blunder, but I can't communicate with thirty students every day. Therefore, after the first launch, I realized that I would recruit only small groups. Not everyone will like this option, as if you are artificially limiting yourself to a certain ceiling, but so far I am more comfortable.

I also realized that people come not so much for knowledge and skills, but for feedback. It is important for them that someone who understands this topic better than them, looks, advises and directs.

One of the main insights: most of the time is spent not on classes, but on communicating with students.

Even if I explained everything in detail during the webinar, many questions will definitely arise. So I advise you to be patient. Well, in time, it will take much more than you think.

If you understand that you want to launch your own educational product, but you do not have enough knowledge, come to EdmarketConf-2018, which will be held on April 20 and 21 in Moscow, at the Skolkovo Technopark. At this practical conference on online education, top managers of leading educational companies will tell you how to create educational courses from scratch, promote and sell them. The conference can be viewed online.

Selling online courses is a very popular topic today, and any person, for example, watching videos on YouTube, finds suitable video channels with interesting and useful materials for him in all areas and niches.Today, on the Internet, you can learn almost any profession - from needlework to driving a car. You can learn anything and everything without leaving your home.

But you can also educate others by creating your own product and starting to sell it via the Internet. But here a reasonable question arises for people who do not understand anything about online promotion, how to create your own online course and start selling it?

I have prepared for you a 30-day checklist for creating online courses and selling them online. In the checklist itself, I will show examples from my experience and examples of other projects.“30 days sounds optimistic, but hard to believe,” you say.

“You’ll have to sweat,” I tell you, because you will need to immerse yourself in work completely. After all, you want to realize your potential on the Internet?

Want to? Or not? Forward!

Funnel concept [ 1 – 2 days ]

Do you want to really start building a business, not second-rate slag?

Then you need to think about the value of the project, your personal attitude towards it - are you really doing business from the heart. Because today, along with extraordinary projects, there are extraordinary under-projects, which are carried out by a part of narrow-minded people and, as a result, are disappointed.You're not one of those, are you?

I'm sure yes.

So, people around are getting smarter very quickly thanks to the Internet. Now everything is developing rapidly and it is difficult to surprise with something, to offer something really original. And it's getting harder and harder to build trust. Therefore, the first task is to call the audience to whom you are going to start selling.

And how to win it over to the audience?

To do this, it is necessary that your potential client will fall into and get to know you, your knowledge, expertise and increase your trust coefficient.

Regarding the funnel, watch my video again:

Now check out the blueprint of an internet funnel for any online project. This is the simplest scheme that is applicable in any niche.

Here are the stages that should be present in the funnel:

Now we will analyze in order all the stages of the funnel. I will show on the example of my Master-Group product.

We launched the product using this funnel from the very beginning. Yes, now it has been improved, but I will not load your brains with a variable funnel, but will show you the simplest scheme.

Create a worthwhile product [ 2-10 days ]

I have already said that there are enough shitty products on the market, scams and pseudo-courses for making money on the Internet and how to distinguish bullshit from real and adequate Internet projects. You can learn everything in detail from me personally in this video:

Remember that great marketing can destroy any business if the product is terrible. Therefore, to build stunning marketing around a terrible product is suicidal.

Any quality product has common criteria and indicators. And most importantly, what your product should solve:

  • To solve the problem
  • Satisfy desire

Even if a person does not get a result after completing your courses, this does not mean that your product is bad. This means that the person has gained experience using your techniques. The main thing is that a person has been trained and gained experience in order to achieve a result.

The main result of the courses is that a person “does” what is said in the courses. And he understood that the course really gives him a methodology on how to get a result.

E11even Marketing example

I brought my training training “Master-Group” to the market. This is a closed coaching group for starting your own Internet business.

What is this product?

In just 1-2 months, you will launch your business on the Internet from scratch and scale up in the next six months. That is, after completing the training, you will already have a ready-made online project that generates income via the Internet and increases every month with the introduction of trending Internet marketing technologies.

To create a product you need only 8 days of painstaking work. Record at least 5 training videos in your niche + 3 videos for

I show an example of a lead magnet using the example of my product:

  • 3 free lessons with checklists, instructions and tasks, after which a person will be able to start creating his Internet business from scratch.

The goal is to give usefulness to a person and through this increase the coefficient of trust. Further, after passing 3 lessons, he is invited to purchase paid courses. The main thing is that lesson 1 is intriguing and I would like to know what will happen next. And with every lesson, it gets better and better. Then the conversion to sale becomes higher.

In general, your product is 10% free and 90% paid. 10% is a test drive, like a test drive of a car in a car dealership. In order for a person to want to buy a car, he is offered to ride it - that is, to try the product. And if a person is satisfied, then the confidence in the salon increases and the likelihood of a purchase increases significantly.

By the way, here is what my paid product looks like inside:

One time offer [ 11 day ]

Another 1 product in the funnel, which is paid, but has some features. The goal is not to make money, but to teach people to buy and not be disappointed in their purchase. And the second goal is to recoup the investment in advertising.

If you have thought about making money on it, then I dare to disappoint you - you will not earn anything on it, because the optimal cost of the product is up to $ 30. Normal - 1 - 5 - 7 $.

I have this product "How to Make Money on Consulting from $1000".

This is one of my products that a potential customer can buy or miss out on as they move through the funnel.


Your one-time offer should create a wow effect for the client and make him buy a super solution at a ridiculous price. That is, the value of the product must be 100 times higher than the price itself. Then the conversion to sales will increase.Further, if the client likes the OTO product, it is likely that he will become a client again and buy the main product.

Landing for the Lead Magnet [Day 12]

Landing for - this, which encourages a person to give their contact details - e-mail, name in exchange for receiving a free course. And on the landing page itself there should be a standard selling text with the following blocks. I will give everything using the example of my funnel:

  • The lead magnet header is the main element. A person must understand where he got to and what the essence of the site is. Look at our

What is it?

A series of free online master classes

What are the masterclasses about?

How to make money from your hobby or favorite business online

What do you need to do to see?

Leave your contact details

  • The second block is the pain of the target audience. Find out from your potential customers what excites them and reflect it in your lead magnet. Only write the real pains of your clients. You solve their problems, not yours. Example:

  • Block 3 - tell us about yourself, who you are and what achievements you have.

  • Next, you describe the lessons themselves, what awaits a person after entering their data. It is desirable to visually depict what is inside. So a person will understand whether he needs it or not at a visual level. You can also describe how the training will take place and what the person will gain as a result of taking the courses.

Page with the sale of your product [ 14-15 day ]

This is the most important stage in the funnel because the sale takes place here. And here it is necessary to work out the selling landing well - to work out copywriting, social proof, psychological triggers of influence and customer objections as much as possible.

I will not fully reveal all the cards on how to do this. Just look and see for yourself. Take a look to take individual chips and elements for yourself:

We write, sell ourselves and our product [ 15-20 days ]

Product creation completed successfully. The funnel is almost ready, the main instrument of contact with the audience remains - E-mail marketing.

As you remember, there is a form in the header of the landing page where a person enters his data. After confirmation, letters from the automatic distribution should come to his mail - - a monthly sales cycle, during which there is an automatic interaction with the client and the sale of the product to him.During this period, we do not touch it. Everything is done by a funnel and letters.

But how do you write good and catchy letters?

If you forgot, you can return to it right now and start reading. In the meantime, I will briefly outline the main points when writing letters.

  • Letter subject What is your letter about? What is its purpose? The subject of the letter should fully correspond to what is inside and the headings should be interesting, intriguing, make you open the letter.
  • Greetings- put a script with a username so that the letters are personalized. The audience is cold and to warm it up show them the most valuable word for them - their name.
  • Gratitude— do not forget to thank for the subscription and trust in you.
  • Essence - describe the essence of your letter in one sentence.
  • Main part- open the topic and make the first call - click on the button and go to the site to watch the lessons.
  • Completion- call number 2 - they may not click on the first link, you need to give a second chance.
  • P.S.- summarizing and summarizing the letter.
  • Parting

Traffic [ 20-28 day ]

Now it's time to get to the surface and show yourself and your product to the audience. You are faced with the issue of traffic. And how to choose the best source and get real sales.

Just don't forget that we don't send traffic to the offer page, but to the lead magnet!

Try Facebook

Analyzing your funnel [ 28-30 days ]

Always analyze your activities.

It is considered to be the simplest analytics service. Therefore, it must be installed on the site so that you can see everything that happens on the site and how users behave - where are the jambs and what needs to be fixed.

In Yandex. Metrika has a very useful Webvisor service, thanks to which you can track the usability of your site.


A month will pass and more work will appear. But the main routine work behind. Now you already have a ready-made functioning business on the Internet, which needs to be improved and improved to the maximum. Because if you stand still, then thanks to modern Internet technologies, competitors will bypass you. Like this


Oh, I forgot, take it - it will come in handy.

From the article you will learn:

  • What you need to know to sell courses online
  • What to do course
  • How to choose a platform
  • Which course format to choose
  • How can I take a course
  • What materials do you need to create for a successful course
  • How to publish a course online
  • How to advance the course

Knowledge and skills you will need

This may seem like a common truth, but you can’t keep silent about it: you must be an expert in the field in which you plan to create an online course. Looking to learn photography skills? Be prepared to show off some really impressive photos you've taken and talk about exactly how you took them. Thinking of a website building course? You should have modern, convenient, beautiful online resources behind you, and specific recommendations for their creation in your head. A non-professional trying to teach an audience something should not count on the popularity of the course.

In addition to a good knowledge of the chosen topic, you will need:

  • Computer skills;
  • the ability to shoot high-quality video and record audio;
  • well-delivered speech;
  • the ability to correctly express thoughts in text format;
  • finally, a fair amount of patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.

Step one: answering the main question

Before you create a course, answer the question about what exactly you want to teach your audience. The range of possible topics is very, very wide, and the choice depends only on your knowledge and experience. Are you running a blog that is very popular? Tell the audience about the nuances of its creation and administration. Have you learned how to make fishing lures that work better than factory ones? Create an online course for fishermen dedicated to this. This list can be continued for a very long time. Remember one thing: no one more accurately than yourself will determine the area in which you are really strong.

Stage two: choose a platform for an online course

There is specialized software for creating courses, but practical experience shows that it is more convenient to use Internet services designed for this. There are several reasons for this:

  • neither you nor your students will have to spend time installing and configuring programs;
  • there will be no compatibility issue. You can work on Windows, and one of your students can work on Linux, and at the same time, each of you will be able to use the online platform with the same convenience;
  • the services in question are "sharpened" for creating and listening to courses. They give teachers and students a set of convenient tools for creating and publishing lectures, discussing lessons together, testing, maintaining a student database, monitoring incoming applications, working with statistics, and solving many other problems;
  • online platforms practically do not impose restrictions on the power of users' computers: it can be minimal, and even in this case, neither the teacher nor the students will have any difficulties.

There are many platforms for online courses on the web, such as Canvas or Udemy. There are free services - for example, Moodle. This platform has been tested by time, however, by now it is obsolete. The most functional platforms, access to which is carried out on a paid basis, are such as Teachbase. The latter, by the way, can also be used for free, but the number of users cannot exceed 5 people (thus, a full-fledged class cannot be assembled).

Stage three: working out the structure of the future course

Would you like to know how to sell a course for maximum profit? It should become popular, and for this you have to fully reveal the chosen topic in it. Learn how to make fishing lures? Tell your listeners everything - from the choice of materials to the features of wiring baits in different types of water. Are you dedicating a course to creating house music in a popular program? Include lectures on everything a musician needs, from creating a drum part to fine-tuning sound effects and automating instruments.

Once you have worked out the list of topics covered and the topics covered, create a study schedule that will guide you and your students. Many online course platforms have convenient tools for this: for example, on the Teachbase platform in the teacher's personal account there is a "Sessions" section that allows you to plan classes.

Stage four: choose the formats of training materials

So you've made your schedule. Now you need to determine what format each lesson will have. The most common:

  • video lectures;
  • screencasts - video recordings of everything that happens on the teacher's screen, if necessary, accompanied by voice comments;
  • audio clips;
  • presentations.

As experience shows, video lectures are best perceived by online students, so we recommend that you focus on them (although their creation is notable for a certain technical complexity). Materials in other formats with this approach will play the role of supporting, secondary. However, specific decisions on formats are always yours: they will depend on the content of the classes that you conduct.

Modern platforms for online courses allow you to create and publish materials in a variety of formats, which largely determines their popularity. So, when using the Teachbase service, you can build courses from videos (including those published on YouTube), PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and a number of other materials. In addition, the Teachbase service allows you to conduct webinars using video and audio communication, chat and a real whiteboard on which you can draw and write.

Stage five: working on the design

Strictly speaking, this stage is not mandatory, however, we will immediately notice: a course designed in a single and carefully designed style attracts special attention. This means that it is able to bring the teacher more income than a course designed anyhow.

Uniform splash screens with the titles of lectures, a well-chosen set of fonts and colors that does not change from lecture to lecture, perhaps the same musical accompaniment of materials - these are just some of the course design elements that you should pay attention to.

Step Six: Creating Course Materials

So, the list of issues covered has been compiled, the formats of the materials have been determined, the design of the course has been worked out. The time has come for perhaps the most difficult and responsible stage - the creation of materials that will make up your online course.

First of all, write lecture texts. Speak intelligibly, use technical terms competently - as you parse their meanings, take into account the characteristics of your audience and speak their language.

Record and edit videos using Adobe Premiere, CyberLink PowerDirector or other software. Record screencasts using Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia or other software. Create presentations using PowerPoint or whatever application you use. Prepare other materials foreseen by the program of your online course.

When recording a video, correctly place the light and choose the right background. When creating audio clips, take care of the high quality of the sound - use a good microphone, and, if necessary, process the audio (for example, in the Audacity or Sound Forge application). Do not forget about the uniform design of all created materials.

Stage seven: publishing the course

Using a specialized platform for online courses makes this process much easier. So, Teachbase has a convenient constructor in which the publication of materials is performed in just a few clicks. You need to title the course itself and each material included in it, upload the content that you prepared in the previous steps. To cope with this work, as experience shows, it is possible even with basic computer skills.

Stage eight: advertise and promote the course

So, the main work is done: your online course is created and published. It can be as good as you like, but as long as your potential students don't know about it, you won't have to rely on commercial returns. The course needs to be advertised and promoted. Here are the most common ways:

As a conclusion

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn.

First. Creating a high-quality, meaningful, useful online course that claims to become popular and profitable is a complex, multi-stage work that must be approached with all responsibility.

Second. This work, with due perseverance, is quite within the reach of most of us. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article, treat your future course responsibly, and it will surely become a success!

Hello dear blog readers. Today I want to remind you that your blog is a great platform for selling your info products. This is the advantage of a blog over satellites, trees and other types of sites. On the blog, you position yourself as a person in front of the public, and whether they like you or not, it’s not up to you to decide, but one way or another, some part of this public will become your subscribers and will read you with pleasure for a long time.

The reason why people read you is always the same, it is that you are an expert in some area that interests them. And if you are an expert in some area, this already means that you have the information in demand that your readers need. So why not create an InfoProduct and start your own.

I don't believe that you keep your blog on a topic in which don't understand a bit .

Each person has information that is necessary like water to other people, so why don't you start selling it?

Anyway, I can guess why! In most cases, people are stopped by only one thing - this is not knowledge of the technical and legal aspects in this matter. It happens that a person, in principle, would create a video course, but he DOES NOT KNOW where to start.


I also want to note that the information business is not yet developed in our country and, by and large, this niche is completely empty. I've seen a lot of video courses that, in my opinion, no one will ever buy. For example, with the title " How to build a bath” ,“How to bear a child”, “How to pump up the press?” but I was wrong. When I met the authors of these video courses, it turned out that their courses are still popular, but the fact is that many info niches are empty and people buy what they have on the counter.

Selling video courses is the future of the Internet business, and by and large, at the moment, people bypass this type of income due to the fact that they do not have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow sales take place, they think that after each order, you need to quickly make a disk and quickly run to mail to send it, when in fact there are already a bunch of services that will take over this work. Now it is enough to solve legal issues and then your information business ship will sail on its own, that is, I mean it will be 95% automated.

Question from one of my readers:

Crap!!! … And what if I do not have any extensive knowledge in some area? Does this mean that I will not be able to make a video course and do this type of business?


Yes, of course not. In this case, you can sell video courses from other authors, this type of activity is called reselling. The scheme is simple - you buy resale rights, for some video course and that's it. You start selling it, getting its full value into your pocket.

But still, you will need to understand all the technical and legal aspects of this type of business.

Question from one of my readers:

And where can I get the knowledge to understand these issues?


You have come to the address my friend.

ATTENTION!!! To know the intricacies of this business is no longer necessary sitting at a computer for months hunched back studying a bunch of publications.

My good friend and colleague tomorrow (07/03/12) releases the long-awaited video course “ Selling information on the Internet from A to Z". In which he will enlighten us in all the intricacies of technical and legal aspects.

From the course you will learn:

  • -How to create a high-quality info-product
  • -How to create an autoplay menu for your course
  • -How to protect the product from copying
  • -How to create a 3D DVD box and print
  • -How to automate disk delivery service
  • -How to pay taxes to the tax and pension fund
  • -How to create a selling website and affiliate program
  • -How to set up payment acceptance through all possible services
  • -How to conclude an agreement with Russian Post
  • -How to work with a current account through Sberbank online
  • -How how how how...

Can you imagine what a valuable product awaits you?)) But it turns out that this is not all in the supplement you will learn:

  1. - create profitable advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, and not throw money away;
  2. - analyze a niche (determine possible income) and test sales of your product;
  3. - learn how to work with various software for creating information products (recording audio and video, creating presentations, covers, menus, etc.);
  4. - learn everything about the reselling of information products, where to find products, how to draw up the necessary documents and how to organize this type of information business from scratch;
  5. - learn how to work with Liveinternet statistics and much more.


Video course "Sale of information on the Internet from A to Z" with a good discount!

Dear friends I have for you special offer!

In order to return part of the money spent, you need to purchase this course using my link and write me an e-mail: [email protected] . After I receive my commission, I will transfer you 500 rubles!

By purchasing a course, you will not step on the same rake that the pioneers of the information business stepped on and you will be able to organize your business in the shortest possible time. I think this is one of my best investments this year. So I already ordered the course, and you?

By the way, when buying a course, Alexander gives as a gift another video course. Which? - you ask. Click the link above and find out!


Think for yourself, decide for yourself! Someone will begin to learn the basics of the infobusiness, while someone will continue to write dull posts, from which he himself is tired.

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